The FACTS behind Biden’s BLATANT LIES on economy, oil & gas

No one could dismantle America faster than the Biden administration. And it becomes even worse when President Biden tries to outright LIE about how he’s doing it. On Friday, Joe Biden said the U.S. economy is ‘on the move,’ touting the jobs he’s created and the deficits he’s lowered. WHAT?! Is he living in an alternate universe? Glenn and Stu break down these BLATANT LIES, giving you the FACTS to how this far-left federal government is destroying our economy and our oil & gas industries…


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Okay. So Biden said a couple of things. One, we all know the right way to build something is build an economy from the bottom up. You know, I don't think we all know that. I certainly don't know that. I've never worked for a poor man. They are generally not the ones hiring. As we have pointed out earlier this week. But he says, things are great. What is the new unemployment number?

STU: 3.6 percent.

GLENN: Wow. That is incredible. 3.6 percent.

STU: It's quite low.

GLENN: Yeah. It's almost like unemployment. When you're getting into the threes. You're headed towards unemployment. Where there's just no one else available for the jobs. Now, if I listen to Joe Biden, things are going so well. New jobs are being created. He's created, what was it? 7.5 million new jobs?

STU: Oh, all creating them.

GLENN: In the last year alone. Can I ask I a question? I haven't seen any of these new jobs, I haven't seen the new job creation. I live in Texas. And I do see the empty stores and restaurants and things that used to be there. And maybe there's a few new stores, but I'm not seeing them.

Now, I'm in Texas, that just has been on the ropes. There's no new job creation here at all.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: Wait a minute. So let me ask you this: Did we lose that many people? I mean, it must have been millions. The media, I know, is lying to us. But did we lose tens of millions of Americans, in covid?

STU: No. We did not -- not that many. A lot. But not that many.

GLENN: Okay. So why is there a help wanted sign in almost every store, restaurant, everywhere?

STU: It's because of Joe Biden's raging economy.

GLENN: But these were the same jobs that were filled by people, just two years ago, and now they can't fill them. Did they all go someplace? Did they die? Or are they all working in this mystic mountain, you know, machinery, this -- this great corporation in the sky, that I haven't seen or heard from?

STU: Hmm. It may be that. Maybe that's why. And maybe because that's such a jarring scenario, that's the reason. They can't seem to recognize all of this bounty that they have. People are not recognizing the economic brilliance, of Joe Biden. And all the things he's brought to them.

GLENN: Well, I mean, he did stand in front of the American people, just about 15 minutes ago, and say, look, here's the thing. People have more money in their pocket, than they did a year ago.

STU: I mean, it's technically probably true. Because the money has inflated so much. That they need extra dollars to do anything. It's a fascinating thing. You know, because we were talking about this with Michael Malice a few minutes ago. It's good to go on offense. Republicans don't go on offense a lot. But it's not the only answer. You shouldn't be on offense, when you have absolutely no argument. And Joe Biden has absolutely no argument.

GLENN: Oh, I won't hear that. He just pointed out that he cut the deficit.

STU: Oh, this one was really frustrating.

GLENN: No. Listen. Not the debt. The deficit. He cut the deficit last year, in 2021, last year, by 350 billion. This year, he's cutting it by $1.3 trillion. That's the biggest reduction in deficit in our whole history.

STU: Think of what -- this disingenuous doesn't cover it. Think of what a pathetic lie that is. First of all, he's comparing this to a year, where all of the businesses were closed. And millions of people were fired, because there's nowhere to work. So, yeah. Tax revenues work pretty far down. We also spent multiple trillions of dollars, on a pandemic.

GLENN: Only 5.6. Only 5.6.

STU: It's much more than that. But still, okay. 5.6 trillion on the front. We recover the fed stuff I guess another time?

But still, $5.6 trillion+ on covid, just added on top.

He reduces it by $350 billion, from that number, which is terrible. But it's a terrible job. And he just -- just by showing up to work, you should have been able to do a trillion dollars off that budget. It was supposed to be a once in a lifetime pandemic, and you basically repeated it in year two, when everyone wanted to go back, and you kept telling them not to.

Then this year, he's taking credit for $1.3 trillion in -- in budget -- in deficit reduction. When that number is, first of all, not impressive. Considering what he's comparing it to. But secondly, it only exists because his plan, Build Back Better, didn't pass. If it did pass, he wouldn't have saved $1.3 trillion off of the budget. It's only because of his failure, that he can claim the success. That is his argument to the American people today.

GLENN: So this is a little like, your house is on fire. And it's burning down. And the fire department comes. And starts putting it out. And you're like, dude, it is still out of control. And the five or six department saying. I just reduced the temperature of your house by 400 degrees. And you're like, but it was 1400. It's still 1,000 degrees! In the house.

I mean --

STU: No. And not to mention, the fact that even before the pandemic, the -- the deficits were too high. So he's taking it -- a worst case, monumental, once in a century, terrible number. Reducing it slightly. Then bragging about it, while the American people, identify correctly, as one of the biggest challenges we have, is inflation. And what is his answer? He's talking about spending more money. And then telling you, it's going to fix inflation. He's talking about releasing millions of barrels from the strategic oil reserve, which will do nothing. It's not going to help the problem. If anything, it puts it, at higher risk, in a time of potential world war, which is -- so it's a terrible idea.

But if you really wanted to knock a few cents off of the gas prices for a short time, your job would not be to release oil from the strategic oil reserve. You could no change out the tax. The federal tax of 18 cents. And get it to go down 18 cents in a day. Now, should I you do that? There's economic arguments against it. But at least there would be a straight line through some sort of sane, coherent thought process, to change the gas prices in the short-term.

Whether that should be his goal or not -- I mean, I want that tax to go away for other reasons. And it should stay gone away forever. And so should the state taxes. But this was -- this makes absolutely no sense.

GLENN: Oh, boy. You haven't listened to the president. Look, he said.

STU: He said, come on, man?

GLENN: This is a moment of consequence and peril for the world. And pain at the pump for American families.

STU: Uh-huh.

GLENN: It's also the moment of patriotism. I want to acknowledge those companies that have already announced that they're increasing immediate production. They're investing money to produce more oil, and also clean technologies, we need to reduce our dependence on oil in the future. They're investing money, really? Because no bank is giving them money to invest. No bank is giving them money to pump more oil right now. Because that is a reputational risk, to the banks. Don't believe me? Ask the oil companies, that are not under the thumb of their new, wildly progressive environmentalist cabinet members. Or their board members. Like Exxon. No bank is giving these people any money. So they say, they have everything they need. These oil companies. Everything.

STU: Of course.

