Why Hunter Biden’s lewd photos & videos SHOULD be reported

It continues to get worse for Hunter Biden. More lewd photos and videos have leaked from the president’s son’s laptop, and they’re VERY scandalous. So, why then does the media continue to ignore it all? Well, many on the left argue that Hunter’s personal life should stay personal. Glenn and Stu explains why that’s a HORRIBLE argument, and why Hunter’s transgressions DO affect the American voter. Therefore, they argue, there’s no reason why the media shouldn’t be reporting it…


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: What can't Hunter Biden do and get away with?

I mean, we have him, can we play the -- play the video of him, you know, weighing the crack. No.

It's him. That's a hooker and him. And he's showing this scale.

VOICE: Without the bag.

VOICE: So how long --

VOICE: 2.2.

GLENN: Okay.

STU: This could be part of the problem. He is thinking he is doing 2.07, and it says 20.7. That could be -- maybe the genesis of all of his issues over the past few years. He's doing ten times the amount, he thinks he is.

GLENN: It's -- I mean, honestly, what can he get with?

We haven't found a dead body, but I would like to -- I would like to preface that with, yet.

We haven't found one yet.

STU: Certainly, no one believes all these hookers are alive. There's no way, all of them. Come on. I mean, just statistically, some of them have to be gone.

GLENN: This is incredible. That the mainstream media still is not reporting on this.

Imagine being, just an honest American. And you have no idea, about any of this. Because you watch mainstream media. So you don't know about this. You think it's still a hoax. You know, a Russian trick.

You haven't seen the videos.

I mean, I've seen some of the stuff. It's sickening. He is -- it's sick, what's going on.

And his dad, absolutely knows. His dad is -- his dad sent him $20,000, so he can pay for Russian hookers.

STU: I mean, I don't --

GLENN: Remember what they said about Donald Trump. Oh, he was intent in Russia with hookers. Hunter Biden! That's Hunter Biden!

STU: Yeah. There's one where he seemingly sent him a bunch of money to, quote, unquote, pay for rehab. That, of course, Hunter didn't go to. And wound up spending it on drugs and hookers and the like.

GLENN: Yeah. That's a different. That's a different 20 or 50 grand. This one -- do you have the -- he just pays one of these Russian hookers $10,000. And here's a video, from his i Cloud account. Here's a video of him going down stairs, after apparently, they just had sex. And she's on the phone with someone. And not talking to Hunter. Watch this. You don't have that one yet?

Okay. Well, he comes down. And he says, did I hurt you?

Did I hurt you in any way? Have I ever hurt you? Are there any bruises on you? It is -- it is blackmail-worthy.

STU: Yeah. It's -- look Derek.

GLENN: I can't believe it.

STU: It's funny because we keep -- we've oftentimes made the point, that this is not just a Hunter Biden story. There's evidence of potential ties to corruption, directly to the president of the United States.

GLENN: Potential?

STU: Yeah. It's not proven yet, obviously. No one has looked into it, seemingly, outside of just talking about it. Things like the 10 percent of the big guy. All the way through the election.

And several other things that have gone on through here. We talked about the 950,000 barrels of oil that went to a company tied to Hunter Biden.

Now, there hasn't been a trial. We haven't gone through all the evidence yet. But massive indications, that this stuff should be covered by the media. But the we should point out, that even if it didn't have any of that. The son of the president of the United States, running around with videos of himself, doing all sorts of bizarre things with hookers and crack on camera, is a big story, by itself.

If that were all that it was, it would still be a massive story. I remember hearing about Jenna Bush going out drinking. She -- she may have stood up on a bar. Oh. Wow. My goodness.

GLENN: I remember that. Yeah.

STU: We heard about every time --

GLENN: Look how out of control the Bush family is.

STU: Yeah. Go back to Billy Carter. You go back to Roger Clinton. You go back to brothers and family members. They're -- it's always the story. This is, by far, the craziest story I've ever seen in my lifetime of a relative of the president, what we're seeing here, and it's constant.

GLENN: Well, not only.

Wait. Wait. Let's put this into perspective.

Billy Carter. Jimmy Carter's brother, got into trouble. Because he started selling Billy's Beer.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: And Billy's Beer was seen as him profiting off of the presidency. That's nothing compared to selling a million barrels of strategic petroleum, from our reserve, through his son's company. To China!

GLENN: I mean, I don't know. I think there's a problem here.

STU: Yeah. I would say, it rises above that.

And like, even if you want to say, that it's not a big story. It's just Hunter Biden and his personal story, or whatever. That's a total crock, right?

This is absolutely crazy. But let me give you a reason why we should be talking about this. At the bigger media level. With lots of resources, going into what happened here. Because, could this just be some guy, on the right, who doesn't like the Bidens, who is hacking them?

Yeah. Absolutely. It could be. Right? It could be. Could it be some person who is just bored? Could it be someone who thinks they could get a ransom for this? Could it be someone -- just some hacker group that's out there. All these things are totally possible, as to how this i Cloud account was hacked. But let me give you another possible scenario here.

We've given $60 billion to Ukraine. To launch missiles at Russian soldiers, all over the place. Some of which, have landed, reportedly, inside of Russian territory.

We have an opponent, who has said, outwardly, the next world war, starts with ones and zeros. He's threatened 20 use cyber attacks, and we know they have used cyber attacks against us.

