Glenn DESTROYS The New York Times for calling The Constitution a THREAT

A new New York Times op-ed titled “The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?” may be the most delusional thing Glenn has read in a while. Glenn reviews the article, which suggests that the Constitution may be a threat to “America’s politics” (hint: IT IS, and it’s supposed to be), that the Constitution may be to blame for Trump, and that our founding document “could hasten the end of American democracy.” Glenn also spots an argument that’s right out of the far-left’s contingency plan for if Trump won in 2020: The Transition Integrity Project. In the end, Glenn points out that the Times isn't the first to suggest that the Constitution is dangerous ...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: The New York Times just released an op-ed, the America's Constitution is sacred. But is it also the biggest threat to our politics?

Bum, bum, bum. Yes! It actually is a threat to our politics! Yes! As it should be a threat to our politics. The United States Constitution is in trouble. After Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. Really? Is that when it became in trouble, Stu? I mean, I'm just. I'm thinking back. I'm thinking back. You know, a little bit before Donald Trump. Like, I don't know.

Woodrow Wilson. And I've been thinking, the Constitution has been in trouble since about then. Maybe it's just me?

STU: Yeah. That doesn't seem like it was a little bit earlier, considering the words of Woodrow Wilson, who tried to basically do to the founding documents, what happened to that neighbor's mountain.

Like, it just -- light it on fire, and watch it burn.

GLENN: Yeah. That was it. By announcing his desire to throw a Donald Trump.

To throw off Constitutional constraints, in order to satisfy his personal ambitions, Trump was making his authoritarian inclinations abundantly clear. Now, let me ask you.

Who is the one that is currently talking about the redesign of the Supreme Court?

I mean, by the way, I just want you to know, that's what dictators always do.

That is the last step to a banana republic. That is the point of no return.

When you -- when you have the president, or the Prime Minister, or whoever.

Change the makeup of the Supreme Court.

That's the last straw. Now, which one of those is doing that?

STU: Glenn, we're just talking about a return to normalcy.

That's all that is.

That whole renovating the Supreme Court into something that has never existed is a return to normalcy.

GLENN: Yeah. May I ask you, Stu. Isn't this exactly the same thing they did with Joe Biden?

They ran him, and he didn't talk to the press. He never was in front of people.

He was in his basement.

When he was out. He was always on prompter.

And then they just made the case, that he was normal.

He was just like you. He was for all the things you are for. Just a return to normalcy.

That's exactly what they're doing. Again, America!

Come on.


STU: Yeah. And again, it's important to understand the return to normalcy. Just purveys this throughout the entire campaign.

For example, the return to enormous, of having debates that go through the presidential commission on -- on debates. Remember that whole thing?

That's now basically defunct, because the president of the United States, decided he was going to be cocky. And cancel one of the debates.

Leave the normal format, and then taunt his opponent about it, and lose so badly that he had to end his political career.

And then the person who took over for them, not only didn't go back to the commission and say, hey. Let's start this up again. Let's do three things.

No, no, no. She just had the one that was already there. And tried to change the rules of that.

Then also taunted the opponent in the debate. Let's see if she shows up. Because that would be I think the most normal thing possible.

GLENN: Well, you forgot the most normal part of that story. That is getting the nomination without a single vote cast for her.

STU: Yeah. Normal. Normal, guys.

GLENN: Totally normal. Constitutional.

And totally normal. And, really, what people are demanding.

Anyway, it's no surprise, then that liberals charged Trump with being a menace to the Constitution, but his presidency and the prospect of his re-election have also generated another very different argument. That Trump owes his political assent to the Constitution, making him a beneficiary of a document that is essentially anti-democratic. Wait. Wait. Wait.

You say we're a democracy, okay? You said, we've always been a democracy. What would make us a democracy, would be the Constitution.

But we're not a democracy. The Constitution says we have democratic attributes. But we are a republic. And now you're calling this an antidemocratic document?

I mean, after all, Trump became president in 2016, after losing the popular vote. But winning the electoral college.

Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. You're not going to believe. You're not going to believe this, Stu.

He appointed three justices to the Supreme Court for him article three. Two of whom were just confirmed by senators representing 44 percent of the population. Article one. Whose three justices helped overturn Roe vs. Wade. A reversal that most Americans disagreed with. Imminent legal scholar, Erwin Chemerinsky. Yes. I love Erwin Chemerinsky. They put him in place, long time ago.

He's great. He's an eminent scholar, and he's worried about opinion polls showing a dramatic loss of faith in democracy.

It's never been any faith in democracy!

He writes in his new book, no democracy lasts forever. No.

In fact, that's why we're not a democracy. And that's why our Constitution has lasted. When the average Constitution of the world lasts 17 years, ours has survived since 1781.

I don't know. A little longer than 17 years! Anyway, no democracy lasts from her. It's important for Americans to see that the failure stems from the Constitution itself.

Oh, really? Yes, Mr. Chemerinsky, dean of Berkeley Law School.

