The national average gas price has more than doubled since President Biden took office. But Glenn wants Americans to STOP calling it the "Biden gas price hike" — because it's not just his policies: "When will America realize that it's this global warming-ESG bullcrap that is causing these prices?" But it's not just random. Glenn explains how to talk to your friends and family about what ESG really is and how it's far from a conspiracy theory to say that what's happening to the economy has been the PLAN all along: "They're either all crazy, or they have a different standard for success..."
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: So I am -- I flew up to the ranch this weekend. I went into Park City Fine Art. And brought all of the paintings up for the new art show that is happening this -- well, I think it actually starts today, in Park City. And I'm going to be there on Friday and Saturday.
And I -- I tell you, I just -- I'm in shock, from the gas price. Just shock.
What it takes now to fill my truck, is outrageous!
Just outrageous.
How long can people handle this?
How long -- we're already into our savings. Our savings almost depleted now. No matter what Joe Biden is on Friday.
I don't know if you heard his speech. But he said, people feel more economically comfortable today, than they have since 2013.
Who are you surveying?
Bill Gates and George Soros?
$5 a gallon gasoline is now in -- in nine different states.
Several other states are just a few pennies away from it.
The average cost of a gallon of regular gasoline, reached 4.85 yesterday.
That's an additional 3 cents from Saturday, and 24 cents from last week. If you're in Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, or Washington, you're now paying more than $5 a gallon.
And in California, according to AAA, you are now paying $6.33 a gallon, on average.
That's insanity!
Now, what do Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, what do most have in common?
Well, Alaska and Hawaii, you have to ship it over there. Illinois, Michigan, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington -- aren't those all left-leaning states?
If the trend continues now, and there's no reason to think that it won't, several other states will join the five club, in the next few days.
Indiana, Pennsylvania. Massachusetts. Rhode Island. And others.
One month ago, gas was $4.24 a gallon.
One year ago, it was $3.05.
Diesel prices also hit a new record high on Sunday.
National average price is now $5.64 a gallon. The rising energy costs are a big part of our 40-year high inflation.
Now, let me ask you something, gang.
When will America realize, that it is this global warming, ESG bullcrap, that is causing these prices to happen?
The president has already said, and so has Kamala Harris. Both of them in speeches. That what we're going through now, is a transition away from fossil fuels.
And we're paying a high price for it now.
Now, they -- they will continue to tell the schlubs of the world, that are not paying attention, that this is the Biden gas price hike.
But it's not.
They're admitting it, to those in the know, on tape. On video.
Saying, this is going to make us a greener planet, in the end. How much longer are you going to put up with it?
How much longer, before people are telling the federal government, enough is enough?
How much longer before you start marching in front of your statehouses, saying, get rid of ESG?
You have -- you have 23 states. I don't know why it's not at least 40. Ten states are insane. We know that.
But when is enough enough?
By the way, you need to calmly teach your friends, when they talk about gas prices. You need to calmly just say, not -- this is Biden's fault. Just say, you know, it's the global warming ESG that's causing this.
What? What's ESG?
It gives you the opportunity to explain it. And here's what you say to your friends.
ESG is a -- a very Chinese-style -- for the government and the financial system, to rank us on who is being best with social justice and environmental and governance.
How many women do we have on the board of directors? How many blacks do we have on the board of directors? Et cetera, et cetera. Now, you might agree with all of those things.
But this is forcing the companies, to abandon their search for gasoline. They -- they cannot build any new drill sites. They can't pump any oil, because they're not getting the loans from the banks. So the capitalist system is now a shareholder system, and the first place you're seeing this, or sorry. Stakeholder system.
You're now seeing the first place, its results in gasoline.
And it is not going to go down. I think people still think that there's hope, that this will go down. No. The left's hope, is that you won't catch on, until it's too late.
That you'll continue to believe, that this gas problem, our inflation problem. Our -- our food inflation problem.
Is caused by something else. And it's only temporary.
It is not temporary. This is the plan.
Now, I know that this is -- this is something it is press is starting to say, conspiracy theory. This is a plan.
It's a plan. That's crazy. That's what the G.O.P. are saying.
