Glenn Beck’s Message to Liberals After the Trump Assassination Attempt

Glenn Beck’s Message to Liberals After the Trump Assassination Attempt

In the wake of the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump and the media’s turning on President Biden, Glenn extends a hand to those who think differently from him. Have you noticed the media’s narratives turn on a dime? Do you want the madness to end? Well, you’re not alone. But in order to become a truly united country once again, we need to define a few things first: Everyone is claiming the other side is fascist and wants to destroy America. So, what is fascism? Is Trump a fascist? Is America a democracy? Glenn answers these questions and more …


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I want to welcome you.

Especially, if you think differently. Welcome to you. Perhaps, perhaps you have been somebody who has been following the mainstream media. Or has tuned it all out, until recently. Because it's just all bad news.

It's all the same.

Well, it's not.

I mean, yes. I know. Crazy stuff is happening in our world. But I'm glad you're here.

Thank you. It's hard to step out. Isn't it?

It's hard to step out of the crowd, and think differently. Especially in today's world. To risk thinking anew, is really, really difficult.

Or to question with boldness, as Thomas Jefferson said. Question with boldness. Even the very existence of God. For if there be a God, he must surely honest questioning over blindfolded fear.

It's essential.

But honest questioning is not really done in today's world.

Honest questioning is replaced with good questioning even in our own lives. We don't really talk to one another. We don't listen to one another. We're trying to get to our point. We're trying to win. And that's not honest questioning.

Honest questioning, means the kind of questions, that if the answers lead your feet. Your head. Or your heart into a different direction, you'll have the courage to follow that direction.

Nobody is looking to do that. Nobody is really looking to learn anything new. I am.

If you're here, I think you are too. It's hard. Especially in today's society.

But you're here for a reason. You're listening today for a reason. And we have a lot to share with one another.

You may disagree if you're a new listener to much of what I'm about to say.

But that's all right.

We're taught not to listen. We're taught that, you know, you can't disagree. Yes, you can.

Yes, you can.

In fact, it's essential. It's essential. Opposition in all things. But if you're listening for the first time today, I would like you to do something that you're not encouraged to do on either side. And that is, give me, as I give you, the benefit of the doubt. Assume that you and I have something really basic in common. That we just want madness to end.

We want to be able to feed our family. We want good jobs. We want other people to be successful. We want people to pay their fair share. If you will.

We want justice to be served. We want bad guys, no matter which side they're on, to go to jail. We want our children to have a good life, and a better life than us. We want good education for our kids. And what's good for my kids, isn't necessarily good for your kids.

But I want good stuff for your kids as well.

That we want strong families, and a strong country.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and please give me the benefit of the doubt. That we love our country. That we recognize that we've made a ton of mistakes.

But we basically want the same things for our family. And if that's the way you are, and you have found that there's just nobody you can trust. I agree with you.

And I don't ask for your trust. I don't want your trust. I don't ask for it. And I don't want it.

I'm a human. And I make mistakes all the time. I try to lead with my mistakes. If I make one, I try to let you know.

Right up front. You know what I said yesterday, was wrong. Or I thought this through. Or somebody said something to me. And I think differently on it.

And I'll lead with my mistakes.
Because I don't want you to trust me. I want you to do the same. I want you to question everything that I say.

And then look it up for yourself.

But that takes a lot of work. But you're among friends if you're listening.

I'm glad you're here. If we're going to start a new relationship, however, we need to talk about definitions. Of things.

We need to be able to discuss certain things, and know what we mean. And right now, the world is concerned with fascism.

Donald Trump -- somebody tried to kill him over the weekend, because that person has been convinced that he's a fascist.

So let's start with the definition of fascism. Shall we?

I -- look this up for your benefit today.

And it seems as though, some of the definitions have changed, recently in the dictionaries.

But let me just read what they now say fascism is.

Because I -- in reading them, I can see why you might think Donald Trump say fascist.

Here's the encyclopedia Britannica. Fascism is a political ideology and a mass movement, dominated by many parts of Central, Southern, Eastern Europe between 1919, 1945. Although, fascist parties and movement differed significantly from one another.

They had many characteristics in common. Including extreme militaristic nationalism.

Now, this is an easy way for people to say, oh, well. Donald Trump is a fascist. Because he wants a strong military.

Yes. But it's also another thing to say, you're -- you're only left alone, if two things happen.

One, you have the strength and nobody wants to hit you.

Because they know you'll hit back. And probably hit back harder. So you have to be the tough guy on the playground.

However, tough guys are the -- become fascistic. We don't want to be the tough guy anymore. And that's what makes Donald Trump different than most conservatives. Donald Trump hates war. And hates the conflict of war.

He always has. In fact, that's why he separated from so many people on the -- on the right for so long. But luckily, many of us have woken up. And realized, these war never end. They're ridiculous to fight.

We always seem to lose in the end, one way or another. Because it's not our responsibility to go in and tell other people how to live.

That's not fascistic. I just think that's right. They also -- fascists, according to encyclopedia Britannica, they have contempt for the electoral democracy. Contempt for the electoral democracy. Well, I know we've been having a discussion recently about what a democracy is. Are we a democracy, or are we a republic?

