While Glenn is still fully in support of our constitutional ability to hold a Convention of States, he explains why that he no longer thinks we should, at least not until until a few things happen first. Glenn and Stu debate whether Americans are ready to open up the Constitution — and truly surrender to God to fix our nation — or if a Convention would only be ruled by partisan politics...
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Welcome back to Mr. Stu Burguiere.
GLENN: Yeah. I was on vacation last week. Trying to keep up with the news, as much as I could.
You know, there's a lot to miss. You know. Because before I went on vacation, the queen passed away. And then when I came back from vacation, she still -- she still is not in her casket, to be wheeled around the country. Which is a very strange, odd thing, that I don't think humans should do. That's a whole different story.
I also saw, apparently, you withdrew your support for the Convention of States?
GLENN: Yeah.
Do you realize -- well, because I didn't plan on saying it. I had been praying on it. And I wasn't planning on saying anything on that day. Just kind of -- I was prompted in the course of something else we were talking about.
STU: Because we've talked about this as a real solution, as one of the only ways to get the country back on track.
GLENN: I know. I know. I know.
STU: And now you're coming out.
Are you announcing you're a Russian asset, just like Donald Trump? After all this time? Is that what you're doing?
GLENN: Yes. Natasha, they've caught on to me. I've got to fly now.
STU: Yeah. No. I think this is -- as I said, I still fully support the Article V -- as -- as it is. I fully believe that that is something that we can do.
I do believe that's the last cord to rip. But I also am very, very concerned. This is not a -- a constitutional problem. This isn't a political problem.
This is a -- a soul problem.
Our country has gone off the rails.
STU: Uh-huh.
GLENN: And I happen to believe, that we are in the Third Great Awakening.
STU: The third grade awakening? Like we're all third graders now?
GLENN: No. Third Great Awakening.
STU: That's what it seems. Because I could go for either one of those versions.
GLENN: Yeah, third grade awakening. Where they wake you up. It's time for milk. That's good.
But, no. The third great awakening. I think we're in that. But, you know, the first and the second, both took about 50 years, to do. And the second one, ended in the Civil War.
So I -- you know, I think we are waking. We're at the beginning of that.
But this is something that people without humility, should not open up.
Now, this is -- what's weird is. And I have to make it clear.
The people who were doing the Convention of States, I love them. I think they're a great organization.
STU: Oh, yeah.
GLENN: I think they really have their heart in the right place, and I understand that they -- you know, what they're doing. I am a supporter of them.
But I can't personally endorse it now. Because I am worried, that we are not the people of character, to open that sacred document up.
STU: Oh, we're definitely not the people of character, to do anything.
GLENN: Yeah. Right.
STU: We are a trash heap right now.
GLENN: So we have --
STU: But I thought -- we talked to them before, and I thought a lot of this was addressed in the structure of the convention. You know, it's been a while since we talked about it in tail. You know, Mark Levin wrote a book about this. You know, he's -- and I remember this -- because of these concerns came up at the time. Who are we going to have making these decisions? This could go awry very easily. And it did seem like, I thought that was a pretty compelling argument, that the structure of the convention would prevent that.
GLENN: So it's not just the structure of it as well.
I mean, are we prayerfully approaching this?
I mean, I just didn't get up one morning and go.
I've been thinking about it. And I prayed about it. And I could be wrong. I could be wrong.
Because I know the people who are out there, swinging for this. Are good, decent people. They're really good people.
STU: Oh, yeah.
GLENN: And, you know, David Barton, Wall Builders, they're really behind it.
So who am I to say?
STU: Yeah. And honestly, even when we were talking about this previously, the people who had concerns about it, also were good, prayerful people. I think it's one of those things, that there's a lot of disagreement on what can happen.
I honestly -- we've seen a lot of topics like this recently. Where people who generally agree on most stuff, wind up coming to totally different conclusions. And feel passionate about it, on things like this.
I am, I mean, worth future investigation, I think.
I think that you're totally right in your -- in your -- I think analysis of where we are as a country.
You know, like I -- this is another example from this past week. And I was watching it, sort of from afar. The situation where -- with DeSantis sending the illegal immigrants to Martha's Vineyard. Now, of course, number one, I think it's funny. That's the most important part of the strategy.
But, like, I have absolutely no problem with the policy of what Abbott has done or what DeSantis has done. Or what -- I'm totally fine. All the arguments against it, are the same arguments we make in Texas every day.
GLENN: Yeah, and I'm tired. It's really driving me crazy. Going. We're not Texas. We're Washington, DC. We're not Texas. What does that even mean?
STU: Yeah. Right. Exactly. You're not a small border town that's overwhelmed by hundreds of thousands of immigrants every few weeks. So I have no sympathy at all for the left on this. The one thing that I think, and this is essentially why you're hearing it.
What is somewhat effective, maybe as an argument. Is I don't want to be lying to people about it.
I don't want to tell them, like, hey. You're going somewhere. And it's not -- hold on. Let me -- let me qualify this. There's very little evidence, that anyone lied to anyone. There are a couple of claims from the immigration attorneys, in Martha's Vineyard. Take this with a grain of salt.
GLENN: Yeah. I take it with a whole salt mine.
