Kiss of death: Did Glenn's endorsement claim yet another victim?

It's a running joke whenever Glenn endorses a candidate, it kills their chances. So when Glenn suggested the Democrats run the oldest white man in Congress, did he not only kill his chances in 2020 but his actual life as well?

Glenn Beck’s URGENT message to Americans at Trump’s Arizona rally

Glenn Beck’s URGENT message to Americans at Trump’s Arizona rally

Glenn Beck joined former President Donald Trump as a guest speaker at his rally in Prescott Valley, Arizona. In his must-hear speech, Glenn urges patriotic Americans to get out and vote for Donald Trump and bring others with them. “We live in prophesied times,” Glenn argues, where good is evil, evil is good, and women are being “destroyed.” Glenn also speaks to people who aren’t sure if they can vote for Trump, pointing to Trump’s children as evidence that he’s not the monster the media portrays him as. Plus, Glenn reveals what he believes is “the biggest perversion” that the Left is pushing on our country.

Kirk Cameron: Christians CAN Save This Country | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 231

Kirk Cameron: Christians CAN Save This Country | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 231

Jesus isn’t on the ballot, so how should Christians engage in the 2024 election? For that matter, how should Christians engage in politics in general? Kirk Cameron explains that “Christian Nationalism” is a “slur thrown at people who love God, love their family, and love their country.” Now is no time for Christians to “tuck our heads in our knees, pray for the rapture, and cry into our Chick-fil-A soup.” In an age of “murdering babies in the name of reproductive care,” the mutilation of children for the sake of gender identity, and when too many Americans are being seduced by the “comfort of communism,” it’s time for Christians to get to work. Kirk and Glenn agree, the government shouldn’t be the first responder — not FEMA, not the Department of Education, and not our public schools, which Kirk describes as the “new secular church.” As we’ve seen during Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton, we — the American people — are the real first responders. If Kamala Harris is inaugurated in January or Donald Trump, if Jesus returns tomorrow or in a thousand years, these are the “hard times that make strong men” and just could be “our finest hour.”

Surgeon General warns parenting is HARMFUL, so give THE GOVERNMENT your kids?!

Surgeon General warns parenting is HARMFUL, so give THE GOVERNMENT your kids?!

U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has issued an advisory about PARENTING, declaring it HARMFUL for mental health. But his "solution" may be even more terrifying. Glenn reviews the Surgeon General's argument that the cost of parenting is causing high levels of stress. But instead of saying the solution is fixing the economy, Dr. Murthy suggests giving the government MORE control over your kids! Glenn speaks with Isabel Brown of ‪@theisabelbrown‬, who is just as furious. But she makes the case that all hope is NOT lost ... thanks to Gen Z.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So, Stu, thank goodness the Surgeon General has come out with that warning.

That marriage and having children could be hazardous to your health.

STU: Everything that's good is bad, Glenn. They could just say that instead. Everything that's solid is liquid. What?

GLENN: Yeah. Up will be down. Down will be up. And everything that is solid will be liquid. That is where we are.

Now being a parent is hazardous to your health. And do you know why?

Because parents both have to, you know, work two jobs. And then take care of their kids. And it's so stressful. It cuts years of their life off.

So do you know what their suggestion is?

STU: Robots. Robot children?

GLENN: Right! Elon Musk. I told you, he was in on it.

STU: Uh-huh.

GLENN: No. Their suggestion is: That you give the government more money, and they'll watch your kids for you.

Now, of all the ideas you could come up with, that one is the worse. I mean, just not having kids is really evil and bad if that's what your message is. But, well, if you're going to have kids, give them to us, to care for.

STU: Give them to us. Yeah.

I want to give it to the people, who came up with the Epstein client list.

Are those the people that I want to give my kids to.

I do feel like, that's how the matrix probably started. Right? Like you just start giving your kids over to the government, and suddenly, they're on giant wall with tubes going into them.

GLENN: That's exactly right. Well, listen to this. Did you hear -- here in Texas. In the Texas Spring Independent School District, these kids' preschool. Yeah. Preschool.

They started coming home, and they would not sleep at night.

And the parents are like, what the hell is going on with my kid? And then somebody else is like, what the hell happened to my kid? Then one of the can I see said, look, I got my sleepy sticker. Your what?

The teachers were actually giving the kids sleeping stick to hers put them asleep. So when you would come in, you drop your child off. They would go, who is going to sleepy sleep. Yeah, you are.

And they put a sticker on the kid. It releases melatonin and other kids, and put all the kids to sleep.

Are you kidding me? And these are the people that care about our children, more than you do.



Isabel Brown is somebody who I really. I tell you, I have seen the official birth of one star in my career that I think is massive.

And going to be --

STU: You know, when you say --

GLENN: Not you. It's Allie Beth Stucky. And I -- I have been watching this other talent for a while now.

