Roseanne Barr PREDICTS what will happen if Trump or Harris wins the 2024 election

Roseanne Barr PREDICTS what will happen if Trump or Harris wins the 2024 election

The “Queen of the Garbage People”, Roseanne Barr, joins Glenn a day before the 2024 Election with her predictions about what will immediately happen after the new president takes office. Whether it’s Trump or Harris, she believes something big is about to change. Roseanne also comments on some of the biggest stories ahead of the election: Biden is “the gift that keeps on giving,” she declares, after he referred to Trump supporters as “garbage”. Meanwhile, NBC and Saturday Night Live may be in hot water for featuring Kamala Harris, “the change person that’s done nothing in 4 years”, allegedly without inviting Donald Trump. Roseanne also explains what turned her into a Trump supporter and how Elon Musk stands for the 2 things the Left hates.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Birthday girl Roseanne Barr is on with us. Hey, Roseanne.

ROSEANNE: Hi, Glenn, how are you doing?

GLENN: Good. How was your birthday yesterday?

ROSEANNE: It was fantastic. It was a great birthday. I had all my kids. It was just great. All my kids and seven of my ten grandkids.

GLENN: Jeez.

ROSEANNE: And we had a lovely karaoke party. And everybody was really on it. It was great.

GLENN: That's great.

So you're the queen of the garbage people. How are you feeling?

ROSEANNE: Oh, I am. I just -- I'm feeling royal.

GLENN: Yeah. I bet you are.

I --

ROSEANNE: Yeah. It was the greatest -- you know, sometimes. I think I told you before. Sometimes I wonder if that -- well, first, I think it's Jim Carrey in a mask.

But that Biden guy, he is the gift that keeps on giving.

Isn't he?

GLENN: Oh, my gosh. It's crazy. It's crazy. Even -- even Saturday Night Live, did something on that. Well, they -- you know, they did an ad campaign for Kamala. Did you see that on Saturday, by any chance?

ROSEANNE: No. I can't stay up that late. What happened?

GLENN: Oh, they just did this advertising campaign. One of the FCC commissioners came out and said, this was a clear violation.

It was honestly, the open. It started with every lie about Donald Trump. You know, I'm trying to kill Liz Cheney. And all of this stuff.

And then Kamala Harris was actually on. Not funny. But actually on it. You know, doing a -- a very pro, hey, I'm the change person.

Which that is just bizarre. Just bizarre.

ROSEANNE: Yeah. The change person that has done nothing in four years.

GLENN: Yeah. So Roseanne, when you were on TV, we've talked about this.

When you were on TV, ABC did not want you to do, you know, didn't want you to have anybody that was a Trump supporter. And you thought, well, that's exactly what is -- would be going on, around this table.

Somebody has to do it. And when --

ROSEANNE: I had a conversation, for when they asked me to come back. And they wanted to hear my ideas, of course.

I went out to lunch with Bob Iger.

At a really lovely place there in Beverly hills.

I can't remember the name. But it was really good.

And I told him, you know, I want to bridge the divide.

Because I thought it was so -- well, the reason why I said I would do it. Is because I felt like our country was in peril. And that my voice could be useful. In reminding people, that, you know, we don't all have to think exactly alike.

Because this is a free country. Where we have liberty and freedom of speech.

And that was what I felt like was being compromised.

And I was scared. So I came back for that. And I told Bob Iger.

I intend to show a Trump hater, and a Hillary hater, in the same family.

But they still love each other, you know.

They still love each other. Because they're family.

Oh, everybody loved that.

At first, until -- until it happened. And I guess, these people their -- they're in weird positions. Like, their publicist. Their publicist -- those are real censors.

And once they got the publicists in there, and then they start -- you know, you start getting the writers.

And I wanted the writers from my original show because they knew me.

So you have a lot of them. And I got Tom Warner. He hired one of these woke -- he hired a few wokes to come on there.

And, you know, I -- I felt like, well, you've got to include them, because they're a voice in the whole apparatus too!

GLENN: Right.

ROSEANNE: But the way the woke beat everybody in the writers room down, you know, it was hard to go in there. But I still did it. Because I was like, well, this show is for the viewer. Not fort writers. You know.

GLENN: Right.

So you didn't know that it would turn out the way it did.

Is that what -- what turns you into such a Trump supporter?

ROSEANNE: Well, because I ran for president in 2012. And a lot of the ideas that I had, Trump started talking about. In 2015.

And I was -- my narcissism kicked in, as well as, my -- you know, joy that somebody else could see, we have the ability to solve every problem, that plagues our nation.

GLENN: Yeah.

ROSEANNE: And that should be done.

And so, you know, I -- I -- I loved his thinking.

I could see that it was very visionary.
And, you know, ultimately, very healing. It made an us out of everyone in our country. Rather than an us and them, like -- like, you know, the panderers are -- are making money selling, because it is us.

GLENN: Do you find it -- find it almost -- I mean, honestly, I find it hard to believe that this election is this close.

