Why THIS legal expert says FBI's Trump raid is ‘OUTRAGEOUS’

‘Outrageous and unconstitutional’ is how lawyer Alan Dershowitz describes the FBI’s recent raid of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home to Glenn. A legal expert and host of ‘The Dershow,’ Dershowitz says he may have more experience with the Fourth Amendment — which protects Americans from unreasonable searches and seizures — than any other academic in America. He discusses the questions the government MUST answer about the raid, why Trump should’ve been served a subpoena instead, and why even Democrats should ‘object’ to this action from the FBI...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Professor Alan Dershowitz. Back on the program. Alan, you were one of the first people I thought of, when I heard what was going on. Because I knew you would have an opinion, and it would me to either rethink mine. Or to shore my opinion up.

ALAN: Yeah.

GLENN: Tell me about the raid with Donald Trump.

ALAN: Well, first of all, I have more experience on the Fourth Amendment than any academic in America. I understand the Fourth Amendment. I've written books about it.

I've litigated dozens of cases on the Fourth Amendment. And I'm a liberal Democrat, who voted for Biden and against Trump. But this raid is absolutely outrageous and unconstitutional.

You don't engage in a raid on a house, unless you have exhausted all other possibilities, and the most obvious recourse here, was a subpoena. A subpoena to the president. Saying, there are 25 boxes in your house. There's a safe. We would like you to bring them all to the court, tomorrow morning. Before you have a chance to leave where you are in the northeast. And come there. And destroy anything. And we will then submit it to a judge. And lawyers can argue, something that was classified. Some of it was unclassified by the president. Some was never classified. Some may be so classified, that even the FBI shouldn't have accessed it. To it, some may be privileged -- this is exactly the kind of thing that needs a document by document analysis. By a judge. Not the FBI coming in, and sweeping everything together. Breaking into a safe. Reminds me of the Geraldo Rivera fiasco, when he jumped into the safe, one of the big gangsters, Capone or somebody. Nothing was in there. Nothing was in there.

You know, you must have a single standard of justice. I'm a friend of both Sandy Berger, who was the former national security adviser. The late Sandy Berger. And a friend of Hillary Clinton. What they were accused of, was exactly comparable. And there were no searches of their houses. People who have been found guilty of taking classified material improperly, have been given fines. I don't think there's ever been a search like this, based on the allegations made in this case. Now, don't rush their judgment. Maybe there is something there. Right now, the burden of proof, is heavily on the Justice Department. And the FBI. Who justified what they have done. Absent a justification. Most Americans will not believe this was necessary. And they're going to come back and say, oh, we can't discuss it. Ongoing investigation. Classified material. Nonsense!

Appoint a special master, who has security clearance, who can objectively look through this thing, or else appoint the congressional committee. A real committee. Not like January 6th, which includes 40 percent Republicans, 60 percent Democrats. Have them look at this, in a classified manner. But we cannot except either silence or a claim that privilege somehow or confidentiality requires silence.

GLENN: But do we even know the chain of command now? I mean, how safe is it? First of all, Alan, we had Hillary Clinton, having some of her staff cut top secret off the top of documents, in a skiff. Send them to her server, at her house. And we didn't go through this. What could possibly be in these documents, that are so vital, that it -- that it warrants this, compared to what Hillary Clinton did?

ALAN: We're compared to what a subpoena would have produced. We don't know what's in there. Maybe there was a smoking gun. Again, he wasn't even on the premises. He couldn't have destroyed the information. All they had to do was issue a subpoena, or turn a vote this morning at 9 o'clock. There would have been no possibility of destroying evidence. And if anyone, Donald Trump or anyone else ordered the destruction of evidence, that's Nixon time. That's impeachment. That's criminal prosecution. That's a serious crime. Destroying subpoenaed material. It's -- you know, that's what the law is there for. To prevent that. And does anybody believe that Donald Trump would have taken a chance to destroy material? He didn't know whether there were copies of the material or other evidence that might be destroyed. This is a pretext. There's no way that the Justice Department actually believed that President Trump would destroy documents. Now, people say, oh, but a judge approved the search warrant. Let me tell you, with almost 60 years of experience. I've never heard of a judge turning down a search warrant. Ever. They give out search warrants more easily than Halloween candy. And so that's not a safeguard at all.