And I think she is huge. I think she is one of the best commentators. And knows how to use the media probably better than anybody else.

Isabel Brown.

And she's the host of the Isabel Brown Show.

STU: It's the end of her career right here. When you get an intro like that from Glenn Beck, it's all over.

GLENN: You're dead. It's over, Isabel. Welcome to the program, how are you?

ISABEL: I am so great, Glenn. Huge fan of yours, and thank you for your kind words. What a wonderful way to start my Friday.

GLENN: Well, I have to tell you, I watch your stuff online.

And I just -- I mean, you really get it. You're very, very smart.

You're relatable. You know how the media works.

I mean, you have -- you have it all. You have it all.

So --

ISABEL: Thank you very much.

GLENN: You bet.

So let me talk to you about a couple of things that I just don't understand going on in society.

One of them is now the Surgeon General's warning, about how having kids can be hazardous to your health.

So give them to us. Kind of sounds like a bad idea.

ISABEL: One would think. Although, I say quite often, especially in speaking with my own generous, that we live in what's called the upside down. In this parallel universe, where lies have become truths. And truths have become lies. Just a few weeks ago, the United States Surgeon General, the top physician for our country did, in fact, actually put out an official health warning. A declaration, that parenting is hazardous for your health as a young adult. Because, get this, it makes you more lonely and isolated than if you never had children at all.

And instead, we're just alone. And I find this incredibly concerning. I was premed in college. And have 2 degrees in biomedical sciences.

And yearned to be a physician. I just got married at the end of June.

I'm thinking of about this next stage of my life as well.

GLENN: Why would you go into media like you are?

What is wrong with you? You had an out.

The rest of us schlubs could do nothing else.

ISABEL: It's crazy. But, you know, I'm in this phase of my life. I'm watching all my friends go through this.

And it is just alarming to me, the strategic advantage that the media are using to convince you that marriage and family, the most important bedrock foundation of our society, is somehow bad for you and going to destroy your life.

GLENN: Well, I've put the label on my children's foreheads.

Just to remind people.

If you're thinking about having a kid.

Look at my forehead. Surgeon General warning.

I think they should. I think they should all have it.

Also, the solution is, you know, if you're going to have kids. You know, because everybody is working, you know, two jobs. Their solution is, well, take some of the stress off.

Let us take care of them.

That's a horrid idea.

How about the idea of having a country where one income can actually support a family?

Instead of maybe three, or three and a half incomes, supporting a family?

That doesn't seem like a better goal?

ISABEL: One would hope. But unfortunately, it seems like our elected officials, in particular, are asking all of the wrong questions about how to fix all these ailments in society.

Their answer is always the same. More government. More regulation. More of the -- on your day-to-day life.

And the sad reality is, I really do believe that the United States of America is not the country that I grew up in.

It has the capacity to be. That's what we're fighting for every day. To go from the upside down, to right-side up, again.

If we keep continuing in this trajectory. We are leading in a race to the bottom for the developed world.

And I think it shows in our crime rate.
In our fertility rate, plummeting to an all-time low. In our marriage rates, currently standing at an all-time low. At the lowest they've ever been since 1867. We're starting to have the conversation, finally about nutrition and food and pharmaceuticals. And that's fantastic.

What's really disheartening to me, that so many of the people. Older than us. Older generation.

Haven't realized that these problems have been festering under the surface for decades because good people have sat down and been quiet and done nothing.

And I hope that it's not too late for us to tell the truth to the world, that desperately needs to hear it.

GLENN: So how do you think Gen Z is going to vote?

What is -- what is connecting with, you know, people under 30? That are going to vote?

ISABEL: I'm incredibly optimistic about Gen Z, which I often get a lot of scorn for. Particularly when I speak on cable television and mainstream media. I actually came out with a book in March. Called the end of the alphabet. How Gen Z can save America. Making the case that we are America's next great generation.

And they've been studying these trends for the past several election cycles, that are proving Gen Z is actually the most culturally and politically conservative generation we've seen since World War II.

There is a massive pendulum swing happening before our eyes. And I think we're first and foremost seeing that in this election. With young men, who are overwhelmingly politically conservative.

So when I'm saying these conversations happening on college campuses. And online, where I spend most of my time with my piers. What I'm seeing people struggle with is this sense of, we don't live in the same country.

That the people running for office claim we still do. They've been in office, longer than twice the time we've been alive. And they're wildly out of touch with the financial struggles we're dealing with.

With the cultural tug-of-war we're dealing with. I think what people are looking for, under 30, right now, more than anything is a sense of new generation of leadership. New ideas. Who is in touch with the cultural battles we're fighting today?

And being willing to just tell the truth when everyone in position of power, seem unwilling to do that right now.

GLENN: So that would go in favor of the people that Trump is surrounding himself with, I would imagine.


Even though he's an older guy.

You know, Tulsi Gabbard.

Elon Musk.

