Kamala Harris’ campaign recently made a new promise to black men: If she’s elected president, she’ll give them all sorts of new things! And one of them is … legal recreational marijuana?! Glenn and Stu review Kamala’s promise to help black men succeed in the weed industry, which sounds just a LITTLE racist. Meanwhile, the state-run media is doing everything it can to scare voters about Donald Trump. But his actual knowledge of the economy is shining through …
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: I was excited to hear all of the things that Kamala is promising for black men.
It's not shameless. It's not shameless.
STU: She's not trying to buy votes. We should point that out.
Some people will think that, when they hear you say that.
And don't worry about that pesky Constitution. The enact all of these things would be unconstitutional.
They'll jam it through, somehow or another. You know, hey -- look, we're talking free weed for black people. Can you -- can you -- if -- if I even said that as a joke, I would be off the air. You know what, you want to buy their vote. You want to buy a black man's vote. Give them free weed. You would be banned.
STU: Yeah. Sounds like a David Duke proposal.
GLENN: It does. It really does.
It's like -- can you imagine? Who stood up.
Who stood up?
Please tell me it wasn't a white guy.
I've got an idea. How about we give them crack pipes?
STU: It's that pathetic. It really is.
STU: And was there someone that spoke up at some point, and said, guys, you want -- you want to try to buy black votes with drugs?
I want to make sure I'm understanding the proposal.
GLENN: Aren't -- isn't it kind of racist to say that black people like drugs?
STU: They like drugs, and they can't get identification.
Those are two campaign planks.
GLENN: That's unbelievable.
Well, they're too stoned, Stu, to figure out identification. They need it to buy their big huge, you know, ten-gallon malt liquor.
STU: It's unbelievable. They may as well try all these proposals. And you wonder, hey. Well, these are the types of plans that will get black voters.
Actually, maybe it's this type of thinking, that had you lose them in the first place.
I will just throw it out there.
GLENN: It might be.
But, hey, if it works. Let's offer free chopsticks and driving lessons for Asians.
STU: That's basically what they're doing. That's basically it.
GLENN: It is what they're doing. Now, white people, you get Ugg boots and Starbucks gift certificates. Venezuelans we already gave them free apartment buildings in Colorado.
STU: That's true. Well, they worked for those. I will say.
GLENN: We have them covered.
I was thinking, Native Americans, and I thought, we should give them sheets and pillow cases to go with the -- and I said, well, no.
No. We shouldn't remind anybody about the blankets. Just maybe more casinos. More casinos.
Now, that's not racist. That's not racist. What?
STU: That's just going after individual voters, that they care about so much.
It's despicable.
GLENN: How about tacos for Hispanics?
Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with that.
And white men.
STU: Yeah. You know.
GLENN: Probably nothing.
Just beat it, dude.
Or wait a minute.
White men get free trans surgeries.
There you -- there you go. Because that's what they really want.
That's the white man talking. I'm man enough to say I want to be a woman.
That's how man I am. So, man up.
Become a woman. I think that's great. I think that's great.
By the way, J.D. Vance did come out yesterday, and, you know, I said that I would -- that if I ever heard of anything that was, you know, unconstitutional, dictatorial, I would out them. And I would stand with the Constitution.
And I'm going to do it.
Because J.D. Vance came out yesterday and said, well, Graters is now making a Skyline chili-flavored ice cream, and they're going to ban it.
See, I think chili-flavored ice cream would make me vomit. But I'm -- but, hey. Hey. Hey. I'm going to stick up for that ice cream. You know what I mean?
You're not going to ban any ice cream on my watch, J.D. Vance. Not one.
Honestly, that's what they would do. He actually made that tweet as a joke. That's what he would say. See, he's serious. He's serious. He will go after ice cream flavors he doesn't like.
GLENN: Right. I heard a whole report this morning, Glenn, how Donald Trump just stood there.
Played DJ for 45 minutes, played song after song after song.
GLENN: Yeah. For no reason.
STU: No mention of the fact that there were medical emergencies in the crowd. I mean, how can you tell that story without telling why he stopped taking questions during the town hall because there was someone potentially dying in front of him?
But having some sort of medical emergency.
GLENN: But he doesn't care. He doesn't care about people with medical issues. He doesn't care.
