There’s no denying Joe Biden is ‘checked out.’ BUT his most recent gaffe — which looked like he tried to shake hands with a ghost — may not be what you think. Glenn explains what his team found when checking all the camera angles, and he explains why it’s important to distinguish between a classic Biden fumble vs. a Biden mistake that could signal cognitive decline. Plus, Glenn breaks down how President Biden could be removed from office due to his health (hint: it would be VERY hard for Republicans to achieve...).
Check out Glenn's latest Wednesday Night Special on this topic, now on
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
BIDEN: Invasion of Ukraine, has driven up gas prices and food prices all over the world. Ukraine and Russia are the one and two wheat producers in the world. We're number three.
We're shut down. We saw that in yesterday's inflation data. What people don't know, that 70 percent of the increase in inflation, was the consequence of Putin's price hike because of the impact on oil prices, 70 percent.
We need -- we need to address these high prices. And urgently.
GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. That's fantastic. Has anybody noticed how -- how much of an old, get off my lawn man he is now? Have you noticed that? He seems to be angry a lot of the time. This actually comes from some people in the White House, saying, he gets a little out of control with his anger once in a while. But he is -- he'll turn on a dime. He looked angry. I was just watching this clip. He looked angry. But I don't know if you saw the clip earlier this week.
Steven, if you have the clip. The one where he was -- oh, I can't remember what he said. I think it was about Putin, maybe. All of a sudden, he was, no. No joke.
And he started yelling at the audience. And you're like, oh, dude. You are really -- get the metal detector. It's time for you to walk on the beach.
STU: This is super common, with people going through what it appears Joe Biden is going through. Right?
When you start to lose your marbles. Not the scientific term. I didn't want to get too deep into the science there.
GLENN: Yeah. Control of your bowels.
STU: When you lose those things.
The normal interactions, you have with people, start to get really frustrating. And when you can't -- you feel like people are mocking you. You feel like people are laughing at you. You feel like, you can't just pull up that piece of information, you know is sitting there in your brain somewhere. This happens to older people all the time when they go through this. And they get frustrated and angry, and they lash out.
GLENN: Can I tell you something?
I don't -- I had to get hearing aids, this year. Or this week. This last week. So I went and got hearing aids. And the doctor said so what are the -- what's your biggest frustration? And I said, my wife. My wife is -- yeah. I said --
STU: Take my wife, please.
GLENN: I said, my wife is my biggest frustration. Because I cannot hear. I've lost my upper range of frequency.
STU: This sounds a little selective by you.
GLENN: It does.
STU: I can hear everybody, but my wife.
GLENN: It does. Doesn't it? So I said, I can't hear. And I'm constantly saying, wait. Say that again, what?
STU: Oh, she must love that. Oh, yeah.
GLENN: Oh, she does. And then finally she's hike, she will be like, you're not wearing pants. And I will be like, you don't have to yell at me. You know what I mean?
And she said, this is the biggest problem, when you start to lose your hearing, is you get really frustrated. Everybody else gets frustrated. And it's just this weird misunderstanding thing. You're both feeling it in a different way. And she said, so she was -- she was doing some things. And I started to feel like -- because word retrieval has become a little word for me. And I'm like -- I mean, I've never been good with words.
Words aren't my friend. But word retrieval is a little difficult. And this is really early. If I'm having problems with word retrieval. So I went in. And did this test.
And you do this -- you do this test, where you're following things on a screen. And it has nothing. Seeming, has nothing to do with hearing. And I'm like, okay. That was a fun test. I'm here for my ears. What?
I said, I'm here for my ears. You're not wearing pants. So, anyway, she comes in, and she said, you're -- what was it? Your cognitive. Or, yeah. Your cognitive is slowing down. And I said, right. Okay. I didn't think I would hear that from the ear specialist. But, yes. Right?
What's happening? She said, that's normal. She said, you don't hear with your ears. You hear with your brain. So your ear picks up sound. And that sound wave has been connected to a word and a meaning. And so this sound comes in, and your brain, usually doesn't -- if it can hear clearly. It doesn't have to work hard to put the word in place. Okay?
But if you can't hear it, it then has to go through all the words that that might sound like. And then put it in the sentence.
STU: More processing time essentially.
GLENN: Right. So you're overloading. Because there will be sentences where I'll be hike, the chicken is wearing shoes. What do you just say?
And that's what I'll really hear. And so it slows things -- it slows things down. And it's weird, and frustrating. And, you know, I'm not 90. Or 80. Where he's going to be 80. This guy, you look at him now, he's not there. We just did this special on Wednesday, and, you know, they're -- I -- it's just -- he's checked out. He's checked out. Look at him, five years ago. Giving a speech. You could see it in his eyes. There's nothing there, behind the eyes. Rarely is there something there behind the eyes with him. You're like, I don't like he's, hello. Is anybody in there?
I'm not sure that there is. Yesterday, there was this viral video that was going on, of him at the end of the speech. Do we happen to have this, where he was shaking hands with Niblick?
He turns and he looks like he's shaking hands with Niblick. The invisible Himalayan Sherpa.
STU: What the heck.
GLENN: Okay. Then he stands.
And walks off. Okay. Looks like a meandering guy.
STU: What the heck.
GLENN: We checked the camera angles. You look at all the camera angles. It doesn't look as bad from all angles. It might have just been that angle. It doesn't look as if he's so befuddled from other angles.
STU: Okay.
GLENN: And I think it's important we dismiss the things -- for instance, he's always said crazy things. He's always said crazy things. But the things that he says occasionally now, are much different than the things he used to say.
STU: And much more dangerous.
GLENN: And much more dangerous.
STU: There is -- honestly, I'm glad you said that, about looking at all the other camera angles. Look, it's easy for us to find stuff that makes Joe Biden to look bad. He does it time after time after time. But I think it's important for the American people to monitor the line here, between where Joe Biden is, which is really bad in my opinion. And where it appears, unfortunately, Diane Feinstein is. Which is unable to seemingly do her job in any way. That -- now, Democrats are saying that. Come out to the San Francisco Chronicle and said, hey, we've had meetings with her. She's introducing herself multiple times to us in the conversation.
GLENN: She's not recognizing people who have worked on their staff. There's a joke on Capitol Hill. That -- that there is -- what was it? It was like -- there is a great senior -- or a great junior senator from California. And a great experienced staff, from the senior senator's office.
STU: In other words, she can't --
GLENN: She can't function at all. And what's amazing, nobody has a problem throwing her under the bus. She's become a liability, for the hard, hard left, I think.
She's not woke enough for them, and they want somebody else. So they're throwing her under the bus. But they won't say a word about Joe Biden. And you can't.
STU: And of course it's the opposite. As far as importance goes, the opposite is the way to go. Joe Biden, one senator, being out of it is really bad. And I feel bad, mainly for her. But our country can continue to survive that. Having the president out there, calling in an answer on gas prices, accusing a country of genocide, that has 6,000 nuclear weapons. Right or wrong, it should not be how it happened.
GLENN: Right. But I want to go back to that in a second. Let me take a quick break and come back. Because the 25th Amendment, everybody is talking about.
And we learned something this week, on the show, on the TV show. That is really important to understand.