Yeah. You know what, Jim Jordan is right. He's absolutely right. Tell me all of the things that are going on, and that are going wrong.
And even your Democratic friends, who are not crazy.
Tell me what's happening at the border.
How is that -- is that an accident?
Is that caused by Putin? What caused that?
We had that solved, you know, a year and a half ago. And then, what did the first thing Biden do?
He opened up the borders. This is deliberate. Because you learn from your mistakes.
Let's say that Afghanistan was a mistake. Do we all agree on that?
Wouldn't you learn from that mistake? That just went on and on and on and on. And they still say, that was a success!
So if that was a success, they're either all crazy, or they have a different standard for success. They have a different plan. You know, when Biden canceled the drilling leases, in the gulf, and then blocked energy exploration in the oil rich part of Alaska, gas and oil prices, creeped up, for two straight weeks. When he canceled our pipelines, gas and oil went up.
If he really believed that this was for the planet, and not to hurt our gas and oil explorers, and companies.
If he really was doing it for the planet, why would one of the first things he do, is open a pipeline for Europe, from Russia!
And then, go to war with Russia, to try to stop all of that oil coming through a pipeline. It's intentional. It's intentional. By the way, food prices, you know, food at home, has now risen according to the government.
Remember, the government is not measuring things the way we used to measure things. They've played all kinds of tricks.
And this is not a Biden thing.
They started doing things like this in the 1990s. Changing it is definition of inflation, and what we measure. So the number that you see. Which I don't even know, Stu. 8.6 percent now. Our inflation number.
STU: I don't know off the top of my head.
But I honestly thought it was a little higher than that.
It's rite around there.
GLENN: Can you look it up for me? The inflation rate, is not that. The actual shadow stat, the way we used to measure it, back when we were talking about Jimmy Carter. If you measure those same items, we are now up to about 17 percent inflation.
Your food at home index, over the last 12 months, it cost you 10.8 percent, more than the same set of groceries, that you had last year. You buy the same thing, you're now paying 11 percent more, for groceries. Now, I don't know if you missed the news last week. But according to the USDA, the government is coming out, and saying, take the inflation that we had last year.
And double it. That means, at best, we're at 22 percent food inflation. But I do believe they meant double the inflation and add it to what we had, which would be 33 percent inflation.
Either way, people aren't going to make it. Not when they're trying to fill up their gas tanks. So what is it they're trying to do?
They are trying to cripple people with oil and gas and diesel. So you will go out and buy a new electric car.
But that will drive up the cost of your electricity, because we are shutting down coal plants. We're shutting down or turning down nuclear plants.
We are replacing this energy, with an unreliable energy, of solar and wind.
I am not against solar or wind. I am completely off the grid. Because I live in the mountains. And there's no electricity lines even that come up to this place. Your broadcast that you're hearing today. Is run on solar and wind power.
100 percent green. This broadcast today, is 100 percent green. We never know if we're going to have enough energy, day to day.
There -- I have the whole family up here, with me. We have to turn things off beginning at 8 o'clock night. It's just so we don't get rid of any more of the solar energy.
We have to just shut down.
So you have about an hour's worth of lights?
And then you have to be very careful.
That's terrifying. You want to run your country like that?
And your food. People don't understand. Because they think it comes in this magic certify an wrapped Styrofoam container. But where does your meat come from?
Your meat comes from cattle at farms. How do they feed them?
They feed them, with grain or -- or alfalfa, that they have grown on the land. Using seeds, fertilizer, and trackers.
The fertilize uses propane. To be able to make it. Natural gas, to be able to make fertilizer. You don't have that. That's why fertilizer is up in some places, 300 percent.
Can you imagine going to the grocery store, and paying 300 percent more for your meat?
Well, eventually, you will. And why?
Because they want you to stop eating meat.
This is a plan. And it's fortunately, cratering the -- the numbers of Biden. And his administration.
However, I don't know if it's really connected with the American people. They blame it on him. But they don't understand why he's doing it.
And as much as Bill O'Reilly and others want to say, he's incompetent. And I agree. He is.
This is a plan. Back in just a minute, with more.