And you can do your own homework on this. The Founders were very clear. In fact, Ben Franklin was walked down the street after the constitutional convention, and some woman said to him, well, Mr. Franklin, what have you given us?

And he said, a republic, if you can keep it.

Now, this has been something that we all understood, up until Woodrow Wilson started changing things.

Democracies last revery -- a short period of time. But our Constitution is coming up on its 250th anniversary. The average Constitution lasts 17 years.

That's the average in the world. Seventeen years.

We're coming up on 250 years.

Why? Because we have balanced democracy, with a republic. So you have the one man, one vote. And you vote in a representative. Once you are done voting. Then they begin to vote, on your behalf.

That's where it's gotten screwed up. Because we're not electing good people.

And honest people, and people with our own values. And also, it's screwed up, because we can't trust our vote.

And if you can't trust your vote, well, you don't have any. You don't have a democracy. You don't have a republic. You have nothing.

This is why the Republicans have been saying, that we need paper ballots, we need to have ID. And this is not something that fascists do.

This is something that they do at your 7-Eleven, if you try to buy a beer. This is something you have to have, if you're driving a car. This is something you have to have, if you're going to college. Or you're going to work in many places.

You need to have an ID. That's not racist. This isn't 1841. The government wants you to some sort of vaccine ID. Well, isn't that racist, then?

How could you be for a vaccine, to let you into buildings, if you have had the vaccine, and keep you out of buildings, if you haven't had the vaccine.

How could you have something so personal to you, be a requirement, is what the Biden administration wanted, to be in a requirement.

But you don't want people to have any form of ID, to show that they're a citizen, and they're a registered voter?


That's not fascism. And that is not a democracy.

That's just corruption. The other thing they have, in -- in the encyclopedia Britannica. It's a belief. Fascism is a belief in a natural, social hierarchy. And the rule of elites.

Now, this is something that I used to disagree with. On -- vehemently for a long time.

With -- with liberals.

They used to say, oh, well. These corporations. They're going to take over the world. And they're so powerful.

You know what, you're right.

I never thought a corporation, in my lifetime. I'm 60.

But in my lifetime, I never thought a corporation could be as powerful as the government.

Or could be so corrupt and so controlling, before AI. Before Google. They didn't have that power.

But they have that power now.

So it's a ruling of elites, if you didn't go to the right college. You're not an elite. If you didn't go to the right -- if you don't hold the right opinion, you're not an elite. You're an idiot. And we only listen to the elites.

So there's a belief if fascism, on a natural, social hierarchy. And the rule of elites. And the desire to create the people's community.

Now, this is where it gets interesting. Because this is where Donald Trump and his nationalism, as they would call it. I would call it love of country.

Always gets in trouble, from the left. They think that that is -- he wants to have the people's community. He's trying to be like Germany. And we're the best.

And we're the best race and everything petroleums we're not. We're not.

What makes us different is our heritage, for the most part. And this is changing.

And unfortunately, changing far too rapidly, to be able to pass these good characteristics on.

This society came here, from all over the world. So how could we possibly be anti-immigrant?

We came here from all over the world.

But those who self-selected to come here, they conquered. Have you watched a Western?

Have you watched a cowboy movie? Have you watched 1892? Have you watched the Magnificent Seven, even the new one? Have you watched any of these things? Have you seen Horizon, the new Kevin Costner film?

These people were insane. I have a grandmother who lost an eye, crossing the mountains. She just like yanked it out, and was like, keep moving. I mean, these people were nuts.

That's what made us. That's what makes us the different. Is that our heritage is one of explorers, of risk takers. That's why we're good entrepreneurs.

But in Germany, with fascism, and in Italy, it meant that the individual interest would be subordinated to the good of the nation. So the individual didn't matter. It was the collective, that mattered.

That's a key sign of fascism. I have more on this. But I also want to get to the news of the day. Because yesterday was an amazing thing, with Donald Trump.

There was a -- there was a difference in him. And we'll talk about that coming up in just a second. First, let me tell you about our sponsor. It's Now, this is my company.

And if buying or selling a home, isn't one of the most difficult decisions that you've made. Well, I think you should rethink that.

There's a whole host of huge decisions, all rolled up into that one.

Now, here's the scary part. Almost all of them are your decisions.

How much money do you put into repairs, before having the house appraised. How do you do the repairs? Or who do you get for the appraisal?

Who is taking the pictures? There's so many things that a great real estate agent can help you with.

In fact, should take the lead on. You need a really competent real estate agent. One you can trust.
When you trust your agent. You can also trust the people, he or she trusts. The inspectors. The appraisers.

The home repair contractors. The photographers. The list goes on and on and on. The name says it all. If you're looking for a real estate agent, let us help you find one. Ten-second station ID.
All right. Welcome back to the program. You know, before we move on. I just -- I want to emphasize two things on fascism. Because we are having this argument, each side is looking at the other side, going. You're going to destroy the rights of people.

And it's important that we really understand, before we start throwing terms around, that we understand what those terms mean.

Fascism prioritizes the nation over the individual. And that's what spooks people, even me.