It is incredibly plausible, that this is a peace of retaliation by the Russian government or approved by the Russian government.

It's not proven. We don't know. But it's certainly a plausible outcome, when we've sent $60 billion in missiles to Ukraine to fire at Russian soldiers.

So, like, is that not -- does that not even rise to the level of the interest of the New York Times? Or the Washington Post? How can we not be looking at this, Glenn?

GLENN: No, it doesn't. Because the problem is, you can't dismiss this. It could very well be, that the i Cloud was hacked. And given to Russian operatives. It could be. Might not be. But it could be. But you could not dismiss that as Russia propaganda. Because it's real.

STU: It's real.

GLENN: That's it is problem. It's real.

STU: It's real. But we think the hack of Hillary Clinton. It was Podesta's emails back in the 2016 campaign. You know, the reporting on that, indicates that Russians had something to do with that. But it was real. It wasn't made up stuff. These were real emails, that we all were -- became aware of. And that could be the situation here. It's not to say that, look, you would still cover the content of them. But like, it could be a major, we could have seen a retaliation into a war we just got a drawn into. And all the major publications have completely avoided the story. As if it's not worth covering at all. There's a million reasons why they should be doing this. If it's just a hacker group, if it's just someone trying to land a few bitcoins or whatever. It could just be that. Who knows?

But, like, that's an answer we should have. We should at least be chasing after it. And nobody in the media seems to even bother put in a few minutes of effort to figure it out.

GLENN: So here's the -- well, this can't do that. Because they would have to admit, that this is a story.

STU: Right.

GLENN: It's Russian -- and we have to look in. I mean, this is. Let me show you what happened yesterday, at the signing of this few gun law. Yesterday, the president is in the Rose Garden, and he is signing it. And a lot of the parents from Parkland are there. But listen to what one of the Parkland people say, in the middle of the speech.

BIDEN: I'm dealing with gun violence. Because make no mistake --

VOICE: What do you think about Hunter Biden, your son? There's a video of him talking to a hooker about how much crack he has? What do you think about that, Mr. President?

BIDEN: Okay.

Because, make no mistake about it.

GLENN: I mean, right in the middle of something historic, he's asked about this. And why is he asked about this?

Because no one in the press will ask him about this. Let me just show you some of the things that we have. First of all, show the Pedo Peter texts. This goes off. He texted someone named Pedo Peter with a message that says, I love you, pop.

Okay. There's a screenshot of it. It's a message between him, his dad. I think his sister is involved in this.

And his name on his side, is Pedo Peter. Peter is the name. I can't remember the last part. All I can think of is Henderson. Peter is a guy from spy novels. That was a KGB operative. And that's apparently the name that Joe Biden uses with his family.

Can you imagine, Donald Trump, even just doing that. Which is nothing. That's no big deal. That's a code name for the family. But can you imagine if Donald Trump would have used a fictional character's name, that was a KGB operative.
That would be enough.

STU: There would be books written just about that.

GLENN: Right. So now why does -- why does his son call him Pedo Peter? If anyone in my family would call me a pedo, pedophile, I would be out of my mind, crazy. Why does his son think it's appropriate to call his dad Pedo Peter?

Then, let me show you this one. Here's an exchange on what ethnicity and type of woman he prefers. He's negotiating for hookers. He says, girls who are like I am. Distrusting and highly, highly wary of evil.

Wow. You don't know what evil is, dude. And he goes on to describe the kind of women that he likes.

He -- eventually she says, I won't get you Asian women. And he says, no yellow. No yellow.

STU: Wow. That's totally okay. That's not a cancellation moment at all. No problem. No problem, everybody.

You know, and Glenn, like there's a -- you know this -- you've talked about this. Not the exact thing that Hunter Biden has gone through. We all know.

Inside of every guy, there is a path, a series of incredibly bad decisions. All made consecutively. That you can theoretically, there's a dark part of people, who can get yourselves into a room with hookers and cocaine. It's a sad thing to admit.

We try to avoid it. Most of us are capable of doing such things. But there is a path. Right?

You can understand all these things. You understand that people go to the party. Things get out of control.

I don't know. Never had that issue, thankfully. But there's a path for a lot of guys to get there. What I don't understand is all the filming. Why are you filming yourself naked, all the time?

I don't understand. Turn the camera off.

Do something, where a lens is not pointed at your genitals. That's all I'm asking. Spend five minutes without your i Phone in between your legs, pointed at your face and some other stuff in between. It's not natural.

GLENN: Now, think of -- think of how much we have seen from, you know, the sex tapes from, you know, Paris Hilton.

STU: Right. Okay.

GLENN: Kardashian. We've seen the sex tape. Okay. You kind of understand, in some ways, why a guy might take a video with the Kardashians. Okay?

STU: Sure. Sure.

GLENN: Not this one. Because it's focused on him. What -- what is the deal?

And why -- why -- why -- why are you taping you weighing crack with a hooker?

STU: Bad idea.

GLENN: Why are you videotaping you weighing crack? I think I might have an answer for that. We'll tell you in 60 seconds. Stand by. Oh. Remember the good old timey days, when people would go to jail for weighing crack.

Those are the days, when grandma, would bake a pie, and then set it on the windowsill to cool. And nobody in the family called her a C-word. Which is another thing from the -- but that's what he calls Jill.

The first lady.

