President Biden is heading to Israel, allegedly to show support for the war against Hamas. But Glenn remembers when Biden refrained from visiting disaster zones so that he wouldn't get in the way. So, is stalling the Israeli ground invasion the plan? Former DoD intelligence analyst and Glenn's head researcher, Jason Buttrill, joins to break down what's going on: What will the next phase of the war look like? Why will no country take refugees from Gaza? Why is destroying Hamas so critical? And will this turn into a 3-front war?
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: So let me move it across the town of Washington over to the White House. The president is headed on over to Israel. Now, if I recall, there were times the president didn't go to disaster areas, because, well, he would just get in the way.
A presidential visit would get in the way.
This is a war zone he's going into now.
I'm not convinced of the innocence of this.
I think it is more of a delay tactic. Keep Israel from going in and really decimating things. And finishing the job.
But I'm pessimistic. And a little jaded. On the politicians. Especially on the left, when it comes to Israel.
Jason Buttrill is with us.
And he has the latest on what is happening in Israel. How come we haven't seen Israel go in?
We thought we were going to see it this weekend. Really go in. And with troops. And just go, through Gaza.
JASON: I've seen a lot of people talk about how they don't think that the ground invasion is likely anymore. And that's not how I read the situation on the ground at all. This is an unprecedented situation that Israel is now in. So not only do they have the pressure campaign from the Biden administration. You know, their top main ally, which I can only imagine. Blinken was in a meeting with Netanyahu yesterday, for, what? Eight hours. Eight hours. Can you imagine the threats that are probably getting lobbed across the table there? They don't want this ground invasion to happen. It is a humanitarian disaster. It absolutely will be.
GLENN: Good. Egypt can take care of it.
JASON: But did you see, just now, the king of Jordan, this morning, said, speaking on behalf of Jordannians and Egypt, that allowing Palestinian refugees from Gaza is a, quote, read line. They said, it's a red line (?) and we know what the actors on the line would do. Gee, I wonder what he's talking about there. Because the last time this happened was in 1970, Glenn. 1970, after the six-day war. They allowed tons of Palestinian refugees from the West Bank. Because there was nowhere for them to go, like now. What happened? Instantly, the Palestinians kicked off a Civil War in Jordan, and even tried to assassinate the king of Jordan. And the Jordannians had to kick them out. They had to go to Lebanon. What happened in Lebanon, after that. Well, gee. A Civil War broke out in Lebanon. I mean, these are terrorists. It happens every time. The entire Arab world knows this. That's why the ground invasion has to happen. Has to.
They have to be dismantled for good.
GLENN: So what are they fearing here?
Because I know they are worried about a three-front war. One from the IRGC. You think it will happen?
From Syria. That's Iran. The IRGC. Then you have Hezbollah from the north. Which is Lebanon. And they're already -- they're already there on the border, right?
JASON: They're taking potshots. As we speak, they're taking potshots.
GLENN: And then you have Gaza. And that is down on the south, towards Egypt.
JASON: Right. And so that's why this is so complicated. What Israel has been engaged in since the terror attack has happened on Saturday, is they have been doing shaping operations. Basically, what that means, they're taking out units outside the border. They're shaping their route of attack. Once they go into Baez. Which will be a sniper parades in Gaza. This will be very deadly. The worst kind of combat there is.
Even if you take 200,000 troops into Gaza. Which is a relatively small place. That might not be enough.
It will be a very, very hard fight.
But shaping operations take time.
Amassing troops along three different fronts.
I mean, that's colossal.
I mean, for the IDF. Israel is a small country.
I mean, we have more Jews in the United States, than are actually in Israel.
They just don't have the people.
So it's gynecology a lot of prayer. Forcefully it will take a lot of (?) strategy and smart thinking top pull all of this off.
Think about this in that context. (?) how imperative it is for them to do this.
And then you're getting the full-court pressure from the Biden administration.
It's insane.
GLENN: I don't just Israel will listen to us or anybody else, are they?
JASON: I hope not.
GLENN: Here's the thing: Jews are expelled from every country, except for this one.
Every country, they ever are in.
There is always a program or -- or a, you know, a Holocaust. Wherever they are, (?) they are either put into a get zero, or exterminated.
That's the reason (?) Israel exists.
No longer do they have to have permission to defend themselves.
Jews have a right to live.
I know that's a crazy concept. But I have the T-shirt.
Jews have a right to live. And they have a right to defend themselves, period.
And if that's the way they want to defend themselves, I'm with them. I'm with them.
I'm no longer buying into the bullcrap, that, well, they want a two-state solution.
No, they don't. No, they don't. No, they don't.
That he had the opportunity.
