The left's climate change FEAR-MONGERING is about CONTROL

Global elites and the far-left will NOT let their current ‘crisis’ disappear like the ozone layer hysteria of the 1990s. They’ll do whatever they can to make sure THIS emergency actually sticks, which is why the FEAR-MONGERING over climate change has hit a new high. Glenn details some of the latest examples (like did you know a runway in the UK actually MELTED), and he explains how this has nothing to do with saving the environment. No, today’s climate change fear is ALL about control.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: In a world -- in a world so united, pushing actual climate policy, it's -- it's fear porn. Will we survive?

The Great Reset was just, what? Two years ago, a conspiracy. Now, about 60 percent of America believes, in The Great Reset. Knows what it is. Still not enough.

But a lot of people are waking up every day. And I've never seen anything like it. Never seen anything like it. They really -- the left really has done their homework. This is an ingenious thing. It's pushed by the United Nations. And governments all over the world.

Financial institutions, like the Bank of America. And Citi. And the IMF.

You can't dismiss the fear porn anymore.
Because the global elites have no intention of letting their current crisis go the way of the ozone layer hysteria of the 1980s, and they intend for this one to stick. So what crisis do we have? Oh, my gosh.

Have you been outside lately? It's 412 degrees. I actually heard on NPR this morning. A report that today, middle of July, in the summer, in Phoenix, it's going to be 111 degrees today.

And I thought, my gosh, that is shocking. Because when I lived in Phoenix, years and years and years ago, around this time of the year, is 120 degrees!

This is not new people. This is not new. But every time there is some sort of blip, it's absolute proof. World is on the verge of spontaneously combusting. We're all going to die in a fiery flood.

First, we'll have the fire. Then that will melt the ice caps. Then it will flood. It will put us out, but we'll all be dead.

If you live in Arizona, you live in Texas, you're probably laughing right now. Because why you have to pay attention to this stuff.

We all saw that the government was willing to completely change everything in the name of covid. We saw what societies were willing to give up.

So what is -- what is the world planning for the big, bad climate monster?

Well, Texans are in the middle of a heat wave right now. Today, the heat is supposed to hit 109, with temperatures steady in the low to mid-100s all week and next.

Well, this is unprecedented. Well, I mean, Vice news thinks it's unprecedented. I think it's summer in Texas. But this heat is not normal, they wrote.

Wow. It's not! They go on to conclude, this means man-made climate change is an existential threat.

And I was expecting the next line to be, and that's why we need The Great Reset. But sadly, they held back. But is this out of the ordinary at all? I'm hearing myself come back.

To be blunt, Texans see this, again, as one of those summers. Heat wave. Yes. Something to be cautious about, yes. But not unprecedented. If you're my age, and you live in Texas. You probably remember the heat wave of 1980. It set multiple heat records that have yet to be broken. And this was at the end of global cooling. The all-time highest temperature, 113 degrees. The longest streak of days, with temperatures of at least 100. Forty-two days. This is in 1980. The longest streak of days with temperatures of at least 90. Seventy-nine days. The hottest month, based on an average temperature, in July, the temperature was 92.

For July 1980.

The heat wave then went east. And it cranked temperatures up all over the country, to record the highs. And on top of that. A category five hurricane hit at the same time.

Now, imagine what the government and the media would have said back then. They would have been freaking out. They would -- they would make Chicken Little look like Tom Cruise's Ethan Hawke. I can jump out of that window.

Weather events like heat waves can be dangerous. Precautions should be taken. When places like Seattle, at least when I was growing up, nobody had air-conditioning. Now, I'm sure they do now. But nobody had it. Because it's never hot.

Hot. Hot in Seattle is like 90. And that's like. That's -- what? It's 90. I'm afraid I'm going to burst into flames.

People are not used to temperatures. But heat waves are normal. I love -- I love this. They were talking about the heat wave in England and in Europe. And two main tarmacs are closed. They're closed today. You can't -- you can't land a plane in -- in England today. Can't do it. Because, quote, the tarmac has melted. Now, I don't know if they're landing their planes on popsicle sticks, but I've never seen a tarmac melt. I've seen it get sticky. I've seen it get soft. But I don't think that's melting.

I mean -- again, maybe they're making it out of, you know, Häagen-Dazs ice cream. I don't know.

So here's what's happening right now. The climate showing us that we're all going to die. At this rate, the way the temperatures have gone up, from let's just take it from April. To today. At this rate, it will be 374 degrees at Christmas.

PAT: Wow.

GLENN: And there's no stopping -- we've got to stop it. So here's what the president is going to do. This is according to the Washington Post today.

President Biden is considering declaring a national climate emergency. As soon as this week, as he seeks to savage his environmental agenda in the wake of stalled talks on Capitol Hill. See, Joe Manchin came out. He told the Democrats, I will not support the -- the sprawling economic package, that includes billions of dollars to address global warming. I won't do it.

Now they're saying, how can one person hold the nation hostage. I mean, how can this one Democrat, who thinks he knows better than all the other Democrats. Yeah. Because we don't work in a collective. We work as individuals.

I love this. I love this. How can the majority be held back?

You're not the majority. I mean, you're -- you're the majority holder in Congress. But you have 50 votes with the vice president. That's what you got. That's what you have.

So, yeah. The majority is, if one guy flips. Yeah. That's the majority. You're not the majority. How can we be held back, when we have 20 votes in the Senate?

