Why do elite want to defend Ukraine’s democracy but RUIN IT here?

'Something rings very hollow,' Christopher Bedford, Senior Editor for The Federalist, tells Glenn. It doesn't make sense that elite in the West — especially America's ruling class — are hellbent on defending democracy in Ukraine but also incredibly focused on ruining America's principles at home. That's why, Bedford suggests, our ruling class may be MORE dangerous to ordinary Americans than any threat Russia or Putin poses today: 'Vladimir Putin is not...putting the United States of America into internment camps, or drag queens into school libraries, or forcing vaccinations, or closing churches, or arresting priests, or bankrupting businesses. That's what our ruling class is doing.'


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program.

Sarah, would you check with our producers.

See if we can move Carol to the bottom of hour number three. Because I have to share a couple of things.

First, I think I know what the game is.

I felt like this thing with Ukraine, has been -- there's something wrong. Something really wrong, that I've been missing. And I think I figured it out, yesterday.

And I want to share that with you. But I also need to explain that last phone call.

Because I think that's confusing, if you don't -- if you don't know -- well, if you don't know all of it. So I need to explain that at the top of coming next hour.

And I think it will really clear up your understanding of what is going on.

I think the guy we have on right now. Christopher Bedford. He's the founding partner of Right Forge. Senior editor at the Federalist. I think this will help clarify a few things too.

He wrote an article the other take, the ruling class, is a far greater threat to Americans, than Russia is.

I want to get Chris on the program now, to explain that. Because I think he's right on. Hi, Chris, how are you?

CHRIS: I'm wonderful. How are you?

GLENN: Very good. Very good. So lay out your case here.

CHRIS: My case is, there's been a lot of hot takes that have been coming out. Everyone who has had access to a keyboard has suddenly become expert on health care, to suddenly being an expert on Ukraine and Russia.

GLENN: And war.

CHRIS: And war, exactly. Strategy. And one of the things that really surprised me.

There's accusations, that's been floating around, towards anyone they suspect of being insufficiently enthusiastic for the White House.

And having an insufficient patriot of Vladimir Putin, and all the evil that he represents.

And they're trying to get the United States, into somewhat of a war footing. And rally around the flag thing.

And they're pushing themselves as real defenders of the West. You see the Germans coming up. The French, led by President Biden. Saying, we must defend the West. And there's just something that rings very hollow, in their calls. I was trying to figure out exactly what it was, in an argument with some friends who think differently than me. And what's strange. Just last week, they were saying, our flag was racist. That Western civilization was patriarchal. That the Star-Spangled Banner was not inclusive. You know, Western civilization was built on blood and tears.

That the land was stolen from Indian tribes. That we must apologize. That we're a bad force.

So suddenly, to see them turn around so swiftly, and see them say we must defend the West. To watch that speech last night. Which might as well be the state of the European Union. For the first half of it.

To watch that, and see him say, well, we're winning this war. The West is United. We're dumping out our vodka in Virginia and Texas. I just don't understand see it.

There's something really strange here. And I know down in my core. All the people, that are trying to get up there, to get patriotic. All the conservatives, the working class people, the Christians. Those are people that they loathe. And they dislike us. They hate our civilization. So I'm not buying it.

GLENN: Do you have an explanation? Because I'm with you, 100 percent. Something is very wrong. I mean, first of all, I don't know, Chris, how old are you?

CHRIS: Thirty-five.

GLENN: Okay. I'm old enough to actually remember getting the films at school, where they showed the nuclear blast. And, I mean, I'm in third, fourth grade, watching this. Going, I don't think hiding under the desk, is going to help us. You know, I remember going to sleep thinking, 18 minutes. We could have -- the whole world could be blown up in 18 minutes.

Terrifying. I haven't thought of nuclear war, and nuclear Holocaust, since the wall fell down. Up until last week.

And we were talking about a little invasion. Then all of a sudden, World War III and possible nuclear war.

And I'm like, wait. Wait. Wait. What?

CHRIS: It's like the White House wants to take the covid chip out of everyone's brains. And immediately insert the Russian chips into everyone's brains. And getting everyone going again. And I'm looking at this, like you are saying, how did we get here?

And by the way, as far as advice goes, the CDC just wants to know, that in case of a nuclear Holocaust, stay 6 feet apart and wear a face mask.

GLENN: Yeah, I know. Well, they did clarify yesterday. They said, that wasn't new advice.

I'm like, oh, good.

So they were thinking about that, before anyone was thinking about nuclear war.

What an even bigger waste of money and time.

CHRIS: I'm looking at the Ukrainian conflict, and I'm seeing some awful things. I'm seeing some real heroism.

I'm seeing pastors and priests, going into the battlefield. And give their lives. And men and women, young and old. Picking up their arms. I'm seeing a lot of heroism, and belief in their civilization.

I'm not seeing here in the United States. Vladimir Putin is not threatening me.