GLENN: Who was the judge? Do we know? Who did this? Do we know anything about it?

ALAN: No, we don't know anything. We haven't seen the document. Look, there's a search warrant in existence. We should see it. There's an affidavit, in support of the search warrant. We know what happened, when there was the search warrant for the FISA court. It turns out -- it turned out that it was filled with lies.

GLENN: By the FBI.

ALAN: Yeah. Well, I love the FBI. I've worked with the FBI. And I have worked with former directors of the FBI. It's a great organization. I don't know what the chain of command is. The White House has denied knowing about the raid. Which is quite surprising. Obviously, the attorney general who I also know. A former student of Harvard law school. I think very highly of him. I supported him for the Supreme Court. He obviously had to approve this raid. What was he thinking? Let him tell us. Maybe he's right. Maybe he did the right thing. I want to know that, Americans have a right to know that. Because we all now know, if you can do this to a former president, you can do it to Glenn Beck. You can do it to Alan Dershowitz. You can do it to all of your listeners. And this has to be justified. Or else, it has to be undone.

GLENN: Can you -- could you speak directly, as if I were a person that voted for Biden, and I despised Donald Trump. And I think he's guilty of everything that -- and he just can't be president anymore. Why is this so important, that we correct?

ALAN: Yeah. Yeah. Look, I'm talking to you from Martha's Vineyard, where no one speaks to me anymore. Recently, I was invited to a big event. Celebration of somebody. This engagement. I got a letter this morning saying, we have been told, not to invite you, because if we invite you, nobody else will come.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

ALAN: And our social reputations will be destroyed. At another event, a concert, where a good friend said, if I invited you, I would be committing social suicide. I tell all these stories, naming names in my book The Price of Principle. Because the price of principle is all about what happens to Americans today when they try to be neutral, try to be principled, try to be objective, and don't pick sides. And so I would hope that people who hate Trump. Who voted for Biden. I voted for Biden are just as upset at what happened here, as people who are Trump supporters. Now, look, there are three groups of people. There are the large tribes, for whom, about it you're after Trump, everything is okay. Constitution be damned. Constitution was written for the Democratic Party. There's no objective status. Okay. That's one group of people. The other group of people are so supportive of Trump, that nothing done against him, could ever be justified. The vast majority of Americans want to see justice, whether they voted for or against the candidate. And that's what we're not seeing here today. And so I encourage all of my fellow Democrats, to object to this. We're the ones who can really have an influence on this administration, because we're not Trump supporters. We're justice supporters. We believe in the Constitution. And that's where the pressure has to come.

GLENN: Would you agree that the FBI has been weaponized?

ALAN: I just there are elements within the FBI, that have been weaponized. I do think that. Look, it happens during the McCarthy period as well. It was wrong then. And it was wrong now. The FBI should be -- look, the head of the FBI, is not a liberal Democrat. He's, you know, nonpartisan. And I don't know whether he has deliberately done things. But remember, the FBI works for the Justice Department. They are part of the Justice Department. And so, you know, there's an old story, where the attorney general of the United States, during the Second World War, tried to get into the building late. And the building was restricted. And he said to the guard, I am the attorney general of the United States. And the guard said, I don't care if you're Jay Edgar Hoover himself, you can't get into it. But that was wrong. He worked for the attorney general of the United States. And so -- so does the director of the FBI, who worked for the Justice Department.

GLENN: Is your book out yet. I haven't read it yet.

ALAN: It is. It is. And it's doing very well on Amazon.

GLENN: Good.

