The far-left TRULY has lost all sense of reality, and UC Berkeley law professor Khiara Bridges just proved it. During a U.S. Senate hearing this week called ‘Abortion Access and The Law,’ Bridges made some OUTLANDISH claims about Sen. Josh Hawley during his questioning. But Glenn and the guys discuss how the worst part of the exchange is Bridges' arrogance throughout it all — which, Glenn explains, actually may be the left’s flaw that ultimately causes their defeat…
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Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Did you guys hear the testimony yesterday, on -- on, you know, who can give birth. Abortion testimony, from -- from -- holy cow. Let me see -- yeah. We have it?
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: This is from yesterday's -- yesterday's hearing. It's a law professor, from UC Berkeley. And she's talking to Josh Hawley, and he's -- he's asking about, can men get pregnant? Listen to this.
VOICE: You've referred to people with a capacity for pregnancy. Would that be women?
VOICE: Many women, cis women have the capacity for pregnancy. Many cis women do not have the capacity for pregnancy. There are also trans men who are capable of pregnancy, as well as nonbinary who are capable of pregnancy.
VOICE: So this isn't really a women's rights issue.
VOICE: We can recognize that this impacts women, while also recognizing that it impacts other groups. Those things are not mutually exclusive, Senator Hawley.
VOICE: All right. So your view is that the core of this -- this right then is about, what?
VOICE: So I want to recognize that your line of questioning is transphobic, and it opens up trans people to violence, by not recognizing that --
VOICE: I'm opening people up to violence, by asking whether or not women are the folks who can have pregnancies?
VOICE: So I want to note that one out of five trans gender persons have attempted suicide. So I think it's important --
VOICE: Because of my line of questioning? So we can't talk about it?
VOICE: Because denying that trans people do exist, and pretending not to know they exist.
VOICE: I'm denying that trans people exist by asking you if you're talking about --
VOICE: Are you? Are you?
VOICE: -- women having pregnancies.
STU: Oh, my God.
PAT: That's agonizing.
STU: It's like a religious detection to being stupid.
PAT: Yeah. It is. Yeah, it is.
STU: I wish they would be dedicated to something some other pursuit. What is this?
We all know, what we're talking about. She's acting as if Josh Hawley asking if this is a woman's rights issue is causing suicides. It's insanity.
PAT: So ridiculous.
STU: No person -- no human being could possibly believe that. Yet, there she is, blurting it out. And acting super confident, like she's got a big Twitter zinger she's about to post. It's amazing.
PAT: They have completely abandoned reality.
GLENN: You know what is crazy is, absolutely abandoned reality. And they plant their flag in that invisible universe.
And they're standing on no ground whatsoever. And they're like, yeah. That's right. People can fly.
People can't fly. Are you saying that people who just jump off of buildings, can't fly. You know, people are committing suicide, because of your denial that people can fly. What are you talking about?
STU: No. The suicide is that they keep jumping off of buildings. That's the problem.
GLENN: Yeah. Right. She went on. Here she is. On the value of an unborn baby.
VOICE: You think a baby that is delivered alive, has value?
VOICE: Do you think a a baby that is not yet born, has value?
VOICE: I believe that a person with a capacity for pregnancy, has value. They have intelligence. They have agency. They have abilities.
VOICE: You said the baby.
VOICE: And I'm talking about the person with the capacity --
VOICE: I'm answering a more interesting question to me.
STU: That's not how this works, dear.
VOICE: You think a baby who is not yet born, let's say a day before this mother delivers. Do you think that baby has value?
VOICE: I think that the person with the capacity for pregnancy has value, and they have the -- they should have the ability to control what happens to their lives.
PAT: Wow. Unreal.
GLENN: Can you imagine? Can you even mangle, in her -- in her classroom, if you wrote a paper. And you said, and they said, you know, I want it to be about abortion, whatever.
And you talked about giraffes. And they -- you turned the paper, and it's all about giraffes. And she would say, well, that's not the topic, that we were talking about. I know. But this is a more interesting paper.
Do you think -- do you think they would accept that?
STU: This person is convinced that she's about 100 times smarter than she is, that's what's fascinating to me about that clip more than anything.
Because she's so arrogant. Super confident. And it's interesting, we played -- look, we do this all the time. Right? We play clips of liberals looking stupid, and answering questions in dumb ways, and getting caught in their ridiculous logic.
We do that all the time. It's a fun part of the show. What's interesting about this clip in particular though, it's going -- it's going viral on the left too, as if she won.
Like as if this was a good moment.
PAT: My gosh.
STU: For her. As it -- because she's so confident.
PAT: Are you kidding me?
STU: And going back at those -- those.
GLENN: On the right, who aren't acknowledging trans people or whatever they're saying. Like, no person who is connected to reality, could possibly think she won these arguments. She's just completely. She's talking around it with, like, language tricks, to try to deny the reality of the situation. When it's so plainly obvious to any person who has ever lived on this earth, that he's right. But we're still going to act like she's right, because she said it with confidence.
GLENN: So you don't -- you don't come out and say things like this, and be this arrogant your first time. You know, your first time, and you're like, hey. Women and children can -- men can be pregnant as well.
The first time that was ever uttered, outside of university, it was most likely uttered like, now hear me out. Hear me out. These people are in their own circles. So tight, where there is no dissent. That it gives her the arrogance to look down her nose, at anyone who thinks differently. And they all -- I can guarantee you, she left that hearing, and the people around her went, you killed them. You killed them.
STU: Uh-huh.
GLENN: Because all of the people around her, are of groupthink.
Nobody is looking, did you advance the ball at all?
Did you convince anyone?
No. I just told them off. Because they're too stupid.
STU: Yeah. And, Glenn, what you described there, I would argue is our greatest hope.
The fact that they are so far in in these circles. And are so convinced they're right, of just nonsense. That any average person can decipher and think is insane, is the best thing that's happened in conservatism, in 50 years.
PAT: And if Republicans use this, in November, they will win.
They will -- I would use this --
STU: It's the only way to beat this. They have all the institutions. They have all the power. They have the media. They have all these things. But the fact that they're so confident. And so overstepping reality, is the only thing, we have on our side. The only thing we have is the truth.
GLENN: So do you remember when we would gather every morning, when we were in New York, and we would get down on our knees, and we would pray every day. And we were so worried about things. And we prayed and prayed on, okay.
Can you throw us a lifeline here? Where are we going? And do you remember the answer? Do you remember the answer I got? In their arrogance.
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: They will fail. And they weren't arrogant at that point. And that's why I tried to kind of goad them. Remember I went on the -- and I said, they want to tell you. They want to tell you that they're Marxists. They can't wait to tell you.
PAT: Right.
GLENN: I was hoping to goad them into that. It didn't work. But look at -- look at where they are.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: We're doing a special tonight. Yeah. We're doing a special tonight on the -- on the planning that is going on now. The Women's March training that is going on right now. We have behind the scenes video of it.
We had somebody go in, and take the training with them.
And it's pretty powerful. But we're looking at all the people, who are behind all of the things that you are seeing.
It's no longer hard to find. You know -- it used to be, well, that person was in the room, with this person. And this person is a communist.
And so it was always at least 1 degree of separation. Now it is full-on. Full-on. I think we have video tonight, showing you the -- Ocasio-Cortez, being handled at a rally by the Communist Party.
PAT: Jeez.
GLENN: I mean, they don't care anymore. They just don't care.
PAT: No.
GLENN: And I -- I don't think Americans are down with all of this. I just don't. Again, for the third time, already this morning. Maybe it's just me.