A new poll reveals the SHOCKING ways some Democrat-likely voters wish to fundamentally alter the Supreme Court. In fact, 39 percent of likely Democrat voters favor a constitutional amendment to allow the UNITED NATIONS power to reverse any SCOTUS decision that UN member nations feel violates human rights. Um, WHAT?! In this clip Glenn and Stu discuss why giving sovereignty to the UN makes NO sense and the other INSANE changes some Americans want enacted onto our judicial branch…
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Hey, I just got a new poll in. Which is great, from the Heartland Institute.
It's -- hmm. It's going to come out tomorrow. Tomorrow, afternoon. The results are pretty terrifying. The poll was done by Rasmussen to see how Americans, how they feel about the Supreme Court.
Yeah. So here's what we have: Majority of Democrat likely voters. Not just registered Democrats. But likely voters, believe the Supreme Court is fundamentally racist. 56 percent. And fundamentally sexist, 67 percent.
That's not good. That's not good. Further, 53 percent of Democrat likely voters, want to abolish the current Supreme Court and establish a new Democratically elected Supreme Court, with justices chosen by the American people, directly. Can you even imagine, what a nightmare scenario that is?
39 percent of Democrats would strongly or somewhat favor a constitutional amendment, that would give the United Nations the authority to reverse U.S. Supreme Court decisions, that UN members believe violate human rights.
Could -- I mean, who are the Democrats?
Who are they? I -- I -- really? I mean, I've met this many dumb people, but that would mean all the dumb people in America are Democrat, and I don't believe that.
But I'm beginning to. I mean, 53 percent? 56 percent say it's fundamentally racist. Sixty-seven of Democrats say, fundamentally sexist. But 53 percent of those who are likely to vote, say they want to abolish the Supreme Court, and hold elections for the -- I mean, why don't we just -- why don't we just do America's Got Talent. America has judges.
STU: Look, that idea worked really well with the Senate. Look how great our Senate is doing now. Now that we elect them directly.
It's really improved that process quite a bit. You can kind of understand. Okay the fundamentally racist thing. Well, Democrats think literally everything is racist. Okay. Maybe. Fundamentally sexist. Maybe they just went through the Roe vs. Wade thing. A lot of Democrats are angry about that.
GLENN: I can cut you some slack on that. Maybe.
STU: No one is even proposing, that the UN is taking over vetoing our Supreme Court decisions. And still a giant chunk of Democrats believe that that's the way we should go. That is remarkable.
GLENN: So 39 percent of Democrats would strongly favor a constitutional amendment that would give the United Nations the authority to reverse U.S. Supreme Court decisions that UN members violate -- that's 39 percent. Here's the crazy part:
48 percent of all voters aged 18 to 39.
STU: Hmm.
GLENN: Favored giving the United Nations the power to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court cases.
So wait. You want to give up our sovereignty?
To that group of people? Can you tell me what that group of people have done? One good thing! Honestly, one good thing. Audrey Hepburn was -- was -- was an ambassador for them.
And I loved her. She was great. That's it. That's as far as I can go.
STU: It's -- it really is amazing. Why would you want to do that, of all things? I guess at this point, they just want to overturn everything. Because they see the Constitution being upheld. And that's the problem here. Is that, again, the Supreme Court did not take away a right. They said, the right didn't exist the whole time. Which is true. And they took the power away from themselves. The Supreme Court initially created this right, out of thin air. Which is their argument, by the way.
Not my argument. Their argument is, they acknowledge it wasn't around during the time of the 14th Amendment. Because almost everybody had banned abortion at the time of the 14th Amendment. They can't argue that it was the initial intent. They just said that later on, they believed that updating standards. It's a living document. Now that power of the 14th Amendment, includes abortion. They, the Supreme Court, a bunch of men, created the right. And then a later Supreme Court, said yeah. You can't just create rights like that. That's not what you do. So we took the power out of their own hands. And people are still incredibly angry at them.
It really is ultra amazing.
GLENN: So I don't think people understand the second part of that. They took it out of their hands, because they said, it's not a right in the Constitution.
STU: Uh-huh.
GLENN: It's not like they said, nope. That's not a right. They said, that's not a right, that the federal government has purview over.
The federal government has certain things that they have -- all the Bill of Rights. All those. That's what the federal government cannot do. Okay?
They can't violate any of those. Well, they're violating all of those right now. Nobody seems to care. It's what the government cannot do. Any other right, not listed there, goes to the people, and to the state. So you might have the right.
I haven't heard a good case on it.
You might have a right for an abortion. But that's for the people and the state to decide, not the federal government.
STU: And some state Constitutions allow for that right. Again, I think that's morally reprehensible. That's in several state constitutions. And you can get those abortions there, for the time being at least. You know, the whole point of this, and this is in several of these.
It was also in the EPA and several others in this session.
It was a theme. We are not the ones that are supposed to make these decisions.
If you guys want to do these things, pass laws.
Start passing laws, if you want these things to be done.