STU: Of course. That's Kamala Harris' hometown, by the way. I just wanted to point that out. It's not Oakland.

GLENN: No. It's Oakland.

STU: I know she's a daughter of Oakland. But actually, she grew up in Berkeley and Montreal, and then went to Howard University.

And then went to San Francisco.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: So you want to talk about a path to normal middle?

GLENN: She's red, white, and blue person.

She, like, screams Constitution and small-town America from Berkeley, California.

STU: Just a heavy emphasis on the red.

GLENN: So...


What are you saying? Red, red, blue. That's who she is? Red, blue. Yes. She's all American. Anyway, he says, he -- Americans have a problem with the Constitution.

And Chemerinsky deemed Berkeley political law school seems to place considerable faith in Constitution, pleading with federal progressives in the book, we, the people. Not to turn backs on Constitution or the courts, but by contrast, no democracy lasts forever.

Markedly pessimistic, asserting that the Constitution, which is famously difficult to amend. It's difficult to amend?

Those should be walk in park! We should be able to -- like mama makes apple pie, when she makes that apple pie, she puts it on shelf. And some neighbor can come and just get it.

I see it in American cartoons. And it should be that easy to amend Constitution.

But it's not. It's very difficult. And he says, what would need to happen is a new constitutional convention.

And in the books, more somber moments. Which I wrote, I entertain possibility of secession.

Vladimir Putin not for secession at all. No. He -- he loves the Constitution of the United States.

And west coast states might form nation called Pacifica.

Red states might form their own country.

But he -- he hopes that any divorce, if it comes, will be peaceful.

STU: Oh.

GLENN: Wait. So hang on just a second.

So this guy is from Berkeley.

And he's talking about Pacifica. Where did I hear this before?

I remember. Before the 2020 election, Stu. The Democrats had some group together, that was going to save America. Remember? In case Donald Trump won. And one of the things they said was, we will have California break up west coast into Pacifica.

California, parts of -- of Oregon. Maybe parts of Washington state. Would become Pacifica.

And that we would break away. And if they didn't want to us breakaway. Then we demand that Trump add two states.

One would be Washington, DC. And the other one would be make a state out of Puerto Rico.

Oh, I remember that now.


And what was their problem.

Oh, their problem was, the electoral college.

Which is weird. Because he just didn't mention the electoral college. The prospect of secession sounds extreme, he says. But in suggesting that the Constitution could hasten the end of American democracy.

Chemerinsky is far from alone. Lots of people have got Boris and Natasha, say same thing.

The argument, that what ails the country's politics isn't simply the president or Congress or the Supreme Court, but the founding document itself.


That's been our problem for the last 250 years?

Thing longest running Constitution, in the longest running republic, in human history.

And that's our problem. All along. That's our problem. Uh-huh.

STU: It's not like we haven't had a good run of success here.

It would be one thing, if we were -- there's an area of outer Mongolia that the United States looked like. And we were a little disappointed in the progress that we had made.

It's kind of the most advanced country ever -- you know, developed. It's -- it's -- it's overseen. This incredible -- you know. All these incredible innovations.

GLENN: Have you looked at it lately. Have you looked at Aurora, Colorado? That's the Constitution's fault.

STU: Oh, when the Venezuelans are taking over the apartment complexes?

GLENN: Yes. Yes. Constitution's fault. How is that Constitution?

Donald Trump.

STU: Yeah.

That's a good point. But you didn't quite -- maybe you need to go a little bit more into depth. Why the words Donald Trump --

GLENN: I won't listen to you, conspiracy theory, anymore. Really honestly.

I'm just looking at this. He says, that the Constitution has incentivized the tyranny of the minority.

It's the Constitution's fault!

You see?

You see? Now, if I remember right, one of the things they put in there, to make sure that there wasn't the tyranny of the minority, was the -- was the electoral college.

That way, California, New York, couldn't dominate everybody in the red states.

You know, kind of what they're doing. And when you talk about tyranny of the minority.

Stu, if it wasn't for -- I mean, it's still a minority. But it's a growing minority.

You know, if it wasn't for 30 percent of all future adults, in America, now claiming to be transgender and gay, and, you know, My Little Pony.

You would say, maybe this is all happening, you know, with the tyranny of the minority.

But no.


STU: Well, that is okay. And as we have talked about, many, many times.

You know, 40. Thirty to 40 percent of the population, being in the LGBTQ population. Is the return to normalcy. We were promised with Joe Biden.


STU: And Kamala Harris. This is -- everything about this is normal.


GLENN: Everything is normal. Now, they always say, that they love the Constitution.

But now they fear the Constitution. And they should.

You know, somebody else feared the Constitution.

It was -- I think it was -- oh. King George.

He thought it was a very dangerous document too.

In fact, every dictator, all around the world has thought for the last 250 years. Wow, that's a dangerous document.

