Ever since the ‘Freedom Convoy’ began in Canada earlier this month, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has relied on his ‘emergency powers’ to not only squash the truckers’ ability to protest, but to withhold their financial freedom too. So, now that police mostly have cleared Ottawa, will Trudeau’s emergency powers be a thing of the past? Not necessarily. Glenn details the latest in this clip...
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Hello, America. It's the Glenn Beck Program. What really happened in Canada yesterday?
Did parliament actually vote to extend these emergency powers as Draconian as they are?
Yes. And a big no.
I'll explain in 60 seconds. The way they're hiding stuff from people is unbelievable, just to throw you off the track. Relief Factor is our sponsor this half-hour. When you're living your life in a lot of pain. It can be easy to give up hope. Don't. Don't.
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STU: What is happening?
GLENN: Global warming.
STU: I know. Give me more of it.
GLENN: I hear from people all the time. We're in the same boat that I was in.
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I feel like every day, I should start with this. Every hour should start with this. The government's new directive in Canada, called the emergency economic measures order, goes beyond asking banks to simply stop transferring funds to protest organizers.
The government says, banks need to stop doing business with some people altogether. The order says, that banks and other financial entities, like credit unions, co-ops, loan companies, trusts, cryptocurrency platforms, and insurance companies, must stop providing any financial or related service, to people associated with the protests.
A move, that will result in frozen accounts, stranded money. And canceled credit cards.
They're also ordering the insurance company, to suspend policies on any vehicles, that are part of an unlawful public assembly. The financial institutions, can't handle cash. Issue a loan. Extend a mortgage. Or facilitate any transaction of a designated person. While the emergencies act is in place.
Yesterday, they voted in parliament, to keep it in place.
Now, that's what you will hear.
And you will go, wait a minute. So are Canadians, really for this? Is that who Canadians really are?
Trudeau did not have the votes, to get this extended.
So he played a little political game.
He said, well, if you're not going to support this. And -- and help me, keep this emergency measures order, which will put these people, in their place.
I'll view that as a vote of no confidence.
And I'll quit.
Oh. No. Who is going to take their toys and go home?
Now, what does that mean, I mean, here in America.
STU: I mean, this sounds kind of good. It sounds kind of wonderful, actually.
Yes, you should quit.
GLENN: Unless. Unless you're in front of a parliamentary system. And you're a liberal.
STU: Right.
GLENN: Now, imagine we were under a parliamentary system. And Joe Biden was like -- and we interpreted that as, I'm going to quit.
If we had a parliamentary system, that would trigger elections, immediately.
STU: Elections. So if you're in power in Canada. You're not in a position right in Canada, to want new elections.
GLENN: You're going to lose everything.
Imagine elections today. I don't think -- Joe Biden could say. And we would interpret that as, I'm going to nuke Kansas.
And the left would say, we're okay with that. We're okay. We're okay.
STU: They would be.
GLENN: They probably would be.
GLENN: Texas. For sure.
STU: But like, right now. If Joe Biden were like, I'm going to launch snap elections, the left would obviously get slaughtered in those elections.
GLENN: Slaughtered. So that's what happened.
So then a conservative said, after they voted for -- against the no-confidence vote. And you can have your toys, and you just stay with us.
Because if you don't stay with us, we're all going to go buh-bye too. Because we're going to be forced to.
What happened?
A conservative stood up and said, because Trudeau does not have the numbers to continue this emergency order.
And so someone -- a conservative stood up and said, I would like to move, that we vote on those two separately. We have the no-confidence vote. And now let's vote on -- and gosh darn it, they were all out of time this week.
STU: They wanted to do it.
GLENN: They wanted to do it. The Speaker was like, oh, shoot! All of you on time.
STU: Hmm.
GLENN: And so they couldn't -- they couldn't do that. So that means, it is still in a state of emergency.
I'm telling you, this is going to go on, until they have made it impossible to dig it out.
They are making all of these financial rules, permanent.
In Canada. Here's Trudeau yesterday.
VOICE: The emergencies act is not something to undertake lightly.
And it's something that needs to be momentary, temporary, and proportional. That's why every single day I'm receiving briefings. And we are reflecting on how much longer the emergencies act needs to be in place. We don't want to keep it in place, a single day longer than necessary.
GLENN: No. Of course not.
VOICE: But even though the blockades are lifted, across borders right now. Even though, things to be resolving very well in Ottawa. This state of emergency, is not over.
There continues to be real concerns about the coming days.
But we will continue to evaluate every single day.
Whether or not it is time and we are able to lift this state of mammalian.
GLENN: That is great.
That is exactly the way Hitler took power.
STU: The enabling it?
Yeah. Sure.
GLENN: He went and he killed a bunch of SS. I'm sorry. SA people. These were the brown shirts. They were on his side.
He said, they were just getting out of control.
And there were plots against the regime.
