Media Claims Trump Wants a “BLOODBATH,” Gets DESTROYED by the Truth

Media Claims Trump Wants a “BLOODBATH,” Gets DESTROYED by the Truth

The mainstream media had a field day, claiming that former president Donald Trump threatened a “bloodbath” if he isn’t re-elected. But of course, they took him completely out of context. Glenn discusses the real context and also rolls the tape on how many times the media has used the word “bloodbath.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So I don't know about you, Stu. But I've been soaking in a bloodbath all weekend.

It's -- I can't tell you how many chickens I had to sacrifice to get the blood, enough for a bad for me. I mean, it's like a --it like a Taft.

A bathtub.

STU: That's a very nerdy joke. But I like it.

GLENN: Thank you. Thank you.

STU: Any more William Taft jokes you can break out. That's the radio program. It's always the right way to go. I like it.

GLENN: Well, Hall of Fame. Hall of Fame.

Did you hear how he expertly just tucked that Taft joke in. Not a lot of opportunities for those.

So, anyway, this weekend, apparently, according to the mainstream media, and a lot of them, they said that Donald Trump was calling for a bloodbath, if he didn't win.

Listen, cut three. Cut three.

VOICE: But as reports tonight on the, quote, bloodbath at the RNC.

VOICE: Headlines calling it a, quote, bloodbath.

VOICE: Bloodbath. Not only will it be a bloodbath. But after they leave New Hampshire, it's a bloodbath on her home turf. That's really tough.

VOICE: Trump has left a lot of corpses in his wake. I mean, we haven't counted the bodies, as part of the, quote, MAGA drive to take over Maricopa County.

And the headline refers to it as an impending bloodbath.

VOICE: Problem is Charles Blow has a new piece for the New York Times, entitled A Biden Bloodbath?

VOICE: 2018 midterms. You can bet that they 100 percent are fearing a slaughter. In fact, the word bloodbath and massacre come up frequently.

VOICE: The Republican Party will be destroyed. It's going to be a bloodbath.

VOICE: There's going to be a bloodbath one way or the other.

VOICE: Bloodbath.

VOICE: Bloodbath with Bernie Sanders.

VOICE: It's been a bloodbath.

VOICE: There's shaping up to be a bloodbath.

VOICE: Bloodbath in next year's crucial mid-terms?

VOICE: Off-year elections are often a bloodbath.

GLENN: Wait a minute.

VOICE: This week's bloodbath for Democrats.

VOICE: A bloodbath at the ballot box.

VOICE: There could be a Republican bloodbath.

VOICE: We'll talk about the bloodbath.

VOICE: There's a bloodbath. I have to talk about you and --

VOICE: It's going to be a bloodbath all day long.

VOICE: Is in for a bloodbath.

VOICE: Has it been a bloodbath on the way, Don?

VOICE: Donald Trump, bloodbath.

VOICE: Be a bloodbath.

VOICE: Predicted to be a bloodbath.

VOICE: May not be the bloodbath.

VOICE: It will be a bloodbath.

VOICE: More of a bloodbath.

VOICE: It's going to be a bloodbath in November.

VOICE: Possible Biden bloodbath this November.

VOICE: The bloodbath on Wall Street.

VOICE: There's going to be a bloodbath.

VOICE: In Alabama, into a bloodbath.

VOICE: Obviously, there's a bloodbath.

VOICE: It was a bloodbath. We're down 800 points.

VOICE: This bloodbath in the Department of Homeland Security.

VOICE: And it's a bloodbath today.

VOICE: There was going to be this bloodbath.

VOICE: Election bloodbath.

VOICE: There could be a bloodbath for --

VOICE: Bloodbath possibly.

VOICE: Bloodbath that went through with the attorney general.

VOICE: A bloodbath --

GLENN: Stop. I have to get out of this tub. I have to get out of this tub. There's just too much bloodbath. Now, this is the media. This is the media saying, using the word bloodbath.

Now, when you say it's going to be a bloodbath, Stu, what does that usually mean? What does that mean?

STU: Usually, it means something, a blowout. A defeat.

GLENN: A blowout?

STU: In a notable way with a large margin --

GLENN: What if you use the words, what if you use the word like Van Jones did, a slaughter and a bloodbath?

STU: It would also mean --

GLENN: It will be a slaughter and a bloodbath.

STU: That's an interesting question. That does change things, but not much.

Basically, it means you get a blowout. A defeat by a large margin.

Everybody knows what it means. And everybody knew what it meant, until this weekend, apparently.

GLENN: I don't know. I don't know if that's entirely true.

The -- the media, they heard Donald Trump. And here's ABC.

Cut ten. Or cut two. Whichever one you can --

VOICE: And former President Trump's campaign now on the defensive after his fiery rhetoric at a rally in Dayton, Ohio, on Saturday night. Trump warning while discussing the economy, that there would be a, quote, bloodbath, if he's not reelected in November. This after the former president kicked off the event by paying tribute to those who attacked the US Capitol on January 6th.

President Biden's campaign swiftly denouncing those comments as threats of political violence.