STU: And you should be calling her, by the way, Dr. C-word. Can we give her the respect that she deserves?

GLENN: Is she a gynecologist?
Okay. I'm just thinking -- paging -- never mind.

It's important to understand how cyber crime and identity theft can affect your lives. We're seeing it with Hunter Biden right now. May I suggest, if you're a prominent person, you might want to take all of that stuff, off of your computer. I'm just saying.

You can't catch everything. They -- they can't stop the hacking, into Hunter Biden's i Cloud, what do you think -- you think they're even working on stopping it for you? No one can prevent all identity theft. Obviously.

But if you have LifeLock, by Norton, you know, maybe they can help.

Hunter Biden, not included. 25 percent off your first year with the promo code Beck. Call 1-800-LifeLock. Or head to Use the promo code Beck for 25 percent off. It's Ten-second station ID.
Dr. C-word. Oh. Okay. So what do you think of this? He has -- he kept the audiotape. Do we still have the audiotape, Sara? I think we had it yesterday of dad calling in and saying, hey, look, I think you're all in the clear here? This was -- this was the day after or the night after a New York Times article, came out, about Hunter's shady dealings. And this is the call that Joe Biden made to his son. Listen.

VOICE: Hey, pal. It's dad. It's 8:15, on Wednesday night. If you have a chance, give me a call. Nothing urgent. Just want to talk to you. I saw the article, at least it's been online. One time. It's good. I think you're clear.

GLENN: I think you're clear. Stop. This implicates Joe Biden. Joe Biden said he's never talked to him about any of that. I knew nothing about it. This implicates Joe Biden. He knows about it. And he says to his son, I think it's clear. I think you're clear.

Why would you say that? You would say that, as an insurance policy. I think this guy either knew he was going to get caught. Or wanted to get caught. I think there's this balance. I think the blackmail that's going on here, is with Joe Biden.

The blackmail that's going on. Remember, Hunter Biden was caught on tape saying, my dad will do whatever I tell him to.

If it's a priority to me, it will be a priority to him. Believe me, he will do whatever I tell him to. Well, why would you say that? You're either boasting or lying. Or you know dad is in as much trouble as you are. And you're the key to that.

This is a serious national security risk. And, you know, when we're selling strategic petroleum, from our strategic reserves. To China. Funneling it -- funneling it through Hunter Biden's corrupt corporation. We are in serious, serious trouble.


European Union Admits TERRIFYING Truth About Digital Currencies

The head of the European Central Bank just admitted that the EU has been planning to roll out a "digital Euro" for OVER 5 YEARS. Wait, we were told that was a conspiracy theory! But now that it's ready to go, the EU is bragging about it. Glenn explains why CBDCs are a dangerous pivot away from the emphasis on personal freedom that the West has long championed. If the EU adopts a CBDC, it should fracture our alliance, Glenn says. Anybody who's advocating for a currency that the government can PROGRAM and TURN OFF is no friend of America or the Trump administration. But it's not just the EU, Glenn warns. Our Federal Reserve is also developing one. Glenn makes the case that Trump and Congress must BAN THIS NOW.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Let me start with Europe. With the president of the European Central Bank. The ECB. I love central banks. Don't you, Pat?
PAT: Oh, they're the best.

GLENN: Pat sitting in for Stu again, who is just so sick.

Yesterday, he was vomiting from all the truffles he was eating on the couch, while he was watching soap operas.

Anyway, Christine Lagarde. She's the president of the Central Bank. It's basically our Fed. And they're all the same. Here's what she said, and it's a lot of blah, blah, blah. So I don't know how long I can take it. I'll summarize it if I can't take it for two whole minutes. But here she is.

VOICE: Nature doesn't like vacuum.

GLENN: Vacuum.

VOICE: And we started working on the digital euro.


VOICE: Way back.

GLENN: Way back.

VOICE: Actually when I started my term five and a half years ago. And I'm not claiming, you know, parental -- parentality on the digital euro, because my colleague Benoit Kura (phonetic) had already committed a speech on this matter before I arrived, but I certainly carried on with that project, and subsequently Fabio Panetta on the board, and then Piro (inaudible) who has replaced Fabio.

GLENN: Okay. Okay. Okay. I can't listen to somebody who is talking about Fabio. Look, here's what she's announcing. First of all, let's remember that for years, Christine Lagarde and everybody else, both here, foreign, and domestic, have said that any worry about a CBDC is just a conspiracy theory. They have silenced. They have discredited anyone who warned of the dangers of this. But now, all of a sudden, I guess we all forgot that. Because now they're ready! And the steaks cannot be higher. We, I'm telling you, 18 to 48 months, our whole world is going to be different. They are ready to launch this now, and the stakes for privacy, free markets, and individual liberty, especially anybody who kind of likes the Constitution, they're at risk. Okay? This is a really dangerous pivot that is going on right now, and I think it should fracture our alliance. Anybody who is advocating for small government, personal freedom. You know. Hey. Privacy.

I don't think you should be in bed, and Defending those who are going down the road of Europe right now.

Years ago, CBDC. That's central bank digital currency. That's like Bitcoin. Except, the point of Bitcoin is, it's untraceable.

It's completely private. And nobody can stop you from using it.

CBDC. That's a tinfoil hat conspiracy. I'll never do that.

Why would we do that?

