A Complete Sellout?! Harley Davidson's Woke Agenda EXPOSED

A Complete Sellout?! Harley Davidson's Woke Agenda EXPOSED

Harley Davidson is seen as an all-American company. But recently, filmmaker Robby Starbuck exposed Harley Davidson's internal commitment to woke DEI initiatives. Starbuck reviews what he found: holding "explicitly racist" anti-white trainings, funding "all ages" Pride events with questionable activities, donating to extremely progressive groups ... "This is a complete sellout of common sense," Glenn says. So, why would Harley Davidson go woke? And will the company reverse course with enough customer backlash?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So I don't know if you know the name Robby Starbuck. He's a filmmaker. And I know Matt Walsh. Rightfully gets a lot of credit for, you know, exposing the pediatric transgender clinic in Nashville. But it was actually Robby and his wife, that actually exposed that. And Matt picked it up and ran with it, and changed a lot of things. He has been exposing those companies, that are all in on DEI and LGBTQ and everything else. He's exposed John Deere. Gosh, what are the other companies that he's done?

Big ones. I mean, Bud Light did one commercial with a transgender person. And they were almost destroyed.

He now has exposed Harley-Davidson. I just want to go over what Harley-Davidson is doing. Harley-Davidson is, as you know, one of the most beloved American brands out there.

Harley and Indian, to me, are more American than -- than Chevy and Ford. I mean, these are true American brands.

And what he found is a complete sellout of, I think, their customers. And a complete sellout to -- of common sense.

He just -- they just sold common sense out. It's gone at Harley-Davidson. Robby is with us now, to explain exactly what he found, and what we can do about it.

Robby, how are you?

ROBBY: I'm doing well, thanks for having me, Glenn.

GLENN: You bet. And thanks for all your hard work on this. You've done some amazing things. So expose Harley-Davidson.

What did you find at Harley-Davidson?

ROBBY: Well, you know, it's pretty incredible. When somebody came to me first with Harley being one of these little companies after we went through Tractor Supply and John Deere, I didn't believe it. I kind of had a hard time believing it. Because the Harley brand is like this macho brand, and, you know. Everybody knows somebody who has a Harley.

And it's so diametrically opposed to who they are. So we kind of pulled the thread. And as we looked into it, you know, lo and behold, in these stainability reports, which usually reveal a lot about the company.

We found that they had put 1800 employees through these woke trainings, including one group of employees, specifically white males.

They sent to a white male only diversity training. And if you look at the company that does this, it's not like, trust me. It's not a favorable training.

You get the worst training. You get the one that white people bad. You know, white men have a specific, you know, place to have to behave a certain way.

It's explicitly racist in my opinion. When you go further down the line, they have a plan to what they call diversify.

Their supply chain. Which is really just corporate speak for we want less white people. And you think about that -- just the idea is just so far and away from what the American dream is. It should be about merit. And who are the best suppliers. Who is providing the best stuff?

How do you do all this? So if you force diversity in your supply chain, what's going to happen to safety, what is going to happen to all these other things? Because you have this benchmark that you want to reach. And so all these arbitrary benchmarks pop up. But then there's also the pride stuff. They're funding events. They fund one pride event that was considered, quote, all ages. Where it was described as a rage room, in the marketing materials, for people who need to let off steam.

And that's right across the area where drag queens interact with kids, for story time.

And they play catch with Dad area for anybody who had daddy issues. And I'm not joking. That's actually, those were the three things that were next to each other.

Okay? That's a sponsorship for events like that. It is so diametrically opposed to the values of Harley riders. And they're also a founding member, a platinum founding member of the Wisconsin, LGBTQ plus Chamber of Commerce.

Which, I would question, why does there even need to be a Chamber of Commerce, for what type of -- you know, I think that's pretty weird.

GLENN: I know. It's very weird. It's very weird. They also make February, March -- they also made February, March, months of inclusion.

Because we need three months? Not just Pride Month?