ALAN: And please, buy it and review it. Because it's all about what's going on now. It's all about -- starts out with the phrase, that partisanship has trumped principle, and that we no longer live in a nation governed by principles. We live in a nation governed bipartisanship divisions. And as Abraham Lincoln said, a nation divided against itself cannot stand. That's the nation we're living in today.

GLENN: I will read it. The price of principle. You are paying a very high price for that. As are others. But thank you for having them. And sticking to them.

ALAN: I have a thick skin. I have a thick skin. I can do bear the cost. But when the people on my island, Martha's Vineyard, are not allowed to hear me speak at the Chilmark Library. When I've been banned by a public library, because I defended President Trump, then it goes beyond any parties or social communities, or social inconvenience. People have the right to disinvite me, if they don't like my politics. But they have the right to -- they have no right to prevent a library from allowing me to speak. Which is what happened.

GLENN: I hate to say this, but welcome to the club. Thanks so much. Alan Dershowitz. You bet.

The other of The Price of Principle.

STU: He didn't get one invite to one event. But he got invited to a new club. So there's an upside.

GLENN: He did. No. I don't think it really is.

Glenn Beck’s LIVE Reaction to Donald Trump’s Second Inaugural Address

Glenn Beck’s LIVE Reaction to Donald Trump’s Second Inaugural Address

President Donald Trump’s second inaugural address let the world know that America is back. Glenn Beck, Stu Burguiere, and fellow BlazeTV host Allie Beth Stuckey give their live reactions to the speech. Trump acknowledged God, proclaimed the day as “Liberation Day” for many Americans, and used “revolution language,” or as Trump put it, “a revolution of common sense.” Trump announced that the US Government will only recognize 2 genders and that he will open America up for drilling, rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America, restore the name of Mt. McKinley, stop China from controlling the Panama Canal, and end wars. But Glenn also reveals the one thing Trump said that “disturbed” him because he’s never heard a president say it in his lifetime.

Will Donald Trump Usher In a New Golden Era of America?

Will Donald Trump Usher In a New Golden Era of America?

On his final full broadcast of the Biden era, Glenn takes a look at what’s coming to an end when Trump takes office on Monday, January 20th, and what’s hopefully coming next. This is the end of an era of lies and destruction, of pure madness and unquestioning obedience to the so-called “experts.” It’s the beginning of the end of diversity being twisted into a weapon. Trump has a long road ahead of him, but he has the opportunity to renew America and start a new Golden Era.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

STU: Three days, Glenn! Three days!

GLENN: Until the fundamental transformation of America.

STU: Yeah. No more of this guy. No more of her. No more of them.

GLENN: You know, but I think it's a lot bigger than that.

I was thinking about this today when I was driving in. That this administration exiting. Is not just another exit of a president. It's not the same. And it -- it wasn't like this in 16.

Although, we hoped it would be.

But it is this time.

Because the people and the feeling in the country, even among Democrats, is different now. We're about to turn the page. And enter a new era, or a new chapter.

We're really standing on the edge.

Monday is a moment far larger than politics. But it's only the beginning. It's not just the end of a presidency. Not the changing of the guard. It is truly the end of an era. An era marked by madness, by confusion. By division. Distortion. Deafening cacophony of chaos.

All of that has drowned out reason and common sense. And it -- you know, it didn't -- it didn't start yesterday.

As much as the left tried to make this all about words.

By twisting meaning. Redefining words.

Or using words, quite honestly, to use their words. In mis, dis, or malinformation.

This era is not going to be remembered by the words, but by the actions of those who spoke, the millions of those meaningless words. We can see right now the destruction of our economy. Our security.

The -- and really, really clear terms, in the homes and the hearts of California. That it is the action of people that matter more than simple words.

By their -- by their fruits, ye shall know them. The fruit of this tree is rotted, and people now are beginning to see that.

Now, like I said, this didn't begin four years ago. It turned it up to volume number ten, but this has been brewing for decades. It has been in our institutions, far longer than any of us realized.

Metastasizing in our culture, our institutions, and our hearts. And hardening our hearts.

