In May of 2008, Michelle Obama made a now infamous statement while campaigning in Puerto Rico for her husband, Barack. Her words, Glenn says, caused Michelle to be pulled from the campaign trail. Why? Perhaps because her statement exposed the Obama’s exact goal: To force the American people to make ‘sacrifices’ that would fundamentally alter our nation — its history, traditions, and principles — forever. In part 1 of his expose, Glenn revisits Michelle’s speech and demonstrates how her words have come true today. And the ‘sacrifices’ we’re facing now, thanks to our ever-growing, far-left government, could continue to get worse…
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Can we just -- can we have a chat here for a second. On something that we really need to think about. If you were born in the 2000s, you're one of the people I want to commend right now, for your resilience. You have grown up in a time of war, you've never seen our country, not at war.
Your parents and teachers, probably taught you about 9/11. While at the same time, you no doubt heard the battle damage assessment numbers, and those killed in action. Reports on the evening news. And conversation on the dinner table and from your teachers. Afghanistan then turned into Iraq. And then back to Afghanistan. Then back to Iraq. Rinse, repeat, for 20 years.
You were probably in elementary school or junior high, when faith and trust on a systematic level, began to rapidly dissolve. The financial system crashed in 2008. And do we even know? Yeah. I mean, we do. But officially, who is to blame on that one?
Can you even trust the bank? Is the fed and the government for us or against us in that?
Could you lose your home? Were your mom and dad fighting all the time, because of the stress of what happened in 2008? We asked all of these questions. And in the aftermath, the mass protests, the Occupy Wall Street that you probably don't remember.
Everybody decided, I guess it's the fault of those giant corporations. It was yet more doubt thrown on to institutions we at least have some faith and trust in. Because they would, at one point do the right thing, or be held responsible if they didn't.
You've seen your church come under attack. Your faith. Suddenly, the religious values that, you know, you may have grown up with, listening to in Sunday school, are now being called bigoted. You've witnessed race riots. Cops. Firefighters being demonized. Local businesses burned to the ground. People may have been killed in your own hometown. Politicians and media appeared to drink it all in like a cold beer on a hot day. You've been brought up in an era where war was declared on American faith, hope, trust, pride, history. I don't even think you probably know our history.
And yet, here you are. Right now. Listening to this program. Good for you. Good for you. For people my age, it is really -- I can't imagine being your age. I can't imagine it. I grew up in a completely different America. Makes me sad, you'll never know summer like we did. That you'll never -- most highly, you have not participated in a baseball game or a football game, that wasn't organized. Or a soccer game that adults weren't telling you when and where to play. You probably have never just gone out with your friends. And just started a game in some abandoned field. Or some park, just to play for yourself. And you make up the rules, and you decide what's right and wrong. You solve the arguments.
Times were different. Less people locked their doors. That's what I like about the place I live up in Idaho. It's much more like it was when I was growing up. It's just simpler. Quieter. You know your neighbors. Everybody waves to each other, as they pass each other in the cars. You could rely on one another. Parades were more common. And no one expected an anti-American rioter to come in and spoil the day. We loved our country. Although, we didn't think our country was flawless. If you joined the military, it was called joining the service. Because that's how it was viewed. It was service. Now it seems like nobody sends their kids to service, if they're rich. It's a way to get out of poverty. It's a way to get free education. It's not about service. By and large, opinions were debated.
Today, opinions are used as an excuse for violence. You know, we could see Marxist or Milton Friedman or Thomas Sowell, on television. Debating Marxists at universities or on Oprah. And it was done where everybody walked away in the end and shook each other's hand. And said, I respect you. I disagree, but I really respect you. That doesn't happen. That certainly, probably doesn't happen in your schools. If you grew up in the 2000s, man, everything has gone sideways, rapidly. Who is running the country during the 2008 financial crisis, the recovery? Occupy Wall Street. The beginning of Black Lives Matter. No one calls it out. But it was Barack Obama. Everything began to spiral out of control. And the America we used to know, became unrecognizable. Now, it's not his fault. All of it, at least. He put the pedal down, and he accelerated things. But this has been in the plans for a long time. And America wanted hope and change. We wanted change. I wanted change. All of us wanted complaining what was happening, you know, with the Bush administration. The government was seemingly getting too big. Nobody was being held responsible. We wanted transparency. That's what we meant by change.