STU: No.
GLENN: What did he do?
He danced. Somebody is dying. And he's dancing with YMC. What a monster that guy is.
So Charlemagne the God, which I don't know.
At some point in my life, you know, I might worry that that might be a little blasphemous. There might be a question or two on the final exam, you know what I'm saying?
You didn't think that maybe you shouldn't call yourself.
But, I mean, it's working out for him in life.
STU: Well, since he spelled the, T-H-A. Does that get him out of any of these problems?
GLENN: And the isn't capitalized, even though the G is capitalized in God.
But I think the T-H-A. I don't even know what that means. That's my out with God. I didn't call myself God. I said Tha God.
STU: I have news for you. If you put the A at the end of certain words, it doesn't always help.
GLENN: Well, it does some people.
STU: Some people it does.
GLENN: Maybe he has the A thing going on this word too.
I'm not really sure. So, anyway, he was -- he was doing a town hall, with Kamala.
And, you know, got -- I've got -- you've got to give it. You know, she was great. She's for some reparations.
You know, which is -- which is great.
Let me give you some of the things that she was talking about yesterday.
I love the fact. I don't have the audio. But I do have the text of somebody that called -- somebody that called in, you know, and spoke to the God.
And said, you know, I'm -- I have to tell you, I'm a little -- I'm a little concerned.
I'm a little concerned.
Because I think Donald Trump is going to round everybody who is not white. He's going to round them all up and put them in camps.
And she said, you ready?
You see? See?
I mean, you get it. You get it.
STU: You get it? Okay.
I've got to understand.
The right are the conspiracy theorists.
But every non-white person going into camps is, you get it. From a presidential candidate.
GLENN: Well, you get it, because all he's doing is pedaling fear. So you're afraid.
That she didn't say, he's not going to.
STU: Right. She didn't try to dissolve the fear at all.
GLENN: No. No.
That's why you should vote for me.
Because you're afraid, you will be round up and put into a camp.
STU: But that's an insane fear.
GLENN: Yeah. That is.
STU: That there was no -- hey. By the way, there's no chance that he does this.
And, by the way, the only people who have done it, are progressives.
That wasn't mentioned by Kamala.
GLENN: No. She did mention, that this is the very kind of laws, that -- that have happened before. They rounded up the Japanese. And when she says they, I think she means we.
STU: We.
GLENN: The Democrats did that.
STU: They didn't mention that though.
GLENN: No. Well, they don't like to mention things like the Klan, that was an arm of the democratic party. You know, and they kind of leave out the part that, yeah. It was -- it was us in our big, big eugenics time.
You know, eugenics, part one, we're kind of in eugenics part two right now.
But, yeah. We rounded up the Japanese. Because, you know, there is sub -- there is sub people, you know.
Can't trust them. Can't trust them, you know. They're shifty. And they're short.
STU: That totally goes against their, just announced chopsticks program that they were --
GLENN: Well, reparations. Reparations. So we have to give them some chopsticks. And maybe some rice. Maybe some rice.
I don't think it's offensive to Asian people, do you?
STU: No. It's central to how they're running their campaign.
GLENN: Gosh. That is so absolutely amazing.
Meanwhile, here's what -- here's what Kamala, a spokesperson for Kamala was saying on MSNBC. Now, I want you to listen to this.
If you are, if you're watching, you are going to get the problem with this quickly. But I'll explain for radio listeners. In just a second.
Here it is.
VOICE: And that is probably one of the clearest contrasts you will see last week in this race. You will see the vice president out on the trail, every single day, talking about her ideas, going to these big media platforms to share her vision with the biggest number of Americans possible.
While Donald Trump continues to sort of retreat into himself. In the small MAGA universe. That is all about him.
Because that's all he's really interested in right now.
GLENN: Right. Right.
Okay. So here's the thing. As he's talking, behind him is the video of Donald Trump in Chicago, at an economic forum, where he's doing an interview with a guy who completely disagrees with him.
STU: Goes after him the entire time.
There's a Bloomberg forum.
GLENN: Yeah. It's crazy.
STU: Bloomberg, the former democratic presidential candidate.
GLENN: Right. But he's still in his small little universe. I mean, listen.
