EXCLUSIVE: Why Was Pelosi’s "Fixer" at Jan. 6?

Blaze News’ Steve Baker exposes Aaron Black, who he has dubbed “Pelosi’s precious,” for allegedly lying about his role at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Did Black, known to associates as Nancy Pelosi’s “fixer,” orchestrate agitators at the riot and skew the narrative to benefit Democrats? And did he lie about his presence at the Capitol during the riot? Baker joins Glenn Beck to break down the findings recorded in a Blaze News exclusive report, including Black’s history of fomenting unrest using CIA-style color revolution tactics and his deep connections to Pelosi.

Read the full article HERE:


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Steve Baker, investigative journalist, Blaze news. Opinion contributor. And a guy who almost went to jail for just covering January 6. Welcome, Steve. How are you?

STEVE: It's good to be back.

GLENN: How is it to have that monkey off your back?

STEVE: Well, I didn't realize how heavy of a burden that was.

GLENN: That's crazy.

STEVE: Because I lived with that for over three years.

Then even after the arrest, I didn't realize the stress levels that I was living under, until as it began to slowly lift over -- took about a week, before I felt normal again. I just didn't know it was there.

GLENN: It's weird. I go to my doctor all the time. My wife usually will come with me. It's fine.

And she'll say, she'll look at him and go, no. It's not. No, it's not.

But you live under it for so long. And until you get away from it, you have no idea. I can't imagine what that stress was.

Let's switch subjects. You have a new Blaze exclusive out.

Nancy Pelosi had a fixer at the Capitol on January 6th.

This is -- this will just piss you off. But it pissed me off for a couple of reasons. One, it is so evil!

But the second thing is, is I looked for these people during Occupy Wall Street.

STEVE: Right.

GLENN: We were looking for -- and this guy never came up on our radar as connected to anything.

And now, in retrospect, you're showing how connected he is.

And it's all this -- it's all this USAID kind of crap.

STEVE: Right.

GLENN: Who is he? And what did he do?

STEVE: Well, first of all, he was one of the principle organizers of Occupy Wall Street, which is amazing that he doesn't come up.

Now, we can go back in retrospect. And we can find him.

We can find YouTube videos of him speaking and doing --

GLENN: I'm sure we covered it.

We had no idea who he was.

STEVE: No idea who he was.

And fortunately, for us, you have a connection, which we can't get really deep into.

But you were on this, you know, back -- before Occupy Wall Street.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

STEVE: You were on this story, fifteen, 17 years ago back at Fox.

And it was because of that connection, that someone came to me, because he's a fan of yours.

GLENN: And I didn't even know -- by the way, I hopefully will talk to somebody at this point.

You're not going to believe. You're not going to believe this. You came to me a couple weeks ago. I have a story coming out. I want you to know.

Shut up. It's an amazing whistle-blower. Thank you for everything you have done in the past. And thank you for this.

STEVE: Right. And as a result to that. He came forward, and he said, well, let me just reset the stage just a little bit here. When Joe Hahnemann and I were assigned to do the first stories on the assassination attempt on July 13th, at Butler, PA. Well, when we revealed in that story that Thomas Crooks, the shooter. Our sources said, you know, they're in an Intelligence Community, and Special Ops. They're all saying, now, this kid was groomed.

We recognize our handiwork. This is what we do overseas.

So suddenly, I get this call. Or private message from a guy. You know, great story, by the way.

I really appreciate it. By the way, I think you got it right.

Thank you for telling me that. Who are you?

Then he started revealing who he was. And then I started vetting, and finding out who he was.

And what he said to me was, yeah. I recognize my handiwork in Thomas Crook.

And so we started the process of sharing things, developing a relationship. And then one day, as our relationship was growing, he says, oh, by the way. I have a couple of names to give you. If you really want to know what happened in January 6th. And one of those names is Aaron Black.

GLENN: This is the story. Exclusive story on the right now.

The Nancy Pelosi had a fixer, at the Capitol on January 6th.

That's what you search for. That's what's there now, at the Go ahead. Tell the story.

STEVE: So what ended up happening was, is I started doing what you're supposed to do. I started looking at it. The more I did, the more interesting it got.

The more research it did, the more people he had to bring in. Because this guy is dark. And we had to go and actually scrape the dark web for him.

He's good at cleaning out his trail. The one thing that he couldn't clean out was that there were some Project Veritas videos out there from 2016. Where he was caught in one of their stings. Actually admitting to the fact that he and his guys were responsible for the violence at a Donald Trump rally in 2016. March, I think it was.

Early in the campaign. In which they had actually cancelled the rally. Because not only was there violence outside. They had over 100 of their people infiltrated inside, in a project they called bird docking. Which is they get old ladies there, early in the morning, 6 o'clock, 7 o'clock in the morning to get in line first with their posters. And, you know, their placards inside their bags.

And then they'll get up either on the stage or front row, they will open those anti-Trump posters of things, and then get the men, the MAGA guys irritated and hopefully violent. That's what it's called. It's called bird dogging. And so this is what this guy has been an expert at that.

Creating these types of situations throughout his entire career. From Occupy Wall Street. All of a sudden, he shows up on the radar again, in 2016.

And a couple of very specific events. Then he goes silent again.

Then all of a sudden, he remarriages as, quote, unquote, senior political adviser at team Pelosi.

GLENN: So -- I just want you to -- get your arms around this here for a second.

What this guy is doing, is what we showed you our State Department, through USAID was doing all over South America and Europe. We told you. I did a chalkboard on this, just I don't even know. Just six years ago. We'll have to look at it. This chalkboard laid this all out. And showed how this money was being used. And how Barack Obama started with the Arab spring to teach how to overthrow governments. And then they started. They kept doing it all across Libya. And then Syria. And then we went into Ukraine. And elsewhere.

We went into South America. This is what they were perfecting. These Colour Revolutions.

STEVE: Right.

GLENN: Paid for by your tax dollars. And I told you about five or six years ago, I think they're doing this to America. I think that's what's happening here. Well, yes. This is the guy.

STEVE: Exactly.

GLENN: Exactly.

STEVE: He, among others, he's not the lone wolf out there. But I actually tweeted out. And it just dawned on me this morning.

Because we have this photo at the top of the article on TheBlaze. If you go look and Nancy Pelosi is cradling his face in her hands. And just giving him the most adoring. So I'm now calling him Pelosi's precious. I changed his name.

GLENN: Yeah. He is. He is.

Okay. So what did he do at January 6th?

STEVE: Well, what we believe through our contacts, sources, whistle-blowers. Both named and unnamed.

Is that he did, in fact, organize, this is what we've been told. Is that he had paid agitators. I didn't say violent people. Paid agitators, because his expertise is controlling the narrative.

Like, you know, confederate flags being carried through the Capitol rotunda, things of that nature. Now, the most interesting aspect of January 6th.

I think everybody focuses on the violence. They pick their sides. The police started it.