With everything that has gone wrong in this administration.


GLENN: I mean, what is it -- what is it that half the country is missing?

ROSEANNE: Well, they're voting for their jobs.

It's less than half. It's about -- I think -- I think they say 34 percent or something like that.

But they all work for the government. So when Trump talks about reorganizing the government, they think, you know, they're going to lose their job.

Because, you know, a lot of us that go down to the DMV, or any of these other government job sites, you know, you're treated like crap.

And nobody knows what the hell they're doing.

And they're just arrogant as hell. And stupid. A lot of them.

Not all of them. But, you know, that's why they vote that way. Because they're arrogant. And they're voting for what they consider their own self-interest, above the country.

But the fact is, I say, once they figure out, that the Democrats have taken their retirement and their benefits away, because they sent it to Ukraine, they're going to be really pissed.

And then they'll be Trump supporters too.

GLENN: Do you think the Elon Musk.

I mean, boy, be they're after that guy.

ROSEANNE: Oh, yeah. If Trump doesn't win, they will take down Elon number one. He's their big energy. Because he's for freedom of speech. And, of course, two things I say they hate is, one, dialogue and, two, humor.

GLENN: Uh-huh. They always have.

ROSEANNE: It is true.

GLENN: They always have.


GLENN: The idea that if Trump doesn't win -- you know, I think we're looking at a time, if he wins, the mainstream media, I think is over.

Because there won't be a government to save them, and bail them out. And they've lost everything. If she wins --

ROSEANNE: I know. And that's great. That is great.

Because then, the people -- and actual journalists thinking about the country.

Will replace it. And they already have. The Joe Rogan thing. I told Joe, congratulations.

You killed the legacy ahead. And that happened.

GLENN: He did. He did.

However, if she wins, I think we're doomed.

I think the --

ROSEANNE: If she wins, you know, I will reference the movie that I reference.

And everybody should watch planet of the apes.

It's a very popular movie. But it's about a militarized police force that comes and locks you up for saying the wrong things.

That's what it's basically about. It's about fascism. And if she wins, number one, or two, there will be another lockdown immediately.

There will be a lockdown. You know, because they've got to get their -- they have to get their ducks in a row for what they're doing.

Which is siphoning public money, and putting it into private pockets. That's what they're about.

That's what Marxism is. And I wish that people would understand it. And, you know, I ran as a socialist in 2012, because I lived in a socialist state. Hawaii.

And we -- us farmers, we tried to get Monsanto, the hell out of there, with their Roundup.

Well, that's what spurred me on, to see how a socialist state existed. You know, what it does.

And what it did. When I was studying about how we were going to grow organic and heirloom crops there.

Because I'm a farmer there.

GLENN: Right.

ROSEANNE: So it was about Roundup and Monsanto and everything.

So I said, wait a minute. This is a socialist state, and I gave this speech.

This is a socialist state.

So, of course, the state would be about helping the health of children.


So they did some studies on the effect of Roundup on the children of Hawaii. And so, you know -- and, you know what, there wasn't one study.

And I said that.

This state -- this state of the people has not done one study about the long range effects of the taking of this island.

And they just freaked out.

But I said, this is what it is.

When the state owns the universities and when Monsanto, becomes part of the state, and finds the universities, you're not going to get any studies about what Roundup does to your kids.

Hello. There you go right there. And it was like -- I wanted to see for myself, how things work on the left.

Because I already had my suspicions. Because to me, as a socialist, all those years.

The only thing I kept on hearing was how we had to keep killing the Jews in Israel.

That's what happened while I was a leftist.

And when I was a leftist with my parents, who were leftists. Socialists.

It never was that.

Then everybody was pro the Jewish people getting, you know, access back to their -- you know -- you know, their homeland.

And they were called the indigenous of Palestine at that time.

They had Palestinian.

All this stuff they turned around.

Because they just. Well, they just rewrite everything. Like Monsanto rewrites all the rules of science.

So that you don't actually have a control group.

Which is the entire basis of science!

GLENN: You know, it's amazing to me, how really, the conservative and liberals have switched places on almost everything.
ROSEANNE: Yeah. Totally.

GLENN: It's crazy, how we're not with the big business. They are. We're not for big war. They are.

ROSEANNE: Yeah. We're not for forced injections by, you know, people that are -- headquartered in Germany. Hello! I'm telling you.

GLENN: I know. Roseanne, it's good to talk to you. Happy birthday.

ROSEANNE: Thank you so much. I'm 72, and now I feel like I can really do everything I want finally.

GLENN: That's great. Great.

ROSEANNE: So, you know, I've put a lot of my energy to try to save our country. And I'm not going to quit.

And my prayer is that everybody wakes up. That God wakes them up.

When they want to be woke up or not.

And they will just listen to what I'm saying. Because I think I'm very smart. And that they will vote for Trump.

Thank you, Glenn!

GLENN: Thank you. God bless you, Roseanne.

Thanks. Roseanne Barr.