The ONLY Thing Americans Want From Trump & Biden’s Debate

The ONLY Thing Americans Want From Trump & Biden’s Debate

Former president Donald Trump and President Joe Biden will face off in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election, hosted by CNN. But the American people don’t want to hear more bickering, name calling, and fake fear mongering, Glenn says. They don’t want to hear about the past. They need to hear a candidate who talks to them directly, who understands their struggles, and who has a plan to lead the country out of this pain. Who will lower inflation? Who will keep our jobs and our border secure? We’ve seen what “reimagining” our schools and police looks like. Who will provide a real solution? That, Glenn says, is the winning message for this election.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. So I want to talk to you a little bit about the debate tonight. And what I think Americans want to hear. What we're looking for. If you're watching the debate, you're most likely watching because you're a conservative.

Maybe there will be a few independents. That are looking for a choice. Of how am I going to choose between these two. I don't know.

You know, there's very few Democrats that are watching it. Apparently, according to the latest poll. It is mainly Republicans that are interested in this thing.

We will get into the reasons why, for -- for all three, you know, independents, Republicans, and Democrats. A little later.

But here's why you should watch, and here is what people want to hear.

First of all, let me start with what they don't want to hear. They don't want to hear about Russia gate. They don't want to hear about stolen elections. January 6th. Or frankly abortion in either direction. They don't need to go over the corrupt court cases of Donald Trump. We've got it. Or the corruption of the DOJ regarding Hunter Biden. They don't want to hear about Nazis, or an argument over the republic, or a democracy. They don't want to hear about drag queen story hour, or any more equity.

They don't want to hear about global warming. It is at the bottom of the list of American's concerns.


They don't want to hear about the past and COVID vaccines.

Especially, if it's used as an excuse to dismiss or blame inflation or lack of jobs.

Anyone who tries to sell the border is secure. Our country is in good shape.

Jobs are plentiful and growing like crazy. Fuel is cheap and food is affordable, will lose!

Maybe not tonight. But in the fall, that message will lose. People no longer believe in the system.

They don't believe that it's geared for them, anymore. The -- they don't believe in the politicians. Quite honestly, on either side of the aisle.

And they certainly don't believe Jake tapper and the press.

All of those things that were, you know, good will, or we've got the full faith and trust in the American government, is a thing of the past.

The distant past.

People do not need, want, or frankly believe any more of the fake fear mongering.


Because there's enough stuff out there to actually be afraid of. And Americans are.

Here's what Americans want to know: Who is going to keep my job secure?

Who is going to grow jobs?

Who is going to make sure this insane inflation doesn't continue, and, in fact, goes down? They don't care about the fed. How it works. Or -- oh, God.

What Jeanette Yellen thinks.

People don't want to choose between food and fuel!

I don't want to choose between making rent, or having a car. I can't afford a new home, I can't afford a loan, nor the 30 percent interest rate on my credit cards which are already maxed out. People want answers. They want an actual plan, that they're participating in.

That they understand it. And they're like, okay. Yeah. All right. Let's do that. They want a leader.

They care about the elites who are getting rich. The banks are always bailed out, without any consequence. And it seems like the average American can't even get a fair deal.

That's what they want to hear about. They're the people who create 70 percent of all jobs. In recessions and tough times.

The small business. People who are in small business, have always been the back bone of job creation. Yet, they see the pattern. It's the same with the banks.

Home Depot made money. Was allowed to stay open. But local hardware store. That was a health danger. What's the game we're playing?

Because the American people feel like, I'm on the losing end.

And it's intercourse real for them. They've seen what the reimagining of our economy is doing. They -- they have seen the reimagining of the police. They know what that looks like. What they want to know tonight, is who will restore safety to our streets?

And sanity in the houses of I couldn't wait. And the DA offices?

Crime is unlike anything I have seen in my lifetime.

Because it's everywhere! I -- I mean, when San Franciscans were pooping on the streets, I thought that was novel.

Well, that's happening in a lot of places: Philadelphia, New York, Detroit. You name it. All of California, except the farmland. And they could probably use the poop, at the farmland. People want safe and clean streets. They have seen the reimagining of our schools.

They want schools that will help them, as parents. Teach their children reading. Math. Arithmetic.

Writing. Usable skills. Not out of march and protests. No matter how insane. Or, quite frankly, how valid those protests might be. They don't need the school training them to be a protester.

Our children need a good education. They don't need some indoctrination camp, to teach them that they're gay. Not gay. Nonbinary. One of 93 different genders.

They don't want any of that. What they really worry about, when it comes to their children is, what is their children's life going to be like?