GLENN: Literally nothing. Nothing. Nothing, I'm quoting, is standing in their way. And they've indicated, they will be producing an extra 1 million barrels of oil per day, probably starting as early as this fall. Now, that's progress. Is it? Is that the best we can do?

STU: No. That is not the best we can do. But some companies have been pretty blunt. They don't want to increase supply. Because Putin's price hike, means higher profits for them.

STU: Right. Because they wouldn't want more to sell, in a market that's higher. That makes a lot of sense. These greedy guys are stupid.

GLENN: One CEO even acknowledged that they don't care if the price of a barrel of oil goes to $200 a barrel.

You know who says that? People who are environmentalists. They want it to go to $200 a barrel, so you can't afford gasoline, and then you will cry out, for the magical electric car, that will not be ready, because we don't have the energy capability, for everybody to plug their car into the wall!

STU: Or the nickel, we never to make the batteries.

GLENN: Oh, no. We're getting the nickel.

STU: Oh, we're --

GLENN: We're getting it, because he just took over the industry. Another War Powers Act. Can America wake up to the fascism? Another War Powers Act, he just enacted yesterday to take over the nickel industry. So he can force these companies, to go get more nickel.

Oh, my gosh.

STU: And, of course, when government runs industries like that, it always works out really well.

GLENN: It always works out. Yeah. Look at Cuba. I mean, do we need to say? Look at how well all of these policies worked in Venezuela for their oil industry.

STU: Really, really well. By the way, too. It was Steven Colbert the other day, making a joke, about how he doesn't care if it goes to 15. Fifteen dollars a gallon. He has a Tesla.

GLENN: Uh-huh. You know what, there's somebody else that talks specifically about this. Now, it's a conspiracy theory. She doesn't have any power whatsoever, to actually get people to do something.

Here's cut three. Nancy Pelosi.

NANCY: But we cannot allow the fossil fuel industry to use this as an excuse to reverse everything that we're doing to save the planet. One of the things that I think that the president may say. I don't have this as a fact, is that we will use the defense production act, to speed up diversification, so that we're not so dependent.

GLENN: More power. More power.

NANCY: On oil.

STU: Wait. She doesn't have it as a fact. The president might say. Then she looks down at a piece of paper and reads the words, Defense Production Act. What do you mean she doesn't have it as an act?

GLENN: Jeez. So she is saying, but the good news is, we cannot let these oil companies use this as an excuse, to go back and producing more oil. Did you hear what she's saying there?

STU: Oh, yeah.

GLENN: They can't use this as an excuse. Meanwhile, he's saying, they don't want to do it, because they're making so much money. Which one is it, guys?

STU: Nothing makes sense.

GLENN: But both of them, stay calm. Are invoking the War Powers Act. Oh, and one other thing. The president announced yesterday. And he repeated it again, in his speech. We are now going to be releasing one million barrels of oil, from our strategic reserve every day, until some time in the fall. 1 million -- do you know what the strategic oil reserve is for?

The name kind of gives it away. It's strategic. It's in case the United States has to go to war, because we learned you're lesson in World War II. He should know it. I mean, you know, I think Biden was 47, when we fought that war. It -- we learned our lesson. We have to have oil. We must have oil. Or we're not going to be able to -- we're not going to be able to fly our planes. Or sail our ships. Aircraft carriers won't work. Tanks won't work. Jeeps won't work. Nothing works, without oil!

So if we had to fight a war, we wanted to make sure, that we had enough oil, for that war! He's taking that down almost 40 percent! If we had it filled to the rim, we're left just with this tan. Not the last one. Just this tap, is going to take us to 60 percent of oil reserves. Okay? 60 percent. We probably have lost another 10 percent of our oil reserves, from the last one he just did. We're sitting at 50 to 60 percent of our oil. Assuming we started full. We're sitting on half of the strategic reserves. And they're seriously still talking about a nuclear war. What the almost used the word wrong for broadcast. Is wrong with these people! No, I know what's wrong with them. What's wrong with the American people? What is wrong? Are we this stupid? Are they going to get away with releasing our oil reserve? Everybody who is barely making it. Barely making it. If you want to save the country, you should still be saying, no. No. No. No, on that much oil, being -- it's the largest release in the history of our country. Good God, I could not dismantle this country faster. If I had all the experts in the world, and they all hated America, I could not dismantle this country faster. Than this administration is doing it. And, by the way, mark my words, soon they're going to have the final solution for America. They will tell us, let's -- we have to do these really crazy emergency things. We have to do it. But it's the only way to survive.

Yeah. America, their solution, will not actually be an economic shower. Don't go into that room.

Trump Team Reveals the TRUTH About the New Jersey Drones

Trump Team Reveals the TRUTH About the New Jersey Drones

The Trump Team is handling the media amazingly, and Glenn and Stu have the highlights. They review the first press conference for White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt and her big revelation about the mysterious New Jersey drones: the government knew about and authorized them. So, why did the Biden administration not tell us that?! It’s time for the truth to be revealed about this and much more, Glenn says, including about who was running the government during the Biden administration and who forced Joe Biden out of the 2024 election.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Let's just first start with how I think how competent this administration is. All of the people that are being put into roles. How competent they are.

Let's start with an interview, with Stephen Miller.

With Jake Tapper. I mean, you can see the disgust in Jake Tapper's face. He's -- hmm, he's -- he's pretty transparent. Listen to this.

VOICE: How does President Trump make sure that the effort to deport people who are not in this country, legally, doesn't end up hurting Americans who want safe borders, absolutely. But also, don't want to see even more higher prices in groceries.

VOICE: Well, I'm sure it's not your position, Jake. Just asking the question. That we should supply America's food. With exploitative illegal labor. Obviously that's what you're applying. One percent of alien workers in the entire country work in agriculture. The top destination for illegal aliens are large cities like New York, like Los Angeles, and small industrial towns, of course all across the heartland, as we've seen with the Biden flights. None of those illegal aliens are doing farm works. Those 30,000 illegal aliens that Joe Biden dumped into Springfield --

VOICE: Yeah. I'm talking about the --

VOICE: No, no, no. But I'm explaining this to you. It's important to understand.

VOICE: No, you're kind of changing the subject.

GLENN: Is he changing the subject?

STU: Not really. Yeah.

VOICE: You and your audience.

VOICE: I'm talking about the ones that could -- that work in the agriculture industry.

I'm not talking about the ones in the city, I swear.

VOICE: I'll do the whole answer!

The illegal aliens that Joe Biden brought into our country are not, full-stop, doing farm work.

They are not!