I mean, the money they have donated now to the United Way, promoting, you know, Antiracist Baby. You know, the Ibrahim Kennedy thing. They have a Pride ride.

Let's see. They have events at their corporate offices. Their legal department has -- has -- is being celebrated for its racial equity and literacy challenges. I mean, it goes on and on and on.

ROBBY: That is insane, by the way. Yeah. That permeates the legal industry. Just so people know. That 21-day training is something that is happening, you know, pretty much throughout most of legal America, if we could call them that.

And it's one of the craziest trainings out of them. They're right up there with the United Way 21-day -- they have the 21-day equity challenge United for Equity, is what they call it.

It's some of the most explicit, Marxist training programs you could possibly have, pushing, you know, the landmarks to disorganization, to you know, reparations. And people like, you know, Ibrahim Kennedy and Robin DiAngelo.

You have the whole list of these left activists, for not just the Democratic Party. But kind of for modern day communism. That's what they're pushing through.

GLENN: So Harley-Davidson is -- and a macho guy's bike. Always been. An American bike.

And I don't see a lot of transgender business going Harley-Davidson's way. What -- I mean, I know one of my close friends, that I work with, owns a Harley.

And he said, everybody in my bike club, is just -- their eyes are bleeding. They're so crazy about this. Because they just feel Harley-Davidson has betrayed them.

What are -- what is Harley-Davidson's reply?

ROBBY: So there's no response yet. But, you know, I would caution that in the case of Tractor Supply, it took three weeks of us continuing with the story and not letting it go. Releasing little bits of information every day, for them to relent and turn back on everything. In the case of John Deere, it took a week for them to backtrack on a good portion of the stuff that we had -- in Harley's case, I don't know if they can wait a week. They have Sturgis Rally, which if people don't know, it's a big biker rally that happens August 2nd.

And Harley has a booth there. I don't think -- and they have an event there, actually, too. I don't think that they want to talk to all these bikers out there, about this program and all of these donations. And what they've allowed corporate offices and everything. I think they would probably like to clean this up before then.

That would be my guess. If they don't, they are dumber than I thought they were. I think they're doing this to please a certain element within the sort of financial world that's pushing these DEI scores and everything.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

ROBBY: And it's not just -- as much as I would like to say it's BlackRock pushing this stuff. Because I have my issues with BlackRock and with Vanguard and State Street. On more insidious things, the real poison is -- you know, the woke mind virus is a virus. It's carried by somebody.

And it's carried by the HR people who have come out of these colleges, totally indoctrinated into leftism. And so their job when they get inside there is, okay. Spread the virus through the whole network.

And so they'll use societal down points. Societal pressure points. Like what happened with George Floyd. As a way to put pressure on the higher ups to say, hey. We need to do this. To respond effectively. We need to show our employees that we care.

So the higher ups, in many cases, they just relent because they don't want to look racist. They don't want to look bigoted. At least that's how it used to be.

Now, a lot of those executives are looking for a way out. We have had executives reach out to us, and beg us to go after their companies in the future.

Because they want an excuse to get rid of DEI, which I think it's still cowardly.

Because it's still going backwards. We have companies we really need to go after.

We have now, at this point. Since we started this against Tractor Supply, over a thousand whistle-blowers.

So we are just trying to scale up the operation to work with all these people and go through all the documents and evidence that has been handed over to us, so that we can look at, you know, how have these great corporate American brands betrayed their customers and the values, especially the ones that depend on conservative America?

Because if we can't save them, then we can't save our country.

GLENN: So, Robby, I really believe all of this started, because of Occupy Wall Street.

You know, when you look at -- it was -- they were -- they were, you know, camping right in front of all of the big financial firms.

All of the banks. All of, you know, Wall Street. And corporate.

And then all of a sudden, it just kind of stopped and went away. And I -- I am absolutely convinced that a deal was struck at that point. Don't come after us. We'll help you.

