WARNING As Global Stock Markets Drop FAST

WARNING As Global Stock Markets Drop FAST

U.S. stock markets took a plunge Monday morning after a bad day on Friday. The Dow plummeted hundreds of points, Warren Buffett is selling stocks like crazy, and Japan's stock market recently had its worst day since 1987's Black Monday. So, are these signs of a coming recession? Financial expert Carol Roth joins Glenn to explain what's going on: Why are the stock markets crashing? What does Warren Buffett know that we don't? Are tech stocks like Apple and NVIDIA just going through a correction phase? Is the Federal Reserve to blame? And what can average Americans do to prepare?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Friday, we had a bad jobs report. We're still not in a recession, indicators are showing that we are headed towards one.

But, you know, the indicators have been wrong before.

We are headed towards one. We are headed towards a depression at some point. I just don't know when.

And we're headed for a massive, global collapse. Again, I just don't know when.

Nobody does. That's why I ask you, please, be prepared.

And please take my -- look, I'm not an expert in anything.

Nothing. I'm -- I'm a former DJ, that is a recovering alcoholic, and I'm a self-educated man. So take everything that you -- that I say, with a grain of salt.

I want, I need you to do your own homework.

I hope -- honestly, this hasn't happened yesterday yet. I hope that you do your homework. And you think, wait a minute.

Glenn, you're missing this. And you show that I'm wrong. Because I want to be wrong. But it is coming.

And we are in the birth pangs of the future. We are giving birth right now, to the future.

A baby is coming out. And I don't think -- I don't think we're going to like it.

I think it's one of those babies that comes out like, hey. Mom and dad.

You know, and guarded by Rottweilers. But we're -- we're approaching something.

And our Dow is down almost 1200 points in futures. The reason why this is so important, is because it's not alone. Friday, bad jobs numbers. We were down 611 points.

That's a pretty big at all. This morning, before we even open up. We're down almost 1200 points.

You know, that's almost 2,000 points, in two days.

But in Japan, stocks were wiped out. This happened while you were asleep.

The Nikkei 225 is falling 12 and a half percent. That is the biggest single day decline since Black Monday's collapse of 19 -- what?

'89 or '87, I think it was.

Also, if you read any financial news over the weekend. You saw that Warren Buffett is selling like everything.

He is having the biggest fire sale he's ever had. He's never sold stocks, dumped stocks like he's dumping them right now. That's what happened to Apple a couple of weeks ago. He said, yeah. I don't really feel comfortable with Apple. I'm going to sell. But what we didn't know, until he had to file was, he's selling everything.

And holding on to just the crème de la crème.

What does Warren Buffet know, that we don't know?

Nothing. The difference between Warren Buffet and you and me, is he trusts his gut.

He trusts what he reads. And he doesn't wait, for other people, to verify. His team verifies. And he trusts his team.

I just -- the words of my grandfather keep ringing in my head. If we only knew what the rich people knew, before the Great Depression, we would have been fine. Well, what are the rich people doing?

Also, China found out this weekend, they are buying -- I think it was 50 tons of gold, more, than they said they did.

They said they stopped buying gold. Now some sleuths have gone out and looked. Because something wasn't right. And all this gold was being shipped over to China.

And they realized, my gosh, China is still buying. They're telling people they're not, to try to keep the price down.

So what are the rich people doing?

What are the people in the know doing?

The VIX, which is the volatility, something that is really important if you watch stocks. But it's just important for you to know. And this is just off the top of my head. In 2008, the VIX, the index of volatility. How volatility are things right now? Was at I think 47. In 2008.

In COVID, it was like 56. And it's currently on a scale of one to 100, 65.

So that is an alarm bell that people watch, and say, what kind of -- what's the weather forecast?

What's the VIX say? Are we headed towards really choppy seas?

Yeah. More according to the VIX. According to them, more than 2008 or COVID.

Intel just announced they're cutting 15,000 jobs or 15 percent of its workforce.

Now, let me go and witch topics, to England. What you're seeing in England, is a -- a looksy into the things that are to come here in America. What's been happening in England? Well, for a long time, this is why Brexit happened. And, by the way, I don't think you're going to hear this analysis with -- with other people.

So take it for what it's worth. But as I read it, Brexit happened in a way we can relate to. Brexit happened because people were tired of being told by bureaucrats that they never elected, what they had to do. How they were going to live their life. And those same bureaucrats said, you know what, it's not that cool to be British. I mean, you have a really bad past, Great Britain, and so I wouldn't be so -- I wouldn't be so proud.

In fact, don't fly your flag. You should fly the European flag.

Okay. People didn't like that.

They want to have their own control.

Then, on top of that, you had wild, unfettered immigration.

Do either of these sound familiar to you? So they had wild unfettered immigration.

At the same time, they built on top of a house of cards, where they said they were taking Islamic terrorism seriously. But then they opened the borders. And the police never took them seriously. It was never taken seriously.

You could chop a guy's head off, in the streets of England. And what would people say?

Well, your officials would say, we've got it under control. It was just a misunderstanding. It didn't have anything to do with anything.

There's nothing to see here. Go back to your homes. Nothing to worry about.

Kids were being kidnapped by Islamic rings. And they were being sexually abused. And the police denied it. Denied it. Continued it.

Then when it couldn't be denied anymore, they did a little bit, very little bit. But then everybody in the neighborhood that was standing up, they were deemed the bad guy. So this is the Bubba Effect.

Three girls in a dance class. Just cute, cute little girls in a dance class, 17-year-old kid comes in, and stabs the three girls.

Now, he has a Somalian name. So everybody just assumed he was an immigrant. He's not an immigrant. Bubba Effect. Bubba Effect.

Remember what that was? I told you that in 2000 -- I don't know -- 4, I was talking to Special Forces. And I said, what is the thing that you're most concerned about? And they said the Bubba Effect. What is that?

When the government has lost all of its credibility. And, for instance, they say, we're serious about terror.

And they're not. And people keep pointing it out. And the government doesn't respond.

And then something bad happens. And Bubba, not really knowing anything about world religions or whatever. Will walk into a convenience store. And he will shoot a Sikh because he's got a turban, and he doesn't know.

He'll shoot a Sikh. And it's you people.

And everybody will know, that's wrong. But when the federal government believes in, the people will stand up and say, hey. We'll deal with Bubba. We know he was wrong. But he was acting because you refused to act. You are the -- the problem.

That's what's happened here. They were wrong.

And then on top of that, you have inside and outside, nefarious forces.

You have people who are white skinhead Nazis. You have people who are Islamists. You have people who are just power hungry.

You have people who just want to see the world burn.

And they're all on social media. And what is the government doing?

The government is blaming everything on the right. And social media.

Which will only make things worse. Because the forgotten man, is not a neo-Nazi.

The forgotten man is just the guy who just loves his country. Has gone to work every day.

Seems to be forgotten. Seems to be left behind.

Nobody ever seems to talk about him.

Unless it's to blame him for something that he had nothing to do with.

And, of course, everybody's lining up. To quash, freedom of speech.

They don't have it, like we have it here in America.

They already have speech laws. They're now talking about shutting everybody up.

That won't make things better. It will make things worse.