The illegal aliens he brought in from Venezuela, from Haiti, from Nicaragua. They are not doing farm work. They are inner cities collecting welfare.

As for the farmers, there is a guest worker program that President Trump supports.

Over time, as well, you will transition into automation, so you will never have to have this conversation ever again.

But there's no universe in which --

GLENN: Look how disgusted his face is. Jake Tapper.

VOICE: -- to flood our nation with millions of illegal aliens, who just get to stay here.

GLENN: I think that is a totally reasonable answer.

And I really think that we should start asking people about farm labor and cheap labor, and they're using that as a defense.

Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't realize we were in the 1850s, again.

Okay. So you have no -- no problem with exploiting people, as long as they're out picking your food. Okay. I've got it. I just want to understand where you're coming from. Because that is what they are arguing.

STU: It's amazing too. The media really hates Donald Trump. I'm not breaking news with that.

But they may hate Stephen Miller more. They can't stand him!

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah.

STU: And I will say, you may not agree with Stephen Miller's opinion on these things.

He knows this stuff really well.

GLENN: Oh, yeah.

STU: You're not going to -- he knows immigration issues. These are the issues that got him to the position that he's in.

And you're not going to get on there, and stump him on that stuff.

GLENN: And I think everyone needs to learn from what this administration is saying.

They've been saying for the last couple of days is: Are you okay -- I just want to be on the record with you.

Are you okay saying that we should exploit people for cheaper prices?

I just -- because it puts you -- it puts the Democrats where they have always been, since the 1800s. Yes.

It's going to affect our life, if we get rid of these slaves. Yes. It's going to affect my lawn care prices. It's going to affect my food prices. My orange prices.

Okay! That's fine.

I just want to make sure that I understand clearly, that that is where you stand. Because then we can take a conversation, honestly, now, and we can talk about two things.

Is that right for you to think that? Or does that kind of put you back into the old-timey days with slavery?

STU: Even if -- it's one of those things that even if it made the prices go up slightly.

It will be the type of thing that Americans will be okay with.

They didn't like the slavery thing. I think we're off that bandwagon.

GLENN: And it's different.

Because I have an Apple product. Okay. I have Apple products in my house. I know those are made by slaves. I hate that. But it's the best product. And how I justify it, in my head.

And this is exactly the thing they did in the 1800s, as well.

I justified in my head, well, I'll never be able to change China.

Not going to change China. And we are working to change China, in any way we can.

STU: Also -- context also matters there. A lot of the jobs that we -- again, slavery, it was a is specific thing. We compare a lot of things to slavery. To be clear, even illegal immigrants here, are not slaves. Typically. Some of them are. Some of them are, probably.

GLENN: But it's still exploitation of people for cheaper prices.

STU: And I will say, especially when you're talking about China, and products in other countries, you have to put context into it.

You know, the pay that they get there, if it were here, would be terrible! If it's there, lots of times, it's the best job in the area.

That's not always true. It's something that you have to consider.

GLENN: Yeah. So now let's go to the new press secretary.

Caroline Leavitt. She was I thought really, really good yesterday.

She did seem a little nervous.

When you're walking into a shark tank --

STU: To be expected, your first day. Right?

GLENN: Absolutely.

But I thought she did really well.

At first, she started the press conference with some breaking news about the drones. Cut three.

VOICE: And before I turn to questions, I do have news directly to the president of the United States. That was just shared with me in the Oval Office.

From President Trump directly.

An update on the New Jersey drones.

After research and study, the drones that were flying over New Jersey in large numbers were authorized to be flown by the FAA for research and various other reasons. Many of these drones were also hobbyists, recreational, and private individuals, that enjoy flying drones. In the meantime -- in time, it got worse due to curiosity. This was not the enemy.

A statement from the president of the United States, to start his briefing with some news.

GLENN: How do you feel about that? That answer?

STU: I mean, you know me. I don't --

GLENN: That's where you were.

STU: That's kind of where I was. Kind of where I figured it would land. Now, those are words directly from President Trump's mouth. I don't know why he would lie about it.

GLENN: I don't think he would.

STU: I don't think he would. I'm not shocked where that lands.

GLENN: I'm not satisfied. And I know President Trump is not satisfied with these things either. That's a good opening statement. What I would like to see is the transparency of, here are the documents from the FAA approving these things. I don't need to know what they were testing. But here's what they said.

The -- the Biden administration decided to close that down, because -- or, you know, not tell you about this.

Not spread these to the American people.

I don't know why. Maybe it's they cause chaos.

But they were also very incompetent on a lot of things. So I don't know why it wasn't verified.

But I would like to see the documentation. It would help, because we don't trust anything anymore.

I do trust Donald Trump to tell us the truth. Because I do believe he -- he answers to us. I do believe that. He doesn't have an ulterior motive.

I think the -- I think the shooting, honestly, proved that out.

STU: For people -- I mean, you were -- I wouldn't say the biggest, you know, theorist of this.

But you were concerned and asked a lot of questions. There are people who are much, much more deeply into this, than you were.

What's the reaction from that side? Do they buy that?


STU: I mean, a lot of them like Trump.

GLENN: No. I think -- here's where I would go in my mind, is, well, Trump is saying that, because of national security.

STU: Okay.

GLENN: He can't say anything else. You know what I mean?

I think you've got to -- you will go down a road. And that's why I say, I would like to see the documentation. Just show me the documentation, so we can write these things off.

We're talking to comber next hour. And it's the same kind of thing.

I don't care if people are arrested anymore. I just want to know the truth. And I want to see it in documents. I want the proof of what was going on.

I want to know who was running the White House, and our country, in the last six months.

STU: I'm with you on that.

GLENN: I think that's really important.

STU: Huge one. We have these big things. We just kind of stop.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: You know, the -- there is some news on this that broke the other day.

But like, the lab leak, COVID situation. Like just -- China just gets away with this. Is that how this works?

Like we just -- you know, 25 million people died in the world. And we will just be like, oh, man.

Remember that whole story of the Pangolins? Like we will try to shrug our shoulders, and let that go on.

We all lost a year of our lives, and we will be like, you know. What's the big deal?

I mean, I don't know exactly how you punish them. I know Trump is obviously very focused on.

Not only punishment, but also getting answers on this stuff. But we can't just let that go.

GLENN: I don't think he is. With the stopping all funding on everything to make sure for 90 days. We want to make sure that this is all in line with the agenda of the United States.

But also, I think it was over the weekend.
He stopped any communication from NIH, CDC. Any of these organizations.

GLENN: Yeah.

You are not to change your website. You are not to make any statements on, hey, we just did a research study. Nothing. You do nothing, until we get a handle on what's really going on.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: I think that's really good.