The Proud Boys started it. Pick your -- you know, your nefarious actors. The most interesting aspect of January 6th was the same organizers of the rally got it delivered that day. Also organized the Jericho march on December 12th, just a month earlier.

And then also organized the million MAGA March on November 12th.

Now, when I said organizing, they pulled the permits for the stages and the speakers. And the people that part of those -- that weekend activities.
But all of those events, this was extreme violence.

Antifa. BLM.

You know, Proud Boys, knocking heads. They were -- Antifa was attacking old ladies. You know, elderly couples going back to their cars, after attending the rallies.

On the December 12th rally, a Proud Boy was critically injured. He was stabbed by an Antifa guy.

Then suddenly on January 6th, the largest event of them all, by multiples larger, zero counter-protestors.

GLENN: And that was at the ellipse, right?

STEVE: Anywhere. Anywhere.

GLENN: Anywhere.

STEVE: You saw no counter-protestors anywhere.

GLENN: I was going to say, that was weird.

I was thinking. Well, no. They were there at the Capitol.

Those are the ones I deemed not part of the movement.

That I've looked at it, and said, there's no way that person was part of the movement. They were acting like they were part of the movement.

STEVE: That's correct. This is what his expertise is. It's controlling the narrative. And what did Nancy Pelosi most famously say, when she set up the committee?

She said, that this was to establish and preserve the narrative of that day!

GLENN: And preserve the narrative.

STEVE: That's an exact quote.

GLENN: So what was the narrative?

Did he help design it? Did he help execute it? What was his role on January 6th?

STEVE: Both. He's a boots on the ground kind of guy.

One of our main sources in the article, Dustin Stockton, who has had a 15-year relationship with him, going back to Occupy Wall Street days. Countermovement to the Tea Party movement at the time.

And so as a result of those two things, there was a lot of collusion between Stockton and black during that time.

Over the years. All the way up until and through January 6th.

And so one of the things that we learned was, is that Stockton had been told by Aaron Black, that he was out of town January 6th. Until Stockton saw a photo of him on the steps of the Capitol that day.

And then, additionally, because he was very, very worried, that he had been seen. He started reaching out to other people, within our network, and security people.

And asking them about -- he was very concerned about whether his comes had been caught in the geofence that day.

Became very, very concerned about that.

And these are stories that are coming to us, through sources, that you can't even believe.

We're talking about the Rolling Stone. Politico. Other places.

GLENN: I want to -- I want to ask you. Let me take a quick break.

And when we come back.

I just want to know, I'm really excited what Trump has been doing.

I'm very -- very, very excited what's happening. I'm a little underwhelmed.

And I just said to Stu, put this on your calendar, a year from now, if we're not seeing things.

Then this is not strategy. I think it's strategy so far. But I've been underwhelmed what's happening at the FBI and DOJ. Because that's critical to the rot that's in there. And undoing the damage of the Deep State. And I've not seen any moves on it yet. Let me get your opinion on that when we come back.

So, Steve, this is just part one of a series of articles that you're going to be doing.

Now, in my world, this guy would be called in by the FBI.

And they would start questioning him. You know, what are you doing?

What happened?

We haven't found even the pipe bomber yet.

That's a little odd.

Are we -- are you disappointed at all, in Pam Bondi ask what the FBI is doing?

Do you think this is strategy. Incompetence. Are they no different than the rest of them? What's happening there?

SPENCER: Glenn, we revealed a year and a half ago irrefutable proof, that two federal officers perjured themselves in federal court.

And nothing has ever happened about that either.

GLENN: Yeah. But we had -- I only count from Pam Bondi getting in. You know what I mean?

STEVE: Right. Right.

GLENN: There should have been things.

Everybody else. Every single office that has been occupied. They had a list.

And they went boom, boom, boom, she should have had that list.

Does it exist. Is there a reason for this hesitation?

STEVE: Yeah. We've seen other department heads or ministers that are steamrolling through their list right now.

We're not seeing that there. I don't understand it.

I will tell you this, they're connected to what we're working on. To the stories we're working on, related to January 6th right now.

Whether we're going back to those federal officers who perjured themselves. Or we're talking about Aaron black and this revelation here. Someone who needs to be investigated. I can tell you right now, with all confidence that the blockade is coming from the G.O.P.


STEVE: There are -- people in leadership, in the G.O.P. right now, who are stopping, and have been the object obstructionists since take one.

Since the first committee.

Since Loudermilk's subcommittee was working at the oversight committee, the work he was doing.
There were obstructionists at the top, who were stopping him and blockading him. Is now there's a new committee, has been founded. Been formed.

Are being formed. Has been announced an actual press release went out from the speaker. And now they're narrowing the focus of what they're even allowed to do, down to the point of, what's the point?

And so there are some problems there.

GLENN: So do you have the names? I know you won't give them to me on the air. Will you give me the names?

I'll --

STEVE: I'll talk to you about it off the air.

GLENN: Yeah. Please do.

STEVE: The problem is. Let's just be perfectly honest. The establishment G.O.P. did not want Trump in 2020.

GLENN: I don't want the names.

STEVE: They participated in the election. Let me say that.

GLENN: I am -- I am just sitting here thinking, what are the legal ramifications of me doing that?

What are the ramifications?

Then I thought of you listening wherever you are.

Thinking, what are the ramifications, if we don't get those names. Give me the names.

I'll expose it.

STEVE: We will get there.

GLENN: Good. Good. Thank you so much. Do you know if you have a next piece dropping on this?

STEVE: I actually have to spend a couple more days here in Dallas. Then I have to hit the road and talk to the people for the next installment.

GLENN: On the shooting of the president, is anything going to happen on that?

STEVE: Again, we're going back to the same office, aren't we? Where, you're asking the same question to the same office. What's happening at DOJ? What's happening at FBI? Now, today is Dan Bongino's first day, maybe he unplugs the clock. I don't know.

GLENN: I can't believe Kash Patel is part of that clock.

I just can't. I can see him being told, back off. Back off. Back off.

I mean, can't see him being part of the clock. And I couldn't see Bongino doing that. Now, I don't know pam Bondi at all, but there is a clog there. And it's got to be unclogged. And I'll tell you, this is the Achilles' heel of the president. He may not know it. Most people may not know it.

This will be the Achilles' heel to his supporters.

If you don't go after even your own kind, to clean this out, I really think Americans, even had you seen own supporters will go, you know. Mr. President, I'm a supporter of yours on many, many things.

But that one is too important. And if you don't get that one done, I don't know where I stand.

STEVE: Right. Exactly.

GLENN: Appreciative of what you are doing.

But I can't count you as the revolutionary that I thought was going to fix our republic. That has to be done.

Thank you so much. Appreciate it. All right.


Can Trump Void Biden’s Autopen Pardons?

