Blaze News’ Steve Baker exposes Aaron Black, who he has dubbed “Pelosi’s precious,” for allegedly lying about his role at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Did Black, known to associates as Nancy Pelosi’s “fixer,” orchestrate agitators at the riot and skew the narrative to benefit Democrats? And did he lie about his presence at the Capitol during the riot? Baker joins Glenn Beck to break down the findings recorded in a Blaze News exclusive report, including Black’s history of fomenting unrest using CIA-style color revolution tactics and his deep connections to Pelosi.
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GLENN: Steve Baker, investigative journalist, Blaze news. Opinion contributor. And a guy who almost went to jail for just covering January 6. Welcome, Steve. How are you?
STEVE: It's good to be back.
GLENN: How is it to have that monkey off your back?
STEVE: Well, I didn't realize how heavy of a burden that was.
GLENN: That's crazy.
STEVE: Because I lived with that for over three years.
Then even after the arrest, I didn't realize the stress levels that I was living under, until as it began to slowly lift over -- took about a week, before I felt normal again. I just didn't know it was there.
GLENN: It's weird. I go to my doctor all the time. My wife usually will come with me. It's fine.
And she'll say, she'll look at him and go, no. It's not. No, it's not.
But you live under it for so long. And until you get away from it, you have no idea. I can't imagine what that stress was.
Let's switch subjects. You have a new Blaze exclusive out.
Nancy Pelosi had a fixer at the Capitol on January 6th.
This is -- this will just piss you off. But it pissed me off for a couple of reasons. One, it is so evil!
But the second thing is, is I looked for these people during Occupy Wall Street.
STEVE: Right.
GLENN: We were looking for -- and this guy never came up on our radar as connected to anything.
And now, in retrospect, you're showing how connected he is.
And it's all this -- it's all this USAID kind of crap.
STEVE: Right.
GLENN: Who is he? And what did he do?
STEVE: Well, first of all, he was one of the principle organizers of Occupy Wall Street, which is amazing that he doesn't come up.
Now, we can go back in retrospect. And we can find him.
We can find YouTube videos of him speaking and doing --
GLENN: I'm sure we covered it.
We had no idea who he was.
STEVE: No idea who he was.
And fortunately, for us, you have a connection, which we can't get really deep into.
But you were on this, you know, back -- before Occupy Wall Street.
GLENN: Uh-huh.
STEVE: You were on this story, fifteen, 17 years ago back at Fox.
And it was because of that connection, that someone came to me, because he's a fan of yours.
GLENN: And I didn't even know -- by the way, I hopefully will talk to somebody at this point.
You're not going to believe. You're not going to believe this. You came to me a couple weeks ago. I have a story coming out. I want you to know.
Shut up. It's an amazing whistle-blower. Thank you for everything you have done in the past. And thank you for this.
STEVE: Right. And as a result to that. He came forward, and he said, well, let me just reset the stage just a little bit here. When Joe Hahnemann and I were assigned to do the first stories on the assassination attempt on July 13th, at Butler, PA. Well, when we revealed in that story that Thomas Crooks, the shooter. Our sources said, you know, they're in an Intelligence Community, and Special Ops. They're all saying, now, this kid was groomed.
We recognize our handiwork. This is what we do overseas.
So suddenly, I get this call. Or private message from a guy. You know, great story, by the way.
I really appreciate it. By the way, I think you got it right.
Thank you for telling me that. Who are you?
Then he started revealing who he was. And then I started vetting, and finding out who he was.
And what he said to me was, yeah. I recognize my handiwork in Thomas Crook.
And so we started the process of sharing things, developing a relationship. And then one day, as our relationship was growing, he says, oh, by the way. I have a couple of names to give you. If you really want to know what happened in January 6th. And one of those names is Aaron Black.
GLENN: This is the story. Exclusive story on the right now.
The Nancy Pelosi had a fixer, at the Capitol on January 6th.
That's what you search for. That's what's there now, at the Go ahead. Tell the story.
STEVE: So what ended up happening was, is I started doing what you're supposed to do. I started looking at it. The more I did, the more interesting it got.
The more research it did, the more people he had to bring in. Because this guy is dark. And we had to go and actually scrape the dark web for him.
He's good at cleaning out his trail. The one thing that he couldn't clean out was that there were some Project Veritas videos out there from 2016. Where he was caught in one of their stings. Actually admitting to the fact that he and his guys were responsible for the violence at a Donald Trump rally in 2016. March, I think it was.