Because I can't imagine it. If we stay on this road, I don't see a bright future for my children, and that's bad. And people know it. And they want to know: Who will stop the insanity?

Remember, that's what Biden came in as. Biden won the last election, because he was like, isn't this crazy?

I mean, don't you just want to -- and people voted for him. Because he's an old safe guy, what is he going to do?

Well, we've seen what he's done.

Are our kids going to be able to afford an education?

Is it worth having an education?

What should they study?

With AI and everything that's coming, what is the plan, guys?

Will my children be able to own a house?

Will my children be able to inherit my house? Will they be able to have food or even grow food? People worry that this is the end of a country, that almost all of us, 75, 80 percent plus love, and want.

We may disagree on the problems or the solutions. But 80 percent of us love America!

They want to -- they want a solution on the border. They want answers on the border.

They worry about war. Is my kid going to be sent off to fight some politician or global elite's war? Something I don't want. Something that I don't even believe in. Something I don't even understand why we're in it. You're already spending all of my children's money, and you can't track any of it.

And are we seriously talking tough, when nuclear war is an option on the table for not just one country, but seemingly several countries?

I mean, down on the list, they worry about freedom of speech, unlike they've never thought of it before. Because it's coming more and more real. They're feeling it in their office. They also worry about guns.

They worry about the senseless shootings in our schools. But are you going to address the real problem there? Because if there's a shooting in the school, we know who will get the blame. It's the gun. Or the Nazis. But, you know, when we have a transgender shooting. In fact, several of them, nobody seems to want to talk about that. Nobody even wants to talk about the real problems of social media.

That's the main driver of suicide and the death in young adults. They won't say anything about that. Because they're in bed with social media. They won't call out the gangs. They won't call out China. And the drug cartels. For the huge problem of fentanyl.

Instead, what they'll do is they'll make it harder for people in actual pain, to get pain relief from their doctors. Have you tried to get pain relief from your doctor? Well, you're already. You're already. They're looking at you now, to put you in jail. Because you need pain relief from your doctor! And the doctor is also afraid of going to jail. Because if he messes up one thing, that's it for him.

And it seems more and more like the solution from our government, for real pain relief. For pain and suffering is, well, you can kill yourself.

But I digress.

People care about their future.

For the first time in my lifetime, their immediate future.

Are my kids going to survive school, is my wife going to make it after going to the gas station?

Am I going to have any money left? Will I be able to keep my house or my apartment? People for the first time in my life, are beginning to look at our civil rights. Our Bill of Rights in a different way.

For instance, the right to keep and bear arms. That's always been theoretical in so many ways.

But it's not theoretical anymore. And here's how: We see on TV all the time, people trapped in their cars. Surrounded by Antifa or Hamas lovers. Whatever it is.

And there's no help coming for that person in the car. There's no help.

But God forbid, you defend yourself.

No, the writers won't have a problem. No. They'll be fine.


No. Help is coming.

We see that. You call 911 in several cities.

No. Help is coming.

Our wives. Our daughters. Our son. Even us. Men.

We have to stop and get gas at night occasionally!

When did it become normal to check over your shoulder, to make sure you're not being cased.

The bad guys have guns. And the way they get them, is not through any legitimate gun store, that you're breathing down the neck on.

They have them.

They use them!

And the police are now no longer allowed to police anymore.

And if they do, God forbid, the DA lets them go!

If our government won't stop gangs from coming across the border. From the terrorists of many countries.

That are known to be coming over our southern border.

If the government dismisses rioters, fire bombings, calls the hard-working tax-paying American that is struggling literally to buy a loaf of bread. The biggest at the current time to America. Then maybe we've already lost our country.

And too many innocents will lose their life. People want to know who will keep them safe.

People want to know why our veterans are on the streets, and illegal aliens are in five-star hotels.

People want to know why you won't arrest and convict criminals.

You won't go after the gangs or illegal guns. You won't enforce our laws.

And then at the same time, a big push to take away my right to defend myself. And the only thing that I'll have to defend myself.

But, again, that's a distant second, to I can't afford food! I can't pay for my house.

I can't afford an apartment. A car. Electricity.


Insurance. Health care. And no slogan is going to work this time. None!

Only leadership.

People need to see a leader tonight, that actually sees them.

They don't care about their life. They don't care about the past.

They need a leader that sees them. Sees what their life is like for them, every day.

They don't need anyone to tell them how bad it is.

They want to hear, I get it. I see you.

I know the problem, and I will fix it.

Could This WikiLeaks ‘Server Error’ Be Connected to Julian Assange’s Secret Plea Deal?

