Thankfully, many are beginning to realize the DANGEROUS influence that billionaire George Soros and his money have on elections and politics in the U.S. In fact, Soros-backed prosecutors and Attorney Generals have RUINED several of America’s biggest cities, riddling them with crime and chaos. Soros, possibly feeling the heat, recently took to the Wall Street Journal to defend his practices. But his words won’t fool Glenn. In this clip, Glenn reads the op-ed and explains why Soros' money should be BANNED from America for GOOD.
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: It is time now for our George Soros update.
Yes. It's weird, the George Soros update suspiciously sounds almost like the Darth Vader theme. But I think that's purely a coincidence.
George Soros is in the news, because he's giving a lot of heat for his meddling in our elections and putting in all of these AGs that are now being thrown out of office. You can't even -- the cities can't even wait for the next election. They're like, please, make it stop. So George Soros just wrote an essay in the Wall Street, and I've had it on my desk. And I'm just -- we're getting so far behind, I just have to take -- I have to take pepperoni eyes, at his word. And say, you know, the evil emperor has spoken. So let's listen to what he has to say. And he said, like most of us. I'm very, very concerned about crime. One of government's most (snoring) important roles to ensure safety. The criminal justice system, in the more than 30 years, that I have been a -- fill-in rapist? What's a fill-in rapist? Anyway, our system is right after with injustices, that make us all less safe. The idea that we need to choose between justice and safety is false. They reinforce each other. If people trust the justice system, it will work. And if the system works, public safety will improve. No toys!
Anyway, we need to acknowledge that black people in U.S. are five times as likely to be sent to jail as white people. That is an injustice that undermines our democracy. No. Okay. Can we stop looking at things as groups, please? An injustice will happen to one person, not necessarily to a group. So let's not say, all black people are bad. Or all white people are good. Or all black people shouldn't be in prison. All white people shouldn't be in prison. What do you say? The ones who have actually committed crimes, should go to jail. I don't care what color they are. I don't care -- justice is blind. You know what would solve this? You know what would solve this? Is if we just stuck forks in all of the judges eyes. Then they would be blind. Justice is supposed to be blind. Maybe we make it mandatory. You want to be a judge? You've got to be blind. And nobody tell him what color -- he doesn't know it's a white guy that he just sentenced. Oh.
We spend $81 billion every year, keeping around 2 million people in prisons and jails. Well, if that's what it takes, to keep, you know, murderers off the streets, I'm kind of okay with that. Are -- you know, are you? Look, I am looking for ways to invest more in preventing crime, and strategies that work. Now, listen to this. He's more interested investing in preventing crime, and strategies, that work! This genders -- both safety and justice is based both on common sense and evidence. It is popular. It is effective. Is that why everybody is having a recall of all of your DA's?
Because it's so popular. You know what, forget about the stabbing and the shooting. I love this guy, when the job that they are doing in office, so much. I want to get him out of office, before the next election. They've just done such good work. Sure, we could keep him in there. But I want to reward them, by getting them out of office. That, George, is not popular. This agendas is popular. Serious scholars. Overcomes scholars. Researching causes behinds the recent increase in crime. Have pointed to other factors. A disturbing rise in mental illness among young people, due to the isolation imposed by covid lockdowns. Oh. So we're now -- we're now recognizing that that caused mental illness. A pullback of policing in the wake of public criminal justice reform protest. Those aren't criminal justice reform protest. Those were mobs in the street. That were condemning our cops, and calling them all killers. I don't know if you noticed this, George, but that little experiment led to a lot of great cops, just leaving. It led to also places, just firing a bunch of cops. Have you been to Seattle lately? Oh, it's beautiful this time of year.
When the -- when the red from the blood, kind of just kind of reflects up on the green of the trees, oh, you feel like it's Christmastime. Many of the same people, who called for more punitive criminal justice policies, also support looser gun laws. Yeah. Somebody should have a gun. Because your people are letting all of the criminals out in the street. This is why I've supported the election. And more recently, in reelection of prosecutors, who support reform. I have done it transparently. Oh, my gosh, you are so transparent. You are as transparent as a mountain. And I have no intention of stopping -- of course not. Nothing can stop you. Nothing can stop you. No sane country in the world, would allow somebody to come into the country, like George Soros, and just meddle in our elections like he's doing. Just shape -- get into bed with the left. Fund them to the tune of billions of dollars. Millions of dollars, going through all these shadow organizations. To fund everything that could destroy us. No, no, no. No. I'm serious. It's going to be very, very, very goods. Yeah. Very good.
