How the port worker strike will affect YOU

How the port worker strike will affect YOU

Port workers along the East and Gulf Coasts have gone on strike, demanding higher pay and job security with AI on the rise. But how long do Americans have before this strike affects the economy? Should you rush out and stock up before groceries become scarce? Or is there no need to panic? Glenn reviews what will likely happen week by week if the strike continues, including how long it will take for this to have months-long effects that impact the holidays. Plus, Glenn asks, why is this happening right before the election?!


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Okay. Let me take you first to another issue. You get up this morning, scrolling through your phone. Checking your news feed. Have a cup of coffee. Then there's this headline. US port workers begin nationwide strike.

Hmm. Okay. Good. Good.

Now, we could -- you could just blow this off, because of the ports, and, you know, dock workers sounds distant.

STU: It was the worst season of the wire.

GLENN: Okay.

STU: It's kind of the one you skip, I feel like.

GLENN: Okay. This one is about to reach out into your home. Your wallet. Your daily life.

So I need to explain what's coming our way.

First, in week one, in the first week, you might not notice much.

So there's no reason to panic. You can go and, you know, go to the store. Stock up on some things. But there's no reason to run out and do that, this week.

Your online orders are still arriving. Maybe you hear a blip on the news. About some ship stuck offshore. For a few industries hinting at some delay. But for most people, life will go on as normal, during week one. It started last night.

Now, behind the scenes, things are starting to shake and crack a little bit. Retailers, manufacturers, and businesses, that depend on regular shipments are beginning to feel the pinch, in week one.

The just in time supply system, you know, that we all learned about in COVID. That's beginning to have a little bit of a strain. And it's starting to wobble a little bit.

And while the shelves are still full for now, the stockrooms in the back are running thin. By week two, by the second week, you're going to start feeling things.

So next week, maybe midweek. If it's still going on, maybe you head for the store, and something as simple as bananas or a pair of new shoes. Suddenly the shelves aren't as full, some items just aren't there.

Fresh avocados or berries that you've gotten used to, are sitting on ships waiting to dock. And it's not just food. It's electronics. It's clothing. Even toys for your kids. They start becoming harder to find.

Prices, by week two, they may start on some items to inch upward.

Businesses are now scrambling to get their hands on what's left.

And the competition drives up cost.

That cheap TV, that you were thinking of buying, you may have to add anywhere from ten to 30 percent to the price tag.

By the end of week two.

If you were planning on doing some home repairs or upgrades.

Good luck.

All of the tools and materials are sitting in crates, gathering dust at the ports.

This is also a problem. Because of the hurricane. Had anything that you get at Home Depot is going to be in short supply, because of the hurricane, and by week two, the dock worker strike.

Now, by the third week, if it goes on that long, now we're getting into some problems.

It's no longer just a shortage of bananas or phone chargers. Entire industries begin to slow down. Factories that rely on parts from overseas. Just in time.

Can't keep running. So the workers in those factories. People you might know. Maybe it is you.

Are getting furloughed. Sent home without pay. Because there's nothing for you to build.

Grocery stores begin to ration some items. And limiting on some items how much you can buy.

Now, at this point, the strike is not a nuisance. This is week three. This point in week three, it becomes a crisis.

The online orders you placed, delayed. Weeks out. Businesses are pleading with the government for help by now.

But even if the strike ended, in week three, it would take weeks to untangle the mess at the ports. By now, inflation is beginning to rear its ugly head. Everything from groceries to gas to clothes is more expensive, than it was just two weeks ago.

Week four. This is -- this is when it becomes the full weight of the strike, is unavoidable.

And I believe it becomes a national security problem. And possibly by this time, in week four, it is just one part of what I am looking for. And will explain later on in the show.

A polycrisis. A polycrisis is what will take us out in a knockout blow. And you already have a little bit of a polycrisis with the dock workers and the hurricane.

Small businesses are now closing their doors. Because they can get their inventory. Grocery store shelves are sparse with some items missing altogether.

Your favorite brands might be out of stock. Maybe you head to the hardware store. Only to find that the building materials that you need are either unavailable or so expensive, they're out of reach.

Now, let's talk long-term. Timing couldn't be worse. Because we're heading into fall. And you know what that means. The holiday season.

Retailers are counting on the next few months for a huge chunk of their sales. And the Christmas gifts you've been eyeing. There's a good chance, they won't make it in time for Christmas. Toys, electronics. Clothing. They're sitting in ships. Or back ordered in factories. They can't get the parts. Even if the strike ends after four weeks. The backlog will last for months. Shipping will be slow.

And prices, you'll be paying a premium for anything you can find. So here's -- here's what you need to know: Week one, just be aware.

If you want to get some fruit. And you have some extra fruit in the house. You know, for week two, if it goes on that long, great.

I can't imagine, that strike goes on very long.

Because it will create a national emergency.

However, I'm not sure if our president is too busy lathering on sunscreen at the beach.

Or if his goals are just not the same as our goals.

To keep America safe and healthy.

So I don't know why. Remember the train negotiation?

You know, when you kept the trains running. He got involved immediately.

And he made sure that strike didn't happen. Well, where is he now?

And the media is saying, well, he can't really do anything.

He can't really -- maybe in a couple of weeks. Really? Maybe in a couple of weeks.

He stopped the train thing from going in to strike. Why isn't he involved this time?

He's Mr. Labor Union.

So I don't know. What's happening. In -- in a normal America, the president would make sure this strike was settled. But wait until you hear what they're asking for. And what they've already turned down.

So for, if it goes four weeks, truckers, rail workers. Warehouses will be overwhelmed, trying to just move everything.

Prices will stay high through the holiday season.

Supply chains will struggle to recover. Holiday shopping season will be lienor, fewer options on the shelf.

Less to spend, because inflation will chip away at your budget again. The economic hit, won't be limited just to higher prices.

