As tension in Europe escalates, and as Putin seems determined to finish what he started in Ukraine, Biden’s foreign policy decisions have never been so important. But President Biden — like all Commander-In-Chiefs that came before him — actually has an EXTRAORDINARY level of power during emergencies. In this clip, Glenn breaks down P.E.A.D.S., the Presidential Emergency Action Documents. He explains how these powers could allow for whoever is leading the White House to circumvent our Constitution like never before…
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Hey, we would really want to say thank you. And welcome to our new affiliate in Oklahoma. Talk 100.9. KGWA. Thank you for joining the Glenn Beck Program.
All right. As we were watching while we went in a break, we're watching President Biden give this live speech, about how he needs another $33 billion for the war in Ukraine.
We are escalating. They were asking about, you know, if Russia escalates. And he immediately says, we're ready for whatever they do.
You know, that -- what the president should say. But, you know, we've -- we've always -- we've always little nuclear war could happen by mistake.
We just didn't know the mistake would wear a shoe size ten and be named Joe Biden.
We are in a very dangerous place. And I told Stu about something, what? Yesterday or today. That I've been researching. And this is not a Biden thing.
This is an all presidents thing. It's called P.E.A.D.S. P-E-A-D-S. P.E.A.D.S. And it stands for Presidential Emergency Authorization Directive. Right?
STU: Close. Presidential Emergency Action Documents.
GLENN: Action Documents. So this was started under Eisenhower.
And if you remember, the -- the left went crazy on Donald Trump, because of P.E.A.D.S. Now, I want you to know, the left always self-diagnoses. They always self-diagnoses.
They accuse the other side of something, because that's what they do. I'm convince of it. Okay.
So they were having a problem with Donald Trump, because in covid, he was asked, you know, what is part of the emergency measure? And he said, the president has a lot of emergency measures, and a lot of things that they can do under emergency, that people don't know about. That was an alarm bell for the left.
What is he going to do?
And they -- well, this wasn't well-known or understood. They were talking about P.E.A.D.S. directives. Okay?
This is a directive, that every president, since Eisenhower, because of the threat of nuclear war. They set out and say, okay. Mr. President, this is the possible, probable emergencies that may come your way. That could disrupt a chain of government. Or continuity of government.
So we would need to know. Because if these things happen, they can happen so rapidly, that we won't have a time to make recommendations and everything else. We just need to execute orders.
So let's talk about nuclear war. What is your directive?
And they go through the meeting. And they do the directive. And then they write that presidential directive up. And then he doesn't sign it.
So when an emergency happens, they just put that paper in front of him, and say, this is the presidential directive for nuclear war, sir. We've already briefed you for it. He says, yes. He signs it. And it's law. Now, this, because it's an emergency, supersedes everything, including the Constitution.
Now, let me show you -- you can look this up. And it's absolutely real. What is not real, is we don't know what any of them have said. So if anybody says, yeah. And this one says that.
And Trump was doing this. Or Biden is doing that. You don't know. These are probably top ten closely guarded secrets of any administration.
They've never been really, truly revealed on what they are.
Pieces have come out, from the distant past, and those are disturbing enough.
For instance, there have been P.E.A.D.S. directives that have a list of like 50,000 Americans, that if this emergency happens, they would need to be rounded up, or silenced, or whatever.
Because they could be a danger to the continuity of government. Right?
STU: Yeah. They -- as you point out, no one really knows what is in them.
Some have been -- some details have been -- have leaked out over the years.
So we know that there were 56 of these in effect, as of 2018. That's up from 48, from a couple of decades earlier. This is from the Brennan center. Again, who is no conservative source here.
STU: And a lot of it --
GLENN: It's credible, but it's left.
STU: And the reason why, of course, this was a big deal, as you pointed out. It was Donald Trump. They were upset about it, because Donald Trump was going to use them.
GLENN: This is why -- this is why they're saying, there's going to be a coup. There's going to be a coup.
And we all said, there's not going to be a coup. But they were thinking about P.E.A.D.S.
That he could say, there's trouble on the streets. Give me that presidential emergency directive, because that triggers it, and I'm going to be the president, and we're suspending elections. Or whatever. Okay?
STU: So we know there were P.E.A.D.S. in past years, that authorized detention of alien enemies and other dangerous persons within the United States, suspended the writ of habeas corpus by presidential order. Provided for various forms of marshal law, issued a general warrant.
Just, I feel like we were specifically against general warrants, but issued a general warrant, permitting search and seizure of persons and property.
Established military areas, as those created during World War II, suspended production of the Federal Register. Declared a state of war, and authorized censorship of news reports.
GLENN: It's my understanding. I don't know this for sure. But it's my understanding, that these P.E.A.D.S., they don't go out of fashion. So you can update them. You can add to them. But they're not revoked.
So if that's there, that is part of the toolbox, that already has been discussed. All the president has to do is sign it.
This is terrifying. It can even allow -- let's say the president and vice president, let's use, you know, Ronald Reagan and -- and George -- you know, George H.W. are out. And there's an attack on them.
And it -- it -- and it is a nuclear war. Let's say, you know, they're in the sum of all fears. And it's Morgan Freeman. And the vice president is also there. And there's a nuclear strike. And it kills the two.
I can guarantee you, there would be a P.E.A.D.S. on that. But a P.E.A.D.S. could include that -- if this happens, that triggers this P.E.A.D.S., which says, now the Department of Defense becomes an interim president, not the Speaker of the House.
It can -- it can -- cut the government out.
STU: How is this constitutional, Glenn?
GLENN: It's what -- you know, it's what Mike Lee was talking to me about. And my eyes glazed over. This is like four years ago. And we were like, what are you even talking about?
And remember, he was pushing the REINS Act.
STU: Yes. Which should be passed immediately.
GLENN: Should be passed. Because that exposes all of this.
STU: Among other things.
GLENN: And he was like, Glenn, the REINS Act. It's really important. And I said, yeah. Yeah. Sure, Mike.
And I just really didn't understand it. P.E.A.D.S., I get. And he was absolutely right.
The REINS Act. Now, the left was all for the REINS Act, under Donald Trump. They're not for it now.
We -- we should know about what's in these presidential directives.
Because, you know, like I said, and I'm going to be clear on this. Back in January of 2019, we were seeing people welded into their homes in China.
STU: 2020, yeah.
GLENN: 2020. And it was horrific what was coming.
And we never thought that, you know, we would all be quarantined in our houses.
We never thought that would happen. And we didn't know what we were facing.
And I said at the time, my gut says, that this is going to be bad. But it's not going to be the Bubonic Plague. It's not even going to be maybe the Spanish flu from 1918.
However, what it does to our economy and the economy of the world, is going to be horrific. So don't fear the virus. Fear what's -- what will happen because of it.
Not to minimize the death of covid. But as we see now, look at the ramifications. We're still paying for. We're still -- did you see that Fauci yesterday, or two days ago, came out and said, we're out of the pandemic phase.
Why did he retract that yesterday? Why did he retract that?
I can guarantee you, it's for some legal purpose. It is because somebody now could be sued. Because we're out of a pandemic. If they do something. Or because funds are still being spent. That maybe shouldn't be spent. Because it's under the guise of pandemic.
Or they're --
STU: In the middle of asking for more money to fight it right now. And he can't come out and say that. Which, by the way, is another reason, he should never do another interview. Just stop doing interviews. Can you get off television for five seconds? Ten seconds. Do something out. Work out. Play some golf. Do anything else, other than be on television all the time.
GLENN: All right. Thank you for that. You feel passionately about that though?
STU: A little bit!
GLENN: Yeah, okay.