Former Trump Official: Liz Cheney & the J6 Committee “BURIED EVIDENCE”

Former Trump Official: Liz Cheney & the J6 Committee “BURIED EVIDENCE”

The Federalist has reported that the January 6th Select Committee suppressed evidence that former president Donald Trump requested 10,000 National Guard troops to be stationed at the Capitol during the day’s events. But former Rep. Liz Cheney has denounced the report. So, what’s the truth? Glenn speaks with former Trump intelligence official Kash Patel, who says he was in the Oval Office when Trump authorized the troops. He also accuses former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Capitol Police, and Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser of denying the request, knowing exactly what might happen: “[They] WANTED that political narrative [of] insurrection.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Kash Patel, who is wildly accomplished. Chief of staff to the Department of Defense, where his responsibilities included implementing the Secretary of Defense mission involving, you know, 3 million-plus employees. Blah, blah. He went from the Pentagon to serving with Donald Trump.

He became the DNI. The Director of National Intelligence. You were the -- what are -- you were the acting DNI, I believe, for a very long time. And, of course, you know, they tried to destroy his life. Kash Patel joins us now. Hello, Kash. How are you?

KASH: Great to be with you, Glenn.

GLENN: All right. I want to talk about what just came out with Mollie Hemingway this weekend. Where we now know that the January 6th committee, had testimony from you and several others, on what, actually, happened on the White House.

On the takes leading up to January 6th. Where Trump was calling for 10,000 troops, to be on the street. Because he felt that the left was going to act up. And, actually, hurt the people that were coming for these rallies.

But they wouldn't do anything about it. They would not take him up on it, at all.

And that's now proven, and they knew that, but they kept that away, from the official report.

KASH: Yes, Glenn. Just like when the FBI went to a FISA court and lied to them and went to exculpatory evidence, just to target a political opponent and unlawfully surveil him, the January 6th committee took one page out of their book, and repeated that same instance of conduct for a propaganda political end point.

I was in the Oval Office, chief of staff. For the DOD, takes before January 6th. President Trump, unequivocally authorized ten to 20 National Guardsmen women.

And why is that important, Glenn?

Because only the president can make that authorization. But he's not allowed under the Constitution to deploy the order.

Order of deployment, excuse me, of the National Guard. So what do we do?

We dispatch senior DOD officials to Mayor Bowser, who is in charge of DC and the Capitol Police, who are in charge of the Capitol. And reported to Nancy Pelosi at that time.

And they in writing, rejected the use of additional National Guard. Not Donald Trump.

They did that.

And now we find out, two years after I testified to the January 6 committee, demanding a public hearing. Is they failed to release my transcript for almost two years. A year and a half after that, they released the transcript of Tony Ornato, a career apolitical speaker service officer, assigned to the White House for presidential protection. And what does his transcript say?

It confirms that President Trump, days before, authorized the use of ten to 20,000 national guardsmen and women, and the chief of staff by itself, Secretary of Defense and the chairman, were all in the Oval Office when it happened.

This is the exculpatory evidence, that Liz Cheney and company have buried for two years to achieve a political gain.

GLENN: So, Kash, we are so corrupt.

Now, you know, people are saying, if they could do this to the president of the United States, they'll do it to anybody. Well, they are doing it to many nobodies, and anybody. And this has got to stop. It doesn't seem like the mainstream media cares. But at some point, it will reach enough ears where people will say, I am afraid of this government, quite honestly. They are everything that they say Donald Trump is. They're already doing it.

What do you --

VOICE: Their hypocrisy. No. Sorry. Go ahead. Their hypocrisy, as I think you were alluding to, their projection is what they do. And they own the Main State media. So back when we did Russiagate. And if you tied the threats together, to similar concepts, between Russiagate, between FISA, between January 6, between Hunter Biden's laptop, the 51 Intel letters, just to name a few things. They used the same playbook.

Lie at government gangsters, destroy the American faith in the institutions, but utilize their partners in the media, to make themselves look like a hero. And I think the breakthrough we're now having, is we have proven right, each and everyone one of these instances, the truth.

GLENN: So, Kash, at some point, the tables turn. And the countries are already turning against a lot of this stuff.

And you're running a guy who just doesn't -- he's not going to win.

If it's fair. There's no way he will win. It will be Trump in a landslide, I believe.

However, that's if it's fair.

However, they don't seem worried about it at all. What is their end game?

How do you keep your borders open?

Have murders happening on our streets, crime on the streets. We're going to have a terrorist attack. It's only a matter of time.

What's your exit plan? Because Bubba is going to look at this and go, well, you were the ones who caused it.

KASH: Uh-huh. I think the exit plan for the radical left-wing and mainstream media, is Trump Derangement Syndrome. Get him at all costs.

What I think we've done over time, through your brave reporting and your network, some amazing reporting of the truth, is Americans are saying, wait a second. Those things are not right-wing conspiracy.

That's the truth! The mainstream media lied to me. And I think what President Trump is brilliantly doing is taking that on the campaign trail every day.

And saying, yes, there's corruption in DC.

Yes. They're rigging presidential elections, but yes. We can defeat them. Because we are going to win so big, that the rig is not going to matter.

And every time we put out one of these blockbuster truths -- I mean, this is like a Russiagate-style reporting, blockbuster news day, that I'm reporting to you, directly with an op-ed to follow. The American people wake up in droves.

And I think, maybe I'm naive. But I think that is going to educator day. To solve the corruption in DC.

GLENN: I hope so.

Because it's really -- you know, it's disturbing to see how -- how methodical they are.

Do you think they knew that January 6 was going to happen?

KASH: Yes. I think they not only new, but the political monsters like Pelosi, Cheney, et al, wanted that political narrative. Why else would you shut down an authorization for National Guardsmen and Women?