Go within the constitutional bounds of your power, and pass laws. Stop acting like we're going to do all this stuff for you. That's not our job. That's them saying, hey, we aren't going to take the power. We are actually going to cede the power, which for some reason the left wants us to have. We're going to cede it back to the legislatures, where it belongs.
That is what they've been doing over and over again. That's how this is supposed to work.
GLENN: So what is -- what's crazy. Let me do one more thing here. On abortion.
If you look at the numbers, more than one in three, 37 percent said their state should allow abortion only in cases of rape and incest. 37 percent. Another 12 percent, favored allowing abortion only in the first six weeks of pregnancy. And that's when you can detect a baby's heartbeat.
STU: 16 percent you said?
GLENN: Twelve.
STU: We're at half, basically.
GLENN: Yeah. We're at 49 percent of the country that would say, six weeks, that's it.
STU: Six weeks or less.
GLENN: Half of the country.
Yeah. Okay?
Another 23 percent would support a ban at 15 percent, meaning 72 percent of the country agrees with what Mississippi brought in front of the Supreme Court.
Because they said, they wanted a 15-week ban on abortions.
Women are more pro-life than men. And I think that's absolutely -- absolutely explainable. It's a woman's body. You don't have a right to say anything. I completely disagree with that. But how many guys, A, I'll keep the options open?
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: And, B, just been bullied into not having an opinion?
STU: I think that's true. I think, look, think of this stereotypical situation, that you would think of in these situations.
Guy goes out, hooks up with a girl he finds at a bar. They go back to the house. They do their thing. She's pregnant. And he's the one that is like, oh, I don't even want to talk to her again. Let alone raise a child with her, so, yeah, please, yeah. Abortion is great. Women's rights. Please, oh, my gosh. Women's right to choose. It's so important to me. What a fundamental right this is. They just want to get out of what they've done. Right?
They want to avoid the responsibility. So stereotypically, you assume that the guys would be the ones pushing for this. By the way, I might remind you, it was seven guys who brought the right to you.
So, you know, for all the thoughts that men shouldn't have an opinion here, the only person involved in a major abortion case, that actually decided it, that was a woman, really was -- was Amy Coney Barrett.
I mean, I guess in Casey, you can make the argument. Amy Coney Barrett is the one who is involved here. She's a woman. There were no women involved in the Roe vs. Wade decision at the Supreme Court level.
GLENN: Here's the most telling part of the poll: Majority, if I felt 5 percent said they opposed overturning Roe vs. Wade.
Even though, 72 percent would support a law, that Roe would have struck down. What's more, 25 percent, only 25 percent agreed that the Supreme Court, as opposed to state or federal lawmakers, should set the standards on abortion.
So wait.
STU: Amazing.
GLENN: 72 percent support the law, that it just overturned?
Or, that it just made possible by overturning it.
And only 25 percent say the decision should be in the hands of the Supreme Court. Which is what the Supreme Court said.
STU: Yeah. So basically, what that tells you is that people just don't know what Roe vs. Wade means. They think Roe vs. Wade means, if you overturn it, abortion goes away completely.
They, of course, will learn very soon, that that that's not the case.
Because 72 percent support the Mississippi law. And, you know, 25 percent. Like want the Supreme Court to make these rules. Well, that's what Roe vs. Wade was.
So you can't support Roe vs. Wade. And oppose the Supreme Court coming up with the rules.
Their whole argument in Roe vs. Wade was, you guys are really kind of at odds here. Why don't we come in and say, we'll just make up a standard, and that will kind of solve the problem.
And then Casey came along and they said, hey, that Roe vs. Wade thing sure didn't solve the problem. We'll give you a new standard. A new idea. And that's going to be viability. And that will solve it for you guys. And it didn't solve it at all. And then this Supreme Court said, hey. Maybe we shouldn't be giving us you the standards. Maybe you guys should solve this on your own. Through the normal process. Instead of us coming up with a universal solution for everybody. That's what everybody seems to want in the poll. They have no idea what Roe vs. Wade is, other than people who oppose it, are evil.
GLENN: Yeah. And the people who are for it, apparently love children and women. Even though now, New York has gone crazy. Absolutely crazy. Not only their new gun concealed carry permit. What do you call it? I don't even know.
Bureaucracy. It's worse than it was. It's worse than it was now. And there's no way this stands up in court. No way this stands up in court.
STU: No.
GLENN: And New York also said, they need to crack down on the pregnancy centers, that are offering life. Because they say, they are offering disinformation by saying that it's a baby already inside of you. And the other disinformation is, you're already a mother. You're carrying your child right now. So you already are a mother.
Those are the two pieces of misinformation or disinformation, they say, that they have to crackdown on. So they are now cracking down -- it doesn't matter. No longer. You can have all the abortions you want.
Celebrate all the abortions. We'll send you cakes. Just all the abortions you want. That's not good enough. They have to stop those 20 percent, that go to these pregnancy centers, and have their minds changed.
Interesting times, we live in. You will be forced to participate.