Jobs will be lost, as industries scrambling to adapt disruptions. Companies may start to shift operations to avoid reliance on our US ports in the future.

That's great, huh.

Potentially relocating manufacturing or looking to automate more of their processes to reduce reliance on labor.

That will mean fewer jobs for the very workers that are striking today in the long-run.
So when you hear about the port thing. Know, this is a very serious issue.

Not today, but if you want to be prepared. You might not go crazy at a Costco.

Just make sure you have what your family needs, in case things get worse.

Because I have no idea, what will happen.

Okay. So, you know, when you hear what the dock workers are striking for, maybe you think, it's reasonable.

But let's get into the details. They're striking for two big reasons.

One, they want higher pay. Everybody does. They want assurances, that their jobs won't be taken over by machines. By automation. Everybody wants that.

Got it. So on the surface, it sounds reasonable.

Everyone wants better pay. No one wants to lose their job to a robot. But when you start unpacking what they're asking for. And comparing it to the average American worker. And when you consider the long-term effects on our country's economy, especially in competition with China, picture gets a little more complex.

Okay. First, let's talk about the pay raise.

The average longshoreman, the dock workers already make about 100,000 to $200,000 a year. Six figures. Some even earn more when you factor in over time.

Now, if you compare that to the average American worker who pulls in around $56,000 a year. That's quite a gap. Now, they're not not just asking for more.

They are pushing for significant raises. Sometimes ten to 15 percent a year, or even higher, depending on the location and the union negotiations. For someone already making $100,000, that could mean a ten to 15 or 20,000-dollar raise, every year.

Meanwhile, the average American worker, we're lucky to see a two or 3 percent raise. Lucky!

In fact, with inflation running hot, many workers are losing purchasing power. And wages are not keeping pace with inflation and the cost of living.

But it isn't a small pay raise. Over the term of the next six years, they are asking for a 77 percent pay raise, over the six-year life of the contract.

Now, they've been offered a 50 percent increase, and have turned that down.

Now, the -- the dock workers in California, and the west coast, they've got a 34 percent pay raise over the course of their -- their contract.

These guys are asking for 77 percent increase over the next six years.

Been offered 50 percent, and have turned it down, walked away.

Okay. I mean, that -- I mean, that's going to be hard for people to swallow.

And understand, I get it. Dock work is tough. It's physically demanding. It's risky.

It's not an old man's game. But the pay is already far above the national average. And their demands for even more, seem a little out of sync with what most people are experiencing in their lives. And I am for people making as much money as they can, but we're all connected and everyone has to remember, this is a business. All of this stuff has to work for business. Everyone has to win, because if it's just the dock workers, nobody wins.

Even at a 50 percent pay increase, that is going to be passed on to you, in higher costs.

And that's not the real problem. The real problem comes in what their second demand is.

The dock workers want ironclad guarantees, that the ports will not replace any of them, with a machine.

Now, think about that for a moment.

They're asking for a commitment, that even as technology advances, ports won't introduce things like automated cranes, or self-driving trucks or robotics to do the work faster, cheaper, more safely and efficiently. This is a conversation that America and the world should have had 20 years ago, and I talked about it 20 years ago.

And I talked about it every year since. We're going to come to a time, where if you don't know, what the meaning of life is, you're going to be kind of upside down.

Because people are going to start losing their jobs. Maybe we should start looking at the jobs of the future, and start training people for those.

Because the average job is going away. Well, now you're in it.

This is like AI. Should have had -- should have had that discussion 20 years ago.

But now we're all scrambling.


Because there is no leadership in this country.

That's why. There's no real leader. And without vision, without a leader, with vision. The people will perish. And that's what's happening. So I can sympathize with the dock workers. No one wants to be told, we have a machine that can do your job faster and without breaks, good luck. But here's the thing, automation is happening. Just like AI thousand. It's too late to stop it.

It's happening. So now, we have to figure out, how do we retool instead of just saying, you know what, you're out. How do we retool?

Because if we don't retool, if we are acting like people who said, the horse and buggy have to be kept, we lose.

China, their ports. Have you seen the video, that's circling the world now?

The ports in China are highly automated.

It's like one office. And the whole port runs in one office.

They move goods faster. More efficiently. Than we do.

They have automated cranes. AI-driven systems.

The robots work around the clock.

Minimal human influence.

It is safe safer, faster, cheaper.

This allows China to process millions of more containers, than we do, at a fraction of the cost and time.

Why do you think people buy their products from China? Because through slave labor and now through automation, they can make it cheaper.

If we don't automate our ports, we are putting ourselves in a advantage for a long-term knockout punch.

Global trade is cutthroat.

Companies will ship through countries and ports, that can move their goods faster and cheaper.

And if the US sticks with old, labor intensive methods, shipping companies will look elsewhere, to countries like China. That can get the job done more efficiently. This will mean lost business for US ports.

Fewer goods flowing through our economy. And ultimately, fewer jobs for dock workers in the long run.

We, I'm sorry, gang. Have to automate.

To be able to compete in today's world.

If you're willing to go back and live like the old timey days, where, you know, back in the -- you know, back around the turn of the century, 80 percent live below the poverty line.

Okay. 80 percent of Americans. So if you want to go back to that, that's fine.

But we have a Brave New World, that we are facing now.

And these dock workers are in trouble.

Is this the TERRIFYING reason Biden WON’T stop the port strike?

Is this the TERRIFYING reason Biden WON’T stop the port strike?

President Biden has said that he WON'T step in to help negotiate the port workers strike that's affecting the East Coast and Gulf Coast. But he's "Union Joe"! So, why is he sitting THIS strike out? Glenn has a terrifying theory: Is Biden's goal to create a "polycrisis" right around the election that would cripple America enough for the globalists to complete their "fundamental transformation"? Is chaos the plan? Glenn also points to FEMA's apparent lack of support for the people affected by Hurricane Helene. Apparently, FEMA has a new "top priority," and it's NOT "helping people" ...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

STU: I ask again. And you asked this question. You mentioned this question yesterday, as to why you were not worried about the longshoreman strike as much as you think you should be. With a caveat.