STU: I'm not saying, that wasn't a Trump criticism.

GLENN: No. I know.

STU: It's a society criticism. We do tend to just move on from this stuff. China, especially here.

If the foundation of all of that chaos, was them letting this out of this lab. Which I believe it was, there has to be ramifications for that. Same thing with the last six months. Six months isn't long enough.

The last year, year and a half of the Biden administration.

Where we have multiple well-reported news stories, saying that at least six people, inside Joe Biden's inner circle, actively hid what he was doing behind the scenes, so that he could win that election.

That's not okay. We have -- something has to be done about what happened there.

We need to know. I want to know -- I want every single text, from those six people when they were planning that out.

GLENN: I want to know.

I want to know, not only who ran the government. But also, who actually forced him out?

STU: Uh-huh.

GLENN: Who was the one that actually. Was it Nancy Pelosi?

Was it Kamala?

Was it Barack Obama?

How did that actually come down?

STU: Oh, it will be incredible. Someone will actually write a book about it.

GLENN: I'm telling you, the corruption that has happened in the last four years, the American people may not understand it, but they've got a pretty good gut. They knew something is really wrong.

And it -- you know, I think Tulsi Gabbard, DNI position, if she -- I think she's going to be the one that has the hardest time getting through.

I think everything else, before this, was, you know, rookies. Compared to what they are going to do to her. And this vote is secret. Hmm.

I've got a problem with that. We'll get into that here in just a second.

But that DNI position is I believe, and Kash Patel's position at DOJ.

Those are two of the most important. Or FBI.

The two of the most important positions.

Because they will be. You will be able to see. And they can unlock doors.

And we have a chance at a church commission.

Which must happen!

Is THIS the Answer to Trump's Cartel Problem?

Is THIS the Answer to Trump's Cartel Problem?

How should President Trump handle the Mexican cartels? Glenn is “in love with” an idea that Sen. Mike Lee proposed: Hidden deep within the Constitution is a clause that allows the government to let private citizens basically act like pirates against hostile forces … MAGA pirates?! Sen. Lee joins Glenn to explain what “letters of marque and reprisal” are, why the government hasn’t used them in centuries, and whether Trump can issue them to stop the cartels.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Boy, there are no crazy ideas, right now. It is an interesting time to be alive, in America.

Senator Mike Lee is joining me now.

Yesterday, he proposed using letters of marque and reprisal to weaken the drug cartels.

And I -- I mean, I'm in love with this old timey constitutional idea. But it basically would make private citizens or companies. It would give them permission to kind of be like pirates.

Where they could just go and bust them up.

And take all their booty.

As long as they share it with the United States.

It would be great. It would be cheaper.

And we wouldn't have to put our military in harm's way. Mike Lee joins me now.

Mike, explain the letters of marque and reprisal.

MIKE: A letter of marque and reprisal amounts to a government-issued commission of sorts, authorizing private citizens, known as privateers, to perform acts that would otherwise be considered piracy, like attacking enemy ships during wartime.

And privateers are typically rewarded with a cut of whatever loot they will bring home.

But they're able to make it back to the United States, and bring home assets that can be sold, liquidated, reduced to an economic value, then the government sets up what's called a prize court, which decides who gets what.

And typically, the government keeps half of it. And then has -- has a system for giving the privateers involved in it. Each -- each -- their fair share, of the 50 percent.

GLENN: So -- so these guys.

Let's say Eric Prince -- Eric Prince loves this idea. He was like, I'm all in.

He would go down to the border, and he would, what?

Break up the cartels, by -- as they're shipping stuff across the border. Grab their cash. Their guns. Their cash. They're using boats, whatever.

And the drugs. And then give those to the government. And the government would say, okay. Eric, this part is yours.

MIKE: Yeah. Now to be clear, when you say the border, we're talking outside the United States.

I don't think this works for things found in the United States. But if outside the United States, they recover assets, typically, what we would be looking at are assets that could be liquidated by the government.

Gold, silver, cash, equipment.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

MIKE: If they can bring those things back into the United States, then they can be sold.

It also raises the question of the drugs. You notice, they won't allow those to be sold.

So you either will have exclude those, or the government would just have to go out of pocket to reward them for bringing that back in.

And that's one of the things that have to be discussed.

This is a tool that hasn't been used by the United States for a long time.

But it's a tool that harnesses, you know, self-interest. It harnesses what people could gain by this, in a way that could be really advantageous for the United States.

GLENN: Boy, I have to tell you, I love this idea.

Donald Trump Jr loves this idea.

But it does seem like something that Mexico would hate.

MIKE: Sure. Sure. It depends on who you are talking about with Mexico. Hard-working, independent, Mexican citizens who have lived under the tyranny of these cartels who have been affected by the violence, that is rampant throughout the country.

And sponsored by the cartels.

A lot of them would perhaps not have much an objection. If any objection at all.

Because they want to be free of this stuff.

But, yeah. I can imagine that the Mexican government might have feelings about it.

GLENN: Yeah.

MIKE: But this is different. This is different in the sense, that it's not the United States, undertaking any kind of effort to have a military presence in Mexico. Which would, of course, be unacceptable to Mexico.

This is about private citizens, going out and trying to seize assets, of these chair organizations.

Of this international criminal enterprise, bring it back to the United States. With the understanding, that they will be entitled to a cut of about half of it, once they get back.

GLENN: So one thing that I was thinking before this idea was, we're going to send in SEAL teams.

And they'll just be gone before the sun comes up, and you will never know who did it. And there will just be a lot of dead cartel members laying there in the sun, as it starts to rise.

And, you know, Mexico will hate that. But as long as we're gone in the morning, I mean, we've -- we've deemed them a terrorist organization. Don't we have the right to do that?

Well, once that happens, you can imagine, there might be circumstances in which that would occur.

But again, a letter of marque and reprisal allows to avoid doing that, that creates an additional set of difficulties for us, that we wouldn't face if we were sending -- if we were authoring privateers to do that. It matters to the degree, of course.

But it would be foolish for us to assume, that our only option involves sending in the Marines, so to speak.

US boots on the ground has a very different feel than privateers going in and doing something on their own.

And it's one of the reasons why I felt important enough, I put out a thread for my at base Mike Lee account, in which I explained a brief history of letters of marque and reprisal. How they function, and that they ought to be considered here.

GLENN: So, I mean, I really like it.

And I like the fact. I mean, I'm for anything constitutional.

Anything extra constitutional, I'm against. But this is literally in the Constitution, that you can do this.

But it seems old timey. You know, it does -- does anybody do this anymore?

