Is the government COVERING UP the truth about the Trump assassination attempt?

Is the government COVERING UP the truth about the Trump assassination attempt?

It has been a month since the Trump assassination attempt and STILL, nothing seems to add up: Trump’s Secret Service bodyguards weren’t big enough to protect him, he was denied more security despite an Iranian threat, it was his first rally with snipers … and the government isn’t being transparent with us. Basically, it’s "conspiracy theory central." So, how are we supposed to process all this information with a government we don’t trust? Glenn speaks with investigative journalist and “Case Closed” author Gerald Posner about what the feds should have learned from the Kennedy and MLK Jr. assassinations. Plus, he discusses why he believes another big revelation about the Secret Service is about to drop.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Gerald Posner is an investigative journalist. Pulitzer finalist. He's the author of 13 best-selling books. Including Mengele. Case-closed. Why America slept.

God's bankers. Pharma.

And what was the one you were mentioning, Stu?

PAT: Hitler's children.

GLENN: Yeah. Hitler's children. Gerald, welcome to the program. How are you, sir?

GERALD: Glenn, great to be with you. You know, and I listened to your lead-in when you said, what is the Secret Service doing about the hundreds of groups and the tens of thousands of radical and extreme demonstrators in front of the building? You know, one of the things I worry about that the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, which exposed sort of how the paper tiger of the Secret Service, how they were not the James Bonds of the world. That they had been -- we've been led to believe in some ways. Might encourage, a copycat. Might encourage somebody else, who is on the edge, to realize, that the -- the system is -- is vulnerable.

And -- and vulnerable is -- with a capital V.

GLENN: So, Gerald, you've looked at the -- the Kennedy case. Martin Luther King. You've studied that for years and years to do Case Closed.

And very, very thorough. When you look back, there were so many conspiracy theories, on that.

And that's because, there were some things that just didn't seem right at the time, like Oswald being shot right after.

This is conspiracy central.

Because everything, the government is doing.

Everything that the Secret Service is doing.

The FBI is -- not normal.

And if you don't want conspiracy theories, they're acting exactly the wrong way.

And so I don't know what's fact, and what's theory. I don't know how to process this with a government that you don't trust.

GERALD: Yeah, you're exactly right. You hit the nail on the head. The government in this case, is not only, you know, hiding the information from the American public. From -- from investigators. From researchers. We're getting some members in Congress, who are getting whistle-blowers, who are coming forward.

That's not the way to get information, on when the former president of the United States, came within an inch of being killed.

They should have learned from the Kennedy assassination. They should have learned from the Kennedy assassination, cover-ups do not work well. And it doesn't have to be the cover-up of a murder. It's just a cover-up of a truth.

They hide things. Keep documents back. They have communications here, that they say they didn't hold on to.

There is a whole series of things.

And, Glenn, we became accustomed over time. For things, whether it was 9/11.

Or whether it was a cat five hurricane that came in. Or earthquake.

The government has these around the clock news conferences. In which people from FEMA and the FBI. Whatever else. They hold the conferences. If the investigators can't say something, because it's under investigation. They'll say, I'm sorry. I can't comment on that now. But here's what I can tell you. Here they went to asylum. They didn't say anything at all.

You know, not until we saw the former, you know, disgraced Secret Service director get subpoenaed before Congress, or she wouldn't have even been there.

And then stonewalled on that day. No wonder people are skeptical about what happened.

And one last thing, I think you hit a key thing when you said the Kennedy and King assassinations, which I have studied.

One of the things that they have in common with this assassination attempt on Donald Trump, which raises questions from the get-go, is you have a shooter with a rifle, shooting from a long distance. In most assassinations, we're accustomed to somebody running up to the person they want to kill like Sirhan Sirhan on Bobby Kennedy, or when Wallace was shot by Bremer. Or Ronald Reagan is shot by Hinckley. We know who the shooter is.

That doesn't answer the question as to whether that was a conspiracy, did they do it with somebody else, or were they egged on?

You know the person with a gun here. You have a shot from like a distance with a rifle. Which immediately conjures up all the ideas for people. The Day of the Jackal, some hired assassin. Something more to it. So I think that that adds to the overall conspiracy speculation from moment one.

GLENN: Sure.

So we also know now that two days before they said they were going to increase Donald Trump's protection, because they had stumbled upon a plot to kill him, through a Pakistani with ties to Iran who was supposed to set it up and then leave before the assassination. And they arrested him, at the airport.

The day before the assassination. But then we find out, not only did they not increase, they actually decreased from four snipers to two.

GERALD: Yeah, amazing.

It is the type of stuff that leaves you just shaking your head, saying that can't be true. And we now know that was the first time in the Trump campaign, that there were snipers at a rally. So before that be with the Secret Service hasn't even provided the snipers. Imagine if this assassination attempt had been successful, and the snipers who weren't there. Who people would be. We would be asking for people to go to jail. And you're right about, they've had a trek from a terror state, that they know, they understand somebody is trying to kill the former president. They still have not upgraded the security to be as great as would be, the sitting president. They actually cut it down.

We now know for two years, before this. When the Trump campaign was asking for additional security for different events. They were turned down repeatedly. Something the Secret Service had first denied. And then had to admit, when four whistle-blowers told that to the Washington Post. Washington Post, no friend to Donald Trump. They even reported that. And so here's a case in which we have them doing less security, not providing it. Not notwithstanding the fact, that there was a foreign threat to the president as well.

GLENN: So what does your gut tell you?

GERALD: My gut tells me, that we're going to find, I think at the very least.

Like we did with Peter Strzok, and the FBI. When they were doing the -- you know, the fake investigation about Russia.

The Russian dossier.

And they were to have had emails. Lisa Page. That says, I can't stand that guy Trump.