It is an era that we leave on Monday, that put truth itself on trial. Can you even define what truth is, anymore?

We -- we went into this place, that was so absurd, we couldn't define something as fundamental and self-evident as, can you tell me what a woman is?

Historians are going to look back on this last era that we're now leaving, as pure madness.

But it's also a time, when it took everything in people, to question the powerful mob.

To speak the truth, that you believe. It was a -- it was a risk that at first, far too many people wouldn't do. Because they were afraid of being shouted down.


Or much, much worse.

Common decency. The once unspoken bond that united us, was thrown out the window.

It became not only unfashionable. But absolutely unrecognizable.

And everybody was at each other's throats. Common sense. Our old friend, just dismissed. Exiled seemingly to the fringes of our society.

As if it were dangerous now. Or just wildly outdated. And we know that happen. We didn't know that yesterday. But we know that today.

And I mean, literally yesterday. How many words changed. How many things. Concepts. Huge truths that we knew.

We wake up one day, and it was completely being dismissed.

And we would be like, where did this come from?

We're leaving a time of breathtaking hypocrisy. Where those who deny corruption themselves take bribes from hostile nations, where the righteous call for unity, while sowing division.

This era, racism has been repackaged and sown back to us under the guise of antiracism.

Hatred, we're told me, is perfectly fine, as long as it's aimed at the right people.

And those right people, may be the wrong people, tomorrow!

Faith in God, has been replaced by faith in climate models. Sexuality. Identity.

In this last era they can't be we're now getting ready to leave. All of those religions had their own dog has. Their high priests. Their rituals. And above all, their lack of forgiveness.

Meaning, that they were anti-Christ. Teachings.

But somehow or another. Many of our churches embraced them, as the message of Christ.

There cannot be Christ in any message, that doesn't include forgiveness.

But this isn't where the story ends. We thought before this election, this might be where our story ends.

But here is the really unbelievable news.

God stepped in.

And if you don't recognize that, there is no hope for us.

God stepped in and did something none of us could do.

First of all, he saved the president's life twice. And if you think that was a Secret Service. You're nuts!

God saved him, twice!

God changed him.

And suddenly our society is waking up. This guy, who is not our savior, won!

And people started flocking to him, and willing to take bold stands and say, you know what, all this crap. It's wrong!

So this is not the end of an era, alone. It's the beginning of the end of that era. The end of unreasonable hatred of others. Not because they look different.

Simply because they voted differently.

They didn't think differently.

You know, there was nothing about actual diversity.

It was all about voting!

It's the end of unquestioning obedience to the so-called media. And experts, who demand that we followed them, without question, into the slaughterhouse. Hoping, I guess.

Hoping against hope, many of us, that if we would just comply, our turn on the chopping block would never come.

It's the end of the era of, my body, my choice.

In everything -- in everything else, other than killing your baby. You can kill your baby, my body my choice.

Well, it's not your body that's being killed. It's the baby's body.

Makes no sense. But, boy, oh, boy.

Not with masks. Not with vaccines.

Not with the basic right to just use your legs and leave your home!

It's the end of an era where we have to ask ourself, whose side is this government on?

Who is actually running this thing?

What is the actual plan that our leaders have? How -- how is this helping the average American?

Who is actually the president?

That ends on Monday. It's the beginning of the end. There's a lot of work to do.

But it's the beginning of the end of diversity, twisted into a weapon. Where diversity of thought, values, and spirit, were just disregarded. Replaced by a narrow, suffocating dogma, that demanded conformity in all ways. Even if you were conforming yesterday, and then somehow or another, through the ether, the mob decided what was true yesterday. Is no longer true today.

The mob would get you!

On anything you disagreed with. It's the end of the era where dissent was met not with debate. But with just now, meaningless labels. Racist.

Fascist. Bigot.

I think it's really important, that all of us recognize, this is not about Democrats. There are a lot of Democrats that actually woke up. It's not about Democrats.