When people start to get nationalistic. If there are conservatives. And there are. That say, you know, we need a -- we need a prince of Christ to think in, and be our -- be our leader.

No. No. We really don't. We really don't. We don't need a religious leader.

We need somebody of good, moral standing. That would be nice. Have you found one lately?

But we don't need a vicar of Christ. What we need is somebody who reflects the best of us. I used to say, reflect us.

But that's not really good. Because there's -- moral sentiments actually matter. And you don't prioritize the nation over the people. However, the nation is important. Without a nation to protect your family, you can't have a family.

So we need to make sure that we have a strong family. And I'm sorry. A strong nation. With strong currency. Because if the currency goes down, you don't really have a job where you can make any money. You might have plenty of money. But nothing your money could buy. Because it's worthless.

So prioritize the nation. Not over the individual rights.

But to make sure that the nation is strong and healthy. And safe.

And we're doing none of that.

Did Hunter Biden CUT A DEAL for his guilty plea?

Did Hunter Biden CUT A DEAL for his guilty plea?

Hunter Biden has entered a guilty plea in his federal tax case, claiming that he doesn’t want to cause his family any more stress. But Glenn isn’t buying it. Why would Hunter suddenly plead guilty — after his Alford plea was rejected — and face jail time? What would have come out during his trial that the Biden family wants to hide? What are the odds that he cut a deal with his father, Joe Biden, that either he or Kamala Harris would pardon him? And how many times do the media and Democrats have to lie to you?! They spent years insisting that Hunter Biden was innocent and that his laptop was fake. Their lies drove families apart! And now, will anyone face consequences?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Hunter Biden's trial in California, ended were it started yesterday.

Because he was charged with nine tax charges.

And he was facing, you know, a long, long time at prison. And he decided, you know what, let's just cut to the chase. I did it, your honor. And he said, you know, after, you know, after the last five years. Where I've really sobered up.

I realized that I have to make amends. And so I'm just going to -- I'm just going to tell you that I did it.

The judge said, wait. Wait. Wait.

So you're agreeing that you committed every element of every crime. Yes. Yes, your honor. I do.

Because I really feel I have learned my lesson, and I should pay for my crimes. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

So after five years, of denying all of this. Putting us through this horrendous ordeal, the first time it comes out yesterday and says, yeah. Yeah, I did it.

What? Hang on. What's his name?

Who is this? Who is this?


STU: Hi. Hello.

GLENN: Yes. Hello.

STU: Glenn. Yes. Alan Newman.

GLENN: Alan Newman, hi. How are you?

STU: Heard the attorneys first talking about the story, and wanted to contribute to the conversation. Make sure they got the facts accurately. You seem to be skeptical of what went on yesterday.

GLENN: Well, it seems kind of odd, that, you know, he spent five years saying, he didn't do any of these things.

And then he goes to trial.

And he says, all right. All right. I did it.

STU: Yes.

Yes. He -- well, he's guilty of these crimes.

And he wants to take response...

GLENN: He what? Hello.

STU: He wants to take responsibility for his actions.

GLENN: Are you -- are you okay?

STU: Hunter Biden has spent his entire adult years trying to make good for the things that he did.

And he's now in a time in his life, season, where he's able to do that.

And we just think it's a wonderful thing to...

GLENN: Wait a minute. Hold on just a second. What are you laughing about?

STU: Look, it's -- we wanted to make sure the legal system was created with the respect of --

GLENN: Are you all right? Are you all right?

STU: The American people deserve the truth.

GLENN: So this -- so this -- so this is all on the up and up. He feels really, really bad.

STU: Hunter has had a --

GLENN: Hello.

STU: Biden is a loving father.

GLENN: And this -- and this -- hang on just a second. I'm talked to Hunter Biden's attorney.

In case you haven't learned, he suddenly decided he was guilty of all charges. This doesn't have anything to do with him just counting on his dad or Kamala to -- to pardon him, does it?

STU: Oh. Absolutely not, again.

We've never even considered.

GLENN: All right. All right. We -- we -- we thank Hunter Biden's attorney for joining us on today's program.

No, no, no. I mean, I don't think that's a problem. Hang up the phone.
All right. So -- so we've wasted all of this money. All of this time. How many times do they have to, really, honestly, lie to you?

How many times do they have to lie to you?

He didn't do any of those tax crimes. He was absolutely innocent. The laptop wasn't real. He wasn't working for the Chinese. Oh. The Dad had no idea.

Nobody in the family was enriching themselves. How many times does this administration -- does Kamala Harris and the Democrats and the media, how many times do they need to lie to America? Look them dead in the eye and lie to them, before they wake up? How many millions of dollars have we wasted? How much airtime has been wasted?

How many -- how many families have been driven apart, because of these lies?

And now, spit in your face. Oh, yeah. I did them.

Second spit in your face. And I'm not going to pay for it.

I'm going to get away with it.

I'm going to go to prison for a very long time. It's not just the lies. It's the fact that they -- they just think you're this stupid. You would never allow a friend to do this to you. You would certainly never let a guardian do this to you.

You would never let an employee do this to you. Why do you allow this to continue to happen?

Why America, why?

Do you know what they're doing right now?