Early in the campaign. In which they had actually cancelled the rally. Because not only was there violence outside. They had over 100 of their people infiltrated inside, in a project they called bird docking. Which is they get old ladies there, early in the morning, 6 o'clock, 7 o'clock in the morning to get in line first with their posters. And, you know, their placards inside their bags.
And then they'll get up either on the stage or front row, they will open those anti-Trump posters of things, and then get the men, the MAGA guys irritated and hopefully violent. That's what it's called. It's called bird dogging. And so this is what this guy has been an expert at that.
Creating these types of situations throughout his entire career. From Occupy Wall Street. All of a sudden, he shows up on the radar again, in 2016.
And a couple of very specific events. Then he goes silent again.
Then all of a sudden, he remarriages as, quote, unquote, senior political adviser at team Pelosi.
GLENN: So -- I just want you to -- get your arms around this here for a second.
What this guy is doing, is what we showed you our State Department, through USAID was doing all over South America and Europe. We told you. I did a chalkboard on this, just I don't even know. Just six years ago. We'll have to look at it. This chalkboard laid this all out. And showed how this money was being used. And how Barack Obama started with the Arab spring to teach how to overthrow governments. And then they started. They kept doing it all across Libya. And then Syria. And then we went into Ukraine. And elsewhere.
We went into South America. This is what they were perfecting. These Colour Revolutions.
STEVE: Right.
GLENN: Paid for by your tax dollars. And I told you about five or six years ago, I think they're doing this to America. I think that's what's happening here. Well, yes. This is the guy.
STEVE: Exactly.
GLENN: Exactly.
STEVE: He, among others, he's not the lone wolf out there. But I actually tweeted out. And it just dawned on me this morning.
Because we have this photo at the top of the article on TheBlaze. If you go look and Nancy Pelosi is cradling his face in her hands. And just giving him the most adoring. So I'm now calling him Pelosi's precious. I changed his name.
GLENN: Yeah. He is. He is.
Okay. So what did he do at January 6th?
STEVE: Well, what we believe through our contacts, sources, whistle-blowers. Both named and unnamed.
Is that he did, in fact, organize, this is what we've been told. Is that he had paid agitators. I didn't say violent people. Paid agitators, because his expertise is controlling the narrative.
Like, you know, confederate flags being carried through the Capitol rotunda, things of that nature. Now, the most interesting aspect of January 6th.
I think everybody focuses on the violence. They pick their sides. The police started it.
The Proud Boys started it. Pick your -- you know, your nefarious actors. The most interesting aspect of January 6th was the same organizers of the rally got it delivered that day. Also organized the Jericho march on December 12th, just a month earlier.
And then also organized the million MAGA March on November 12th.
Now, when I said organizing, they pulled the permits for the stages and the speakers. And the people that part of those -- that weekend activities.
But all of those events, this was extreme violence.
Antifa. BLM.
You know, Proud Boys, knocking heads. They were -- Antifa was attacking old ladies. You know, elderly couples going back to their cars, after attending the rallies.
On the December 12th rally, a Proud Boy was critically injured. He was stabbed by an Antifa guy.
Then suddenly on January 6th, the largest event of them all, by multiples larger, zero counter-protestors.
GLENN: And that was at the ellipse, right?
STEVE: Anywhere. Anywhere.
GLENN: Anywhere.
STEVE: You saw no counter-protestors anywhere.
GLENN: I was going to say, that was weird.
I was thinking. Well, no. They were there at the Capitol.
Those are the ones I deemed not part of the movement.
That I've looked at it, and said, there's no way that person was part of the movement. They were acting like they were part of the movement.
STEVE: That's correct. This is what his expertise is. It's controlling the narrative. And what did Nancy Pelosi most famously say, when she set up the committee?
She said, that this was to establish and preserve the narrative of that day!
GLENN: And preserve the narrative.
STEVE: That's an exact quote.
GLENN: So what was the narrative?
Did he help design it? Did he help execute it? What was his role on January 6th?
STEVE: Both. He's a boots on the ground kind of guy.
One of our main sources in the article, Dustin Stockton, who has had a 15-year relationship with him, going back to Occupy Wall Street days. Countermovement to the Tea Party movement at the time.
And so as a result of those two things, there was a lot of collusion between Stockton and black during that time.
Over the years. All the way up until and through January 6th.
And so one of the things that we learned was, is that Stockton had been told by Aaron Black, that he was out of town January 6th. Until Stockton saw a photo of him on the steps of the Capitol that day.
And then, additionally, because he was very, very worried, that he had been seen. He started reaching out to other people, within our network, and security people.
And asking them about -- he was very concerned about whether his comes had been caught in the geofence that day.