It's not about Republicans. I think both of them stink, quite honestly.

I do, and that's the message of this new administration. And you see it with diversity of people, that are actually in this administration. We don't agree in lockstep on everything.

Far from it! The establishment in the Democrats and the Republicans do. But this isn't about Democrat, Republicans, liberals, conservative, independent.

This is truly about something much, much deeper that begins Monday.

It's older and far more grander than a political party. It is truly about the rebirth or the rediscovering of what it truly means to be free!

Monday marks the rebirth of something absolutely extraordinary!

Things we used to find self-evident. The freedoms guaranteed just in our First Amendment. The freedom to question our government.

They work for us!

We don't work for them!

The freedom to speak our mind! Even the most unpleasant and disruptive things. You are allowed to say! The freedom to worship. To live out your beliefs. To be who you are, without demanding that others speak, affirm, or even accept your truth.

You know, the one thing that we have forgotten in this last era, that I hope we are remembering. Is that this nation weren't built by people who all walked in lockstep.

They didn't agree on everything.

In fact, far from it. It was built by people who often vehemently disagreed on the path forward.

But they shared the common commitment to respecting each other's rights, and fulfilling their own responsibilities.

It was built on the idea, that disagreement, when handled with humility and respect, makes us stronger, not weaker!

Diversity of thought is important.

Diversity of skin color doesn't matter.

And so as we say farewell to an era of absolute chaos, it's really important that we don't say goodbye in anger or bitterness. And that is hard!

We can't alienate our neighbors, our assume the worst of those who see the world differently, if we agree on the rebirth of the Bill of Rights, and each responsibility that is tied to those rights.

Monday, I hope we recognize, that this is an end of an era this weekend. And Monday is an invitation to rebuild. To restore. To renew.

An era, a golden era. An era that is dawning. Just in front of all of us.

And it belongs to all of us. Not just those who won an election. Or share my view.

Or your view.

It's an era that can only succeed if we remember the lessons of the past. And commit to something better.

To restore hope. Not just in our institutions. But in each other.

Renew our faith. Not just in God.

Though, that's vital. But also in the idea that people, flawed, though they are, can be capable of incredible good. Seek restoration, not just of our economy and our government, but of our hearts, of our communities, of our families. Our shared understanding of what it means to be human.

And to be free! This weekend, I want you to bid farewell to all of the chaos. It's the beginning of the end.

There will be more chaos as we go. But as we lay it down, leave it behind.

Walk forward.

Leave your fear behind.

Walk in encourage. Not in hatred. But in love.

Because the truth is, this country has faced darker days than these.

I didn't think we would make it here, gang!

But every time this country seems to find the light just at the end. And we found it. But it's just flickering, still so fragile in mighty gusts of wind. But what will happen is not because of a president or Congress or a court. It will all happen because of you! So don't wait for anybody else. Lead the way.

Be the one who chooses faith over fear. Courage over conformity. Love over hatred.

Let's be the ones who our words are meaningless. But our actions speaks volumes. The that one shows the world, that freedom actually works. Not because it's easy. But because it is right!
Biden's Farewell Address, Rewritten by Glenn Beck

Biden's Farewell Address, Rewritten by Glenn Beck

President Biden’s farewell address was filled with all sorts of irony. Perhaps most shocking was his warning that an “oligarchy” of power-hungry elites “literally threatens our entire democracy.” Surely, he isn’t talking about the progressive elites, right?! Glenn decided to rewrite Biden’s farewell address to better reflect the reality of his administration’s legacy. No joke!


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. So Joe Biden. And I know this is all going to come as new news for you, Stu.

Because I'm not going to lie. It came to me as new news this morning.

When I read it in the show prep.

This is not something, I would even care about. From this president.

But I think it's important just to notice how he's leaving office.

And there's a couple of things. One, have you ever seen a president who nobody gives a flying crap about more than this one?

STU: I don't think so. I mean, have I?

No. Has it ever occurred in American history is more the question.