They're Trump proofing the DOJ. This is a story from John Solomon and Just the News.

They're hiring, using a hiring authority, that is outside of the normal competitive process for hiring career officials. Normally to be hired is a career civil service job.

You have to list it in Then they have several candidate. They go through them. They go through a competitive process, to choose these people.

Then the DOJ hires from that. But the DOJ uses a process outside of that. The noncompetitive process.

And they're hiring hundreds of attorneys, into areas that will be vital to protecting the Biden-Harris administration policies from a Trump administration or another future administration.

So what they've done, is they've taken everything that they wanted, and they are codifying it now. By putting attorneys all around it, that Trump cannot fire. I've got to tell you, if Trump gets in, I really want him to utter these words. Just -- just for me. It may not make a difference for anybody else. But just for me.

I really want him to say, I've dealt in real estate my entire life. So I'm pretty good at speculating housing prices and what's going to be a value and what's not.

You know that 5 million-dollar house that you have in the Washington area?

It's going to be worth dog crap very soon, because I am firing so many people. Housing is going to be plentiful, in the Tristate area.

Jeez! He's going to have to fire so many people, and they're going to fight. And they're going to say, oh, this is Draconian. I love that word. Because I use it every day.

Don't you use Draconian, Stu. Almost every day, in your everyday life.

STU: Absolutely, again. I make sure I use it five, ten minutes a day.

GLENN: It's Draconian. It's Draconian. You mean like Dracula?

They're already sucking the blood out of our neck.

What are you talking about? Anyway, so we have that to look forward to.

By the way, a top Department of Justice spokesperson, in New York, was caught on a hidden camera. Ripping Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney. You know, the one that went after Donald Trump.

Now, this is the chief spokesperson, for the southern part of New York. This is -- this is New York City.

Chief spokesperson for the Justice Department. And the Manhattan US attorney's office.

Okay. He was, you know, trying to, I don't know. Romance a woman and impress a woman, he says.

And he said, I've got to tell you, this case, that Bragg brought up. It's nonsense. It's nonsense. He said, he had known Bragg for 15 years. Previously worked for him. Described the unprecedented hush money case against Trump, as a perversion of justice.

Listen to the bit of this tape from Steven Crowder's people.

I don't have the cuts in front of me. Just play the -- just play the cuts of the district attorney.

Or the -- the spokesperson.

STU: I think they're a little mystified as to which clips you're looking for.

GLENN: Yeah. I'm sorry. We have a advertise connect between the meetings sometimes, and the show. Sorry about that.

So he goes on, and he says, you know, this case is nonsense. This is a perversion of justice.

Then he goes on to say. You, you know, he just wants to be something.

I don't know.

A mayor. I'm not sure what he wants to be.

But I know he's just not happy being the mayor of New York county.

Before he decided to prosecute Trump, did you know who he was?

Well, you do now.

So he said, wait a minute. Hang on. Hang on just a second.

Do we have his attorney on the phone.

We have his attorney on the phone.

Because what he said was, he didn't he was just trying to impress a girl. And it was -- it was not -- it was nothing that -- hello.

Who is this?

STU: Hi, Glenn, Alan Newman.

GLENN: Alan, you're back.

STU: Yes. As you mentioned, just trying to impress a girl. And that -- that's all.

GLENN: So when he said, it's a perversion of justice.

STU: Perversion of -- I came up with that one, yeah.

GLENN: You -- he didn't mean that. He was just trying to impress a girl.

STU: Well, he meant it, but, well, he -- well, he was trying to impress -- we've all said things to the ladies.

GLENN: Well, we've never --

STU: Glenn, sometimes -- every once in a while, we've all stepped up.


He said, at the federal level, I work, there's a 90-day rule, where you can't make any decisions on cases that are going to affect an election, within 90 days of the election. But the rule does not apply at the state level. Because the state level, it's like the F-ing Wild West. They're like idiots. They don't care. They're all political.

To put it mildly, it's a mockery of I couldn't wait. This whole thing is disgusting. They're just out to get Trump.

STU: Glenn, it's -- it's a travesty.

GLENN: It's a travesty.

STU: It's a sham. It's a mockery.

GLENN: It's a --

STU: It's a travashamockery.

GLENN: Okay.

Well, he apparently is pack in the good graces of everybody. Because he said, I regretful made some statements in private, in a social setting. That don't affect my views about two local and state prosecutions. So I guess it's all right.

STU: Yeah. They don't reflect their views at all.

GLENN: Okay. Thank you very much, Mr. Newman.

GLENN: Wow. Wow. Wow.

Stu, you weren't around there, strangely for those two phone calls from the attorneys. I don't think there's -- I don't think there's -- I don't think they're spitting in the face of the American public. Do you?

STU: Not at all. No.

This is exactly how justice is supposed to play out.

Especially the way that -- the Hunter Biden one is such a great example of it. It certainly appears, Glenn. That Hunter Biden tried to come in.

He tried to plead. What was it? An Alford plea.

I didn't even recognize the term. It was basically to say, to say you're guilty, without admitting guilt.

Which, I don't know why it's a thing. But that's a thing.