A Civil War in Great Britain, in a few minutes we'll tell you exactly what is also happening, in Israel, with Iran. And how Russia is now helping Anna Ann enemy of the United States.

GLENN: For anybody old enough to remember, I believe Stu has become Johnnie Carson. He's never working. He seems to always be on vacation.

And always sitting in for him, is Mr. Pat Gray as usual. Hello, Pat.

PAT: I guess somebody cares about the show, right?

GLENN: Yeah. If it's just really you. Just you and me. You and me.

Thanks for coming in again. This is double duty for you. So how are you feeling?

You just finished your show.

PAT: Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. Oh, I feel great.

I think things are going perfectly. Don't you?

Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Nothing to worry about. Nothing to worry about.

GLENN: Yeah. I was in LA this weekend.

Unfortunately, this is my time in California. In I don't know how many years. Oh, man.

I don't like it. Anyway, I was in LA this weekend, doing some business.

And I didn't walk away, with a good feeling.

Now, it is California. But there are so many people that are just convinced that Kamala solves the problem.

They don't -- they won't even look at how radical she is.

PAT: Hmm.

GLENN: If she becomes our president, we are in deep, deep socialist trouble. You think the economy is bad now. This is like putting Chavez or Maduro in. She is as left as that. And everybody is -- at least in California, that I talked to, they're still just enamored with anybody, but Donald Trump. It's like, no, guys, voting for the enemy of the person and just blindly doing it is a very bad job. You must examine their record as well.

PAT: Uh-huh and people forget in 2019, she was the most liberal. The most progressive senator in the United States of America. Beyond Bernie Sanders. Beyond Elizabeth Warren.

She's the worst possible choice for president.

GLENN: Yep. Yep.

PAT: Worst possible.

GLENN: And the Democrats knew that.

PAT: Yeah. They did.

GLENN: I mean, that's why had to be voted for her. Nobody voted for her.

PAT: Right.

GLENN: And I'm growing more and more convinced this was a brilliant move by the Democrats, by the radical left in the Democratic Party. They got her to be vice president, because there's no way America would ever vote for her. So she could become the vice president. And at this point -- because Donald Trump is so unpopular, with the left, she's only a point and a point and a half behind him.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: That's insanity.

PAT: She's actually leading quite a few polls.

You know, despite her radicalism.

This is a person for abortion on demand.

GLENN: Because nobody is looking at it.

PAT: The border disaster that she's overseen.

She wants to ban fracking and offshore drilling.

She claims she didn't want to ban fracking, but she was all about it just four years ago. She wanted to ban the filibuster.

GLENN: She also wasn't just for the filibuster. But for the Supreme Court.

She's also for a guaranteed jobs program.

PAT: Right.

GLENN: That's the Soviet Union.

PAT: So bad.

GLENN: You can't get any more left than that.

It's really, really not good.

Nationalized health care. She wants the government to take it over.

Now, she said recently. But in 2020, when she was running, and this is who she is. This is what she believes.

PAT: Right.

GLENN: She's moderating because she has to now.

But this is what she believes. Government needs a wholesale takeover of medicine.

GLENN: Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. I have to tell you, I really wish I could put you in my head space right now. It's almost like there's a hedge of protection, on my head space right now. Because it's -- the news that is coming you out is really, really dark, and we're getting closer to something.

And we're going to like it. The Dow is way down. Japan was almost wiped out. Twelve and a half percent.

They had to close the trading floor for a while in Japan. And that is happening in Europe, and now coming here, we had bad job numbers. Lots of layoffs. Intel laid off this morning, 15,000 jobs.

Looks like Chevron is moving to Texas from California. They just can't take California anymore.
And there's riots on the streets of the UK. And I want to get back to this story a little later in the program. But it is -- it's rage bait that is going on. And it -- people are now saying, Elon Musk said this weekend, that civil war is inevitable in the UK. But we also have some news.

Today, it looks like Iran is planning on attacking Israel. They announced this over the weekend.

Speculation was, that it would happen sometime today.

Remember, it's -- it's late in the afternoon.

In the Middle East now, on Monday.

And so, you know, usually if things happen, they happen by the time this show is over. It's usually started.

So we're watching that closely. Jason Buttrill is with us.

He is our chief researcher.

Also, head of watching over all global affairs.

On the program. When it comes to war. He is a former military intelligence.

And is here, to tell us, exactly what we're expecting.

Let's start with Iran, Jason.

JASON: Hey, Glenn, how are you doing? I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened yet. We were getting word that it was supposed to kick off sometime over the weekend. I think the biggest takeaway here, is there will be a response. Pretty much everyone expects it. It sounds like the Israeli military intelligence is expecting it, very imminently. There's a carrier battle group that's on its way from the US to the region, to support, if anything should kick off.

We know something is going to kick off. The question now is just how badly it's going to. And this is only the beginning stages of this larger regional war. And I'm going to say this.

I do believe, this is going to be a regional war, with multiple people. Countries involved. And it's going to mirror their regional war that's already going on in eastern Europe.

And that sounds interesting. Regional war is breaking out everywhere, and we're expected to respond to every single one of them. How is that going to happen?

GLENN: Okay. So the Mediterranean is the sixth fleet, right?

JASON: That sounds correct. I don't remember.

GLENN: I think it's the sixth fleet. You know, I'm sorry if I'm mistaken.

What I want to know, is this carrier group that's going on out, in addition to what we usually send in the sixth fleet, that's always there. Is this a replacement, or is this an addition? Because that's a huge addition.

JASON: I'm fairly positive, that this is an addition to what's going on out there.

GLENN: That's pretty significant, right? Carrier battle group.

JASON: It's especially significant, when you think of all the different theaters that we're guarding against right now.

And I got to tell you, Glenn. Looking at the state of our economy. Our adversaries. What they're trying to do with our economy. Organizations like BRICS. They also are the same people that are opposing us in Eastern Europe right now.

You've got, can I say it --

VOICE: And Israel.

JASON: And Israel. Can I say cascading protest movements that are going all the way through Europe and heading all the way to our own doorstep. Did I read that? Is that where it was?

GLENN: Yeah. That's where I think I got it, yeah. Sure.

And after it cascades, it comes to the United States, and all our enemies look at the West. And say, now, now, now.

And that's exactly what's happening. If you look at what's happening with the Middle East with the Houthis, those are funded by Iran. But now who has just been spotted on the ground and been -- been announcing that they are providing military advice, at least? That's Russia.

JASON: Yeah.

GLENN: Russia is now assisting the Houthis. So this is becoming a global war. Whether we like it or not.

It will.

JASON: Yeah. Everyone always analyzes this.

They say, oh, BRICS will never outdominate the dollar, you know, as the global reserve currency.

They'll never do it. They will never challenge the United States one-on-one. You know, the United States is too powerful. Agreed, one on one, but that's not what's being built here.

I have to tell you, when I was looking at all this information, all together, I kept thinking about the famous Paul Harvey monologue, you know, if I were the devil, what would I do to make change? And I'm not the devil. But I am saying that look at everything together, and connect all the dots. Who were the players that were involved in every single theater? Who were the ones? Who were the ones sowing discord, that is cascading all over the world?

Who were the ones?