President Trump is now insisting that the preemptive pardons that President Biden issued in his last days in office - like those given to Hunter Biden, Dr. Fauci, and members of the January 6 Committee, should be null and void. Trump argued that if they were signed using an autopen, without Biden’s knowledge, a court should disqualify them. But will this happen? How prevalent was Biden’s use of an autopen? Did he even know he signed many of these documents? Glenn, Pat, and Jason discuss. The guys also review Conor McGregor’s recent appearance at the White House and a terrifying story out of Mexico.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: There's a couple of really disturbing things. We will start getting into them tomorrow. So working towards tomorrow's show. We will spend a lot of time on the auto-pen thing. That thing is a mess. I mean, the president didn't -- I mean, we have the audio. Let's see if we can get that for tomorrow.

We have the audio with the President. And who was it? With Tapper? And he's like, I didn't do that. Yes, you did, sir. You just signed a bill two days ago.

No, I didn't.

Yes, you did.

Oh, well, I guess I did. That shows he was either absolutely incompetent, which is very, very vile.

And/or somebody else is just using the auto-pen, and he didn't know what he was signing.

That is -- I mean, everyone involved in that, should, quite honestly, be tried for treason.

You are -- you are a traitor to the Constitution of the United States.

You are taking on the power of the presidency, yourself.

You don't have the right to do it.

And I don't think Kamala Harris wasn't the, you one doing it.

It wasn't like it was in the chain of command.

Do we have any idea who was doing it. Susan rice comes to mind.

Ron Klain comes to mind. Right? Who else?

VOICE: Neera Tanden. So she was the center for America Progress president. She came in as an adviser. I think she's an OMB, I think, Stu, for a while.

I think she took -- yeah. Then she was -- she took Susan Rice's position, as the head of interior policy or something like that, after Susan Rice left.

All these were Obama people, that we were like, why in the hell are some of these people getting so close to the president, and sticking with him, that were from the Obama administration.

GLENN: Because, I mean, the reason they were all sticking with, is because they held the power. They held the power.

I'm convinced of it. Where does the auto-pen live, do we know? Is that out of his desk kind of like a printer?

JASON: I don't know.

GLENN: Honestly, where is that? That should be under lock and key. But who has access to that? Because that's important.

It the secretary of the president need to give people permission.

That has to be chain of command for the auto-pen.

JASON: We should be looking now specifically for that question.

Heritage foundation did a deeper dive on it.

They found, the president was on vacation golfing, while some of these pardons are being signed.

GLENN: Which president.

JASON: Biden.

GLENN: Wait.

He was golfing?

What? Did he have an auto club that just like hit the ball for him?

He could swing a golf club? No way. I'm having a hard time believing that. There's no way. I just see a ball on a tee just kind of falling -- yes. On his first hole, he only had 1,747 strokes. And an actual stroke or two. But that's a different story.

JASON: We should look more into that. There's probably an auto walkup to the stairs of Air Force One. Let's open this investigation even more.

STU: Well, then they did auto president, kind of --

GLENN: This is bad. This is really bad.

JASON: Yeah.

STU: And I guess it's been used since the Bush administration.

GLENN: No, I think it was used. First order to be signed was Barack Obama had to sign a big order. And he was on I think vacation.

STU: That's legislation. That was the first legislation.

I think it went all the way back to 2005, I believe, during Bush.

And the Department of Justice issued a -- an okay, basically to use it.

But it's never been challenged in the Supreme Court.

GLENN: I think it should be.

STU: Kind of odd.

You kind of have to. I don't know, maybe actually sign the bills.

GLENN: Well, I wouldn't have a problem with an auto-pen in a way that, it needs to get to the president.

Has to have his signature. If it was like the nuclear football.

You know what I mean?

Where it's with the president at all times. And it could feed go B something.

And improve it.

Why not have him sign it?

GLENN: I think we may not -- back in 2004, 2008, we may not have realized what they would use this for.

Because we used to think people had some integrity. But obviously not.

I mean, this is really, really bad.

Again, where is Pam Bondi?

SPENCER: If you're thinking about it though, if you're a second term president, that wants a third term. But you just want to be the guy behind the guy in the shadows. The auto-pen is the perfect thing for you. You have a puppet like Joe in there.

STU: Trump did use it a few times as well.

GLENN: I'm not saying it's bad.

STU: I'm not saying -- it should be challenged. And like, look, the proper way to do this. Is to send the documents to him. And let him sign it in person. And not send a signature across the -- like some machine that replicates his signature back in Washington, while he's on vacation.

GLENN: And I don't know if you know this, but we're past the age of the fax machine. And even the fax machine would have been okay.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: You know what I mean?

Fax it to me, and I'll sign it. The signature is the important part of that.

JASON: Well, this is going to be a huge conversation. Because President Trump this morning was tweeting out that a lot of pardons were giving J6 committee people, those preemptive pardons. He's now saying, those should be null and void. And there's nothing in the Constitution, that even comes close to addressing this.

GLENN: Come on. I've never seen a president doing that many pardons. How did that system work, you know what I mean? Six thousand.

JASON: That's a lot of batteries on the auto-pen.

GLENN: And a lot of batteries on the president, just to understand 6,000 names and cases. So we will get into that tomorrow.

Also, what's his -- what's-his-face was with Donald Trump this morning.

STU: Connor McGregor. Yeah, yeah. Do we have a clip of that.

Go ahead and play this.

VOICE: It's a travesty. Our government with zero action and zero accountability. You know, our money is being spent on overseas issues that has nothing to do with the Irish people. It's overrunning, running ravage on the culture. There are rural (inaudible), that have become a minority in one swoop. So issues need to be addressed. And Americans, as I understand, need to hear this. Because if not, there will be no place to come on and visit.

GLENN: What a clever way to get him into the White House on St. Patrick's Day.

I mean, I think this guy is -- I mean, I don't know about him personally. I just know that he wants to run, I think for Prime Minister.

STU: President.

GLENN: For president in Ireland. And Ireland is in trouble. I mean, they all are. They're in trouble.

Ireland, you know, it's not the sweet little -- I mean, first of all, it's now the home of Rosie O'Donnell. It's not the sweet little place it used to be. But, Rosie, I don't know -- you should peek outside your window from time to time. The Islamic Brotherhood are setting up shop there. And I don't think they like gay people. They like them even less than the people you think hate them here.

STU: I can personally guarantee you, though, wherever Rosie O'Donnell is living. These problems probably don't exist. It's probably very beautiful and lots of grass and hills. That's probably where she is.

GLENN: Ireland is in deep trouble. I mean, they're losing their churches. They're just being made into mosques all over. And I'm telling you, I think -- I think by 2030, you could see Great Britain become an Islamic state.

SPENCER: Yeah. To your point, Stu. That's a really good point. Connor McGregor is an shutdowns on Netflix or something. I can't remember. But it shows his entire background. He's talking about rural communities and like harder communities are being affected by this. That's where he comes from. Like, he was their champion. Like he grew up very tough streets. Worked his way up. Like a lot of solid blue collar neighborhoods.

GLENN: Deep State will do everything. Do everything they can to kill that guy. Not ours, theirs.

JASON: Oh, gosh.

GLENN: Liz Truss said to me, the interview I did with her, coming out next week, we talked about, where are these people, that could be like a Donald Trump for all these countries. And she said, they're coming. They're coming. And I think he's one of them. That will be very good.