This is how contentious it got. Cut two, please.
DONALD: What is the Wall Street Journal -- I'm meeting with them tomorrow. What is the Wall Street Journal -- they've been wrong about everything, so have you, by the way.
You were wrong about --
VOICE: You're trying to turn this.
DONALD: You've been wrong.
VOICE: You're trying to turn this into a debate.
DONALD: It's not a debate. But you're wrong. You've been wrong all your life on this stuff.
GLENN: So -- and now, by the way, he walked into a room, where it was not friendly.
Standing ovation, when he left. And the people that were there said, he turned to like about half the crowd.
Because he was -- I've never heard a president, who actually can speak with experience, and deeply about economic and business issues.
You know, I can -- you know, like Ronald Reagan. You know, he could speak about those things.
And he knew what he knew.
But not from an experience of actually doing. Not being able to talk to businesspeople, and say, look, I've been there, dude.
I know exactly what's happening.
It was really quite remarkable.
And the -- and the interviewer just didn't get him at all.
Listen to this. Cut one.
VOICE: How about this?
Gavin Newscum. He's the governor of California.
VOICE: Newsom.
DONALD: Newscum, I call him. He corrected me. That's the first time --
VOICE: There are CEOs out here. If they said those things about a rival CEO, they would be sacked. Do you think it's --
DONALD: I know. But they don't have to survive like me. They don't have to go through what I have to go through.
There's never been a president being treated like me, so I have to fight my own way.
GLENN: This guy who is doing the -- what's his name?
Michael Thorpe. Yeah, Michael Thorpe
Hello. Yes. Lord Michael Thorpe.
But he's not real popular with the crowd.
At least a good portion of the crowd. Not real popular. And I love that answer from him. They don't have to deal with what I have to deal with.
They don't have to deal with, what I've had to deal with. No president has ever been treated this way.
STU: I love that too.
It's such a stupid point.
If a CEO said that, they would be sacked. Well, Trump was a CEO. And he said stuff like that all the time. I guess if he owned the company, it doesn't happen. That's one way of working on it.
GLENN: Yeah. People actually are really flocking to people who are real.
You know, you may not like Donald Trump.
But at least you know he's real. That's who he is. That's who he is.
Who is Kamala? Seriously.
Can anyone tell me who they think she really is?
STU: I mean, I have my opinions.
You know, but I guess the whole point of her campaign is to hide who she is.
That's the whole point.
This is why it's so incredible. To hear the commentator, you played a couple of seconds ago.
Where they were like, well, what Donald Trump is going to do is he's going to stay in his own MAGA base, and Kamala will be everywhere.
What -- she didn't do an interview for 80 days as a candidate.
Well, most of them as a candidate.
80 days.
She did no interviews for 80 days!
What do you mean?
GLENN: Until her campaign started to fall apart.
STU: Until her campaign started to fall apart.
All of a sudden, we have to do all the interviews.
Not to mention, the previous candidate, didn't do a cabinet meeting for multiple years.
Like how can you possibly be out there arguing this.
GLENN: Because it's a mental illness. It is a mental illness. I really believe. Not all Democrats.
But I think there is probably 20 to 30 percent of the country, that is mentally ill, right now.
Mentally ill. There might be --
STU: That's quite an accusation to say it's that low.
GLENN: And I mean, I mean, honestly, if -- if we were not living in this everything is political kind of state, if you could go back 15 years, and just have doctors, look at people, and I bring my daughter in.
She thinks she's a dog.
And she said that I should -- I should lose my stewardship over my -- my 12-year-old daughter because she's a dog.
And she wants her skin taken off.
And fur glued on to her.
STU: Or fur glued on.
GLENN: I don't know. One of the two. I'm a panicked father right now.
STU: Yes. Exactly.
GLENN: Okay? I'm trying to talk about the health of my daughter.
A doctor would say, we need to put her in a hospital. We need to put her in a hospital.
We need to have at least talk therapy.
Everybody -- everybody on the left, it seems is like, oh, you monster.
Come here, Fido.
Come here. Let me pet you.
That's even creepy. Doc, you see what's happening over here? That's creepy.
STU: Oh, well, then you need to go to the hospital if you think that's creepy.
GLENN: That's right.