MIKE: No. And the United States hasn't done it arguably.

GLENN: In over 100 years.

MIKE: In a couple hundred years.

GLENN: Yeah.

MIKE: But the focus of this, would be something that I think may well be perfectly suited for our time. And for this situation.

Focus on disrupting supply lines. Capturing high value targets.

Or seizing assets like boats, vehicles, cash, gold. Equipment used in criminal activities.

Because we all know, you know, private entities and individuals can operate with a degree of agility, that you can't replicate in government.

Allowing them to adapt quite quickly.

To the tactics of the cartels. And to max those.

GLENN: But what would other countries say?

Is anybody using this country anymore? It used to happen, when there were pirates. With the black flag. With the bones on it.

Does anybody use anything like this anymore? What would they say, if we started?

I don't really say, but what would they say?

GLENN: Not aware of any countries using them right now. And I'm sure there are countries where they say, this violates this or that principle of international law, either of some treaty, that we haven't ratified or of what they refer to as customary international law, which is a fancy way of saying, people don't do this anymore.
And so, therefore, it violates international law.

But all of that is beside the point. If it is within our authority to do this, and if we haven't forsworn the authority through some treaty that we have ratified, which I'm quite certain we have not.

So that's why this is a tool that we shouldn't take off the table. And it's -- they may have well come. We haven't used it in a long time.

But where has -- we have a different type of adversary, than we sometimes face in the past.

This is not the government of Mexico.

But these are criminal organizations, within Mexico, that have an international footprint. That affect the United States.

And that have taken actions that are hostile to the interests of the United States, and her citizens.

So with this circumstance, would it be irresponsible of us, not to consider it.

And I think we ought to explore this. And perhaps issue some letters of marque and reprisal.

The fact that it hasn't happened in a long time, likely since the 1800s, doesn't mean that the power does not exist. And certainly does not mean that we couldn't benefit from it.

GLENN: Right. Right. Mike, I love this idea.

I hope it gains some traction. Just because, it will make Mexico. You know, I was talking to my wife the other night about this.

She would say, what would Mexico say?

And I said, you know, just like you said, the people of Mexico will love this.

Because they're tired of this. You would know pretty quickly, who is under the thumb of the cartels. And who is not.

Just like we would with our government. If someone is coming in and saying, hey, you've got terrorist organizations. And we will take them out.

If we knew them to be terrorist organizations. I think, you know, we might say. Well, come on now. We can take care of that.

But if they could do it, for us. I'm all for that. I would be all for that.

The people who would be against are the ones really under the thumb of the cartels.

And the people of Mexico, should know who those people are. As if they don't already know.

Mike, one last went. How do you think RFK will fare in the Senate?

RON: Look, he faces a tough fight. Democrats are institutionally inclined to oppose anyone, who was at once part of their party. And has moved in the other direction.

Particularly with someone with as prominent a name as RFK Jr has. And particularly someone who has shown a degree of contempt for the Deep State. For the administrative state.

For things that have gone wrong.

And so we're going to have to -- rely on. My hope is that we can pick up some democratic votes.

GLENN: You're for him?

MIKE: We have to assume that we won't be able to do to. And we will need to produce enough Republicans to make sure he gets through. Just we did with Pete Hegseth.

It will be a tight vote there. I do think he can get through. But it's by no means certain, and that's why we have to line up behind him to support him.

GLENN: Wow. And you're for him?

MIKE: Oh, 100 percent. I had a great meeting with him the other day. And I think he brings to the table, an innovative approach with a fresh set of eyes that can see, that we've created a lot of problems through our own government.

The very department that he's been asked to head, as the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Has been a big part of the problem.

He recognizes that. That's exactly why we need him in there.

GLENN: Oh, yeah.

And our other nominees is -- is Kash Patel going to get through?

MIKE: Yeah. So similarly, to what we face with RFK, with Kash Patel and also with --

GLENN: Tulsi.

MIKE: Tulsi Gabbard.

We're going to have to confront both of those with the expectation, that we may not get a single democratic vote.

And so that's why Republicans are so important. Remember, it's unusual for an incoming president to not have his top level picks supported by pretty much every member of the president's own party in confirmation votes.

And we've -- we've got to remember that. So a lot of the same people, who are on the list of those who might oppose them. Are people who time and time again, voted to confirm democratic nominees.

Named by President Biden.

I hope they will give Republican nominees, nominated by President Trump, at least the same degree of deference, that they give to those nominated by President Biden.

Often, by the way, with the justification, that he is the elected president.

We -- we can't run the world as if our guy were president.

Well, if that's the case. It should be the case here.

GLENN: Well, that's a nice way of saying, what I believe, which is vote these weasels out, if they -- if they fail to support the president.

We have one shot at this.

And so far, Donald Trump and those who are supporting him, are doing amazing things in the first week.

Things that I never thought that I would see.

And I for one, am excited about it. Mike, appreciate it very much.

Senator Mike Lee.

DeSantis Exposes Shady RINO Agenda to SABOTAGE Trump’s Deportations

DeSantis Exposes Shady RINO Agenda to SABOTAGE Trump’s Deportations

Republicans in the Florida legislature are pushing back against Governor Ron DeSantis’ plan to support President Trump’s mass deportation plan. Instead, they’ve proposed the “TRUMP Act,” which DeSantis says is very misleadingly named: “They thought if they came in, gutted the enforcement of doing what we need to do, and just named it the “TRUMP Act,” that somehow, they would be able to get away with that.” Gov. DeSantis joins Glenn to argue that “RINOs” are trying to give immigration enforcement power to the Commissioner of Agriculture, who will do the bidding of companies that want to use illegal immigrants for cheap farm labor: “That’s like the fox guarding the henhouse! They don’t want to enforce it. Are you kidding me?! … I don’t want to house the illegals. I want to DEPORT the illegals.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: The first 100 days of the Trump administration have been breathtaking. A lot like the early days of Ron DeSantis in Florida.

And what he's doing in Florida, is trying to get the state to do everything they can to make sure, that Trump's policies are going through, especially on illegals.

There is a house with these unbelievable RINOs, that in a special session, they must want to come back.

Because they said, it's not an emergency. What are you talking about?

Ron DeSantis called for a special session, because he said, the president was just put in office. I want all of the tools on the table. To help him solve this problem.

The RINOs said no, and then they started to change everything that he wanted, and then have the balls to name it the Trump Act.

Really? The Trump Act. And Ron DeSantis, governor is with us now to tell us a little bit about the Trump Act.

Welcome to the program, Governor. How are you?

RON: I'm doing good.

A week ago, we were preparing for a historic snow storm, and our state record had been four inches.

