Glenn: War with Russia IS possible, so we MUST prepare

The current proxy war with Russia could become President Biden’s biggest failure, Glenn says. And currently it has the potential to go horribly wrong. In this clip, Glenn details the latest news from Russia. He explains why — if Putin chooses to escalate against Ukraine — America COULD intervene. In today’s world, Glenn explains, EVERY scenario is possible, which is why you must know the facts and prepare for the worst outcome. And in the meantime, Glenn urges, please pray for our president and his staff, who could potentially make bad decisions if faced with major wartime decisions…


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I believe this war with Russia, this proxy war is going to end up being Biden's biggest failure, and largest criminal scandal in American history. And could possibly be the end of the western way of life, if everything goes wrong. God forbid. I want to talk to you about the game that we are playing in Washington. I plan on talking to you about that today. But if I have time, I will work it in, at this time. Because it is about what's happening with Zelinsky and Biden. And the Ukraine.

But as you may have heard, Aleksandr Dugin, a man who I have been warning this audience about forever. And thank you for listening. He is -- his daughter was killed. It was supposed to be an attack on him, and possibly him and his daughter. At the last minute, he decided to switch cars, and when they started the car, the car that now his daughter was in, blew up.

They are blaming America. In Russia, blaming America and Ukraine. I think that's nuts. But it very well may be. It could have come in from something in Russia. I think Russians have a much greater motivation to kill him, than anyone else. But I don't know. And we may never know, quite honestly.

I want to talk to you about what could possibly come. And why we need to be very careful, very prayerful, and prepared.

Zelinsky has warned now of a nastier phase of war, as Russia says Dugin, the bombing was a contract killing from Ukraine.

If Putin escalates this war, and I don't mean to the point of nuclear weapons. I mean escalates this war in any way where it is horrific, I believe we will respond. And I -- I -- I urge you to pray for the president, and those in power around him. Our president is -- at least has sundowners.

At least has sundowners. Is not of the top of the peak when it comes to being lucid. He is out of touch. He is isolated. I -- I don't think he's thinking clearly.

He has low approval ratings right now. Very low.

He has lived in a time where he has seen over and over again, a strong reaction, a no fooling around. No joking. I'm serious kind of reaction, to a war or to an enemy, has always made a president become very popular, at least over the short-term.

That's the world in which he comes from. He also has been wrong on every foreign policy decision, I can think of, over his entire career.

He has never been right. Those around him, and those advising him, also have a -- a special love for a war at this time, because it is the ultimate way to change the world. If you have war, you can change the world. And they're already doing it, and blaming everything on the war with Putin.

Imagine if we had a devastating war. That's how worlds change. That's how everything changes. With the Great Reset, that would work perfectly. One last thing, before I tell you what I believe could happen. Not only is he and the people around him, have all those lovely qualities, that would make it very dangerous. I gave a list of like ten things, about five years ago. And I put them up on a chalkboard. And I said, this has to happen. And I said, I can't tell you which order it will happen, but these things have to happen. In the last three years, every single one of those things has happened, except one. And that is global war. And I said, I know that this will be the last step. But all of these things have to happen, in whatever order they happen, and the last step will be global war. Because everybody will just want it to stop.

I am afraid that our president, will pick the worst of all of the scenarios. The Pentagon comes in, and this is happening. Something has really ratcheted. And the president reacts so overreacts, that we are looking at worst possible case scenarios. He decides, you know what, you're going to do that, I'm going to launch a tactical nuke. Now, normally, I would never say that could happen.

But in today's world, I don't say it can't happen ever. I don't even say, there's probably not a good chance of that happening. Unless it's a good thing.

I -- I urge you to humble yourself, to beg the Lord for forgiveness, on anything that we have done. Put yourself on his side. And beg him for protection on this country. I hope this isn't it. And I don't think it is. But I won't -- we won't know. But I have been saying for a very long time. The next war will be fought in such a way, that it will sneak up on you.