Is that translating at all in favor of Donald Trump?

ISABEL: It certainly is. It certainly is. And this idea of a unity party, I think is a fascinating idea from a young person's perspective as well. When you're seeing this Tulsi Gabbard, RFK, Elon Musk, Donald Trump coalition start to build.

GLENN: Yeah.

ISABEL: It's almost in a sense, breaking the two-party system. Which I think has been a fearful conversation for a lot of people in politics, up to this point.

Because we don't know what happens after the two-party system. But in reality, it creates a much better opportunity for coalition and conversation for better ideas, to come to the surface. Rather than, the same four or five people, constantly pulling the strings of power, in both political parties.

If anything, it's really been an eye-opening experience since 2015, when we have had the curtain pulled back a bit, in the era of Trumpian politics. What we talk about in Washington, as a Uniparty, is absolutely real.

And all of the attacks we're seeing on young people right now is coming, really from a bipartisan perspective, in many ways.

The fight to ban TikTok, the fight to censor you from misinformation.

The fight to make you inject your arm with these crazy substances. We don't know what's going to happen, four or five years down the line. This is coming from both political parties.

And I think young people are speaking up to realize, it's time for something new.

GLENN: Right. You know, it's really interesting. They're conservative.

But it's almost the same thing as the hippie movement back in the '60s.

Except, this time, it's conservative. And it's like, look, we want to be natural.

We want to have freedom. We would like to have peace.

You know, we just want to get back to what's real. And in some way, except for the drug part. That's kind of what the hippies were. And don't believe anyone over 30 was what Nancy Pelosi is saying.

And now, I guess, it's you have to believe them, until they're at 90, or maybe 100.

But it's interesting to me.

I think Generation Z is the revolution. I mean -- are you familiar with the Fourth Turning of the pendulum?

ISABEL: I sure am, yes.

GLENN: Yeah. They are the hero generation. They are. They just haven't been given the opportunity to step up to the plate yet. But I'm telling you, they are going to save us.

ISABEL: Absolutely correct. And I love the hippie analogy. Because the truth is, Glenn, I don't know that the hippie movement really ever went away. The culture we're living in today, sure has changed a whole lot, since we thought about the rebelliousness of the 1970s and 1980s.

But truly, to be a punk rock radical, counterculture individual today, is to stick it to the man. And say enough to the establishment. Today, that just happens to look like, getting married and starting your own business. And saying no to a $250,000 degree in underwater lesbian basket weaving and going to church on Sundays. Eating real food. This is the type of revolution we're seeing with Generation Z. And it's so inspiring to see it take root and take place.

Because it's the same origin that our country was itself founded upon.

This idea of speaking truth to power, and fighting for liberty, to the next generation.

Our Founding Fathers, in 1776 were not 85 or 95 years old. Like we're seeing in Congress today.

They themselves were 18, 19, 21, 25 years old. So Vivek Ramaswamy often says, we're in the midst of a 1776 movement, and I couldn't see anything more obvious than that in 2024.

GLENN: We are. It's great to talk to you. Thank you so much.

I really appreciate it. And I mean everything I say. I think you're a superstar. Don't go to medicine. We need your voice. I think your voice is very important. Isabel Brown. Thank you so much, appreciate it.

ISABEL: Absolutely. Thanks for having me.

GLENN: You bet. God bless.

How Biden-Harris’ Gamble with Iran & Russia Could Lead to Nuclear War | Glenn TV | Ep 384

How Biden-Harris’ Gamble with Iran & Russia Could Lead to Nuclear War | Glenn TV | Ep 384

The elevated tensions between Israel and Iran, and between Russia and NATO over Ukraine, make it feel like we are moving inevitably toward World War III. Glenn breaks down how team Biden’s strategy of restraining Israel against Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists and coddling Iran is moving us closer to an all-out Middle East war. He also discusses how the debate alone over whether to allow Ukraine to use American long-range missiles in Russia has moved us closer to the unthinkable — nuclear war with Russia. It’s insane, but it’s happening. And Russia is even working overtime on building the new Axis powers with Iran, China, and North Korea, with their sights set on dismantling the United States. And all this is happening with Election Day less than four weeks away. Can you remember another election with this much potential chaos bubbling under the surface? Glenn argues we’re in a dangerous game of poly-crisis Jenga. We have multiple crises happening at the same time that have the potential to either trigger other crises or collapse everything on their own. Hurricane Helene. Hurricane Milton. Labor strikes. The border crisis. A financial crisis. A terrorist attack. Assassination plots. Election interference. War with Iran. Nuclear war with Russia. For the left-wing forces that want to “re-imagine” America, destabilization is the key. Conveniently, destabilizing the U.S. is also the goal of America’s enemies. In this game of poly-crisis Jenga, we have a senile, lame-duck president pulling the pieces. Imagine how the game ends with Kamala Harris as president.