And I know I violated the Constitution. But I have to do it. I had to do it. And I would do it again.
So arrest me, and kick me out as chancellor. But I did the right thing for the republic. And gosh darn it, guess who embraced him?
The German people. You know, he did kill his own people. And we've been crying out for somebody to kill those people, or take them off the streets. So he can't be that bad a guy. Sure, he violated the constitution. Let's not worry about it this time.
And there was an emergency powers act, that had to be enacted because you never know when the bad guys are coming.
STU: I thought, we had all decided the enabling act was bad.
GLENN: You think?
STU: I thought we were like, let's not enable the leader of a country to kind of do whatever they want and call it an emergency that extends forever. Kind of thought we were in agreement on that. Apparently not.
GLENN: Well, not for good reasons.
STU: Okay.
GLENN: Okay. If the leader has good reasons, you know, like fear. Then it's okay.
STU: What are they going to do?
Let's remember what we're talking about here.
A bunch of people in trucks, parked for a couple of weeks. What happens if there's an actual crisis?
GLENN: Well, there was one. There was one in Vancouver. Or in the -- in British Columbia, where 20 eco terrorists took over, threatened lives. Put four people in jeopardy. Because they were shooting some sort of tear gas.
STU: Flares.
GLENN: Yeah. Flares into cars, where people were. They didn't do anything about that. That's fine.
STU: But I'm not saying that -- I'll throw -- I'll just throw one out. You're looking for a specific, that I can't give you. So I'll just give you a generalized possibility.
Like, what happens if a giant World War were to break out in the next couple of weeks?
In that outlying possibility, how do these governments react? Let me put it another way.
Start here. We know that Russia has gone into two regions of Ukraine. Okay?
This is something that we said was a red line. And obviously is no longer a red line. They've done this. Let's just say, they continue to go through Ukraine. What are the odds of that?
Seeming, at this point, pretty high, right? They go to continue and go for all of Ukraine. It's not zero percent. It's not 100.
GLENN: No, it's probably 30 percent.
STU: Yeah. That strikes me as about correct.
GLENN: It could be 70.
STU: It could be 70. But they definitely seem like they are doing something.
GLENN: They will at some point. They will at some point.
STU: Basically, telling everybody.
That speech they went through -- it's always been ours. So we're not taking it. Because it's not a country. Right?
We're not invading a country, because it's just our country.
GLENN: Yes. Yes.
STU: You know, so they decided to go for all of Ukraine. Somewhere between 30 and 70 percent.
So what happened -- what are the odds of this spiraling out of control?
Right across, you've got Poland, Lithuania. You have all these places that are NATO countries.
GLENN: They just went in.
STU: Yeah, they go for the whole thing, and then, let's say, spills over. Maybe they continue to go. Maybe a couple of soldiers decide to fire rockets, and start a wider conflict.
And if that happens, then we're pulled into a war with Russia. That's only a couple of believable steps away from where we are right now.
GLENN: Okay. So I don't think we're going to be pulled in. No troops will be pulled in. We don't need those anymore.
Vladimir Putin was right, when he said about three years ago, we're already in World War III. You people -- meaning us, just haven't woken up to it.
Your leaders keep denying it. But World War III is going to be fought with ones and zeros.
So when we -- for instance, the pipeline could trigger this. And journal any just pulled the pipeline off.
That's going to mean prices for heating. And natural gas. Going to go through the roof.
In Europe. Putin responded this morning, with, well, there's $2,000 a month, for your energy per household. That will just cripple Europe.
So that may just soften everybody up, and go. Just let them have it. Just let them have it.
I don't know.
The other thing is -- and this may have targeted this.
If we do this to them, I know, if Joe Biden is serious about these financial restrictions, that will mean that Putin will take on, in my opinion, the ones and zeros campaign. And he will target our financial institutions.
He could go after our -- our -- you know, electrical grid, whatever.
But if he goes after our financial institutions, The Great Reset, will immediately be triggered. Guarantee it.
Because that's what they're looking for. That's what they're expecting. In December, they did a war game.
Where a country, like Russia, targeted our financial -- the Western financial markets. And it started to take it down.
What did we do?
They had to trigger The Great Reset immediately, take everybody who was saying, hey. This is a real problem.
And here's what they're really doing. And we have to really -- that's what they're planning on doing. Take them off the air. Silence the voices. It will happen that fast.
STU: And that's. So what are we -- how do you prepare for this? Because you just listed off five or six major ways, this could go down.
And is it even plausible to try to prepare for all of them, or even half of them?
How do you prepare --
GLENN: So I think you have to -- I think you have to change the way you look at things.
So let me take a break. And then we'll come back. And I'll give you -- I'll give you something that I felt in prayer, just a week ago. Or early -- maybe it was a few days ago.
Yeah. It was like last Thursday. And it changed my thinking, entirely. On how to prepare.
I'll give you that. And then, how do protest?