Could This WikiLeaks ‘Server Error’ Be Connected to Julian Assange’s Secret Plea Deal?

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has agreed to a plea deal with Biden’s Department of Justice that will allow him to return home without serving any more jail time. But Glenn’s spider senses are tingling. How did he land THAT deal after his involvement in one of the biggest government leaks in history? Did Assange trade anything for his freedom? And does it have any connection to something that was discovered shortly after the plea deal was announced: WikiLeaks’ entire archive of 20,000 leaked DNC emails seems to have vanished…


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So many people now today, are celebrating Julian Assange's release. Freedom after about 12 years on the run.

And time spent in prison.

I'm one of those people that I'm not giddy about it.

But I actually fall now into closer into Julian Assange's camp. Because what he did release.

Some called him a free speech warrior.

Some called him a dangerous activist, that put our military and national security at risk. Because he hacked. And then published millions of documents on WikiLeaks.

So how did this happen?

Well, he just pled guilty to espionage as part of the deal with the US Justice Department.

Now, I don't know if you know this. But espionage can actually carry a death penalty.

And espionage is a really big deal.

But the DOJ, under Biden has just said, well, time served.

For what they've been saying is the largest espionage case in our country's history?

I mean -- I just want an understanding. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with Julian Assange being, you know, freed and allowed to go.

But really.

I mean, that seems very magnanimous.

And it was the Biden DOJ. And Biden came out yesterday. And wanted to make it very clear. He had nothing to do with the deal. He doesn't know what is on his son's laptop. He's never been involved with his son's business. He has no idea what the Justice Department is doing. They had no -- no information about the Mar-a-Lago thing.

They're not trying to cancel your -- your gas stove. There's nothing further from the truth.

And they had nothing to do with this deal with Julian Assange.

Now, I find that hard to believe, only because you would think the president of the United States, you might want him to weigh in on this.

But maybe Joe is just completely out to space. And out to lunch.

And he doesn't -- he can't string three words together. He's just a nice old man that doesn't understand.

Maybe. Maybe.

But there was a deal made. We know that.

And it was made in secret.

Now, this is according to the New York Times.

A, quote, a secret hearing.

Don't like it already.

A secret hearing paved the way for his release.

In the end, the choreographed multi-national dance that led to his release, took place beyond closed doors. At a secret bail hearing in London last Thursday.

According to British officials. Now, the Ozzies were involved in this.

The British were involved in this.

The Americans were involved.

And my spider senses are tingling a bit.

Now, this morning, early, we may have gotten maybe a tip.

Or it was a mistake.

An accident.

The X account End Wokeness noticed something odd early, early this morning, while you were asleep.

All 30,000 leaked DNC emails have just been removed from WikiLeaks. Huh.

Now, they say, this is end wokeness. That this is part of the deal with Biden's DOJ. And everything now makes sense.

Well, I don't know if that's true. My team did verify that while other hack archives on WikiLeaks are still up, including Hillary Clinton's emails. When you click on the DNC archive, it does produce a server error.

Okay. They're all gone. That's odd. But maybe it just is a server error.

Is this proof the DOJ coerced Assange to cover up their embarrassing secrets in exchange from his freedom?

No. Today, it's a server error.

Now, I've had server errors before. And my company can fix them pretty quickly.

So is this just a server error that's going to be fixed and all of those will be returned?

We asked WikiLeaks to confirm if this was just a technical glitch or more evidence of a politically motivated and corrupt DOJ?

We'll let you know if they come back to us with a response. But my gut says something very dirty happened here.

And we'll never actually know, what happened in that secret meeting.

Unless, somebody from WikiLeaks gets their hands on some more documents. Then maybe we will know.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to trust law enforcement officials?

To be in it for the law, and not for themselves, or for their cronies?

Wouldn't it be nice? I would like that. I would like that on both sides. I would like that to not happen for the Republicans. I would like that to not happen for the Democrats. But maybe. Maybe that's too much to hope for.

Glenn Beck: How Donald Trump Can Beat Biden at the CNN Presidential Debate

Glenn Beck: How Donald Trump Can Beat Biden at the CNN Presidential Debate

Glenn Beck explains what former president Donald Trump should say in order to win his first 2024 presidential debate against President Biden. The media will likely do everything it can to insist that Biden won the debate, and Biden will do all he can to insist that the economy is great, foreign policy is going well, and Trump is a danger. But there’s one way for Trump to bypass the propaganda and address the American public directly. Glenn advises Trump to ignore Biden altogether. Instead, there’s someone else he should speak to: YOU.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Now, let me just -- let me be so bold, to address how I think president Trump, should handle the debates. With Joe Biden.