JASON: I do too. Absolutely. Did you ask Liz about the annoying use of vowels within their language? Because that's what I want to know.

GLENN: No, if you look at -- it's so funny you would say that.

If you watch the video, I tried right at the beginning. I couldn't get it in. She just kept going.

You know, you have U's in words that shouldn't have U's. Like there's no U in colour. Anyway.

I don't know if she would have thought that was funny. She would be accused by you Americans. I have a feeling.

There's another story that I want to get on to tomorrow. That I couldn't believe.

I spent a couple of hours just trying to verify this. And reading all the stories from the Washington Post. And from the New York Times and everything else. So it's not some sort of crazy conspiracy theory. Because it's everywhere.

And it's about these concentration camps in Mexico.

Did you hear about this? Did you hear about this, Stu? This should be on everyone's front page.

This should be a very big thing.

You know, we've been saying all the time. People just go down, they disappear in Mexico. Where did they go? Well, outside of the town of Guadalajara, they have found this abandoned torture camp, with underground crematories, underground ovens.

Okay? They're finding teeth and bones.
And they found remnants of at least 700 people. And what they were doing was kidnapping people. Kidnapping their families. And then saying, you're going to do work for us. Or we're going to kill your whole family.

And they would torture these people. And torture the families.

And then just burn the bows.

And some of it was apparently was done to just -- not to recruit new people. Just to learn how to torture people.

I mean, I'm a telling you, I don't know how we don't send in the Special Forces, pretty soon.

JASON: They're talking about the cartels doing this?

GLENN: Yeah. Well, also in the -- what is it? The Cente Muarte (phonetic).

JASON: The Cente Muarte.

GLENN: What is that? A religion, a gang?

JASON: Yeah. It's kind of like an offshoot of Christianity. Something like that. My wife --

GLENN: Meaning that Christianity believes in Satan?

JASON: It's hard. Yeah. It's really hard. I know they have witches and things like that. That can cast spells. And all that.

You can walk through Mexico City. Like a really public square. That looks really normal.

You've been to Mexico City. And then all of a sudden, you'll see, one of their statues, it's like a woman, but a skeleton. She's a grim reaper outfit.

GLENN: That's a symbol of it.

JASON: They'll come up to it, and pray to it. And it's very formal.

GLENN: Is it a twisted offshoot of -- it seemed. As I was reading about it this weekend. Is this something like the Lady of Guadalupe gone wrong?

What is this?

GLENN: Don't quote me. Somebody will be listening and smacking me in the head.

It seemed like a saint that looks after bad people, or something like that.

So cartels are heavily in that. They've gone way off the deepened.

This is not surprising that this is happening. Have you ever seen narcos Mexico on Netflix?


JASON: So you watch through that, and it's based on real events, and things that happened, as the cartel spread through Mexico.

They'll just kind of randomly throw in the attorney general is on board, or getting paid off by some of these cartels.

GLENN: Oh, Donald Trump is not going to -- the people of Mexico.

If we go in with Special Forces. And we kill all these groups. People in Mexico, are going to love Americans.

They are going to love them.

Because nothing will happen. Because all of their -- you know, all of the -- you can't get elected. Unless you either just turn a blind eye, or with the cartels. You can't. They kill you.

And they kill everybody around you. And everybody who wants to replace you.

So, I mean, you know, it's got to stop! It's got to end.

JASON: I don't know how you separate the Mexican government. Dirty Mexican officials that are on the take, and part of this whole thing.

We did a story probably last year. There was like a general signed to crack down on this one cartel in one region. They found out a couple months later that he's on the take and getting paid off.

GLENN: I have to tell you, I think Mexico is a drug state. I don't think it's a failed state.

I think it's a drug state at this point.


Should Andrew Tate Be a Role Model for Young Men?

Controversial influencer Andrew Tate has become a role model for some young men on the Right. But should he be? Is he even “conservative” or “based”? Fellow BlazeTV host ‪@AllieBethStuckey‬ joins Glenn to discuss what Tate actually believes, in his own words, about women and feminism: “Do we need strong male leadership examples for men? Andrew Tate is not that.” But should the Trump administration and Florida prosecute the Tate brothers?

Allie also talks about her next "Share The Arrows" event, which you can get tickets for at


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

STU: Can you hit the Andrew Tate thing at all? I don't know how much you've gone into it. I don't really know anything about him.

ALLIE: You know, I thought that you were a huge Andrew Tate fan. You struck me as that. Wow.

GLENN: Here's the thing, my son said to me, dad, I don't know how to feel about Andrew Tate. I think I kind of like him. I'm like, son, I don't know anything about him. But I will figure this one out. Because I'm not -- I'm not sure that should be -- and that's where young men are going. And it seems to me, to be dangerous.

ALLIE: Yeah.

GLENN: But I don't really know. I haven't done any work on it.

STU: I did the one thing where it's like you're going through Twitter, and someone posts. You keep seeing his name. I keep seeing people post about him. I've never heard of the guy. If you think Andrew Tate is a real conservative. And I clicked on it. And it was a video of him saying the worst things possible for about ten straight minutes. And I was like -- and seemingly physically abusing a bunch of women. And I was like, I don't -- are there actually conservatives who think guy is a good guy?

ALLIE: Yes. 100 percent.

GLENN: I think there are young men.

STU: Do they not see this stuff?

GLENN: I don't know. We have made men so wimpy. This is -- this is from zero homework. Okay. So this could be proven wrong six ways to Sunday.

ALLIE: Don't worry, I'll check you.

GLENN: So I'm just saying, this is me shooting from my hip. Kids, men, boys have become -- wearing skirts. And it's totally fine. And you want -- it's bad to be a man. And there's no tough men. And everything else.

I think he is the overreaction. The pendulum swinging so far the other way, that young people are looking at him, and going, you know. You know, it's time for men to be men.

But that's not what men are. That's not what a good man is.

STU: No.

GLENN: You know what I mean?

ALLIE: Yeah.

GLENN: And I could be wrong.

ALLIE: No. I think that's part of it. That's certainly why people defend him.

And I've listened to things he says. Of course, he says things we would agree about feminism. About the emasculation of men, about how men to be providers. They need to be tough. They need to take care of women. But at the same time, he's a self-proclaimed pimp, who has prostituted young girls on video, talking about his academy -- his academy. It's an online academy, where he has trained other men to pimp out women online.

And so that was how he made his money.

GLENN: That sounds like Hollywood.

ALLIE: Yeah. PhD. Course. Pimping hoes course or whatever. Is what he called it. And, yeah, he is on tape beating women with a belt and threatening them.

GLENN: Jeez.

ALLIE: And so he might say he's different now, but I don't know how anyone can say he's redeemed because he became a Muslim, which is basically just a religious justification for oppressing women. And he still says --

GLENN: Wow. What a brave statement. I'm off the hook for my earlier statement.

ALLIE: I overshouted it.