And will have an Archduke Ferdinand moment. And nobody knew who the Archduke Ferdinand was. And we went into World War I over it. Nobody in the world knows who Aleksandr Dugin is. I hope he is not the guy. And this isn't the reason. But you need to know who he is.

Because I think he's just become much stronger in Russia. And he's already strong, and strong in the rest of the world. And he is wildly dangerous. Let me -- let me give you one other piece.

I told you last week, about China. And what they're doing to our dollar. And replacing our dollar. Zelinsky has asked China to rebuild Ukraine, once it's all over. Now, why would our country give 60 balloon dollars only to have the country that is on the side of Ukraine -- or, I'm sorry. On the side of Russia, why would they ask them to rebuild it?

It doesn't make any sense.

Now, my hypothesis. And this is purely war gaming. This is -- everything I've told you in this last break. I have no information, other than, I can look at the landscape, and let's war game.

So why would Zelinsky ask China? Isn't that a slap in our president's face?

And in our face. Well, when you look at that gay marriage passed in Ukraine, at the height of the war. When they are still moving women and children across the border. We give them 60 million dollars' worth of -- 60 billion dollars' worth of stuff. And then all of a sudden, they call a session of all of their lawmakers together, public and politicians in Ukraine. Were against gay marriage. We give them 60 billion in the middle of a war. They come together, and say, we're going to work on gay marriage. And they pass a gay marriage bill. I'm sorry. What pressure did Samantha Power and USAID put -- I'm guessing that it was her. But who put the pressure on to get that done? What else have we attached to that money?

The destruction of the bio labs? The Biden connection to Burisma, and PrivatBank. The connection was the guy who started PrivatBank. And was the head of Burisma.

He's also the guy that got Zelinsky elected, who convinced him to run, and put all of the money for him to get elected.

And after we gave Zelinsky the money, the guy who was Joe Biden and Hunter Biden's connection there, one that Joe Biden had the State Department take off his no enter America stamp off his Visa. And allow him to come into America. That guy was just stripped of his citizenship.

Why? Why?

I heard last night, and I'm going to have more on this tomorrow, that much of the arms that we have sent over to Ukraine, lost. Don't know where they are.

Now, how is that possible? I hope that none of these things are true. And I hope that none of these things happen. But I always like -- this is me. You may be different. I always like to look at what might happen, and when people have said, we're going to destroy you. We're going to destroy America. And others are dirty, and they're not held accountable. Instead, they're given green lights and billions of dollars, I tend to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Pray for your country. And pray for guidance and peace.

EXCLUSIVE: Chip Roy Explains His FIERY Rejection of Spending Bill

EXCLUSIVE: Chip Roy Explains His FIERY Rejection of Spending Bill

According to the media, there’s a big fight going on between Republicans over the House’s new slimmed-down continuing resolution spending bill. Some, including President-elect Donald Trump, wanted the bill to pass. But others, like Texas Representative Chip Roy, argued that it still wasn’t ready. However, is the Republican “unity coalition” really crumbling, like the media claims? Rep. Chip Roy joins Glenn to explain what’s really going on. He argues that he IS trying to give Trump and DOGE a 100-day “runway” to fix the country. But he makes the case that, by increasing the debt ceiling by $5 trillion without agreeing on other cuts, this bill gives bad actors the ability to be an “obstacle” to Trump’s agenda further down the line. Plus, he reveals to Glenn that he believes some of these bad actors LEAKED false information about his stance to Mar-a-Lago.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors


I think we have a great opportunity today. To show you how to have a -- tough conversation, with friends, friends. Where you deeply disagree on something.

But you know that their intent is good. They know my intent is good. Or our intent is good.

And we actually have the same end goal, but we disagree on the path. And we're going to walk away friends.

