After shouting at New York City subway riders on a train-car earlier this month, Jordan Neely was placed in a chokehold and held down by at least two other riders. Now, one of those men — a Marine veteran — is being blamed by the far-left for Neely’s death and being labeled a murderer. This could be the left’s next George Floyd moment. But this story is about more that that, Glenn says. This story is about the downfall of U.S. cities which are quickly and surely turning into GOTHAM…
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Did you see the thing in New York? The marine.
This guy was -- this homeless guy, this black guy was harassing everybody on the subway.
Now, nobody is -- I mean, very few people are riding the subway now, in comparison to the way it used to be, because it is so dangerous.
Okay? And everybody does the same thing. They're sitting in the car. And just be invisible. I'm invisible. I'm invisible.
STU: Open pray.
By the way, you should mention the race.
Because of course, this is becoming a racial issue.
GLENN: Yeah, this will be a George Floyd -- they're trying to make it into George Floyd.
This guy is homeless. He's probably nuts. He has a record -- he's saying, I can't afford anything. Give me some money. Give me some money.
And do we have the video of it? Yeah. Here's the video of it. So a marine comes up behind him. And puts him in a choke hold.
Two other people are helping hold this other guy down.
GLENN: They're protecting themselves.
STU: And the other people on the train.
GLENN: And the other people on the train.
STU: They've been threatened by this person.
GLENN: Correct. So the Marine grabs him, puts him in a choke hold, chokes him out.
Well, the guy dies. Now they're going after the Marine, saying he's a murderer.
Now, let me ask you something. Is the government doing things, as it's collapsing around you?
We know it's all collapsing -- we know. We know.
These cities are becoming Gotham. And I love the fact that they're saying, maybe we should bring in. Maybe we should have -- bring back all the mental institutions in just involuntarily, you know, admit people.
No, thanks, Gotham. I would like to stay away from the Arkam Prison HEP and hospital. I think that can be good. That didn't work out well. Can we finally watch a movie!
So they're saying that maybe we have to scoop all these people and involuntarily institutionalize them.
STU: No, I don't think that's the answer.
STU: I think it's the answer in some circumstances.
GLENN: In some circumstances. But be very careful.
Those are always used by dictators in very bad ways. And I don't care if it's a dictator on the left or the right. You don't want to give them carte blanche on just picking people up, and putting them in an asylum.
STU: Right. Cart blanche is bad.
This is the government of New York. They are not taking the steps to arrest people. They're letting crime go free. They're letting criminals go free. They're letting murderers go free. A decent person just trying to get to and from work riding the subway, is abused every day. They're frightened.
Honestly, frightened, that once those doors close and you're in a tunnel and somebody stands up and says something, nobody is going to do anything.
Everybody is just like, just please get to my station. Just please get to my station. Okay? That's not good.
Then if somebody stands up, because the guy is getting really quite abusive, if you hurt him in any way, you're the criminal.
The government should be saying. Any government, of, for, and by the people, what part of government is the most important part in that government?
STU: Of for and by the people?
GLENN: Uh-huh. The people!
STU: Okay. I was going to go for one of the three. But that works. All three.
GLENN: Any government that is protecting itself and doing everything it can, to make it harder for you to protect yourself is a problem. It is a problem.
Are they making it easier for you.
We all know that the dollar is -- well, not all of us know.
The dollar is going to collapse. The end of the dollar, as we know it, is coming. Okay?
It's not going to be the reserve currency. It's already in the 40 percent range. It was 80 percent of global currency that is being held as gold in the reserves around the world. It's now in the 40 percentile.
Okay. Well, what does that mean? That means, a smart person, like all other countries, are hedging their bet.
They're also putting some gold. Is the government suppressing. Is the government making it easier?
How about Bitcoin? Is the government making it easier? Or are they trying to criminalize it, so you can't get it. So you have to stay in the dollar. The violence in our streets. The crime going up.
Police, they're not around. Some cities, they don't even show up. Maybe you're lucky, if you come the next day. So you know you can't count on the police. So the government making it easier or harder for you to protect yourself?
Harder. They're taking away your guns, and anyone who defends themselves, they're doing a George Floyd march. You have a hostile government. It's clear. You have a hostile government, that no longer understands, this is a country of, by, and for the people.
You just have to do the next right thing. And assume they're not. But you must do the next right thing.