They tried to negotiate that. They said, we're not going to accept that type of plea. Give us a half an hour. And then they just came back, he's just entirely guilty and totally fine with it. Every single thing in my mind. He got a call from daddy.

He called his dad. His dad said, all right. Just plead guilty.

And the second we get past this election, I'll pardon you.

GLENN: And that's absolutely going to happen.

And I remember when Ford did that with Nixon. And, oh, man. Everybody was pissed off. My dad who actually said, you know, Nixon does the same thing that everybody else does. They just got him, because he's a Republican.

I don't know if that's true.

It just didn't feel right to me.

Maybe it is. Now with some of the stuff that we know.

But still, he was pissed at Ford. He was for Nixon.

And he was pissed at Ford. He's like, that was a dirty deal.

That was a deal made, to get him out of the office.

And it was. And the same deal has been made, if, you know, should I die in office. Kamala, you have to pardon every member of my family.

And me.

And if I'm still in office, before I leave, I'm going to pardon everybody in my family.

It is a perversion of justice.

Why would you have to pardon your family, if you didn't do anything the whole time?

This whole time, do you know how much money and energy has been spent?

Do you know how many people have destroyed. Have their reputations destroyed.

Because you said, the laptop wasn't real.

Because you said, none of these charges are real.

You -- you had 50 former CIA and intelligence officials, lie and say this was a Russian operative. A Russian op.

And you threw the election. Trump would have won, according to all polls, had people believed the laptop.

He would have won. So you lied, you cheated. You stole. Then you lied again, to the American people.

You employed 56 people, from the CIA, and intelligence, who we no longer believe anymore. You destroyed the credibility of anybody in intelligence.

Then you had us spend millions of on this. You tore families apart, arguing back and forth, the laptop is not real. You're a conspiracy theorist. All of that stuff.

All of the damage done to our families. All of the damage done to reputations.

All of the money that has been spent. And now you spit in our face and say, yeah. Yeah. I did it.

I did it. And I really -- I'm really, really sorry about it. How dare you. How dare you.
Damn, America!

Wake up.

FACT CHECK: Are Illegal Immigrants Voting in Our Elections? | Glenn TV | Ep 375

FACT CHECK: Are Illegal Immigrants Voting in Our Elections? | Glenn TV | Ep 375

Americans are finally starting the feel the impact of unchecked immigration under the Biden-Harris administration. Venezuelan gangs are terrorizing communities. Illegal immigrants in New York City now account for 75% of arrests in Midtown Manhattan. This isn’t by accident. It’s a globalist plan to overwhelm and collapse our country. Glenn Beck saw this coming back during the Arab Spring. He predicted how the movement would see Islamists, anarchists, Marxists, and progressives all working together. It would cascade throughout Europe and eventually to the United States. Now, in the middle of this chaos, there are two issues that citizens in every Western country — including ours — are being censored over: immigration and elections. Glenn connects the dots and does a deep dive on the data to answer: Are illegal immigrants voting in our elections? And if so, are the numbers meaningful enough to actually choose the next candidate? The numbers in the swing states are shocking! Some of the best work that exposes the White House’s master plan on illegal immigration has been produced by Mike Howell at the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project. He joins Glenn to separate fact from fiction on how widespread illegal voting by noncitizens really is and explains why Democrats in Congress really don’t want to pass the SAVE Act. “They’re lying to you. ... Illegal voting is a largely unpoliced matter by design.”

WARNING: The Feds could SEIZE your private land under THIS act

WARNING: The Feds could SEIZE your private land under THIS act

There’s a new law in the works that would drastically harm Americans’ ability to own land. Called the SUSTAINS Act, it would give the USDA the power to monitor “natural processes” and decide who owns “environmental services.” Glenn breaks down what that means: “They are claiming the processes that are on your land. You may not own the air, the trees, the water … nothing! What is your land worth without water?” Glenn also reviews how Kamala Harris' plan to tax investment income could further hurt the economy.

But it’s not too late to STOP this. You can submit public input on the SUSTAINS Act until Sept. 16, 2024, HERE:


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I don't trust anybody anymore.

But I will tell you, we have no country left. I mean, let's just give you some of the headlines from today.

Harris calls for higher taxes, on investment income.

Now, what is that going to do, Stu. Just noodle this with me. She's giving more taxes on investment income.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: What do you think that is.

STU: Some would say, when you tax something, you discourage it. So if you're taxing investments, you're discouraging investments in American companies.

GLENN: Right. Right.

Yeah. But she says, she's only going to be taxing people who have a million dollars or more.

STU: She can say that all she wants. She's lying though.

GLENN: Yeah. I know.

But she's also, just so you know, she's only going after the people who have money to invest.

She's not going to go after the poor people on the investment thing.

STU: Good. Really?

She's not going to hit the people in massive debt with no income on their massive 401(k)s.

GLENN: Right. No. They're not going to.

Great story about workers feeling Bidenomic's pain as job creators fear the worse for Kamala. And this is what -- you know, this is what's happening. If you think your employer is going to be like, you know what, I'm going to add jobs. If Kamala gets in, you're out of your mind.

They're all going to batten down the hatches. By the way, job openings fell more than expected in I couldn't like. Which is huh.

What does that even mean? Hmm?