Let me play cut six here. This is Joe Biden's campaign spokesperson.

Talking about his accomplishments.

Here we go.

VOICE: I think you have to, first of all, take a step back. And look at what President Biden has done for the economy. He's created over 50 million jobs at GDP, and has been at a record high. Unemployment has been low, especially among black Americans and Hispanic-Americans. So you will see President Biden talking about his accomplishments.

GLENN: Uh-huh. Now, Donald Trump could come in and debate with Joe Biden. I wouldn't.
I wouldn't. I wouldn't debate with Joe Biden. I wouldn't debate with Joe -- with Jake tapper. I would just say, look, what was your question, Jake?

It was about Ukraine. And what we're going to do with Ukraine?

Okay. I'm not going to debate a guy on foreign policy.

He's responsible for the disaster of Afghanistan. For the Taliban of being back.

For the Russia Ukraine war.

For the Middle East.

The Russia/Ukraine and now the Middle East has brought our gas prices. Our food prices. And inflation to record highs!

So I'm not going to -- I'm not going to even talk about what he's doing.

I'm just telling you right now, the American people, cannot take it anymore.

The American people cannot afford these kinds of decisions coming again. Well, what do you talk about, he's created X-number of jobs? No. He hasn't. And have the facts. The New York Times even says. The -- the Los Angeles Times just reported. And you could find them. There's been no job growth in California.

The last year of all of the reported job growth in California, was bogus. If you look at our job growth right now, you know who is getting jobs? Illegals. You know who is not? There has not been any job growth since this man got into office, with Americans. Other than part-time jobs. More and more people have to take part-time work. Work two, three, even four jobs just to support the family.

They can't afford rent. Why? Why did all of this happen?

Because of his policies. So don't ask me to debate him on any of these things. He's so wrong, it's not worth anyone's time. Here's what I promise the American people: Your inflation is going to take a while to turn around. But I -- I agree, it exists. This man told you, it didn't exist.

It exists. And it's dire. And we're losing the dollar because of his relationship with the Saudis, and all of the problems that we have had here.

We're going to lose the dollar. I will tell you that I -- and I have done it before, I have created jobs. I have helped -- and, you know, the best way the president can create jobs?

Get out of the way. This president creates jobs that are all in the United States government. I would like to make the unemployment rate in the United States government high.

I would like to make the employment rate for citizens of this country, very low.

What's that mean? It means the government is not going to be spending all the money, creating new jobs in the government.

We're going to cut that. I -- I would -- I would -- this guy is a real estate mogul. I would say, right now. You can't afford housing. Well, I will tell you, there's a place where you will be able to buy housing dirt cheap. And that is in the suburbs of Washington, DC.

Because I'm going to cut this government size so dramatically, that houses will be up for sale like never before.

It will be a mass evacuation of Washington, DC. Only rivaled by the mass evacuation of California that these policies from the left have caused.

I -- I would just talk about gas prices. Food prices. Jobs. No matter what the -- what the question is. These are the actual facts!

You know, were you better off when I was in charge of the economy?

Let's take COVID out of it. On both sides!

Were you better off now, or better before COVID? Were you working? Did you have hope? The government is creating these jobs by spending the money that they take from you. And that's not creating any new wealth.

The way to create jobs, for the government. The president to do it. Is free the people to work the way they want to work! Reduce all of the -- of these ridiculous climate changing, global, all these special favors to unions. Let people work and create! Let them choose the path and design their own life.

It's their life. Not the life of the government of the United States of America.

Let them free them. To make their own decisions.

Free them. I have so much belief in the American people. That they can dig out of any hole.

Do we need to talk about the greatest generation? Dig them out of every hole? The government didn't do that.

The people did. The people did. Well, we're in trouble again. And the world is being divvied up between Marxists and globalists and those who want power for themselves.

I think I've taken it on chin long enough.

And I'm only getting hammered the way I am. Because I am the biggest obstacle standing in the globalists way.

I don't believe that any of this stuff is good for America.

And I'm sorry. You know, I keep hearing America first is so -- you know, Nazi or whatever.

It's not.

I love my country. I believe my country is the greatest beacon of freedom. How do I know that? Where do all the people around the world have always wanted to go? To America. They recognize the freedom here. That we are now on the edge of losing.

So they can talk a good game.

I'm going to actually do these things. Anybody who didn't vote for me last time. Because you didn't think you would do the things I said I was going to do. I did them. I did them. Was your border more secure? Was our world more secure? Were your classrooms more sane for your children? And could you afford groceries?