Chip Roy is joining us today. And, Chip, I love you. And I always will. And I agree with your, we've got to cut spending. We have to. But Liz Wheeler is with me. And we've been talking about it all morning. It's the -- the -- the -- the system of DOGE and Trump, the call-out to the world, in saying, you've got to surrender the Capitol. You know, the bad guys are in and about to take all the money.

Surround, and tell them, come out with your hands up. And that happened. And we scored a massive win, in an entirely new way.

Ask then you stood on principle, one we both agree with.

And it failed!

And so here's -- here's what Liz and I were talking about. Here's what we want to say to you.

And then get your response.

LIZ: Hi, Congressman Roy, this is the way I see it. I want your take on it. I love you. I think you're one of the best members of Congress. I disagree with you on the process that's happening. And I think that is the difference. The process. We elected Donald Trump to be a disruptor. Because Republican members of Congress for decades have been telling they're fiscal conservatives. They want to decrease the debt SEAL. It hasn't happened.

It hasn't -- it hasn't been done. And so Donald Trump comes in with Elon Musk, and uses this DOGE process to first identify these pieces of garbage in the first 1500-page bill. And take those things to the people. We took them to members of Congress. Congress said, okay. We'll listen to you.

So that new process was very effective.

And my question to you is: Once that process was proved to be effective. Which I think is exciting and wonderful.

How do we bridge this divide, with you, to say, okay.

Let's put some faith in this new process. And trust Elon Musk and Donald Trump and the Dow Jones process, to eventually address the debt ceiling, but get this done right now?

GLENN: And not blind trust. Chip.

CHIP: So appreciate you guys. Appreciate being on the show. Particular order. I have to go through a couple of things.


CHIP: Number one, it's important to remember that my job and my duty is to the Constitution, to God, and the people I represent. I told them, when I came to Washington, I would not -- I would not let the credit card and the debt ceiling and the borrowing of the United States without the spending restraints necessary to offset it.

GLENN: Okay.

CHIP: Right now, all we have are promises and ideas and notions. What I know, that neither of you respectfully no, and that none of your listeners respectfully no are the people that are in the room, that I was in with yesterday. And the day before, who are recalcitrant.

And do not want to do the spending cuts that we need to do.

That I believe the president and the DOGE guys. And everybody want to do.

My job, is to force that through the meat grinder. To demand that we do our damn job. Okay?

GLENN: Okay. So hang on. Okay. So wait. Wait. You're right. You're right. You're right. Go ahead.

CHIP: Number thee, when we were going through the bill, I'm glad the bill dropped from 1,550 pages to 116 pages. Three-quarters of Twitter or X or whatever you want to call it, have been out there spreading false facts that we supported a bad bill and didn't like the better bill.

That's not true. But let's be Lear. The 1400 pages that were cut out. It's a panacea.

There were some good stuff in there. There were some bad stuff in there. There was a lot of disinformation.

There wasn't a $70,000 pay raise. There was a 3,000-dollar pay raise.

I didn't support any pay raise. I didn't support a lot of the stuff in there.

But there's a lot of misinformation. And here's the thing: The 116 pages that were left, and I opposed violently the first bill. I was leading the charge on fighting and killing the first bill.

GLENN: And I love you.

LIZ: The second bill for 116 pages. Turned off -- turned off the pay go requirement. That we slash 1.7 trillion automatically.

And added a 5 trillion that are increase.

My view was, I could not support that, without a clear understanding of what cuts we would get, in mandatory spending next year. And undo any of the Inflation Reduction Act.

The undoing of the student loans. The undoing of the crap with the food stamps.

And everything else. I yield back.

GLENN: Okay. I yield back.

Chip, you're not in a hostile room. We love you. And we agree with your end goals. It's our end goal too. We didn't make that promise that you made to the people that voted for you. So we have more wiggle room here.

But you say -- I think our big difference is, you say, I know the guys in the room.

You're right. You do. And we -- we ceded that earlier today on the show.

You are -- one of us is wrong on trust.

I don't trust any of the weasels in Washington.