How can that possibly be? Oh. They think they know better. Those 80 people think they know better than the rest of us.

So the reason why I want to bring this up, is it is -- it is something that I told you, would happen. And I told you, in fact, I'm just going to -- I'm just going to give you what I told you, on television, about two months ago. Maybe a month ago.

The new changes, what's happening with Build Back Better and the great reset.

The Constitution and Congress, we are supposed to be able to stand tremendously in the path of fundamental transformations of our country. That's -- the Constitution is -- Build Back Better and The Great Reset, these are game-changing. And I think murderous ideas.

But merely given the bureaucrats a new mandate to say, no. We're not doing that. The mandate is instead, coming from the president, by executive action. Now, listen to this string of details.

December 2020, just a few weeks before Biden was inaugurated, a group called the center for biological diversity, met with Joe Biden. So they met together. They spearheaded a collection of over 700 groups, that make up the most radical climate activists in the country.

Now, during the Trump presidency, they made their name by launching insane litigation campaigns, boasting 266 frivolous lawsuits.

Two hundred sixty-six frivolous lawsuits. They tried to paralyze his administration. On their website, they actually brag about their meeting with Biden.

And they say, quote, they presented him with a progressive climate president, action plan. And model executive orders.

Wow! So they wrote executive orders. Huh.

Now, these actions, they presented to the Biden administration. And they say, quote, ten essential climate actions, President Biden can do, without Congress. They did the work for Biden, ahead of the time. They wrote the model executive orders.

So when you ask who is running the country, I can tell you, it's special interest groups. So let's start at the bottom, and see if any of this took.

Number ten, rejoining the Paris agreement. Check. He did it. Number nine. Make polluters pay, and prosecute polluters. Number eight, advance climate justice. Number seven, launch a just transition.

I mean, does that sound like anything that anybody, but a radical would say?

I give you the radical Joe Biden. He talked about all of that. Prosecuting polluters. Advancing climate justice. And launch a just transition.

Number six, 100 percent renewable energy by 2030. That's why -- that's why your gas is this high. Then there's this. The executive order, 14008. It mandates, quote, a carbon pollution-free electricity sector, no later than 2035.

So it's five years later, than the climate activists wanted. But it's 13 years from now.

Number five, weaponize the Clean Air Act. Biden has been very vocal about this from day one. He's -- one of the biggest things that piss them off, that Trump stood in the way of.

Number four, shift financial flows, from fossil fuels, to climate solutions.

That's the new economy. That's BlackRock. That's ESG. Been happening for years now. But Biden's executive orders, are doing much, much more now.

This Biden executive action, all of these are reshaping our economy. Except, it wasn't reported or described like that. This road map, described -- describes over half a trillion in federal contracts. That would only be going to entities that adequately monitor their emissions. So, in other words, they have a good ESG score. They acknowledge the federal government, is, quote, the world's single largest purchaser of goods and services.

And they state in the order, why they're doing this. Quote, by identifying and mitigating climate risk through procurement. The federal government is leading by example, deploying public procurement policy is a tool to strategically shape markets.

So, in other words, manipulate the markets. This is being done at the federal level. Manipulating you and the market.

And nobody is talking about it. And the SEC is taking it even further.

Number two, stop fossil -- Biden has already done that. Every single one of these actions have been accounted for now, except for number one.

And what is the number one thing the president must do, without Congress?

I'll tell you in 60 seconds. First, let me tell you about the Tuttle Twins. The Tuttle Twins are -- is a series of books, that I think everybody must have.

They really have to have these books. You need it in your library. For your kids. For knowinger grandkids.

For your neighbor kids. For any kid that happens to come by. And, kids, come here. I'll read a history book to you.

It's American history, 1215 to 1776. And I can guarantee you, in today's world, you can say, hey, kid. Come on over. I'm going to show pornos to you.

Or you can say, I'm going to read this history book to you. You'd get in more trouble in today's society for reading a history book, especially this one.

Because it's a great storybook. History has the word story in it! And that's what our teachers, our professors. Our history books have intentionally left out. Left us memorizing dates and names that mean nothing. This book is the way to teach history to your kids. I urge you to get it, at They're having America's history book launch. You can preview a free sample of the chapter, at the website. You can see for yourself why it's needed. Why it's absolutely crucial in the here and now. It's Ten-second station ID.
So what is the number one thing that they can do? What is the number one thing that this radical climate group, said to Joe Biden, you have to do.

Well, he did one through nine, as the Washington Post reports. He's about to do number one. I shouldn't say that. He's about to do the number one thing, they're calling for. And that is, declare a climate emergency. Everything has been set up for this.

The WHO has already accelerated their plans to protect human health, and combat the climate crisis. It's a health crisis.

On its founding day, the organization seeks reimagining, and re-prioritization of resources, to usher in sustainable, well-being societies. Wow. Wow. Wow. FEMA is already geared up now, and ready for a global climate health crisis. W-H-O, same thing. But Biden -- Biden hasn't done it yet. Number one thing they have to do is declare an emergency. Washington Post says, the president has made it clear, the Senate doesn't act to tackle climate crisis, and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry, he will.

Good. Good. Watch for a client emergency. If he declares that, that is the next covid. The president has extraordinary power. All extra constitutional.

He -- he can railroad the Constitution legally. Because it's a national emergency.