The concept of "Christian Nationalism" has taken off recently. Some on the right have embraced it, arguing that our government was founded on Christian principles and should embrace them again. Meanwhile, the Left has turned it into a boogeyman and tried to associate it with white supremacy. So, what's the truth? Should Christians embrace Christian Nationalism or run from it? Glenn gives his thoughts: "Stop looking for another savior."
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: What are we building. If we don't just want to stop whatever is happening, but we want to have a solution. What is it we're building? There are people talking about solutions. Unfortunately, some of them are very misguided. Christian nationalism is one of them. And I know a lot of people that say, I'm a Christian. I'm not ashamed of it. I love my country. I'm not ashamed of it.
That's not Christian nationalism. That's good. You can do that. That's good. What Christian nationalism is, is that the church plays a defining role in the government.
Now, the church should play, I think a defining role in our lives. It should play a defining role in our country. But not in our government. And Charlie Kirk just brought this up to me. And said, well, Glenn, the people are too far gone. You have to force this first. No. No. No. You know, I think they were pretty far gone, as they were nailing Christ to a tree.
And he didn't force everybody.
We're -- we're at this place right now, where people are confused by terms, and this is what Marxists do.
And this is what big government fascists do. You have to be very, very careful.
I just talked to Bishop Strickland. He was the guy that was just fired by pope. He is the fourth bishop of Tyler, Texas -- he -- I know you've read about him. You may not remember. But you've read about him.
And he stood up and said, hey, no.
We have to be true to our religious, theological principles. And so the pope -- the pope fired him.
I have a podcast coming out today. Or sorry, tomorrow. It's out already for Blaze TV subscribers. It's come out tomorrow, everywhere. It's worth a listen. I talked to him a little bit about Christian nationalism. Listen to this.
VOICE: Christian nationalism. What's your understanding of Christian nationalism?
VOICE: Honestly, Glenn, I don't have a lot of understanding of that. But I don't -- Christian and nationalism. I'm not sure how that fits together. I don't understand it.
But to me, you know, Jesus Christ -- I mean, that's one of the blessings in, you know, the goodness that I see. In the Catholic Church. Catholic means universal. It's not a nation. Of this world.
And it's not a nation or a denomination. It's a way of living the truth, that the Son of God has revealed to us.
Examine so, just hearing that. It sounds like, Christian nationalism, there's a lot that I would reject in that concept.
I mean, I don't know what the concept is. But it doesn't sound right.
GLENN: So -- so he's -- his gut is on target.
I was watching a video today of this looting of this street in Compton. I think it was last night. A bunch of teens get together. They take a van and back it up through the wall of this bakery. And then they just swarm it, and take everything. And this is a new thing. They're swarming these streets. And just looting the streets. And I thought to myself, wow. Could we just stop and talk here? I know it's awfully fun to root. And to give it to the man. But what do you think your neighborhood and your town, street, is going to be like? Because if you do this, you're not going to be able to get insurance. No one will want to have their bakery or anything else there. So what happens when everybody moves out, that is providing a good or service for you, because they can't afford all the looting and stealing and the crime?
You going to go to somebody else's street, and start to loot that?
The answer is yes.
But this burns itself out, at some point. Because it cannot sustain. And we're already seeing this. In sections of this country, where people are like, I'm not moving there. I can't do that. I can't afford it. There's no police, et cetera, et cetera.
Christian nationalism, in the worst form of it would say that the church needs to couple with the government.
No, it doesn't. Jesus didn't couple with the government. Render unto Caesar, that which is Caesars.
He's talking about an entirely different kingdom. Here's the problem: It's our citizenship.
What does it really mean to be a citizen of the United States of America? What does it mean? What is it you have to do? Have to do.
There's not a lot you have to do. Obey the laws. But that's just in every country, right? What is it that you have to do, as an American. What is it that we require people to do, if they're coming in. We require them to answer a few questions, that most Americans can't do. So you don't have to, unless you're going to want to become a new American and you're coming in the front door.
We require you to learn a little bit. But we don't require you to profess that that's absolutely true. Did you read the book? Yep. All right. Let me give you a test. You have them all right. Raise your hand. Is this your home country? Yes. Okay. Go live your life. Do it. That's it! Our first citizenship to the kingdom of God is not like that. Narrow is the way.
It is very tight. God, in his citizenship. He requires you to live a certain way. To -- you know, when you have your citizenship in the kingdom of heaven, it's not like, okay. You read the Bible.
All right. Moses had how many things, that became the mosaic law.
It's not 200. It's not eight. Could it be ten?
There's no test like that. Yeah. I read the book. I got it. I got it.
It's, are you living it?
And because church and -- I shouldn't say church. Because living a good, healthy, Judeo-Christian life, or anything that is in service of the God Almighty. That teaches you that the best way to serve God is to serve your fellow man. Love thy neighbor. Love those who hate you. Don't steal. Don't covet. All of those things that we're doing in spades every single day. So being a good Christian, makes you a good citizen of any country.
But we have dismissed the Christians. And many of the Christians, quite honestly, are bad Christians. I mean, I can't even claim to be a good Christian.
I try. But I don't know.
The standard is going to be pretty high. And I don't think I'm living at that high of a level. But I'm trying. But there are people who are professing it. Who don't try at all. Or they so misread it. That I know the answer. And you become this, I don't know. Ivy League kind of attitude. Where you're telling everybody else how to live your life. No. You just live your life. Live an example.
Love the people. It's amazing how we are shunning people, even in our own families, that disagree with us.
We're shunning people who are living in a way, that we just -- we can't tolerate that.
You know who really can't tolerate that? Jesus. Yeah. Strangely, he wasn't hanging out at the cocktail parties of all the really great people. He was hanging out in the slums with the prostitutes and the tax collectors and all of the sinners.
And he wasn't like, listen here, you people really -- I despise you.
So let me tell you exactly how to live. What he did is he befriended and he taught.
I -- I've -- I find it remarkable, that Jesus could live amongst the people, that were rejected. And especially on the left. But also on the right. We don't want anything to do with those people.
How are you ever going to heal anything?
And, by the way, it was his example, not the word.
In fact, all the people that he was usually railing against, you know, the people in the -- in the synagogues, and the churches.
The Pharisees. It's because they were saying the word. They knew the words. But they weren't living it. They weren't living the spirit. They weren't living the letter of the law. That's totally different.
That's like you coming here, and living the letter of the law. Which is totally legal to do. But not good for America. You live the spirit of the law. And that's what we're missing. And that's how you can love your country, and love Christianity. And know, that most of the thing, in our Constitution, in our Declaration, and our Bill of Rights. Come directly from the Bible.
We don't need a priest to administer that. We need to be better people, so we can administer love and justice. God's justice, and do the best we can and earthly justice.
And until we get that, until we stop looking for a savior, other than Christ.
We're toast. And we're going to keep running in the same roadblocks.
Stop looking for another savior. Stop looking for somebody to do it for you.
You have all the power you need.