And he shows all of his bias. I would be very surprised, if we do not get emails, maybe official emails. But then on government servers or private emails in eventual government investigations if the Republicans take the House, keep the House, in November.

We will have those inquires. And with senior Secret Service members. Or maybe even those operational details for some of the rallies that Donald Trump was at. Are saying, very, very bad things about the former president.

And that is going to call into question. We think of the Secret Service as being apolitical. It doesn't mean you don't have a feeling about who you vote for. You go to the election ballot. And you cast the ballot, but you're protecting everybody.

You're giving up your life for the candidate that you're protecting, and if we start to think that they had tipped the scale because they didn't like the person they were supposed to protect.

And they may have been lax, to allow somebody like a Crooks, the 20-year-old shooter to get off a shot. Then it will call a real ruckus.

GLENN: You know, Gerald, has it always been like this know. And I've just been naive?

I mean, I've always looked up to Secret Service guys. I've seen them protect dirtbags.

And, you know, know that some of those guys don't like these guys.

And I mean foreign dirtbags.

Not just American.

And they would risk their life for these guys.

And I've always looked up to them.

And I don't know.

Is this new? Or has it always been this way?

GERALD: No. I think. And you see this very, very well, when you report on this as well.

How polarized we are, as a country.

And it -- it seems to me, that that has impacted the bureaucracy in many ways.

We talk about the politicization of the FBI.

And if we think of that as the CIA intelligence services, the State Department. Why shouldn't we be surprised? It's not as though, there wasn't a wall up in Canada and a virus from going over to Secret Service.

But I do think, to what you said, that most of the agents. The vast majority of the agents in the field. What I call the close protection.

Those who are responsible for actually throwing themselves, on top of a candidate. They hear gunshots.

Those agents who were close to the stage.

And they -- and they are putting themselves, in the mind of a bullet. For all they know.

Now, one of the things we all said, Glenn. When we saw that payout. Was it was very visible.

That when they lifted, you know, the president gets back on his feet. And they start to move a cauldron around him. Back in the car. They have that circle around him. Close protective circle. They don't know if it's a second shooter. If it's a shooter who originally had gotten off the shots is still active

GLENN: Correct.

GERALD: And we see two of the agents, who are a full head shorter than the president.

The old way of doing it, was if you assigned Secret Service agents for the close protection, who at least were the same size as the candidate, you were covering.

So that if you tried to get the candidate out of there, and somebody is shooting, they will hit an agent. Not the candidate.

GLENN: Right.

GERALD: If the former president was being moved out from butler. From that rally. After that failed shot.

And then was then killed by a second shooter, because the agents were too short.

Could you imagine what we would be doing in this country?

It would be -- it would -- it would turn things upside down?

GLENN: I think that day. I mean, you saw it.

I saw it, right after it happened.

And it just -- just clipped his ear. Because he moved.

If he wouldn't have moved. It would have been John F. Kennedy, live on television. I think that could have put us in Civil War.

GERALD: You're right. And I tell you, we now know, which we didn't at that time.

That now we saw the videos.

One of the great things from the Kennedy or King assassination. People have what you expect. Cell phone videos. They're taking the rally. They're there.

And what's amazing, is that 140 yards away from the stage, where Donald Trump is taking the stage at 6:00 p.m. and then speaking.

Are a group of people, you know, regular rally goers, going out that day, saying. Hey, there he is. He's rolling over. Hey, officer. Hey, officer.

GLENN: It's crazy.

GERALD: And you have to put yourself for half a second into the shooter, the 20-year-old kid who has practiced a lot at the range. He has this deranged idea, that he will kill the former president. But he is expecting, he has found his spot. You know, he wants to get to the top. He has his range finder, he tried to get through the perimeter. They turned him away.

He's climbed on to the roof of the building. He's managed to get his gun up there, and he's ready to try to pull off this assassination.

And now he gets spotted for this minute and a half, two minutes beforehand. People are yelling.
He can hear that clearly. They're down there. They're calling him out there, pointing to him. So that has to add some adrenaline to the whole mix.

And then a police officer, gets to the top of the roof. Right?

Right before he starts to fire. He looks over at that officer, drops down. But it had to rush the shooting a little bit. He had to be under the pressure of knowing, closing in on him.

And so we talk about, you know, the difference between getting off that shot, and it hits the former president. And kills him.

Or not.

Could also be those moments of chaos, that are planing out of the stage. That just made a difference.

GLENN: Yeah. You wrote an article, right after the shooting. The forgotten lessons of Dallas 63 and Memphis 68.

And I just want to go through with you.

So this is something that I've talked about for a long time. It's one thing to say, these tactics are very much what's happening in the Third Reich. But when you have convinced half the population, that this one individual is Hitler, is it's the end of the republic. And he has to -- I'm quoting. Has to be stopped, at all costs.

You're creating this atmosphere. Are you not?

GERALD: Bingo. You're absolutely right. And you have been talking about it for a while.

And I was just startled, you call somebody the coming of Hitler.

They will be the next Hitler. Long enough.

And you will set sort of an atmosphere in which somebody, who is already unstable. A little bit on the edge.

Is going to try to take it on their own hands. To be the hero. To stop that next Hitler from coming into office.

And I will tell you, this wasn't just. You talk about the radical extremists, who are gathering around the convention. And gathering around.

It wasn't just for the French. These were people who were from the campaign. The Biden campaign. And Washington Post had an article, by this guy Mike Godwin. He said, it's okay to compare Trump to Hitler. You know, Joy Reid of MSNBC was putting up videos saying, oh, by the way, let me know how to vote to keep Hitler out of the White House.

The New Republic had a cover story, in which they had a Hitler campaign poster, and it was made to look like -- to Trump. And Politico -- no friend of Donald Trump, often, had had an article, last December, saying it's really unusual, to compare a political opponent to Adolf Hitler. But for Joe Biden's campaign. It's part of the routine for running against Donald Trump.

