How Glenn’s European vacation led to a MASSIVE revelation

Glenn explains how his recent vacation to Europe led him to uncover a MASSIVE revelation about what America — and the world — is facing. ‘There it was, standing and staring the world in the face and I couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen it before,’ he says. This discovery will teach us who the greatest internal threat is, no matter what country you’re living in, Glenn teases. Plus, he describes how conversations with local Europeans made him realize that Americans are NOT ALONE in feeling like our country’s stability, justice, and principles are dangerously at risk…


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So there's a -- there's a few things that I want to share with you. I really missed you last week. I thought about you all the time. And really, honestly, if I could take people on vacation. My wife wouldn't like this. But if I could take people on vacation, I would, I would. Because, you know, for the first couple of days, it was really, really nice. And I didn't -- I didn't bring my phone. Which I don't ever bring. I didn't bring my iPad. Nothing. And it was really, really nice. And then we went on history tours. And that's when my wife was like, oh, boy, he's back. And that's when I just couldn't wait to tell you some of the things that I learned. Let me give you a couple of the things. First of all, the entire world is feeling the way you're feeling about your country right now. The entire world is feeling like this. PAT: Feeling about the US? Or feeling the same way about their country? GLENN: About their country. Everybody is feeling the same thing. Something is not right. And it is the elites. It's not the people, it's the elites. And it's corrupt. They're all in league with each other. They're completely out of touch. And they're taking us to hell. I don't care who you voted for, what language you speak. I believe the entire world -- the population feels this way. Nobody is reflecting this. Nobody in the press is reflecting. Let me tell you right now, the whole world feels like you do. Now, most of the world, I don't think is paying attention to all of the details. And they're not seeing. Because they're being convinced by their press. And their elites. It's somebody in their country, and the other side, whichever side is not in power, is the problem. And so they're being split, just the same way we are. Well, I spoke to people yesterday. I mean, all last week. Most people, they didn't even about the farmers that are protesting, just north of their own country. But they did know about Ukraine. Couldn't tell you all the details of it. But they all said to me the same thing. What you guys are doing, is crazy. Because we all know. I mean, that is so corrupt. Where is your money going? They all knew. They couldn't name ESG. Because nobody over in Europe has explained ESG. Nobody has written a book over there about it. Nobody is allowed to speak about stuff, over there. They couldn't name it. They couldn't name The Great Reset. Or ESG. But they knew all of the elites were driving to exactly the same place in our country and their country. The government by, of with be and for the people. Has damn near perished from the earth. They are, as we are. Hoping for its swift return. I couldn't believe how many people I met, that may not have really liked Donald Trump, but they all said to me, but he wasn't one of them. And that's why they got him. They were looking for me to say, right? They all knew, Donald Trump was not part of the Kabul. Not part of the elite. Not part of the club. And that's why they all felt, and said they knew this is why Donald Trump was taken down. Many that I spoke to, weren't aware of the gender insanity in America. That seems to be -- it is other places. But it is really an American idea. They could not believe it. They thought they misunderstood. They couldn't believe it, when we spoke about it. One guy said to me, that America had left its post, and the world will quickly realize how important American stability and American justice was. And the -- the comment was, we pray for you, to return. We pray for the people of your country, to wake up, and clean up your own corruption, because we need somebody to support us, as we try to do the same in our country. Because we're all in the same mess. So the first message I have for you is, this is not an American problem. And you need to understand that. Because that's what's keeping us at each other's throats. It's not an American problem. The most important thing that happened to me while I was on vacation, and I -- I think I'm -- I mean, I'm going to talk to my guy who runs TheBlaze today, about, I think I need to go back and spend a couple of weeks, just filming some things, and -- and teach history -- every -- if you don't know history, you won't know the future. And we have -- I really thought I would learn an awful lot about Michelangelo. Et cetera, et cetera. And I did. I learned about art, and architecture. I had these really great people that we had hired to take us around and show us everything. And as art and architecture came alive to me, I realized, wait a minute. This is the way people used to tell stories. So each of these paintings. Each of these buildings. Were built in such a way, or placed in such a place, to be seen to tell a story. Because back then, most people couldn't read. We know this from the carving of the knights of templar. The cathedrals of Europe. The paintings of Leonardo da Vinci. Botticelli. Michelangelo. The Sculpture. David. I completely understood in a way I've never understood. It's almost as if these things spoke to me, in a way that I've never heard or thought about before. All week, my guides kept answering relentless questions. At one point, one turned to me and went, are your children like this? And I said, yes, actually. And she said, wow. That's good. I was asking questions that she kept looking at my wife going, oh. And we would stop, because she would always say, we've got about two hours, unless you ask questions. And it would end up being four hours. And we still wouldn't have completed everything. And she didn't understand. She thought at first, they were unrelated questions about things. Art. Architecture. People. History. But what she didn't know. I was going home every night. And I was reading more about another topic, that I saw was directly aligned. With what I was learning. And so the -- before I left, I said to her, I want to talk to you about, not just medieval and renaissance. But the parallels of the 20th century, and today. And I shared with them, what I had found. And at first, they didn't understand. And it was kind of a language barrier. And then, they were like, oh, no. But that's not possible. You would need this, this, and this. And because I had done my homework, I presented the -- this, this, and this to them. And then they couldn't unsee it. Then they were like, oh, my gosh, how did we not see this is this How is this -- really? Hang on. I have to look that up myself. They couldn't believe them. Part of them didn't want to believe them. But there it was. Standing and staring the world in the face, and I couldn't believe I hadn't seen it before, nor has anyone else. I've looked it up. One person kind of went in this direction, and were quickly shut down. One. About 50 years, 70 years ago. I can tell you, who our greatest internal threat is, no matter what country you're living in. I can tell you what they're building. Because they told us, beginning in the 11th century. This discovery of mine, it's not genius. It's not genius at all. It's not really even a discovery. It's out in the open. Just like the early progressive movement was out in the open. Just as The Great Reset was out in the open. But it wasn't until I personally understood Woodrow Wilson. It wasn't until then, that I could -- that I could explain, wait. This is why progressivism is such a threat. This is why you should care. When I first began learning about Wilson and the Progressive Era, the number one question to me, all the time was, how? How did we get here? How did we get from a country, where we all thought we kind of believed the same thing, to this. You notice, you don't hear that question anymore. You don't hear, how did we get there? Why? Because I believe we answered that question, by teaching the Progressive Era. Once you understood, what progressives really were. And their history. It explained how. The next question was, so what do they want? The answer to that is The Great Reset. But what is the question, that you hear from people, when you tell them, about the Progressive Era, or you tell them about The Great Reset. What is the only question, I think that is left? Why? Why -- why would they do that? I mean, that doesn't make any sense. Why would they do that? It's not a new question. And to fully understand and -- and see the why. In the coming days and weeks, I'm going to let them tell you. Not just in their actions and their words. But their manifesto, that has been carved in stone. I can't believe we missed it. See, this is why they've destroyed our education system. This is why they destroyed history. Because history teaches not just about the past. I don't care -- I won't be able to tell -- actually, I will. But the names will not be important. They won't be important. It's the ideas. The dates, that something was done, doesn't mean jack squat. It's what they did. And that's why history has to be destroyed. It teaches you about your future. Now, here's the other exciting thing. Along the same history-soaked streets, laid the answers to our biggest problems as well. And when I said, well, wait a minute. That was positioned here, because of this, this, and this. At first, they said, no. Well, yeah. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. The answer is embedded there as well. My question to you, over the next few months is going to be, will we repeat history, and lose thousands of years of progress, at least 1500 years of progress? Will we bury our heads in our sand? Will we be led by our emotions? Will we be led by our ignorance? Or will we save the progress, root out the evil, come back together, and build another incredible renaissance. It will be up to us. But the first message I want to give you today is this: You are not alone. Not just here in America. Not just in Canada. Not in Sweden. England. Italy. Germany. Poland. Ukraine. You are not alone. We have a ton in common. And our enemy is not the one we're being led to believe it is.

Expert Predicts Ark of the Covenant is in THIS Secret Location

Expert Predicts Ark of the Covenant is in THIS Secret Location

For thousands of years, Christians, Jews, and scholars have debated where the Biblical Ark of the Covenant is hidden. Is it in Ethiopia? Saudi Arabia? Heaven? Or did it never leave Jerusalem and the Temple Mount? Glenn speaks with City of David Foundation’s Director of International Affairs, Ze’ev Orenstein, who tells him his personal theory and why he believes we won't truly find out until the Third Jewish Temple is built. Plus, he explains why “the Ark is not a gimmick” and why there’s no “History of Israel” wing in the British Museum (it might not be the reason you’re thinking of).

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Charlie Kirk REVEALS 3 Ways to SHRINK the Department of Education

Donald Trump is in for a fight if he wants to fully abolish the Department of Education – he might not even be able to legally do it without Congress. But Turning Point USA founder ‪@RealCharlieKirk‬ tells Glenn there are 3 major steps Trump can take to shrink the Department in the meantime and release its grip on our education system. Speaking at AmFest 2024, Charlie and Glenn also discuss what DOGE can do to make a massive difference and whether Republicans have finally come to an agreement on the continuing resolution spending bill.

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How I Brought BRAVEHEART'S SWORD Into Mar-a-Lago

Glenn was recently invited to Mar-a-Lago to give a speech in front of Donald Trump at a PragerU event. But he admits he wasn't really thinking when he decided to bring 2 weird weapons to use as props: William Wallace's sword from "Braveheart" and a World War II-era rat with a bomb in its butt. Glenn tells the hilariously true story of how he got the items past Secret Service and, in the process, became a Secret Service legend that agents may talk about for generations.