GLENN: Did you hear what Allie Beth said after I said it?

ALLIE: I mean, it's just not surprising that he didn't become Christian or something like that. So that's who Andrew Tate is. I would say no. No young man should follow him. Do we need strong male leadership examples for men? Yes. Andrew Tate is not that.

GLENN: Yes. And that's going back to this whole thing, Christ is king.

It's the same thing. You'll see, this is what Satan does. He'll take a little bit of truth. And then mix it in with a whole bunch of lies. And pervert everything.

And that's what's happening with these things. Is you'll see the truth of, yeah. You know what, men should be strong.

And then you look at it. Stu, I haven't seen this video.

Where he's beating women. I don't know. That doesn't seem like a strong man.

ALLIE: Yeah.

GLENN: That seems like a bully. And the exact opposite of what I think a man is.

STU: And when we say women. It's underaged girls.

ALLIE: That's the allegation we're talking about, 14 and 15-year-old girls in some cases.

STU: I saw Ron DeSantis' reaction to it in Florida, and it seemed completely appropriate.

ALLIE: It seemed proportionate. Now, there are some issues about whether or not as American citizens they should be here or not.

But I do think that it's wrong to spin any political capital by the Trump campaign on the Tate brothers.

GLENN: Okay. Hang on just a second, Allie Beth. She's the host, in case you don't. I'm sure you do. Of relatable on Blaze TV.

She is -- who was the lefty. What was it?

The New Yorker. Or the Atlantic. That claimed that you were --

ALLIE: Well, the new Phyllis Schlafly. Which is -- that is an honor. I've not filled those shoes.

But, yes.

STU: That was a great article.

ALLIE: Yeah. It was actually --

STU: I assumed it would be some kind of hit piece.

I thought it was very positive.

GLENN: They might have meant it as a hit piece.

ALLIE: They probably did.

GLENN: Normal people read it and say, yeah. Absolutely.

GLENN: So last year, we had like a billion women from everywhere, show up here in the Dallas area, in your Share the Arrows event. I unfortunately was out of town. Because I was ready to put in my skirt and go. There were like four guys there. But it was an amazing event.

ALLIE: Oh, thank you.

GLENN: And you're doing it again, when?

ALLIE: Yes. October 11th, outside of Dallas, Texas. And we have an actual arena this time. And we are super excited about it. We are announcing our speaker lineup next week.

And I just hope, by the grace of God, it's another really supernatural event.

GLENN: It will be. It will be.

STU: My wife Lisa went to this, absolute loved it. Brought seven or eight of her friends. They loved it. They want to go to the next one. Like, they spoke about it for weeks afterward.

ALLIE: Oh, good. Oh, that means a lot, thank you. Yeah.

STU: You did a great job with it, and I think you affected a lot of people.

ALLIE: Well, thank you. Blaze TV also, helped me pull it off. Everyone here. I wish I could list them all by name. It wouldn't have happened without them, truly.

GLENN: Maybe we could get one of the Tate brothers on October 11th, to go -- his crowd could go beat your crowd up.

ALLIE: Oh, that sounds perfect.

STU: That is a good idea.

ALLIE: Hmm. Wow.

GLENN: Wow. Thank you, Glenn, for that idea.

Anyway, how do you get tickets?

ALLIE: People can find out all about it. If you've got any questions. Go there. That's where you can get tickets. Bring your small group. Bring your mother-in-law. Sister-in-law. Sister's friends. Anyone. As long as they are a woman. They have to be an actual woman to be there, though. Glenn can't just grow out his hair and attend. Sorry.

STU: He loves Broadway. Does that help?

GLENN: I'm practically 100 percent chick.

ALLIE: So you're nonbinary is what you're saying.

GLENN: Anyway, what are the topics? Well, you can't tell the speakers, but can you tell the topics?

ALLIE: Yes. So Share the Arrows is a call to action. When your fellow believer is getting lambasted or rejected or bullied or whatever for standing up for what God says is good, right, and true. Rather than saying, I'm glad that's not happening to me. You stand up and say, okay. Enemy, whatever arrows, you are throwing against her, I will take them too. And that can really turn things around. I have watched that happen over and over again. There was one attendee, who sent me a message last year. And said, I walked out of Share the Arrows with zero fear of man. And that's what I want every mom, every young woman, every grandma to walk out with Share the Arrows feeling.

So we will hit on really controversial topics. We will talk about the typical gender abortion all of that, but motherhood. Apologetics. The New Age. Reproductive technology. All this stuff that people don't tend to hear at women's conferences. We will hear from a Christian perspective.

GLENN: That is great.

ALLIE: Thank you.

GLENN: You're just a gem. Allie Beth Stucky. You can find her on Blaze TV. She's the host of Relatable. Look at the podcast wherever you get your podcast. Share the Again, it's happening in October 11th.

In Dallas, Texas. October 11th. You can get your tickets and find out all the information at


Why Bondi Delayed the Epstein List: Glenn's 4 Theories

It has been a few weeks since Kash Patel was sworn in as FBI Director and the Epstein files have still not fully been released. So, what's going on? Why is Attorney General Pam Bondi delaying the release? Glenn and Stu review 4 theories: she needs to keep it secret for some reason; Trump wants to save its release for a politically strategic time; she can't overcome the Deep State's resistance in the FBI; and the theory that Glenn thinks is most likely: they'd rather delay its release until they're ready to make convictions.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: You know, we were just -- we were just talking with Allie Beth Stucky. And we were talking about Christ is king.

And that whole controversy. And it's not a controversy in my world. I don't really understand why people are so upset about it. Except for extremists that want it to be a thing.

And want it to divide us. But, you know, that's not the thing.

Stu and I were just talking about. This is becoming like a Black Lives Matter thing.

Where remember, you had to post the little black square on -- had to!

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: And you couldn't say all life matters. You couldn't say, I think the lives of black people absolutely matter!

You couldn't say that. You had to say, Black Lives Matter. It was like a -- an incantation.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: It was -- and I think that's -- honestly, that's the way it kind of is.

It's a mantra that you must say, and when it comes to Christ is king! King of kings, Lord of lords.

No. That's not good enough for you. Why?

Why isn't that good enough for you?

Why can't I quote Scriptures?

Why do I have to say it exactly like you said it.

That just tips me off, something is not right with some people that are saying it. It has another meaning to enough people. Lord of lords. King of kings.

What? You know. Do I have to say Budweiser is the king of beers? That's an advertising slogan. And so we just to have to be careful of these things, because, you know, there -- we can't boil things down to slogans.

Times are too important, and deception is too widespread.

We -- we can't just be a bumper sticker. Can't do it.

Today, Donald Trump is at the DOJ.

And I came in this morning, and one of the producers said, why is he going to the DOJ. And honestly, why hasn't Pam Bondi given the Epstein evidence?

Well, I don't know either of you those.

But if you would like me to speculate, I could go right to lizard people.

Because they're all lizard people.

Because it wasn't Epstein island. It was actually Trump island.