GLENN: Yeah. Right.

GERALD: And now, of course, once the shock takes place in butler. The near death of the president. For the most part. At least at the leadership levels. In that they stopped Hitler.

They already set the fire.

GLENN: Yeah.

Gerald, I would love to stay in touch with you. As this inquiry continues to go on.

Because there seems to be new things coming out every day. That nobody is coming.

And, you know, this is bad for Joe Biden.

It's bad for Donald Trump. It's bad for Kamala. This is bad for America.

We have to be able to trust our Secret Service.

And know that they are on the up and up. Gerald Posner. Thank you so much. God bless.

Did Lip Readers DECODE Obama & Trump’s Conversation at Jimmy Carter’s Funeral?

Did Lip Readers DECODE Obama & Trump’s Conversation at Jimmy Carter’s Funeral?

Did Donald Trump and Barack Obama chat and laugh like old friends at Jimmy Carter’s funeral? Or was the footage misleading? Well, some companies have hired lip readers to figure out what they were talking about and they speculate that Trump wanted an urgent meeting with Obama. But maybe the lip readers aren’t as accurate as they seem. Glenn also reviews clips of Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and California Governor Gavin News that tell you everything you need to know about them.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All righty. I just -- to stop here real quick.

Just one more thing about Karen Bass, who is doing a bang-up job.

No. She is on fire. She is en fuego. Karen Bass. The mayor of Los Angeles.

She was given some information yesterday.

Cut 25, please.

She was fabulous.

Listen to this.

VOICE: Build stronger than ever. Right now, if you need help, emergency information, resources, and shelter is available. All of this can be found at URL.

Los Angeles together is how we move --

GLENN: Okay. I think we can stop there.

Stu, would you just find that information at URL for me?

STU: Yeah. Let me type on this.

URL. Got it. Perfect. Here it is.

GLENN: Wait. What?

STU: All the information I need is right here.

In fact, I will say --


STU: All the information I needed about Karen Bass is in that clip.

It doesn't tell me anything about the fires.

GLENN: Nope. Nope.

All you need.

Can you imagine? People are at home.

If they don't know what an URL is, and who doesn't?

Honestly, at this point, who doesn't know what an URL is?

It's like, find all the information at, and they'll have all the information for you. I mean, oh, my gosh.

How can she possibly say that?

I mean, just not engaged in thinking at all.

But then again. It's hard to look back next to Newsom.

Did you see when Newsom was in the street? And some woman came up to him. And he's like, oh, I've got a -- I've got the president on the phone.

Really? Can I see it? Well, not now.

I mean, it's actually the King of England.

It's your husband I'm talking to right now!

He's really -- I've got somebody on the phone. I've got to go. Listen to this.

Cut 23.

VOICE: Governor, you've got a second? Governor.

VOICE: Nope, I don't.

VOICE: Governor, I live here! Governor. That was my daughter's school, Governor. Please tell me --

VOICE: Literally, talking to the president right now, to specifically answer the questions.

GLENN: He's literally -- stop. Stop. Stop. Hang on just a second.

He's literally talking to the president right now. Now, see how this lie falls apart. Go ahead.

VOICE: For you and your daughter.

VOICE: Can I hear your call? Because I don't believe it.

VOICE: I'm sorry. There's literally -- I tried five times this morning. I'm making --

VOICE: Why is the president not taking your call? Why?

GLENN: Hold on just a second. So he's literally not talking to the president right now. He's literally trying to talk to the president right now.

That's why he's walking around. He can't get cell coverage.

And, you know, honestly, what do you people in LA expect?

You know, phone coverage wherever you are?

I mean, you know, what are you -- there's a fire going on. What do you need cell coverage for?


Oh, my gosh.

STU: It's incredible.

I was waiting for him to go, yeah.

And we'll help you as soon as -- oh, hold on.

That could be the president now. Hello!

Mr. President.

It's so bad.

GLENN: So bad.

STU: And I will say, it's really sad to see, the city of Los Angeles, go up in flames.

I'm not as sad to see Gavin Newsom 2028 go down in flames.

As we watch this go on.

How can this guy -- he wants to be your next president desperately.

He really does, wants to run no matter what.

But how can anybody put him in office after watching this?

GLENN: Well, you have to read the facts about him, and you can find the facts at URL.

Now, let me -- let me move on to the funeral yesterday, of Jimmy Carter.

I have never seen -- honestly, yeah. It was like the housewives of Washington, DC.

I have never seen the presidential squad with all the living presidents, look so crazy!

Let me just -- start with the video of them just walking in and being ushered in.

Because they're ushered in. One by one.

Bill Clinton looks like, you know. He's probably the next to go. I hate to say that. Melania was so stoic yesterday. Here's Mike Pence giving him a warm handshake to Melania and Trump. They're cordial to each other. Melania was so stoic. It was the one-year anniversary of her mother's death yesterday. So, you know, one year death of somebody like your mom is really tough.

And so she's at a funeral. And she's just -- I just think she's the classiest First Lady that we've had at least in my lifetime. I mean, I think she beats Jackie O. And she has pretty much the same kind of pressure on her that Jackie O did. And she's been classy all the way.

Then you get -- let's go to Obama cutting there with Donald Trump. They're at the funeral. The funeral I think is going on.

And play the video now of Donald Trump and Barack Obama.
Just sitting there, they're laughing.

I've got to get back into the lipreading thing here for a second.

But Barack Obama is laughing.

And my favorite part is, have you ever been -- you've been on one side of this.

One side or the other.

You know when somebody is talking and screwing around in a movie theater.

And there's that person, who doesn't want to say anything.

And is not going to say anything.

But they just turn around and give you a look like, die!

You know that look?

Usually comes from women. They just turn around and look at you like, stop it!

And they turn around, and they're in a handcuff.