But, hey. The New York Times and the left, they love it. That's it why they've just run, is the Constitution -- is the Constitution sacred?

But is it also dangerous? Or this story, the Constitution is broken, and should not be reclaimed. Or MAGA turns against the Constitution.

Or we had to force the Constitution, to accommodate democracy.

The Constitution won't save us from Trump.

Or the story in the New York Times, is the Constitution obstructing the American democracy?

Let's give up on the Constitution. Or the headline, the US lacks what every democracy needs. Or this is the story how Lincoln broke the US Constitution.

They love it!

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Glenn reacts to the Epstein Files: 'This CANNOT stand!'

Glenn hopped on X to express his frustration and disappointment in today's so-called "release" of the Epstein Files, which seems to have yielded little-to-no new information. Though one thing has been made clear: the swamp is far from drained.

Watch Glenn's reaction below:


Who Hid the Epstein List for YEARS? We Need FULL Transparency!

"Phase 1" of the Epstein Files have been released...or have they? As reporters dig through the files, Glenn asks an equally important question: why has it taken so long? Who in the government and FBI decided to seal the list away for YEARS? Also, will the rich and powerful people connected to Jeffrey Epstein, like Bill Gates, face any pressure, or will they continue to influence how the world runs? Glenn also argues that we need even MORE answers: Why was Benghazi covered up? Who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines? We can't stop here ...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. So here's what Pam Bondi said last night.

VOICE: You said last week, that you had the Epstein files on your desk. When can we see them? And what's taking them so long to release them?

VOICE: I do. Jesse, there are well over, this will make you sick. 200 victims. 200. So we have -- well over -- 250 actually. So we have to make sure that their identity is protected. And their personal information. But other than that, I think tomorrow, you know, the personal information of victims -- other than that, I think tomorrow, Jesse, breaking news right now, you will see some Epstein information being released by my office.

VOICE: What kind? Are we going to see who was on the flights? Are we going to see any evidence from what he recorded? Because he had all of his homes wired with recorded devices.

VOICE: Yeah. What you will see hopefully tomorrow, is a lot of flight logs. A lot of names. A lot of information.

But it's -- it's pretty sick what that man did.

GLENN: What that man did. Hmm. Pragmatism.

I think we're going to find out today, hopefully, that it wasn't just that man. What that man did was make services available for people of very high places, stature, and power to do the things that only in the darkest corners of depraved minds, actually want to do.

Now, the reason why we haven't seen this yet, is because the truth it holds. It threatens to expose the rot, that is eating away at the heart of our system!

The -- the rot that has been nurtured by those in power, on both sides of the political aisle!

I am guessing both sides are involved in this. And this is not about picking teams. Red or blue. Left or right.

This is before right or wrong, good or evil. This is about justice!

True, equal justice! I don't care who you voted for. I don't care how much money you have. I don't care if you were the president of the United States, or you were a ditch digger.

If you were involved in this, the hammer of justice needs to come to your life! Transparency. This is about the survival of a nation that was built on the promise, that the people, not the elites, held the reins.

The Epstein client list must come out. Every name. Every detail, unredacted, except to shield the victims!

So why? Why does this matter? This is not -- this is going to be feasted on by some as salacious, or, yeah. We can finally get them!

It should not be looked at that way. This is not about one man's crimes. Or really, several people, who committed horrific crimes.

This is about a system that has let the powerful skate free, while the rest of us drown in consequences of their doings!

Names like Bill Gates. If Bill Gates was doing things on those planes and on that island, that are illegal, why is Bill Gates, as powerful as he is?

Why is he designing our food system?

Why is he, a man that is possibly this morally horrific. Why is he anywhere near the powers and the tools, that guide our society?

Bill Clinton? Same thing.

And who knows how many others.

They have been protected. They have been insulated by a machine, that thrives on secrecy!

This is not a partisan issue. Both sides have their hands dirty. And both sides have failed us. Even if they weren't on there, both sides should have been demanding that the names come out!

The Clinton servers, why were they wiped clean?

Why did they use acid to burn all the information off of those servers? What was on those servers? Why the cover-up?

How about Benghazi? Our diplomats were there for some unknown reason. No logical reason for them to be there. Then they were abandoned by our military, when we could have -- when the military was begging, let us go in and save these people. They were left to die. And the full story is still buried, and nobody wants to see.

Why? Were we running guns to what became ISIS. My guess is, and it's a very well-educated guess. Yes!

While that was unfolding. Hillary Clinton and USAID, they were the ones that were pulling the strings in Libya. Remember? They were cackling as the Gadhafi's body was dragged into through the street.

I think he was actually alive for a while. They cackled, we came. We saw. He died.

Grotesque doesn't even begin to cover that attitude. Meanwhile, the Nord Stream pipeline exploded. Now we're told that this is just a couple on a yacht, you know, that took it out for a weekend and blew it. Everyone knows -- everyone knows, it would take someone that has the skill of the United States and possibly the United States alone, to pull this off!