GLENN: With a caveat. The caveat is, I don't think we're dealing with the way politicians and, you know, governments have always worked. Everything has changed.

STU: Maybe that's true. But like, we have five weeks to the election.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: You have number one, a situation with longshoremen going on strike. As you mentioned today. You went through the time line of this, in hour one. If you didn't hear that, go back and listen to it.

GLENN: It's important that you listen to it. You should not panic today.

You know, you might want to go to the store and get some extra stuff. If you just want to be really prepared. But starting next week, and by week three. And definitely by week four. At week four, we're at a national crisis.

STU: At week four. That would be the week before the election.


STU: Okay? And yet, I show you this strike is going forward, despite the fact that the president of the United States, a man even in background reporting, does want Kamala Harris to win.

It's not like he's trying to sink her presidency. Even though, he's seemly angry, because she's blowing him off all the time.

Why isn't this coming to a halt? Why isn't he using all of his power to make sure this doesn't happen.

Not because he cares about the longshoreman.

Or not because he cares about the US economy. He seemingly wants to sink that. Because he cares about the future of the power, that he's worked so hard and be she's worked so hard.

To gather.

GLENN: Okay. So let me start with the official reason. He's not getting involved because the president should not get involved in union fights, until it becomes a real problem.

STU: I ask, was that worth saying?

It's such a ridiculous --

GLENN: I just want to make sure.

STU: I know you're just doing your job. But that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life.

They get involved in everything. All of a sudden, they're Libertarians?

GLENN: Yeah. And he stopped the train strike, because before the train strike happened. He got involved in that one.

STU: Heavily involved. All he has done is talk about his accomplishments with labor.

GLENN: Okay. So why wouldn't he get involved this time?

STU: Yeah. Say, hey, guys, do this after the election.

Why wouldn't he stop this?

GLENN: I mean, I -- I have my answer.

And my answer is probably the answer that everybody else is coming to the conclusion on.

It -- it is -- that's -- that's not the goal here.

STU: The goal is not to win the election?

GLENN: The goal is to cripple the United States.

And to create a polycrisis.

So let's just say, it's a close election.


And there's arguments back and forth. After the election.

After the election.

STU: Which, it would be shocking if there wasn't that situation.

GLENN: Correct. How do you make that worse?

STU: I mean, they keep inventing new ways.

GLENN: Uh-huh. Well, here's one.

You make it worse, by taking the economy.

And making the economy even more unstable.


Because, look, if those who believe with good reason, that this government is not for an America. The way we know it.

They have to give it the final blow, to put it out, to be able to restart in a new system.


STU: Uh-huh.

GLENN: And you can't do that without -- with just one crisis. You need a polycrisis. You need a financial crisis.

You need a war crisis. You need an election crisis. You need a -- a -- a financial crisis, a pandemic crisis. And an election crisis.

You have to have more than one.

STU: Okay. But -- and I think, because this adds to another question that I have, on the same front.

You have this hurricane that's going through all of these swing states. You have Georgia and North Carolina.

And, I mean, Florida, there's even been close polling, in some circles.

You have all this stuff going on.

In these really important states.

And they seem to be completely up concerned, to even giving the appearance that they're doing a good job. I mean, they're not even doing the press conferences in front of the rows and rows of trucks.

Today, they are out there, I guess a little bit. But, I mean, it's been a pretty bad response.

Even just -- I'm not at all surprised, they would be bad at doing this because they're completely incompetent. If that's what it was, I would not be surprised. But it's not even an effort to tell the story, that they're doing a good job.

Again, because the polycrisis thing. And I know you're down this road.

And I'm not surprised you are.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

STU: But like, wouldn't that be best done after you had power?

You are about to blow, the power that you have, just flush it down the toilet.

If you lose this election. And give power to the man you call, you know, orange Hitler.

GLENN: Well, yes.

If it's a clear victory. And this would add to a clearer victory.

But, you know, you also -- you know, all you need it to be is close.

And if Biden wins the popular vote, and Trump wins 270.

You think that will stop them?

They will say, no. See, that's why we have to get rid of the electoral college. It will be a crap storm. Okay.

For matter what happens.

STU: Not the way usually that term is utilized.


So let me give you a couple of scenarios.

Why do they not respond on the hurricane?

Scenario number one. Take them at their word.

They are. People in those states just aren't seeing it. Donald Trump is lying. You know, whatever.

Okay. So there is scenario number one.

They are. And you just don't see it.

Don't believe that one.

STU: Uh-huh.

GLENN: Scenario number two.

Is -- they actually believe this stuff.

STU: What do you mean this stuff?

GLENN: If you go to the FEMA website, FEMA is no longer what we thought it was. We told you at the time, when they were changing all of this, warning, they're changing everything.

It's no longer really a federal emergency management.

They're going to manage prior to. And then manage our problems.

Okay? So here -- according to their own website. There are now three goals, for FEMA.

STU: Okay.

GLENN: Okay. What do you think FEMA's number one goal has always been?

STU: To respond quickly to a national emergency.

GLENN: Okay. Goal number one, not that.

STU: Not that.

GLENN: Goal number one is to instill equity as a foundation of emergency management.

Now, so in other words, if this were a traditionally oppressed group, which I think Appalachia could easily qualify that.

STU: Too white.

GLENN: No, no, no. Too white. So what does equity have to do this with this?

White people wiped out.

Okay. They get what they deserve.

We want to focus on those oppressed.

Okay. That's what equity is about. Goal number two. Lead a whole community, in climate resilience.

Well, they're doing that job. They're on television saying, this is all climate control. This is all a problem with the climate.