Well, that's what happened with Kamala yesterday.

As Barack Obama is laughing. She turns around like that schoolmarm.

She turns around and looks at them, like die!

And then turns around and then picks up her program and pretends to read it.

And you know she's not reading it. She's just so angry, for some reason.

When they come in and they're seating. They seat the First Lady and -- and her -- the First Lady two, her husband.

When they're sitting down, then they bring in Jill and Joe Biden.

I mean, I'm in the mountains of the West right now.

It's -- I don't know. Outside, it's probably one!

It was colder in that church, when those two saw each other, than it is right now!

I mean, it was brutal. Brutal.

Let me see. Let me go to the -- go back to the funeral thing.

Where they're -- they're talking back and forth.

And let me tell you about the -- the lip-reader. Did you read about the lip-reader? What they said?

STU: I haven't heard that. Yeah.

GLENN: Okay.

So they're talking back and forth.

And at one point, Trump. This is according to a lip-reader.

Trump leans over to Obama, and says, I've pulled out of that.

It's the conditions. Can you imagine that?

Now, I don't know if he was talking about Kamala, or -- I don't know what -- it might have been some sort of a deal, global warming.

I don't know what it was. But the speculation, maybe it's the Iran Nuclear Deal, or the Paris Climate Agreement.

And they don't know what they were discussing, but Obama laughs.

So I don't know how this relates to that. He laughs. And then Trump says, and after, I will. So we don't know what that means. The TV cool camera, cut away from the two guys.

And then when it comes back on, Trump says, call me at the foy after.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And maybe that was the foyer, or there's a little known hotel called the Foy.

At this point, I'm starting to question the lipreading. You know what I mean?

Maybe he meant the foyer, but only said the foy, and he wanted to call him when he was in the foyer. I mean, it just doesn't --

STU: Oh. A lot of people abbreviate foyer, to foy.

GLENN: Oh, it happens all the time.

STU: Very common.

GLENN: Where did you leave that? I left it in the foy. Okay. Right.

So he said, call me at the foy after. Then Obama said, can you just -- it should be good. Again, that doesn't work as a sentence.

It doesn't work. Okay?

STU: Sometimes, you have information that you don't need to communicate with other people.

If what you came up with as a lip-reader.

He said, I want to -- he had squirrel.

If that is what you came up with. Just don't tell people.

GLENN: You're probably not reading it right.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: Then Trump said, I can't talk.

We have to find a quiet place sometime.

This is a matter of importance, and we need to do this outside. So we can deal with it.

Certainly, today!

Okay. What would Donald Trump beat -- and then Obama is laughing.

What would be important, that would make Barack Obama laugh, that they had to deal with, today, the two of them?

The lip-reader also interpreted Obama as saying, listen to me. It's a chore. It's a chore.


Trump replied. I can't think of anything, that is a chore.

That sentence doesn't even make sense.

STU: No.

GLENN: It doesn't make sense.

STU: Who did they hire for this job?

This is the worst --

GLENN: I'm a lip-reader!

I know what they're saying. Soup. Soup.

GLENN: Soup.

I don't think that's what they were saying. I mean, maybe -- I don't know who they hired as a lip-reader. Oh, here it is. Here it is.

STU: Sorry. I didn't want to interrupt. We do have a sentence for Donald Trump that has just come down.

GLENN: Oh, we do!'.

You mean, from the lip-reader or the sentence from the judge?

STU: No, I'm lipreading people on TV, as we do the show.

GLENN: Okay. All right. All right. I got a sentence from the lip-reader. Cake is good!

STU: They've sentenced him to balloons. I don't know what that means. Why?

GLENN: What is the sentence?

STU: This is -- this is not me misreading the lip-reader.

This is the actual sentence.

The judge has sentenced Donald Trump to unconditional discharge.

I swear that's --

GLENN: I've had that before.

It's nasty!

You take some medication.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: And it clears up.

But that unintentional. Or unrelenting. Whatever it was. Discharge can happen.

STU: Unrelenting discharge. If you have antibiotic cream, you can get rid of it quickly.

GLENN: Get rid of it. Quickly.

STU: So unconditional discharge means, they just let them go. That's what it is.

He walks out without any conditions. That's what this built up to.

We spent millions and millions of dollars to say, hey, Don. See you later.

That's it. That's the whole thing?

Fitting process.

GLENN: If you have discharge of any kind, call your doctor.
Unconditional --

STU: Unconditional discharge lasts for four hours or more.

You need to see a physician immediately.

The INFURIATING Reason Why Fire Hydrants Ran Dry in Los Angeles

The INFURIATING Reason Why Fire Hydrants Ran Dry in Los Angeles

The wildfires around Los Angeles are a historic disaster. But why was California so unprepared? Glenn reviews one of the biggest issues that has allowed these fires to spread: fire hydrants have dried up. At first, Governor Gavin Newsom, who loves big government, said this was a local issue. However, since then, he has started an investigation. But why, Glenn asks, did he first try to avoid the blame? Glenn reviews where California’s water situation came from: public-private partnerships between companies and unelected bureaucrats. “California, are you starting to understand?” Glenn says. “That’s why we say the Deep State is bad…no one is accountable.” So, will this tragedy be enough for Californians to wake up?

If you would like to help with the relief effort, you can donate at


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So as of yesterday, yesterday afternoon, the LA Times reported that at least five people have died in the fires raging across Los Angeles.

Officials believe the actual numbers are much higher than that. Thousands of homes have been destroyed. There is zero containment at this point. Over 130,000 people are under evacuation orders. The freeways are parking lots. It's absolutely out of control.

With it not even contained and heading towards Los Angeles, it is projected to possibly the costliest wildfire disaster in history.

Now, I mean, there's a tendency when things like this happen, to rush to politics, and that's understandable. There are questions that need to be answered.

Why does this keep happening in California? And why do the people in California, keep putting up with it?

Why is California never prepared?

You would think California would be prepared for wildfires. Right?

I'm going to address part of that, first. But first, let me tell you about Mercury One. As usual, one of the first responders there is Mercury One.

We are collaborating with multiple partners to get food and supplies to those who need it most. We are working with churches on the ground. Yes. There are some.

We are working with the nonprofits. If you would like to help the relief effort, go to And contribute to the relief effort. A lot of work that needs to get done, and a lot of work that has to happen quickly.

By the way, so you know, and I'm going to give you all the information on this later. In North Carolina, while the president is saying that he's going to take care of everybody in Los Angeles. Don't worry about it. He's -- checks are on the way. The government will cover absolutely everything.

While he was saying that, Mercury One was on the phone, doing a transaction with several hotels, to pay for people who have nothing! And got their big 700-dollar check from the government. They were being kicked out. And I think we've -- I think -- I think we've put them up now for another six or seven weeks.

So, you know, what -- whatnots used in California, or they don't need in California, they still in need other disaster areas.

And we are there. So go to and help if you can. Now, many questions have to be asked and answered. Story came out yesterday, and I believe it was a pretty chilling example of what is to come in California.

If it continues to be as crazy. And it will be a blueprint for the rest of the country, if we don't all wake up. The story from The Daily Mail reads, quote, Governor Gavin Newsom's infuriating reaction after being asked why fire hydrants ran out of fire during the LA fires. Now, the fire hydrants ran dry. Right as firefighters were going to try to contain the breakout.

Now, this sounds like a conspiracy theory. But it happened!

And what was governor Newsom's response. I will read the quote. And try not to lose your breakfast when you hear it.

Quote, well, local folks will have to figure that out. That will be determined by local authorities.

Wait a minute. Hang on just a second. So the guy that holds the highest political office in California, who is constantly meddling in every single person's personal life. Who loves big government. More than comfortable with the phrase, trust us. We're the government. We know better. We're here to help.

The rubber meets the road. He's been doing all the deals with water. And he looks. Has the balls to look at the camera and go, what do you want from me? It's those guys. You talk to your local person, I have nothing to do with it. No, sir. That's not the way you guys have set California up.

California's water situation.

I mean, we've talked about this for years.

Years, we've talked about.

It is interesting to look at it. Because it's exactly what the Biden administration was doing with public/private partnerships.

It's all public/private partnerships. We talked about this before. We first saw this spoken out loud with places like the World Economic Forum

And then later canonized from the Biden administration. But what do public/private partnerships have to do with water in the Palisades.

Drying up in the middle of the most costliest wildfire disaster in American history.

Well, I recently saw Ana Kasparian send out a tweet on X.

Straight up dunking on Democratic leadership in California. She said, the Democrats were responsible for this disaster. No more passing the buck! She said.

Ana, quote, tweeted a video from an organization called, more perfect union. The tweet from the video states, quote, one billionaire couple owns all the water in California.

In 1994, the Resnicks, secretly seized control of California's public water supply. Now their companies use over 150 billion gallons every year.

While working class people suffer under drought conditions. Now, the video goes on to demonize Resnick and the family.

And the business conglomerate, for owning a vast amount of California water.

Now, I'm not letting this California company off the hook, okay?

But this is the response that always happens from the left. They treat corporations all across the spectrum the same way. And you see it in health care. Food production. Pharmaceuticals. On and on and on.

It's never the government's fault. It's those damn corporations.

It's always the corporation. Well, the corporations.

You know, a lot of people were mad when Donald Trump said, you know, the debate in 2016.

Well, how much taxes did you pay? He said exactly the amount I was supposed to pay.

Well, you didn't pay, you know, income tax on this or this.

And he's like, you want me to pay more taxes, then you have to change the law. I am operating in the system, you've gamed.

And everybody does this! So don't try to stick me out, because I'm rich. This is the way the income tax code works.

And he's right!

Well, they're doing the same thing with these corporations.

They make it so you can public/private partnership. They make it so you can go in and game the system.

And everybody has taken their share. All of -- you know why people aren't talking about Panama? The Panama Canal run by China now? You know why you never heard that?

Because all of the politicians. Most of them on both sides, were taking money from China. So they're never going to say anything. But now that China is bad, now that that's been exposed, I'm shocked that Donald Trump is actually exposing it. Because it's going to expose the graft on all sides.

And I'm happy about that. It's never the government's fault. May I propose, maybe there's a little bit more to the story here. Let's stick with California water here.

How did one family get into position where they hold the keys to a vast amount of the state's water. Well, the video goes into it. Listen.

VOICE: In 1994, state water officials, water infrastructure contractors, and agricultural land owners with water rights, arranged a secretive meeting at a resort in Monterey, California.

These groups, a mix of private companies and public agencies, rewrote California's water rules, without any input from voters, taxpayers or legislators. The new rules, called the Monterey Plus Agreement or the Monterey Amendments were devastating for working Californians and great for agricultural billionaires.

GLENN: Okay. This is going to make you very, very happy. Let's stop here for a second.

Is it really only good for the agricultural billionaires. And bad for the voters?

Were the giants of agricultures, the only ones at this, quote, secretive table.


Now, they tried to make it sound, well, there was no legislator over there. There was no government officials.

Huh. Well, it's interesting.

Because corporations don't write laws. Or do they?

Can you get things done without your congressman or senator being involved at all?

Yes, you can!

Through the administrative state. Exactly what conservatives have been saying about the United States government. This way, there's no one to blame!

The members of the California assembly can all say, I didn't have anything to do with this.

And they didn't. They just set the system up. To be run by a bunch of bureaucrats. Who can make the deals for them. So who was joined in this secret table conversation?

State water officials. That's who. So in 1994, the Resnicks didn't twist their mess tash I don't see while simultaneously screwing over the state.

And I will tie Nel to the railroad tracks too. They were given this deal. They were made public/private partners with the lawmakers in California.

Now, after this deal was struck, water control, in times of shortage, went to the agricultural conglomerates, and first, then the urban areas like the palisades second.

You've got a problem with that? Well, who will you take it up with? The unnamed water officials that made this deal?

No! It should be with the elected officials. So there's someone you can go to and say, wait a minute. You made this deal.

This is a corrupt deal. Or this is a deal not in the best interest of the people. We're voting you out!

But see, progressives don't like accountability.

Progressives make it so the agencies have all of the power. California, is this starting to maybe come together for you?

You're starting to understand? That's why we say, the Deep State is bad?

Because they can get into all these public/private partnerships and do deals, and no one is accountable for it?

And then when it falls apart, then when people die, that's when all the government officials come out with their cronies in the media. And say, well, we had no idea.

This is wrong.

Those res nicks. Bad!

Well, they might be. I don't know. They might be bad.

But who sat at the table and put that deal together?

All right.

GLENN: So all the money that is exchanging hands here, isn't just good for the private businesses.

Oh, man, oh, man.

It's good for public lawmakers as well. Let's go back to the video.

Cut two.

VOICE: The Resnicks donate millions of dollars to politicians and research institutions, which help them secure control over water systems.

And even get more water and more taxpayer funding.

One important project is the proposed California Delta Tunnel, a taxpayer-funded project which would send water from Northern California to Central, where the Resnick's farms are.

They expend hundreds of thousands of dollars on state and federal legislation, and politicians who support the tunnel.

But their favorite politician is Senator Dianne Feinstein.

VOICE: You come in here and say it has to be my way or the highway.

VOICE: Chair of the energy and water subcommittee. She's a close personal friend of the Resnicks, attending their holiday parties in Aspen, and maintaining their financial interests.

A quick look through the bill she sponsored, shows several which would direct money to current adjacent water projects. The Resnicks even ask for things directly. When a pesky study about endangering salmon and fisheries, threatened the Delta Tunnel, Stewart wrote a letter to Feinstein, demanding a new study. She immediately forwarded it to the Obama administration, who agreed to spend 750,000 dollars on a new study.

GLENN: Yeah. A study came out the same way.

So we saved Chad Fishes. I don't know. I know one of the reasons why California is burning down is because we had to save the smelt. And who doesn't like a good smelt from time to time?

Okay. You buy the politicians. Then you buy off the experts.

You buy off the scientists. And you put it all together. And then you bring it to some bureaucrat. And they shut town the water.

That's what's happening in California. Oh, well, that and fact that remember, one of the last forest fires was blamed on the electrical companies.
Because they had a transformer blow.

And, well, that just never happens. And it started a wildfire. And so what did they do?

This time, when there was a wildfire, the electrical company said, we don't want to make this worse, shut down the power. Well, when they shut down the power, that also shut down the pumps, at the water pumping stations.

So they couldn't pump any water, if they had any water.

And the -- Gavin Newsom actually addressed this yesterday.

And he said, we've talked to the -- we've talked to the White House. And we're having generators shipped out here, as fast as we can get -- you don't even have generators at your water pumping station?

What the hell!

I mean, how did you not think this?


What -- what was your plan? I would love to see their plan!

But this just explained. What you're seeing in California is exactly what is set up by the progressive left, all over the country.

It also explains how corrupt government officials and their crony relationships are destroying more than just California. It describes what's happened to American health care. It explains what's currently happening with big pharmaceutical companies.

Big food. The media. The border. The homeless problem.

In blue states all across the country see California?

That's what you're going to get. Public/private partnerships are poisoning the soul of our country.

They're also causing some to turn violent.

The stage is being set for the coming insurrection. If you know what that means, I don't use that lightly.

Taxpayers give their money to the government. The government then goes into business with private partners.

The money and the profit stays in their lucrative little circle.

But when anything goes south, who gets the blame?

It's not the government. They get off scot-free.

Progressive, leftists, they will pin the blame solely on corporations. Or when it comes to water, Gavin Newsom tries to pin it on the local people. I don't know. You will to have talk to the local people.

What does the local person have to do with the water coming out of the water fire hydrant?

What? What do they have to do with that?

They sit back and laugh over and over again.

I think it's country. We're going in deep on this. On Blaze TV very soon.

But I think -- I think this is a turning point.

You know, who had on their bingo card, the complete and total destruction, of the second largest city in the country?

As the turning point for progressives?

And if they don't turn on this one, man, what is it going to take?

The moon coming crashing through the roof of your house. That's been painted. Wake up!

Would that -- would that do it? Maybe. Space aliens. They took out their little drones. And they spray-painted the moon, wake up. And California still didn't wake up. So they just started dragging the moon closer and closer and closer to your house in California!

My gosh. Wake up, California.

I think they are. I think they are.

But will they just replace Gavin Newsom with somebody else exactly like this?

Or will they start to wake up and say, wait a minute.

Our government is corrupt. It's making deals that don't actually help or represent the people of California.

They may not have our best interest at heart.


Microsoft Elites EXPOSE the Entire Playbook by Re-Opening Three Mile Island

Want to know how the elites’ playbook works? Take a look at Three Mile Island. For decades, the media used Three Mile Island, the site of the worst commercial nuclear accident in US history, as the poster child for why we CAN’T invest in nuclear energy (even though the incident resulted in ZERO deaths). But now that Bill Gates needs more power for Microsoft’s data processing centers and AI programs, the media is once again rejoicing over nuclear energy! Glenn explains how this tells us all we need to know about how the elites work: They’ll use propaganda and lies to stop average Americans from having nuclear energy, but as soon as THEY need it, they’ll reverse course.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I need to you hold my hand, a little bit. A little bit.

Because my head is going to explode.

STU: Uh-huh.

GLENN: Let's start first with Biden ending his regime, the same way he started.

Ask that is banning energy.

He has just banned offshore drilling in 625 million acres, of federal waters.

So that is -- land area as large as, think of this.

As large as Alaska, Texas, and Montana, combined. Just Alaska and Texas, isn't that -- wouldn't that cover the entire United States?

Isn't Texas like half of it, or just a little less than half.

And Alaska is -- is more than half?

STU: I mean, no.

Not that big.

But --

GLENN: Pretty close. It's pretty close.

STU: I'm sure, the way they describe that being Alaska. I mean, Texas is already in the map.

So you know how much of that -- that covers. But, you know, the way they wrote that.

Pretty big, right?

Alaska, Montana. Texas, together.

Pretty significant.

GLENN: Okay. Now, he has stopped the drilling for oil.

Now, the good news is, there's no oil being drilled anywhere in this. It just puts a cap on the future. Which I love, when old people decide to dictate the future from the grave. I love that.

STU: I love that too. By the way --

GLENN: They're digging it.

STU: And not good news. That there's no development there railroad.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah.

STU: It's plainly not good news.

But, you know, you're right. He's just trying to put these things into place. So they cannot even be reversed.

GLENN: So this is the entire east coast. The eastern Gulf of Mexico. Along Florida's coast. And the Pacific coast, California, Oregon, and Washington State.

It also closes off the remaining 44 million acres, of the northern Bering sea, climate resistance area, in northwest Alaska.

Now, this is quite amazing. And as Stu said, and as Donald Trump said yesterday, he is -- he's doing everything he can, to make this transition as difficult as possible.

He did this one, because it's going to take an act of Congress, to be able to reverse it. Because of the way this particular law was written. It gives the president the ability to block land. Think of this.

But through executive order. But not unblock that land.

That's got to go through Congress.

If that's not absolutely the reverse of common sense, I don't know what is!

So, anyway, Trump has vowed to fight this. But it will have to go through Congress.

Now, think of what has happened with us and energy.

When -- when Joe Biden came into office, we were energy independent, for the very first time.

Energy allows us to have heat. Energy allows us to have hospitals, that work.

Energy allows to us produce products, here in America. It helps you get to work, with your car.

What did they do?

They took the oil and petroleum industry, and did everything they could to shut it down.

Who -- who really got hurt in that?

Well, you did. You did.

You got really hurt in that. Because everything, including food, went up.

Because petroleum is in almost everything. Which is another story, and we'll talk about with RFK at some point.

But you cannot run a modern society, without petroleum. Just can't be done.

But they didn't care.

And I said, at the time. If you want to go to clean energy, that's fine!

But you have to have something in between, and I said, you know, if you were coming out and saying, that we were going to open up, nuclear power plants.

If you were going to go that way. Which has proven the cleanest energy. And the safest energy of all time.

If you were doing that, well, then, you know, we could have a conversation. But you wouldn't.

In fact, in 2022. California, they were so desperate for power, that they kept the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, extended it for five more years. But they were shutting down everything they could!

Everything they could. Power plants! Nuclear power plants.

Gone! Okay?

Because how many times do we have to hear it? It is so dangerous.

We could all die.

From bad nuclear burns.

It will be so bad, when those nuclear power plants melt down in China syndrome.

I saw the movie. Okay?

It is not even up for discussion.


Now, let me give you this story from NPR. Now, this came out a few months ago. But it ties into what we were talking about yesterday. And I don't think this ever got enough attention.

Bill Gates is going nuclear. Okay? Good. The Three Mile Island power plant near Middletown, Pennsylvania, that was the scene of the worst commercial nuclear accident in US history. Now, remember, that's the only reason why you know Three Mile Island, it was the home of the worst commercial nuclear accident in US history. Stu, how many people died?

STU: Glenn, zero people died.

GLENN: Okay. I want a recount on that. I want on a recount on that.

STU: I know. It was exactly, precisely zero. In fact, the worst thing that happened in the Three Mile Island tragedy, was that a few people were subjected to the same radiation you would receive, getting a chest x-ray.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. You can see why this has stopped us from pursuing nuclear energy.

STU: No, I can't.

GLENN: Would you agree with me, Stu? That it was because of that accident, and the movie, that came out, China Syndrome. That really led to America going, well, you know what, maybe we should hold off on this nuclear energy thing, because it is so dangerous?

Even though, count again. Stu.

Count again. You sure you have that number?

STU: Hold on just a second.

Let me get my calculator out here.

GLENN: Carry the one. Carry the one.

STU: Hold on one second.

GLENN: Okay. All right. You have it? He's crunching the numbers right now, America. Crunching the numbers.

STU: No. No deaths. Zero.

GLENN: Zero. That is --

STU: I can't tell if it's zero. Or the letter O. Either way, it's no deaths.

GLENN: All right. Now, this is a story from NPR.


Constellation energy. Which Bills itself as America's largest producer of clean, carbon free energy, announced Friday that it has signed the largest ever power purchase agreement with Microsoft.

Powering industries, critical to our nation's global, economic, and technological competitiveness. Including data centers. Require an abundance of energy, that is carbon free, and reliable every hour of every day. And nuclear power plants are the only energy sources that can consistently deliver on that promise.

Wow! Well, what about solar panels, Bill?

What about wind power, Bill?

Bill Gates is reopening Three Mile Island. And as NPR said, I mean, thank goodness with Constellation Energy, which is the largest producer of clean, carbon-free energy.

By the way, constellation energy also is a major contributor to NPR.

I just -- I mean -- you know, these people not only create clean energy. They also help get the truth out.

You know, because they're dedicated to the truth at NPR.

Except, the problem is, NPR is against nuclear energy.

Every time you talk about a nuclear power plant. Can't be built. Can't be built.

Now, let me ask you: If -- if powering industries critical to our nation's global economic and technological competitiveness, if that industry was, oh, I don't know, Tesla. Do you think Musk, everybody at NPR would be like, oh, Elon Musk is opening up Three Mile Island, and it wouldn't be a big deal?

The deal, still quoting NPR -- the deal will create approximately 3400 jobs and bring more than $3 billion in state and federal taxes according to the company. It also said the agreement will add $16 billion to Pennsylvania's GDP.

Oh. So now money. Money is a good thing.

Over the radiation, that you're going to receive!

The agreement will span 20 years, and the plant is expected to reopen in 2028.

Pennsylvania's nuclear energy industry plays a critical role in providing safe, reliable, carbon-free electricity that helps reduce emissions and grows Pennsylvania's economy, says Governor Josh Shapiro.

Unlike power plants using fossil fuels, NPR writes, like coal or natural gas -- nuclear power plants do not directly release carbon dioxide or any other greenhouse gas emissions that drives global warming.

The particular nuclear reaction meltdown, at Three Mile Island, NPR reminds you, happened on March 28th, 1979, when one of the plants, two reactors cooling mechanisms malfunctioned.

The reactor will be reopened to power Microsoft's data centers, and was not involved in the accident before it was prematurely shuttered due to poor economics. This plant was among the safest and most reliable nuclear power plants on the grid.

We look forward to bringing it back with a new name, and a renewed mission to serve as an economic engine, for Pennsylvania.

However, some state activists are worried that taxpayers are going to foot the bill for the plant's reopening. We were told, let the marketplace decide. Well, the market decided.

And they decided it was not nuclear. Said Eric Epstein, of the watch to go group, Three Mile Island alert.

Former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates invested $1 billion in a nuclear power plant, that broke ground in Kemmerer, Wyoming, last June.

Okay. So hang on. Now, two power plants, both of them nuclear. I mean, has he been working on the paperwork to get that Wyoming power plant to be built.

Has he been working on it, since 1983. Because that's what it would take for anybody else.

By the way, editors note, from NPR. Constellation Energy. And Microsoft are among NPR's recent financial supporters.

Oh. Well, it's good to know, that there's nothing to worry about here. Bill Gates is a responsible human being. So is nuclear power. It's clean, and it's good for the environment. And it's totally acceptable.

Now, here's why my -- here's why blood shoots through my eyes.

Why do they need this power?

Not because you're having a hard time affording electricity.

Not because you're having a hard time affording heat. For your house.

Not because they want to get rid of natural gas! And want all of our stoves and everything else to be run on electricity!

Not because we are switching over to battery cars, or that's what they hoped.

It will never happen now. But they hope that we will all go to electric vehicles. And as we found out, when California was having their latest crisis. I don't know if it was snow or floods, or landslides. Or earthquakes.

Or wildfires. Or any of the other things that happen in California.

But the last time they had a real problem, they had a drain on power. And they said, by the way, if you have a new electric car, please do not charge it for a week!

Because we have a drain on the power supply!

Huh! Did anybody talk about nuclear power then?


We weren't even allowed to talk about nuclear power. It was off the table. We're not going to build nuclear power plants in the United States of America.

Okay. All right. Hang on just a second.

But Bill Gates can.

Hmm. Before I explode, to explain that one, give me 60 seconds.

GLENN: Okay. So you have been struggling with power. We all know that power is going to be a problem for the United States.

We know that if we don't increase oil production, if we don't increase fracking, natural gas. Or the easy way, and the cleanest way to do it, is to build nuclear power plants. We're not going to survive as a nation.

They have taken everything, that will benefit you and either cancelled it, made it more difficult, or just taken it off the table.

Number one, is nuclear power. We've had to go to windmills. We've said, it's not reliable. Okay.

Well, that's what you're getting. And you couldn't even discuss it. Okay?

They wouldn't even discuss it with you. It's just going to happen.

Now, that Bill Gates wants power, because he wants to be the king of the world, with AI. He needs nuclear power plants.

So he gets to build them. It's almost as if, we're not allowed to talk about that, either! We're not allowed to talk about the -- the unbelievable gall, that this guy, who is well-connected, and has access to AI. And wants to control the world through AI.

He and his rich buddies, and all the people he's paid for in Congress, he's able to buy or start up a nuclear power plant.

And build another one. But we're not allowed to even talk about one for us. No, no, no, no.

We have to have nuclear power plants, for our new God of AI.

If this doesn't show you, where you rank, in this oligarchy.

Nothing will!

There is nothing that would save more lives, than cheap, reliable energy.

The cheapest, most reliable, and the most climate friendly, is nuclear power.

Off the table, for you!

But we can crap nuclear power plants like they're coming out of our butt for Bill Gates.

Trump Should Pardon ALL Jan. 6 Defendants?! | John Strand | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 240

Trump Should Pardon ALL Jan. 6 Defendants?! | John Strand | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 240

“You never forget your first time being on an FBI Most Wanted list,” says January 6 defendant John Strand. “The process is the punishment ... they punish you at every nook and cranny of the bureaucratic machine.” For what came down to four misdemeanors, John faced a year in prison, including four months in solitary confinement, where he was often denied his time outdoors, phone calls, or even a book to read. “It was so totalitarian,” John says. “I didn’t really expect justice.” He and Glenn discuss the Supreme Court ruling that shortened his 32-month prison sentence, the “uniparty attack on the American populist resistance,” and the aftermath of John’s “digital assassination.” The two consider whether or not government officials like Nancy Pelosi and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser “benefited by creating the conditions” that made January 6 possible. Did at least 26 FBI agents know what was coming that day? What about the pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC headquarters? The main question is what do we do now? John suggests that the January 6 prosecutions are legally “irredeemably tainted.” Will President-elect Donald Trump issue a blanket pardon?