US Steel shares plunge as Biden/Harris prepare to block Nippon Steel takeover. People familiar with the matter told the Washington Post that President Joe Biden is preparing to announce that he will block the $14.9 billion deal. US shares have fallen now 41 percent this year.

Kamala Harris, the presidential nominee said, US Steel should remain American-owned at American operated. That was during a campaign event in Pittsburgh.

STU: What do you --

GLENN: Well, that would be good. That would be good. I would love that. Is anybody offering that to US Steel?

STU: Not according to US Steel. Which is kind of the issue. Which they say.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah.

STU: And I'm interested in your thoughts on this. Because it's not China. It's not Russia. This is an ally, a close ally, Japan, who is trying to purchase US Steel. Obviously US Steel being like this iconic company, makes us feel weird.

Has the word US. United States in it.

Their point is like, we are screwed without this deal. We're leaving Pittsburgh. We're firing a bunch of people.

A lot of union jobs go away, if you do not let us go through with this deal. And I can kind of -- I kind of have some understanding of like why you would be hesitant to want US Steel to go into foreign hands.

It kind of makes sense to me.

GLENN: No. I don't think it should.

You have to -- as a country, you can recommend against it.

But do you have a plan to save it?

I mean, do you have a plan?

What is the plan?

No. We're not going to approve that deal. Okay.

Are you working on anything that maybe you get some Americans to pool their money together. And think, you know what, we think this is important.

US Steel. This is critical infrastructure, if we can't make steel in the United States, we're screwed. But don't worry about it. She's got everything under control. And you're not going to have to worry about cars or tractors or things like that.

Because we're all going to be living in 15-minute cities. And if you don't believe me, that you will own nothing. And you will be happy about it. Let me just share this.

The -- who owns the environmental services?

USDA now is monetizing natural processes, under the Sustains Act. So the Sustains Act, we told you about a couple of weeks ago -- we told you, that you had to speak out against this and stop it.

It doesn't look like it's going to be stopped. But there's a free market now, on environmental processes. So, in other words, one environmental process is trees breathe in, carbon dioxide. And they breathe out, air. Okay?

So they take the pollution, and breathe it in.

And then they give us, what we need to live, as they breathe out.

It's kind of a weird thing. I haven't heard anybody talk about that for a long, long time now.

But that's how they survive, and thrive.

But now, for instance. I've planted in the last ten years.

I can't count the number of trees, that I have planted up in a treeless area.

And I may not own those trees now.

If the USDA has their way. And this is already passed. They're just looking at how to implement it.

The secretary is allowed to -- to go in and say, you know what, these trees are really important. That water. You're pumping that water out of your well.

Well, that's not your water. That's part of the environmental process. And we don't think you should pump any of that water.

They will -- well, I can't say this. They will regulate. But they won't own.

They are claiming the processes that are on your land. So you may not own the air. You may not own the tree.

You may not own the water. Nothing.

What is your land worth? Without water.

Especially in the West. What is your land worth without water farmers. What is your land worth, when you can't till the soil yourself, because the minerals and the -- the soil is not really owned by you.

You own the space. But you don't own anything other than -- maybe -- maybe your house, if it's already built.

Who owns that? Well, people like Bill Gates will own that. Bill Cosby will come in and say, I just want to save the planet. So I will just buy up all of this farmland. And I will buy the air. And I will buy the trees. And I am going to buy everything.

So that way, when somebody wants to farm on it, like these farmers that have been farming on it for generations, I can tell them no.

No. Because it will hurt the environment.

And all of this is done, by the Secretary of the USDA. I don't even know who that is.

Do you?

This is why our government is out of control.

Who is to answer for this?

It's all at the Secretary's discretion.

No, thank you. (no, thank you. So the Department of Agriculture and USDA, they have administered the program. And the Secretary -- can you look up the Secretary of Agriculture, Stu, because I don't know who that is. I would like to know what brainiac we have put in on that. But I'm sure they're smarter than all of that put together.

STU: A name from the past. Secretary Tom Vilsack. Remember him?

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: Former senator --

GLENN: Oh, my gosh. I don't know why I remember him. But I do remember him. Yeah. Good. So we have a senator. You know, and senators know so much about farming and land.

You know, and trees. And all of that.

I think that's -- I think that's fantastic. So the new law sets out how the secretary is to determine ownership of the environmental services that are created on private land. Through the federal conservation ram. Contributing entity, the one who contributes the private funding to the conservation program. Is to prescribe the terms of the environmental services. Subject to the approval of the Secretary.

So that's great. That's great.

The landowner really doesn't have anything to say about it.

So don't worry about it. Don't worry about it.

You can live in a city, a 15-minute city. And you're not really going to have a job. Because you don't have to really have a job because you won't own anything. You will just rent it from your overlords. If you think this sounds like hyperbole, read the news!

Read the news. You can get our -- our daily newsletter, which has just the news stories of the day.

And you can find these, and share them with your friends and family.

What do you mean they're monetizing the natural processes under the Sustains Act? This is a way for them to take control of the land, through private/public partnerships. So the public owns the land.

Well, I shouldn't say that. I mean, it's still a private person.