GLENN: Right. It could be like John Tyler, or Taylor.

I don't even know.

STU: Tyler. That was the one I didn't even know existed. John Taylor, I think was the basis for Duran Duran. John Tyler, former president.

GLENN: Okay. Right. So former -- so I care about what's happening in this administration, just a little bit more than John Tyler!

STU: Or John Taylor. Right.

GLENN: Or John Taylor. Either.

I mean, I care a little bit more about John Taylor. He had some great songs.

STU: He had some great songs.

GLENN: So, I mean, I just don't care.

The only reason I do care. Is because what is he doing today, to destroy our country?

STU: Yeah. We've been doing this series of Biden's parting shots on our show.

Stu Does America, by the way. Blaze TV.

And there's a lot.

You could say, he's not doing anything. Because you think he's incoherent. And falling asleep on the job.

GLENN: No. He's not doing anything.

STU: It very well may be true. It also doesn't matter. He's doing a lot to the country here, as he walks out the door.

It does not seem that anyone seems to care.

GLENN: There was another 500 billion-dollar forgiveness of loans, yesterday.

STU: Not that much.

GLENN: How much was it?

STU: He did 150,000 people. And then another 200,000 people. I believe over the past few days.

GLENN: A lot of money and a lot of people.

STU: Yes.

GLENN: And this one he's saying, because the university scammed them.

Oh, Lord.

Okay and -- yes?

STU: I think that's just -- amazing. You go through a legal proceeding. That's how they get their money back.

They don't get the money back. We don't have to take that on as a country. And again, none of this is legal. None of this is constitutional.

Most of this will be overturned after he's out of office. Most of these poor people who believe they no longer have these loans, will wind up having these loans.

GLENN: Right, but they're still going. They're still going. They're filing all kinds of suits in court, and you're like, that's not going to stand in court. They're not going to pursue that.

It's just -- okay. Well, then stop it. Spend the time to stop it. That's what he's doing. He's just lighting little brushfires everywhere.

Thank goodness, Donald Trump is not California.

He'll put them out quickly, I think.

Now, the -- Biden gave a speech, and I -- I just rewrote it.

I'm sorry. I rewrote the speech.

STU: Okay.

GLENN: Because I said everything that he said, but I added a little bit of the truth.


So let me give you what he said, last night.

First, do we have the -- the Hail to the Chief?

Or something that makes it sound official? Because it was very official.

It was in the White House. I'm not kidding.

He was sitting on a pillow last night.

Yeah. No. Real one. And just go ahead. So he's -- and now a message from the president of the United States.

My fellow Americans, folks, I'm serious. This is it.

This is my last address as your president.

No joke!

I've been in public service. For 50 years, now.

Maybe more.

I've seen a lot in my time.

But I've got to tell you, still believe in America.

Well, there's some things that we need to talk about. Things that really worry me.

I'm not kidding.

This is serious stuff.

First of all, the oligarchy thing.

Yeah. It's bad!

Folks, we've got billionaires and corporations running the shows right now, and it's dangerous. Come on. We can't have people, billionaires, who think they can run everything. Like George Soros.

Well, no.

Probably, he deserves a medal, but other people like that, that vote differently than the way we want them to vote.

That's just got to stop. Got to stop. Okay?

He's a good guy mostly. And big tech. Don't even get me started, folks.

Don't. Don't.

It's like my dad used to say. When I was growing up in Scranton, you know, just an average scrappy kid, hanging out with black people and minorities mainly.

You know, my dad used to say to me, don't trust big tech. He was way ahead of the game. Way ahead.

I loved my dad. I will cry. By the way, California, I can relate. Because I had a kitchen fire once.

Anyway, back to big tech. Don't even get me started. We had to work with them. You know. You know, to protect democracy. That's why we had an open line to Facebook and Twitter. Some people called it censorship. That's malarkey. Okay?

It was just, what's the word? Guardrails. Yeah, guard rails for democracy.