We actually hit last week, 10 inches of snow in Northwest Florida. In Milton. You saw the beaches covered in snow. So it's kind of an interesting period for Florida. Where is the global warming when you need it, right?

GLENN: Yeah. Okay. So tell me about -- because what I've seen, what -- just what's happening with Wilton Simpson is an abomination. Tell me what --

RON: Yeah.

GLENN: Tell me who you're fighting. And what you're fighting against and for.

RON: Well, you hit it on the head. They didn't want it to do anything, on illegal immigration.

And after the election, I said, this is our chance. This is the number one issue, the president ran on.

And we need to get it right. And on there's no way, President Trump can fulfill his mandate, if the state and local governments and law enforcement are not actively supporting his deportation efforts. I mean, think about it. He's coming out of the gate strong. But they've done about probably 700, 800 arrests on average a day. Which is saying, well, let's just say a thousand.

Well, extrapolate that out. 365 days a year, times four.

Biden let in 10 million illegals on his own. Now, I do think the Trump administration will ramp up.

I think they will get better numbers as times goes on.

If you just had every red state. Saying all police departments. All red departments.

Have to participate maximally in the programs that the Trump administration is offering for immigration enforcement. You would increase those numbers dramatically, and that is what we have to do.

We have to be ready to go.

We have to work hand-in-glove.

Now, what you'll have in California and be in Chicago.

They will be trying to sabotage Trump's agenda. There will be sanctuary jurisdictions. Now, we don't allow that in Florida. But I think most states who are not sanctuary. They will just say, hey, it's the federal government's responsibility.

Yeah. We won't sabotage it. We won't be in that fight.

I don't think that's adequate. This is a historic moment for this country.

We've been talking about this issue for decades. Yes. Trump is absolutely right for going after the cartels. And designating them foreign terrorist organizations.

Obviously, we need to build the wall. And fortify the border.

But you have this massive problem of interior enforcement. And so that's what we're proposing, as well as other things that were important.

Legislature didn't want to do. I called a special session against their wishes. They said it was premature that they could wait. They got blowback from their constituents.

They thought, if they came in. Butted the enforcement of doing what we need to do.

And just name it the Trump act nap somehow, they would be able to get away with that. Obama named Obamacare, the affordable care act. Obviously, it wasn't affordable.

Biden named his spending boondoggle the Inflation Reduction Act. Obviously, that didn't work out.

So they're playing this game, where if they think, if they put Trump's name on a weak bill, that somehow people think it will be good.

And it's totally inadequate.

Here's the thing, Glenn. Before I became governor, Florida was very weak on immigration.

Part of it was they thought, that the Hispanic population. I proved that wrong, because I was the strongest governor, and I had a record Hispanic vote in 2022.

So that was wrong. But then you do have this desire for cheap, illegal alien labor in some of these industries. And I think that's what these guys are trying to preserve. I don't think they want to see immigration enforcement, the way you would need to, to fulfill President Trump's mandate. They made it sound like it's initially a difference of opinion on timing. But understand, what they're proposing, it's a difference of values.

The values that we all ran on, that Donald Trump got elected on. That all your listeners subscribed to.

Those are reflected in the proposals that I did. They are not reflected in what the Florida legislative leaders are doing.

And you mentioned the commissioner of agriculture. They're actually taking away immigration enforcement authority from the governor, and putting it in the commissioner of agriculture.

GLENN: Which is --

RON: That's like the fox voting the henhouse. Are you kidding me?

GLENN: It's crazy.

RON: Even stripping some of the stuff I have now, like E-Verify. They want to put it over there.

It's a really, really bad product.

Here's the thing. I think some of them are caught up.

We don't want the governor getting the win.

We're sick of him doing all this stuff.

I don't need pride of ownership stuff.

They can take 100 percent of the credit.

I just want to get the job done.

If they're not doing what they need to do, to get rid of this.

There will be some successes, don't get me wrong.

But we won't be able to deliver on the man date that people gave us.

Just the final point I'll make. Republicans all ran, for four years in Florida. On bashing Biden's border policy.

Saying we needed to get tough.

Supporting Trump's agenda in 2024.

They all ran on that. Not one Republican ran and said, you know what, we just need to give it all to the commissioner of agriculture. You know, state and local shouldn't be -- shouldn't be required to help the federal government.

They wouldn't do any of that!

And now they're bragging about, they're going to spend money on giving beds for illegals. I don't want to host illegals, I want to deport illegals.

GLENN: It is remarkable to me!

First of all, Wilton Simpson. He wants to be governor. When you're not governor, he is going to run in the next cycle.

He's compromised. He is the guy who supported giving in-state intuition to illegal aliens.

He gave the cutout to e-Verify, so agriculture didn't to have worry about it. Refused to provide law enforcement resources during the original border crisis.

This guy is -- is not a helper when it comes to doing the things that Americans have just said, they want to be done.

Who is -- who is also -- I mean, I'm just looking up you've got the Senate president. Ben Albritton. House Speaker, Daniel Perez.

They seem to be in the same boat, as Wilton Simpson. Who needs the pressure?

RON: Well, look, I think just all the legislators. They just need to hear from their constituents. And they're getting upset they can't be somehow, they're getting threatened.

Some of their constituents are telling them, that's not right.

They need to be held accountable for their actions. And what they did, what they're doing is consistent what they told the voters they're doing. They're not going to have any problem, right?

Glenn, I've been doing this for six years.

I've never seen our base react more negatively on an issue, than what the legislature is trying to pull right now. It is like 99 to one. In terms of opposition.

So I think sunlight is the it best disinfectant. People just have to make their voice heard.

We shouldn't let this slip through our fingertips. I think some of it is some inside baseball up there.

You know, Will Simpson was the Senate president.

A lot of the stuff -- tough immigration policies we did two years ago, I wasn't able to get through when he was Senate president.

Because he did block it. And he did support things like driver's licenses for illegals. When he was in the Florida Senate.

He really exercises a lot of influence over the Florida Senate.

So the fact that he was put into that bill, I don't think that that was an accident.

I think that was definitely something that they were trying to do. And does it even pass the last test.

That no state has been more active in fighting illegal immigration, over Biden's term than me. Than Florida and me.

We've had people at the border.

Martha's vineyard and other transport. We enacted mandatory E-Verify.

We did all these things. And then you want to take all these things away, and give it to the ag commissioner, and create some new, crazy bureaucracy.

GLENN: That they don't even have the infrastructure for in the first place. They would have to be rebuilt in the ag department. Am I right about that, or wrong?

RON: Exactly. And the way the bill is written, we think it's unconstitutional.