This wasn't a couple of -- you know, a couple of honeymooners that were just out there like, you know what, let's blow up the pipeline. It didn't happen that way. It was the largest environmental disaster in our history.

And not our history. The history of all mankind. And yet, who is talking about that?

Compare the reaction to the Exxon Valdez. Do you remember that?

The headlines. The demand for accountability. We almost had Exxon shut down because people said, it's too dangerous to have oil!

The Exxon Valdez. Remember the lawsuits, the cleanup?

Nord Stream? Nah. Nothing! It's almost as if people in power want us all to forget.

Meanwhile, what are we doing as a society?

I don't think we ever went to the moon! Oh, shut up! Shut up about that!

We're -- that's a distraction! I am convinced that the whole thing about, we are on our way to the moon. Is nothing, but noise to keep us from asking the real, true questions, from demanding the truth on what actually matters!

Who blew up Nord Stream?

Who is on video? Molesting children? In both Hollywood and with Epstein. And who has stopped this from coming out? Who is in bed with our enemies? With China! You know, look at the -- at the anti-Elon Musk rallies.

We now thanks to AI can follow the money. It doesn't -- you know, I used to have a huge staff. It used to cost me a million dollars a year, personally, just to be able to track down things like the Tides Foundation. I'm the only person that ever worked at Fox that lost money by working there. Because I wanted to find the truth. And 20 years ago, it was really hard. You had to do it, almost all by hand!

Now, we can follow the money. The anti-Elon Musk rallies, I told you from the beginning. Those were most likely paid for by you. And they're not real. And I can say that because I know the history of the left.

I know the history of our own government. You can tell because, who are the people protesting? And they're saying that this is grassroots? Nobody cared about USAID. Nobody, on either side. There isn't one -- there isn't one single mom that's taken her kids to school and to the soccer field. That is like, you know what I'm really upset about is USAID?

Yeah. I'm going to go protest the closing of USAID. No. Well, now because of AI, we can just track the money. Hmm. What a shock!

Those were all funded and fake -- fake movements bankrolled by the same crowd that are tied to all of the corruption in our government. And perhaps those on the Epstein and Diddy list. Because I have a feeling, we are going to find the same people, over and over.

Does any of this sound familiar? Like, like we've been here before. Because we have.

Remember Jay Edgar Hoover? Yeah. He wielded tremendous -- he, by the way, was a cross-dresser. Which, who are you to judge?

He wielded tremendous power? How did he do it? He had pictures. He had recordings. He had films.

And he had the shadows. Well, now, we -- we all said, we can't let that happen again. Nobody said anything while he was alive. Because he had secrets on everyone. But the minute he died, they were like, we have to stop that from happening again. Well, now it's not just one man. Now it's an entire elite class. Proving time and time again, they only care about themselves. They don't care about you. They don't care about justice.

They care about them.

The disease that we are suffering under right now, is not just about Epstein or Diddy, or taped up perversions.

Although, those videos do exist, and we know it!

We should ask the question, why hasn't -- why haven't the names been released? Why are we all still in the dark?

The system is built now, to protect, enrich, and cover the crimes of the powerful.

Robert friend, who was an FBI whistle-blower.

He and another friend confirmed before Kash Patel stepped into the offices. They were shredding documents like they were preparing for Charles Lindbergh's ticker parade in the 20s!

Evidence has been destroyed!

Tracks have been covered.

This is what we're up against.

That's why Trump is moving at the speed of light.

He has to.

Because this is a machine, that shields the guilty and mocks the rest of us.

We're a nation right now, gang. We have stage four cancer.

Is that the worst cancer you can have? Or is it stage five? Because we might have stage eight cancer right now. It's all throughout our body of republic!

It's government, banks, media, all of it. The patient, our republic is on its deathbed.

And we have two kinds of family members that are surrounding the patient on the bed.

And they're all saying the same thing. Oh, this is horrible!

Oh, my gosh. Oh. Oh, Uncle Sam, can't die on us now. But in that group of people around the deathbed, we have those who actually love the patient.

Not necessarily what they've turned into. But love the patient. And don't want the patient to die. And then those who have been slowly poisoning his food. And now in the room, slipping a little mix into his IV when nobody was looking. We don't even know yet who to suspect!

So let me show you the path to rediscovery. For our dear Uncle Sam!

Who is not our uncle! And also, wears striped pants. The only people I know that wears striped pants like that, are people in prison!

So let's not get all choked up about how great Uncle Sam is! He belongs in jail himself.

But what he is supposed to represent, is what's really at stake. Really on the deathbed. So let me show us -- show I how we need to cure this, in just a second.

GLENN: Okay. So if you have a loved one in the hospital, and they have stage 18 cancer!

What does the doctor come in and say?

The doctor says, okay. For any chance for this patient to survive. Radical surgery. Chemotherapy.

Radiation. And perhaps even experimental drugs.

Well, that might kill them!

Yeah. The patient is dead anyway!