Is THIS the Shady Reason Joe Biden Keeps Refinancing His Home?!

Is THIS the Shady Reason Joe Biden Keeps Refinancing His Home?!

A report has come out in the Daily Mail that claims, “Joe and Jill Biden have been using their Delaware house for fast cash - refinancing 20 times with loans totaling $4.2 million since buying the $350k home.” That’s a little weird, Glenn says. Why would the Bidens do that? And also, how did the Bidens – a career politician and a teacher – amass a reported $10 million net worth? Well, Glenn decides to see what ChatGPT has to say about this. Why would someone do all this refinancing…if it were a TV show, of course? Well, A.I. gave quite a telling answer …


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So, Stu, you're -- you know, you like to play around with money and look for different ways of -- of, you know, financing and everything else.

See if this makes any sense to you. Joe Biden and First Lady Jill have been using their home as an ATM, taking out multiple mortgages and refinancing their Delaware property, an astonishing 35 times.

The president has lived in two houses in his home state, since 1975, when he bought his first property in Wilmington, that he later sold in the 1990s. But records obtained by show the couple have a habit of negotiating a new mortgage or credit deal on both homes, every 17 months.

Over the decades, the Bidens have borrowed a total sum of $6 million on both properties.

There's still an outstanding $541,000 mortgage on their current three-bedroom four-and-a-half Wilmington mansion nearly 30 years after they bought it. The constant refinancing raises the question of, why?

Why the Bidens who have a reported net worth of $10 million need a constant flow of extra cash?

It doesn't make a lot of sense, says financial experts.

Unless, they're desperate for cash. The revelation comes as questions grow. The president's involvement with his son Hunter's shady business dealings.

According to the mortgage documents, the president and First Lady purchased their current 4-acre lot for $350,000 in 1996. But have since saddled it with 20 different home credit agreements and mortgages. Totaling $4.23 million.

Their previous five-bedroom, two and a half bath home in the same town was purchased for 185,000 in '75.

It sold, strangely, controversially, for $1.2 million in 1996 by the head of one of the biggest employers, in Delaware.

Records show the property had a total of 15 mortgages and lines of credit, attached to it.

The Bidens also owned a summer home in Rehoboth Beach, which they scooped up in June of 2017 for $2.7 million.

The property has no mortgages attached to it yet. It was revealed last year to have been a cash purchase.

Hmm. The property data suggests the 46th president and his wife '73 have needed money fast, and used their homes as equity, as the main source of credit over the year. However, listen to this line.

However, Biden a career politician and Jill, a college professor, are worth an estimated $10 million. Now, how is that?

STU: That's so weird.

GLENN: That is weird. Yeah. That is weird.

He says, it's from book deals. However, there's no -- there's no record of him ever getting payment, except for the signing bonus.

Because nobody reads the books.

STU: Yeah. It's fascinating. Because everybody who has way more money, than they're supposed to have. And, you know, writes books, claims their money came from book deals.

And everyone else, who actually writes books and knows anything about the book industry, knows it can't possibly be true.

It's something people say all the time. If you're in the book industry, you know the mechanics of it. It's not -- we've gone through multiple contracts with it. It can be a good business. You can make some money on it.

But the numbers, at the end of the day, wind up coming out of that, are only incredibly good, if you're selling, you know, millions of books.

Like, it's not. It's not something like, oh, well, I sold 25,000 books. And now I've made $4 million. That's not the way the book business works. It's hard to sell books these days. People don't like to read all that much. I don't know if anybody noticed a country lately.

GLENN: Right. And I don't think that anybody is reading a Joe Biden book.

STU: Right. And we know the sales of these books. Joe Biden books do not sell well.

Yes. He gets sweetheart deals, as you mentioned, Glenn. With the signing bonus. It's much bigger than he could ever sell out. He doesn't ever earn a dime more.

Because everyone knows going in, what you're paying for. You're not paying for book deals with someone like Joe Biden. You're paying for, you know, some sort of marquee name. You're paying for God knows what kind of influence.

All these other things, that are associated and totally separate from him selling enough books to pay off in advance.

GLENN: Books. Yeah. So why does he need all of this money? Why does he need all this cash? Now, I mean, I could have noodled it out.

But I'm not ChatGPT. I don't have access to all information. So I ask ChatGPT. Said, I'm writing a television show.

And I have some questions. In this television show, the president is mortgaging his home over and over and over again and gave him -- you know, gave ChatGPT some of the facts. Didn't fill everything in. And then said, oh. And also, he has had loan repayments, where there are no loans. There's no record of any of the loans.