You know, I -- we could go there if you want to. Because the entire world, even your boss is part of a global pedophile ring.

And the only ones, the only ones that aren't in on it, you and me.

I mean, I could go there. I don't think that's what it is.

You know, but there are some other options.

I would like to run some of these options down. And I don't think it's one of these. I think it could be a myriad of these things.

Bondi is just incompetent or deceiving.

Because she knows, but she's not telling. Because she needs to keep it secret. For some reason.

Do you believe that one?

STU: I don't think she's incompetent, no.

PAT: Yeah, do you think she's just doing it because she's part of the Deep State cover-up.

STU: I don't think.

GLENN: I don't think so either. This is the big one, I know from the left. Because they're trying to scrub Donald Trump's name off it?

STU: Had to. I don't think --

GLENN: They've tried scrubbing, and they've tried soaking, and it just won't come out.

STU: That's just silly. There's pictures of them hanging out, when they had a relationship. A public, very large public breakup.

GLENN: And it was because of the way Epstein, if I'm not mistaken, treated some waitress or some employee of Trumps. And he's like, no, thank you. Get out.

STU: That's what I remember as well.

GLENN: Okay. How about this one?

She's not releasing it because Donald Trump wants it released when it's strategically and politically the best time.

STU: Probably not. But, I mean, that's a possibility there.

GLENN: Yeah. And it might play a role if there's bigger things. It might be like, wait.

We have other things to do. With this particular case. You have to do these things.

And then let's strategize at the top. I don't think it's the reason.

It could play a small role.

STU: We saw a slight version of that, on the day that the initial stuff came out. Which was, they had a foreign dignitary in town.

GLENN: Yeah. It was -- Prince Andrew's, you know, PM.

STU: Right. And so they were say, let's wait until after that meeting is over.

So there is strategy that goes into all of this.

GLENN: That she hasn't done it because the FBI, there's bureaucratic resistance, and they just can't conquer it.

STU: That's kind of their claim, right?

Bureaucratic resistance from --

GLENN: That was their claim on the first day. But I don't believe that. Because that would lead me to believe. If that's true. That would leave me to believe, they're in on it. Because why wouldn't back up the paddy wagons.

You know what I mean?

If that were the real reason, why wouldn't you back up the paddy wagons.

I think that might have been true.

But if they -- if there is a coordinated effort, in New York, I mean, we just talked to our HUD secretary.

New York City has one person left in New York.

In the -- in the Department of Housing and Urban Development.


If that were true!

Suddenly, Donald Trump and all of the people who believe in it, Kash Patel, is not -- you know what, we're just going to leave those guys alone though.

It doesn't make sense.

STU: It doesn't make sense.

Although, we have seen some sort of agency by agency approach. When it comes to the DOGing of the government.

GLENN: That would be timing then.

STU: It would be timing. But also, you have a list of priorities, you work through.

Maybe they're not to that yet. It's possible.

GLENN: Now. Let me give you a combination of what you think, to me, is most likely.

And you tell me.

There's part of it, let's review for privacy reasons.

Let's make sure, you know, the girl's names aren't released. That we don't do any damage.

And we know the names that are true. And we don't just release a bunch of junk, that could get people who weren't involved, just swept up into things.

GLENN: Possible. But it does seem like that is a really legitimate excuse. And if it were the excuse, we would be hearing more of it.

She mentioned it before she released it. Right? Then she released it after she said she was done with it.

So that's a weird one.

But maybe it's still possible. There's so many different pieces of paper that they're looking it at --

SCOTT: So when I talked to Kash Patel last spring or summer, and he said, oh, day one, that will be released. And Donald Trump said, I am going to release this.

They were both coming from a place to where they didn't trust anyone in the DOJ, FBI, you know, the post office.

STU: Right.

GLENN: Everybody was against them.

STU: Uh-huh.

GLENN: And his strategy back then was, lob this grenade into that room. And let's see what crawls out. You know what I mean?

STU: Yes.

GLENN: So now that he's not operating that way. He's not throwing grenades.

He's very, very strategic.

Is it possible, and this is what I think is the most possible, is it possible that Kash, what he said, I am going to release this thing right away. Was speaking as a guy who wasn't yet even confirmed.

And then, when he got in, and Pam is like, wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Because I've seen this in every cop. Every law and order. And whatever.

All of them are the same. The prosecutor looks at the cop.

Do you want a conviction, or do you want, you know, just this guy to -- you to look good. Because you caught the bad guy.

STU: Right.

GLENN: Yeah. One of these -- one of these arms. Kash Patel." His deal is to gather does is the evidence and get the bad guy.

And his frustration. You know, a year ago. A half a year ago.

Was they're not exposing anything.

They're not releasing anything.

And they're not doing anything about it. Okay. So that's what he was coming from.

And he didn't trust anybody from the Justice Department.

Neither did Donald Trump. Now that Donald Trump's person is in there. Kash had that kind of Law & Order moment, where Pam was like, do you want to just release the names so everybody knows? Or do you want to put these people in prison? You know what I mean?

STU: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

GLENN: So he knows that Trump -- I'm just -- I'm shooting. This is my theory.

STU: Yeah. That's what you're doing.

GLENN: It makes more sense to me.

That he -- he trusted Trump. He most likely trusted Bondi.

I don't know Pam Bondi.

So I have no reason to not trust her. But I have no firsthand experience to go, I trust her.

But I do trust Trump. And I do trust Kash Patel. And when Bondi said, wait. Wait. Wait.

You cannot release these yet.

Because I want convictions.

Let me get the -- let me get all of these things in order. So when we release it, we also say, oh. And using just pulling this name out of the air.

Because it's riddled with it.

Bill Clinton.

We're also next week or tomorrow. We are filing charges against Bill Clinton.

STU: And you want to release that all at the same time.

GLENN: Release it at the same time.

STU: Now, of course, it's not that he will be a runaway fugitive, I don't think. It will be difficult to hide. You're just saying --

GLENN: Again, do you want just the names? Because if I want the names. And I have been pissed the names haven't come out. The only reason I'm pissed is because I have -- I have no reason to believe that the federal government will do the right thing.

Because they've never done the right thing on things like this.

They don't do it. They either give you some BS answer. Or they're like, and, you know what, he's too elderly to even stand trial.

You know, I know she said, put acid on all of her servers. But that -- she didn't mean that in a bad way.

STU: Right. Usually these people aren't held accountable to that level.

GLENN: They're never held accountable.

So my frustration is comes from, these people have never been held accountable.

But I think we've seen, there's a new sheriff in town. He operates differently.

And he's put really good, competent people around him.

And so shouldn't we jump to the conclusion, still, trust yet verify.

And that's really important. Do you think Donald Trump actually trusted Russians?

No. No.

But for the sake of everybody getting along, I'm going to take your word for it.

I'm going to, and we will move forward on this trust, but I'm also sending in inspectors. Because you're not trustworthy! Our government. No matter who is in charge, is never trustworthy.

You should never trust them. You should trust and verify.

STU: Let me -- let me ask you a difficult question on this.

