No, it’s not just San Francisco and New York City residents witnessing how progressive policies can RUIN cities and towns. Not ONE U.S. community is safe from the dangerous far-left, Glenn says, and that includes areas you may think are redder than red. In fact, Glenn explains how one Utah County Attorney in Provo — a district considered ‘conservative’ by many — is making his community less and less unsafe. We CANNOT forget, Glenn says, that this kind of ideology can permeate YOUR town just as easily, too...
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: So there is a story in the Atlantic. How San Francisco became a failed city. And it's pretty eye-opening. Not long ago, we met on a stoop by the civic center, it says, where her son used to hang out. She hadn't seen him in months. But she spoke with him periodical. She cried as she talked about his journey into drugs. She said he was a heroin addict. He would get sober after stints in jail, but it wouldn't last. I would see him sometimes. And he didn't look that bad. And that's how it was for ten years. But then the dealer started putting fentanyl in everything. And being on fentanyl, it changed him. He deteriorated. Before he looked kind of healthy and smiling. Now, he's got this stoop. He walks almost at a 40-degree angle, like an old man. He's been stabbed twice. He's got an infection in his thumb. And she thought, he might lose the hand. They need to stop ignoring the fact, that there are people out here, selling fentanyl on the streets. When it was just heroin, I can't believe I'm saying just heroin. But when it was just heroin, fentanyl is different. We're normalizing people dying. Do you see what -- even the Atlantic is saying! When it was just heroin. I can't believe I'm saying that. But isn't that the way we say almost everything now? She said, she was out looking for her son one day in the tender-loined neighborhood, when she came across someone else's son. He was naked in front of a Safeway. And he was saying, he was God. And he was eating a cardboard box. Officers arrived after she called the police. And said there was nothing they could do. He didn't want help. He wasn't hurting anyone. They said, it's not illegal to be naked. They just left him there, naked, eating cardboard on the street, in front of Safeway. America, is this what you want your town to be like? Now, even in San Francisco, and the article makes a really good point. The article says, we thought we were doing the right thing. You know, we thought that we were just a loving city. Yada, yada. And it didn't work out that way. Yes. None of this will work out that way. History will show you, that look, how many times have we been saying on the air here? And people mocked me for saying it, when I said, this will not work out well economically. This will come a time when we will pay a heavy price. Even MSNBC said yesterday -- and this was Obama's guy. MSNBC, they're on the air saying, hey, you know, I guess in a weird sort of way. We have to take that senator from West Virginia for voting no on the Build Back Better bill. Because, boy, would that have made things worse. All of this stuff is making things worse. It's not making it better. And we think we can see it coming. But we have missed every single time. You know, there's something about looking at things, that are dark. You don't want to think about them. You don't want to look at -- that's why we walk by people who are homeless. And we look the other way. Or we don't make eye contact. We don't want to think about their life. And then, what do we do?
We'll say, eh, he's probably faking it. Or he probably deserves it. I have news for you. A lot of people are going to be homeless, that didn't deserve it. A lot of things are coming our way. And we haven't done a damn thing -- did you hear about the Border Patrol? Border Patrol says, we're -- we're at the breaking point. There is no morale. So when you say, how is morale? Is it up? The answer is, morale, there is no morale. We're going to pay a price for what has happened on the border. We're going to pay a price for ESG. We already are. How high do your gas prices have to go, before your neighbors say, okay. Enough of this! Enough!
It's not just the crazy lunatics that are the progressives that are easy to point to. It is happening in red states as well. In -- and I want to use this as an example. Because you have to stop thinking it can't happen here. It can happen. Because we have a Republican. Let me give you one of the are reddest counties in one of the reddest states in America. Utah. Provo, Utah. Utah County. Doesn't get much redder than that.
If you talk to the police and the sheriff's department there, you will hear a horror story. That for the first time, they have cartel members living in the county. For the first time, they have people in jail, that are saying to their attorneys, I'm not going for that charge. No way. I'm not pleading guilty. You go fight that, because I just read in the paper, that the DA's office -- the accounting attorney's office is cutting deals. That's a misdemeanor now.
Twenty-four -- I forgot the 31 attorneys, that work in the Utah county attorney's office. Twenty-four have now left, because this county attorney, is so horrible. His name is David Levitt. It is -- it is remarkable. Prior to his tenure, it was rare for more than two attorneys to leave every year. Now? Twenty-four prosecutors have left. And this guy is running for reelection. And he says that what he's doing is -- you know, he's reimagining. Oh, boy, you hear that before? He's just changing things up. And one of the things he wanted to change was get rid of the special -- what is it? SVU. The Special Victims Unit. Isn't that the one that is about crimes against women and rape and children? You're getting rid of that?
