There’s a reason why Mao’s ‘Five Year-Plan,’ also known as ‘The Great Leap Forward,’ is a taboo topic in China today: It ended DISASTROUSLY, with millions of Chinese lives lost. But Mao’s idea shares several similarities to another currently being forced around the world: The Great Reset. Glenn details the five-year plan, how it went horribly wrong, and why America could be at risk of similar consequences if we don’t stand for FREEDOM today.
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: You know, you think that a leopard can change its spots, and it can't. It can't.
Marxism and, quite honestly, intellectualism, always ends the same way. When you put intellectuals in charge, and they think they're better than everyone else.
Most people -- most people really don't recall the five-year plan. In fact, in China, it's -- it's against the law to talk about the five-year plan. You're not allowed to talk about it or teach about it. Most people don't know about it in China. And it started with Mao saying, hey. We're better than this. We're capable of anything.
And we really need to -- we need to change the way we do industry. And the way we do agriculture. And so he had a plan that was supposed to last from 1958 to 1963. And it was called the great leap forward. It was The Great Reset. We don't work as well. So we have to change things. And he had a plan for everything. From the way your family worked, all the way up. And they were going -- they were going to change everything. Industry could prosper, if the work force was well-fed. And while the agricultural workers needed industry to produce the modern tools needed for modernization. What he said was, all we have to do is we have to make our own steel, so we can make our own trackers and trucks and everything else. And then if we make all this stuff, then we can give it to the farmers. And the farmers will be able to make so much money. In fact, we'll require them, to grow so much food. And everybody will be have a quota. And it was great. It was great. And the people gave up ownership. Mao had this idea, that you would own nothing, and you would be happy. And so they gave up ownership of everything. And it was owned by the state and by the communes. So everything in these communes was controlled. Every bit of your life. You know, school. Nurseries. Health care. They -- people moved into what was called the houses of happiness. So they could be looked after and cared for by the state. All they had to do was just go to work. 700 million people were placed in these communes by 1958. Here's the problem: Enthusiasm kind of stopped once they were in their house of happiness. Because life was not as they said it would be. People owned nothing. But they weren't quite so happy. But they produced. And they -- and they produced and produced and produced. And they hit their steel quota. Propaganda was everywhere, including the fields.
You could listen to political speeches, as you were working. It was great. Because politics, it was everything. Everybody in communes was urged not just to meet the set targets, but to beat them. And if you didn't have the machine, well, use your bare hands. Quality became a little dubious. The problem is: The steel that they were making wasn't holding up. The trackers that they were putting together, weren't working.
And then they had a weather turn. Well, here's what happened: Things started to go wrong in 1959. Listen to this. Political decisions and beliefs. Took precedence over common sense. I haven't heard that, have you? Have you heard any of this plan being discussed, recently, at all?
Communes faced the task of doing things, which they were incapable of achieving. Party officials would order the impossible, and commune leaders, who knew what their commune was capable of doing or not, could be charged with being a reactionary, if they complained. Such a charge would lead them to be an outcast or be sent to prison.
We're not having that problem, are we? You're seeing anybody that is becoming an outcast, because they disagree with where the political leaders are taking us? Saying that maybe this covid thing is not a good idea? Maybe we shouldn't be handling it this way?
Maybe your policies are leading to this inflation. Maybe we won't own nothing and be happy?
Nobody is being made an outcast for those points of view, right? So here's the problem: Because they were trying to make steel, a lot of the farmers, had to take work away from their fields. And so the fields weren't being harvested. And then they had problems with the steel that they were making to help the farmers. And then the weather went bad. What could possibly go wrong?
Well, here's what went wrong: The first year, 9 million people, in China starved to death. 9 million people.
Mao's attitude was, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. It will get better.
20 million people died, in China. Starved to death. Before 1962. 20 million. They say that is a very low number. It's more likely that it was around 40 million people died.