GLENN: Oh. Friday.

STU: It's Friday.

GLENN: You had a good week. Let's --

STU: Let's blow it up. No. How much of what you just said is essentially copium?

Like you are the mythical drug that helps you copy with you not getting what you want.

GLENN: I thought about that a lot.

I don't think so.

STU: You don't think. Because what it sounds like. And I know this isn't what you're doing.

GLENN: I know what it sounds like.

STU: It sounds like the Pizzagate people, who are like, well, so they didn't have a basement. That's because they knew we were coming! And sealed off the basement where they were keeping the captives. They moved it to another restaurant.

GLENN: I know. I know.

STU: At some point, it's just -- is it important to just acknowledge, that this isn't there?

They're never going to release it.

It's -- what it --

GLENN: No. Because I don't know that's true.

STU: I don't know that's true either.

It's possible.

GLENN: I could say Donald Trump. No. I could say Joe Biden. That George Bush.

Mitt Romney.

Any of them. Barack Obama. If that's the kind of president we were looking at, and we had seen an administration that had just done this campaign.

And then we didn't have the last 12 weeks. Or eight weeks we just experienced.

I would say, yeah. You're never going to see that. Nothing will happen.

STU: You think with this president.

GLENN: I think because he has shown us. What he's shown us.

I will never trust anyone in the government. But I want to give them the benefit of the doubt. And the time.

Now, if I'm sitting here a year from now, and that thing hasn't been released. I don't trust you. And I think that's verification.

STU: Do I put this in a calendar? I'm putting in a calendar, a year from now, you will be very upset.

GLENN: Oh, no. I'm upset now. But I'm giving people --

STU: You write the calendar entry. March 14, 2026.

GLENN: If there has been no release of these documents, no release of what is at least on the tapes, it's kind of buried and it's just nowhere. And there's been no prosecution, this administration was lying to us. They're no different on that topic, than everybody else. But I don't think that's true.

I want you to play this video.

STU: Okay. Tenth.

GLENN: A year from now, because then I can say, well, see, giving him the benefit of the doubt was the right thing.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: Or God, was I stupid. I must have been high on copium.


Glenn Beck SLAMS Krugman: Chinese Slave Labor Over US Jobs?!

Glenn tears into economist Paul Krugman’s recent Substack article, “Making Sweatshops Great Again,” which laments Donald Trump’s plan to bring manufacturing back to the United States. Of course, we should manufacture things like computer chips in the US, as Krugman insists. But what’s wrong with bringing sneaker and textile manufacturing back? Would Krugman rather child slaves in China continue making them?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Paul Krugman writes, on Manhattan's Seventh Avenue near the corner of 39th Street, there's a larger than life statue of a garment worker, a man wearing a skull cap, hunched over a sewing machine. The statue is a tribute to the locale's history.

It stands in the middle of what's still called the Garment District! After all, in 1950, New York's apparel industry employed 340,000 workers, but that industry is gone now. Not just from midtown Manhattan, but from the United States as a whole!

Having moved to low wage countries, like China, and increasingly Bangladesh. No serious person mourns the off-shoring of the apparel employment.

I do! As someone who would like to wear American clothing, who has tried to help save the Cohen denim company, which made the best denim in the world. They're out. You know why? Can't afford to make it here. You know why? Because we offshored everything. You know why? Because we're stupid, that's why. So I actually do mourn that, but I don't really count in Paul's world, but I digress. For a poor nation like Bangladesh, apparel jobs are a big step up from the alternatives. Even in our heyday, mostly, it only employed immigrants, who despite being represented by powerful unions were paid low wages.

And often faced harsh working conditions. Oh. Wait a minute.

So wait a minute. Let me see if I can get this right. What about your insistence of keeping people here, because they will work for low-paying jobs. You remember jobs Americans won't do. So are you now saying, we will want to get rid of all those low-paying jobs that all Americans won't do? I mean, I'm not with you, Paul.

I'm just trying to understand your reasoning here. I mean, have you changed your mind on that? Is there no one in America that would gladly take a sewing job over scrubbing toilets in a hotel?

Nobody. As I said, no serious person wants the apparel industry to come back. Again, but Donald Trump's economic team aren't serious people.

This come from the biggest clown of my lifetime. Last week, Howard Lutnick, the Commerce Secretary went on CNBC to explain that Trump's tariffs will bring back US production of T-shirts and sneakers and towels.

The host just started laughing at him, because we know when we all know better than he does. And there's no reason to believe that he -- he or his boss think this was a joke. And their nostalgia for industries in the past, seems to be matched by surprising hostility towards the industries of the future.

Oh, okay. All right. Now, we're starting to get good. Again, our hard-working dishwashers. Fruit pickers. Lawn maintenance. Or service style jobs. For people just like you, Paul, that will hire people at a lower wage because they're illegal, and you can get away with anything that you want.

Oops. I mean, you can help them achieve the American dream. Are these jobs nostalgic?

Because with the onset of AI in the next few years, I think they are! But wait. I'm hostile towards AI?

I'm confused, but Krugman goes on.

Now the Trumpiest view of international trade pretty much begins and ends with a view that whenever Americans buy something made abroad, no matter how much cheaper it is, it may be to import a good, rather than try to produce it domestically. And that's a win for foreigners and a loss for America.

No. Paul!

God, you're stupid.

Products that are more inexpensive. Or that are inexpensive, are always a win for Americans. Always. Unless it completely guts our ability as a country to stand on our own.

Also, why should we give so much money to the biggest slave owner country the world has ever known?

Message to you progressives, America is not so bad. Compared to what China is doing currently!

Now, instead of standing up to them, you know, we -- we just want to be independent, so we can!

And I would like to live without the slave labor of some of these countries.

You know, if we're making sneakers here in the US, at least it wouldn't be a line full of children, spraying, you know, led paint on Nike shoes, like it's most likely happening away from our shores. But I digress. Again, by shipping our jobs to China, Paul. Buying our i Phone and socks from China. Are you not doing the same things the elites like you did before and during and even after the Civil War? Well, it will hurt the economy!

We've got -- jobs here in America on our American assembly lines actually allow people to afford college for the next generation or even themselves, to better their stations. Even though you have done everything you can to destroy our universities through your horrible progressive ideas.

And, you know, through government subsidies that you have raised the cost of college.

You know, since we got into the business of getting loans for colleges, guaranteeing those loans. In 1963, tuition was an adjusted -- inflation adjusted $2,487. Now it's almost $10,000. That's an increase of 292 percent. Four times the cost, in real dollars, that was in 1963!

What happened? What changed?

What changed?

He continues. I mean, Trump has slapped high tariffs on Canadian aluminum, which is cheap, because smelting uses a lot of electricity. And Canada has a lot of abundant hydropower, and aluminum is important for US manufacturing. Yet, Trump somehow thinks Canada is exploiting us, by offering us a key industrial import at a good price.

But back to T-shirts and sneakers. We definitely shouldn't be making those for ourselves.