And he repays these loans to his family. And the family repays loans to him. Okay?

So this is what ChatGPT came up with.

And I think I want to start with the least likely number five.

Gave me five reasons, someone would do this.

You know, for the TV show.

Debt manipulation. Constant refinancing, can be a method to manipulate debt and create the appearance of legitimate financial activity.

This could help in justifying the large sums of money received and repaid.

Reason: The president uses refinancing to take out large sums of money, which are then cycled through as repayments to family members. This creates the facade of debt management.

Making it appear, that the president is simply managing personal debt. Rather than engaging in any illicit activities.

According to ChatGPT. Number four. Tax evasion. Refinancing can provide a way to manipulate taxable income and avoid taxes on illicit funds.

By cycling mortgages, the president could claim interest deductions and reduce their overall taxable income. Reason? The interest payments on the refinancing mortgages can be deducted from taxable income, effectively reducing the president's tax liability.

The repayment to family members can be structured in a way that avoids declaring the foreign income, further aiding in tax evasion.

Number three. Hiding assets.

Frequent refinancing can be used to mask the true financial status and hide assets from investigators or regulatory authorities.

This can help in evading detection of illicit funds. Reason? The president uses the equity extracted from the refinancing to pay off family members, who then transfer the funds back as loan repayments.

This cycle hides the actual wealth, and the source of the funds. Making it seem like the money is tied up in legitimate debt, rather than illicit gains.

By the way, so far, nothing non-nefarious. ChatGPT didn't come up with a single non-nefarious reason. Two, creating a paper trail. Mortgage cycling can create a complex financial paper trail that makes it difficult for investigators to track the true source, and destination of money. This can also help -- hide illegal financial activities.

Reason. By refinancing frequently. The president can create a maze of financial transactions, that obscure the flow of money.

The complexity can make it harder for authorities to detect the link between the foreign payoffs, and the repayment made to family members. Number one, this is ChatGPT's number one reason for having, you know, 17 mortgages. And keep taking out large sums of money. And remortgaging your house, 17 times.

Frequent refinancing of mortgages, can be a method to launder illicit funds.

By continually cycling mortgages, the president could introduce large amounts of cash, into the financial system. Under the guise of legitimate loans.

Which are then repaid using money received from foreign payoffs.

Reason, the president receives large sums of money from foreign entities, through family members.

To legitimatize these funds. They are funneled into mortgage refinancing process.

The constant refinancing, and the large checks written for loan repayments help disguise the origin of the funds. Making them appear as legitimate financial transactions.

That's ChatGPT's opinion on why you might do what the Daily Telegraph has just revealed what the Bidens do.

STU: If you asked it, and put in Biden's name. It probably wouldn't give you any answer. You would have to write it in a way.

I'm writing a movie script. To get an answer to that.

GLENN: Correct. And looking for legitimate reasons why you would do this.

Why would a character do this?

17 times?

35 times, overall. But on one house, 17 times.

Why would -- why would that happen?

Well, that's what ChatGPT came up with.

STU: Right. And like, there are reasons to do it. I guess, if you're -- as the rates are falling, right?

You might renegotiate your mortgage. Like, I redid my mortgage, when rates were low, right?

I did it once. Maybe you can even think, potentially because they fell so far from where they started. Maybe you do it twice, right?

But you don't get from 35 with low interest rates. You don't get to 35 with an approving credit score. You don't -- there are reasons you might do it more than once. You don't get to 35.

Maybe -- what's interesting. Let's say, you are a person who has -- if you're Joe Biden, you have $10 million. And let's say, that's locked up in -- you know, in investments.

I don't know.

GLENN: He says, it's pension, book sales, and investments.

STU: Right. So let's say you bought Nvidia stock, and it's gone up a lot. And you don't want to sell it, and take the tax hit. To access the money, you can take some of the equity out of your house to spend. The issue of that. You can't just keep doing it. You have to pay it back each time.

Which means you have to have an influx of cash to keep paying off those borrowing --

GLENN: Yeah. He would pay them off sometimes in months. Sometimes in a year. He would take out, you know, a million dollar loan. And then pay it off within the year.

Excuse me?

On a teacher's salary. And a public servant. Huh!

STU: I know. And, by the way, Glenn, I just want to point out the hypocrisy for a moment of a man who says he's got $10 million in investments and doesn't want to pay the taxes associated with the gains.