I mean, all you have to do is ask -- they keep calling us liars.

Just ask yourself this: If President Trump didn't authorize it, then how did being the Secretary of Defense -- senior officials to Pelosi and Bowser's office, speaking their request for National Guard? It would have been factually and legally impossible.

And they shut that down because they wanted to hang that narrative, and have that painting of no client says, that a malicious style, downtown -- in downtown Washington, DC, to achieve their political narrative, which was? Insurrection. It failed in court, and now it's failing in the court of public opinion. Because the truth has finally come out. That the January 6th committee buried evidence, which corroborates what we've been saying for three years.

GLENN: How deep does the corruption in the military and Intel go?

When you -- did we have incognito Special Forces on the ground on January 6th?

KASH: No. No. That's not to say, a civilian who was a Special Forces operator, he didn't himself go. But me and the Secretary of Defense would never have allowed that. That would have broken the chain of command.

It's just not what would have happened. And we didn't that have there, on that day. Go ahead.

GLENN: And you know the Intel.

I mean, you were DNI. The Intel industry, is doing stuff, that you wouldn't have liked or wanted to happen either. Do you agree with that?

KASH: Absolutely. Absolutely.

Chris ray has the intelligence. Just ask yourself this: How is it that Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts knew to board up the windows in and around the Capitol, but the intelligence community and the FBI didn't?

Well, as it turns out, Christopher Wray had an Intel report, saying that there could be violence in and around January 6th. And what did he do?

He withheld it. He suppressed it. The calling card of the Deep State. As long as your political narrative is advanced, suppress the truth.

And that is what they did. And the Intel community -- the bottom is corrupt. It's corrupt at the top, with a couple of minor players in between. And we can reform that by removing them, and putting them in the right personnel package.

GLENN: Did you see the story that came out today, in 2022. When Putin was threatening with nuke.

And how President Biden, you know, went to the Murdoch's house. And was talking to all these people about a briefing he just had. About how this is going to become true.
And the government went on -- on high alert.

Does the government have a responsibility, when its Cuban Missile Crisis, kind of crisis, to come on television like Kennedy did? And explain what's happening.

KASH: They do. And a commander-in-chief, with all its faculties should do that.

But Joe Biden is not that commander-in-chief. I don't want him anywhere near a television set.

Because every time he does, he exposes the United States to another national security attack, via cyber or otherwise.

Because they put on blast, the ineffectiveness and ineptitude of our commander-in-chief.

And right now, we don't need any more of that.

GLENN: As somebody who has been around the military and an Intel, for -- for a very long time. What did you make of the opening of his speech on Thursday, where his number one priority, right out -- I mean, didn't even say the State of the Union was strong or anything.

He just went right into, we're at war. Inside and outside of our country.

And we must fight it.

What do you think he was signaling?

KASH: He was speaking to the defense industrial complex. That owns the slum.

The state of our union, from our commander-in-chief, was the state of Ukraine.

That's what he led out with. And that should never happen.

It is a world war of his making, and he is hustling DC, along with the corrupt politicians, who are owned by defense industrial complex, to do one thing: Print money, and send our men and women overseas to fight yet another war for another person and another political target, to achieve victory at home on the political battlefield. Damn the cost. Get blood and treasure. That's what Joe Biden was doing, putting America last.

GLENN: And when you -- when he talked about Israel. I don't know if you saw the report again, that came out today. About Joe Biden saying, I am -- I am going to have a come to Jesus meeting with Bibi Netanyahu. Which is kind of an awkward sentence to say. But said that, which, you know, Bibi has responded with, I have my own red lines.

And then we're putting. We're building a dock for Gaza.

And we're going to be delivering food. Does that sound like a good idea.

KASH: It is an overaggressive, act of aggression. He is building a dock, and saying, we're not going to put boots on the ground. So we're going to put boots on planks and wooden boards, in territorial waters of a sovereign nation. Would the United States of America, ever stand for anyone building a dock on the eastern seaboard, to provide aid for any inner city folks?

Absolutely not. It is a violation of domestic federal statute, and international law. It's an act of overt aggression. And Israelis, and the people in Gaza, are going to be offended and probably take action against it, which is going to harm American men and women in uniform.

GLENN: And what would we do in response with this commander-in-chief?

KASH: We would unfortunately, double down on the fight.

And we would be looking at another 20-year Afghan campaign. Because Iran is flush with cash, thanks to Joe Biden. They launched the war in Israel through Hamas, a proxy. And they are buying Republicans at a rate that has never been seen before. And Joe Biden is weak on the global stage.

All he can do is send men and women to die. So far, five American service members killed in that region, under his watch.

And now he's building a flotilla, off the coastline of a world war. Only bad thing can happen when Joe Biden is --

GLENN: I know people have said this since I was a kid. This is the most important election of our time. Blah, blah, blah.

But, lately, it has gotten to be more and more important. And I, honestly, feel we are in a place that this may be the last election in America, if -- if things don't go right. And people don't stay calm. And everything else.

Do you think that's hyperbole?

KASH: No. We are at an inflection point. Because for the first time in forever, it's national security. National security. National security, and Americans have seen the cost at our border. The cost that we're seeing in the Ukraine and Israel wars.

The cost in terms of Russia and al-Qaeda on the rise.

They have seen Joe Biden politicize intelligence, the Department of Defense and law enforcement, creating a two-tier system of justice, to prosecute political targets.

And they have seen a total weaponization of our government. And that's what we are at an inflection point, come this election. America is seeing that Donald Trump, in my opinion, must be commander-in-chief. The guy who went through all of what we just talked about successfully.

GLENN: Kash, thank you so much.

Kash Patel.

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