Multiple times, they always turn it down. They want the instruction of Israel, and the Jews. Period.
GLENN: But doesn't say T say in the Hamas charter, very specifically (?) we want a two-state solution.
GLENN: No. It's weird. It says just the opposite. Archaeologist atell us (?) so we can kill them.
JASON: Oh, yeah.
GLENN: Yeah. So it's got that going for them.
STU: And eventually, the strikingly Jew behind me. Which is -- that's in the charter as well.
GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. So that's really good."
So yesterday, Iran was crazy. I'm sorry. Crazier than they usually are.
JASON: Some of their official communications are, let's just say, getting a bitted on. Talking about. And again, this is official statements, about the final battle of God is upon us. That's a little alarming.
But it also shows, that Israel's enemies, our enemies, see this. And it's not just a geopolitical situation for them. It's not a humanitarian situation for them.
GLENN: I don't understand how everybody in the media, can look at somebody who says, I believe that America was a God-inspired place. And they go, religious zealot.
They're going to kill us all.
And they can listen to these clerics, who say, the final battle of time is here.
And we will wash the world in the blood of the Israeli Holocaust. We will -- we will use the fire of the Islamic fury, to wash the world in blood. And everybody is like, yeah. They don't mean it.
Hey. How about we build apartments for them?
GLENN: Pallets of cash. (?)
GLENN: It's crazy. That wasn't the only communication they were throwing out.
They were throwing utilize from their diplomatic channels. That the state of Israel will have to heed the warning.
GLENN: What does that have to mean to you.
As a former Intel guy, what does that say to you?
JASON: Initially, I think that means, heavy IRGC involvement.
That means Shia militia, throughout the Middle East. Doing God knows what.
They do have a plan.
That will progress to (?)
GLENN: That puts gas at $10 a billion.
What is the United States' role then?
I mean, Israel is not going to ask for our help militarily.
They're not going to do it.
They're fully capable. We won't intervene.
We probably will have to intervene. What else will we do?
All gas and oil flow stopping unravel because Iran intervenes and does so.
GLENN: Good thing we have those solar panels and wind panels, huh?
JASON: What would gas be?
GLENN: Ten dollars a billion. At least $10.
In California, I don't know. Eighty-seven dollars a gallon.
STU: Pretty much in California.
GLENN: I mean, it becomes, you know -- this is what ian Fleming.
I have a searchlight from the Suez Canal in my office.
Don't ask me. I tried to keep it quiet from my wife. Because every time she sees it. She's like, what the hell did you put -- anyway, it's a searchlight from the Suez Canal in World War II.
And it's missing the internal spinner that was created by a magician in Egypt, at the request of ian Fleming.
If it it wasn't for ian Fleming, I'm not sure we would have won the war.
Sincerely. Ian Fleming, the guy who wrote James Bond. Was a war strategist. And thought outside the likes crazy.
His job. One of his jobs was, how do we make the Suez Canal, disappear. Because if you bomb it, or turn it down, we're all done.
Done. We have to have the oil. So his idea. He went to a magician. And said, how do we make it disappear?
He said, we can't make it stap. But we can confuse all of the pilots. (?)
So they had these big ark lights. With this mirrored spinner inside. (?) and they would point it at the planes as they approach.
And the planes would have to veer off, because the pilots would get so confused. That's why we have the Suez Canal. Now we're looking at that very scenario again.
What are we going to do magic men in Washington?
What are you going to do?
CHIP: Well, the Iranians figured out how to do it.Ed is that was them getting involved in Yemen.
Everyone was talking about -- I guess --
GLENN: Why are we in Yemen?
JASON: And why are the Saudis? I'm not saying, not to support the Saudis.
No one is figuring out (?) it's to shut down that strait.
It's right there on the border, of that strait, Bob he will mend em(?) that is the reason.
GLENN: Right. We have an aircraft carrier there?
JASON: We typically (?) do.
I think there's a marine, amphibious ready group, that is nearby. To respond.
But the closer this gets, I would not be surprised, if the Biden administration does not shut down the ground invasion.
If -- if Netanyahu says, no. We're doing this our own way.
GLENN: You think Biden is going there to slow this down.
JASON: Why else with a he go? To show support. I just don't think so. It feels like a full court (?) that's what it feels like to me.
STU: Or at least minimize what they're doing. I don't think you will get them to stop.
GLENN: I hope not.
And, you know, I would be fine with the Israelis saying to the president. We're a little busy right now.
We want to thank you for your little 50, that you brought us from, I don't know. Taverns.
It's great. It's a bowl. We'll put it someplace. We'll never use it. Goodbye. Be very nice go. But goodbye. We've got a war to fight.