But he's, you know, part of the public.

So he owns the land. And he partners with the government. To control it.

And I think that is exactly the direction we all want to go in. I really don't understand how people -- you know, I understood when it was my word, saying, you know, I feel like this is what's happening.

We're so far beyond that.

When I came out with the book, on the WEF.

And was starting to tell you about how you were going to, you know, own nothing, and be happy.

I could even understand, that you would say, well, that's what all the documents say. But they're not going to do it.

I can't understand your burying your head in the sand, anymore.

There's no excuse for it, anymore.

This is not my opinion. You can do your own homework.

You'll find all of this, being done, not talked about.

But being done.

What else are you waiting for?

What else are your friends and your family and your neighbors waiting for?

We have to start talking to our friends and our family, not about politics.

Not about Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. We need to start talking to them about principles, and the things that are actually happening.

These things are actually happening. The economy is going to the crapper. The -- the jobs going to the crapper.

If they believed in all of these things, why wouldn't they do them right now?

Because they don't believe in turning the economy around.

They don't know how to do it.

And what they're going to do, is put you all back in chains. You will work for the government, how the government wants you to work, where they want you to work.

Where they want to you live. You will own nothing!

By 2030. This election, takes us to 2028. Do you think maybe this is an important election?

Why exposing Epstein List would be Trump's MOST DANGEROUS move

Why exposing Epstein List would be Trump's MOST DANGEROUS move

During an interview on the Lex Friedman Podcast, Donald Trump hinted that he would release the Epstein client list if he wins the White House. But would that be the final straw for global elites? Glenn explains why he believes Trump’s life is in danger: the global cabal was blindsided once. They can’t let him win again, especially if he’ll expose everything. And Glenn isn’t the only one who believes this. He reviews a clip of Eric Weinstein, who recently made the same argument on the podcast Modern Wisdom.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Did you hear Eric Weinstein?

What the podcast he was on. Modern wisdom?

STU: I didn't hear the clip. I was reading about it, though.

GLENN: Okay. You really. This is a good podcast you should probably listen to. A lot of wisdom there. A lot of wisdom.

And it's kind of what we've been saying for a while now.

But I don't know. Eric says it, and it just seems much, much smarter.

It's kind of like, Eric is much, much smarter.

But if he had an English accent, it would be game over.

Everybody would listen to everything he has to say.

So here he is, on Donald Trump. Listen.

VOICE: I don't know whether -- I don't know whether Donald Trump will be allowed to become president.

VOICE: What do you mean by that?

VOICE: I think that there's a remarkable story, and we're in a funny game, which is, are we allowed to say, what that story is?

Because to say it, to analyze it, to say it, is to bring it into view.

I think we don't understand why the censorship is behaving the way it is. We don't understand why it's in the shadows. We don't understand why the news is acting in a bizarre fashion.

So let's just set the stage, believing that was in in February.

There is something that I think Mike Benz is just referred to as the rules-based international order. It's an interlocking series of agreements, tests, and understandings. Explicit understandings.

Clandestine understandings.

About how the most important structures keep the world free of war. And keep markets open.

And there has been a system in place, whether understood explicitly, or behind the scenes, or implicitly. That says, that the purpose of the two American parties, is to prune, the field of populist candidates. So that whatever two candidates, exist in a face-off, are both acceptable to that world order.

So what you're trying to do, from the point of view.

Let's take it from the point of view of, let's say, the State Department, the Intelligence Community, the Defense Department, and major corporations that are -- have to do with international issues, from arms trade to, oh, I don't know, food. They have a series of agreements that are fragile and could be overturned, if a president, entered the Oval Office, who didn't agree with them. And the mood of the country was, why do we pay taxes into these structures?

Why are we hamstrung?

Why aren't we a free people?

So what the two parties would do is they would run primaries. You would have populist candidates, and you would pre-commit the populist candidates to support the candidates who won the primaries. As long as that took place, and you had two candidates that were both acceptable to the international order. That is, they aren't going to rethink NAFTA or NATO or what have you.

We called that democracy. So democracy was the illusion of choice.

What's called magicians choice. Where the choice is -- pick a card. Any card. The magician makes sure the card that you pick, is the one that he knows.

In that situation, you have magician's choice in the primaries. Then you would have the duopoly. Two candidates. Either of which was acceptable. And you could actually afford to hold an election.

And the populace would vote. And that way, the international order wasn't put at risk every four years. Because you can't have alliances, that are subject to the whim of the people in plebiscites. So under that structure, everything was going fine until 2016.

Then the first candidate ever to not hold any position in the military. Or position in government.

In the history of the Republican Party. Or Donald Trump. Broke through the primary structure.

This was a full-court press. Okay. We only have one candidate acceptable to the international order. Donald Trump will be under constant pressure, that he's a loser. He's a wild man. He's an idiot.

And he's under the control of the Russians. And then he was going to be a 20 to one underdog. And then he wins.

And there was no precedent for this. They learned their lesson you cannot afford to have candidates, who are not acceptable to the international order. And continue to have these alliances. This is an unsolved problem.

GLENN: Now. I've been saying for a long time, they're going to kill him.

