Conservatives are often more in tune with what's going on in politics, they're typically well versed on the 'stats' and are very good at making a point - but when it comes to working their way into cultural relevancy and the arts, conservatives are rarely affective at making a big difference.
Guest host Dana Loesch took on the topic of conservatism in popular culture last night on The Glenn Beck program, and pointed out a few things many on the right fail to remember. She noted how the left rallies behind the talking point that somehow conservatives are narrow in their thinking simply for believing in the very things our founders established the country on. Our founders, who broke away from the mainstream mindset of their day that government is a natural event. The believed the rights of man were out of everyone's reach but of his or her own and God's.
These were the ideals that allowed us to become a sovereign nation, to have freedom of religion, to be one of the first to abolish slavery and elected a leader of color. Our founders were the counter culture of their day, and as progressives mock the ideas of limited government and self-responsibility today, it seems that these ideas are yet again the counter culture.
Or as Dana put it, "our country is the most counter-culture, punk rock country on the planet, and a bunch of squares for the man are trying to crush that spirit."
Later in the show, Dana was joined by two guys (both of whom happened to be named Brandon) who are taking on the progressive dominance in pop-culture. Brandon Morse created a site called Misfit Politics and Brandon Darby, former radical and left-wing activist.
Misfit Politics is a group of young conservatives that uses humor and ridicule to knock down the left’s ridiculous talking points and isolation tactics. You may remember the video Attaaack Watch (see below), which single handedly disarmed the Obama Administration of their website – a site built to organize the left against any and everyone who said something negative about the president.
This is just one example of the tactics Brandon's group is using to tear down the false labels and talking points the left is using against conservatives.
If you want to get through to younger generations who may be on the fence about this president, pointing out the absurd policy and the ludicrous hypocrisy they engage in is a great way to do it. As Brandon pointed out, the left writes most of his joke for him, and they jump at the opportunity.
Former radical and left wing activist Brandon Darby is also playing a big role in trying to tackle the progressive falsehoods infiltrating America's popular culture and media talking points. The left’s dominance in culture and the media played a big role in how Brandon became radicalized in the first place. It wasn’t until he began to see the massive gap between what liberals say they believe and the things they are actually doing that Brandon realized that he didn’t want to have anything to do with them, and that he was actually far more aligned with the right. Brandon spent much of the last year infiltrating Occupy protests, working on a documentary called "Occupy Unmasked" to expose how radicalized and dangerous the left is becoming.
Watch Dana’s discussion with Morse and Darby below: