Woke Pentagon SEGREGATES our military for 'privilege walks'

According to Senator Tom Cotton and hundreds of Pentagon whistleblowers, our military now is separating our service members into segregated groups for 'privilege walks.' The whistleblowers also warned about just how woke the Pentagon's new anti-extremism and diversity training truly is. Dividing our military like this could have DANGEROUS consequences, so Glenn begs military leaders who recognize that these recent moves are wrong NOT to leave the service. We need them now more than ever.

The REAL reason Kamala Harris agreed to the Fox News interview

The REAL reason Kamala Harris agreed to the Fox News interview

Vice President Kamala Harris recently sat down for an interview with Fox News host Bret Baier. At first glance, it seems like Harris was unprepared and defensive. So, why would she agree to this interview?! Glenn has a theory: There was one specific answer that Harris gave that, in her eyes, could have made the rest of this disastrous interview worth it. So, did she get what she wanted? Glenn also reviews how Harris’ campaign team cut the interview way shorter than it should have been (apparently, Fox News had originally agreed to an hour-long interview). Plus, Glenn reveals the answer he would have given Harris’ team if they had waved their arms at him to cut the conversation off.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Oh. Wow! Was that interesting.

The Fox news Kamala Harris debate is -- was bizarre.

STU: And it was not a debate.

GLENN: Yeah. Not a debate.

STU: An interview. It did at times feel like a debate. There was a lot of talking over each other.

GLENN: A lot of anger.

STU: There was a lot of filibustering going on.

GLENN: Yeah. So let me just tell you what happened with Bret Baier. He was promised an hour with Kamala. And then they called, I think yesterday. Maybe the day before. And said, it's only going to be a half an hour. And then they got a call when the half-hour is supposed to start. We will be about 15 minutes late.

Now, there's no reason. What was more important for her to do?


Is there something else that she was doing that was like more important than the Fox news interview?

I can't think of one.

STU: I mean, if I were one of her aides, though, I would be popping the tire to make her late.

GLENN: Right. It was all planned. Oh, absolutely, it was all planned. And she was part of it.

STU: Why do you think that?

GLENN: Because they needed to throw Brett off. Now, they walked in, just at the time. Because it was supposed to be live to tape. Not live.

Live to tape. So they could not have time to reset during commercials.

STU: Yeah. And people don't always understand that terminology. But that's just basically, it's a live interview. It's just recorded and then you play the whole thing back as is. There's no edits, things like that.

GLENN: No edits. So it's live to tape. And it was recorded right before the show. So you need time to take that recording. It's not like the old days where you take the tape.

Okay? You have to ingest it into the right -- I don't even know. The right system to be able to play it back. Okay?

And that takes time, because it's rendering. So they were at the point to where, we're not going to be able to render this fast enough.

If she doesn't show up in like the next two minutes.

That's when she shows up. So they knew exactly what they were doing.

She shows up.

And now Brett is having to edit all the questions that he had.

I mean, it takes time to put an interview together.

So he has to edit. Now, which ones do I do?

Because I won't have time. He knows also, that they say, she only has 20 minutes. So now they cut an hour to a half an hour. And then down to 20 minutes, and he's flustered. Okay?

So they're trying to get him to be completely flustered. He's not. He does a great professional job.

However, this is why they did this. He has to be aggressive. Because she filibusters.

And I've done -- I've done interviews with Donald Trump before. Where you just can't get a word in edge-wise. Twenty minutes, I can ask him one to two questions, and you're just not going to get anything. If he doesn't want to give you anything, or if he's excited about one thing, he's just going to go. And you cannot shoe horn your way in.

It's why, if you listen to my interviews with Donald Trump, you always hear me go, yeah, but.

And I'm doing that, not to interrupt him. But to signal to him. We have to move on to the next thing. Okay. Pragmatism and you can do that in person, but not over the phone.

You have to make that sound, so he knows. Yeah. I have another question for you.

Well, she knew, he would have lots of follow-up questions.

So she was going to filibuster.

And she started hostile.

Immediately hostile.

Now, I'm going to show you. I'm going to jump to the whole reason why she did this.

Don't pay attention to anything else, that she said.

It's all really important, for you to know.

But she knows the media is in her back pocket.

She knows she has to shore up her own voters. Okay?

She's on the verge of losing the people, that will vote for her.

But they're starting to be like, you know what, she's just a limp noodle. There's nothing to her.

It's, oh, I've got a greatly indie car, with no engine or tires. That ain't going to win. All right?

So she had to speak, not to the Fox audience. She knows she won't get them. She doesn't care. We were all being used for her campaign.

For this one moment. Let me see here.

It is, I believe, cut 24.

VOICE: Test. He's talked about locking people up. Because they disagree with him.

This is a democracy. And in a democracy, the president of the United States in the United States of America, should be willing to be able to handle criticism without saying he would lock people up for doing it.

And this is what is at stake. Which is why you have someone like the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff saying what Mark Milley has said about Donald Trump being a threat to the United States of --

GLENN: Got it? Got it?

She needed to shore up her own people. And her own people believed that Donald Trump is a threat.

And they needed to show, she's tough as nails.

She knows and she is not afraid of anybody.

And this is a democracy!

And a democracy, a president cannot act like that!

This is the most angry she got.

It really came out of nowhere.


It came out of nowhere.

This is the moment she was looking for.

It didn't matter what the question was.

That's why she kept making it about Donald Trump.

STU: Right.

GLENN: She kept going to Donald Trump. And it wouldn't fit anywhere.

It fit right here. Do it. You watch. That's the clip that will be seen by progressives.

And those on the left.

STU: So it was sort of a scripted takedown in her mind of Trump, he's bad for -- you know, hearkens back to the approach of Biden, right?

Which was standing in front of the Revenge of the Sith wall. And yelling about how bad he is with democracy.

GLENN: Yes. Yes.

Because there are those who -- she cannot lose the ones who are passionate against Donald Trump.

She has to have that rage, that they have spent eight years. Twelve years on. Okay?

They've spent all this time and money, and energy. Building that up rage.

They need to kindle that rage up here in the last few weeks. Because people are like, I don't even know if I'm going to go out and vote. He's a danger to democracy.

And I have the will to stop it!

STU: Because joy does not make you vote. Right? Like that's not how that works.

GLENN: Nope. Nope. Fear. Fear. Fear and vengeance.

STU: Especially in an election like this, in which you have basically two candidates. Donald Trump and not Donald Trump.

GLENN: Exactly right.

STU: Right?

They need to come up with -- they're realizing, that's their only source of strength.

GLENN: That's why she doesn't say what she's going to do.

She says, I'm not Joe Biden and I'm not Donald Trump.

Okay. But what are you?

You can tell who the author of this whole thing is, Barack Obama.

Barack Obama. I'm hope and change. What the hell does that even mean? We're at change.

We're going to move forward. Yes, we can.

What the hell is that?

That's not a policy.

STU: That strikes me more as similar to the joy approach. Right?

Sort of this generally positive term that doesn't mean anything.

GLENN: Because he could pull it off. Because he had that speech.

Remember? Everybody watched that speech and said, oh, man. He's great.

STU: Not everybody. But, yes.

GLENN: Everybody who watched it, went, this guy could be president of the United States.

Everybody said that. And so he was exciting. He was new. He was

He embodied change. He was the first black president. Okay?

So he could pull that off. She can't pull that off. She's angry. She's mean. Her staff doesn't like her.

She's unlikable. To have

She's unlikable. So this is just about hope and change. This is about joy and not Donald Trump. Not Joe Biden.

Not Donald Trump. Full of joy, I'll stop him!

And I'm going to give you free stuff. How?

What? What does that -- what are you doing?

Somebody who cannot articulate in an interview. All she kept saying, this is very carefully worded. Every time she tries to answer a question, it is, I will follow the law.

STU: I thought the same. What a bizarre response.

GLENN: Oh, no. Crafty. Brilliant.

STU: But in reality, it's not. Of course, you will follow -- what do you mean? Were we supposed to expect you weren't going to follow the law?

GLENN: But who is going to make the laws? Congress doesn't make the laws.

STU: Anymore. Yeah.

GLENN: Yeah, the administrative state makes the laws. So she can change the law to anything she wants.

She can go.

If she changes the Supreme Court, she can change any law she wants.

I'll follow the law.

STU: Yep. And the law will bend to whatever I want.

GLENN: Exactly right.

STU: Which, of course, is so ridiculous about this.

One of the ways she did this. And she did it several times. One of them was on transgender surgery. For prisoners.

Do we have that clip?

I think we do. Yeah. We do.

Should we listen to that clip?

GLENN: Yeah. Go ahead. Every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access --

VOICE: So are you still in support of using taxpayer dollars to help prison inmates or detained illegal aliens to transition to another gender?

KAMALA: I will follow the law. And it's a law that Donald Trump actually followed. You're probably familiar with now it's a public report.

That under Donald Trump's administration, these surgeries were available to, on a medical -- necessity basis.

To people in the federal prison system.

And I think frankly they can't be ad from the Trump campaign. Is a little bit of like throwing stones when you're living in a glass house.

VOICE: The Trump aide said that he never advocated for that prison policy. And no gender transition surgery happened.

KAMALA: Well, you have to be responsible for what happened in your administration.
It's black and white.

VOICE: So would you still advocate for using taxpayer dollars for gender reassignment surgeries?

KAMALA: I will follow the law. Just like I think Donald Trump would say he did.

VOICE: You would have a say as president.

KAMALA: Like I said, he spent $20 million on those ads. Trying to create a sense of fear in the voters. Because he actually has no plans in this election, that is about focusing on the needs of the American people.

GLENN: And saying exactly what she's going to do.

You have a say in the law. She doesn't say yes.

But that's why she's saying, I will follow the law. And the law already says. But he didn't use that.

No surgeries happened.

STU: Right.

GLENN: Will you advocate for it?

He's not advocating for that.

STU: Right. What is -- you're supposed to be the candidate of change?

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: Your answer is, I will follow the law.

What do you want the law to change to? That's what we're talking about.

The whole point of the presidential campaign. She wants to change a zillion laws. That's the whole point. What do you want the law to be?

And, by the way, that's a master class by Bret Baier there. He asked her the question. He knows where she will go with it, which is to blame Donald Trump.

He's already got her cut off at the pass. Knowing the answer. That there were no transgender surgeries. And then keeps pushing back on her. When he says, you have a say in the law.

I would have preferred they kept going.

Of course, they cut off half of the interview.

GLENN: He expressed his frustration afterwards. That I couldn't do anything.

With 20 minutes.

And you can't. With 20 minutes. And they had -- I would have made a different choice.

But I'm -- I'm -- you know, more of a renegade. He's an actual journalist. I'm not. He said, four people that were in her entourage. Four were standing off camera, behind one of the cameras, looking right at Brett. Giving him the wrap-up sign.

We have to go. It's over. Wrap it up. Wrap it up. I would have said, Ms. Vice president, you were -- you were 15 minutes late.

You've cut our interview to 20 minutes. It was supposed to be an honor. Now it's 30. And can you turn that camera around.

Will you show those White House people that are now wrapping this up? Telling me to wrap this up. Do you have something more important to do than to talk to the American people?

GLENN: All righty then.

So kind of -- kind of interesting.

What happened yesterday.

There's a lot more that we should probably get into.

Kamala, in one of the worst moments, Bret Baier brings up the murdering illegals that were let in.

Listen to this exchange. Cut 19.

VOICE: Jocelyn Nungaray. Rachel Moore. Laken Riley. They're young women who were brutally assaulted and killed by some of the men who were released at the beginning of the administration. Well before a negotiated bipartisan bill. Former president Clinton actually referred to Laken Riley Sunday, campaigning for you in Georgia. Saying, if those men had been properly vetted, Laken Riley probably wouldn't have been killed. So if -- it wouldn't have happened.

This is well before any negotiation.

This is well before Donald Trump got involved in the politics.

This is a specific policy decision by your administration to release these men into the country. So what I'm saying to you --

KAMALA: No, no, no. I think --

VOICE: Do you owe those families an apology?

KAMALA: Let me just say, first of all, those are tragic cases. There's no question about it. There's no question about it.

And I can't imagine the pain that the families of those victims have experienced.

GLENN: Now apologize. Don't think about it.

KAMALA: For a loss that shouldn't have occurred. So that is true.

It is also true, that if a border security had actually been passed, nine months ago, it would have been nine months, that we would have more border agents, at the border. More support for folks who are working around the clock, trying to hold it all together.

To ensure that no future harm would occur.

And this election in 20 days. Will determine whether we have a president of the United States, who actually cares more about fixing a problem, even if it is not to their political advantage in an election.

Because there was a solution, Brett.


KAMALA: Madam vice president, it was a policy decision, in the early part of your administration.

GLENN: So she wouldn't -- she just won't answer it.

STU: Unreal.

GLENN: By the way, notice that she's always talking about comprehensive immigration reform.

She never talks about the border.

She talks about comprehensive. Our system is broken.


We all agree with that.

But the border policy, you broke!

That's why we're having these problems.

You guys broke the border.

We all know that.

So don't talk to me about comprehensive.

Because that's something that people have been trying to do for 50 years.

And it won't happen.

Because we're so far apart.

You want amnesty.

No! You wanted 6,000 people, still to be able to come across the border every day!

No! It's -- this is the biggest con -- I mean, lie after lie after lie.

STU: Just to watch that happen.

Where she -- he -- he specifically picks cases, that she can't use, this border policy.

Which, by the way, there is a 0 percent chance she will actually pursue, when she's president of the United States.

She's just acting. Like they all talk about how Donald Trump, all he wanted out of this. Was a taking point for the election.

That's all this is.

She's doing the exact same thing she's accusing Donald Trump of.

GLENN: Yeah. That's why they released that bill. Knowing the Republicans would never go for it.

They would never go for it.

So they had that talking point.

And she will get in. And she will say, see!

They're standing in the way again.

STU: I hope the Republicans that went along with it. I hope they realize it now.

I hope they realize they were part of it. Maybe unwillingly.

But they were.

REVEALED: Is an “armed MILITIA” really threatening FEMA?

REVEALED: Is an “armed MILITIA” really threatening FEMA?

FEMA recently said that it had to relocate workers in the Hurricane Helene disaster zone due to threats from an “armed militia.” But was FEMA referring to the military veterans and civilian groups who are on the ground rescuing people and providing relief? Glenn speaks to the Vice President of one of those groups, the United Cajun Navy, to get the truth. Brian Trascher tells Glenn, “it turns out it was the WORST militia ever because it was just one guy.” So, why would government officials use this language, which caused leftists and the media to accuse Trump supporters of violence? “There’s been so much misinformation,” Brian says, “not just on the internet, but from the feds also.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Brian Trascher, he's the United Cajun Navy vice president. He's on the program to you. Brian, how are you, sir?

BRIAN: Oh, I'm just living the dream, GB. Living the dream.
GLENN: Are you still in North Carolina?

BRIAN: I tell you what, since we've last spoke, I've been back to Louisiana, to Florida. Back to Louisiana. And about to go to North Carolina again. And, you know, people see us online in different places. But I just want everyone to know that we still have teams, both in North Carolina and in Florida.

Just because I'm not there -- well, they're not getting baby-sat if I'm not there. But it doesn't mean we don't have people there.

GLENN: Yeah. I was going to say, they're pretty capable.

I've seen members much your team.

They're pretty darn capable. So tell me about this militia. That FEMA is taking about.

BRIAN: Turns out, it was the worst militia ever, because it was one guy who went -- and
I believe this is the correct story. He went on TikTok and was showing videos of federal employees and federal vehicles.

Going around, I guess near his property. Or near where he lives. And he was showing videos of some of them that were armed. Which, you know, it's not that big of a deal. Some of these federal officials are armed. It's like, cops are -- and North Carolina is an open carry state anyway.

GLENN: Everyone was armed when I was down there.

BRIAN: Yeah. No kidding. So he made a comment. I believe he made a comment that was construed as like, you know, he was not happy about it. Maybe he was going to do something about it. Somehow, that turned into, there's an armed militia. Fortunately the North Carolina National Guard came out fairly quickly and said, hey, look. We talked to our troops. They haven't seen anything like that.

Now, you know, the feds -- like they have caution. In case this rumor is true --

GLENN: Wait. You're breaking up badly. Brian, are you there?

BRIAN: Yeah. I'm here. Can you hear me?

GLENN: Yeah. Go ahead.

BRIAN: I'm sorry. Yeah, so I understand the feds in an abundance of caution for their employee safety, pausing things.

But my understanding, is that it was a brief pause. And they're back at it. But, again, there's been so much misinformation, not just on the internet.

But from the feds also. Glenn, we both know that the federal government will tell you, don't believe your lying eyes. And then their allies in the media, unfortunately, will stand in front of the burning Hindenburg.

And tell everybody that it was just a mostly peaceful flint landing.

GLENN: Right. Right.

BRIAN: So nobody is helping. You know what I mean?

Just help. If people see something and they actually get it on video, then, you know -- just don't tell them, it's not true. Tell them they're investigating.

At least, try to tell the truth.

GLENN: That's difficult for a lot of people to do.

Especially, at the higher levels of government.

I feel bad for the FEMA government. A lot of these people are volunteers, or very low level.

That are just going out, trying to help.

You know, some of them are part of the red tape.

And I'm going to leave out the ones at the very tippy top, that I have a little bit of contempt for.

BRIAN: Right.

GLENN: But nobody should. Nobody should ever threaten any of them.

I mean, I don't think it's a problem, to say, you know what, thank you. But, no, thank you.

We as a community, have decided, you can turn your trucks around and go home.

We have this.

There's no problem with that. But there should never be any threats made.

BRIAN: Correct.

At the very top. There are political appointees confirmed by the Senate. Like you said. You're talking about employees, and sometimes in their 20s and 30s, and they are out there.

And not all of them with FEMA. They have people from the forestry service. Different federal departments that are out there, trying to just beef up the staff that they have and the presence that they have.

We've heard reports that people are turning down help. From, you know, federal agencies. And saying, you know, no. We want the Cajun Navy.

I mean, as heartwarming as this is, they have to understand, we're just a tiny non-profit. We can't get to everybody. So we wouldn't suggest turning down any help. To your point. Any communities have the right to, you know, self-reliance and doing things on their own.

GLENN: Yeah. And I mean, I understand -- I mean, this used to be something that Americans were proud of.

That we're going to take care of it ourselves.

And no, thank you. We believe the government is the problem.

We should be skeptical of our government.

We shouldn't be violent against our government.

Or threaten violence.

But we should be skeptical of them.

And especially when they deserve that side eye. You know, when they have not been there for seven to ten days. And then they show up because the pressure is, you know, on them.

I think it's reasonable to have the community, come to their own conclusion, that I don't know that they really care about us.

So I'm not going to be a photo op.

But, you know, how --

BRIAN: Right. Well, a reporter asked me, you know, what the genesis. My opinion of the genesis of this distrust in government.

I said, well, I think it goes back to how this nation was founded. They were distrusting of a crazy king.

And despite having a 13-colony lead, the British still got their asses thrown off this continent, right? So it goes back a long way. And then of course, a lot of stuff that went on during COVID didn't help. So, you know, it's healthy.

You know, always, always question your leaders. It's your duty as a citizen to question your elected leaders and their policies.

And, you know, make your voices heard at the ballot box, is the best advice I can give.

GLENN: I mean, George Washington said, treat government as you treat fire.

If you're in control of it, it's fine.

If it's -- if you're not in control of it, it's deadly.

You know, don't -- don't trust the government. It was in -- you know, one of my favorite stories from history on -- on, you know, federal -- federal help is, the -- the hurricane that came in, I think in the 1920s. In Texas.

And the citizens met them -- met the government. Hoover sent a bunch of people down. With a bunch of relief. And they met them at the state line. And said, turn your trucks around. They don't need your help.

And he went back and said, hey, Texans need the money. Let's raise the money, and pass this law, so we can give them money.

Congress turned it down. And said, no.

We're not in that business.

That's not our deal.

And Texas raised more money than what the government was thinking about. Doing.

And they did it on their own. That's the way it should work.

BRIAN: Yeah. And, look, I'll point you to a situation closer to home here. 1815, a fleet of British man-o-war showed up in Lake Borgne, just north of New Orleans. Louisiana wasn't a state yet.

Most of the people living in New Orleans, didn't even know they were American citizens yet. Yet, they asked them to come down and defend the city.

And they had to enlist a band of pirates because they were the only ones who had gunfire and rifles. And they, again, they were able to thwart a force of 3500 British soldiers. Who had put -- put on ground in Louisiana.

So, you know, it's always up to the citizens to act first and take care of themselves. And if the cavalry shows up, great. But if it never does, you have to always assume that it won't.

GLENN: So what are the lessons that we should be pulling out of this whole situation, Brian?

BRIAN: Well, first of all, always -- you know, I listened to your -- I hear your ad all the time about My Patriot Supply. We might have to get linked up to those guys. But it's not a bad idea to have at least a few weeks. Or a month of food that will stay good.

Just store it somewhere.

You never know when something like this will happen to you.

Make sure that you have a plan.

If you know a disaster is coming. Make sure you can execute it.

And again, just collaborate with your community.

I mean, like, there has to be some sort of local response plan, that goes beyond what the government is doing.

Because I think -- especially local governments have the best intentions on how to respond to these things.

But when you're -- when your police and your fire and your EMS employees. Who are usually out there doing a great job every day.

I'm not saying they don't ever do a great job. But, I mean, when they get hit too.

When their house floods and their roof rips off, they have other problems besides their job. You know what I mean?

GLENN: Right.

BRIAN: So, you know, just make sure, you can be as self-reliant as you can. Because the cavalry is always going to come. You just don't know when. That's why we talked about it last time. FEMA is a second responder.

That's why we're the first responders or we try to be.

GLENN: You know, Brian, are you former military?

BRIAN: I'm not. I come from a long line. And veterans make the best volunteers for us, because you can't freak them out.

GLENN: Right. And, you know, what I learned from this, on the ground, a lot of vets are like, what was all of that for? If we just gave it back to them?

What was all of that for.

I'll tell you, that I really think that it will be former military that saves us.

If there are natural disasters everywhere. If there's real distrust, and unrest in the country.

You guys are just so good at organizing.

And just saying, no, no.

Relax. Relax.

You over there, you just do this. You go find this.

And you do that.

I mean, it was so well-organized. Really, by you guys.

And military vets. That were just in the area.

KAMALA: Yeah. And I love the saying. The most powerful thing a man can carry into combat is a purpose.

And you can't just be aimlessly going out and shooting at things.

We had this morning. There's an area in Florida. Some FEMA representatives called and asked if we could -- they knew we had some supplies delivered in the area.

They asked if we could come down.

I said, sure. They don't have -- FEMA doesn't have to confiscate nothing from us. We'll give it to them. You know, it's all donated to us. It's not ours. We're supposed to give it to people that need it.

So we work with them when we can.

And then, you know, obviously, sometimes, it -- they're slow. Or they're this or that.

People can criticize the job they're doing.

But they are doing a job. And we just say, let them do it. Be kind to their workers. And let's get through this recovery.

Because it will be a marathon, not a sprint.

GLENN: Yeah. Brian, thank you so much.

God bless you. And God bless the Cajun Navy. God bless you.

BRIAN: We love you.

GLENN: Yeah. Love you too.

It's a remarkable and really, really good thing that we're seeing from volunteers. Unless he said, maybe we should get together with the My Patriot Supply people.

We're already -- we're already on that.

Mercury One is putting together a disaster team, unlike anything I think anybody has.

I mean, it's remarkable.

The team that we're going to have for the next disaster.

Because we've been slowly finding them, and -- and we're -- and we just work together, so well.

You know, we don't get into their business. They don't get into our business. And if they are clean and efficient, we help them.

And so we thank you for everything you've done for Mercury One.


Kamala offered WHAT to black men for votes?!

Kamala offered WHAT to black men for votes?!

Kamala Harris’ campaign recently made a new promise to black men: If she’s elected president, she’ll give them all sorts of new things! And one of them is … legal recreational marijuana?! Glenn and Stu review Kamala’s promise to help black men succeed in the weed industry, which sounds just a LITTLE racist. Meanwhile, the state-run media is doing everything it can to scare voters about Donald Trump. But his actual knowledge of the economy is shining through …


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I was excited to hear all of the things that Kamala is promising for black men.

It's not shameless. It's not shameless.

STU: She's not trying to buy votes. We should point that out.

Some people will think that, when they hear you say that.


And don't worry about that pesky Constitution. The enact all of these things would be unconstitutional.

They'll jam it through, somehow or another. You know, hey -- look, we're talking free weed for black people. Can you -- can you -- if -- if I even said that as a joke, I would be off the air. You know what, you want to buy their vote. You want to buy a black man's vote. Give them free weed. You would be banned.

STU: Yeah. Sounds like a David Duke proposal.

GLENN: It does. It really does.

It's like -- can you imagine? Who stood up.

Who stood up?

Please tell me it wasn't a white guy.

I've got an idea. How about we give them crack pipes?

STU: It's that pathetic. It really is.

STU: And was there someone that spoke up at some point, and said, guys, you want -- you want to try to buy black votes with drugs?

I want to make sure I'm understanding the proposal.

GLENN: Aren't -- isn't it kind of racist to say that black people like drugs?

STU: They like drugs, and they can't get identification.

Those are two campaign planks.

GLENN: That's unbelievable.

Well, they're too stoned, Stu, to figure out identification. They need it to buy their big huge, you know, ten-gallon malt liquor.

STU: It's unbelievable. They may as well try all these proposals. And you wonder, hey. Well, these are the types of plans that will get black voters.

Actually, maybe it's this type of thinking, that had you lose them in the first place.

I will just throw it out there.

GLENN: It might be.

But, hey, if it works. Let's offer free chopsticks and driving lessons for Asians.

STU: That's basically what they're doing. That's basically it.

GLENN: It is what they're doing. Now, white people, you get Ugg boots and Starbucks gift certificates. Venezuelans we already gave them free apartment buildings in Colorado.

STU: That's true. Well, they worked for those. I will say.

GLENN: We have them covered.

I was thinking, Native Americans, and I thought, we should give them sheets and pillow cases to go with the -- and I said, well, no.

No. We shouldn't remind anybody about the blankets. Just maybe more casinos. More casinos.

Now, that's not racist. That's not racist. What?

STU: That's just going after individual voters, that they care about so much.

It's despicable.

GLENN: How about tacos for Hispanics?

Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with that.

And white men.

STU: Yeah. You know.

GLENN: Probably nothing.

Just beat it, dude.

Or wait a minute.

White men get free trans surgeries.

There you -- there you go. Because that's what they really want.

That's the white man talking. I'm man enough to say I want to be a woman.

That's how man I am. So, man up.

Become a woman. I think that's great. I think that's great.

By the way, J.D. Vance did come out yesterday, and, you know, I said that I would -- that if I ever heard of anything that was, you know, unconstitutional, dictatorial, I would out them. And I would stand with the Constitution.

And I'm going to do it.

Because J.D. Vance came out yesterday and said, well, Graters is now making a Skyline chili-flavored ice cream, and they're going to ban it.

See, I think chili-flavored ice cream would make me vomit. But I'm -- but, hey. Hey. Hey. I'm going to stick up for that ice cream. You know what I mean?

You're not going to ban any ice cream on my watch, J.D. Vance. Not one.

Honestly, that's what they would do. He actually made that tweet as a joke. That's what he would say. See, he's serious. He's serious. He will go after ice cream flavors he doesn't like.

GLENN: Right. I heard a whole report this morning, Glenn, how Donald Trump just stood there.

Played DJ for 45 minutes, played song after song after song.

GLENN: Yeah. For no reason.

STU: No mention of the fact that there were medical emergencies in the crowd. I mean, how can you tell that story without telling why he stopped taking questions during the town hall because there was someone potentially dying in front of him?

But having some sort of medical emergency.

GLENN: But he doesn't care. He doesn't care about people with medical issues. He doesn't care.

STU: No.

GLENN: What did he do?

He danced. Somebody is dying. And he's dancing with YMC. What a monster that guy is.

So Charlemagne the God, which I don't know.

At some point in my life, you know, I might worry that that might be a little blasphemous. There might be a question or two on the final exam, you know what I'm saying?

You didn't think that maybe you shouldn't call yourself.

But, I mean, it's working out for him in life.

STU: Well, since he spelled the, T-H-A. Does that get him out of any of these problems?

GLENN: And the isn't capitalized, even though the G is capitalized in God.

But I think the T-H-A. I don't even know what that means. That's my out with God. I didn't call myself God. I said Tha God.

STU: I have news for you. If you put the A at the end of certain words, it doesn't always help.

GLENN: Well, it does some people.

STU: Some people it does.

GLENN: Maybe he has the A thing going on this word too.

I'm not really sure. So, anyway, he was -- he was doing a town hall, with Kamala.


And, you know, got -- I've got -- you've got to give it. You know, she was great. She's for some reparations.

You know, which is -- which is great.

Let me give you some of the things that she was talking about yesterday.

I love the fact. I don't have the audio. But I do have the text of somebody that called -- somebody that called in, you know, and spoke to the God.

And said, you know, I'm -- I have to tell you, I'm a little -- I'm a little concerned.

I'm a little concerned.

Because I think Donald Trump is going to round everybody who is not white. He's going to round them all up and put them in camps.

And she said, you ready?

You see? See?

I mean, you get it. You get it.

STU: You get it? Okay.

I've got to understand.

The right are the conspiracy theorists.

But every non-white person going into camps is, you get it. From a presidential candidate.

GLENN: Well, you get it, because all he's doing is pedaling fear. So you're afraid.

That she didn't say, he's not going to.

STU: Right. She didn't try to dissolve the fear at all.

GLENN: No. No.

That's why you should vote for me.

Because you're afraid, you will be round up and put into a camp.

STU: But that's an insane fear.

GLENN: Yeah. That is.

STU: That there was no -- hey. By the way, there's no chance that he does this.

And, by the way, the only people who have done it, are progressives.

That wasn't mentioned by Kamala.

GLENN: No. She did mention, that this is the very kind of laws, that -- that have happened before. They rounded up the Japanese. And when she says they, I think she means we.

STU: We.

GLENN: The Democrats did that.

STU: They didn't mention that though.

GLENN: No. Well, they don't like to mention things like the Klan, that was an arm of the democratic party. You know, and they kind of leave out the part that, yeah. It was -- it was us in our big, big eugenics time.

You know, eugenics, part one, we're kind of in eugenics part two right now.

But, yeah. We rounded up the Japanese. Because, you know, there is sub -- there is sub people, you know.

Can't trust them. Can't trust them, you know. They're shifty. And they're short.

STU: That totally goes against their, just announced chopsticks program that they were --

GLENN: Well, reparations. Reparations. So we have to give them some chopsticks. And maybe some rice. Maybe some rice.

I don't think it's offensive to Asian people, do you?

STU: No. It's central to how they're running their campaign.

GLENN: Gosh. That is so absolutely amazing.

Meanwhile, here's what -- here's what Kamala, a spokesperson for Kamala was saying on MSNBC. Now, I want you to listen to this.

If you are, if you're watching, you are going to get the problem with this quickly. But I'll explain for radio listeners. In just a second.

Here it is.

VOICE: And that is probably one of the clearest contrasts you will see last week in this race. You will see the vice president out on the trail, every single day, talking about her ideas, going to these big media platforms to share her vision with the biggest number of Americans possible.

While Donald Trump continues to sort of retreat into himself. In the small MAGA universe. That is all about him.

Because that's all he's really interested in right now.

GLENN: Right. Right.

Okay. So here's the thing. As he's talking, behind him is the video of Donald Trump in Chicago, at an economic forum, where he's doing an interview with a guy who completely disagrees with him.

STU: Goes after him the entire time.

There's a Bloomberg forum.

GLENN: Yeah. It's crazy.

STU: Bloomberg, the former democratic presidential candidate.

GLENN: Right. But he's still in his small little universe. I mean, listen.

This is how contentious it got. Cut two, please.

DONALD: What is the Wall Street Journal -- I'm meeting with them tomorrow. What is the Wall Street Journal -- they've been wrong about everything, so have you, by the way.

You were wrong about --

VOICE: You're trying to turn this.

DONALD: You've been wrong.

VOICE: You're trying to turn this into a debate.

DONALD: It's not a debate. But you're wrong. You've been wrong all your life on this stuff.

GLENN: So -- and now, by the way, he walked into a room, where it was not friendly.

Standing ovation, when he left. And the people that were there said, he turned to like about half the crowd.

Because he was -- I've never heard a president, who actually can speak with experience, and deeply about economic and business issues.

You know, I can -- you know, like Ronald Reagan. You know, he could speak about those things.

And he knew what he knew.

But not from an experience of actually doing. Not being able to talk to businesspeople, and say, look, I've been there, dude.

I know exactly what's happening.

It was really quite remarkable.

And the -- and the interviewer just didn't get him at all.

Listen to this. Cut one.

VOICE: How about this?

Gavin Newscum. He's the governor of California.

VOICE: Newsom.

DONALD: Newscum, I call him. He corrected me. That's the first time --

VOICE: There are CEOs out here. If they said those things about a rival CEO, they would be sacked. Do you think it's --

DONALD: I know. But they don't have to survive like me. They don't have to go through what I have to go through.

There's never been a president being treated like me, so I have to fight my own way.

GLENN: This guy who is doing the -- what's his name?

Michael Thorpe. Yeah, Michael Thorpe

Hello. Yes. Lord Michael Thorpe.

But he's not real popular with the crowd.

At least a good portion of the crowd. Not real popular. And I love that answer from him. They don't have to deal with what I have to deal with.

They don't have to deal with, what I've had to deal with. No president has ever been treated this way.

STU: I love that too.

It's such a stupid point.

If a CEO said that, they would be sacked. Well, Trump was a CEO. And he said stuff like that all the time. I guess if he owned the company, it doesn't happen. That's one way of working on it.

GLENN: Yeah. People actually are really flocking to people who are real.

You know, you may not like Donald Trump.

But at least you know he's real. That's who he is. That's who he is.

Who is Kamala? Seriously.

Can anyone tell me who they think she really is?

STU: I mean, I have my opinions.

You know, but I guess the whole point of her campaign is to hide who she is.

That's the whole point.

This is why it's so incredible. To hear the commentator, you played a couple of seconds ago.

Where they were like, well, what Donald Trump is going to do is he's going to stay in his own MAGA base, and Kamala will be everywhere.

What -- she didn't do an interview for 80 days as a candidate.

Well, most of them as a candidate.

80 days.

She did no interviews for 80 days!

What do you mean?

GLENN: Until her campaign started to fall apart.

STU: Until her campaign started to fall apart.

All of a sudden, we have to do all the interviews.

Not to mention, the previous candidate, didn't do a cabinet meeting for multiple years.

Like how can you possibly be out there arguing this.

GLENN: Because it's a mental illness. It is a mental illness. I really believe. Not all Democrats.

But I think there is probably 20 to 30 percent of the country, that is mentally ill, right now.

Mentally ill. There might be --

STU: That's quite an accusation to say it's that low.

GLENN: And I mean, I mean, honestly, if -- if we were not living in this everything is political kind of state, if you could go back 15 years, and just have doctors, look at people, and I bring my daughter in.

She thinks she's a dog.

And she said that I should -- I should lose my stewardship over my -- my 12-year-old daughter because she's a dog.

And she wants her skin taken off.

And fur glued on to her.

STU: Or fur glued on.

GLENN: I don't know. One of the two. I'm a panicked father right now.

STU: Yes. Exactly.

GLENN: Okay? I'm trying to talk about the health of my daughter.

A doctor would say, we need to put her in a hospital. We need to put her in a hospital.

We need to have at least talk therapy.


Everybody -- everybody on the left, it seems is like, oh, you monster.

Come here, Fido.

Come here. Let me pet you.

That's even creepy. Doc, you see what's happening over here? That's creepy.

STU: Oh, well, then you need to go to the hospital if you think that's creepy.

GLENN: That's right.

EXCLUSIVE: Trump tells Glenn Beck who's REALLY running the country - and it isn't Biden or Harris

EXCLUSIVE: Trump tells Glenn Beck who's REALLY running the country - and it isn't Biden or Harris

Former President Donald Trump speaks with Glenn Beck in an exclusive interview on the news of the day: Are prominent Democrats like Joe Biden and Bill Clinton sabotaging Kamala Harris’ campaign? Who’s really running the White House? Will Trump recruit Elon Musk to help clear out the Deep State if he wins? Will the 2024 election be secure? Are Democrats the new “hidden Trump vote”? Was he targeted by a third attempted assassin? Is the Secret Service doing its job now? Did Trump ask Biden for anti-missile aircraft? Can Tim Walz look any more fake while loading a shotgun? Can Kamala Harris look any more fake without her teleprompter? Was Bill Clinton right about Laken Riley and illegal immigration? How close are we to nuclear war with Iran, China, or Russia? How would Trump stop Russia’s war in Ukraine and Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah’s attacks against Israel? Why did the Biden administration let the Taliban take our military equipment during the Afghanistan withdrawal? Trump also explains why he believes Kamala Harris is “against religion…in her bones,” gives insider information on the government-funded program to house illegal immigrants in luxury hotels, and accuses Biden of not doing enough to stop Iran from planning more assassination attempts.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Mr. President.

DONALD: Yes. Hi, Glenn.

GLENN: How are you?

DONALD: I'm good. I'm good.

GLENN: I hear you just got off the phone with Elon Musk. How did that go?

DONALD: I did. Oh, he's great. This guy, he's in a world all by himself. He's a fantastic guy. When I saw -- when I saw that rocket ship come down yesterday, I said, you've got to be kidding. The way it landed right -- right where it left, right? He's fantastic.

GLENN: Yeah. We were talking -- I think he is one of the greatest. I mean, Steve Jobs maybe is in his category.

I don't think -- I think he's the greatest mind and -- and not theoretical, actually doing stuff in my lifetime.

DONALD: Absolutely. He gets it done. There's nobody like him. And he's a big supporter. Which makes me feel good. He knows what's going on. He thinks it's the most important election ever.

GLENN: So are you -- have you been serious about allowing him to go in, and look for cuts and everything?

DONALD: Oh, sure.

You know, he's also a great businessman. I'm trying to figure out a better businessman. Or essentially scientist.

And he's faithful. He feels that there's tremendous fraud and waste and abuse.

Tremendous fraud, waste, and abuse.

He feels it's there. And you could save a lot of money.

And make lives better. Okay?

You get more for the buck.

But he feels so -- he doesn't want to be -- he can't do that.

You know, he's got so many things going on.

He wouldn't want to do that. He would like to do something, having to do with the budget.

Because there's tremendous ways to do that.

STU: Oh, yeah.

GLENN: And he's good at finding that.

I mean, the way he runs his companies. I mean, it's tremendous.

DONALD: He's maybe the best at finding it.

Oh, people love it.

And make people's lives better. Actually.

You know, make them better. Not worse.

GLENN: I know. It really is -- is such a statement.

That he's probably the -- the most effective person on the planet, of looking over the horizon, and then bringing tomorrow into today.

And the -- and the left because he likes you, he is -- I mean, they just -- they will shut him down.

DONALD: Yep. They will. They will try.

But he's hard to shut down.

Because he's so advanced. He's in a different playing field.

He's so advanced. You shut him down, you shut the country down, essentially.

Look at Starlink. Starlink in North Carolina. They call it. Any way you can call. And some great people in North Carolina, are suffering.

And, you know, they have no communications, whatsoever.

GLENN: I know.

DONALD: And I called him. And I didn't know much about Starlink. Other than, it's supposed to be good.

I called him. And he edited them immediately.

You know, they delayed him. They delayed him. They put a hold on what he did.

GLENN: I know. We were on the ground.

My charity, Mercury One was on Mercury One. We were one of the first people on the ground.

We were running, at the height, I think we were running 50 helicopters, and we had it all -- you know -- I mean, we had everything.

We were there with Elon's guy, when they started jerking his chain. They even came and tried to shut us down. And our guy looked and said, you know, you don't have a single helicopter here. We're saving people in the mountains. If you were here, maybe a week ago, sure.

But we're not shutting down.

I mean, it's -- it was really tragic, what they did.

DONALD: It's one of the worst rescues ever. And I think in a league with Katrina, which was pretty bad. Some people say it's worse.

GLENN: I think it is.

DONALD: And they actually have people -- private people like you, you go in with helicopters, you want to save people. And they're not -- they didn't let them do it.

GLENN: I know. I know.

DONALD: It's a little different. You can do things.

But, no. It's a terrible thing, Glenn. Terrible, terrible thing.

GLENN: You know, I think that's one of the biggest things. When you say, you know, we will take our country back. One of the biggest things I miss is the ability to just do things, that you feel are right, that are legal.

But to just take control of your own life.

The -- the government has grown so far out of control. It's in every aspect of our life. And it is the problem.

DONALD: And it's the nasty government.

It's a mean government. They weaponize government.

They've done things. And, you know, it's interesting. Because the people aren't very smart.

The people on top, that if they -- they're not on top. It's the people that surround them. They are smart.

And they are vicious.

And they're fascists, and everything else you can be.

It's a nasty group of people.

STU: So somebody is quite smart.

Sometime, historians will look back and say, this was a genius.

It was the biggest heist in human history.

It was horrible. But it was genius.

Who is actually the president, Mr. President?

DONALD: Well, I think it's a committee of people. And they may not even know themselves. Does that make sense?

It's a group of people, that are in different levels of DC.

And they surround a man that was not the most capable person.

GLENN: Yeah.

DONALD: By the way, never was.

But certainly not anymore.

And she's worse than he is. She's worse than he is.

And the difference is, she was a believer.
You know, she was a believer for a long time. She was a Marxist for a long time.

She's further left than Bernie. You've heard that many times.

But she's further left than Pocahontas, okay?

Pocahontas is probably further left than Bernie. I think. I don't know. How you rate them, I would have to go by your scale.

I believe in your scale, maybe more than mine.

But if you think about it, you know, we have some people. And she is considered the most left, in the entire Senate.

And not the smartest. And not by any means, the smartest.

In fact, the opposite.

GLENN: But she is -- I mean, when you say she's worse.

We were talking yesterday, Mike Lee, about, you know, her centerpiece legislation, when she was in the Senate.

Which I think was called do no harm.

And it just dismantles religious freedom.
Just entirely dismantles it.

They are --

DONALD: You know. When we were in a group together. For the audience to know.

We spent a lot of time, yesterday, with the Latter-day Saints, and some incredible people. And people of religion too.

Just people of religion. And she's against religion, and it's in her bones.

She's against religion. And I don't know how people can vote for her. Like, we were talking about -- not so much you talking about -- because we have such a lead there. We were talking about Arizona. And, you know, if you take a look at Arizona.

And I would certainly say Nevada. And you have a lot of Latter-day Saints, Mormons there. And we got -- I think we're at 88 percent. I mean if we got 1 percent more, or 2 percent more, this whole country would turn around. Because if we won those two, we would be in awfully good shape to win the whole thing, as you know. So we spent time together. It was great. And when I mentioned your name, I will say -- I mentioned Glenn's name, everyone in the place went crazy. So they like you. They like you a lot. That was a big audience.

GLENN: Yeah. It was amazing. They're electric. I mean, I -- you at one point, leaned over to me and said, what's your gut say?

And, you know, the -- you know the figures. Better than I do. My gut says, you're accelerating at exactly the right time.

And as I said to you, but for cheating.

DONALD: That's the biggest risk.

GLENN: You've told me, that we've made a lot of good headroom -- headway on that.

DONALD: Well, I think just by nature, that we don't have COVID. They used COVID to cheat. And they did so many things, so many different things.

But just the fact that they didn't get legislative approval. I mean, you don't have to go any further than that.

They actually go for legislative approval. Not get it. Let's say, it's a Republican legislature. Not get it. And then do it anyway.

It was just terrible. They used COVID to cheat.

Now, that, number one, that in and of itself, makes it better now.

But they're a very devious group. And you know it better than anybody.

You talk about it openly. A lot of people, they're afraid to talk about it.

You're not afraid to talk about it.

GLENN: Well, once you've been threatened by George Soros. Once you've been threatened by George Soros. Everything else has kind of, meh.

DONALD: But I've seen his man, Gascon is down by 30 points in a poll.

GLENN: Amen, which is so crazy. It's so crazy. Kamala Harris is cut from that exact same cloth.

DONALD: Yeah. Oh, that's another -- that's a way of talking about it. You know, I had a tremendous rally the night before. The night before yesterday.

And it was unbelievable.

And we -- and you heard it. 140,000 people.

GLENN: Oh, yeah. Coachella.

DONALD: And I said, if we had an honest election.

If we had God coming down to be our vote counter.

Wouldn't it be great if we could ask God to do it? That would be the ultimate vote counter, right? Because you would have honest. But if we had God come down, I think I would do great. I think we would do great in California. I think we would win it.

I think we would win it. You know, they sent out like 38 million ballots, 36 million ballots, they go all over the place. And then they come pouring back.

And it's -- you know, when you go and vote, it's a really good solid state. Where you have -- and they look at you.

And they want your ID. Even if you're Trump.

Could I see your license?

STU: Yeah. Yeah.

GLENN: You really can't get away with it. There's nothing to get away with.

They don't have computerized machines. They have paper ballots.

They have voter ID. And everything else.


STU: Have you talked to Elon Musk about this? Because I think -- you know this. We can transfer billions of dollars, and not a penny is lost.

We do it all day long. And it's fine.

How come we can't get the technology, to lock this into place?

Especially with block chain?

DONALD: So Elon is the number one for mechanical devices. Including computers. And he said, the only way to do it really safely is with paper ballots. That's something, huh? He said, I consider myself to be the world's greatest expert for all such things. This type of equipment, right? I would say, I would put him in the number one place. When you look at that rocket, the way it landed, I would certainly put him in the number one place.

And, you know, he's --

GLENN: Paper.

DONALD: He's concerned, because those -- you can make things swing. And you can make things do a lot of bad things. He said, but you can't do that with paper ballots. Believe it or not, they have paper now, that's actually very sophisticated.

GLENN: Yeah, yeah.

DONALD: Very highly.

When you hear paper. But it's very sophisticated stuff. But voter ID is very important. And now in California, as you know, better than I do, because you talk about it a lot. But the California things is amazing with Gavin Newsom, where you're not even allowed to ask somebody whether or not they have voter ID. If you do, I think it's a criminal act or something.

GLENN: That's crazy.

DONALD: It's shown our country has gotten totally crazy.

GLENN: You and I were talking the other day about the -- the hidden Trump vote.

And I want to ask you, your thoughts on something. I think there's actually a hidden Trump vote, that is going to come from Democrats. Because they didn't convince people of these policies.

They scared them into it.

They taught them.

Shut your mouth.

And just go along with it. And I think reasonable Democrats are going. This doesn't work.

I don't want my kids being talked to by, you know, a teacher in secret. That's -- that's the sign of a predator. I am paying more for my groceries. I can't do it anymore.

And I think there's a -- a slice of the Democrats, that might tell everybody, they're for Kamala.

But will go in and vote for you. What do you think of that?

DONALD: So I think the biggest thing. You know, you see the polls. And the polls have the economy and inflation. Number one, on inflation. I view them as the same thing in a sense. I think the inflation and economy, you can wrap them up into one.

I actually think, and I may be wrong. But not wrong by much, but I think the biggest thing that people are going to be looking at and voting on is what's happening on our border, where murderers are allowed to come in. Where drug dealers are allowed to come in, and just destroy our country. Literally destroy it.

And inflation is a destroyer of our country too. It's a different kind of a destroyer.

It's not as mean as having guys coming in with machine guns. Yes. Go ahead.

GLENN: Go ahead. Well, I was going to say. I don't know if you've heard this yet. I want to play some audio. This is Bill Clinton, today, talking about Laken Riley. Listen to this.

BILL: You had a case in Georgia, not very long ago. You think about -- about a young woman who had killed by an immigrant.

Yeah. Well, if they had all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn't have happened. But if they all are properly vetted, that doesn't happen. And America is not having enough babies to keep our population up. So we need immigrants, that have been vetted to do work. There wouldn't be a problem.

GLENN: I mean, he sounds like he's campaigning for you.

DONALD: Yeah. Yeah. That's come a long way. You see, that's probably where they're going. Because they were for open borders. No talk. Anybody comes in. Just walk right into our country. Which is insane.

And now, all of a sudden, you hear people talking about, well, we need people to come in. Come in.

But the damage has been done.

We have 21 million people came in. Hundreds and thousands of those people are from prisons and gangs and drug lords and human traffickers and murderers. And they're here.

So we have a problem before -- he's a little late at saying it.

GLENN: I know.

DONALD: Because we have a big problem. We have people in our country that are going to be murdering a lot of people. Laken Riley is a beautiful young lady. I know the parents. I know everything about her. What happened to her is just horrible.

But you have many -- many, many cases, like that. Some you don't hear about that. Aurora is really bad. When you look at what these Venezuelan street gangs have done. They're formed.

And they have taken over buildings. Beautiful buildings.

GLENN: I know.

DONALD: In a very good place. And they're basically in the real estate business. You know, they've taken them over with machine guns, instead of --

GLENN: Right.

J.D. Vance was talking to Martha Raddatz. By the way, brilliant pick.

And she -- he says, Martha, are you listening to yourself? You think this little problem is -- is little?

There are Venezuelan gangs, that are running apartment buildings in America.

It's amazing what these people will try to excuse!

DONALD: Not believable.

JD has been great, by the way.

He's been great.

GLENN: Oh, I love him.

DONALD: And as good as he is, Walz, on the other side, I mean, is this man even a little intelligent? I mean, it's just -- it's just incredible. Those two.

GLENN: I know your son is a hunter. You have to ask him. Play that video of him trying to load the shotgun. I swear to you, I am fairly decent with guns. I would not hunt with that guy. He looks like he's dangerous with a gun. He's never done that. It's crazy.

DONALD: I think he was a horrible pick.

Now, we'll see how it works out on November 5th.

Because one way or the other, if they won, I guess he wasn't a horrible pick. But when I heard they picked him, I couldn't believe it.

And he's only gotten worse. And she's gotten worse too. You know, she's worse than Biden. I really believe that. She's worse than Biden.

And they're fighting like cats and dogs.

GLENN: So you think that's true?

DONALD: Oh, yeah. Well, no. He's angry. Because he got 14 million votes.

He was thrown out. This was an overthrow of a president.

This was an overthrow of an American president.

There's never been anything like that before.

He won the primaries. They came to see him. And they were like, we want you out.

I'm amazed he agreed to it, by the way. The truth is, he looks better than he ever did.

He looks better than he -- for five years. I don't know. Somehow, he didn't play well as president.

But he does play well, the way he's playing against, like with Ron. Ron DeSantis in Florida.

Done a good job. Very good on the hurricane. You know it's a tough job, but he's done a very good job. But the way he went at him, and just got creamed. And Biden who was on-site.

GLENN: I know. That's crazy.

And, you know, with that Bill Clinton clip. I'm just wondering. Are they just like, cutting her loose?

DONALD: No. I think they're trying to steer a different path, now.

I think they're seeing it's not working.

And we have a good run for three weeks.

I think they're seeing it's not working.

She's changed 15 million policies.

You're the all-time pro.

I would say, if you've seen any candidate for high office change two. It would be a lot.

GLENN: Oh, yeah.

Remember, John Kerry, I think changed one or two things.

And he became the waffle man.

DONALD: That's right. No, he did.

And it didn't work. But she's changed 15.

From fracking. To crime. To this. To that.

To borders.

She all of a sudden wants to have a strong border.

And she acts like nothing happened.

Where was she for four years?

I've never seen anything like it. If you go back two years, just go back -- or just go back into their primaries. And listen to what she said and what she voted for.

And now every one of those things have been thrown out.

So I don't know. You know, let's see what happens. I can't imagine, you can get away with it.

But there's another thing that's called competence. And, you know, they tried the threat of democracy with me.

They tried it all. They tried everything.

But let's look at now, their competence. The woman is not a competent person.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

DONALD: And I think far less competent than Biden.

And I never thought I would be saying it. But there's something going on. I mean, I watched her with a teleprompter.

Her teleprompter broke. And she kept going.

GLENN: That was amazing.

DONALD: No. I said, what's going on with her?

GLENN: You've been in television. I've been in television. We know teleprompters. She had no idea what the next sentence was. She was saying 32, as if, hey, prompter person, I'm at the bottom of the page. It was crazy.


If that -- and, you know what, she could even say, my teleprompter went off.


DONALD: And sometimes I do that. And then you go on to make your speech. You can't walk off the stage, right?

But a teleprompter is one of the most unreliable pieces of equipment. I can tell you. Sometimes -- like the crowd we had. That was a big crowd.

The night before, I had 101,000 people. You can lose that stuff. I figure teleprompters go out, 5 percent of the time.

And two or 3 percent of the time, where they're just gone.

GLENN: Jeez.

DONALD: I mean, I've had her blow up the stage. You know, it's windy, they're not very good, because they move like a (inaudible). They're very hard to hold back. They move. If a teleprompter is moving.

And I don't use the teleprompter that much anyway. If a teleprompter is moving.

It's a problem. If you are going to be in politics, you have to be able to, if and when. Because it's when.

But if and when the teleprompter goes, you know this.

You've got to be able to speak. And she was frozen.

And she's lucky that they came back. Because, you know, they snapped back. It's called a snap back. It snapped back for her. And then she started continuing reading.

GLENN: I wish it wouldn't -- I would have loved to see how she would have ended that.

DONALD: Well, I think it would have been a bad thing. She could have done the 321 more time, I'll tell you. She had exhausted the number 32, I can tell you, right?

GLENN: So what -- what frightens -- at least me, is she's not in control.

Biden is not in control. And they're talking about changing our nuclear strategy with Russia.

And I don't know who is making those decisions, and I have to tell you, Mr. President, I mean -- have you read Nuclear War by Annie Jacobson?

DONALD: Yes, I have. Yes.

GLENN: Okay. That's terrifying. I don't know how you would make the decision as president of the United States, that quickly.

DONALD: It's -- it's the biggest single threat -- when these people talk about global warming. And they worry about the ocean will rise in 300 years. By an eighth of an inch.

It's like, it just infuriates.

Now, at the same time, I don't even like talking about nuclear. That's how bad it is.

You know, during my administration, you probably never heard the word nuclear. I purposefully. And now you're hearing it every single day. You're hearing it all the time.

You know who issues it a lot, is Putin now. He's issuing that word a lot. And that will be -- there will never have been anything like that.

The level of power. I'm the one that rebuilt it.

I rebuilt all of our military.

I rebuilt it, at the highest level. In many ways, I hated to have to do the nuclear. But I did. Because we have no choice.

We have other countries. We have five other countries now. As they say, nuclear capable.

And that's too many. That's actually five too many.

The truth is, I think I would have had a deal with Russia. And with China. To denuclearize their stock. I really think we would have had that.

All three of us agreed on it. Conceptually, and I think we would have done that. But COVID came along, and we have to fight that battle.

And we fought it well. Never got credit for it, really. But we fought it well. I got credit for the economy. I got credit for the military. We have knocked out ISIS. Got the biggest tax cuts and regulation cuts and all that. But I never got cut. You know, nobody knew what this was. COVID came in. Was a gift from China.

GLENN: I got to tell you, the way they -- the way they say that you didn't do enough, when they were the ones bitching when you said, I've got to los to China. We can't have this happening. And they called you a bigot and everything. And now they're saying, you didn't close it fast enough.


GLENN: Do they really believe the American people are goldfish?

DONALD: Well, the same people. Nancy Pelosi -- crazy Nancy, she was going crazy when I said, if I didn't close it from China then. And you know what, there were 11 people in the room.

And I was the only one that said, I want it closed. And you had to close it. We would have lost probably a couple of million people, more. And we really -- I mean, we would have lost millions of people more, had I not done that.

That was a great move. But nobody knew what this thing was. And everybody got hurt.

You know, proportionally, there were a lot of equals. They all got hurt. China got hurt late in the process.

It looked like China has really skirted the issue. It has really hurt China. It's hurting it right now.

They went to it, very, very -- now, they were different.

They locked them in, and they welded the doors closed.

And they forgot before it happened. You know, people died of starvation. Can you believe it? They welded --

STU: It's China.

GLENN: And then they -- either forgot or something happened, but they didn't unweld them.

It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. But that was a terrible thing.

GLENN: I have been bitching and complaining about the Secret Service for, hmm. Well, since Obama.

We have -- we have not been protecting our presidents. Rightly -- I mean, my people have gotten around the Secret Service.

However, I will tell you this, this weekend, I have never seen anything like the security that you have around you now.

It is top shelf.

And they said that you asked the president for rocket launchers or something, to protect your plane.

In case somebody shoots a rocket at the plane. Is that true?

DONALD: Uh-huh. Well, I better not get into it.

But they have stronger security around the plane. Very strong security.

STU: I know. I saw it.

GLENN: I mean, they have to -- the one thing we don't have is we don't have a president saying, if some country, Iran, where there's actually a threat.

That if they do anything to -- it's not me. It's the president. You know, former president.

And now leading in both parties, to be president.

If they do anything. We're going to obliterate the country. Because when you say that, that's the end of, they won't do anything.

But we haven't heard that.

But other presidents have issued, you know, like proclamations, as you've probably heard. There were two or three issued, that way, where even rivals.

Rivals were being threatened.

GLENN: Yeah.

DONALD: And certain presidents were able to get up, that if you do this, we will hit you so hard, that you won't have a country left. And when you do that, they say, well, let's take a pass. That's the way that works. But Biden is not -- is not -- I guess not willing to do that.

And that's pretty sad.

I would do it if I were him. I will tell you, if it was reversed, and I was where he was, and it was, you know, him. I would issue such a proclamation.

GLENN: You have to. You have to.

DONALD: You don't have a country.

GLENN: Yeah. You don't. You don't.

The Coachella guy who was -- he says he was a big fan. But they found guns in his car.

I don't know if this reached you. The campaign says, it really wasn't anything.

Local sheriff said, they felt that they had stopped a third assassination attempt. And he -- anything on that?

DONALD: No. I don't know. He said he was a big fan. And I know that. But he had some pretty nasty weapons in his car.

But he was away from the car.

The car was parked a long ways away.

Everybody. The place was.

101 -- I guess more than that.

But over 101,000 people there.

So it was a big crowd. He was very far away. But, you know, when you have that kind of weapons in the car, it's a little. It's not your -- these were not your standard weapon. Let's put it that way. They were not the greatest.

So we're living in a dangerous world. This is a world that is very dangerous. This is a world that is closer to World War III, than we've ever been.

There's never been anything like it.

And the problem like we said, the weaponry is at a level.

I always say, it's not two army tanks running around a field, shooting each other.

This is weaponry, that I know better than everybody every.

Because I see it. I rebuilt it.

And this is weapons. And weaponry, that it's not even imaginable.

And we really need smart people.

In government now.

We just can't go another four years, like we did with Biden. You know, I had Iran wanting to make a deal. They were going to make a deal. I would have a deal done within one weekend of the election.

They were -- they didn't have money.
They were -- there was no Hezbollah.

There was no Hamas. Because there was no fighting.

They couldn't give money.

They were there, but they couldn't give any money.

We had the best situation. He could have made a deal in one week.

And the big part of that deal was no nuclear weapons. Right? That was 90 percent of the deal. You know, I want them to do great. I wanted Iran to do great.

But no, the great people. You know, Iran, they're great people.

I know so many Iranians that are now living in America, and they're like really great people. Smart as can be. And wonderful and warm.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah.

DONALD: So we don't want to have a problem.

But they were broke. They had no money. I said, nope.

Can't do that. And you know why they had no money? Because of my policy. And they would have made a deal. They would have made a deal. I would have made that deal a week before the election.

And I want them to be really successful.

But one thing, they can't have nuclear weapons. And they're now like a month away from having a nuclear weapon.

That's a big problem. Now, we'll see what's going on with Israel. Who I think their stock has gone up very high, in the last month or so. Their stock has gotten very high as spiders. But it's very, very sad to see what's happened.

That -- that they would allow this to happen. Look, if I were president, Ukraine would not have been attacked by Russia. 100 percent.

GLENN: I know. Boris Johnson just said that. Did you see the Boris Johnson interview?

DONALD: I did. I did.

I saw that. He said, if Trump were there, it would have never happened. And it wouldn't have.

And I got along well with Putin, but it just would have never happened. What a shame. What a different -- you know what else wouldn't have happened?

Inflation. The most embarrassing day in the history of our country, wouldn't have happened, in Afghanistan. Wouldn't have happened.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh. Yeah. You know, you were talking about that the other day. And I have to correct one thing that you said. In Afghanistan, again, my charity was over.

We had the -- we ran the airport, over -- over there.

And we had all of the commercial airplanes, ready to go.

And the State Department kept screwing us.

And, I mean, in the end, we got 21,000 people out. And none of them came to America.

Because we didn't even trust our vetting. But we knew who we were bringing out. The State Department screwed us around, screwed us around.

They actually mocked us, at one point. And said, well, you need one more form. And they came up with a new form.

We said, we don't even know. We haven't heard of that form.

Where do we get it?

At the embassy in Kabul. And we're like, you closed the embassy. They actually laughed and said, I guess you will just have to figure that out.
And hung up on us.

So we finally made a deal with them.

You said, yesterday, they got all of the soldiers out.

No, sir. To get the -- the survivors, that we tried to get out. The 22,000. Our first plane had to be full of American soldiers, that they left behind.


GLENN: That is -- that is crazy.

DONALD: What I mentioned was they took the soldiers out early.

The American soldiers.

They left. And we were left without soldiers.

And they should have taken the soldiers out last.

When I spoke to Abdul.

I said, no. You will not do anything more.

They were killing a lot of our soldier.

I know the people. And I had a very tough conversation with them.

From that point on, 18 months, and we didn't have one -- you know that.

GLENN: No, no, no. You can't. You can't.

You have to tell the story about the picture.

You cannot just gloss over this. This is one of the greatest negotiating things I've ever heard.

Tell the whole story.

DONALD: I had a conversation. And it was important to have it.

Because the Taliban. That's where the killing is.

Like I always say, Jesse James. He liked that. And they say, Jesse, Jesse.

Why do you always go after a bank? He said, because that's where the money is. Right? And in this case, the Taliban. Because that's who was doing all the killing in Afghanistan.

You know, that was the kill arm, right?

So I spoke to the head, he's still there.

Abdul. We had a good conversation. Tough conversation. Because they were killing a lot of American soldiers.

And they were with Obama and Biden. But they were really killing a lot of them.

And I got there. They were killing them.

And a lot of snipers.

And I had a conversation, a couple of conversations. But I had a conversation, and I don't want to go graphical into the conversation.

It was a tough conversation.

But you can't really repeat it. It's not appropriate.

And I had a conversation. And I essentially told them, don't do it. Don't do it.

I did have --

GLENN: Can I tell --

DONALD: Yeah. You can tell them. But I did send them something that was interesting. Go ahead.

GLENN: Yeah. So you had a picture of his house. And you said, if any of our soldiers die, I will kill you.

And you put the picture down and slid it across the table. And then you walked out.

I think that's brilliant. Just brilliant.

DONALD: Well, it was a phone conversation. But the phone conversation.

GLENN: Oh, okay.

DONALD: It was sent to him. And he said, but why do you send me a picture of my house?

During the phone conversation.

And I said, that, you'll have to figure out.

GLENN: That's great.

DONALD: We had -- regardless, we had no problem at all.

So we went 18 months, not one American soldier was killed or even shot at. And after 18 months, they did this horrible move.

GLENN: Yeah.

DONALD: And it was so bad. And, you know, we also gave up Bagram. So Bagram is one of the biggest bases in the world. And China is now occupying it. Can you imagine?

The reason I wanted it -- I would never have left that. I was planning on making upgrades.

What happened with Bagram, is it's one hour from where China makes its nuclear weapons. What an asset.

And now China is occupying it. Can you believe it? They give it up. They left it in the dark of night. They left the lights on.

And they left this massive thing, that cost us billions and billions and billions of dollars. The longest runways in the world, very powerful runways. Thick. Like 8 feet thick of concrete. You can land anything on it.

We left -- we just walked away from it.

GLENN: Jeez.

DONALD: And what a great thing. I would have never done that. We were having it staffed up and everything.

We would have left with strength and dignity. It wouldn't have been people falling off of airplanes. Very sad. Very, very sad.

GLENN: They're the --

DONALD: I think it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country.

GLENN: It was, at least in my lifetime.

It -- we left the -- a lot of our arms and everything else there.

Is it true, they're now one of the largest arms dealers in the world. Selling the arms we left behind?

DONALD: So -- so we left billions and billions and billions of dollars of brand new beautiful equipment. Tanks. Trucks.

Thousands of trucks. Many of them armor-plated. They're million dollar trucks.

GLENN: Why wouldn't we at least blow them up, before we left?

DONALD: Because Milley was stupid. Milley said the same thing to me. I said, I think it's stupid to leave it behind.

I said, when -- if you have an airplane and it's new, and it cost $150 million to build it. You aren't going to put a tank of jet fuel in there and fly it out, to Pakistan, or directly home?

Sir, I think it's cheaper to leave it.

He was such a stupid guy. He was so stupid. He had no common sense. You know expression I say? The Republican Party is the party of common sense. Milley was a stupid guy.

And I can just see him telling that to Biden.

We left all that equipment.

Now if you look three weeks ago. They had a parade. They have a parade every year.

Running the equipment right down the middle of their Boulevard.

All beautiful American trucks.

And all. Mostly armor plated stuff.

Very, very expensive to build.

Very expensive equipment.

Riding it down like in a parade.

Talking about the dumb Americans.

No. What he's done to the country is such a shame. Between the borders and Afghanistan.

And allowing the war. If -- Putin would never have done that war.

Now you look at Ukraine. It's like a tell me litigation site.

The cities are knocked to the ground

Those beautiful golden towers are crushed, and laying on their side.

They were beautiful.

You can never rebuild it. You know, a whole civilization has been lost. Because don't forget, those cities have been obliterated.


DONALD: So many of them. And it's one thing, peace. What does it mean?

So many people have left. So many people have died.

Many more people have died, in Ukraine. Than they talk about.

You know, they'll have missiles hitting buildings. And they'll say two people were hurt.

You know, the building will collapse. And those are big buildings. Those are buildings, like two, three city blocks. Normal city blocks.

They were big buildings. I was amazed at the size of the apartment. That's what I did for a living, right?

And these were big apartment houses. Fairly tall. And really long.

And they had a lot of people. They were hitting them with missiles. The buildings would collapse. Just collapse down to the ground. And two people were hurt. No, no. Many, many people were killed.

When the death toll is really said in Ukraine, the numbers will be much higher than people think.

GLENN: You just said something that made me think -- and I know you have to go. So we'll keep this short.

You just said, what I do. I build buildings.

And it made me think of the hotels in New York.

That are now trashing their hotels. With illegals.

What's the game here?

What is the --

DONALD: Well, the owners of the hotel are his now operating a different product.

So they used to operate luxury hotels. And now they operate them to get government money. And they're making more money -- they have 100 percent occupancy at room rates, than they ever got.

And illegal migrants, living in the buildings. And you don't want to walk into there, Glenn, because you will probably not have a good chance of getting out. It's rough stuff going on.

I have friends that own these things. And they used to be luxury. And now what they are. They are hotels.

You know, a lot of people won't go back into those hotels too. You know, in terms of --
you're a luxury guest. If that ever comes back.

But these people are making a fortune. All they're doing is sending government bills.

Here's the saddest part. Outside those hotels, the migrants walk into these buildings that were luxury, but are being beat up and destroyed.

You know, there are fights in there all the time.

Rough, rough. These are tough people. These are not -- these are rough, rough people.

They make our criminals look like babies.
But, look, we have our veterans living on the sidewalk, right outside the main entrance. And you have migrants going into the hotels. How about that?

And so the military should never vote for her. And, frankly, I don't think anybody should.

People in religions shouldn't. The Latter-day Saints should not.

That's why we were there.

We want to get that vote.

Will you please get that vote?

GLENN: Okay.

DONALD: I will tell you, you cannot let them vote. Who could vote?

Any religion. I don't know what it is with the Catholics.

But they are really after the Catholics. How can the Catholics vote for them? It's a very sad time.

But we will have more conversations. You have been a great guy.

And you've really been terrific.

GLENN: I mean this, Mr. President. I do this for my children. I will door knock for you.

You just tell me, how I can help. I will be there. Thank you for everything.

DONALD: You keep your voice going. That's the most important thing. You have a very powerful voice. And good voice.

And it's for good. And I appreciate it very much. Thank you very much.

GLENN: You bet. Thank you. You bet, buh-bye.