President Trump is now insisting that the preemptive pardons that President Biden issued in his last days in office - like those given to Hunter Biden, Dr. Fauci, and members of the January 6 Committee, should be null and void. Trump argued that if they were signed using an autopen, without Biden’s knowledge, a court should disqualify them. But will this happen? How prevalent was Biden’s use of an autopen? Did he even know he signed many of these documents? Glenn, Pat, and Jason discuss. The guys also review Conor McGregor’s recent appearance at the White House and a terrifying story out of Mexico.
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: There's a couple of really disturbing things. We will start getting into them tomorrow. So working towards tomorrow's show. We will spend a lot of time on the auto-pen thing. That thing is a mess. I mean, the president didn't -- I mean, we have the audio. Let's see if we can get that for tomorrow.
We have the audio with the President. And who was it? With Tapper? And he's like, I didn't do that. Yes, you did, sir. You just signed a bill two days ago.
No, I didn't.
Yes, you did.
Oh, well, I guess I did. That shows he was either absolutely incompetent, which is very, very vile.
And/or somebody else is just using the auto-pen, and he didn't know what he was signing.
That is -- I mean, everyone involved in that, should, quite honestly, be tried for treason.
You are -- you are a traitor to the Constitution of the United States.
You are taking on the power of the presidency, yourself.
You don't have the right to do it.
And I don't think Kamala Harris wasn't the, you one doing it.
It wasn't like it was in the chain of command.
Do we have any idea who was doing it. Susan rice comes to mind.
Ron Klain comes to mind. Right? Who else?
VOICE: Neera Tanden. So she was the center for America Progress president. She came in as an adviser. I think she's an OMB, I think, Stu, for a while.
I think she took -- yeah. Then she was -- she took Susan Rice's position, as the head of interior policy or something like that, after Susan Rice left.
All these were Obama people, that we were like, why in the hell are some of these people getting so close to the president, and sticking with him, that were from the Obama administration.
GLENN: Because, I mean, the reason they were all sticking with, is because they held the power. They held the power.
I'm convinced of it. Where does the auto-pen live, do we know? Is that out of his desk kind of like a printer?
JASON: I don't know.
GLENN: Honestly, where is that? That should be under lock and key. But who has access to that? Because that's important.
It the secretary of the president need to give people permission.
That has to be chain of command for the auto-pen.
JASON: We should be looking now specifically for that question.
Heritage foundation did a deeper dive on it.
They found, the president was on vacation golfing, while some of these pardons are being signed.
GLENN: Which president.
JASON: Biden.
GLENN: Wait.
He was golfing?
What? Did he have an auto club that just like hit the ball for him?
He could swing a golf club? No way. I'm having a hard time believing that. There's no way. I just see a ball on a tee just kind of falling -- yes. On his first hole, he only had 1,747 strokes. And an actual stroke or two. But that's a different story.
JASON: We should look more into that. There's probably an auto walkup to the stairs of Air Force One. Let's open this investigation even more.
STU: Well, then they did auto president, kind of --
GLENN: This is bad. This is really bad.
JASON: Yeah.
STU: And I guess it's been used since the Bush administration.
GLENN: No, I think it was used. First order to be signed was Barack Obama had to sign a big order. And he was on I think vacation.
STU: That's legislation. That was the first legislation.
I think it went all the way back to 2005, I believe, during Bush.
And the Department of Justice issued a -- an okay, basically to use it.
But it's never been challenged in the Supreme Court.
GLENN: I think it should be.
STU: Kind of odd.
You kind of have to. I don't know, maybe actually sign the bills.
GLENN: Well, I wouldn't have a problem with an auto-pen in a way that, it needs to get to the president.
Has to have his signature. If it was like the nuclear football.
You know what I mean?
Where it's with the president at all times. And it could feed go B something.
And improve it.
Why not have him sign it?
GLENN: I think we may not -- back in 2004, 2008, we may not have realized what they would use this for.
Because we used to think people had some integrity. But obviously not.
I mean, this is really, really bad.
Again, where is Pam Bondi?
SPENCER: If you're thinking about it though, if you're a second term president, that wants a third term. But you just want to be the guy behind the guy in the shadows. The auto-pen is the perfect thing for you. You have a puppet like Joe in there.
STU: Trump did use it a few times as well.
GLENN: I'm not saying it's bad.
STU: I'm not saying -- it should be challenged. And like, look, the proper way to do this. Is to send the documents to him. And let him sign it in person. And not send a signature across the -- like some machine that replicates his signature back in Washington, while he's on vacation.
GLENN: And I don't know if you know this, but we're past the age of the fax machine. And even the fax machine would have been okay.
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: You know what I mean?
Fax it to me, and I'll sign it. The signature is the important part of that.
JASON: Well, this is going to be a huge conversation. Because President Trump this morning was tweeting out that a lot of pardons were giving J6 committee people, those preemptive pardons. He's now saying, those should be null and void. And there's nothing in the Constitution, that even comes close to addressing this.
GLENN: Come on. I've never seen a president doing that many pardons. How did that system work, you know what I mean? Six thousand.
JASON: That's a lot of batteries on the auto-pen.
GLENN: And a lot of batteries on the president, just to understand 6,000 names and cases. So we will get into that tomorrow.
Also, what's his -- what's-his-face was with Donald Trump this morning.
STU: Connor McGregor. Yeah, yeah. Do we have a clip of that.
Go ahead and play this.