Any chance of survival? Radical, radical steps need to be taken!

We all know this. Because that's why we hired Donald Trump.

Because we knew it would take radical steps to be able to save this patient. We have to cut the disease out. And we've got to do it now.

You know, the hard reality is truth is our unum. Out of many, one. Not unity. Not our diversity. But truth.

Verifiable, unvarnished truth. That's the only thing that will set us free. But we've been too comfortable, too trusting. Too willing to let the powerful one the show. While we just sit back.

If we want a government that answers to us, we have to continue to step up.

Our rights come with duties. And we've honestly, I have.

Shirked mine for far too long. But did Epstein kill himself?

I don't know! It's really odd with a paper sheet!

And it's more plausible than faking the moon landing, that somebody came in from the Clinton camp and killed him.

Did we blow up Nord Stream? I don't know.

Run guns to ISIS? I don't know.

Spark the Arab spring. Yeah. Topple governments and Colour Revolutions in the past 20 years, all without you knowing it, but you paying for it? Yeah. Even revolutions like in Ukraine? Yeah, about to happen times.

We need answers, and we need them laid all bare on the table. No more secrets. No more shadows. If this was a computer, and it was overrun to this extent, with hacks and malware, you would shut it down!

Wipe it clean, and restore it to factory settings.

That's what we need. A total reboot of the system. Back to its you constitutional roots, where the people call the shots.

So what do you do today?

You wait for that Epstein list to come out. And if it doesn't come out, you politely say, hey, how come. How come it doesn't come out?

You politely ask, every name, no excuses. The Diddy list, the facts on Nord Stream, Benghazi, and everything else. All of it. It's your role as the boss of this government. They work for you!


Can Vivek Make Ohio the Gold Standard for the American Dream?

After leaving President Trump and Elon Musk's DOGE, Vivek Ramaswamy, has decided to run for governor of Ohio. He joins Glenn to lay out his vision for the state, which he wants to transform into a new gold standard for the American Dream. With Trump returning power to the states, cutting federal programs, and slashing red tape, Ramaswamy argues that it will soon be up to the governors to "step up and do their job." He advocates for federalism, state-level transparency, zero income tax, and reduced property taxes, calling them "un-American." Vivek also addresses the technological revolution, proposing workforce training to harness AI for job creation across blue-collar and professional fields. Ramaswamy stresses reattaching work requirements to welfare, promoting independence over government dependence, and fostering a culture of meritocracy and capitalism.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Vivek Ramaswamy.

The Ohio gubernatorial candidate. Strive asset manager cofounder. Also, I would say the cofounder and co-designer of DOGE. And a good friend of the program.

Vivek, how are you?

VIVEK: Good to talk to you, Glenn. How are you?

GLENN: Really good. Really good. I have a lot to talk to you about. First of all, why do you want to be the governor of Ohio?

VIVEK: Well, look, I think that Donald Trump is being doing a great job as US president, but that means that a lot of federal programs are going to come down from Washington, DC, from education to health care, back to the states and to the people where they belong.

GLENN: Hang on just a second.

VIVEK: In my early effort in helping get DOGE off the ground, it's the same thing. Federalism is the way forward to our golden age, and that is going to require strong governors to actually step up and do their job in leading and managing education, for example, in the right way. And so I was born, raised in Ohio. That's where I'm raising my two sons today.

I think it's one of the better sons in the US. But I want Toledo, Ohio, to be the top state in the country, to raise a young family, to grow a business, and to live the American Dream that I have. That's what I'm living.

GLENN: I don't know. It's kind of like conservative porn here. He's -- he's talking about returning the power to the states. And cutting all those federal programs. Oh, yeah.

GLENN: So, Vivek, the way the government is going, I mean, I hope that DOGE actually does the job. And I hope we finish the job here. We have so much that we have to cut. I mean, trillions of dollars that we have to cut. And return that power to the state. Everybody is saying, this is going to be chaos. How -- as the governor of Ohio, how -- how do you prepare for what is coming, so it's not chaos? What has to be done?

VIVEK: I have to admit, I think the job is going to be far easier for me at the state level, than it is doing it at the federal level, which is a gargantuan project. But I do think that giving taxpayers the transparency, first of all. How their money is being spent. Texting the regulatory state. All that's required.

At the level of Ohio. I think this is actually immediately achievable, in ways that improve people's lives. Right? I'm bringing the American Dream back to Ohio. How do we do it?

There's a lot of red tape in the state. Think about the overregulation, that comes from that bureaucracy, that is the easiest thing we can fix right out the gate. Eighteen to 36 months for a natural gas pipeline. That should be six months or less.

I haven't met a single person in Ohio. I haven't met a single person in the country, Glenn. Who says, we have too little red tape. I have met a lot of people. Especially business owners. Who will tell you, there's too much red tape.

So there's this idea, that this is an academic project. No! It's not just academic solutions to address the deficit number or a debt number or a GDP number. I think these are vital improvements to our economic and social fabric.