And it was right around that time, that all of this money, from these financial firms, and from corporations, started to go these radicalized groups. For the first time.

And I think this was a deal cut, by the banks and by the giant corporations, just stick it on the American people. We'll be your ally.

We'll help pay for it. And now they're destroying their own businesses.

ROBBY: You know, Glenn, there could be an element of that. And I wouldn't doubt it in the slightest. I almost think it's even more insidious that be that. Because the long march to the institutions. Corporations are not exempt from that. And there's been an element of these -- you know, folks that I would say, are really, really, deeply committed to Marxism. Who they have embedded themselves in every segment of the American life.

GLENN: Yes. Yes.

ROBBY: And I think they've done a much better job at it, than we have as conservatives, protecting our country. And that's really on -- you know, we could go on and on about who is at fault for that. But honestly, it doesn't matter. The people who are here now, like you and me and others, we need to be -- we need to be the line. You know, we're the line that says, okay. We're pushing back.

We're not just defending. We're going on offense. And that's what we're doing here. It's like, we have to go on offense, and take back some of these institutions. And that will help through election. It will help through getting Trump into office. It will happen a lot of different ways.

But you have to go through each one of these institutions.

I'm more concerned about this people embedded inside. How do you get rid of those people? The people who -- even if you beat back DEI, if you don't get the whole department fired, are going to reinvent it in some other name. You know, that's the real virus at this point. It's like, how do you get that out of the company?

GLENN: Robby, I'm big fan of what you do and your wife. Make sure you say hi to her for us.

Please let us know. We'll continue to watch. But please let us know how you can help.
Thank you for exposing it.
ROBBY: Appreciate it.
GLENN: You bet. Buh-bye.

Robby Starbuck. You can follow him on Twitter, and follow the story.

It is -- this one was a big one.

John Deere was bad. Tractor supply was worse. This one is crazy bad.

Are YOUR Tax Dollars Helping Biden & Harris Gain Votes For Democrats?

Are YOUR Tax Dollars Helping Biden & Harris Gain Votes For Democrats?

There's a secretive Biden executive order that directs federal agencies to use YOUR tax dollars to register voters, including felons. This "Bidenbucks" program, Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen argues, is illegal and could sway the 2024 election. AG Knudsen explains why he's suing the administration: "That's not a constitutional power given to the federal government. States regulate their own elections, period."


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Stu's in a mood today. So he dragged the showdown yet again. He's in a mood. He's not in the same mood I'm in. In fact, his mood is the exact opposite of hi mood. Well, America does not appreciate it, Stu. It's Friday.

STU: I can't see any problems.

GLENN: Right. It's Friday. We're supposed to do what every good American does on Friday, and that is screw off. Okay?

STU: There you go.

GLENN: And then Monday, we have to also screw off a little bit.

STU: Well, recover.

GLENN: Yeah. Recover from the weekend. So you don't put in the full effort.

All we need is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.

Three shows a week, that are really solid. The rest of them.

STU: And Wednesday is sort of Hump Day.

You can't really be expected to do good work on Wednesday. That's crazy.

GLENN: And you're usually planning fun on a Thursday. So really, a Tuesday you will get a good show, at least once a week. You will get a good show. And today is not that day.

But let me tell you, that we have the Montana attorney general on with us. He's Austin Knudsen.

I think it's -- now, I should have asked. I can't remember. Do you pronounce the K or not?

Austin, are you there?

AUSTIN: It's Knudsen, yes.

GLENN: It is Knudsen. So, Austin, you were going to talk to us about Biden Bucks. So I asked Stu who is really up on things, but he's in a mood, look out. And I asked him, what are Biden Bucks? And he said, that could apply to a myriad of programs they're doing.

This one, specifically goes to the executive order. On getting people out to vote. Can you explain what Biden Bucks are?

AUSTIN: Yeah. I can, Glenn. And thanks for having me on. And a pleasure to contribute to your screw-off show.