That's what that was. And misinformation.


I'm serious.

It's everywhere. No joke!

Americans are buried in misinformation.

But let me be clear. We weren't part of that. Okay. Maybe a little bit. But not very much.

I mean, not that you know of.

It's coming out?

Okay. Well, all right.

Maybe a little. We did say Hunter's laptop was fake. Turns out, wasn't. That was a surprise.

No joke, people. I had no idea.

Maybe we had a few things wrong about COVID. You know, like the origins, the lockdowns, the vaccines. But come on! Folks, I'm serious.

It was confusing. You keeping it straight.

Come on.

Look, I know some of you are mad about my family making a few bucks overseas. But, folks, let me tell you, that's how business gets done sometimes.

You know, what are you going to do?

My son, Hunter, good kid. Smart as a whip. Oh, my gosh. What a talented painter he is. Did you hear? Five hundred million dollars of his paintings have been lost in the fire!

Damn it! But a good thing we had insurance on all of that art.

You know, he got some deals. China, Ukraine. Whatever. But it was all aboveboard.

I mean, I'm serious, folks. It's fine. Totally legit. And here's the thing about AI. It's scary.

Artificial intelligence. That's what they call it. I don't trust it. One day, you're talking to your phone.

The next thing you know, it's running your life.

That's why I wanted Congress to ban stock trading for government employees. No joke.

No joke. You can't have senators buying stocks when they know stuff about stocks!

It's just wrong, folks.

Never. I mean, not recently.

I have not recently benefited from stock trading. No joke.

My family made it the old-fashioned way. Through bribery.

That's what we did. All right.

That's America. And let me tell you about America and unity. Folks, we need unity now more than ever.

But you know what is stopping us?

And I mean it!

People who don't listen. They spread lies. They stir up television.

Some of them need to vote for the other guy, and I'm not kidding.

These people are dangerous. Folks, I'm not kidding. Makes me so mad. I could -- I don't know.

You know the rest. Now, I know I've made mistakes. Nobody is perfect. I mean, I'm pretty Tam close. But come on, folks. Give me a break. I'm just doing what's right.

You have to trust me on this. In closing, I want to remind you of the statute of liberty.

That lady has been swaying in the wind for years. But she never falls. Just like America.

She might lead a little to the right or left. But she stays upright. No joke.

It's a miracle. They wouldn't let me change that torch to an ice cream cone. Which I think that would have been great. You know, on her feet, we should have given her some socks or something. Because her feet has to be cold. They're made out of metal, seriously. Seriously, folks.

I'm not joking. What's her hair smell like?

So now it's your turn to stand guard.

Keep the faith. Protect democracy.

And remember, I love the little children.

Hey, God loves the little children.

He keeps them in the palm of his hand.

I've got my palm of my hand on little children.

It's good. Folks, come on!

I'm being serious.

It's real. I love it. I'm serious.

God bless you.

And God bless something else, I don't remember what it was.

So that is a summary of his speech last night.

And --

STU: He's good.

GLENN: Then he walked off into the sunshine.

With the -- and they're pretty close.

He had the seniors come this. You know, from his senior center.

And it was regulated. Ow! That one hurt there. But, hey, he was trying. No, folks, seriously, they're trying their best.

They're seniors. And look at them go. Look at them go.

STU: The Joe Biden players. Ladies and gentlemen.

GLENN: And we're going to miss it. We're going to miss them.

We really are. We really are.

You know, I was thinking, I really don't care except for the instruction.

And I think Democrats have it in the exact right place.

Because they don't care about the destruction, I don't think. At least the ones in Washington.

And they're not paying attention to him at all. They don't care what he's doing. They don't care, okay?

Isn't this exactly the way we should all feel about our president, all the time?

Without the fear of, good God, what is he doing behind the scenes?

Without that fear. He should not have that big of an impact. Nor should all of those clowns in Washington.

You know what I would like to do?