In fact, in 2019, Mark Carney, who was the head of the Bank of England back then. He said, CBDC, you are so misguided with your fears.

And he said that, while he was at Jackson Hole. You know, they have that economic symposium, where all the really cool people go to. And they talk about things. And when we, who are not the cool people in attendance go, that sounds spooky. You're just a tinfoil hat person.

Anyway, that's where he made that speech. That it's just misguided.

There's nothing to fear here.

Because we are just experiment. Oh. Kind of like Mengele.

I'm sorry. That was bad. Kind of like, let's say, the atomic bomb. There is nothing to atomic bomb, we're just doing experiments. Why would you be experimenting, if you didn't think that it would be something that you would eventually use.

So, anyway, 2021, Jerome Powell, who is our central bank guy. The Federal Reserve.

He said, quote, CBDCs. I love this one.

Not on the immediate horizon.

Okay. So you're admitting that it is on the horizon!

So in 2024, she, Lagarde, she -- she comes out, and she told the European parliament, that CBDC skepticism stem from conspiracy theories. Saying, the digital euro is not going to be big brother, surveillance.

Remember, what a central bank digital currency can do, and will do, at least over in the Soviet -- I mean, in Europe. Will be that it will track everything that you buy. Everything you sell.

Everything you make. Okay. Not a problem. That's fine.

I don't have anything to hide. Except, it can be turned off! You don't own -- like, I can go to the bank and say, I want cash. I want my cash out. Okay?

You'll be suspected of being a terrorist, if you do that. What's the problem? Hey, that's freedom, baby.

But you can take the cash. With the central bank digital currency, you don't own that. There's nothing to take out. They own that. The central bank and the government, they own that. So you have no place to go, but through them. And if you decide with be I don't really like that, they can turn your currency off.

And make no mistake, that's not a tinfoil hat conspiracy, that's what's happening in China!

So people have been -- there's a guy, practice sawed, I think his name is. He wrote a book, The Future of Money.

It came out in 2018. We talked about it on the program. And he was made to look ridiculous.


Anybody who is a Libertarian, they've been talking about, you're crazy.

Anybody who spoke about it, on any platform during the Biden administration.

They're crazy!

And you were throttled or suspended, because you were spreading misinformation. Okay?

So I got the message. It's a farce. It's not happening.

Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Except, now they've just announced that it is happening. Okay?

Back in 2020, the European central bank said, 86 percent of all central banks are working on this right now.

Oh! Okay.

Okay. Then as she said, in 2024, there's a two-year pilot. But now she said, there's a rollout coming for digital currency, from the central bank of Europe.

So it went from conspiracy, to reality, in a year!

Love how that works. And we're all just supposed to not notice it!


So here's -- here's why this is so dangerous, and something you must pay attention to.

I am convinced that especially ASI, is going to be a tool. Remember, like everything. Like everything, even Scriptures. Scriptures, that's a tool.

It's a gift given to you, if you would like to use it. But know that that powerful gift that you have, can fall into the hands of somebody else.

And they can twist it, and use it for very powerful, nefarious purposes. That's just the written word of the Scriptures.


It will always -- everything can be used for good or bad. It depends on the people who are holding it in their hands. All right.

And I really am convinced that ASI, digital currency, that's all found in the Bible!

I mean, I'm in Bible territory here.

Specifically the last part of the Bible.

That -- are these the tools that are very much like the tools foretold.

That will be employed by the Antichrist, to snuff out anyone who dares to say, I'm really not with him.

Now, so they are -- China has already done this. They launched in 2020, with their digital yuan. It tracks everything.

And that gives you your -- your -- your currency. But it also gives you the currency to be somebody in good standing. If you don't do exactly what the state tells you to do, you're tracked, you're monitored. And guess who doesn't get to go on an airplane. Guess who doesn't get to take the train.

If we say who can't go into certain buildings. You!

Because you're no longer in good standing. And it gets worse and worse and worse, until you are literally living on the streets, only because you disagree with the government.

Don't believe me! Look it up. Now, the US is not far behind. We have got to pass -- and Donald Trump said he would sign it. We have got to pass legislation right now!

No central bank digital currency, ever!

In America. No -- no digital passport, ever, in America!

Because we're already working on a digital dollar here.

Europe's move is not isolated. It is a chess move. Well, they're doing it. And China is doing it.

Or we will do it. Because we will be left behind. I want to be left behind. There is going to come a time where you will hear me -- you probably will. Maybe. I don't know.

There will come a time where I will be like, you know, the Amish have it right. Maybe we should all be Amish. Now, I might just be saying that in a barn with cows and people all dressed in black. I don't know.

But there's going to come a time where I'm like, I think we should all get out of here. And go the other direction.

And it could be coming quickly!

Because what that means for privacy, for free markets.

For your individual choice, is beyond most people's understanding, today!

But you've got to educate. Remember, I said, there's going to come a time, where things are happening so fast, you will not be able to keep up with them.

You've already seen this in a good way with Donald Trump.

He came in. And it's not just that he had a plan.

It's also that we're using AI to find all of these things to correct!

Okay. That's why Elon Musk is there!

Tech support!

That's what speeding things up. Does and you haven't seen anything yet.

So when I give you these warnings.

Saying, hey, you've got to -- please, bone up on it. Please, go ask Grok today.

CBDC from Europe. What does that mean?

What could it do?

What are the good things. What are the possible bad things?