Because it actually takes away some of the core executive power, that is vested in the governor's office, under Florida's Constitution.

So it's constitutionally suspect. It's also, as a policy matter, it is not going to work.

And here's the thing: If their proposals were consistent with what they campaigned on. What actually worked.

And they had competing.

Hey. If it works, it works.

Their proposals will not work.

Think of even this issue.

It needs to be a crime for illegals to Trojan vote. We've been trying to do this for years.

That was in my proposals.

They're not including that. So illegals can register in Florida, under their proposals. And they're not requiring to sign an affidavit, that they're a US citizen.

Which our Constitution requires. And there's no penalty. Well, guess what, Glenn.

If you let them register. By the time they vote, even if you prosecutor them after the fact, the vote counts.

The time to stop it, is when they try to register in the first place.

And yet they're not doing anything about that.

We have, in our proposals, a rebuttable resumption that illegals that get brought up on criminal charges are detained and then turned over to ICE!

They watered that down so that judges are just going to release these guys back on the streets.

So it's a lack of seriousness about what it really takes to get this issue right. And I can tell you this.

When they propose their so-called Trump act, misnamed Trump Act, Democrats in the Florida Senate were high-fiving them.

Liberal media in Florida, have been singing their praises. The ACLU of Florida tweeted, thank you for what you're doing.

I can tell you this, Glenn. When we banned sanctuary cities. Democrats were not high-fiving anyone.

GLENN: Oh, yeah. Correct.

RON: When we eliminated DEI a couple years ago. No Democrats were high-fiving anyone. When we eliminated the woke.

When we did the stop the gender insanity. When we do all these things.

That Florida became famous for. No Democrats were high-fiving. No media was singing our praises.

The ACLU was not in our corner. If this was really a tough immigration proposal.

Then why were these people on the left embracing it?

GLENN: I have to tell you, Ron. This is the one went that has stopped me from moving to Florida. I promised my wife that some day we would live on the water. And the only option for me, really is Florida. Because it's a free state and it's a great state and you're the governor.

But I worry about you, when you leave, what are these stupid Republicans going to do.

And honestly, I just -- they -- if we don't get all of these weasels out, and get the people in that actually believe in what we're trying to do.

The state is going to go back to the same wishy-washy garbage. That makes it a garbage state as it always has.

You guys have led the way. And it's the reason why you're leading the United States right now!

Because you're doing what the people are asking for.

These guys who don't get it, man. They should be on notice.

I, like you, have never seen the Republican voters, as awake as they are right now.

They know what they want. They see what's happening in Washington.

They see what's happening in Florida. And if you are a voter in Florida, you need to get on the phone!

Because your state is going to go to trash, the minute this guy leaves. If you don't have people that understand what -- and -- and believe and will execute.

What you want to happen. You need to get on the phone, right now. And call your Florida representative.

By the way, we have Sheriff Wayne Ivey on with us, Governor, in just a few minutes.

I think he will got to be telling the story about what he's actually looking for. Isn't he?

RON: Yeah. Look, people like Wayne. They want to solve the problem. So they want to participate in these federal programs. Not everyone wants to do that. Which is why we have to make it an expectation that all police departments and sheriff's departments want to do it.

Just think about. Yes. We focus on criminal aliens. And that's important. I want to get these guys before they commit crimes.

I want to make sure our schools aren't overrun illegals. I want to make sure our health care system isn't overrun.

I want to make sure that illegals aren't getting into accidents. And you have insurance. And you're out of luck.

So there's so many ways that this problem impacts our society.

And unless we get it right on enforcement right now, under Donald Trump's leadership, we're never going to solve this problem.

And the quality of life is going to increase dramatically. And look, you talked about Florida. What's going to happen. I can tell you this.

I came in. I was bold. They told me, that was a mistake. Because it was a 50/50 state. We were bold. We delivered results. There was a sharp contrast between us and the left.

And we've had more political success in Florida, than Republicans have ever had. When you water down. When you do the corporatism, when you're not standing for working people, but you're worried about things like cheap labor. When you do that, you will lose political support. That's the lifeline.

I think the reasons the Democrats were high-fiving. Is because they see the leaders -- they're giving them a lifeline to regain relevance in Florida.

They're giving them a pathway, where they can return to power, in the future.

We have beat the left. We weren't trying to high five them.

We've beat them on issue after issue. That's why they've been rendered irrelevant.

And the formula is very clear. And even look at the national election. Donald Trump was bold. And he was rewarded.

GLENN: I have got to run. But so great to talk to you. Keep up the good fight.

Governor Ron DeSantis.

Colombia Quickly Realizes Trump is NOT MESSING AROUND With Deportation

Colombia Quickly Realizes Trump is NOT MESSING AROUND With Deportation

President Donald Trump sent a clear message over the weekend: There’s a new sheriff in town and you don’t want to mess with us! Glenn reviews what happened when Colombia’s president refused to let US planes carrying deported illegal immigrants land. Long story short, he quickly changed his mind after Trump threatened massive tariffs. Glenn explains multiple reasons why this matters, including that it shows Trump is serious about “America First.” Plus, Glenn reviews some other big Trump moves, including his comments on ending FEMA and big changes to USAID and foreign aid reviews.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: This is J.D. Vance, I believe. Cut four.

VOICE: Well, this is a country founded by immigrants. This is a country -- this is a very unique country. And it was found by some immigrants and some settlers. But just because we were founded by some immigrants, doesn't mean that 240 years later, that we have to have the dumbest immigration policy in the world.

GLENN: So they're just going for it. Just going for it. No more catch and release. No more waiving of migrants across the border without proper vetting. It's all over. Proper vetting, by the way, here's J.D. Vance again. Cut three.

VOICE: When you talked to us in August, you said, I don't think we should abandon anybody who has been properly vetted and helped us.

Do you stand by that?

VOICE: I don't agree all these immigrants or all these refugees have been properly vetted.

In fact, we know that there are cases of people who allegedly were properly vetted and then were literally planning terrorist attacks on our country.

That happened during the campaign if you remember. So clearly not the all these --

VOICE: There were 30,000 people in the pipeline, Afghan refugees. Do you stand by it?

VOICE: As the vice president, Margaret, is to look after the American people. And now that he we know we have vetting problems with a lot of these refugee programs, we absolutely cannot unleash thousands of unvetted people into our country.

VOICE: These people are vetted. These people are vetted.

GLENN: This is so ridiculous.
VOICE: Just like that guy who planned a terrorist attack in Oklahoma a few months ago. He was allegedly properly vetted, and many people in the media and the Democratic Party said he was properly vetted. Clearly, he wasn't.