But we don't know, because, you know, it's China. These communist countries, these countries that are set up, where the elites have all of the power. And they do that, because they care so much about you. The little person. They care. And they know what's right for you. These countries that are set up like this, always end up like China and -- and what's happening in Shanghai right now. Because they don't know better than you. They can't make decisions for your family. Do you think people would stay in their home, after they know what they know about covid. This is not the first run with covid. Do you really think that they would stay at home, be locked inside, and do you think with what they know now, and what we know now about covid, do you think it would be worse than the possibility of one city, one. There are multiple cities locked down. This is just Shanghai. This is the financial capital now, of China. This is our New York City. Except, New York City has 7 million people. They have 25 or 26 million people. Hmm. Do you think if those people were allowed to leave and the truckers were allowed to deliver things, do you think there would be starvation? Do you think it would be a possible revolution? Because that's what they're headed for. And the only way to stop it. And this is why they're being so brutal, the only way to stop it is to kill people. And they have no problem killing them. Food would not have been rotting. Central planning never works. And we have so lost our -- our willingness to learn from the past. We're just trying to erase the past. Which is strange. Because that's exactly what happened in China. Scholars now say, in China, that, you know, this is when they could talk in China. People who lived through it, are now discovering the true history of the great famine. And they're now putting it together, saying, wait. The government knew about this. They were the ones responsible for this. Those people, who actually have seen the history in China, now know what the problem is. And they know what the problem is with this covid shutdown too. It's the same problem. And it will end most likely, the same way. And most likely, we will hear about some of the dead. And some of the devastation. But not all of it.
Here's a big difference, however. In 1962, China didn't affect us. China didn't affect the rest of the world. What they did with their citizens, I guess, was their business.
This shutdown is already causing problems here in America. Remember, this is like January. Remember, we didn't really start to feel the effects, until, when? July. This is like January, when we were first watching it. And they were shutting down the city. And it wasn't Shanghai. And they were shutting everything down.
We saw the effects, within a couple of months. We are going to see the effects of this, over here. On what you can buy, what you can't buy. What you have access 20. Repair parts, chips. Computers.
Everything. I mean, if that's what motivates you. You should look at it, in a financial way. This is going to cripple the global economy.
I just personally hope we get the message, that we are going to have problems, so we don't have to worry about food. When the time comes. Please, plant a garden. If you live near farmers, if you don't have a farmer's market, start one. If you do, start getting to know the farmers.
You're going need to the farmers. Please, be in a community, where you all kind of think alike. Because you don't want to be alone.
You don't want to be -- you don't want to be surrounded in a city, full of the people like Mao had. You want to be surrounded by God-fearing people, who know the Judeo-Christian ethic of do unto others. Love thy neighbor. Back in a minute.
Time is running out on all kinds of things. One, we had President Biden say yesterday, that really, it's -- it's our governor here in Texas, that is causing all the problems with inflation. Because he's slowing the trucks down. He's demanding they all be checked when coming off the border.
Oh, tomorrow. I don't have time today. But tomorrow, I've got to gun that one down. It's not the governor in Texas that is causing the world's inflation. You want your kids to understand this? They have to understand this. Before we learn it the hard way. What is inflation? How is it caused? What causes it? Better yet, who causes it?
Well, it's the creature from Jekyll island. That's who is causing it. Otherwise known as the fed. The creature from Jekyll island is a scholarly book that came out years ago, that came out about the fed. And the Tuttle Twins have put together a book called the Tuttle Twins, and the creature from Jekyll island. And they learned what inflation is. They learned how and why our money works. And they learn about the fed. And most of us don't know about the fed. I've asked the Tuttle Twins to make this available for free. This is just one of their books in the series. It's not going to cost you a dime. Just pay for shipping. But this is so important. Every family should read this today. Because you need to understand inflation. And who causes it. The Tuttle Twins. And the creature from Jekyll island. It's Get it today for free.
(OUT AT 8:49AM)
GLENN: This is the Glenn Beck Program. It is the week of -- of Good Friday. Passover. And also of Easter. I want to play cut three, please. This is a mom, I believe, in California. Listen to this.
VOICE: Well, I paid $57. I think about six months ago, it would have been 28, 30.
VOICE: She says, the budgeting-busting prices from groceries to gas are taking a toll.
VOICE: I've had to carpool. Ask people for rides, if they're going to the grocery store. Right now, I'm looking for a weekend job.
VOICE: To get by, the mother of three is relying on food banks for the first time in her life.
VOICE: It's been a hard shift.
GLENN: This is happening all over the country. And I -- I say this, and it's going to be something that I really want to focus on with you, over the next few months. And however long it takes us to get through this. That everything that we have, really needs to be used for the building up of the kingdom and helping people. And if there's anything you can do, to give to a food bank, this week, or if you know somebody that is alone or struggling, that you could just drop food off, without anybody knowing that you did it. Or invite them to your table. There's a lot of people that are experiencing things that they haven't experienced before. And those who are the closest, to the bottom economically, are the ones that are going to get hit hardest and hit first. Eggs have gone up now, just before Easter, and prices of baked goods now, because of eggs are said to be rising to 30, 35 percent more in price. We really need to look out for one another. Know what is causing this. Demand that it stop. But also, look out for each other. Because the government doesn't care, really about you. We need to care about ourselves and our neighbors and our town. Back in a minute.