STU: Yeah. I don't believe it. But it were true. I would have a problem lying to the illegal immigrants about this. Even though they're here illegally, and don't deserve any of the treatment that they --
GLENN: But it's not like we're sending them to Minnesota.
STU: Martha's Vineyard is awesome. It's a really great place to visit. But my point though was, I heard some people on the right saying, I don't care. Lie to them. Lie all you want.
STU: No, I don't want to be that person.
GLENN: And I think there is this disconnect certainly on the left, that have abandoned all -- all core principle at this point.
And I think there's a temptation on the right, to do similar things, because -- I'm not saying DeSantis even did this.
Again, to be clear. But because, look, they've gone so far, so we need to go so far. And whether we're going to stick with our principles or not.
Look, that's a relic of a past time.
And honestly, part of it, I understand.
Part of it, emotionally, I get. Right?
They're using these things. And we need to be able to fight fire with fire.
GLENN: There's nothing immoral about sending them to different places. You can send them any place in America. They're coming to America.
Why do they have to stop in Texas and Arizona and California?
STU: That's fighting fire with fire within the realm of principle. Right?
GLENN: Fine. Then spread the pain out.
STU: As DeSantis said, everybody should experience a piece of the burden here. Especially, if you're approving it.
GLENN: Especially if you're a sanctuary city. Yeah. When you're saying you're a sanctuary. That to me, is fighting fire with fire. Within the realms of principle, right?
Because I don't want to be the left. I don't want to be them. I don't want to be them. I would rather lose than become they believe.
GLENN: Yes. Well.
STU: If you about it beyond that, and you start breaking your principles in this battle. Then I think you've crossed a line I'm not comfortable with. Now, everybody else on earth, might be comfortable with it.
So it doesn't matter what I think. I will live on my lonesome probably under a bridge somewhere. I'm fine with it. That's my choice.
I think there is a line. And it's a line that this audience oar the years, has given healthy respect to. There have been plenty of times where we pushed back, and tried to do things. And not crossed lines of principle.
And I think that's important. And I honestly think both Abbott and DeSantis have done that here. Unless some of these wild claims are true, which we have no evidence of, at this point.
But, you know, I don't think there's any evidence they've done this. But I do think it is something that in a war, which is what it feels like on a day to take basis here. Not a literal war. But as close as you can get politically. It's tempting to go down these roads. We have to make sure that we don't. We have to make sure that we win. And we win in a way that holds up what we believe in. Because if you break that, you haven't won.
GLENN: Right. And when I see that as -- I mean, there's a couple of things, that I think, that I'm looking for.
Will the country humble itself, before it's forced to humble itself?
Because the humbling is coming. It's coming. You know. And if we humble ourselves before it's coming, maybe we turn the tide. You know, maybe -- maybe we are a little bit more kind, to each other, when it does hit.
We have to humble ourselves. And realize, you know, I was talking to Dennis Prager this weekend. He said, he was -- he's fascinated with my alcoholism. And I said, well, that's something weird to be fascinated by.
But he said, you know, how can alcoholics save the country? Because he was referring to me for years as saying, alcoholics will save the country.
STU: Sure.
GLENN: Just think of this as a 12 step program. First thing, the country has to do. Admit we have a problem. And not just the right or the left.
All of us. We have a problem.
This is not working. And we keep sending people in. And going, hey, you can be our savior. You're going to fix it all.
And they betray us for the most part. Exception, Donald Trump. He actually did do what he said he was going to do. But we are powerless over this. Okay?
We have a problem. And we're powerless over it. Now, you turn to a higher power.
And that doesn't mean somebody in Washington. That means somebody that is above all of it. All of it.
Well, that's a place for God. And you surrender to that. That -- that is the essential first step to healing and correcting any problem.
I got a problem. I've tried everything. Everything doesn't work. So I'm clearly not the guy to fix it. I'm pretty powerless on this. I'm taking my hands off the steering wheel. And I'm trusting a higher power. And I'm so broken and beaten down, that I'll do whatever you tell me to do. What do you want me to do, God? What do you want me to do? Because I'll do it.
We have to get there.
After that, it's, hey, make an inventory of all the people that you've hurt. You think we're willing to do that?
No. Because it would immediately go into, yeah. That's right. You are bad. See, I told you, you're bad. You're really wad. And you owe that person money.
No. No.
Can we just look at the things that we've done, and say, these were good? These were bad. These we should do more of, those we should do less of.
If we can get there, that would be even a bigger miracle. Because at the end of the 12, the 12th is, serve.
I'm going to serve my fellow man. I'll help people who have been struggling, just like me. And I'm doing it for politics or money or anything else.
I'm just going to do it, because I know I've been saved. So I want to help serve other people.
That's the -- that's the America that we should be striving towards. But who is talking about surrender?
And, by the way, surrender, another way to look at it again, for alcoholics. I didn't give in and go, you know what, I surrender. I'm powerless over alcohol. So I'm just going to drink some water.
That's not what it means. It means, surrender to a higher power. Because you keep trying to stop it. And you can't stop it.
STU: Yeah. It's not a surrender to a loss. It's a surrender so you can win.
GLENN: So you can win.