I would like to go back to doing comedy, like, remember, Stu. In the old days, 25 years ago, before 9/11. We were doing comedy.

Wouldn't that be nice? That would be nice.

Would love to do that. But we suddenly had to care. Because these people are out of their mind and out of control.

The way the Democrats care about Joe Biden right now is the way we should care about every president.


They should have such little power. No. I'm not joking folks.

I'm not. I'm being serious.

Such little power. We don't care. Yeah.

Yeah. Now, let's go have some ice cream.

STU: I mean, that's -- what the Founders kind of wanted, right?

They wanted a country in which, where you didn't have to think about the cane all the time --

GLENN: Yeah, and you would say, shut up. Shut up.

That's what I think our Founders.

STU: Italian Founders. Yeah. Shut up.

Because, again, it's easy to think about now, as someone you probably like is coming into office.

So you might like the focus on them.

GLENN: Well, I like the focus on them. Because I will fix it. You know what I mean? And then we need to care enough to get those things out of an executive order. And passed as laws. Otherwise, four years from now. We can have somebody -- Karl Marx, they might bring back from the dead. And they will be like, Karl Marx, you know, his first time around didn't go well. But I'm serious, folks. He's great now. And look at that beard. I mean, that's a great beard. Especially for being dead for so long.

And they -- we can -- he will be like, I will do a few executive orders. What? What's the problem?

You know, no! We need to pay attention, so they actually pass these things, as bills.

STU: Interesting. A development on that front. The Republicans are trying to talk Trump out of doing some of these executive orders.

When he first starts. Because of a -- basically a technicality, that comes from this law that we want to pass, this reconciliation bill.

This is their one big bill. To do that. They can pass this bill with only 50 senators.

If it's cutting the deficit, essentially.

And so the -- what -- some of these executive orders that Trump wants to do, will help that. Right?

GLENN: But they need to have them in the pill.

STU: They need to have them in the bill to make sure the scoring is right, so they can pass it.

GLENN: You know, I have to tell you. I think there's more to cut than everyone thinks. Oh, gee, we've got to reduce the deficit.

And you will cut a lot of places. I think you could find more.

STU: I think you can. I think you can.

Again, if you're going to do it anyway. I would prefer, if it's a good measure. And it's going to improve the budget situation. I would rather have it in the reconciliation bill, than as an executive order, for the same reasons you're talking about.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. But I would like to not give away, the stuff that we could get through executive order.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: You know.

STU: If you can get it through the law.

GLENN: Get it through the law.

STU: Get it through the bill. Get it that way. If it's not available there. Then you go --

GLENN: Take it elsewhere.

Because there's a lot that can be cut. Gee. I don't know. We're a few hundred billion dollars away from being able to save the deficit. And pass this bill.

I don't know. Department of Education. Where are the keys?

STU: You can't do that by executive order.

GLENN: No. I'm saying Congress. I'm saying Congress.

We can't do it in the bill.

We can't just pass it with 50, because it's not enough.

Where are the keys to the Department of Education?

I would just like to see them, right now.

Let's put them in the pile. All right.

California Fires and New Jersey Drones: Government Secrets EXPOSED | Glenn TV | Ep 405

California Fires and New Jersey Drones: Government Secrets EXPOSED | Glenn TV | Ep 405

The secrets, lies, and utter absence of transparency from all levels of government are tearing our country apart. In just a few days, the Trump administration has the opportunity to change all of that and start a new era of accountability. Over the past decade, we’ve been lied to about Epstein, Ukraine, the Biden crime family … the list goes on! In this episode of Glenn TV, Glenn peels back the layers on two of the biggest stories right now that Americans are DEMANDING answers on: the fires in Los Angeles and the mysterious drone sightings that started in New Jersey but have since occurred all over the world. Then, journalist Michael Shellenberger joins to discuss how California failed to prepare for the Los Angeles wildfires, why there never should have been a dry reservoir, and where he believes the drones are coming from: Are they Chinese, UFOs, or the property of the U.S. government?