These things are going to happen

STU: And they pass their multi-trillion dollar bill. What they call the Inflation Reduction Act.

GLENN: So out of the three goals.

They're accomplishing number one and number two, by not acting.

Number three, their goal is to promote and sustain a ready FEMA and prepared nation.

So what does that mean?

To promote and sustain a ready FEMA.

And ready for action.

Ready for what? Goal number one, instill equity.

Goal number two. Lead the community in climate resilience.


So when does FEMA come in?

FEMA will come in, as everything is being rebuilt.

And saying, no, no, no.

You can't build it that way. No, no, no. We have to have climate resilience. This isn't climate resilient.

That's their mission.

So now, perhaps, they actually believe in that mission.

This isn't helping a -- a community, that has been historically oppressed.

So we -- that's where -- equity is number one.

We're -- we're going to do our job.

But it's climate resilience. It's not the emergency.

And the third reason is: We're here to promote those two things, and prepare the nation for those two things.

I mean, that logically, without any ill will toward anyone, I don't have to -- I can assume the best of them.

And make this case.

That's why they're not responding in the traditional way.

Because that's not what they do anymore.

But understand, where are my tax dollars?

Understand, your tax dollars, will go to build the resilience, after.

This is like, you've been paying your mortgage on your -- on your house. And the bank says, by the way. We're no longer doing that anymore. You know, you still have to keep paying the mortgage. But you're out of that house. We're doing apartments now. So you pay for that house, and here's your apartment. And you have to pay for that too. That's what's happening. They have told you, your taxes are going for emergencies. Well, here's a huge emergency. They're not responding to it. Because they've changed the game.

STU: Hmm. I mean, in some ways too, this appears to be their back-handed way of implementing many of the policies they've wanted for a long time.

For example, it's really hard to sell people on let's say, reparations.

You know, people don't want that.

They don't like that.

Kamala Harris is running away from her past positions on it.

GLENN: Yes. One other thing, Stu. If you have a community without water. And you have no food.

And there's no infrastructure, how do you think those elections will run in those states?

STU: Poorly.

GLENN: Yeah. How do you think those people even show up, to cast a vote?

STU: That's a good point. Because they're not exactly hard-core Democrat areas.

GLENN: No. You've just taken a huge swath of Donald Trump's voters and made it pretty difficult for them to go vote.

You think FEMA is going to go out there and set up voting booth?

Biden & Harris let HOW MANY CRIMINALS into America?!

Biden & Harris let HOW MANY CRIMINALS into America?!

Under the watch of the Biden/Harris administration, over 420,000 criminal aliens have NOT been deported from the United States — and many of them are likely walking the streets! A letter from the Acting ICE Director detailed that these numbers include 13,000 people convicted of homicide and 15,000 people convicted of sexual assault. Glenn asks, HOW has this not destroyed Kamala's campaign yet?! She can't promise to be "strong on the border" with that kind of track record!


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Well, it is looking increasingly likely that the dock workers on the east coast. They're going to launch a massive strike.

At midnight tonight. Shuttering 36 ports along the East and Gulf coasts.

That is going to be a real problem. Trains have already started to say, as of yesterday, they're not going to take any -- they're not taking any.

They're not picked anything up at the port today. Because they're afraid that it won't get loaded. They're not picking anything to go to the port. Because they're afraid that it will just sit in their trains.

And, you know, they don't want that again. This could be a major disaster. Now, I -- I -- I -- I cannot believe that the Biden administration would let this happen.

I just -- I mean, with Mr. -- I'm Mr. Railroad.

I'm Mr. Lunch Box Joe, how do they allow the union to go on strike?

STU: Mr. Labor. Mr. President of Labor. Yeah.

GLENN: Labor. Labor.

STU: And they obviously are thinking about this with a high amount of leverage, right?

This is where the unions are like, we know the election is five weeks away.

GLENN: Oh, yeah.

STU: They're going to try to do everything they can to try to take advantage of that.

You're right though. I'm surprised it's even getting this close.

GLENN: Right. It's midnight tonight.

STU: Right. I'm surprised Biden -- maybe this is the thing. Kamala and Hunter Biden are going to come in.

This is what happened on one of the previous strikes that came in, and you tried to take credit as being, ah, you put it back together.

Like, we're looking at. Correct me if I'm wrong here, Glenn. Major supply chains if this happens. This is a big deal.

GLENN: Oh, yeah. Oh. Within two weeks. Within two weeks, it will be really, really bad. Really bad.

STU: What is your prep strategy for something like this? Already have everything in your house, and not have to worry about it?

GLENN: Too late. Yeah. You can go out this week.

STU: If you knew COVID was coming, you could have bought a bunch of paper towels and toilet paper.

GLENN: You know, most people. Because the media isn't covering this. They just aren't covering this. This is a major deal.

STU: Yeah, I think so, right?

GLENN: If this happens, first thing tomorrow morning, or if you have grocery stores that are open at night, I would go ask -- I would go stock up.

I would stock up.

STU: Probably be best not to wait for that.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: I'm not saying you have to stock up on everything.

GLENN: You have time today, to go to Costco. You should go to Costco.

I cannot believe -- I can't believe that Mr. Union, but then again, I don't know that their priorities are exactly my priorities.

STU: You would say, it's unlikely, that we will have some sort of massive disruption, because of the politics at the moment.

GLENN: I did say.

I did say, we were going to have somebody on, from the unions.

And we were in the meeting on Friday. And we talked about it. And I said, it's not going to happen.

I don't think we have to worry about it. I was wrong.

STU: Because now it's really close.

GLENN: It's tonight at myth midnight.

STU: The West Coast ports stay open.

GLENN: Stay open. It's all the east coast. But don't worry. Just one coast. Oh, and the gulf.

STU: And the gulf.

GLENN: And we've just had major disruptions because of the hurricane.