I think, in this case, the bad outweighs the good. Because it takes away any kind of privacy whatsoever. And hands it directly to a government!

Really bad! We'll go more in this in just a second. And so much more, just left this hour on the podcast.

GLENN: Okay. So let me explain. CBDC, central bank digital currencies. Their digital dollars, or euros. And they're issued by central banks. It's like Bitcoin.

Except, not. Here's the big difference: This will replace your cash with what are called programmable, trackable tokens.

Programmable, meaning, hey. We have inflation for gas. Or we don't want you buying so much gas, because we have to reduce emissions. Who is a central person who needs to go to work?

Everybody who has money in their bank, that's not deemed essential. You no longer can fill your tank with gas.

It won't work with any gas pump.

Okay. That's a programmable currency.

Every single transaction from buying bread, paying rent, everything, is programmable by the state.

Now, they say, oh, there's not going to be any data access. That's a conspiracy theory.

I don't believe you on the conspiracy theory, anymore.

You've lied and lied and lied.

And, by the way, in parliament. When they were talking about this, maybe in 2018, they were arguing that we can't pass any of this, until it's programmable.

It must be programmable.

And that means the government can cap your spending, block purchases.

Because, you know, can't buy fossil fuels.

Freeze your account, because you're no longer in favor with the government.

And free markets die!

Because they have a complete monopoly on money.

I don't know if you know this, but monopoly, isn't just the longest, most frustrating, most boring game ever invented. It's also a bad thing, when it comes to free money, free markets.


Tenth amendment, by the way, reserves the power to states and individuals. CBDCs. They centralize control. They undermine federalism.

This is a betrayal of everything our republic stands for. It replaces liberty with technocratic tyranny. And if Europe embraces CBDCs and they're still allies, I don't think they're allies to small government, freedom-loving Americans. They're not. They're not.

This path puts them right, directly in the path of every brutal dictator, every fascist. Every German who was on stage after J.D. Vance was speaking to them.

That wept and said, if they want freedom of speech. We don't have anything in common with them anymore.

Because we're about to roll out a CBDC. And that will make sure that everybody only says the things we want them to say.

It is no longer a conspiracy theory. Europe is rolling theirs out, a social credit system will be next.


Leaked Documents Reveal INSANE DEI Plan for NASA | Glenn TV | Ep 419

We knew the Biden administration was obsessed with DEI and CRT, but we didn’t know how deep those sinister policies infiltrated every level of the federal government — until now. Thanks to brave whistleblowers at NASA and the Department of Defense, the roots of cultural Marxism have been exposed. What started as whispers in the shadows under the Obama administration morphed into a $100 billion NASA propaganda playbook leaked to Blaze News and Glenn TV. Never-before-seen documents reveal the dangerous plan to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion in NASA’s Artemis mission and “put the first woman and first person of color on the Moon” — complete with a Nike deal. President Trump and Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth have launched a fierce counterattack to slash DEI policies and spending, but is it too late? Retired Brigadier General Christopher Walker, a combat veteran turned mole in the Air Force’s DEI office, tells Glenn there are still woke activists at the Pentagon. He’s seen the screenshots from the DOD chatrooms, and activists are panicking.


ATF Whistleblower Reveals Where Cartel Weapons REALLY Come From

The Mexican government is suing US gun manufacturers for allegedly arming the Mexican drug cartels. But former ATF agent and whistleblower John Dodson tells Glenn that this is a complete lie! Dodson makes the data-driven case that it’s the Mexican government, not the US government or US manufacturers, that’s really responsible for arming the cartels. So, what can President Trump do to stop this? Dodson gives his plan …


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: John Dodson is with us. He's been with us before. He's the whistle-blower on -- on Fast and Furious. He's blown a lot of whistles.

This one, now, he's a former ATF agent. And he's far enough away from things, to where he can legally say everything that he knows. I think, everything he knows.

But right now, the Mexican government is suing our gun makers. I believe this started, and the seeds were planted by the Obama administration, on this one.

But I could be wrong. But they're suing US gun makers. And they're blaming us now. The tariffs are going up.

Why? Because unfair trade.

Let's just have regular trade with each other.

When you charge us, we'll charge you. But in the case of Mexico, it is also mainly about the border, at this point.

You have got to declare those drug cartels, enemies of the state. And terrorist organizations. And you've got to stop them!

If not, we will! But you've got to stop what's happening on our border. What have they done?

They're blaming us for the drug cartel violence.

I'm sorry. They're blaming our gun manufacturers for this. John is here to tell us the whole story.

The author of The Unarmed Truth. Hello, John. How are you?

JOHN: Hey, I'm fine, sir. Thank you so much for having me on.

GLENN: Oh, yeah. I appreciate it. So tell me what's really going on.

JOHN: Well, what's really going on is actually complicated. But the just of it is, the Mexican government is far and away, responsible for arming the cartels.

The data that I have seen. And the way that the eTrace system works. So ATF has eTrace, which is where firearms tracing is conducted. And if I can give you a brief backup on it, if you don't mind --

GLENN: Yeah.

