President Biden and the Democrats are doing everything they can to insist that you shouldn't worry about "petty" things like gas and food prices. But Glenn has another idea: It's not petty to look at the price of fuel right now, at your bank account, and at the looming diesel fuel shortage. Glenn breaks down how a diesel shortage would be devastating for America and why the Biden administration would be at fault. If that's not what you voted for, he warns, make the madness stop at the ballot box on Election Day ...
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: God only knows what to expect next week.
Listen to JPK on -- KJP, on what she is -- was asked yesterday, at the White House. Listen to this. Cut ten.
VOICE: Given the number of Republicans who have said they want to cut the results, and just the unpredictability of this election, compared to others, is the White House doing any contingency planning for election night or the day after. Just people not accepting results, as violence breaks out. How are you guys thinking about that?
VOICE: So a couple of things. I've been asked about this before.
I want to be clear, and say this again. Americans should feel free, safe. They should feel safe.
GLENN: Can we stop?
I can't even listen to her answer.
She's reading it, and she's the absolute worse.
STU: It's incredible. I don't think I've seen anything like this. Where a person is so clearly unqualified for their jobs.
She is absolutely no ability to do this job.
She stands up there, every single day. And reads every single answer to the most basic questions. And sometimes, can't even read them.
The entire time that question is being asked. She's flipping to a page, I guess about election violence.
And then the entire time, her eyes are straight down, to the podium. And she's reading every word of it. Why not just put Syria in charge of this job?
You can just put -- hey, Syria, read answer about election. And they should just have an automated voice. Go through the transcript and mispronounce words and butcher things just like Karine Jean-Pierre.
GLENN: And me.
STU: And you. But at least you're butching things off the top of your head, she's reading them and still butchering them.
GLENN: Okay. So here's the thing. I want to go back to Biden. So now they're talking about violence from the GOP. They won't accept it. Here's Biden, cut six, last night.
BIDEN: We know that more and more ballots are cast by early voting are by mail, in America. We know that many states don't start counting those ballots until after the polls close on November 8th. That means, in some cases, we won't know the winner of the election, for a few days. Until a few days after the election. It takes time to count all legitimate ballots in a legal and orderly manner. It's always been important for citizens and democracy to be informed and engaged. Now it's important for citizens to be patient, as well.
GLENN: Right. So why is it -- why is it we're going backwards? In a -- in a world that just keeps going faster and faster. More complicated.
In a world that has block chain.
Why is it that we are going backward within and now we're being told. For the first time in my life. No. First time was 2020.
Second time in my life, that we have to wait days, before we know the election results.
STU: No. That's happened before.
We did the 2000 elections. That took quite some time.
GLENN: I know. But it wasn't expected. It wasn't expected.
STU: Yes.
GLENN: Yes. When it's close. But generally speaking, we've only waited for Alaska and Hawaii. Okay?
STU: I mean, they've been counting votes late -- usually, the results are known, right? Usually there's enough of a separation. They're not close enough, that you have to worry about every little last vote coming in.
But part of this is state law. Like Pennsylvania state law still was not changed from 2020. Still says, you cannot tabulate any early votes until Election Day. So there's no way they're going to have them all counted. They're not.
GLENN: Yeah. I wonder why.
STU: They're quite clear --
GLENN: I don't want to get into it.
STU: Republicans did not change it either.
GLENN: I know. I know.
STU: Should be done, you're right, though.
GLENN: Here's the thing: This is inexcusable in this country. But that's what I would expect, from this country today.
We are not -- we are not America. We're not.
That's gone. Now, we can always revive it. Just by our attitude. And what we take into our own hands.
What we do, ourselves. That's America.
Americans always were the ones that were like, you won't climb that mountain. I'll climb that mountain. Oh, this country says, you can't do it that way? Here. Let me show you how to do it.
That's where we are. But the people have been convinced, they have no longer any power to do anything. To reinvent. The only guy really showing us that is Elon Musk.
That's the only guy in our society, that really shows us, as a nation, and he's under attack.
They do everything they can, to shut him down.
And Joe Biden actually had the cojones, to say last night, that you know you shouldn't be selfish. That our democracy, our republic, Joe. Our republic. Maybe the president should get that right.
He says, our democracy, our form of government, is a way of being.
We need to vote, knowing who we've been and what we're at risk becoming.
I agree 100 percent.
But he also said, that you, in this defining moment, have got to stop worrying about those petty things, like the price of gas and food.