But that's not what we got.
And we know that, because Michelle Obama talked about it. On May 14th, 2008, she was immediately pulled from the campaign trail, after this speech. But I want you to hear it one more time.
VOICE: And Barack knows we are going to have make sacrifices. We're going to have to change our conversation. We're going to have to change our traditions. Our history. We're going to have to move into a different place, as a nation, to provide the kind of future that we all want, desperately for our children. And he is the man to do it.
GLENN: So in America. In America, we used to agree on the future. We saw certain things as self-evident. That all men were created equal, and endowed by their creator. And I know that might sound like hogwash to you. But it's a mission statement. It's not something that we did. It's something we tried to strive for. And as you will learn, as you grow older, you make a ton of mistakes in life. And a country does as well. And the idea is to learn from those mistakes. But you have to have history. And you have to know what (cut out).
Have we made sacrifices? Well, we've made sacrifices of our time. I can't imagine -- I mean, I just can't get over, how much time we spend arguing with stupid stuff right now. How much time we have spent in politics. Politics, especially national politics. It shouldn't be really hardly even on our radar. It should all be local politics. But we don't pay attention to that.
So many people, maybe your parents have sacrificed their dreams and their job. Small businesses, they sacrificed. Because of covid. Home Depot could stay open. But not the locally owned ace hardware store. We have -- we have sacrificed our liberties. In exchange for the collective. We have made a sacrifice for our honor in Afghanistan. We've sacrificed our place in the world. Our credibility. Our credibility really, with our own allies, we have sacrificed. And we are certainly sacrificing right now, our relationship with anyone who holds the dollar as a reserve currency. In many ways, we've sacrificed you, the 20 something, in the last 15 or 20 years, to some sort of social experiment. Not only with, you know, drag queen story hour and everything else. That we have no idea, other than history. We have no idea of how that's going to turn out. What kind of mark these things will leave. Good or bad. We don't know. Never been done before. But we also socially experimented on you, with -- with technology. We've sacrificed our safety on the streets, from mobs, BLM, Antifa, January 6. The shootings every day in Chicago, nobody seems to care about. We've sacrificed our way of life. We've sacrificed our medicines, and so many things. And this didn't start with Obama. It started with the globalist. The idea that, you know, trade is -- is unlimited. And we can just like be consumers. And not makers. Now, that just seems wrong intuitively. But when we start to hit shortages like medicine, we really see how stupid it is. But we have sacrificed our common sense. Because are we doing anything about these things?
We've sacrificed our doctors. We were told, we could keep our doctors. But many of us were told, have lost our doctors. We have lost the scientific method. We have lost and sacrificed debate and critical thinking. And -- and the search for evidence.
We have sacrificed an awful lot. And it's all called the new normal. All those things that we've sacrificed. We're now sacrificing. We're going to sacrifice millions of people, that will most likely starve to death in the next two years. Why?
For political reasons. That's really all it is. We're going to sacrifice people's lives. And we are going to forever change the lives of people, here in America. And it's just going to be called the new normal.
Michelle then went on to say, you know, we're going to change our conversation. I didn't know what she meant was, change the rules of conversations. Basically, you can't have a conversation. Any kind of spoken or written word, now has to go through the woke filter. It's where we lose and sacrifice many of our freedoms and liberties. You put to make a public statement, about a Snickers bar, you better craft it in a way, that checks off all the intersectional, feminist, and LGBT boxes. You, because you're in your 20s, may not understand, how important freedom of thought, and real diversity is. That's the diversity of thought. You cannot make progress without benchmarks that can be measured, which is the scientific method. And you'll never make progress, unless people are comfortable, to say, that's a stupid idea. Well, I disagree with you on that. And you have it out.
And most times, you'll find that both sides, have a point. Not all the time. But many times. And just by arguing, you're like, oh, my gosh. I see why you're thinking that. Oh, I understand you now. It's still wrong. But at least I understand. Let me explain it this way. (cut out)
The church, the teachings, the sacraments, now been labeled bigoted. Our deep religious founding as a country, that proclaiming one's faith. Whatever faith that is. Or no faith at all. How -- how we got to a place now, to where that's a revolutionary act. I'm going to finish what Michelle Obama talked about on tomorrow's program. But the fundamental transformation that she spoke about is here.