Right? Like, he's just avoiding the exact types of taxes he's proposing, and trying to implement on everyone else. And saying everyone else is skipping out on their taxes. He's doing the exact same thing. And that is the best-case scenario, here.

GLENN: Of course. I know. I know.

STU: The real truth seems to fit precisely with what we suspect Joe Biden is doing with his family members, when it comes to essentially, allegedly, laundering money through international sources.

GLENN: That's why these people in Washington, DC, say they're going after the rich. They don't mean it. They don't mean it.

They don't mean the really rich and connected rich. They won't ever tax those people. They mean you. They mean the person that has just started a business. And starting to turn those things around. Those are the people that they're really after. They will never go -- as Donald Trump said, look, you don't like the amount I pay in taxes? Then change the laws! Okay?

He knows. Rich people can play the games of avoiding taxes. And they can shelter their money and everything else that helps them. They can do the things that Joe Biden did. In the pest case scenario. From ChatGPT.

Alex Jones Explains the Real Reason Infowars is Shutting Down

Alex Jones Explains the Real Reason Infowars is Shutting Down

Alex Jones’ bankruptcy trustee has laid out a plan to shut down Infowars and liquidate his assets in order to pay some of the $1.5 billion he owes to Sandy Hook families. But Alex joins Glenn as a guest to explain why he believes it was never about the money. It was always about stopping his speech. So, why is he now planning to shut down Infowars? Alex explains why he agreed to this liquidation plan, why he’s refusing to be silenced, what he plans to do next, and how all this lawfare they’re using against him may soon be turned on the rest of us …


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So there's a new story out today, from the Associated Press.

US bankruptcy court trustee is planning to shut down conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' Infowars media platform, and liquidate its assets to help pay the $1.5 billion in lawsuit judgments Jones owes for repeatedly calling the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting a hoax.

In an emergency motion, filed Sunday, in Houston, trustee Christopher Murray indicated publicly for the first time, that he intends to conduct an orderly wine down of the operation of Infowars, a parent company, and liquidate its inventory.

Jones has been saying on his website with radio shows, he believes InfoWar will operate for a few more months before it's shut down because of the bankruptcy. Murray also asked the U.S. bankruptcy judge, Christopher Lopez, to put an immediate hold on the Sandy Hook family's efforts to collect the -- how are you going to get $1.5 billion?

To collect the massive amount Jones owes them. Murray said, those efforts would interfere with their plans to close down the parent company.

Free speech systems in Austin, Texas. And sell out the assets, which much of the proceeds would go to the families.

On Friday, the lawyers for the parents in Connecticut asked a judge in Texas to order free speech systems to turn over to the families, certain assets, including the money in the bank accounts and garnish its accounts.

Judge Maya Guerra Gamble approved the request, prompting Murray is to have an emergency motion. Alex Jones is here to give us a comment, on this. Hello, Alex.

ALEX: Glenn, thanks for having me on. You know, this is very historic.

The, quote, families who are represented by high-powered Democrat Party law firms, the same ones suing Elon Musk right now for defamation. Different plan, but same lawyers. They went on CNN last week, said we do not want money, we want it immediately closed -- the door is closed. They don't want to sell the millions of dollars of inventory, books, belts, T-shirts, supplements, water filters.

They don't want any -- they want to immediately shut down, and they said because we want to stop his speech. They actually said that on CNN.

If you want me to accepted you the clip.

It's just outrageous how transparent this is. And, again, in Texas and Connecticut in both show trials, two years ago, both judges found me guilty of failure to get any discovery.

But we gave them everything. There was no evidence of what we said they did.

Instead, both judges found me guilty in default, and then had the juries decide how guilty I was.

Then put on evidence, that I had $400 million in the bank. I didn't have 5 million in the bank. All of it was total disinformation.

I was not allowed to put on defense. I was not allowed to respond. People that watched the hearings said, why don't his lawyers defend him? Well, they weren't allowed to.

So this is a very dangerous, very, very oppressive setting. And they've now publicly admitted, we don't want money. We want to shut him down.

So they went and filed a few weeks ago, totally just shut the doors. So I said, fine. I will do an orderly liquidation. That way, the stuff actually gets sold off. The employees might get some severance. They can work for somebody else.

They're not going to silence me. So they immediately ran to the same judge that found me guilty without a jury trial in Texas, and just in a summary hearing, no evidence. Said, boom, seize all the assets. So now the federal trusty is in a fight with them, trying to block them today, grabbing the bank accounts and having the sheriff's departments in order, come and lock the doors. So everybody is already -- got stuff out the building weeks ago.