GLENN: Okay. Good. Good. Good. Right. So don't worry about the facts. You can kind of get a little bit loose with them today.

AUSTIN: Yeah. Good. It's Friday. We picked the name Biden Bucks, because this is like Zuckerbucks. What you have here is the Biden administration wanting to get involved in what sounds kind of innocuous, right?

They want to get out those votes. We want to make it easier for folks to vote. So the executive order back in '21 did, is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris directed the administration, and all their executive agencies, to every time there was a federal touch on a citizen, to provide them voter registration information.

And ways to get registered to vote. And information about voting. And no directive really, if this was between federal elections. Or state elections. Or local elections.
And some really egregious stuff here. But here's what this comes down to, guys. And you guys know this.

That's not a constitutional power, given to the federal government.

States regulate their own elections. Period.

That's been long-standing federal law. That's been long-standing constitutional jurisprudence.

This is a job that your local election offices and more importantly, your state -- secretary of state's office handles. This is a power grab. This is pure partisan politics.

And it's -- it's bad news.

GLENN: So what are you doing in Montana? To stop this?

And what should we be doing?

AUSTIN: Well, I got with eight of my Republican colleagues, and we sued. It took us a little while to get all the information. And to do the homework on this one. But this was egregious enough that we decided, the only thing we could do was sue in federal court.

Oftentimes, that's the only arrow in our quiver, Glenn.

STU: Yeah.

AUSTIN: But we sued in federal court in Kansas. We've asked the district -- the federal district judge to block this executive order, to enjoin it and, ultimately, to throw it out as unconstitutional.

GLENN: So did you get a chance to actually read -- did you get a chance to actually read the executive order?

Because Congress has been asking the executive order from almost the day that it was issued. Which was the first week in office.

And they won't ever share it with anybody. Did you see it?

AUSTIN: We've seen portions of it. But what we have seen is some of the federal agencies own implementation policies, for this executive order.

And because you're right. I mean, this goes back, all the way back to House resolution one. The federal Congress --

GLENN: Right. Right.

AUSTIN: Has not ever done this. I mean, this is a liberal Democrat panacea. They've wanted this so bad for so long.

But specifically since Donald Trump got elected, that the ideal here with Democrats in DC. Was, well, we'll just take over national elections.

It's never been done. People may not know that. That's a stayed function.

So some really disturbing stuff we've seen in the implementation, probably the scariest one, the Department of Justice. The federal Department of Justice is registering felons to vote.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

AUSTIN: Well, the problem with that, Glenn. That's illegal in Montana. We do not allow felons to vote in Montana. We already have a conflict here between this executive order at the federal level and our state law. So we really didn't have a choice here.

GLENN: So, Austin, tell me how this will work out. Because they've stonewalled for so long. And we couldn't find any information on what they've been doing. I mean, I've been on this, since the first week of the Biden administration.

And nobody could get any information. Now, here we are in August. We're, what? Twelve weeks away. By the time you get into federal court, September, maybe? What can be done?

AUSTIN: Well, we're hoping to get a rapid injunction here.

That's the hope. Is that we get this in front of a federal judge. And we can get a restraining order. And an injunction quickly here, before too much damage is done. That's what we're after here. That's why we've moved as fast as we have.

Hopefully, fast enough. But that's what we're asking this federal judge for.

GLENN: Boy, Austin. I have to tell you, it is -- it is really hard to believe in our system of voting. It is really hard.

Because it seems to me, that everything that can be done to -- I mean, if you were designing a program, to -- to convince people, that your vote didn't matter, I think you pretty much do everything that they have done in the last eight years.

You know, we talked about corruption. We were -- we were penalized by social media. Because we six months ago, talked about, hey. Back doors in these voting machines.

And we were penalized and said it was false news. Fake news.

You know, misinformation.

Yada, yada. So they suppressed all of that.

And then the group that always does these -- you know, every year, they do a -- what do you call it, when they get all the hackers into one place. And they try to hack into the voting machines.