VOICE: It's a travesty. Our government with zero action and zero accountability. You know, our money is being spent on overseas issues that has nothing to do with the Irish people. It's overrunning, running ravage on the culture. There are rural (inaudible), that have become a minority in one swoop. So issues need to be addressed. And Americans, as I understand, need to hear this. Because if not, there will be no place to come on and visit.
GLENN: What a clever way to get him into the White House on St. Patrick's Day.
I mean, I think this guy is -- I mean, I don't know about him personally. I just know that he wants to run, I think for Prime Minister.
STU: President.
GLENN: For president in Ireland. And Ireland is in trouble. I mean, they all are. They're in trouble.
Ireland, you know, it's not the sweet little -- I mean, first of all, it's now the home of Rosie O'Donnell. It's not the sweet little place it used to be. But, Rosie, I don't know -- you should peek outside your window from time to time. The Islamic Brotherhood are setting up shop there. And I don't think they like gay people. They like them even less than the people you think hate them here.
STU: I can personally guarantee you, though, wherever Rosie O'Donnell is living. These problems probably don't exist. It's probably very beautiful and lots of grass and hills. That's probably where she is.
GLENN: Ireland is in deep trouble. I mean, they're losing their churches. They're just being made into mosques all over. And I'm telling you, I think -- I think by 2030, you could see Great Britain become an Islamic state.
SPENCER: Yeah. To your point, Stu. That's a really good point. Connor McGregor is an shutdowns on Netflix or something. I can't remember. But it shows his entire background. He's talking about rural communities and like harder communities are being affected by this. That's where he comes from. Like, he was their champion. Like he grew up very tough streets. Worked his way up. Like a lot of solid blue collar neighborhoods.
GLENN: Deep State will do everything. Do everything they can to kill that guy. Not ours, theirs.
JASON: Oh, gosh.
GLENN: Liz Truss said to me, the interview I did with her, coming out next week, we talked about, where are these people, that could be like a Donald Trump for all these countries. And she said, they're coming. They're coming. And I think he's one of them. That will be very good.
JASON: I do too. Absolutely. Did you ask Liz about the annoying use of vowels within their language? Because that's what I want to know.
GLENN: No, if you look at -- it's so funny you would say that.
If you watch the video, I tried right at the beginning. I couldn't get it in. She just kept going.
You know, you have U's in words that shouldn't have U's. Like there's no U in colour. Anyway.
I don't know if she would have thought that was funny. She would be accused by you Americans. I have a feeling.
There's another story that I want to get on to tomorrow. That I couldn't believe.
I spent a couple of hours just trying to verify this. And reading all the stories from the Washington Post. And from the New York Times and everything else. So it's not some sort of crazy conspiracy theory. Because it's everywhere.
And it's about these concentration camps in Mexico.
Did you hear about this? Did you hear about this, Stu? This should be on everyone's front page.
This should be a very big thing.
You know, we've been saying all the time. People just go down, they disappear in Mexico. Where did they go? Well, outside of the town of Guadalajara, they have found this abandoned torture camp, with underground crematories, underground ovens.
Okay? They're finding teeth and bones.
And they found remnants of at least 700 people. And what they were doing was kidnapping people. Kidnapping their families. And then saying, you're going to do work for us. Or we're going to kill your whole family.
And they would torture these people. And torture the families.
And then just burn the bows.
And some of it was apparently was done to just -- not to recruit new people. Just to learn how to torture people.
I mean, I'm a telling you, I don't know how we don't send in the Special Forces, pretty soon.
JASON: They're talking about the cartels doing this?
GLENN: Yeah. Well, also in the -- what is it? The Cente Muarte (phonetic).
JASON: The Cente Muarte.
GLENN: What is that? A religion, a gang?
JASON: Yeah. It's kind of like an offshoot of Christianity. Something like that. My wife --
GLENN: Meaning that Christianity believes in Satan?
JASON: It's hard. Yeah. It's really hard. I know they have witches and things like that. That can cast spells. And all that.
You can walk through Mexico City. Like a really public square. That looks really normal.
You've been to Mexico City. And then all of a sudden, you'll see, one of their statues, it's like a woman, but a skeleton. She's a grim reaper outfit.
GLENN: That's a symbol of it.
JASON: They'll come up to it, and pray to it. And it's very formal.
GLENN: Is it a twisted offshoot of -- it seemed. As I was reading about it this weekend. Is this something like the Lady of Guadalupe gone wrong?
What is this?
GLENN: Don't quote me. Somebody will be listening and smacking me in the head.
It seemed like a saint that looks after bad people, or something like that.
So cartels are heavily in that. They've gone way off the deepened.
This is not surprising that this is happening. Have you ever seen narcos Mexico on Netflix?
JASON: So you watch through that, and it's based on real events, and things that happened, as the cartel spread through Mexico.
They'll just kind of randomly throw in the attorney general is on board, or getting paid off by some of these cartels.
GLENN: Oh, Donald Trump is not going to -- the people of Mexico.
If we go in with Special Forces. And we kill all these groups. People in Mexico, are going to love Americans.
They are going to love them.
Because nothing will happen. Because all of their -- you know, all of the -- you can't get elected. Unless you either just turn a blind eye, or with the cartels. You can't. They kill you.
And they kill everybody around you. And everybody who wants to replace you.
So, I mean, you know, it's got to stop! It's got to end.
JASON: I don't know how you separate the Mexican government. Dirty Mexican officials that are on the take, and part of this whole thing.
We did a story probably last year. There was like a general signed to crack down on this one cartel in one region. They found out a couple months later that he's on the take and getting paid off.
GLENN: I have to tell you, I think Mexico is a drug state. I don't think it's a failed state.
I think it's a drug state at this point.