And remember, when I told people, that they had filings to do this, the media said, oh, it's a conspiracy theory. Nobody wants to silence him. The corporate establishment media. They -- that the leftest media is -- it's always just deny reality.

And then turn around the next day and admit it was actually true. So, Glenn, I really appreciate you having me on to talk about this. Because again, people ask how I'm taking it. This is a big, big deal. Not just for me, but for the whole country. The whole world. They've admitted in the Wall Street Journal. The New York Times. CNN. Everywhere. That they will use this precedent against me and lawfare against everybody else.

So they use you as the beta test to kick the number one talk show host in the world politically at the time. You off of Fox. Using a bunch of threats and misinfo and going after sponsors. And then now they're beta testing lawfare with me. And again, I'm guilty of plenty of stuff. I made plenty of mistakes. But I did not say 99 percent of what I said. But I couldn't defend myself. They entered 22 minutes of video. And both trials were coordinated in Connecticut and Texas. Twenty-two minutes is all they ever had of me talking about it.

They had three times. With callers calling and saying, yeah. I think it's totally staged. I never sent everybody on their houses.

No evidence was given. Nobody went to their houses. Nobody peed on graves. It was literally just like saying, Trump said all Hispanics are criminals, and that white supremacists are nice people.

He never said those things. But the media creates this illusion. That that's the case. And when I was totally kicked off the air. For some radio stations tearing up my platforming. That started five years ago. I couldn't respond anywhere. When they were bombarding me, sometimes on every nightly news channel, hundreds of publications, saying things I never said. I wasn't able to respond. So that's what was so scary.

GLENN: So, Alex, which one do you want to happen then?

The liquidation, the orderly exit.

Or -- I mean, which one is good for you? Either?

ALEX: Absolutely. Well, that's what happened two Fridays ago in court. They filed in court, and told the judge, we want him closed today. And the rogue CRO admitted to the judge in court. That indeed he tried to lock the doors and kick me out.

And the judge told him ten times. Ten. Mr. Jones the owner under law. So you can't do that. But as soon as I declared personal seven, two weeks ago, I accepted the judge appointing this federal liquidator, because that was my on me last move. To get a few months on an orderly shutdown. So that's exactly what's happening. So I agreed to this two Fridays ago. The media basically didn't even report on it. And then when he announced the liquidation a few days ago, the media reported that he was liquidating me.

I agreed to that. Because it's the only thing I can do, other than just let them put padlocks on the doors today.

GLENN: Now. You don't get anything either way. Right?

They take whatever they can of yours. By declaring bankruptcy. Does this now end your battle for the $1.5 billion judgment?

ALEX: No. Because both of the state courts said that I made a malicious intent to hurt people. Which, of course, wasn't true.

And the law is clear, you have to have a full jury trial to do that. That's why both in Connecticut and in Texas, I -- I have filed appeals. The word is, we will win on both of them. Because these were not real trials that were conducted.

Just like the Supreme Court ruled yesterday. That you have to have a unanimous jury on a criminal thing.

Which will, of course, overturn Trump's New York thing. It's the same thing here. This is 100 percent cut and dry. Their plan is to take all my money away so that I cannot continue the appeals. But I've already prepaid the appeals. I've already got good lawyers on the appeals. And I will just leave it at this.

The word is, they will both be shut down in Connecticut and in Texas. So this has been kind of a race to just get me off the air in the meantime, for this election.

GLENN: Alex, best of luck. We will keep track of the story. Thank you so much.

Alex Jones.

You bet. He is right about one thing.

Judicial warfare, law fare, is the thing of the future now.

Stu will tell you, he can't do a monologue today.

He can't do a show he was going to do. Because of the amount of litigation that we are now facing at the Blaze.

We can't use sound. There's several stories that we wanted to cover. And we have covered the important ones. But you can tell the story, much better when you have them on tape, saying it.

But now, for some strange reason, all fair use and he went else has gone out the window.

Shockingly right before the election, where we can't play people from the campaign trail, saying things to the American people. Wow!

That's interesting. And the litigation is just getting overwhelming. Especially if you don't have the -- the pockets that TheBlaze has.

There's going to -- they will put a lot of people right out of business. With -- with law fare.

That's real. And that's why, I want to make sure I'm pointing out what's happening to Alex. As he said, he made a lot of mistakes.

He did a lot of stupid things. We all have. And, you know, a 1.5. It was in the trillions.

If I remember right, it was like $2 trillion. And then they brought it down to 1.5 billion.

Like that -- like that judgment is -- is even possible for anybody, who is in the media. Anybody.

We don't make billions of dollars. That -- that shuts you down for the rest of your life.