STU: Because of the hurricane, right?

Like, for example, I heard one of the ports were basically where all of her bananas come in.

GLENN: I could do without bananas for a while.

STU: I freaking love bananas. What a great freaking food.

It's so good. It's so good. They're so good. They're so versatile. Even the bread is just incredible.

I just love bananas.

GLENN: And you can make it into cake.

Lord, we thank you for bananas!

STU: Yes, absolutely. I remember, what was it?

Chiquita. I don't want to pray to Chiquita. But one of them just ran an ad's campaign like, the world's most perfect food.

GLENN: It is. Except --

STU: Now I know. You can peel them upside down. It's so much easier.

GLENN: And it's got a handle, so it's got like a natural stick to it. It's fantastic.

STU: But we have whole hour two based on how great bananas, so don't get into that too much. I don't want to blow all that material.

GLENN: Yes. We should probably save that for the big banana show that we have.

STU: Do you have any sense as to what are the things? If I'm going to Costco tonight. What should I be looking for? Obviously bananas. But other than bananas.

GLENN: You know what, I don't have it in front of me. But I did read it last week.

STU: Okay.

GLENN: I know that the longer it goes, the worse off it becomes, because lumber.

We get all kinds of stuff, overseas, that we need.

We're already going to have a problem with lumber, because of the hurricane.

STU: Yeah. The more you say this, the more it feels like, it might happen.

I can't imagine it going long-term. They're going to destroy the economy. With five weeks before the election.

I mean, can't believe it.

But I guess stranger things have happened.

GLENN: Yeah. Still, this is why I said, maybe at midnight tonight.

Because, I mean -- I can't believe. Well, but -- like you just said, stranger things have happened.

STU: I would have never believed.

GLENN: Never believed that we would have, what. Know for three assassination attempts.

STU: Which one are you counting as the third.

GLENN: The Iranian bloc.

STU: You're not counting the fourth one, the guy calling Mar-a-Lago. And threatening -- you don't count crazyvol (phonetic)?

GLENN: No. I don't count him --

STU: He's more of a normal.

GLENN: He's like your everyday, run-of-the-mill assassin.

STU: But serious attempts, you're saying.

GLENN: Yeah. I mean, look, could this happen?

The government released the stats on Friday.

420,000 criminals, that we knew were criminals, came across the border.

These are not gotaways. These are not people who are like, coming. This isn't an estimate.

This is 420,000 criminals. Thirteen -- wait.

I've got to get this right.

Because it's just so astonishing.

13,000 convicted of homicide.

So let's just say 10,000 murderers.

And then, 15,000 convicted of sexual assault and rape!

How do you -- how does our government let one rapist in?

STU: Yeah. You would think -- because these are -- again, these are not. Okay.

Hey, we've got this person.

And we released them. And then six months later, found out that they were a rapist, right?

They found this stuff out, and released them anyway. At least many of them.

GLENN: These are not -- I mean, what is it?

Why is the media not covering this?

I know why. They would rather that you or your daughter be raped, or killed, or your home broken into, or your store burned down, than tell you the truth, that Donald Trump has been saying this was happening, for about a year and a half now!

And everybody mocked him.

They're opening up the prisons. They're letting out their criminals.

Yeah. Right. Sure they are. These are good people coming -- 420,000 criminals, that we know of!

STU: I mean, you basically said it in the escalator speech.

When you came down the escalator.

And said, you know, they're sending us their worst, right?

And it does seem like, again.

And what's interesting about this. The left will always say, well, it's a very small percentage.

And like, there's some evidence in this report, that that's true.

It's only like 10 percent of the people, who were coming across the border, are criminals.


And a smaller percentage. Maybe it's like two or 3 percent, that are murderers and rapists.

That's not good.

What we don't want to do is import new murderers and rapists.

If you watch Netflix documentaries, you know we have plenty of them here already. We don't new ones!

GLENN: We have really good ones. I mean, people who apply themselves.

STU: Yes! These are jobs that Americans will do. We don't need new ones.

This is not like the tech industry, where maybe we need to deport some people.

We don't need think!

GLENN: You know, I have to outsource my murders. You mow the lawn. Will you kill anyone for me, with the lawn mower?

I don't know. I haven't asked. I don't outsource.

In fact, I'm not really in that business. But I think -- I'm thinking, we could outsource now.

GLENN: By the end of the day, Netflix will have the lawn mower murderers, ready to go.

PAT: It is crazy!

STU: But like seriously, can you imagine, Glenn, the moment, where someone makes the decision. Like you're sitting there looking, okay. Here's Bob.

Bob just came in from, I don't know, Grenada. It's like a little boat.

GLENN: Right.

STU: And he works in accounting.

GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

STU: He's graduated from the equivalent of Stanford. And also, he raped one person, one time.

Just the once. And let them in.

Can you imagine making that decision?

When you see that person is a rapist. You have a chance of sending them back. Send back them.

You can do that! Or you can just release them into the population of the United States. And your decision, 13,000 times was to say, yeah. Let the rapist in.

Or 9,000 times, whatever it was for homicides.

GLENN: No. 13,000 for homicides. 15,000 for rapists.

STU: Now, was there crossover?

Are we getting some double counts there?

Some murder and rapists were included in there.

GLENN: So here's what I would like to know. How is America buying this?

How is America looking at her border visit.

In fact, here's how Arizona voters are looking at it. Cut seven.

PAT: We have the vice president coming in today.

Why do you think she's here?

VOICE: Because she's the flip-flopper.

And she's trying to get some votes at the last minute. Where was she three and a half, four years ago?

VOICE: How do you feel about Vice President Kamala Harris' visit here today?

VOICE: I would like to be in her face.

VOICE: What would you tell her?

VOICE: I would say, it's about time, you visited the border. Because let me show you what it's really like.

VOICE: It's all publicity.

It's kind of like she's here. She doesn't care. She just cares about winning.