What I want you to do is maybe put in some Russian people, in for police. You're missing police. So I thought maybe we -- I find it kind of fun. Meet Boris.
Oh. Oh, good. The police. Oh, they're going to be Russians. That's fantastic. Yeah.
Well, I -- I kind of assure people will be hurt. Legs will be broken. But, you know, you have to break some legs. Okay. Okay. All right. Hey, here's something else that he's doing. He is spearheading with Joe Biden, efforts against election integrity. He is spending all kinds of money. Just to make sure everything is safe. And comes out the way it should, you know. A proposed constitutional amendment in Michigan, by a Soros-funded group. Would prevent both stricter voter ID requirements. And a ban on private donations to election officials from being enacted. So he's -- he's like, what, I just want to give some money to some election officials. What could possibly go wrong? You call it a bribe. I call it happy money.
Federal agencies, under the Biden administration, now seeking to increase voter registration and turnout. A group linked to the left-wing mega donor, George Soros. Why are you saying this? Why are you saying my name? Is because I'm Jewish. Is pushing for a constitutional amendment, in the battleground state of Michigan, that would allow Zuckerbucks to be used in election administration.
Oh. What could possibly be wrong? Would the press leave me alone, if I said, you know what, I'm going to fund like it's -- it's like a traveling library. Except, it's a traveling little bus. That you can vote in. And I'm going to go to all of those counties that are the deepest, deepest of red. And I'm going to make sure that we get every vote. Of course, I -- I'm just funding it. I have nothing to do. I have nothing to say about it. And, oh, I've paid off some people in the -- in the local precincts. You know, just -- I'm just giving them some happy money. Would anyone in the press say, oh, that's okay for Glenn Beck to do it? No, of course not. I wouldn't do it, because I wouldn't be cool with it. The states, that is their job. Oh.
Anyway, so he is now working with Biden, funding all of this stuff. Earlier this year, Biden put out his entire cabinet, all the departments, such as housing and urban development. Health and Human Services. And the labor department. Boris is busy right now. You want more legs broken. What? They now want to turn their work and, you know, sure. I want you -- you know those assisted housing centers. Those are fantastic. Can you just register some people too?
Federal agencies are now participating in voter turnout efforts. And, by the way, I just want you to know, those agencies are all now run by Democrats. Would you be okay with this, Democrats? If Donald Trump just said, hey, guys. An hour of can't workday. Just an hour. You Democrats. You, you. Well, not you. How do you vote? Yeah. Not you. But you, you, and you. I want you to turn your agency into a voter registration agency. This is insane! Insane.
George Soros should be banned from the United States. His money should be banned. By the way, a judge in San Francisco. You know, he -- yesterday, they were like, we've got to allow none citizens to vote. Because -- because noncitizen has the word citizen in it. So they're citizens. Noncitizens. And they should vote.
Yeah. Well, there was a ruling that has just been released. The judge in San Francisco. Let me say that again. A California judge, struck down the San Francisco city ordinance, allowing noncitizens to vote. Huh. Gee. What could have gone wrong with that?
It's amazing how our government has been turned into an instrument, that is opposed to our individual rights. And protecting our individual rights. Our vote is sacred. You have a right to have your voice be heard. And you have your right, to make sure that your voice is not watered down by corruption. Or by people who shouldn't be voting. That's their priority.
This administration is using every tool they have. To do the exact opposite. This is why these -- this administrative state has to be shut down.
It's not constitutional. It is a -- it is a progressive idea. And nobody in our founding, had thought, oh, yeah. Congress will just give up their power. Why would people do that? Because they're getting rich if they do. And they don't have to answer for anything. So they just keep going to work.
Let the administration do it. And the administration doesn't -- Biden, he's -- I'm not. I mean, yeah. I hired the guy. But holy crap. What did he do? What did the administration do? Well, it wasn't him. The head. It was probably somebody down. You know, like a Lois Lerner. And we can't blame them and send them to jail. Unless, how did she vote? Yeah. We can't send her to jail. That's not the American way