And they said, it's easy. And it's happening. And reported the same thing that we reported. But now, conveniently, it's too late to do anything. I'm very concerned about the vote.

AUSTIN: Yeah. The good news about it, Glenn, for me. People are paying attention. Examine people are really concerned about this. I can't do go anywhere. And too any kind of event, a talk, an event, a speech, a rally, it doesn't matter. This is what people are talking about, just wherever I go. People are paying attention. The word is out. There's a lot of concern out there with the American people. Over their vote. Over the security of the election.

And I think that's what is bringing all this attention to it. Now, we -- we have to be diligent.

I mean, we have to keep up the fight. We can't just roll over here. I can't just tell people, well, just trust us. It's all going to be fine.

That's my job. We have to make sure that Montana's rights are not being violated here.

So that's what has led us to do this stuff.

The great thing, it's not just me.

You have a lot of really great Republicans. State attorneys general, who are also fighting this fight.

GLENN: On another unrelated topic.

Can you do anything to arrest Kevin Costner, for not finishing Yellowstone?

AUSTIN: Well, if I'm being real honest.

GLENN: I'm just saying.

AUSTIN: Montana has got tired of that. We're a little tired of that show.

GLENN: Really?

AUSTIN: Well, our legislature, let the movie tax credit spare.

That's why this last season will not even be filmed here.

I don't know. It sounds like Mr. Costner has some of his own personal stuff going on.

GLENN: Yeah, I know. I know. Just look into the arresting thing. Just look into that. I'm just saying. I want the ending.

Okay. All right. You're sick of that.

Because that I think made. Well, I mean, they went over state lines. The train station was over state lines.

So, yes. They might have been killing people in Montana. But they buried them someplace else.

But I think that just made the state look beautiful.

And unfortunately, if I were in Montana, and I would be saying, yeah. It looks a little too beautiful. Now we will get all these -- that will turn into Jackson Hole.

AUSTIN: It's already happened to Bozeman. I don't recognize Bozeman. I went to college there. I lived there when I was a kid. That town is completely, completely Jackson Holed.

GLENN: Jeez. I hate that. Okay. Thank you so much, Austin. I appreciate it.

That's the Montana attorney general, Austin Knudsen.

EXPOSED: The Radical Harris-Walz Agenda the Media WILL Bury | Glenn TV | Ep 370

EXPOSED: The Radical Harris-Walz Agenda the Media WILL Bury | Glenn TV | Ep 370

The mainstream media is working overtime to hide the most radical presidential ticket in U.S. history in Harris-Walz. America has seen socialists run for president before, as fringe third- or fourth-party candidates. But now we have radical left-wing socialists at the TOP of a major party ticket. While Kamala Harris has never openly admitted to being a socialist, her Senate record gives it away. She scored to the left of Bernie Sanders! She voted TWICE against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. According to new reporting by the Daily Signal, when Harris was California’s attorney general, she had the home of pro-life journalist David Daleiden raided by California DOJ agents who seized video evidence that potentially incriminated employees of Planned Parenthood. And Harris has found her dream socialist partner in Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Don’t buy the “Midwestern dad” propaganda. Last year, Walz proudly signed a law making Minnesota a “trans refuge” for children who want transgender surgery or irreversible hormone treatments. If parents in Minnesota refuse to grant their child these experimental trans treatments, this law allows state courts to take custody of the child. He also signed a separate bill mandating that all health insurance plans cover these gender transition procedures. Glenn dives beyond the media headlines to uncover the darkest details of their past. They are socialists in sheep’s clothing. And the evidence reveals their dictator tendencies and their anti-freedom, anti-American agenda for our nation. Vote accordingly this November.

Is Tim Walz a “Fellow Traveler” With the Chinese Communist Party?

Is Tim Walz a “Fellow Traveler” With the Chinese Communist Party?