So that Little League teams no longer have to shut down, because they can't find the local companies to sponsor them. Because they went to another state with a more favorable regulatory environment. So mom doesn't have to think twice before having a second or third kid for fear of the cost of a bigger car. Because the tax rate is too high in the state. So one of the things I want to do is to drive the income tax down. Eventually down to zero. Like eight other states that have done the same thing. To the property tax burden.

It's your land. Not the government's. It's your money, not the government's. And I don't think that those should be controversial things to say.

GLENN: Hang on just a second. Wait. Wait. Wait. Talk to me about property taxes again.
What is your plan on property taxes?

VIVEK: Well, property taxes in Ohio, this is our problem in particular. Have gotten way too high. So many people are paying as much money on their interest-plus principal repayment as they are on their property tax, and it makes you feel like you're not owning your land anymore. Owning your land feels like you're leasing it from the government which is un-American. So that's exactly what we're taking back.

GLENN: I have to tell you --

VIVEK: It's about bringing the money back to people's hands.

GLENN: I think property tax is absolutely immoral.

VIVEK: It's un-American.

GLENN: It is! I don't actually own anything if it can be taken from me because of tax. I mean, that is like -- isn't that the story of Robin Hood?

VIVEK: It's actually funny you say that. John Locke was one of the progenitors of our country's founding, as you're well aware. It was ownership of private property, which is foundational to the formation of the United States of America!

And so I think we would do well to remember those basic time-tested principles. Capitalism is the greatest system known to man, to lift us up from poverty. We started to apologize for that as well.
No, I want Ohio. And look, I did this for Ohio.

But I say this, because it has a national significance too, Glenn.

I want Ohio to set the standard for the rest of the country, where we embrace property rights. And capitalism and meritocracy. Instead of apologizing for it. And the beauty of our system is that so much of saving our country actually has to come from the level of the states.

Has to come from the people. That's what -- that's what our Founding Fathers envisioned. So I think federalism is the way.

The path to our golden age runs through federalism.

That's why, look, I think saving this country is a team effort. That's why I chose to run for this position, after great conversations with President Trump, with Elon. Frankly, both of them, they came out within hours of my announcement, within an hour to both endorse, and I was proud to receive their support.

And others statewide here as well. But that's because this is going to be a team effort to save the country.

And I do think the leadership at the level of the states. Especially starting a year or two from now, after a lot of those programs have been pushed back down to the states and the people where they belong. I do see a bit of a leadership gap there. And that's a big part of why I was called into this.

And we will set a national standard. We can call it the Ohio standard. We can call it a modern day northwest ordinance. But a conservative state. When governed according to conservative principles, actually. Can be a magnet for the rest of the country.

GLENN: Okay. So I have a serious question for you.

First, an even more serious question.

Every time I've even endorsed any candidate, they always lose. So what is my non-endorsement worth to you, Vivek?

VIVEK: Your friendship is worth a lot to me, Glenn, and I would love to have you in Ohio. We'll start with the Midas Touch! How about that?

GLENN: So I do want to talk to you about something that you are qualified to answer, and I think there are very few people that are qualified. That people trust and know. That can speak on this.

You know, Musk came out and talked about the singularity on Sunday.

And said, we're on the event horizon of the singularity. For anyone who really understands what's coming our way in the next three to five years.

The world will be completely different, in ways that none of us imagine, in five years from now.

How do we -- how do we explain this to the American people, and how do you prepare a state, to be nimble enough, to be able to adapt.

I mean, I really believe, we're at the very beginning here, of a maybe 18 to 36-month change. Where the end of these 36 months, it's going to be entirely different.

And people will have to understand, you either adapt right now, or you're out!

So how do you -- go ahead.

VIVEK: Either you're playing from the front. Or you're shaping that change. Or else, you're going to be shaped by that change.

GLENN: Right. And it's huge. The difference is massive, than we've ever seen before!

VIVEK: Absolutely. So it's interesting, from the position of state leader. As the next governor of Ohio. I want Ohio to be the state where we use AI. To not take jobs. But to make jobs.

And what I mean by that is, there's a lot of focus on a lot of investment across the country and the world, into algorithmic improvement. To actually improving the computational power, driving new AI. That's important. Where I don't think we've invested enough. Is how you apply that AI. How to use that next generation intelligence. To apply it to their respective fields, from health care, to financial services, to construction design.

And there, you're talking about using skilled workers who are already in the state, who don't have to be programming the next generation of AI. We've trained the AI. What I want to do is train the human beings on how to use that AI, and apply it to enhance their own productivity, on their own terms.


VIVEK: And I think that last part is really important, Glenn. As we're heading to the future. The future is coming, whether we like it or not. Do you want to be dragged by it, or do you want to shape it? And I want to be a leader who helps us, to shape, to harness the power of that --

GLENN: So as governor, what do you do? What do you do to encourage that? To -- well, I have a lot of blue-collar jobs.

