If the past few days have revealed anything about the state of the country, it's that the establishment Republican party is over and done. On radio this morning, Glenn took serious issue with several prominent establishment Republicans in office and in the media and came to the only conclusion possible after Tuesday night: Their influence over the country is coming to an end and it's time to start something new.
"I think that the GOP is the Whig party," Glenn said on radio this morning.
Glenn took issue with House Majority leader John Boehner, who came out after the election and said that GOP leaders in Congress were willing to discuss a compromise on the upcoming "fiscal cliff", saying they were willing to look at new government revenues through an overhaul of the tax system.
"Now after putting up this fight for years you're going to cave," Pat said.
"He's got some conditions. What do you say we throw John Boehner out. I think we should throw the GOP out," Glenn said.
Glenn went on to call the Republicans in Congress irrelevant, and that the number of people who came out to support Obama prove they have lost their influence.
"John Boehner, ridiculous. Karl Rove how much money did you spend?" Glenn said. "These guys blew it."
He pointed out that the percentage of Catholics who voted for Obama actually increased compared to 2008 despite the administrations policies which are not friendly towards Catholicism.
"He has fundamentally transformed us. We've done it ourselves. You know it's like we're going into a doctor's office. Man I feel great. I feel great. And I think I beat this cancer thing. It's working. And the doctor does the scan, and actually you're getting worse. What? Yeah. No you made a little progress here and there. Actually the cancer is getting worse. That's kind of what happened. They grew in the youth vote? How did that happen? How did they possibly -- hey, dummies in college have you seen what's seen with your opportunities. Dummies in college have you seen what happened to your bill."
"The people that should be the most pissed are the ones my daughter's age. Our 8 years old kids should kick us in the shins every day when we come home. 'Thanks a lot for the debt dad.' Yet they are screaming for more debt. It doesn't make any sense." It shows how detached we are from any kind of reality. And if this isn't enough pain to make you wake up, and with the media left unchecked, and the Republicans being the same old story where are we headed? Where are we headed?"
"It's autopsy day. And we're going to look at this body but then we have to find the way because what we're doing is not working. Well it is for them because all they're doing is depressing the vote. They didn't have as many people voting for him. Fewer people came out. On both sides. And I think that's because they're just disgusted by the whole thing. I know I am. Boy, am I disgusted by Washington and the people in there. I look at John Boehner. I didn't want to see him. I don't want to hear from the President any more. I'm really kind of I'm going to take care of my school board. I'm going to take care of my mayor. I'm going to take care of my town and I'm going to -- because I can't fight that huge machine," Glenn said.
Yesterday, Glenn announced that he planned to rapidly expand TheBlaze to provide an anti-establishment and truly conservative alternative to the rest of the networks out there and to provide a platform for people frustrated with both parties in Washington.
"I told you yesterday we have to more than double our efforts. And we have been in the last 24 hours - I think I slept maybe two hours last night - we have got to find a way to get our network into a position in the next two years, that may take us four or five years, but I'm growing as past as I possibly can both in my pants size and on the network. If you haven't subscribed to TheBlaze would you please consider it?"
"We need to start a 60 Minutes replacement with real journalists, real quality hard-hitting. Not the new 60 Minutes. Remember when they used to make them sweat. Holy cow. That's one of the most expensive shows we can could possibly consider doing that. I think that one is $4 million to produce."
"The other one that I want to do is a Nightline that is specifically on the Muslim Brotherhood, Israel, the Middle East, Benghazi, the things that are happening overseas. It is coming. It is coming. And one that is in touch with correspondents that are like-minded all around the world that can show you the creep of Shari'a, and Islamic extremism. That thing has to be funded by subscribers. That thing is going to be the most politically incorrect show ever done on television. I need you to subscribe."
"There is also the other one which is the American Dream Labs which is I believe is my most important work that I will ever do and even people in my company don't understand it yet. When we start it up you will see and understand, I really believe it is -- I think it's the most important thing I can do. I really do. But I need you to subscribe."
"If you haven't subscribed yet please do. If you have subscribe get one other person to subscribe. I've got to double. I need your help. Go to Blaze.com/TV. And subscribe. The election should have told we're farther behind than we thought we were, and we've got to change the media."
"The other thing you can do if you don't have the money to subscribe is stop watching the mainstream media. Stop. Stop giving them power. Stop giving them ratings. It's not good. It is not good what they're doing, and all of them have made their choices, and some of them are drifting even farther left now I ever thought possible but they're drifting. And it is an intentionally course correction, and stop giving them power."