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has some weird connections to China. Glenn speaks with “Red Handed” author Peter Schweizer about why he believes Harris’ vice presidential pick is a “fellow traveler” with the Chinese Communist Party. Schweizer explains that Walz may not have received boatloads of money from China like the Biden family, but he sure seems friendly to them! Why hasn’t he gone after the secret Chinese police station in the Twin Cities? Why is a committee he chairs investing millions of dollars in China? Why did he compare Tiananmen Square to Wounded Knee?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: We have Peter Schweizer on with us.

Peter is -- I mean, he's just tremendous. He's a guy who has written some of the best, most informative books on the corruption of our government. Both Republican and Democrat.

He's with the government accountability institute. He's the president there.

And I asked him to look at Tim Walz.

And tell us, you know, who this guy really is. Because he's a socialist. But is there any more to it?

Peter, welcome to the program.

PETER: Glenn, great to be with you always, my old friend. And, yeah. It's very interesting looking at Walz, particularly his relationship with China ask kind of contrasting it with the Bidens. The Bidens, of course, it was pretty much all transactional. They get paid, Joe Biden's policies on China changes. Tim Walz doesn't have that money. But I think he fits into the category of what used to be called a fellow traveler.

He has a soft spot for the CCP. He has relationships there. And he's taken policies in Minnesota, that are really quite stunning, when you look at it, in the context of what's going on in China.

GLENN: For instance, what?

PETER: So a couple of examples.

You've talked about it widely, as have others. This problem with these police departments. These overseas police departments that China has.

These are designed to intimidate Chinese nationals living in the United States, American citizens to not be critical of the CCP. And there have actually been reports of abductions, people have been abducted, using these unofficial police stations to send people back to mainland China.

Well, there's known to be seven of them in the United States. One of them is in the Twin Cities.

Now, Tim Walz has been very critical of the Minneapolis Police Department, police brutality, not treating people fairly. He has not --

GLENN: Reimagined.

PETER: Yeah. He's not uttered a word of criticism about this police station. Knowing even further, however, the organization. The so-called friendship organization that is running this police station in the Twin Cities, is part of a coalition, with something called Minnesota global.

Which is a pro-Walz linked organization.

So it's really quite interesting. The other thing I would look at, Glenn.

Again, you talked about. And other talked about. The fact that Americans are investing dollars in Chinese companies, or helping the Chinese military industrial complex grow and expand.

And as a result of that, over the last three to four years, states like Texas, Florida, have really curtailed their investments in China. And even states like Washington State, California, have slowed their investments in China.

One state, one state stands in contrast to that. That's it state of Minnesota. That over the last four years. It's got a billion and a half dollars invested in China. 900 million of that, has come in the last three or four years.

And the chairman of the investment committee, is the governor Tim Walz.

GLENN: Wow. Wow.

So, I mean, on the bright side, there's no evidence that he's taking money.

On the downside, he just agrees with China. Likes their system. Thinks they're, you know, freight.

PETER: Yeah. No. That's exactly right, Glenn. And there's a couple of sort of telltale signs. And, of course, we're continuing to investigate this.

He set up this exchange program, that the Chinese governments helped to fund and to bring students to China.

That, of course, was done with a known entity, connected to the Chinese foreign ministry. That has been known since the 1990s, to be linked to the CCP, for the purposes of spreading the good news about the communist gospel. Well, if you look at some of the press accounts, the local Midwestern papers when this exchange was going on, one of the things that Tim Walz was telling students, American students participating, was go to China. But, quote, downplay your American-ness.

Now, this may seem like an innocuous comment. But this is a cultural exchange.

I mean, we certainly would not tell Chinese students, coming to the United States, to play down their Chinese-ness. And so there are things like that.

There are statements. He's criticized Tiananmen Square. But he's created a moral equivalence with Wounded Knee in the United States. 10,000 Chinese were masked at Tiananmen Square. Of course, Wounded Knee was terrible. Native Americans were killed. But it's nowhere on the scale. And, of course, it happened, what? 150 years ago.