VOICE: Why do you think she's here?

VOICE: Politics, of course.

VOICE: So you're not being fooled?

VOICE: No. Absolutely not.

I mean, she's had, what? Three and a half, four years, to do something of some consequences.

And hasn't done anything. And I don't think she's going to do anything, but carry on another word salad, I guess.

GLENN: How does anyone not see this?

We all have to start praying for eyes that can see and ears that can hear.

And -- and beyond what we see and hear with our -- our human eyes, but to be able to see pain in people. Deceit in people. And see ways we can help people. That there is a battle going on, and it is causing blindness and deafness.

And we need to make sure that our eyes are wide open. And our ears are wide open.

And we get spiritual assistance, to be able to see and discern, what's really happening.

Did the Government ABANDON Hurricane Helene Victims?

Did the Government ABANDON Hurricane Helene Victims?

Hurricane Helene has left dozens dead and millions affected across the southern United States. But while communities in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina deal with flooding and destroyed property, FEMA still hasn't reached some of the hardest hit towns, like Asheville, North Carolina. Shouldn't the government have learned from the disasters in Maui and East Palestine?! Once again, it's up to We The People to step up and help our neighbors. Glenn speaks with Mercury One's J.P. Decker about what Mercury One is doing to make sure communities like Asheville are not abandoned.

You can help by donating at


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: What is happening in our country right now, in the southeast is in some places Katrina in Asheville, North Carolina, FEMA has not arrived.

They may make it today. The Red Cross has not arrived. They may make it today.

Mercury One will be on the ground, at with -- what -- time?

J.P.: We're hoping at around 4 o'clock today.

GLENN: 4 o'clock.

We'll object the ground in Asheville. We've chartered helicopters to bring in supplies.

Water, food, you know, and, I mean, it's -- it's really amazing, what's happening.

Benny Johnson is providing a couple of -- you know, a few pallets of water.

As well. And so it's just everybody coming together. And the government not doing their job.

J.P.: Yeah. Yeah. It was crazy over the weekend. We worked non-stop, to get just surmise. And what's crazy, that congressman --

GLENN: Wait a minute. I should introduce you. This is J.P. Decker. He's the executive director of Mercury One. Go ahead.

J.P.: Yeah, I reached out to Congressman Cory Mills because he helped us with some of the Haiti and then also Maui and Israel.

And I said, hey. Do you have helicopters? He said, I can get you two. And I said, great. Let's do it.

So he got us two helicopters. We're hoping to leave today from Florida to fly into Asheville. Actually have a contact on the ground in Asheville. He's a former Green Beret. Over the weekend, he lost all track of his wife and 3-year-old daughter. He was out of town, and found out what happened. Flew back. And ended up getting on a helicopter. Found them in the midst of, you know, all the instruction. And 100 other people that still hadn't been rescued.

It's happening because, one, government hasn't shown up still, like you said.

And yet again.

GLENN: How is that possible?

J.P.: That's what doesn't make sense. We've seen this already. Did we not learn from Maui? Did we not learn from east Palestine? Again.

GLENN: Our government. It's truly remarkable how they just are not -- it's like they don't care at all.

J.P.: No.

GLENN: And didn't Biden. We gave Ukraine all their money this weekend.

J.P.: Yeah, just this weekend.

Which is just -- you know, and now he's saying, well, we've given a lot already to help with the hurricanes. Well, no, you haven't given enough.

GLENN: My gosh.

J.P.: DeSantis. The Florida governor.

They were hit extremely hard. But they were prepped.

And, you know, we are helping in Florida in some of those small rural areas. And he said, you know what, I will send the National Guard in Florida to help.

So he's sending National Guard to help.

And that is just eye-opening to me.

With that, there's also in the mountains, there's still people that are missing.

Right now, they're saying roughly 600 are missing. And one of our other partners. Jack Brewer Foundation. He's up there, and he's been working with a lot of the veterans who are just living up in the mountains.

And they have nothing. Everything is gone.

And they're already living paycheck to paycheck. So he's helping provide water, food.

GLENN: That's crazy.

And did you read about the communications, Stu, that I thought it was Starlink, that Starlink? You know, they are putting Starlink in Georgia and everything else.

No. That's actually one of our partners, isn't it?

J.P.: Yeah. CBRC is one of the partners. They were the first in after the Lahaina fires, and they were the ones that got past the National Guard because they said, we have StarLinks.

And we will help you get your communications set up. Because the national guard had too many red tape to cut.

And so ITVRC (phonetic) was able to go in, set it up. And they're doing the same now in North Carolina. In Georgia. In Tennessee. And that's Mercury One. That is what we do.

When the government doesn't step in or they choose not to step in, we're there to restore the human spirit.

GLENN: And there is no reason, with all of the technology and all of the supplies and everything we have.

Our government is failing us, time and time again.

J.P.: Yeah.

GLENN: I mean, to have this going on, this weekend. And then give those billions of dollars to Ukraine, while you're not even where the -- where people are being lost, ambulances, are underwater.

Filled with people. They were trying to get to the hospital.

They're dead.

J.P.: Yeah.

GLENN: And nothing. What is this?

J.P.: These are our fellow Americans.

I mean, Americans. We're giving billions to a country, but yet, not our own Americans.

Not our own people.

And they are hurting.

They feel abandoned yet again from the government.

Yet again, we don't feel it's the government's job to do everything.

But in this case, they should be stepping in. We should be having the national guard there. And we should have FEMA there. We should have this being done.

But instead, Mercury One will step in and do it.

GLENN: So we want to thank all of our partners, everyone that is involved.

I assume this is going to cost a fortune.

J.P.: It is going to cost a fortune. And in Asheville alone, they are saying that for the next few weeks, hundreds of thousands will be without clean water. Hundreds of thousands, for weeks.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh. So if you want to make sure that water is there. Food is there.
We have partners on the ground. We will be in Asheville, by 4:00 this afternoon.