VOICE: Yeah.

VOICE: I don't want my children to share a neighborhood with people who are not properly vetted. And because I don't want it for my kids, I won't force any other American citizen's kids to do it either.

VOICE: No, and that was a particular case. It wasn't clear if he was radicalized when he got here. Or --

VOICE: I don't really care, Margaret. I don't want that person in my country, and I think most Americans agree with me.

GLENN: I so love the fact that the media still just cannot get their arms around common sense.

STU: This guy will stop getting booked. He will stop getting interviews. They're going to stop asking him. He's winning too much. They're not even going to allow this to occur.

GLENN: Yeah. Okay. So last week, President Trump made it clear males are males. Females are females. The two shall never meet in school bathrooms and athletics, and areas where sexes are sensibly separated for the safety and privacy of women.

He also pulled out -- America out of the China-fawning Communist-enabling World Health Organization, yanked America from the Paris Climate Agreement.

He designated cartels and terror groups as terrorist groups. I have to tell you, the cartel thing, you watch. They're just going to start disappearing. They're just going to start disappearing.

What happened, what happened to Geraldo?

Hmm. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what happened.

STU: Geraldo. It's not the Geraldo?

GLENN: Yeah, it is. That's who I was thinking. I think he's a drug cartel member.

I'm just saying. I'm just saying.

Anyway, he also called on his Treasury and Commerce chiefs to root out all unfair trade practices and recommend America first policies. And to take their places. He started the External Revenue Service to take money from foreign sources.

He banned government officials from using social media as a tool of censorship and propaganda.

He got rid of all of the climate change mandates and the electrical vehicle thing.

It was a snowstorm of Biblical proportions yesterday. Or last week.

And he sent the clear message: New sheriff in town. I don't think you're going to want to screw with us.

Then he went to North Carolina, who is still suffering. And he told them, you know what, I think I will get rid of FEMA.

STU: Woo.

GLENN: So then he went to California. And, oh, wasn't that satisfying?

So let me get into what happened, just over the weekend. First story, probably the most important story.

I don't know. You might have been watching football like I was, yesterday. And Stu was.

But there was something really important going on all day yesterday, with Columbia.

And I have to tell you, this was incredible. To have a president, who is like, I don't care. I don't care.

I don't care what you say. You're Columbia. We're the United States of America. You're taking your -- your illegals back.

So here's what happened: We start to deport, and we let Columbia know, that two aircraft are coming their way with their citizens who were in jail.

And we're flying them back. So these are the prisoners that they let out. And shipped them to the United States. We're shipping them back. Halfway there, the president of Columbia says, no. Close the airspace to those planes. They're not coming in. We're not taking those people back.

So President Trump, who is on the golf course. Hears that. And says, oh!


Well, turn the planes around. And bring them back. But just tell the president of Columbia, I'm going to put -- I think he said a 25 percent tax to everything they sell to the United States.

And so the Columbian president said, okay. Okay. Okay.

I tell you what, when they get down to the ground, I'll send my presidential aircraft to go pick them up.

Okay? But then, after that, a couple hours passed, and he's like, yeah. You know what, they are being bullies. We've got a lot of leverage here.

And he said, so, we will pick them up. But we're not going to let you do anything with your military around Columbia. And Donald Trump said, perfect. Okay.

We're cutting your foreign aid. We're stop -- we're closing our embassy. We're stopping everything in Columbia.

It was -- I don't know. Maybe 20 minutes went by. And he was tweeting. Just reached a deal with the United States. We're good. We are good!

STU: I believe his exact quote was, thank you, sir. May I have another? It was unbelievable.

GLENN: That is exactly. Exactly.

Okay. So this matters for a lot of reasons.

One, it's showing, the United States is going to do what is best for the United States.

If you sent people here, you're taking your people back. Because they're not our people. And we're not dealing with it. You sent them!

We told you, take them back.

You won't?

Well, then the United States is going to exercise its powers.

It is good for Americans. Good for national security.

But this not only affects the US and Columbia, this -- he puts a couple of these things on his belt, and nobody is going to screw with us.

Do you see, he is playing -- he's playing five-dimensional chess with Putin right now. He is moving things around, and pushing -- I mean, he is in full-fledged negotiation with Putin to get the war stopped. But he also wants a renewed nuclear treaty with Russia.

He's freaked by our nukes. And he told me, at one point. He said, Glenn. Well, he said this also with Elon Musk. On -- on Musk X broadcast. He said, I'm freaked by nuclear. I rebuilt this.

I know what it can do. We don't want ever to open any of this stuff up.

And so what he's doing is he's trying to end the war. But he's also pushing Putin and kind of kicking at him, because he's actually going for a bigger deal. This guy is -- I mean, he's really learned a lot in the last four years.

Now, this is also going to help our jobs here, in America. And, you know, I want to look at everything he does, and say, is he -- is he following conservative values, or are we going into -- what was it, that the New York Times said? Signs of --

STU: Yeah. This is funny. This is the AI summary of the New York Times coverage over the past like 24 hours. And it says, let me see if I can pull it up. Here it is. Trump return to power. Early signs of tyranny. Kansas City will play Philadelphia in Super Bowl. That's what they've been covering lately.

GLENN: Signs of tyranny.

STU: Signs of tyranny. Just throw it out there.

GLENN: So I want to know, are these signs of tyranny? Or is he following our principles as conservatives?

First, a nation without laws or borders, isn't a nation.

The answer is no!

If we don't equally apply our laws, to everyone, can there be equality?

Can there be equal justice under the law?
The answer is no! He's also protecting American workers by taking the unfair competition out.

I mean, I don't know if you've seen some of these places, where nobody is showing up for work now.

There was this huge construction site, like eight workers showed up. Everybody else wasn't there. I mean, they couldn't do anything. They couldn't build everything. Because they had eight Americans. The rest of them are illegals. Well, now America, go take those jobs back.

Demand the right salary from those people.

The next thing he did was America-first foreign aid. He just released a memo that instructs the US agency for international development. This is absolutely a CIA front. USAID, to prioritize America first in foreign aid reviews. Now, this is a very big deal.

Because USA ID has been a CIA and, honestly, Marxist kind of operation. They've taken your tax dollars.

And they've done all kinds of horrible things with them.

And they have given them to our enemies. And they still have been giving it to our enemies, and they're bribes.

That's all this is.

You do not garner love and respect from people you are bribing. And that's what our State Department and USA ID think they're doing.

Is, well, we've got to give them this money, or they won't like us. Well, I don't want them to like us because we give them money. That's the worst kind of relationship.