GLENN: Okay. Stop for a second. Stop for a second. Stu, can you -- can you take this -- can we take this? Play this again. And I want to take it step by step. Because this sounds like something entirely different than what everyone in the media has said, themselves, over and over and over again.


About a bloodbath.

Let's take this apart. Because this sounds very dangerous. And very different.

Go ahead. Play it from the beginning.

VOICE: And former president Trump's campaign, now on the defensive after his fiery rhetoric at a rally in Dayton, Ohio, on Saturday night. Trump warping while discussing the economy that there would be a, quote, bloodbath, if he's not reelected in November.

GLENN: Stop. Holy cow. Holy cow, Stu. He's on the defensive now, because he said something that maybe he shouldn't have said. So he's on the defensive, and his fiery rhetoric, is saying here from the stage, that if he's not elected, there will be a bloodbath. Wow. See, because it's -- if you're elected, in a bloodbath. That means that you would, of course, what?

You would slaughter them. You would -- not literally, as we've learned from the media. But a bloodbath would be something that you would just -- you would -- you would either win or lose at a great, great number.

But if he's elected, or if he's not elected, and then there's a bloodbath, that's -- right? That's different, Stu.

STU: It's really not. He's talking, of course, about the economic competition specifically as it's related to China. And automobiles.

GLENN: No. No. No.

No. You're not.

No. You don't understand.

STU: I don't.

GLENN: He's elected. If he's not elected, there will be a bloodbath.

That's what she said. Now, let's listen on.

VOICE: After the former president kicked off the event by paying tribute to those who attacked the US Capitol on January 6th. President Biden's campaign.

GLENN: Holy -- stop for a second.

Holy cow. Now I think you see the connection. He said, if he's not elected, there will be a bloodbath, in the same speech within where he opened up, praising those crazy people, from January 6th.

STU: Wow. Now I've been turned around. Yeah. This is rhetoric.

GLENN: Right. He was talking about the dangerous people of January 6th. And then somehow or another, he went right into bloodbath. If he's not elected.

STU: You said, right into. He went right into.

GLENN: Well, pretty close.

PAT: Well, there were throw ellipses. Anyway, go ahead. Listen to the rest was the report here.

VOICE: Swiftly announcing those comments as threats of political violence.

GLENN: Stop. There you go. There you go.

So the president immediately sprung it. No. It wasn't. It wasn't, Stu. It wasn't five ellipses. It was three. And the president knows. Because the president immediately denounced those words as -- as violent rhetoric. Okay?

So what more do you need from this story?

STU: I mean, I -- I don't know. Maybe the context?

Would it be too much too to ask to sea the context of the comments. Like, maybe the lines proceeding it?

GLENN: It's not going to change anything. But here's cut 18.

TRUMP: China now is building a couple of massive plants where they're going to build the cars in Mexico. And they think they will sell those cars into the United States, with no tax at the border. Let me tell you something, to China, if you are listening, President Xi -- you and I are friends, but he understands we had a deal. Those big, monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in Mexico right now, and you think you're going to get that, you're going to not hire Americans, and you're going to sell the cars to us, no, we're going to put a 100 percent tariff on every single car that comes across, and you're not going to be able to sell those.

If I get elected. Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole -- that's going to be the least of it. It will be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they're not going to sell those cars. They're building massive factories.

GLENN: So wait a minute. I'm trying to figure that out. So China is building cars. And he says he will put a tariff on. If he's elected. If he's not elected, then somehow or another, there will be political violence everywhere. And his people will do a January 6th on the whole country.

And then he says, and they're not going to sell those cars. You know, Joe Biden is right when he came out this weekend, when he says, he's not fit to be president. He's not making any sense there, Stu, what does the political violence have to do with China and the sales of cars?

STU: You know, it's interesting, that wouldn't make any sense at all.

If attorney just convert back and forth between those things without introducing the forever does the topic whatsoever.

You think maybe, and this is the way human speech works suspect when you introduce a topic, and then comment after that topic, without introducing a new topic. People generally think, that the statements you've made relate to the previous topic that has been discussed. But when you delete.

GLENN: But that's not how human nice mustaches works.

STU: See, that's what you did just there. Is normal. I think you just said nice mustaches. See, that's strange. Normally, the way people do is they string multiple sentences together on the same topic, unless, they specifically introduce a new topic. And if you kind of go by this old-school analysis, what you think is maybe he's talking about an economic bloodbath, if China is allowed to import cars with the penalties not associated.

GLENN: That seems entirely Campbell soups inconceivable.

STU: Again, Campbell's soup. What you're doing is not normal.

GLENN: Well, all I know is that's the way they teach it in journalism school.

Now, in other news, when we come back, I'm going to tell you all about how the administration, is putting together a cute little effort through USA ID. To make sure that you aren't given false or misleading information.

Because they say, during this election, some people, will try to give you mis or mal or disinformation, and they need to be there to protect you from that.

Otherwise, it could be a bloodbath. And I'm soaking in one right now.

Well, that, and -- well, cream of chicken soup.