Why Glenn Beck Dropped the F-BOMB After Biden’s SOTU Speech

Why Glenn Beck Dropped the F-BOMB After Biden’s SOTU Speech

Glenn blew a gasket after President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union Address. During BlazeTV’s post-SOTU coverage, Glenn blasted Biden for using the speech to demean Republicans and the Supreme Court and flat-out lie to the American people. But then, he got a little colorful with his language. Glenn explains to his radio audience what Biden said to bring him to that moment: “How DARE [Biden] say that!” Glenn also discusses whether he regrets the outburst and whether Biden accomplished what he wanted with that infuriating speech.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Well, I always like to say, when I make a mistake, I like to lead with it. Last night, if you're watching TheBlaze, I said, which I heard as I was walking away, Stu say, I worked with him for almost 30 years and I've never seen him do that or say that.

I lost my cool. Is that how you would describe that?

STU: That would be an excellent summary of -- of that moment. Yes.

GLENN: Yes. Yes.

CFA. The three words that come to mind, when I'm losing my -- complete, colossal FA. CFA. I will -- I've never -- I don't think I've ever done that before.

STU: I don't think you have either.

GLENN: No. And it happened because I just want to explain this. It happened because I just walked away from the television, where I had been pacing like a caged animal. Because I was so angry at the lies and not only that, the childish rubbing people's noses in it.

You know, when -- when -- first of all, he said, within the first five minutes, that Donald Trump didn't care about the American people during COVID. He know didn't care. How dare you say that.

How dare you say that.

How dare anyone say that about you.

My gosh!

So it started there. And then he went in to rubbing Republican's noses, like in the border. Which was a complete lie.

We all know what caused -- why, on his day of inauguration, all of a sudden, the border surge started. Why?

95 executive orders, allowing it to happen. That's why.

And when he said, oh. You don't care about fentanyl. Oh, you -- oh, suddenly, you want to stop fentanyl coming in, so it stops killing our American -- and I know, and probably you know, if you've been listening this last week, the truth on what's happening with fentanyl. That's coming from China. It's intentionally. It's the opium wars, that Britain did to China.

Oh, so many years ago. They're using the same tactic on us. They are transporting all of the ingredients for fentanyl, over to one of their Chinese ports in Mexico.

It then goes to a small town in Mexico, where a thousand Chinese workers have been transported, and now set up shop, to where they cook the fentanyl. Then China sent over for the drug cartels. Sold them, at cost.

The presses. Because you need to make it look like fentanyl or Adderall, or whatever drug, and so they take the fentanyl, that the Chinese have put together. Cooked up.

Send it over.

Then the drug cartel uses the Chinese presses to make it look like Adderall. And that's what's killing our children. And the president knows it, and he won't say it. He won't stop it. Because he's in bed with China. How dare you!

And when he said, you don't care. Oh. Oh. Suddenly, you care about fentanyl.

Oh, I didn't know that now.

Oh, my gosh.

So I get on. And I'm asked just to do a rundown. And I have my notes. And I'm going true my notes. And I'm talking about it. And I'm trying to make good points. And then I know it's fun. I'm on for like five minutes. And Stu says, thanks, again. And you start to say something else. And I realize, I haven't really expressed what that was.

I -- no point that I made from my notes, really summed up what I felt the president did. And who he was, in that. And that's when I dropped the -- the CFA. Maybe more than once.

And I shouldn't have done that. Because I -- I -- I want to be a better person.

And, quite honestly, I'm glad I am on federally regulated broadcast airwaves today. Because it's why -- one of the reasons why I joined my church. I need strong framework to help me be a better man. And if I were on a podcast only today, I would not be a better man.

So I am grateful for the first time in my life, for the FCC, who will make sure I'm a better man today.

STU: Can we guarantee our affiliates that that mistake from last night, will not occur on this program?

GLENN: We're on a 37-minute delay now. Okay.

Yeah. So we tarted this show, 37 minutes ago.

Yeah. It -- it -- it won't happen. But, boy, do I feel it.

STU: Look, the frustration is understandable. I think we all felt it watching that. Because it's so egregious. And so overt. I mean, I was losing my mind on the economic stuff. Where this guy who fights and campaigns on wanting a shutdown, shuts down millions of businesses.

And/or cheers on, and/or votes on it.

Right? Like he's in support of all these policies.

Donald Trump wants to end them. He criticizes them, and says, he doesn't care about anyone. He wants to kill everybody by ending these policies. He gets into office, he wants to continue this shutdown over and over and over again.

Then finally the American people are like, screw you. We're going back to work, whether you like it or not. A year after this --

GLENN: A year after that, he lifts the ban. Remember, a year? We're still under that.

STU: Right. We didn't even realize that in Texas, for sure. He finally releases it. Everyone is going back to work. Then he stands on stage. And takes credit as a job creator.

I mean, the cynicism of that argument, is almost impossibly egregious.

It is like, if you try to give the most dishonest argument possible, you couldn't craft one better. Than what he did last night. The same thing --

GLENN: In every case.

STU: And he did over and over and over again, on many different topics. So while I appreciate your concern for your own restraint. Last night.

Every -- if you would have been able to put cameras, in everyone's houses watching that. You would have heard a lot of that same word. Everyone felt that way watching that.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

STU: Because he's not even trying to be honest.

He's not even trying to craft an argument that makes any sense.

The border argument, makes no sense.

As if we've all been on another planet for the last 50 years. And have no idea what about he thinks about the border.

Maybe he's been really tough on it.

And it's been Republicans, stopping him from securing it all this time.

What moron could possibly believe that argument?

GLENN: 60 percent of the American people. 60 percent of the American people.

STU: I hope it's --

GLENN: No. There are so many people that don't pay attention to the news.

STU: I don't even think it's that high right now. He's trying to increase it.

But what's the poll on his handling of the border? Eighteen percent approve?

It's -- luckily, I think people are seeing through it.

GLENN: He looked like a bumbling idiot. Last night, let's give honest reviews.

Last night, he did not look like a bumbling old man. He -- he -- yeah, he slurred his speech.

But by the time most people tuned out at the end of his speech, just because of anger or boredom. That's when he started getting really sloppy.

But he made several great -- I mean, I believe if I'm on his side, I would say, that's a great speech.

STU: Well, it was a great speech, because he didn't fall over. He didn't fall asleep.

GLENN: Yes, and he had several moments of, I will not budge!

STU: And while it feels so contrived to me.

I think he -- he -- he cleared that lowest hurdle, which the lowest hurdle was, he has to show he has some vigor, even if it's completely drug-induced.

He has to show -- so he did hit that standard, which is big for him.

Let's be honest. For him the biggest problem he has, in every single poll, much worse than even the border or Afghanistan or any of these other topics, is his age.

And everyone thinks he can't do this job. I still think he can't do this job. And I think last night proved it for policy reasons, among others.

But he did show that he was awake.

GLENN: Yeah. He did. He did. He did.

STU: And that was important.

GLENN: And if you're uninformed.

Or you just believe in all the same things that he does, then you thought he did a great job.

And, you know, you give credit where credit is due. He did not perform the way I thought he would perform, as a doddering old man. However, he always performs best in that setting.

STU: Yes. That's it. Look, his biggest moments have been the moments where he's been able to show this.

Debates are another one. He's typically shown up for debates. He hasn't been good in them.
He hasn't been as bad as he has been in every other scenario.

GLENN: Correct. Correct.

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