VIVEK: Sure. Sure.

So one of the things we do is invest in the workforce, training and education. And a lot of the private sectors are already doing it, by getting out of the way. The limited occupational licensing requirements. Also, I want this to be the state where two things are true, Glenn.

Too often, even on the right, sometimes, we make this an either/or.

I want this to be the state where we say both of these paths are open. I want Ohio to be the top state in the country, when it comes to our universities. For somebody who wants to become an engineer or a doctor or a computer programmer, that's great. That should be open to them here. That goes through a traditional masters degree, and maybe PHD degrees too. And that's great.

That's a good thing. But we also want to be the state, that has two and one-year and even six-month. Or nine-month vocational programs, that train people to be an electrician, or a welder, or a builder, and give them also in their respective fields, even the training needed, knowing how to use AI. How to use that next generation of technology, to apply it to their respective fields. That's what true modernization looks like. So I don't want to fall in this camp and say, say, oh, well, that technological revolution is for somebody else. No. How do we harness the fruits of that, to actually improve our own lives, even in fields that weren't traditionally thought to be necessarily technologically forward fields? I want to change that attitude.

And it's not either/or. It's not one is more elite than the other. We're all elite is the way I look at it. I don't refer to the other professions as the trades. I call it the professions, because that's what they are. They deserve the same degree of dignity and respect, but at the same time, it's not going to be by chasing our past. It's going to be leading us to chase our future. And I do think that requires a new generation of leadership. And at the state levels, a big part of why I'm stepping into what I see in the leadership vacuum.

GLENN: So I think that Donald Trump has ushered in a completely new era that is not even, nobody even begins to understand it yet. I think he is going to be remembered as our first real technology president. And he is changing everything about this system. And it's long needed to be changed. But when it comes to like last night in the House, they passed a budget. The budget really -- I mean, I guess, it's a step in the right direction.

But it's still growing the deficit. And, you know, it has some good things in it. It has some other bad things. You have congressman Davidson from Ohio, that voted against it last night. And part of me is with Massey, and people like that are like, hey. You know what, we've got to cut, cut, cut. How do we get America or the people of Ohio, or the -- the Congress and the Senate to understand, trillions of dollars need to be cut. No more eating around the edges. Trillions of dollars need to be cut. How do we get there?

VIVEK: Well, the truth is. One of the paths is grow, grow, grow. Goes to that spirit, you talked about. That's where I think as the great leader of state, you can at least help in that regard. Whereas, if you're depressing economic growth.

Then your debt to GDP ratio becomes even worse, because your GDP growth rates are lower.

So one of the areas to focus on is just robust economic growth to mass deregulation, through mass unlocking of private sector potential. Through slashing and burning bureaucracy within wherever necessary. And that's one positive side. On the other side, Glenn. And you raise a good point here. I would just say, there are ways to rationalize the budget that actually lifted people up in the process. I'll give you one example. And I will lead the way here in Ohio. On this front. Is reattaching work requirements. To welfare, Medicaid, and other forms of aid.

GLENN: Yes. Yes.

VIVEK: I think it is not compassion. It is cruelty to increase somebody's dependence on the government. The way we are going to save our country is not through greater dependence on the government. But independence from it. We're not victims. We have this victimhood mentality.

That the ends justifies that. We are done with that victimhood culture. We got to move on. We're victors, not victims! We don't whine, we win!

You help somebody to stand up on their own 2 feet. That's a great way! You are looking at a lot of the spending in Medicaid. A lot of spending in welfare. That's a great way to bring down spending. Even more importantly, it's an even better way to help those Americans to actually realize the American dream, rather than to be permanently dependent on a state that serves as a ceiling, for what they're able to achieve in their lives. And there, a lot of that has to be done and led at the state level. The federal government has a role to play. I think there's also an important role, to, what does a leader look like, who has the spine to step up and actually do that. Oh, I was tasked to Medicaid right now. That needs to change!

And so that's the way I'm looking to lead, and to bring back that culture of work, end of the war on work.

And that does two things. One is it enhances economic productivity and GDP growth. The other thing it does, it brings down our debt and our spending.

But the third and most important thing it does, is it brings back our sense of national spirit and self-worth and individual self-confidence. For so many who have lost that in this culture of victimhood and entitlement and dependence on the government.

It's time for us to graduate from the era of dependence, and move back to our era of independence! Think about that as a modern day Declaration of Independence from the government. A northwest ordinance, that's centered in Ohio. That's where I want to lead us. And I personally think, Glenn, a lot of politically homeless people. Independents, Libertarians, not just Republicans. Maybe even some orphan Reagan Democrats will come along with us, for this ride, and I think that's a good thing.

GLENN: Vivek, you know, we met each other, maybe five years ago, and I really liked you then. But I wasn't sure I wanted to watch you for a while. I know who you are. And I'm not going to endorse you because I like you too much.