Look at the places that haven't blown up yet, but are on the cusp of it. You look at Taiwan. You look at North Korea. That BRICS unit is involved in every single one of those. You cannot destroy the United States or defeat her one-on-one.

We are too powerful, but taken together, with all the different countries that they are building, by the way, and united all at the same time, what happens?

I don't know the answer to that. Because we've never been there. But we're going in that direction. And the people that are running this country, are driving us there in a Cadillac.

GLENN: I will tell you, the -- what happens, if it's World War II, America wins.

Because World War II, America was united.


GLENN: And we all came together, to fight against evil. That will not happen this time.

We are too divided, and the government has made so many mistakes. I'm really very concerned about England. Because England is the Bubba Effect. It's -- we don't even know the facts, and that's another problem.

But we don't even know the facts of what really happened, that started all of this stuff.

They haven't figured out this kid from last week. They still don't know, well, is he Muslim? Is he not Muslim?

You know, how is he -- we don't know any of that. But people are all assuming that this was a Muslim immigrant. It wasn't.

He was born in England. He's English. But the facts don't matter anymore. Because it appears as though the government is lying to the people in Great Britain. And so they've had enough.

And then you have outside forces, dare I say it, like Russia, again.

And the influence of those we have spoken about, many times on this program.

That want the West to collapse. And are sewing this -- this really demonic seed in not only England and France and all of Europe. But here in America, as well.

Unless we get transparency, we're -- we're -- we're in trouble. Unless somebody stands up and says, you know what, I'm going to open up all the books on this.

The -- the arguments that I'm hearing now, that Kamala is just so great. When this whole thing has been un-Democratic from the beginning. And nobody is really looking at her record. And everybody is saying, you know, well, Donald Trump, he's a bad guy. Where? On what?

On what?

I said to somebody, this weekend. You know, this has been the -- this is the one time, that you can look at a politician.

And I think they're all dirty. But I lived in New York City.

Pat, you remember this. We used to drive by the Trump apartments or hotels on the east side how.

And he was building like five of them, and including, you know, digging under the highway.

And he built five in the same time the city took to build one small building, right across the street from them.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: And I would have said to you, six years ago, eight years ago, the guy is dirty as hell. He's got to be. Because you can't -- how is it he can get the unions to do everything he wants them to do? How is it he can build five buildings to every one that everybody else builds?

Well, I don't know. But he's the most investigated man, I don't know. In human history. And they've never found anything like that. And nobody will listen. Nobody will listen to that. Nobody will listen and say, they've just been trained, Trump bad. And if you're comparing, you know, anyone to Hitler, I mean, Charles Manson could look good.

Well, he only killed a few. Yeah, and he's got the Nazi swastika carved into his forehead. But he's not telling everybody to hang banners off of every building. You know, hello.

So they give you the worst possible look at somebody, and somebody who actually loves America.

And -- and here we stand, with everything in open flame. Jason, what are you expecting to happen today either in England?

Or -- do you agree with Elon Musk? That he says Civil War is inevitable in England?

JASON: Well, I mean, you've got to think -- what's happening in England, I feel like, can be copied in multiple western countries. Because the big behavior is the same. You talk about the non-transparency. Let's just talk about that for a second. And how this fuels this. If you look at any major mainstream outlet, over Europe and here, all you see is the same headline. Far right protests. Or rioters.

You know, truth -- based off of misinformation.

GLENN: Yeah. Misinformation. Disinformation or malinformation from social media.

JASON: Right. And then they won't even talk about the person that did this attack. They'll say, well, it wasn't an immigrant. Well, we know his parents are from Rwanda, we know that. Were they illegal? Do they talk about that at all, because I guarantee you that the people out there protesting in the street, the point is exactly the same.

Like, this is a crisis of the government's creation.

GLENN: But I think you are -- I think you are giving too much credit to -- look, they can completely wrong. These people were from Rwanda. Maybe they came here legally. And they've been great citizens. And their kid is a great citizen.

It has nothing to do with them, or the kid.

This is -- this is the frustration, of the English people saying, my government is not listening to us. That's the Bubba Effect.

We know he's wrong on that. We know.

But that's not the issue. The issue is, you've been lying to us. For too long.

So we'll take care of Bubba. You back off. That's the Bubba Effect, and I think that's what's happening.

The worst-case scenario in Iran. They say this one is -- this attack is going to be expected and unlike anything the world has seen. They say, it's a new something.

I don't remember exactly how they said it. But it reminded me of one thing.

I would like to get your opinion. What do you think is coming?

JASON: I think that a similar attack involving a massive amount of drones and rockets is probable.

I think the addition of non-traditional warfare, armaments like those EMP, Electromagnetic pulse type weapons, I know can be launched from artillery or drones or rockets, as well. To knock out --

GLENN: You know they have that?

JASON: Well, I mean, we don't know for a fact. But Hezbollah has claimed they have gotten them. That wouldn't surprise me at all. Those weapons have been around since probably the '80s.

So we know they're out there. They're just rarely used. I think we used them in Kosovo. We've used them a few times. But think about Israel's ability to respond to a massive wave, coming from the Houthis, coming from Hezbollah.

Hamas. Iran, you know, herself.

And then with all of their electronic superiority knocked out. Yeah, we're looking at a much different battlefield, sure.

GLENN: I will tell you, I think -- I was thinking about this, this weekend.

That, I think we're in the same place we were at the end of World War I, and the end of World War II. New things are being -- or at the beginning of World War II.

New things are being invented, horses, instead of tanks.

Or tanks instead of horses.

Airplanes. It changed the battlefield.

And I really feel like our big, huge aircraft carriers, and everything else.

I think those things are a thing of the past, in warfare. I think we could be overwhelmed quickly.

And I think China, for one, knows that.

GLENN: Hello, America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. We are going to talk about what is happening in the stock market today. We are on the edge of a very, very big abyss, and I hope we don't fall into it at this moment.

But some things are happening. And you need to be very well aware of them. And we need to go there, with Carol Roth in just about 60 seconds.

Speaking of the economy, it's just -- it's crimes of mismanagement, at this point.

It's impossible to keep track of everything they're doing, that is just absolutely suicidal.

But you can the raw draw a chalk outline around the US that are. And set up the police tape. There's been a murder here. Maybe after this next election.

Things are K start to get better. Nobody hopes that will get better more than you and I do. But you cannot count on that.

We are in a cycle where weak men have created hard times, and it remains to be seen, if we can pull out of this nose dive and become strong men.

All right. Carol Roth, welcome to the program.

CAROL: Glenn, you have to promise me, that one day, you will bring me on to talk about good news.

We'll talk about ice cream. We'll talk about puppy dogs. I feel like your audience, every time they see me, they're like, oh, no. Carol Roth is back again.

GLENN: I know. Carol, I was just thinking the same thing. We never talk when it's good times.

The stock market now. There's -- I have lots of questions, can you just give me the update on what's happened around the world, and then with the opening bell with the stock market?

CAROL: So last week, obviously, we saw some selling off in the stock market. It started with a repricing of the, quote, unquote, Magnificent Seven tech stocks that had been driving up the market. Taking everything else with them.

And, you know, there's -- I think there was an awakening that, oh, in order for AI to be a thesis, companies will actually have to spend a lot. And then that started kind of things.