Became very, very concerned about that.
And these are stories that are coming to us, through sources, that you can't even believe.
We're talking about the Rolling Stone. Politico. Other places.
GLENN: I want to -- I want to ask you. Let me take a quick break.
And when we come back.
I just want to know, I'm really excited what Trump has been doing.
I'm very -- very, very excited what's happening. I'm a little underwhelmed.
And I just said to Stu, put this on your calendar, a year from now, if we're not seeing things.
Then this is not strategy. I think it's strategy so far. But I've been underwhelmed what's happening at the FBI and DOJ. Because that's critical to the rot that's in there. And undoing the damage of the Deep State. And I've not seen any moves on it yet. Let me get your opinion on that when we come back.
So, Steve, this is just part one of a series of articles that you're going to be doing.
Now, in my world, this guy would be called in by the FBI.
And they would start questioning him. You know, what are you doing?
What happened?
We haven't found even the pipe bomber yet.
That's a little odd.
Are we -- are you disappointed at all, in Pam Bondi ask what the FBI is doing?
Do you think this is strategy. Incompetence. Are they no different than the rest of them? What's happening there?
SPENCER: Glenn, we revealed a year and a half ago irrefutable proof, that two federal officers perjured themselves in federal court.
And nothing has ever happened about that either.
GLENN: Yeah. But we had -- I only count from Pam Bondi getting in. You know what I mean?
STEVE: Right. Right.
GLENN: There should have been things.
Everybody else. Every single office that has been occupied. They had a list.
And they went boom, boom, boom, she should have had that list.
Does it exist. Is there a reason for this hesitation?
STEVE: Yeah. We've seen other department heads or ministers that are steamrolling through their list right now.
We're not seeing that there. I don't understand it.
I will tell you this, they're connected to what we're working on. To the stories we're working on, related to January 6th right now.
Whether we're going back to those federal officers who perjured themselves. Or we're talking about Aaron black and this revelation here. Someone who needs to be investigated. I can tell you right now, with all confidence that the blockade is coming from the G.O.P.
STEVE: There are -- people in leadership, in the G.O.P. right now, who are stopping, and have been the object obstructionists since take one.
Since the first committee.
Since Loudermilk's subcommittee was working at the oversight committee, the work he was doing.
There were obstructionists at the top, who were stopping him and blockading him. Is now there's a new committee, has been founded. Been formed.
Are being formed. Has been announced an actual press release went out from the speaker. And now they're narrowing the focus of what they're even allowed to do, down to the point of, what's the point?
And so there are some problems there.
GLENN: So do you have the names? I know you won't give them to me on the air. Will you give me the names?
I'll --
STEVE: I'll talk to you about it off the air.
GLENN: Yeah. Please do.
STEVE: The problem is. Let's just be perfectly honest. The establishment G.O.P. did not want Trump in 2020.
GLENN: I don't want the names.
STEVE: They participated in the election. Let me say that.
GLENN: I am -- I am just sitting here thinking, what are the legal ramifications of me doing that?
What are the ramifications?
Then I thought of you listening wherever you are.
Thinking, what are the ramifications, if we don't get those names. Give me the names.
I'll expose it.
STEVE: We will get there.
GLENN: Good. Good. Thank you so much. Do you know if you have a next piece dropping on this?
STEVE: I actually have to spend a couple more days here in Dallas. Then I have to hit the road and talk to the people for the next installment.
GLENN: On the shooting of the president, is anything going to happen on that?
STEVE: Again, we're going back to the same office, aren't we? Where, you're asking the same question to the same office. What's happening at DOJ? What's happening at FBI? Now, today is Dan Bongino's first day, maybe he unplugs the clock. I don't know.
GLENN: I can't believe Kash Patel is part of that clock.
I just can't. I can see him being told, back off. Back off. Back off.
I mean, can't see him being part of the clock. And I couldn't see Bongino doing that. Now, I don't know pam Bondi at all, but there is a clog there. And it's got to be unclogged. And I'll tell you, this is the Achilles' heel of the president. He may not know it. Most people may not know it.
This will be the Achilles' heel to his supporters.
If you don't go after even your own kind, to clean this out, I really think Americans, even had you seen own supporters will go, you know. Mr. President, I'm a supporter of yours on many, many things.
But that one is too important. And if you don't get that one done, I don't know where I stand.
STEVE: Right. Exactly.
GLENN: Appreciative of what you are doing.
But I can't count you as the revolutionary that I thought was going to fix our republic. That has to be done.
Thank you so much. Appreciate it. All right.