Because it upsets their plans, and he's the one standing in the way, because he won't play their game. Now, Eric may have expressed this -- expressed this, in a more understandable way. But he's absolutely right.

100 percent right.

And that's why honestly, they're playing the game in the Democratic Party.

Where you didn't get a choice. You didn't have a primary.

You didn't have a primary.

And that's because the president is going to run. But the president can't run. So now, you didn't have a primary, and you have the most unpopular candidate. Ever!

She's never been, she was never popular. She wasn't popular just two months ago.

But now, oh, my gosh, she's hung the moon and the stars.

And we don't know anything about what she plans on doing. Okay.

All right. But she won't upset the international order.

She won't upset the -- the plans, that places like the WEF, and the United Nations. And now all of the western leadership, has come up with.

But you'll notice, those plans are extremely unpopular, with the people, all around the world.

Every -- every Western country now, is in turmoil.

Because they're doing the same thing to them, that they're doing to us. And that is collapse us.

Now, I believe this is to be true, I believe they'll do anything to stop him from winning.

They would put us into chaos. They would put us into Civil War, before they would have him win. They would put us in world war, before they would have him.

And Donald Trump, I just -- please, Mr. President. Please.

They've tried to kill you once. Please.

Don't make it worse. Don't make it worse. Yesterday, he was on a podcast, and he was on the Lex Friedman Podcast. And he got a lot of questions on Lex on foreign policy, et cetera, et cetera. The future going forward.

You know, he started talking about, you know, the Kennedy files. And how the Kennedy files, he kept classified.

Because it was protection of people. Which I'm not sure is exactly accurate.

I don't know what is in the Kennedy file. I have talked to people who have seen it.

And they have led me to believe, that it is not about people. It is about institutions.

But who knows? But Trump said, you know, I probably would not release the Kennedy files. However, Stu, what's the one thing you could say as a presidential candidate, that's pretty much guaranteed that you -- you're dead?

STU: Well, you're going to release the Epstein files.

GLENN: Yes. Yes.

STU: And that would be --

GLENN: Yes. Yes.

But I am going to release the Epstein files. And the client list.

It's very strange for a lot of people, that the list of clients, that went to the island has not been made public.

Yeah. It's interesting, isn't it? Said Donald Trump.

It probably will be.

He said, I'll take a look at it, on the client list. But, yeah.

I'm inclined to do the Epstein thing.

I would have no problem with releasing that list.

Okay. All right. All right.

Remember, Donald Trump is definitely not suicidal.

But if they could put him in jail, he might become suicidal. And some cameras might go down.

Oh, my gosh.

STU: It's happened before, Glenn.

GLENN: This is -- oh, it did?

STU: Yeah. It's happened before.

GLENN: Really? But not related to Epstein?

STU: No. A philanthropist. No.

GLENN: The philanthropist. Yeah.

STU: Do we have this clip here, do you want to hear it? Yeah. Here we go.

DONALD: But a lot of big people went to that island.

Fortunately, I was not one of them.

VOICE: It's just very strange for a lot of people. That the list of clients that went to the island, has not been made public.

DONALD: Yeah. It's very interesting, isn't it? Probably will be, by the way.

VOICE: If you're able to -- you would be --

DONALD: I would certainly take a look at it. Now, Kennedy is interesting because it's so many years ago. They do that for danger too. Because, you know, in dangers, certain people, et cetera, et cetera. So Kennedy is very different from the Epstein thing. But, yeah, I would be inclined to do the Epstein. I would have no problem with it.

GLENN: Hmm. Hmm.

It's currently with the FBI. And it's under the control of one person at the FBI.

So what could possibly go wrong with that?

If it disappears, that would be unfortunate, wouldn't it, Stu?

And completely unexpected.

STU: Yeah. It would be shocking. That would be a shocking development. Look, sometimes, people lose documents.

You know --

GLENN: Happens all the time.

GLENN: Oops. I just dropped it in the shredder.

STU: Yeah. My daughter lost her homework, just last week.

And it was a rough day at school.

GLENN: Right. Right.

STU: This happens to people all the time.

There are shredders all over the place.

GLENN: All the time. You sometimes -- sometimes, you get up in the morning. And you almost exit -- I will step in the shower. And you almost step into the shredder. It happens. It happens, all the time.

STU: All the time.

Another example is, you noted yesterday, that your neighbor's property was on fire. What happened if a fire broke out, where that document was.

GLENN: Yeah. What happened? Oh, man. In the safe. In the safe. In the safe at the FBI.

STU: Yeah. Sometimes. Fires can happen anywhere, Glenn. Sometimes there are little fires that start up in safes.

GLENN: I knew we shouldn't have put it in the same safe, where we put the matches and the gremlin. You know.

I don't know what were we thinking?

What were we thinking? Oh, that's too bad.

Some misinformation here, I want to point out. Few fans left divided by major changes to ABC's daytime show, as Whoopi Goldberg and co-host return for a brand-new season.

Just want to give you -- you know, people say it all the time. How do you know when a story is true or not?

This one is pretty easy to point out. Just really in the first few letters. The View fans. There are no fans of the view.

And I would just like to correct that story. And make sure that you know.

We're on top of misinformation.