You know, to endorse, but I will tell you, I am on your train. I just think, you would be great for Ohio. And so it's an endorsement, without being an endorsement, because I don't want to jink your candidacy. But best of luck.

VIVEK: That means a lot to me. And hopefully we'll set a good example, and learn some lessons from Texas as well.

GLENN: Yeah, thank you. All right. Buh-bye. Vivek Ramaswamy. Now running for governor.

You can find out all you need to know about him at V-I-V-E-K.


Crenshaw vs Tucker: Navy SEALS Shouldn't Threaten to Harm U.S. Citizens

Rep. Dan Crenshaw was recently caught on a hot mic saying he would “kill” Tucker Carlson if he ever met him. But was Crenshaw just being hyperbolic? Glenn argues that either way, we shouldn’t brush this off: “That’s not something I want to hear from a former Navy SEAL or a Congressman…who knows the gravity and who knows how to kill people.” This is not just a reckless statement, Glenn says. “It’s obscene,” and a strong reason for the House Ethics Committee to look into Crenshaw.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I don't know if you saw, but Dan Crenshaw was doing an interview with GB News. Great Britain News. And afterwards, he was talking about, yeah. We could play it.

But you're not really going to understand.

Go ahead and play a little bit of it.
Yeah. We've talked a lot. On Twitter. If I ever met him, I would F-ing kill him.

He's the worst person in the -- and the guy says, the interviewer says, now they're off-mic. They're finished with the interview. The interviewer says, yeah. Funny.

No. I mean it, I would kill him.

Okay. I don't know about you. But that's not something I want to hear from a former Navy SEAL or a Congressman.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: I mean, somebody who knows the gravity, and knows how to kill people. You know, I suggest we don't brush this off from Dan Crenshaw.
And it's not about parties or party lines.

It's about a Congressman, threatening to murder a private citizen, who is just asking questions of the congressman.

You know, I don't threaten to kill people on CNN.

Nor should I.

That's just wrong. Love him or hate him. Tucker Carlson.

He's not an enemy combatant. And you're no longer a Navy SEAL. For him to say that he's going to kill him. No, I mean it, I'll kill him.

It's not just reckless, it's obscene. For a guy like that to wield those words so casually. I think it's -- and it's not an isolated outburst. This guy. I mean, we kind of know who Crenshaw is. At first, at least I did. I kind of liked him. Oh, this guy is going to be -- he's going to go in there with the eye patch. And he will make sure, he's not doing that. He's not a conservative. He's a big state advocate. He's a war hawk. He's a player in the globalist agenda. Like the World Economic Forum.

And ESG policies.

You know, is he serving Texas?

I don't think so.

Start with his love for centralized power. Is that Texas?

Texas. I don't think so.

His voting record, clashes with the limited government ideals, that, you know, conservatives actually hold dear.

He's a defender of the national security state. Backing surveillance and military overreach. Every time. In 2021. He opposed the warrant requirement for government access to data.

Your data, under section 702 of FISA.

It's not a fluke! This is not just a one-off.

He always trusts the elite over our Fourth Amendment rights.

That's not conservative. That's a statist. You know, and he's cozying up to ESG. And WEF priorities. You know, he -- I did a podcast with him once. And he said, oh, I don't really pay attention to -- ESG. WEF. I don't really know what that is. Really? Don't you? Of course he does. He hasn't openly praised the World Economic Forum, but everything he does and says lines up with them. In 2020, he cosponsored a carbon tax bill. The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act.

Oh. It's a dividend, that sounds good.

He's also not met a war he doesn't like and wants us to get into. And now this. I mean, I think we need to demand accountability. I think you should send a letter in to your congressman. And the House ethics committee. I think they should probe this threat! You know, in 2026, you have a shot to replace him with somebody who actually fights for the values. You know, not Wall Street. Or war profiteers. But somebody who actually, you know, fights for the things. And is tough on the things that you want them to be tough.

You know, not saying he's going to kill Tucker Carlson.

STU: Yeah. And, you know, look, I don't -- it's funny. Because it's not going to kill Tucker Carlson, I don't think.

I'm not worried about it.

GLENN: I don't know. I mean, tonight like the fact --

STU: I understand what you're saying. The guy has obviously been trained in these skills.

GLENN: He's a Congressman. You just don't say that.

When the person laughs. You can laugh with him.

STU: Right.

GLENN: You don't double down and say, no. I mean it. I'll kill him.

STU: And the other part of it, he's supposed to be. The media will tell us, he's the balanced one. And Tucker Carlson is always saying crazy things. And he is the one who is -- he's the sensible one of the two.

GLENN: And that's one reason why you know, he's on the wrong side.

If the media is like, oh, he just gets it. Oh, he's just -- he's so -- he's so common sense.

And, I mean, yeah, sure, he's a Republican, but he's a Republican, we can live with. You know he's in bed with all the things that we want for America. So anyway, how -- House ethics. What do you say? Anybody. Anybody?