JOHN: So the only way we can successfully trade -- I say we, I mean ATF. I'm retired now. But the only way you can successfully trace a firearm is if it has a US nexus. It was either manufactured here or imported into the US at some point. Either way, it's stamped and manufactured in the US. Or imported into the US by the company that gets them. So to say that all the crime guns successfully traced in Mexico are US-sourced firearms, it's kind of a rigged ball game. Because the only ones we can successfully trace are US firearms anyway. If a firearm was made in the former Soviet bloc or China or --

GLENN: We wouldn't have access to that. We're not tracking that.

JOHN: Exactly. We can't trace that. So it doesn't come back. The numbers are skewed from the very beginning.

Now, put on top of that, of the US-sourced firearms. And this is where it comes into, what's the motive behind it?

Is it ignorance, or is it deception?

So to say that the vast majority of crime guns recovered in Mexico are traced back to US sources. Okay. Again, we can only successfully trace those that are US-sourced anyway.

But you are not discounting those ones that were purchased directly by the Mexican government.

Now, I have worked on the border for the past 12 years of my career.

Especially in firearms trafficking. In Fast and Furious, I was in a firearms trafficking unit. Like, that is all that we were supposed to do.
And if you look at the data, from eTrace, it's -- like it's clear.

It's so clear. And by the numbers. The reports that I ran before I retired, every year, any 12-month period since 2010, until the day that I retired in 2023, whatever 12-month period you want to run, the Mexican government accounts for about 70 to 75 percent of the prime guns recovered in Mexico.

And these are direct purchases by the Mexican government, or government-to-government sales. From the US government to Mexico.

The problem is, those weapons are considered US-sourced. An ATF doesn't delineate, doesn't take those out of the numbers when they speak to Congress. Or when they release the information. They count them as US sourced firearms. So the American civilians firearms market is left holding the bag and blamed for the cartel violence in Mexico.

GLENN: So wait. Wait. Wait.

So Mexico is buying this from us. And I assume that that -- those -- those guns are supposed to go to the Mexican government to fight cartels, et cetera.

Are these guns -- are these guns going into the hands of the cartels?

JOHN: Yes. 100 percent.

And I think on the take is, most of the money that they use to purchase these firearms is provided by the US government.

The Mexican government says, well, we need help fighting the cartels.

So we give them money to purchase equipment and weapons. They buy these weapons directly from manufacturers. And I'll just say coal just as an example. Just because everybody is recommending. They'll buy two boxes of -- you know, error variance from coal. These are military grade weapons.

Two -- one goes to the Mexican military, one is diverted in the black market. Those ones in the black market are recovered in crime scenes, and substantively traced, and then that's counted as a US-sourced firearm.

When they released the data about all the guns in Mexico, they count that as a US-sourced firearm.

GLENN: So do we have the serial numbers to prove that they were purchased by the -- by the Mexican federal government.

JOHN: 100 percent.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

JOHN: If you look at the E-Trade data. One of two ways, it will come back. And there are several different ways that this happens. So the Mexican government, the ATF has issued different entities of the Mexican government FFL numbers. They all begin with a Z. It has a Z as a first character. So they can purchase directly from manufacturers. Right?

And so when one of those firearms are traced. The trace comes back and says, this firearm was traced on a foreign government or law enforcement agency. Then the other way of doing is if they fight the government, the government fails.

So the firearms trace comes back and says, quote, the firearm is a US military weapon, end quote.

So those are weapons purchased by the US government. And then sold to the Mexican government, in order to support their effort to see the fight the cartels.

But, in fact, the vast majority of the guns that are being recovered in Mexico. Are stemming from these direct purchases by the Mexican government. And I'm not just -- it's at least 70 percent.

Every year that I ran it. And I've run it religiously, until the day I turned my computer in, and retired. I ran it. And it was 72 percent on that day. And it's always been 70 to 75 percent.

GLENN: So we're talking to John Dodson.

He is a former ATF agent. He was a whistle-blower on Fast and Furious. He's the author of The Unarmed Truth.

And we -- I think you were on the air. And we talked about this, and we talked about how the ATF was targeting and harassing whistle-blowers who were testifying in front of Congress.

And I think you made a slight reference to this.

But you couldn't talk about it. Or wouldn't talk about it. What's ranged?

JOHN: Well, if you remember, there was a different administration at the time.

GLENN: Okay.

JOHN: I was definitely worried about being prosecuted. For describing this information.

GLENN: All right. All right. So who is -- when they were doing this, is this because the Mexican government is the drug cartel?

The Mexican government is afraid of the government cartel?

Who is really afraid of pushing the government to sue our gun manufacturers here.

JOHN: Well, and those questions are what I refer to as echelons above Dodson.

Okay. So best-case scenario, the Mexican government doesn't know.

The current president of Mexico. The former president.

And the one before that, doesn't know.

They only know the data, that the ATF has released, that all these firearms are US-sourced firearms. And, therefore, they blame the US and firearms market. That's the best-case scenario. Then you have to make the argument. Or at least ask the questions of, well, why don't they know the freaking truth?

If they're buying all these guns. They're not getting them all. It's variations of the black market.

Why aren't they afraid of that?

GLENN: Well, you have to ask that of the Ukrainians too. I digress.

JOHN: That's a whole other issue. I can only imagine.

GLENN: Oh, my -- oh, my --

JOHN: So the Mexicans, either they're willfully ignorant. All right?

Or it's entirely corrupt. Either way, but what frustrates me the most, is especially now, during these current negotiations with the Mexican government over these tariffs and things like that.