Petty things?
Really? Those are petty?
It's petty for me to worry that diesel reserves are at a 71-year low. It's petty for me to tell you a story out of Lincoln Nebraska. About a trucking company. With everything that's going on. And a potential rail strike, still looming. He didn't solve that. He just pushed it off.
That too can disrupt the shipment of fuel.
The guy who owns the Lincoln-based Stanford-matic trucking (phonetic). He said, I don't know what we're going to do. I don't believe we have any alternative. So if the pipeline shuts down. It's shutting me completely out of business.
He's been in business for 26 years. He said, everything that they're doing is costing everybody more money. The poor people are the ones who will suffer the most. Because it all comes babbling down to them. The people who can't afford it the most, are the ones who will get hit the hardest.
Of course. If they can't deliver, or they have to raise the price of diesel fuel, which is coming after the election, he says, everything in stores, and every city of the United States, is brought in by truck. Probably 99 percent of those trucks run on diesel.
So you'll see everything in the grocery stores, go up.
Until the prices of diesel go down.
Well, I would like to say, that 99 percent of the trucks run on diesel. That are delivery trucks.
Yes. But 100 percent of the trains, run on diesel.
100 percent of the ships, run on diesel.
And I don't think it's -- I don't know. I don't think that it is petty, to think about that.
Now, this isn't the first time, by the way, that you'll have a turkey shortage, for Thanksgiving.
However, this is a particularly bad year. Right -- this year, for Thanksgiving, you may not be able to afford the things that you have had, in my life, every Christmas, Thanksgiving, we have had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce. Every -- every year. My entire life.
Maybe not this year. You're going to have a hard time getting a turkey. The prices in the stores are jacking up so high, that you may not be able to afford it.
By the way, the fed approved another three-point hike, to take rates to the highest since 2008.
Let me just remind you, in 2008, Biden was running, and said, there will be no coal plants here in America.
No coal plants here in America. He's still saying that. He's also still saying. In fact, do we have the clip of John Kerry, cut seven?
VOICE: Ford Motor Company and General Motors and other companies around the world have spent hundreds of billions of dollars retooling their plants. Why?
Because they're going electric. And by 2035, that's all we're going to have in America. Our electric cars being manufactured. Not on the road. But being sold. And new cars. That's President Biden's goal. By 2035, he wants the power secretary of America, to be carbon free.
So if we accelerate these efforts, which is what technology, and entrepreneurial activity help us to do, this will change even faster. And so that's where I draw enormous hope. And some optimism.
GLENN: Great. Stop. So what he believes, is we're all going to be fine. And the tooth fairy is real as well. Sorry, kids, to break it to you.
This is not selfish for you to worry about.
This is not petty for you to worry about this. This is not a one-time thing. These prices will not go down.
If this administration continues. Let me give you this.
Earlier in October, the International Monetary Fund, issued a stark warning, about the global economy. In it, the IMF economic counselor and director of research wrote that the 2023 slowdown will be broad-based with countries accounting for one-third of the global economy, poised to contract.
The three largest economies, the United States, China, and the euro area, will continue to stall.
It will also reopen economic wounds, that were only partially healed post pandemic. In short, the worst is yet to come.
Okay. Is that petty, to worry about that?
Because these are the people, that are spending money. Think of this. They're spending money. Which needs to be printed. So they're printing money. So they can give you, how many billions did he give away last night? So they can put that into the economy.
And then, at the same time, raise the interest rates, so you can't afford to spend money.
Because they need to claw that money back. They're taking that money away from you. And at the same time, all of the money, that you have saved, is being devalued.
Is this petty, to worry about this?
By the way, the president went over to OPEC, and said, hey, can you -- he only wanted to do it until the election was over.
We now know. But, you know, what would have strengthened his hand to bargain?
The Keystone Pipeline.
But he canceled that. This guy is so incompetent. And this administration and the Congress and the Senate, are going right along with it.
He may be incompetent. He may have bad ideas. But I can guarantee you, these are not his ideas.
This is a strategy from the far left.
And they are crippling us.
So I'm sorry. President Biden, as -- as I won't be agree with you, that you said last night, darning forces are threatening democracy.
No, sir.
Your own dark forces, that you are in bed with, that are carrying out the policy, you are in their cases, hiding, and in some places, celebrating. Those dark forces are a threat to our republic.
And with God's help and God's blessing, the madness will end November 8th. Next Tuesday, at the ballot box.
May it be a fair fight.