A few weeks ago, kind of moving. Then in the middle of last week. We had the Fed, who did not -- excuse me, did not lower rates. But did signal, that that could be on the table for September.

And, you know, normally, you would say, okay. The market, wants the Fed to cut rates. What happened, then we got in weak job report. On Friday.

And while sometimes, the bad news can be good news for the market. In this case, they could take it for bad news. That potentially the Fed was behind the curve in terms of lowering rates. And then they felt like maybe this whole idea of a, quote, unquote, soft landing. The idea that you could get the economy as opposed to inflation down without wrecking the economy is off the table.

Then while all of this is going on. You have the Bank of Japan last week. That decided to do the opposite of the Fed.

They have been in 17 years of basically negative or zero interest rates. So they're amortization is going in the other direction. They are trying to raise rates. The first time in 17 years. About four months ago. And then they decided, because the yen, you know -- the yen against the dollar. They needed to fix that. That they were going to go ahead and raise their rates. And fortunately, they did not thread the needle perfectly on that, and that created implications for their markets.

So when Japan opened, you know, last night, our time -- their time in the morning, they saw this massive, massive sell-off. And what happens sometimes, when you get these massive sell-offs are these unwinding of trades. Because they have had zero to negative interest rates. You get a lot of people borrowing.

Those people who borrow, make bets on the yen, and on stocks.

Both in Japan, and in the US. And then they get the margin calls. And then they end up having to sell. And that begets more margin calls.

So you saw the Japanese Nikkei go down 12 and a half percent, in one day. It was their single worst day since 1987. That Black Monday day.

So now, as, you know, the market has opened here in the United States. You know, there's anticipation of, you know, do we get -- how much blowback do we get?

Especially since we had seen some weakness last week.

And obviously, things will shift during the trading day. As we talk here.

So this is kind of realtime. The market opened up, down, pretty significantly. Depending on the index. Somewhere between three and 5 percent.

And we have seen that come off a little bit, as we're talking realtime.

I think that has -- if there's any silver lining here. It's that night it opened. And it continued to fall. And continued to fall.

There was a little bit of support there. But still, as we're talking. We're still seeing the Dow, down almost 3 percent.

The NASDAQ, down almost 4 percent. So it's definitely an ugly day across the market.

GLENN: So how much of this has to do with technology. NVIDIA, which was the darling, just I don't know. A month ago. Everybody was like, you got to have NVIDIA. And maybe that's greed talking. And maybe that's why you shouldn't buy NVIDIA when everyone is saying that happen. But they're down almost 10 percent today. That's down 23 percent from their high, I think like a month ago. Artificial intelligence stocks are down. Tesla is down. Super micro computer down 9 percent.

They're -- is this just everybody down, and why are the tech stocks down?

Were they just too high? Do you know?

CAROL: Yeah.

So this is a bit of repricing in tech. And let's put this in perspective.

So the NASDAQ, which is very tech-heavy. Sort of a good proxy for what's going on, in the tech market.

The 52-week range, the low point, within the last year of where the NASDAQ has been, was 12,544. We're still today, at over 16,000.

So over the last 52 weeks, we still have these massive gains, and it got as high as 18,671.
And I think that's part of the catalyst here.

I mean, these prices, this, quote, unquote, bubble was not sustainable, a lot of people were talking about that.

And the fact that, you know, we see this over-exuberance in tech all the time. You know, first it was web three and the Internet of Things. And the metaverse, and now it's AI.

And all of those DCs have eventually come back down to reality. I'm not sure we're in reality yet. But, you know, as you have companies talking about their earnings, and talking about the spend.

I think there was just this insanity amongst investors. That they felt like AI was just going to take off. Without looking at the cost side.

And as companies are talking about, here's how much capital we will have to deploy, in order for this AI thesis to really work out. I think the market went, oh, okay. Maybe we're not pricing this correctly.

So I think that's part of it. Another catalyst that we've seen. Warren Buffet, noted that he had lessened his position in Apple by about 49 percent.

And obviously, that is --

GLENN: Yeah. That's not lessening. That's not lessening.

That's cutting it in half. That's significant.

CAROL: Cutting it in half.

GLENN: And he's doing this with a lot of his holdings. If I understand right.

He's making some of the biggest sales, he's ever made.

It's almost as if he's becoming bullish on America.

And is -- what does he know that we don't know again?

CAROL: This is a good question. And it's funny, we're having this discussion today.

If you go through his shareholder letter. His other -- one of his other big bets. That he talks about in the shareholder letter. Started in 2019. He doubled down in Japan. He has five really big companies. And really big positions in Japan. So the day that we're talking about Japan going down. And at the same time, the US is going down.

Obviously, Warren Buffet wasn't a catalyst for both of those things. He's still -- as far as we know, still bullish on the Japanese train. But it is interesting.

He has this massive cash pile, I mean, $276 billion, I think it is. Which is just almost impossible, to deploy.

I mean, to think about how, you know, as an investor, you even think about putting that to work and getting the appropriate returns.

So I don't know -- there could be several catalysts.

This is all very much speculation. Because we have not heard from Warren at this point.

I don't know if this is a signal. Where he felt like, hey.

Tech is just getting, you know, so froth peep this is a really good time for me to take profits.

Maybe a little bit of taking profits, ahead of the election.

Worry about an increase in capital gains, perhaps.

Under a potential new administration.

Although, I don't think he would have sold, you know, half of the position, because of that. But one never knows.

And, yeah. Just repositioning his portfolio. But certainly, given the fact that he's lauded as the best investor of all time.

When he does things, people have concern. And the fact that whether it's Bank of America. Or it's Apple. Or some of his other positions, you know, add the fact that he is going to cash -- certainly, I would imagine, on the retail side. And probably on the institutional side, to some extent, has an impact in terms of people's behavior.

Why a Kamala Harris presidency would be DEVASTATING for small businesses

Why a Kamala Harris presidency would be DEVASTATING for small businesses

Would a Kamala Harris presidency destroy small businesses? Small business expert Carol Roth joins Glenn to make the case: "They want to kill the gig economy and all the small businesses that depend on independent contractors in favor of unions and big business. So, it's very difficult to say, 'I am the small business, I am the worker candidate,' and still be in favor of these things." Carol compares this to "McDonald's being pro-cow." She also explains why Harris' claim that 19 million new business applications have been filed since she and Joe Biden took office is incredibly misleading.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Okay. But, Carol, she does have some things she can boast about.

The small business success. She claims a record of 19 million small business applications were received, under their leadership.

And that's a record, I hear. That's what they say.

CAORL: Okay. So this is -- I think most people know, who listen to me on your program. That I'm one of the world's leading experts on small business.

I've been entrenched for decades. I heard this -- this thing. This small business application.

And I went around, to every group that I know. And I said, what is a small business application?

Because when I started my business, I didn't have to apply, at the federal level.

You know, historically, I had an LLC. I registered that with the state. Some people had sole pro proprietorship. What does this mean?