But I think Donald Trump and Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy have earned enough trust, to get a grace period, here for the first -- maybe the first year.

Or at least six months.

To turn the economy around, and also reduce the size of the government.

And totally flip this thing.

And I know, as somebody who is -- you know, run a company, mainly into a ground. But run a company, and have to switch it, in the middle, and totally reshuffle. That -- that actually costs money, while you're doing it, to bridge the gap.

Because you have to fill up holes while you're filling in the gap.

You don't trust the people in the room. Neither do we.

But we do trust the system that worked on Wednesday with DOGE and Donald Trump.

Where do we disagree?

Can you give them --

CHIP: We don't disagree. And yesterday morning, I was making that precise argument in a room full of conservatives and then a follow-up room with people who will call it, less conservatives.

GLENN: Republican. Yes.

CHIP: And so we were making this argument. And then someone infamously. Something leaked out of the room, somehow out to Mar-a-Lago. That I was being resistant. Because I was negotiating trying to get the agreement to achieve the objective that you just said. I was trying to get, okay. In fact, yesterday morning, I made the argument to a group of conservatives. We need to give the president runway. We need to give him his first 100 days. We need to appreciate JD, and Vivek, and all the people -- and everybody involved. For the president to achieve the objective.

But to get there. We have to make sure that the guys in the room, that are an obstacle to that, don't have the ability to block it.

Because information flow matters. And when those guys tell the president, they can't achieve X.

Then the president will not achieve X. Our job was to force and demand, guys, we need actual understanding of what the cuts will be.

And because otherwise, we're asking us to accept a 5 trillion-dollar limit in our credit card increase. In exchange for nothing!

Literally, in exchange for nothing, but -- but hope.

So our job was to force that change.

Unfortunately, while I was trying to make the argument that we needed something in order to get the votes, someone leaked that down to Mar-a-Lago, and the president reacted.

But now I have to now manage that.

GLENN: Right. I know. I know.

CHIP: They're trying to enforce change in town.

GLENN: So hang on.

We have to leave this. Because I'm going to run against the clock.

I could talk to you all day about this. You were in a meeting this morning about J.D. Vance. Can you tell us anything about that meeting?

CHIP: That meeting happened, because despite what happened yesterday, I'm trying to get this done. Last night, talking to JD, we worked to get this meeting done. We had some good progress this morning.

But there still remains people concerned about spending. That we can work out, what agreement we can reach. On what spending cuts. We can actually get next year, in exchange for giving the vote on a debt ceiling increase.

So it remains fluid. Progress was made. But we have to keep working on it.

And I left that meeting to talk to you. Soil get an update in a minute.

GLENN: Thank you for that, by the way.

I hear there is a new bill that may be coming today.

Is that the one you're talking about?

Or is this another bill that could be another nightmare?

CHIP: Despite other people leaking crap, I refused. I can't say, because it's not been decided by the speaker.

And it's not right to talk about things they're talking about in private meetings.

GLENN: Yeah, but it's -- it's this speaker. I mean, is he really the speaker anymore, Chip, really?

CHIP: We need to hear what bill we need to get forward. And I can't talk about the private meetings. But, look, I'm going to keep fighting for what I promised people that I represent.

I'm going to fight to cut spending. I am going to represent article one.

I'm going to support the president's agenda, but we've got to do that together.

GLENN: Okay.

Chip, thank you.

I think we can -- I think we agree, but I await to see what that means to you. Because we may just have to agree to disagree on this.

But I love you. And I still want you to replace Cornyn.

CHIP: The short version is, for inflation's sake, we cannot increase the debt ceiling $5 trillion without knowing what we're getting for it.

And I don't think anybody should disagree with that.

GLENN: But you don't disagree that Elon Musk and Trump and Vivek are serious about gutting the system.

CHIP: I believe that is their objective. I believe there are obstacles to that objective. And I need to know the sincerity of how we deal with those obstacles, both structural, and human. And we have to figure that out. And that's my job.