Every time, you -- you hold them to account for something, the first response is, well, you have to stop the, quote, flow of firearms, end quote. You have to stop it.

And it's so hard. When we're negotiating. When we're negotiating with facts that aren't true. That aren't accurate. Or at least are disguised in a way, where they don't have the true story.

It's not fair to the American government. It's not fair to the American people. And it's not fair to the Mexican people at all.

GLENN: Okay. So then why don't we do this?

Because you can buy guns elsewhere, Mexico. Why don't we do this. If Trump knows this, and I don't know if he see, if Trump knows this, why doesn't he say, you know what, you're right.

We will stop all guns from crossing the border. You can no longer buy American arms. I know that would hurt the arms companies here's in America.

For maybe a year.

JOHN: Right. Right.

GLENN: But then things change, and the truth is out.

And Mexico doesn't want that. Why wouldn't he just say, okay. We'll stop all the guns coming across the border.

Buy your guns elsewhere. For the next 12 months. And let's see what happens.

JOHN: Well, I will be honest with you, because I don't think they know. That's part of the reason, I'm talking to you.

There's no way to tell them. They'll call ATF. And ATF will say, oh, yeah, 80 percent of the firearms are US-sourced firearms, but they don't take into account the direct purchases by the American government, or the government fails.

So whoever is handling negotiations with Mexico. If they would sit down at the table, and say, hey, we need you to work on fentanyl. And border crossings and border security and things like that. Then Mexico will do what they always do. Which will say, well, you have to stop the flow of firearms. Okay. Give me one second.

I just rescinded all the export licenses for your government, to purchase firearms directly. I have revoked the foreign FFLs of ATF, and I have cease and had desisted all government to government sales from the Department of Defense and the State Department there. Instantaneously, I have cut over 70 percent of the crime being supplied in Mexico.

So now, Madam President, it's your turn. What are you going to do? Put up or shut up.

GLENN: That's brilliant. Have you talked to anybody in the administration about this?

JOHN: No, sir. How does anyone talk to the administration?

GLENN: All right. Do me a favor. Give me a white paper on this, and you tell me who it needs to go.

JOHN: Okay. I have been pounding this for years. I have brought this to the attention of my ATF supervisors, as far up the chain as I could go. I even physically handed the printouts, the documents, the data to the highest-ranking DOJ official in Mexico City at the time, and nothing ever happened on it. And, again, this is the previous administration.

GLENN: Well, you don't expect anything from that, but I expect something from this.

So give me the names of who it should go to, and give me the best, sharpest white paper on it. Don't overwhelm with facts. Give me the, you know, executive summary on the front. So it could be understood and explained.

And then give me all the facts after that. I'll have it delivered to the right people. And then I'll -- I'll give them time to read it and digest it, or their people to digest it, and then I'll ask for an answer. What happened here? Why aren't you doing it?

JOHN: I have no problem with that, and I will work on this immediately, this afternoon.

In the meantime, sir. And I want to tell you, I know there are a lot of ATF agents that listen to your show. And people probably in the administration don't have to take my word for it. You can call any ATF agent. Someone in the administration calls the field office. Don't call headquarters. Call the field office. Call any ATF agent that has a trace account. And say, hey, I want you to run a report for me. Log on to e- trace, on the right-hand side, to generate a statistical report. Click on that. It will automatically go to your work code.

Change that default to recovery location. Put in Mexico, and put in any 12-month time period that you want. And you will see. The data is clear on this issue.

All right? The Mexican military is the number one source of supplying crime guns to Mexican cartels, hands down. And I mean, exponentially so. When you see the data, it will -- like, it -- it's -- it's flabbergasting.

GLENN: John, give me the data and get me those -- that white paper on it.

An executive summary. And I will -- I will get it -- I will get it to them. As soon as you give it to me. I will turn it right around, to all the leadership.

GLENN: Thanks, John, I appreciate it.

God bless.

John Dodson.

The unarmed truth.

If you're an ATF agent, if you can do that. You can verify what he's saying. Call us.

I would love to hear from you.

Mexico, is suing us. They're suing all our gun makers here in America for $10 million. No. I don't think so.

It's going to the Supreme Court. I think the Supreme Court will say, you don't have a leg to stand on.

Again, it's the same kind of corrupt mentality, of the last administration.

You know, of not actually addressing the issue. But going after little pet peeves.

And going after our guns. And our rights to guns.


Yes, Trump CAN Deport Green Card Holder Mahmoud Khalil for Protesting

ICE has arrested pro-Palestinian activist Mahmoud Khalil, a green card holder, for allegedly helping organize anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protests at Columbia University in the wake of the Oct. 7, 2023 attack on Israel. But now, some are claiming that the government has violated his right to protest. So, do green card holders have this right? Can the Trump administration rescind his green card and deport him over this? Glenn makes the case that YES, it can.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. Now, while we're talking about enemies of the state, let's talk about the enemies within.

There's this big debate over the green card thing. I've got a green card, so I can disrupt. No. No.

This is about Mahmoud Khalil. He's a green card holder, that is now facing being deported. Because he is a guy sowing the seeds of dissent, of violence. He is the guy who was responsible for much of the bad stuff that was happening at Columbia University.

And now, Trump, he's going in with immigration. And he just hates everybody. That's different.

No. No. That's not what's happening here. This guy is not a citizen. Not a citizen.