Because we have 33 million plus businesses. But that only grows on net. Less than a million a year. So how is it possible that we have 19 million new application starts. And so far, no one has really been able to give me an answer. I have one -- one committee, you know, related to the House, who thinks that maybe there's an information that came from the state census data. I asked them. They actually are having a committee hearing. And I asked them, if they could ask, the FDA administrator. And putting her on the hot seat. Because they're running around, touting these made-up statistics to sound like they're some champion of small business. At the same time, Glenn, NFIB came out with their fall business optimism index today.

The 30-second consecutive months, that small business optimism has been below the historical average. And that's a 50-year average.

GLENN: Well, that's because they fear Donald Trump is coming back.

CAORL: For 32 months, yes.

GLENN: It's crazy. Because I see this number, of 19 million small businesses. And I -- and I am like, I thought, that was just because of all the businesses, that they had put out of business. They're like, starting up new businesses. So I just thought, they were taking credit. Like they do with all the job creation.

We've created more jobs. No, you didn't. People went back to work. You had told them, you cannot work.

So, of course, there were people going back to work.

But you're saying, this isn't that, at all. This is possibly even made up.

CAORL: Yeah. It's -- it's something that nobody knows really what it means. It certainly is not a prop -- it's not a prop for new small businesses created, which is what they're intimating. And we know the number of small businesses, you know, a year ago, was 32-point-something million, and then it climbed to 33-point-something million.

You know, yes, that's on that. Unless they're killing a million small businesses a year, which we know, they're certainly trying. But I don't think they've succeeded in doing it yet. That this is an absolute -- it's just, you know, spouting off nonsense.

And they're doing this, you know, again and again to gaslight people. Into things are so great. We're so in your corner. But at the same time, she's coming out, and she's tweeting about anti-small business policies.

Like, the Pro Act, that she said she's going to put in place. Which, for people who don't know, that's the anti-gig worker and anti-independent contractor language from California's 85 (phonetic) taken nationally. And they want to kill the gig economy and all the small businesses that depend on independent contractors, in favor of unions and big business.

So it's very difficult, to say, I am the small business. I am the worker candidate.

And still be in favor of these things. Which is why I equate it to being like McDonald's being pro-Catholic.

GLENN: You know, it is -- as a small business owner myself.

I look at tomorrow. And think, if they get in, the regulations, just the regulations, alone, that are still sitting out there, that they want to impose.

Will just crush small businesses.

These guys, you know, they used to say, well, the -- the Republicans are in with big business.

Well, then we're also in with small business too.

You know, they had a business attitude.

These guys are only big business.

They are only in with the giant global corporations.

That's all they care about. And it's honestly, like they're trying to impoverish, the small business.

And impoverish the middle class.

Without moving any of the middle class up. They're moving them all down.

CAORL: Yeah. I'm glad that you brought up regulations.

Because as I mentioned, there's this House Committee meeting right now.

And they came out with a report earlier this year, that the Biden-Harris agenda. Imposed $1.7 trillion in regulations on small businesses.

Ask that was before we've had some of these pending regulations, go into place. So I am certain, that that's higher.

And that is millions upon millions of hours that are wasted. That is dollars that are wasted.

And that's a barrier to success. You know, we keep hearing this ridiculous phrase, the opportunity economy.

Well, if you want to create opportunity, you reduce war about barriers. You reduce regulations.

You reduce taxes. You reduce the government being up in your business.

And you have the government minding their own business.

So that you can go off and work in your business.

That is what it is all about.

GLENN: You know, I know that our audience is heavy on entrepreneurs.

And people who have done business for a long time.

But there's also a younger generation that listens.

And explain, why regulations hurt opportunity.

CAORL: They hurt opportunity. Because number one, they're costly. Two, you're spending time, complying with the regulation, instead of spending the time working and growing your business.

And the challenge is that if you are a big company. If you're the Amazons of the world. If you're the Walmarts of the world. You have -- not only a whole balance sheet to deal with this.

You have a whole host of people in your company. Whether it's HR. Or whether it's some other administrative functions that can deal with these regulations.

When it comes to small business, the majority, greater majority of small businesses. It's just beyond -- so it's one person, who is already wearing all of those hats trying to deal with this. Even if you have some employees, you don't have the wherewithal, the ability. You're struggling enough to deal with inflation, finding the right workers, you know, remaining competitive, dealing with cyber security and the like. You don't have time, and you don't have the bandwidth. And you don't have capital, to deal with these regulations.

And some of them are so onerous, that people want to close their business. Something that we've been talking about, Glenn, for months now.

That the corporate transparency act, which is this registration, with the financial crimes division of the Treasury. I've had hundreds upon hundreds of small business owners, and people looking to start small businesses, saying that they don't want to. They want to close their business. They don't want to start.

Because they don't want to deal with the asymmetrical risk of having their information exposed or the government coming after them, for doing something wrong.

So because the government is imposing this regulation, which, by the way, is still in flux.

It's preventing these entrepreneurs from taking those risks. And creating opportunity. Which creates jobs. Which creates more dollars in their community. Which grows the economy.

Which is what we need, to move ourself forward. This is so obvious.

But all they want to do is take away wealth. Create barriers. Redistribute it. And make it revery challenging. For a small business owner, to succeed.

GLENN: You -- I think it was you, Carol.

Said, oh, maybe six months ago, we were talking. And you said, Glenn, most of the stuff that they've done, doesn't really kick in until 2025.

So we haven't felt the full impact, of Bidenomics yet. Was that you that said that to me.

CAORL: Quite probably. Quite probably.

GLENN: Okay. So what is it that is coming still, that we haven't felt. Describe next year. Just as it stands, without any new policies. If we just continued where we are?

CAORL: Well, as I said, the House small business committee, is doing a markup on seven different pieces of legislation, trying to overturn, you know, all of these stringent rules for small business. The corporate transparency act. We have until the end of the year, for that to go into effect. If there's no delay. Which, by the way, there's two delay bills. Two repeal bills.

And seven lawsuits. If we don't get that done by the end of the year. Then people are going to be seen as compliant. Then on top of that. You know, we have the tax cuts and jobs act, you know, large pieces of that, is expiring and changing the way the small businesses have to look at their taxes and figure out, you know, what makes them -- from an administrative standpoint. So, you know -- and that's, again, scratching the surface.

So, you know, one after another, there are things in the pipeline. And then if Kamala Harris were to become president.

Again, day one. They will try to rule by executive order. One of the other things, you know, this Department of Labor rule. Very tight. Independent contractor world.

That went into effect in March. They haven't truly been enforcing it yet. I haven't seen much in the way of enforcement. But if they start to crack down on that, that is something that could kill all of the small business across -- across-the-board.

So there are just so many different things, and it's challenging enough to own your own business.

As you know, the small business owner. To not constantly having to be worried about what the next shoe that is going to drop, coming from your own government.

GLENN: Carol, one last question. I would like to take a one-minute break. And then I would like you to come back and talk about. They're talking about a 50-basis point drop in the interest rate in loans.

Some people say, that's really good.

Some people say, that could collapse everything. Can you -- can you explain if that's a good thing or a bad thing, at this point?

Carol Roth is with us. So tell me about the options the fed have, has now.

What's happened with employment. Why they might be dropping the interest rate.

And is it a good thing or a bad thing?

CAORL: Well, so I have always contented that the fed, didn't have the right tools, to address inflation.