GLENN: Yeah, that's what I was going to say.

You know, there was a the difference between Tiananmen Square, where the world has been civilized, and Wounded Knee.

Wounded Knee is one of the worst scars in my opinion, than at that we have. It is an embarrassment to the United States. So I am big on Wounded Knee, and the truth on Wounded Knee. But I got to tell you, Tiananmen Square, that happened, what? 1989? We saw it live on television.

PETER: Yeah. Yeah.

And what you said, I think is so true, and sort of after Wounded Knee happened and word got out. The consensus was, this is terrible.

This is a scar on America. It's recognized as such, contrast that with China, with the treatment of Tiananmen Square and the president of China. President Xi, his wife is a very famous singer in China.

Has a been married for decades. She actually serenaded the troops at Tiananmen Square after the massacre.

That tells you how our political system, and their political system, sees it differently.

Tim Walz will not acknowledge that. He will always make excuses for China's conduct.

GLENN: Okay. So we haven't had -- I mean, Dick Cheney was very powerful.

And his influence was felt, in the Bush administration.

How much influence do you think Tim Walz will have, on Kamala? Because -- or is it just their fellow travelers again?

PETER: Yeah. That I think Walz will have a lot of influence. And I think particularly, in the area of foreign policy. I mean, he doesn't have experience, but she doesn't either. And the examples where she has traveled and met with diplomats overseas, whether it's Central America or Europe. Let's just say, has been underwhelming.

So I think Walz was brought in. He was seen by the advisers around her, as a sort of, quote, unquote, steady hand.

And the problem is, I kind of -- he kind of -- Glenn, he views himself as kind of a China expert. Because he's traveled there 30 times. He's done student exchanges.

When he was inaugurated, as the governor of China. Very strange. He invited Chinese diplomats, to which they did. To attend his inauguration as the governor of Minnesota. He's given speeches to these so-called cultural organizations. He gave one in 2019, that are actually front groups for the CCP. Well-known. So he knows just enough to be dangerous.

And I think that he would be at the center of US policy, towards China. Given that background. And, of course, we would be -- we would be in terrible hands, if that were the case.

New York Times FINALLY Reports Hunter & Joe Biden’s Ukraine Scandals…What Took So Long?!

New York Times FINALLY Reports Hunter & Joe Biden’s Ukraine Scandals…What Took So Long?!

Now that Joe Biden has been pushed aside by the Democratic Party, the mainstream media is suddenly able to publish stories about Hunter Biden’s scandals. Glenn and “Blood Money” author Peter Schweizer discuss a recent New York Times piece titled “Hunter Biden Sought State Department Help for Ukrainian Company.” It details how the Biden administration (after he dropped out, of course) released records proving that Hunter solicited U.S. government assistance while his father was Vice President. But did the Times really JUST NOW learn about this? How long did they have this story before they were allowed to publish it? And who gave the order? Glenn and Peter also discuss whether Barack Obama and the Democratic Party orchestrated a coup against President Biden to kick him out of the race.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So now that Joe Biden has been pushed aside, the officials are allowed to emit the elites at the New York Times and elsewhere -- you can now publish stories about Hunter Biden.

Emails were released that reveal that Hunter, while his father was vice president wrote a letter to the US ambassador in Italy, asking for introductions to help the Ukraine gas company Burisma, land a lucrative contract in Italy.

Huh. I thought none of that was happening. Now the New York Times is reporting this. Review you see, everything that was, is no longer.

Now it's a news story. And everything that was about Kamala, is no longer.

Now, she's great. I can't -- I don't know what. Let me just talk to people who are in the press. What is it like to be you?

Honestly, lying is so hard.

I guess not.

If you don't mind, you know, just being caught in lies.

I guess it's not real hard. But I don't know how you keep it straight.

What can you report today. Who issues that?