We have all forgotten that this can happen in our community. And it most likely is, in some way or another. And I don't care how conservative you guys think your town is. It's there.
And when it comes to justice, you know, at the entrance of the Supreme Court, Lady Justice is there. It's a statue of a blindfolded woman, holding scales in one hand and a sword in the other. So she has to balance justice and mercy. And the sword is, she will defend it, and she will prosecute. She will make sure, if you are guilty, that you pay the price. Lady Justice is there to protect us. But it's important that she's also blindfolded. This has been all over our courthouses forever. And it's a reminder, that our court system was designed to be a refuge for the proceedings of impartial justice. Justice would be blind. In America. If justice would be blind. And thus, truly fair. Well, unfortunately, it's people have become blind. In the name of equity, and at the behest of members of an activist judiciary, the blindfold of Lady Justice has been ripped off, and innocent people now suffer the consequences. As I said, we -- we know it's happening in New York. The police are quitting in New York, in record numbers. And you know what the new mayor just said? This is great. Provides a new opportunity. A great opportunity to reimagine the police department. Bring their new blood in. Who? Who is going to work for New York?
Social justice is rearing its ugly head in historically red areas. Now, I'm going to use this as an example. Utah county. A Republican county attorney, who if you didn't know any better, and you were actually seeing what was going on. Not listening to the political rhetoric bullcrap. Because the bullcrap will always say, no. We are making great progress. No. We are moving to -- to enhance everything. We're -- we're here making things better. Twenty-four attorneys have left office, since it came. Six of them went so far as to publish a letter of no confidence, and I quote. We declare that Mr. Levitt has vacated his responsibilities to provide you safety and protection, in your person and property. By failing to enforce criminal laws against offenders and by prioritizing the protection of criminals from the lawful consequences of their misconduct. They go on to write. That he disbanded the SVU unit. Which was staffed by attorneys, that were trained to prosecute sexual offenses. It had a backlog of 1,000 criminal cases. Where is the justice for the victims? They write about the abuse of his discretion by willfully ignoring statutory sentencing enhancements. Diminishing the importance of criminal histories in charging decisions. So those who have prior felony convictions. Those on felony probation. Those on parole from state prison can be referred to, to the Utah County Justice Court for misdemeanor prosecution. He has not moved felonies to misdemeanors. He also increased the yearly budget by $5.5 million. Oh. And law enforcement, I know. Because I've talked to a few of them. Don't trust him. So why am I telling you this? Even the very elect will be fooled. We have to understand, that radical ideas, are not confined to San Francisco. They're not confined now just to our schools. And not to somebody else's school. They are permeating our most conservative areas. These ideas have real world consequences. You might think you're safe, living in a really, really red county. But one bad prosecutor can change everything. This is a guy who runs as a Republican. I think that is much more dangerous than somebody who is running as a progressive for the social justice framework. Because no one sees it coming. And when you are in a county, like Utah county. One of the most conservative counties in the country, you just expect things to go well. You don't have to have Soros backing you. Or Soros money, to be a Soros-style prosecutor. Left, right, center, it doesn't matter anymore. Republicans, some of them have become Democrats in red ties. And Democrats don't really exist anymore. The liberals are now authoritarian. The labels we use are completely mixed up. You cannot rely on them. You have to look at a person's record. Gone are the days when we could walk into a voting booth, and vote down the party line. Gone are the days, when you could just look at someone's name and go, oh, yeah. That I know name. Don't do that. Don't do that. In Texas, we just learned our lesson. George P. Bush. No thanks. No thanks. We get it. We get it. Maybe that needs to happen a little bit more around our country. Mr. Levitt. 45 percent fewer cases in the district court, felony cases, and 79 percent more in misdemeanor cases. Gee, what's -- what's happening? It's almost as if he's trying to openly trying to reach the UCLA's goal of 50 percent reduction in prison, and jail populations. And if that's his goal, he couldn't be doing a better job. By the way, he also said he wouldn't -- he wouldn't put forward the death penalty anymore. Even though, that's the law on the book. Not going to do it. If you want to turn into San Francisco, keep electing people, like Levitt. Keep electing those people, who you just trust, because you know the name. Don't do it. By the way, things are fantastic on the streets. You know, I know you're worried about all of that violence coming from the right. But we'll give you some of the other violence that you may not have heard of, coming up in just a second.