And inflation was coming from the pie constraints, not demand. That the Fed really focus on his demand. And after 15 years of zero interest rate policy. That it wasn't them, that changed much of what was going on.

In terms of demand for new loans. Et cetera.

But they have taken up the interest rate very high.

And a lot of people in the market.

A lot of investors, feel like they are behind the curve, in terms of normalizing policy.

Because they don't want to keep it so restrictive, that they cause a recession.

That's the concern all along.

So now that inflation has come down on a headline number. We know cumulatively, it's up over 20 percent. And that's what Americans are contending with. But from a policy standpoint, they see that inflation is coming down. And they see that the labor market, hmm, isn't quite as robust as they had hoped. So they are trying to address policy, to, you know, quash any recessionary outcomes. That's really what they're trying to do.

They have a couple choices. Right? They can do nothing as they have done for quite a while. They can deliver a cut and now they're deciding between --

GLENN: We have about a minute.

CAORL: -- a half a percent. And a quarter percent.

A half of percent may be bad news for them.

Because it may give the market a signal, that things are worse off, than they are.

So I think they will be a little bit more cautious. And go for that 25-basis point or whatever percent cut.

GLENN: All right. So you don't think that it will -- unless it's 50 basis points, I don't think that it will be a bad thing. Other than signaling that things might be worse than they thought.

CAORL: Right. And it's a much bigger signal at 50, than it is at 25, given where we stand with all the data. But I know you have limited time. We can get into this in another day.

GLENN: Yeah. And I'm not sure that anybody will want to open up the purse strings at this point.

I think everybody is waiting to see, what will happen, you know, with the -- with presidential election. I mean, because we're going one way or the other. And they're in opposite directions.

So it's kind of a scary place to be, as an investor, or a small businessperson. Or just, you know, a regular worker, in America today.

Carol, thank you so much. Carol Roth.

The Untold Story of Alex Jones | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 227

The Untold Story of Alex Jones | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 227

Nobody is neutral on Alex Jones. He’s either loved or hated. He’s either a villain or a hero. But underneath the labels, who is he really? In this episode of "The Glenn Beck Podcast," Glenn asks Alex the questions “people never ask.” A native Texan, Alex admits that after 50 years, he’s much more introspective. In his youth, puberty turned him from a “bookworm to a hellion,” and his fighting streak landed him in a juvenile detention center. Alex fills in the details of the little-known stories between his childhood and the infamous moment he snuck into the Bohemian Grove to document its eerie “cremation of care” ceremony, which Alex describes as a “little like an art festival” but also “cultic.” Alex’s family's involvement in what he describes as “clandestine stuff” inspired a curiosity about the “corporate dinosaur deep state" that led to a skepticism that has defined his career, including his controversial questioning of 9/11. In a vulnerable discussion about his regrets, Alex admits to a period of time after Trump began his run for president when he was drunk on his show “at least once a week,” and he reveals if he would have considered any penalty fair in the Sandy Hook defamation case.

Is Alex Jones a hero or a villain? In the end, you’ll have to decide for yourself.

Jason Whitlock SLAMS Tyreek Hill for playing the race card during police stop

Jason Whitlock SLAMS Tyreek Hill for playing the race card during police stop

Miami Dolphins star wide receiver Tryreek Hill got a lot of sympathy from the media after he claimed that police officers pulled him over and immediately got violent. But BlazeTV host ‪@realjasonwhitlock‬ joins Glenn to tell the full story. Whitlock lays out the evidence that Tyreek, not the officers, is mostly to blame here. He also tears into Tyreek for playing the race card during the traffic stop (with hispanic cops) and slams media outlets like CNN for immediately running with his victim narrative.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Tyreek Hill. He was driving to the game. When was it, Sunday? Saturday? Sunday, wasn't it?

STU: Yeah. Sunday.

GLENN: And he's driving, I think his McLaren. He's speeding. He's pulled over close to the stadium. And people are -- you know, the fans are going into the stadium are driving by. Like, is that Tyreek Hill?

STU: They noticed.

GLENN: And the cop knocked on the window a couple of times. And said, hey, roll your window down. And he's like, no. And he's like, roll the window down.

And he's kind of a punk about it. Eventually, it ends up, they pull him out of the car, throw him down on the ground, and they cuff him.

And, you know, I'm having a hard time seeing -- you just don't treat the cops that way. I don't care who you are. You just don't treat the cops that way.

But it's a big mess now.

And Jason Whitlock is with us. Host of Blaze TV, fearless. Which if you haven't watched yet.

You need to. It's -- it's really into culture. And Jason is -- he is a spiritual guy.

A -- a faithful follower of God.

Really struggles with questions of the day. And tries to get it right.

And tries to be, you know -- look fort righteous answers on things. And he does a fabulous job. And I'm proud to call him my friend.

Jason, welcome.

JASON: Good to be here, Glenn.

GLENN: So tell me, what is happening with this? And why is this so divisive?

Why are people defending Tyreek Hill?

JASON: Because he's black. And we're in an election cycle, and we need a George Floyd or the left needs a George Floyd. And they're trying to make it out of Tyreek Hill. He's not a victim here.

He triggered the police, first by speeding past the police officer. In what clarifies as a construction zone. That's going to get you pulled over. And then he's, you know, in a half a million car.

GLENN: I was going to say, it's hard to be the oppressed when you're in a McLaren 730S.

JASON: Yeah. So when they're asking him to roll down his windows because his windows are tinted jet black. You can't see inside. So he briefly rolls it down. And gives them his driver's license, I think. And maybe registration. But then he rolls his window back up.

And that triggers the police. Because now they have a suspect, who has rolled his windows up. They can't see what he's doing. Is he getting a gun?

Is he trying to throw away guns or swallow drugs?

They don't know. Because the guy didn't have enough time to figure out, oh, this is the Miami Dolphins' star wide receiver.

GLENN: But if you handed your -- I mean, let me play the other side. If he handed him his driver's license, it says Tyreek Hill. You would know the name.

JASON: It may not mean anything to that police officer. Glenn, let's say you were that police officer.

GLENN: I wouldn't have known. I wouldn't have known.

JASON: There you go.

And so, you know, maybe that's a tiny bit of a stretch. But even if it is a football player, you know, do we have to go much beyond O.J. Simpson. Rae Carruth, and many other criminal, professional athletes, that say, hey, roll that window down?

I need to see what you are a doing. Do you have drugs? Do you have a gun? I don't know.

GLENN: Are you only saying that as a black man, because he's a black man? Why do you hate black people so much, Jason?

JASON: Because, and, again, I don't.
I'm just not into racial idolatry.

And any human is capable of being flawed, and so I'm talking about Tyreek Hill, not as a black person. He's a flawed human being. He's a man. And he handled this in a very poor way. And he triggered the police.

And you get the energy that you put out.
Because he starts yelling at the police. Why do you have to bang on my window like that?

And that's not how you deal with the police. Particularly, when you're in the wrong.

You know, I'm a feeder, Glenn. And so when I get pulled over, for speeding, the first words out of my mouth are, I'm sorry, Officer. How fast was I going?

The first thing out of my mouth.