He's not freezing trucker's bank accounts, or making three-year-old children wear masks, or putting Australians into internment camps. Or drag queens into school libraries. Or forcing vaccinations. Or closing churches. Or arresting priests. Or bankrupting businesses. Or prosecuting Christian bakers, emptying prisons, defunding police. That's what our ruling class is doing.

And I'm saying -- I'm saying, it's a little bit of envy, that I think a lot of folks look at. When they look at someone like Vladimir Putin, they look at the defenders of Ukraine, and they say, you know, these are people, who right or wrong, believe in their civilization.

Believe in their cause. Think they're right. Are willing to fight for their civilization. Meanwhile, what we have in the West are people actively trying to suicide our civilization, to destroy it. Attacking us all the time. Trying to make an enemy, that's outside of us.

An other, the entire State of the Union. The first State of the Union, being devoted to this. This idea.

I just don't buy it. When they say the borders of Ukraine are unviable, but to defend our border is racist. When they say that Putin's claims right or wrong, for territorial ancestral lands in Ukraine. Those are ridiculous. But they teach our children, that they have to apologize, because remembering lands were stolen.

It should not be surprising to them, when they turn around and say, why haven't you all stepped up to the line?

Why haven't you gotten ready to fight for us? Why haven't you gotten ready to fight Russia? And we just sit back and say, why would I fight for you?

You don't have the moral authority to rule. You're an illegitimate ruler. And I'm uninterested in following you to war.

GLENN: Have you read Aleksandr Dugin, fourth political theory?

CHRIS: I haven't.

GLENN: You need to. It will answer a lot of questions. And it will also tell you how bright and -- and with the people, these guys in Russia. And I think he's an evil, evil guy.

Number one thing is to destroy America. And destroy the West. And he really wants to bring on Armageddon. The guy is out of his mind. Nuts.

But he has Putin's ear. He's the guy that formulated the Crimea invasion. And a lot of what people was saying in his crazy speech, a week or a week and a half ago. Was all language from Dugin.

And he is trying to get in, and pick up all of the scraps, all over the world. Mainly in Europe.

But some here in America.
And be the defender of that national pride. That doesn't matter, what country you're in. But stop feeling like you should be ashamed of who you are.

He has very -- he's using this, as a way to divide us. And that's why it's really important to understand, who you're standing next to. Because you can look at what Putin is saying, and say, yeah. He's defending his culture and his country.

But he's -- Putin at least is playing a game with that. And the Russians are planting the seeds, or giving money to a lot of groups.

That would just as soon see the United States go to hell in a handbasket as well. It's really dangerous. So you'll read this book. And about half of it, you're like, yeah, he's right. I agree with that. If you don't agree with what she's shooting for. It's dangerous.

I think you really get a lot out of the book. It's Aleksandr Dugin. I think he's just written one, the great awakening. Versus The Great Reset.

And that will tell you even more.

CHRIS: Yeah. It's wild. I have it pulled up right here. And I feel like a lot of politicians, commentators, don't understand exactly what you're talking about right there.

They're trying to writes off Putin as a mad dog. As someone crazy in the head. But they can't understand.


CHRIS: In this boardroom society, that there are men out there, who are brutish. Who will invade, who will attack our societies.

And we have to ask ourselves, what do we have to offer in response to this civilizational conflict that we're talking about. That he's talking about.

The Orthodox Church, the eastern civilization. What do we have to offer?

And it can't be Walmart and McDonald's and consumerism and empty churches. There's a wonderful speech from your listener. By Alexander Solzhenitsyn, when the Russian dissidents, when the Soviet dissidents, when he went to Harvard. And everybody expected him to pat them on the back and say how great you are. And he said, he would rather be in the Soviet Union right now, than in America. Because in America, well, we're free. We lack the spiritual strength, and we lack the religion. And we lack the moral fiber that has gotten the Soviets -- now the Russians, through all these years, and that will get their civilization through the front.

It was -- it was a really biting and jarring, and true, I think condemnation of some of the issues that we're facing. And western civilization will not be defended by Glenn Youngkin or governor of Texas getting rid of Russian products in their liquor store.

It will be defended by us, going to church. Standing up. And having leaders who will stand up as well.

GLENN: Chris, will you just check back with me. After you read their Aleksandr Dugin.

Because you get it. You absolutely get it. And very few people do.

CHRIS: I absolutely will.

GLENN: Yeah. Please get back in touch with me.
Thank you so much, Chris. Christopher Bedford. He is the founding partner of Right Forge, and senior editor of the Federalist.

STU: Point out, you're not exactly, recommending Aleksandr Dugin because you agree with him. You're talking about it, because --

GLENN: Well, did it sound like --

STU: If you need to read Aleksandr Dugin, then you'll get it. It's not like what he said was good.

GLENN: No. I know.

I want to read just the outset of his latest book. I haven't read it yet. But I want to read, what they're saying, the book. The summary of the book.
And if -- well, I'll just read it to you.