And there's no reason, why any American should feel helpless.

Not in today's world. Review if we want our government to do necessary, you know what, I would like a little notice, that they're just not going to show up at these things now.

But it means, we have to do more.

And this -- these are our own. This is our country.

If you can give, please, go to, is there a special place to donate?

J.P.: It's all up on the front page.

GLENN: Okay. Go there.

Go to 100 percent of everything we raise goes to the cause.

So if you're donating now. And you're going for this hurricane are he leaf, every penny will go right to the cause.

So please, donate.

We help those who are already helping.

You can do it now. At

This is going to be very expensive, but there are -- they are our citizens. They are our fellow Americans.

And we're going need to their help at some point.

We all have to start thinking like farmers.

You know, it's not happening to me now.

But it probably is going to happen to me, down the road.

Let's -- let's help each other.

Because in the coming weeks and months, there's no help that's coming. You know, America crashes. And we lose our dollar status.

Nobody is coming and airdropping food to the United States.

Nobody is -- nobody is coming to relieve us of all of our debts.

That's not going to happen.

Not going to happen. We have to depend on each other.

And that's one of the things that Mercury One has done really, really well. Is to find out who is the first in.

The last out.

Who spends the money, and gets the biggest bang for the buck?

And we've done this now for almost ten years. And we know who those people are.

You're reading about them. You just don't know, as a listener, that you've contributed to them.

That you are actually paying for what they're doing.

Please, join us.



Thank you.

Why this IRS whistleblower is SUING Hunter Biden’s attorney

Why this IRS whistleblower is SUING Hunter Biden’s attorney

When IRS investigator-turned-whistleblower Gary Shapley accused the IRS of covering up Hunter Biden’s tax crimes, he knew the path forward wouldn’t be easy. While he says he has “no regrets,” he joins Glenn to explain why he and his fellow whistleblower Joseph Ziegler filed a $20 million defamation lawsuit against Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, for defamation. Shapley is joined by Empower Oversight President, who has worked to protect whistleblowers.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So for people who think maybe bad guys don't ever pay for their crimes.

Good guys never win. You remember the IRS whistle-blowers, that blew the whistle on Hunter Biden's tax crimes. These are the guys, who said, wait. There's something going on. We were told not to look into it. They slow walked it, et cetera, et cetera.

Well, they were smeared and really destroyed. And one of the guys is -- is pretty amazing.

He's -- he's known throughout the world. This is an IRS agent. Known throughout the world for his work on global tax enforcement. He was selected to create a new international organization called the Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement.

He's a supervisory special agent of the International Tax and Financial Crimes Group.

Where he leads 12 elite special agents who are subject matter experts in complex international tax and other related financial crimes.

The guy has -- I mean, he started his career as AmeriCorps volunteer. That he went to work for the Defense Department. Then Intel. Then he joined the IRS and criminal investigations. He's out to get the bad guys. He joins us now.

Welcome, Gary Shapley. How are you?

GARY: Very good. Thanks for having me, Glenn. I appreciate it.

GLENN: Oh, yeah. Thank you for your courage. For speaking out. Thank you for doing the right thing.

I also want to bring in Tristan Leavitt. Tristan is a guy who worked with Chuck Grassley, trying to help all the whistle-blowers.

He helped expose Operation Fast and Furious.

And a lot of different things. And is really strong on protecting the whistle-blowers. They are so important.

Tristan, welcome.

TRISTAN: Thank you so much, Glenn.

GLENN: So where do we start, Gary, because you are now suing Hunter Biden, and you are suing them for, what? $20 million?

GARY: To be clear, where the alleged defamation is against Abbe Lowell, the attorney for Hunter Biden.

And, yeah, the amount is 10 million for me, and also Joe Ziegler, for a total of 20 million, yes.

GLENN: So what do you claim they did?

GARY: So the complaint alleges that -- that Mr. Lowell defamed us, and it was part of an overall smear campaign, to attack both Joe Ziegler and I, for coming forward, following the law, going to Congress, and disclosing the preferential treatment that his client was receiving by the Department of Justice.

And, you know, our disclosures weren't -- weren't -- even though Hunter Biden was the topic.

Our disclosures were against the malfeasance in the Department of Justice.

FBI and IRS. So it's really interesting, that it was this third party, that came in. And became the -- you know, as we allege in our complaint, the main defamer and smearer, of both Joe Ziegler and I.

GLENN: So Tristan, that is not uncommon, though. Is it? You're a whistle-blower.

They attack whistle-blowers now like there's no tomorrow.

TRISTAN: Yeah. That's exactly right. I testified yesterday -- or, I guess two days ago, in front of the -- and there are three of our FBI clients that had been with us in the past, and one was with me again. And it's very, very common for us, to be lied about and defamed. That's part of why we want to create consequences for that.

We started. We are supporting. We are funding this lawsuit, that Gary and Joe are bringing in Abbe Lowell in our organization, of how our oversight, who I'm the president of.

And we want to, you know, hold people accountable. We want to do it in other cases.

Because we just think there's never any consequences for people just lying with impunity. They just get away with it.

And so we want to fight back, and that's not something you see happen a lot.

So that's why we want to raise money from the public. You know, we have this website, the, to build up this fund, precisely for suits like this. Where Gary and Joe, were just trying to do the right thing. And they went to Congress to do what was right. But, again, as so often happens, they were lied about. But in their case, it can have real consequences for their careers.

GLENN: I will tell you, I saw -- I saw one of the whistle-blowers, Marcus Allen, with the FBI. That guy seemed like he was dirt strong.

In -- you know, standing up for the right thing.

But he looks like he had been dragged the lie.

And just -- just punched repeatedly in the gut.

It was -- it was amazing to watch him. These whistle-blowers are really, truly, the best of America.