GLENN: It's exactly what I say. F

JASON: First thing. I'm sorry. Because, one, I recognize, the police officer is like any other worker.

The less work he can do, the better. And so I've called him now, and he's got to pull someone over. He doesn't know. Is this going to be a hassle? So I've triggered the officers, so I say I'm sorry.

And so now to see Tyreek Hill, holding press conferences, demanding that this officer or officers get fired. Are you kidding me?

Because Tyreek Hill's history, you know, when he entered the league out of college. There were allegations of him beating up his pregnant girlfriend.

GLENN: Oh, jeez.

JASON: That was a controversy, when he got drafted in the NFL.

There have been -- there has been a controversy about a young child of his, and how the child got his arm broken. Was it Tyreek Hill? Was it the baby mama. He's had several incidents. He's an irresponsible person.

He has at least ten children. Maybe 12, by six different baby mamas. This is a very irresponsible person. He's speeding in a construction area, and he's dealing with the police in a poor way. And I don't know how we reached the conclusion that he's a victim.

He's not.

GLENN: He's not a victim. Is that the way most people look at it, Stu, that he's a victim.

STU: That's definitely the mainstream media version of it. That's what I've heard all over sports media. They're all seemingly terrified of saying that he did anything wrong at all. Well, treat the guy with respect.

GLENN: You know, this is amazing. Because this is the way the elites work. They think they know better. They think they get special privileges.

You know, if I'm pulled over by the police. I say the same thing that you do, Jason.

I'm sorry. How fast was I going?

I don't expect any special treatment at all.

You know, if I certainly was get it, I guess I'm a little, you know. Thank you.

And let's get out of here, before you change your mind.

But the elites, like Hunter Biden, who is white. Do the same thing.

They treat people poorly, because don't you realize who I am?

That's a real problem. That's not the way we should behave in our society.

JASON: Look at. Look at all the -- what he triggered with his speeding. With his disrespect. His unwillingness to roll down his window.

Now the next thing you know, his teammates that are also driving into the stadium.

They see him, they pull over to the side of the road. And they start questioning the police on the spot. On the same.

And are these large men, football players. Getting out of their cars. And so now the police are like, hold on.

Now I've got Calais Campbell, 6-8, 315 pounds, questioning -- this is a nightmare scenario for police. It's dangerous for drivers.

It's -- it's a mess. And now Calais Campbell.

And I think there's another team. They briefly get detained, because they want to bicker back and forth with the police.

Again, all the procedures tell the police, don't let bystanders start getting in and increasing the tension and the conflict.

And so Tyreek Hill's irresponsible behavior, puts him in harm's way. Puts the police officers in harm's way. Put the teammates in harm's way. Put other motorists in harm's way. And Caitlin Collins has him on CNN, and treats him for eight straight minutes, like he did nothing wrong.

And blah, blah, blah.

And I'm just -- this is -- the world.

It's backwards. Here's a man worth a couple hundred million dollars, with ten to 12 kids, that he's responsible for.

And we're holding him to the lowest standard. When he should have the highest standard.
He's got more to protect. More to lose. More people counting on him. We could be -- like Tyreek, what are you doing here?

GLENN: Well, I have to tell you, he's also forced to drive a McLaren. He doesn't have a Bugatti. I mean, the guy is clearly oppressed.

STU: Jason, is it true? That at some point, he had mentioned something about, while he was sitting on the sidewalk there, this was all about him being black in America.

And the officers responded with, that they too were dark. Was the term they used.

Because they were Hispanic officers. Is that actually accurate?

JASON: Absolutely accurate.

And, yes, he did. I'm just a black man in America.

GLENN: Oh. I hate that.

JASON: You know, it's -- it's -- listen, the guy has been granted second and third chances to have this career.

And here's a police officer, let's speculate. Maybe the guy makes between 80 and 120,000 bucks a year. Driving a motorcycle. Doing very dangerous work.

And he's trying to destroy this man, who probably has a wife and/or kids. He's trying to destroy him.

Trying to deny this man, who doesn't really need a second chance.

But trying to deny him, forgiveness for whatever little -- you know, if I were dealing a pie of who was in the wrong here.

Tyreek Hill is 96 to 99 percent in the wrong.

And maybe there's three percent of the officer being a tiny bit aggressive with him.

GLENN: I have to tell you, this hurts people that actually are actually oppressed.

Because this really does happen with cops. And we know it. But when you have this guy, coming out and treating cops like garbage.

And saying he's the oppressed one. It hurts. It hurts the real stuff.

It's so bad. Listen, Jason. I have to run. But I want to ask you, what did you think of the debate? And how do you think that's playing?

JASON: I'm thinking the debate will have no impact. I think Kamala Harris exceeded extremely low expectations.

And I think that -- and, Glenn, you might not get this. But Stu might. I think Donald Trump missed as many layups as Angel Reese. Pointing, you know, I thought he could have laid her to waist. But she exceeded expectations. He missed some layups. And a week from now, no one will care.

GLENN: How do you think guys took to her -- I mean, if Donald Trump would have treated her like that, he -- he would have lost 20 points.

She just treated him like garbage. How do you think men, in particular, took to that?

JASON: I think we've grown to expect it.

You know, she's been classified as a black woman. And a feminist.

And a queen. You know, blah, blah, blah.

And so, you know, men have kind of -- we have allowed it. We have expected it. We have bought into a narrative that, oh, the history of men is just their brutal mistreatment of women.

And so women have a right to be angry, and they have a right to reparations. And blah, blah, blah.

And so we owe them something. And so, you know, it was a bad look to me. And Trump certainly couldn't get away with it, because he would have been called "racist" and every other name in the book. But, you know, just all the facial expressions and all the disrespect.

But, you know, she wasn't alone. You know, David Muir and the --

GLENN: Oh, I know.

JASON: Kamala's -- you know, the other woman was Kamala's sorority sister. They're in a sorority together. A/k/a the other moderator.

GLENN: Wow. I didn't know that.

JASON: Oh, yeah. And black people take sorority life and fraternity life very serious, postgraduation, perhaps more serious after graduation than when they're actually students.

GLENN: Jason, thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Blaze host of Fearless. Jason Whitlock. You can find him at YouTube at YouTube.com/Jason Whitlock, or BlazeTV. TheBlaze.com/Fearless. Thank you so much, Jason.

Will America’s immigration crisis COLLAPSE us like the Roman Empire?

Will America’s immigration crisis COLLAPSE us like the Roman Empire?

“No one can deny that the Roman Empire fell apart because it lost its borders.” Author Spencer Klavan joins Glenn to draw the parallels between the fall of Rome and what’s happening now in America and the Western world. But if everyone knows what happened to Rome, why are our leaders flooding our countries with immigrants? And is it still possible to correct our course?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I want to finish up from where we were last hour, on how our country is just being taken apart. Piece by piece.

And they're telling you they're doing it. They're telling you, what the goal is.

But they always deny it. Even though, it's all out in papers. And it's all out on websites. Their websites.

They won't -- they'll always say, that's a conspiracy theorist. But we're now seeing, these conspiracy theory, come true. And it's been bothering me the last couple of days. And, quite honestly, I'm so lazy. I didn't grab Gibbons. And look it up.