Who tells you, were you standing, waiting for this story. And you were waiting for permission to drop it. Or do they actually say. I want to let everybody know.

Thanks for flying the New York Times airlines. We're going to be landing in Truthville just a few minutes on Hunter Biden.

But Hunter Biden only.

We are in lie city, on everything else, that is going on in the Biden administration. And Kamala Harris. Thanks for choosing New York Times airlines.

How do they announce it?

How do they tell their reporters, what they can say today, that they couldn't say yesterday?

GLENN: So I want to talk to you, Peter, one about Hunter Biden. And the other about that Sunday, with Joe Biden.

I would love to hear. And I know it's all speculation. But I would love to hear, how you think that all went down.

I am convinced this was a coup against the president. They had a gun to his head, called the 25th Amendment.

And they said, we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way.

And it had to be quite a negotiation, as he knows stuff about them. And they know stuff about him.

And it was mutually assured destruction.

How do you think that went down?

PETER: Great question, Glenn. I think I would look as the coup leader, Barack Obama. There's no question, in my mind. There's never been any love lost between Joe Biden and Barack Obama.

And let's remember, I talk about this in my book, Profiles in Corruption.

Kamala Harris and the Obamas have been friends before Obama was the United States senator.

So they have long, deep ties, and share worldviews, that are very, very similar, and different to Joe Biden's. And what you should do is go back and listen to an interview that Barack Obama gave with Steven Colbert in 2020, where he says, Colbert asks him, would you ever want to serve a third term?

And Barack Obama says, oh. He says, but my secret fantasy is to have a president, whether he or she, that I have my voice in their earpiece, and I am able to tell them what to do and how to do it.

And then he kind of chuckles at the end. I think that is a major part of what happened. I think that ultimately, they decided that Joe Biden couldn't beat Donald Trump. And they had to change horses, so to speak. And I think the discussion and negotiation was not with Obama himself, but with, you know, look, the finance chairman of the Biden campaign. Jeffrey Katzenberg. Was Barack Obama's finance chair. So we know who these people are.

And I think the negotiation was a combination of stick and carrots.

And the carrot was, look, we'll take care of your family.

You know, we'll take care of Hunter. We'll take care of Jim. And we'll take care of the family.

And you need to step down, or other bad things will happen to you.

But as you alluded to. They have now started to turn on him with the reports and with the Department of Justice.

GLENN: Yeah. So how did that happen?

How does the press get their marching orders to say, okay. Now you can release this information?

Now you can take on Hunter Biden.

PETER: Yeah. Glenn, you know, when I first started looking back into this, in 2016, 2017, 2018. I had relationships with numerous reporters at the New York Times and Washington Post. They cited me and used my material on all kinds of stories. When I told them what we had on Joe Biden in 28, one of the top reporters at the New York Times, who covers China and politics, said, if Biden runs, we will cover this story. And, of course, they never did.

I think that it is the management leadership, and they have convinced themselves, they have convinced themselves, deluded themselves, into believing that Trump is such an existential threat to democracy.

You know, that phrase that they always use, that allows them and leads them to say, well, we cannot cover Joe Biden. Now that it's Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, you have the New York Times that you said.

You also have the Department of Justice, in the filing on the tax. The federal tax --

GLENN: Interesting.

PETER: -- saying, they explicitly say in that tax filing document, that Hunter Biden was collecting foreign money because he was running a foreign influence the campaign. This is the Biden Department of Justice saying this.

GLENN: Huh. Interesting. Isn't it?

I would love to have been a fly on the wall, and see how this all really went down.

You know, maybe in -- you know, I don't know. One hundred years.

The files will be released. And we will find out what really happened. But any doubt in your mind this was a coup.

PETER: No. None whatsoever. None whatsoever.

GLENN: Amazing. Amazing. Peter Schweizer. Thank you so much. You know, if I would have said that, oh, you know, that they would perform a coup on the president, the press would have gone crazy on me. They would have been covering up yet again, and lying to you yet again.