He was leading the protests. Really, violent, awful, ugly, anti-Semitic protests, at Columbia University. Not just anti-Semitic. But leading towards the whole Islam is great, we should have Sharia law kind of ideas.

This cannot be tolerated here in America. He holds a green card. What is that? That is a ticket. A golden ticket, to live and work in America.

But just like Willy Wonka, you can be ejected from the tour of the chocolate factory, at any time. There's some fine print there, that you might want to take half glasses. And read half of the contract like they did in Willie.

It's not a passport. It's not citizenship. So let's look at this.

You're handed a guest pass, to the greatest estate on earth.

Okay? The greatest estate ever built. Marble floors. Golden chandeliers. It's the greatest.

Nobody ever thought that it could be that great, but it is.

The view that stretches on forever and ever.

And you've been invited to sit at the table.

Have some wine. Live some life.

But you don't own the deed. The owners are being very, very generous. And they said, stay as long as you want. Now, honor the house. You have to live by our rules. Honor the house.

So you've been invited to sit at this table, eat your fill. Live like you're somebody that is part of the family.

But then you start smashing the windows. You tart, you know, whispering to other members in the House, about, this place is bad.

This place has got to go. We have to leave this place. How long before that key is snatched from your hand by the owner?

And who in their right mind would say, you can't take the key from him.


If you're a family member. If you care about the house, no one would say, Dad, you're being a little unreasonable. He was only trying to torch the kitchen and the guest wing.


He's a guest.

And that's where we are with this guy, and so many others!

Every green card holder, that mistakes privilege for a birthright, you're in for a surprise! There's a new sheriff in town.

There's a new sheriff in town. He's great. We love him. It's a revocable lease. That's what that is! It's not a title! You're not Lord of the manor.

He's got a revocable lease with you!

And here we are, today, we're all like, I don't know this.

I mean -- he should be able to sew chaos and terror. Spread all the anti-American seeds he wants!


He cannot. Here's why: A green card will make you a permanent resident. Legal.

But not a citizen. You don't vote, you don't sit on juries.

By the way, those two things are responsibilities. Not rights!

So you have no responsibilities as a citizen. Which means you have no rights as a citizen.

And if you step out of line, you get sent back.

The Constitution wraps its arms around citizens. Freedom of speech.

Assembly, all of that. Noncitizens, no!

There's an embrace there. But it's very, very, very loose. Supreme Court, made a rule, back in 1893, when I was just a kid with Fonguting.

Wait until you hear the story of Fonguting. Very exciting case.

I'll start there in 60 seconds. First, here's a simple truth that people used to know. When -- when something like the power grid fails.
And, oh, it will fail!

It will fail!

You just sit around, waiting for somebody else to get the lights back on!

Or you take care of it yourself.

How do you do that? Well, you're prepared for this. Months or even years before it even happened, in most cases. Because you went to My Patriot Supply.

They have you covered right now. They just released your new grid doctor 4300. It's the first solar generator with revolutionary EMP intercept technology.

It protects your power from an EMP attack. Keeping you and your family safe and comfortable.

It has an industry-leading 33 watts of power, which runs everything from refrigerators to freezers to medical devices. Power tools. Plus, when you get it, it comes with a free 200-watt waterproof solar panel.

Don't wait! Get your Grid Doctor 3300 with EMP intercept technology right now at Secure your family's future at Ten-second station ID.
Well, back in my take, in 1893, there was this young whippersnapper called Fonguting.

And he went -- his case was taken to the Supreme Court. I won't bore you with all the details, because I was too bored to really read them.

But I do know that the outcome is Congress can deport noncitizens at will. There is no right to stay here. It doesn't exist. You break the law. You threaten the nation.

Buh-bye. That's not cruelty. That's the rule book!

So this guy, kicking him out, that's not cruelty. That's not a tragedy of his rights being violated.

He has no rights!

It's privileges, revoked.

Not rights. Privileges!

Now, think about this again. You're inviting somebody in your home. You're welcomed to the couch. You can have all the coffee you want. You have the peace and quiet. But if you start carving up the furniture or plotting to burn the roof off. I don't owe you a bed anymore, or matches to light the fuse.

Period. America is exactly the same. We have flung the doors open, so wide, millions walk through.

And I'm happy about this, to chase their dreams. But that comes with this deal. Don't tear down!

You don't do that. You can't take the things that are holding this whole thing together, and start taking the beams down. You can't!

You're not a citizen. You know, if you hate the beams. You're really rude. But you're also a massive risk. Get the hell out of here. And, by the way, I think we have enough cracks in our foundation without hanging out free hammers. I don't know about you.

But, hey. We shouldn't give hammers to anybody that comes in here. We should take those hammers away.

So if history is a teacher and that teacher has got some scars to show you, this isn't about free speech.

Because that's sacred for you and me. We're citizens. You're born here or you swear an oath, you have skin in the fight, you can rant, you can rave. You can burn flags if you want. That's your call.

Your family, you've earned the voice!

Green card holders. You're our guests. You know, you want to do whatever you want. That's fine.

Get the hell out, period.

We have to guard the gate. You see what's happening in Europe! It's not good. It's not good at all.

We cannot go down that route. Green card holder, you're preaching terror. Buh-bye. Stirring chaos. See you later. Spitting on the values that opened the freaking door for you?

Buh-bye! Want to stay? Build, don't burn. Period.