But if I remember right, wasn't the -- the decline and fall of the Roman empire?

Didn't it really start to come down. Once they opened the gate to the -- I don't know. The gates to the mongrels. Or the muskrats.

Or the Haitians. Or whoever they let in.

I mean, I know this. Wasn't that the beginning of the end. They let everybody in.

And then they made everybody a Roman citizen. And then Rome didn't. Citizenship must mean anything.

STU: It sounds familiar. I'm no expert on this.

GLENN: That's where I was too.

So I decided to call somebody, who actually knows. Because he's smart.

Spencer Klavan, a books associate editor and author of Light of the Mind, Light of the World.

Spencer, how are you, man?

SPENCER: I'm doing very well, Glenn. Thanks for having me on.

GLENN: Okay. Again, I just have to say, talk town to me a little bit. Not too much. But just a little bit.

Am I right on that? I'm trying to remember, one of the last straws. I thought it was opening up the gates, and making everybody citizens.

SPENCER: Okay. So not only are you right about this, you actually don't even need somebody like gibbon to prove your point.

This is something that basically everybody, even the most liberal scholars of the Roman empire and its history. Nobody can deny, that the Roman empire fell apart. Because it lost its borders.

Its borders were effectively dissolved, by tyrants. And especially by -- I think you're probably thinking of as Capra Calah (phonetic).

GLENN: Yeah.

SPENCER: An edict made everybody a citizen. And this is a guy -- one of the notorious tyrants of history.

Compared during the French revolution to Louis the 16th. Given calls him the common enemy of mankind. So that will tell you a little bit about the sort of people that want to dilute the concept of citizenship.

They always make themselves out to be very magnanimous and generous, and kind.

Whereas, in fact, there's always something in it for them. And that was no different in Rome.

GLENN: So, Spencer, if everybody knows this, what could possibly -- what possibly could be the reason to do this, all across the Western world?

SPENCER: Well, I think like with everything. You have to look for elite interests. In Rome. The problem of citizenship is something they had going back even before the empire, to the days of the republic.

And right from the jump there. When the republic started to fall apart. It was because there wasn't enough land to go around.

The citizens, and those who fought in the army were supposed to get a certain amount of land that they could cultivate as private property. But while they were away at war, the wealthy and the elites, effectively conspired to do an end run around the law. Why?

So that they could have cheap labor, and vast tracks of land.

Terra Cala (phonetic), there are different theories about why he did what he did.

But you don't have to look around too far for reasons why. In fact, there are almost too many reasons why he would have been able to levy taxes on these new citizens. He could have conscripted them into the army.

And all of this came at the expense, and this is important. It came at the expense of the people who were already the Roman citizens. Our word citizen, comes from a Greek word and so does our word city.

So this is a local thing, originally, designed for specific people, who get particular rights, yes.

Things that they can do. Like vote in elections. But also, they get responsibilities. You have to contribute to society. And be committed and devoted to the idea of Rome. The project of Rome.

Once that starts to fall apart, you basically just have the rich and the strong, trying to give out benefits packages, essentially. Goody bags. To whomever they can get on their side. So they can grow their military.

And sustain the military machine. And I think a lot of that, we can see going on, as well, with some of our leaders. Unfortunately.

GLENN: So you're a historian.

You love history. You study history.

How -- how is this time period. Right now. The point where we're at, right now.

Before this election.

How is this going to be looked at, by historians?

SPENCER: It's always hard to write history in the present tense, they say. But if you put a gun to my head. And I had to make a guess. I would say, this is going to be one of those moments, where people look back, and they either say, how could they possibly have let it all go?

What -- what went wrong? What trove them so insane?

And there will be studies written of how we were led up to this point, gradually overtime.

Or -- or we'll -- we'll look back, and we'll say, this was a crisis, like the ones that Rome had faced. Like others had faced in the past.

And we pulled back from the brink.

It's not too late.

Despite the dire situation.

It's not too late to do that.

We're not an edict of territory, just yet. Although, that certainly was the open borders crowd.

And the Kamala Harrises and the Joe Bidens of the world would like.

It's not yet the case. That just anybody under American influence is an American citizen. With all the rights and privileges that that --

GLENN: It's darn close. We're moving in that direction rapidly.

SPENCER: Yeah. You're right about that. So I think we're at a major crossroads with this election.

GLENN: So what -- I mean, now I'm going to ask you to predict, and you feel free to back out. And say, I didn't sign up for this, dude.

What do you see, coming? What does history teach you, that is most likely, coming?

Because I honestly. I can think of a million ways, this falls apart.


GLENN: I have a hard time finding that very narrow path, especially without God, of where it comes together. And we heal?

SPENCER: I mean, it's really important that you mentioned God, I think, and the Christian God, specifically. Whom the Romans, until later on in their history, did not worship.

Because that is something that makes us distinctive.

And, you know, Glenn, you've asked me this question a couple of times. Are there any examples of people that fall out of these crisis?

And it's hard, because, in fact, when you end the concept of citizenship. When you destroy your borders. You have destroyed, your country, by definition.

So it's not like we're not flirting with the sorts of things, that bring republics, and empires down.

But I will say, that whereas, I can't think of any example from history, of civilization. That wound back the clock.

That undid these problems.

It is possible in history, to correct course.

And move forward, in the world that we live in. In a better direction.

And I think for us, as Americans. And as a nation that was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. The key to that, is our belief in the universal creation of man, in the image of God.

Now, that might sound a little ironic. Since I'm talking about closing down our borders.

And taking care of our citizens. And the open borders crowd. Likes to make use of Christian slogans. To pretend that they're loving their neighbors. They're loving everybody.

But we're limited human beings. And the Christian in front of us, is not how we extend every benefits of the whole world. It's not in our power.

The question is, how do we love one another as American citizens. And our superpower. That the Romans did not have, is racial assimilation. If we're able to get a grip on our border

If we dwell on this election. And other elections going forward. Then we can accommodate some of the things that have gone down the pike.

And have a better track record, than any country in history. At course correcting and recalibrating with exactly these types of issues.

But the first thing, we have to understand what we're about.

And that's not the world. And not humanity in general.

But America, and the humans that live here.

GLENN: What book are you writing right now?

SPENCER: I mean, finished a book that's coming out in October. You mentioned this. Light of the mind.

Light of the world. Which I'm really excited for people to read.

It comes out in October.

And this is a story about the history of science, told from a religious perspective.

Because I think people have a sense, that there's just -- no way you can be a smart, rational person, who believes in science, and also believes in God.

And what I'm saying, in this book is. Not only is that wrong. It's also really outdated. And that a sophisticated, modern understanding of where science comes from.

And where it's going. Points us back to the truth.

And the God of the Bible.

So that's the book.

And it will be out in October.

GLENN: Fantastic.

Preorder it now. Light of mine. Light of the world. Do me a favor.

Send it to me. Because I want to have you on. But I want to -- Reddit, you know, before I talk to you so we can have an intelligence conversation on it.

Spencer, thank you so much. Say hi to your dad for me. Spencer Klavan, Andrew Klavan's son. And, boy, if -- if Andrew ever feels like, I don't know if I did a good job as a dad.

Sit and talk to Spencer for a while. It's pretty amazing.