But what should we be making instead?

Well, here's what we are going to be making, Paul. Nothing. We're not going to make anything.

Unless, we have a hard-working, well-educated, motivated workforce, with cheap energy, and the cutting of crazy regulation. In which companies can afford to grow and build.

And want to come here. Because we have the best conditions. And the best labor. And the cheapest energy.

That's what made America, America.

But what you have done, you have killed the well-educated with your support of the teachers unions. And everybody else controlling EDU. You want an example. Just check what you were saying, while our children were out of school, during COVID. Because of your support.

You know, next thing that you cut was the motivated by advocating for higher taxes. More red tape. Plus, out of control labor unions.

You know, where the lazy and the corrupt, they think can't be fired. Can't be fired. You killed motivation.

Well-educated. You killed that one. The motivated, you killed that one. You killed that one. Because not only the red tape. But with DEI and ESG, and CRT programs. You also teach everybody, you'll never make it without us. Why try?

You've killed everything. And do I need to even remind you of your anti-cheap energy lectures? And you love the growth. Energy regulation. Because, oh, my gosh, we have to get rid of our -- we have to get rid of our hydroelectric power here. And take those dams down. Because that's so colonial.

Oh, my gosh.

I can't take this guy. What free trade purist would answer, whatever the market decides, let private firms decide what's profitable in America. And even if you're not a free trade purist. You have to admit the government doesn't have a great record of picking winners.

Oh, my gosh, have you just admitted this out loud, without even knowing this? Your support for the Green New Deal!

Your support for things like, I don't know, Solyndra. Did I miss an op-ed, where you're like, boy, that was a mistake?

Yet I, like many economists, have come around to The View. Listen to this one. This is his big announcement. That maybe we should engage in a limited amount of industrial policy, using subsidies.

Oh, wow!

Paul, the heavens have opened up for you.

You have finally come around to the idea of government subsidies. How refreshing from you.

What a shock. What an unbelievable turnaround for you. You mean to tell me, you've gone from a supporter of the public private partnerships. The green nigh deal that just funds entire sectors.

Big government programs.

To now somebody who can -- who can finally embrace the idea of government bailing out failures.


Making partners with private corporations. With our government using the little guy's tax dollars, to give to the billion dollar companies.

Money from the average person. The average working man and woman. Right to the billionaire. Wow, you have come so far, Paul!

You really have!

Good for you. You know, there are two big reasons. Limited industrial policies, back in vogue.

That word isn't even in vogue.

One is that it's become increasingly clear that there are important positive spillovers, between technology firms, Silicon Valley is now more than the sum of the individual companies, located in south of San Francisco.

It's kind of an industrial ecosystem of shared services. A pool of skilled workers. And an exchange of knowledge!

Oh! Paul, you mean like every other industry, somehow?

But this one is different?

I mean, other than Silicon Valley being originally funded by the DOD, CIA, and the federal government, how is this different?

You know, again, other than it was the greatest concentration of wealth, perhaps ever in the history of man.

Think of that. Silicon Valley, probably the greatest collection of wealth in the history of all mankind, we've got to get the government in there to help those poor, starving billionaires.

The -- aren't these the titans. The billionaires. Are they somehow different than the titan and billionaires that have to pay their fair share.

And who are unelected fascists like Elon Musk.

I mean, I'm so confused, Paul.

Are you now admitting that Elon Musk alone is capable of creating, quote, an industrial ecosystem of shared services? A pool of skilled workers. And with his willingness and action, not to patent technology. But to release it. To help the planet.

Is he an important force, that for an exchange of knowledge, it -- wouldn't he be one of those?

If we want America to be competitive and high-tech, we need government policies to encourage the formation of these industrial ecosystems. In other grimmer reasons, we need industrial policy because of geopolitics.

Circa 2010. Listen to this. Circa 2010. No, not many people worried about how much of the world's production of advanced semiconductors, which are now crucial to almost everything, was concentrated in Taiwan. No, Paul!

You weren't! In 2010, you couldn't see over the horizon. You know that quote from Paul Krugman, that you gave me earlier? About the internet.

I mean, you were the one that wasn't concerned about semiconductors and high-powered chips.

STU: 1998. The growth of the internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in Metcalf's law, which states that the number of potential connections in a network is proportional to the squared number of participants becomes apparent.

Most people have nothing to say to each other. By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machines. That's so good.

GLENN: Well, forget about that.

Now we know the age of large-scale warfare isn't over! And it's dangerous to rely on crucial products and industrial clusters easily threatened by potential adversaries. That -- just that paragraph.

Just that paragraph -- just that, Paul, proves everything else you've said in your stupid op-ed, to be absolutely the opposite.

Or may I just say, duh!

And duh! These realizations lay behind one of the Biden administrations two major pieces of industrial policy legislation. The Chips and Science Act, designed to encourage production, unlike the Inflation Reduction Act, which sought to use industrial policy to fight climate change! Climate change.

The Chips Act has had a substantial bipartisan support. Yeah, it did. It did. As did slavery in the 1800s. As did the rounding of the Japanese under another progressive president.

In fact, wow. So did men can actually be women? Just a couple of years ago. It doesn't make it true, Paul. Even though in an era of intense partisanship, a significant number of Republicans were willing to back the effort, but during his speech to Congress last week, Trump veered off into a demand that Congress would repeal that act.

It's not clear what he has against the Chips Act. Although, according to the New York Times, many semi conductor companies attribute his hostility simply to personal animus to former President Biden.

Yeah. You can't think of another thing, that might make him against the Chip Act.

It's weird, Paul.

I went to an expert, I trust more than you. Grok!

And asked it, besides personal animus, why might the president be against the Chips Act? I'll share that answer with you, Paul.

I can't figure out, other than his personal animus against former President Biden, why he would be against the Chips Act. Uh-huh.

Thank you, Paul Krugman. So I just went to Grok, and I said, is there another reason besides personal animus, that President Trump might be against the Chips Act?

Here's what Grok told me today. Cost, and perceived wastefulness.

Trump has described that the Chips Act is a horrible, horrible thing, that involves giving hundreds of billions of dollars to companies without sufficient return.

From this perspective, he might view the $52.7 billion in subsidies, plus additional lending authority. As an inefficient use of taxpayer money.

If his goal is to save America, he could argue these funds might be better directed elsewhere.

Two, preference over tariffs for subsidies. Trump has constantly advocated for tariffs as a tool to incentive domestic manufacturing, claiming they could achieve the same outcome as the Chips Act, bringing the semiconductor to the United States without the government spending any tax dollars.

Let me point to Taiwan's semiconductor manufacturing company. Increasing its US investment. As evidence that these tariffs, or the threat of them are working.

From his viewpoint, this approach avoids handing out money to wealthy corporations. Aligning with a belief that market pressure is a more sustainable way to bolster American industry.

Three, skepticism of corporate giveaways. I don't know.

Paul, that sounds like something that you would say, as you're shipping your country -- right there, on the porch in your rocking chair. Thinking, I'm so smart!