TRISTAN: Yeah. I sat right next to him, as he gave that statement the other day, as I testified there also. And he is, unlike some of the other whistle-blowers that testified with us, a year and some change ago, he's not been on social media.

He's just been holding it in, so we could get his pay reinstated.

And get his security clearance back.

He's finally through all of that. This was his real -- the first time people saw it. Just everything he's been through.

GLENN: It's horrible.

So what are the odds of -- I mean, what are you fighting against?

They are going to fight you with everything they have and lots of money.

Law firms do not want this one to win.

TRISTAN: Yeah. That's absolutely right.

Yeah. The real thing that Gary and Joe. They can share this.

But they're not suing for the more than in any way, right? Yes. It's a 20 million defamation suit. The point of this is that they -- as alleged in the complaint. It's not right for someone like Abbie Lowell, who is well-known, well-identified as a really big name.

A really big litigator. He represented Jared and Ivanka Trump even. But for him to go. If he goes on TV and says, these guys broke the law by sharing their tax information with Congress. Lots of people believe it.

And even Mitch Langberg, who is a defamation attorney who is representing our -- our defamation expert on our legal team, who was one of the foremost experts in the country. You know, without having a background. He said my general impression of these guys breaking the law.

Until he studied the case. And read what we shared.

And said, wow. We haven't been treated fairly here.

We want to educate the public. To know that these guys did not only the right thing. But they did it in the right way.

GLENN: So, Gary, did you at all have conversations amongst yourself of. Should we do this?

You know what will happen to us? Did you have that conversation?

GARY: Well, overall. Right? People say, why did you come forward?

And it really wasn't a choice for me. just my conscience wouldn't allow me to sit there, knowing -- knowing what I know. And seeing what was going to happen in this case. So, I mean, of course, we talked about the -- the risks, but at the same time, unfortunately -- you know, fortunately, for the American people, unfortunately for me personally, you know, the risks were real. And many of them are coming through fruition through retaliation by my employer, IRS, and the Department of Justice against me.

So I went in with my eyes wide open. And, you know, I have no regrets. I feel like we've been vindicated by -- you went from charges that weren't even going to be charged. That even before the -- the generous plea deal fell apart, where he was going to have to plead guilty to two misdemeanors. You know, they were going to give him a deferred prosecution agreement.

And when we were coming forward, you know, DOJ and David Weiss, knew they were coming forward.

He said, no, no, no. That's not going to work out. So we will have to make him plead guilty.

Of course, the judge had the amicus brief from Congress. They included our testimony. They voted out, and made public.

And, you know, that information made it pretty clear that -- that Hunter Biden was receiving that preferential treatment.

Once again, the Department of Justice and IRS here.

That is the one that engaged in -- in the conduct, in which we blew the whistle again.

So, you know, I have no regrets. And I hope the American people have confidence in -- in the IRS. And of government employees, because of what Joe and I did.

GLENN: Here's what I would like you to do. If you are -- if you have $5. There is nothing better than -- than cleaning out this rat's nest. Of liars. And thieves.

In our Justice Department. In really, in all throughout the government.

They have to be taught a lesson.

And unless we do it from the outside, the inside is never going to punish itself.

And I would urge you to go to Empowr. And if you can, make a donation. This thing is going to cost a lot of money.

But we have to have the best lawyers on it. We have to have the strongest case possible.

Otherwise, this continues over and over and over again, and good people are destroyed.

So please, go to Empowr. E-M-P-O-W-R. No E there, And give, if you can.

Thank you so much, guys.

Appreciate it.

TRISTAN: Thank you, Glenn. Appreciate it.

GLENN: You bet. Buh-bye. Let me just play this whistle-blower.

So this guy is the guy that Tristan was just talking about, that he sat next to.

I don't know if you saw this. But he's an FBI agent. Who was a whistle-blower.

Life destroyed.

Hasn't said anything publicly. Until the other day.

And listen to what he said.

It's cut three.

VOICE: I've considered the hearing today, my last act of service as a public servant for the United States of America. And I'll give you my professional opinion.

I was an Intel professional for our country, for many years.

And I would give recommendations. And also indications and warnings.

Soiled offer this to the American people, as my warning to them.

This is a warning, the American people, I say, you personally have no confidence, that the FBI will reign in its own conduct.

I have been persecuted along with Garrett. Steve and Kyle. And countless other whistle-blowers. It is my opinion, that the bureau used reprisal and fear to control the workforce.

It has been a seemingly effective tactic. I personally believe that there are no current effective checks and balances against them, conducting lawless action with any type of correction in a legitimate time frame.


VOICE: I welcome the work of the IG. But I think any type of lawless action, there is no legitimate time frame to rein them back in. Their ability to overclassify information, to allow them to stonewall forever.

To the American people, you have a duty as a citizen to vote. And I strongly urge you to do so.

It's how you participate in the American experience. I know people have doubts about election integrity. But you must vote it as your claim.

Stake your claim, and don't forfeit it willingly.

Have your voice heard. My other recommendations are in the natural order.

First vote. Is the Second Amendment. Arm yourself, and know how to defend yourself. Make three to four friends in your neighborhood. And promise to come to people's mutual aid in times of hardship. And during the great depression. People stocked up a pantry.

So I think that's a good practice, especially in our economic times, and make sure you have three to four months of food. As a person of faith, I would say, pray the rosary.

Go to the first Friday devotions. That's for everybody. All my brothers and sisters of all faiths. And I know I'm Catholic. And read the gospel of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. And live it every day.

And that's all I have to say, thank you for the time.

GLENN: Do you hear how his voice is shaking?

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: This is -- how do people dismiss that warning? That is -- I mean, we are living in unprecedented times.

And I tweeted that out, the other day. I should retweet it now.

These guys are so brave. And you can tell they are -- they are not playing politics. Listen to that warning, and share it with your friends.