The Democrats' propaganda machine sure is impressive, Glenn says. After turning on a dime from supporting President Biden to calling him old, and from criticizing VP Kamala Harris to praising her, they've done it again! This time, as if everyone received the same memo, they're all starting to call Trump's VP pick, JD Vance, "weird." But Glenn and Stu remind the Democrats who the weird ones really are ...
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: It's weird, Stu.
Isn't this a weird day? What a weird day.
STU: It is so weird. These Republicans, have you noticed their policies. They're so weird.
GLENN: I have. They're weird.
STU: They're weird.
GLENN: You know what is really weird?
Is this montage, put together, that shows all of -- everybody in the media, and everybody on the left, suddenly calling J.D. Vance weird.
Here it is.
VOICE: Some of what he and his running mate are saying. But it's just plain weird.
VOICE: These guys are just weird. That's who they are.
VOICE: As weird and creepy as J.D. Vance.
VOICE: Super weird idea from J.D. Vance.
VOICE: Yeah, it's quite weird.
Just plain weird.
Just plain weird.
Just plain weird.
VOICE: That stuff is weird. They come across weird, and then they start being weird. Yeah, they're weird.
VOICE: Being really weird.
He's such a weirdo.
Donald Trump and his weirdo running mate are weird. Deeply and profoundly weird. They are weird.
These Republicans are just weird. It's just weird. It's really weird.
VOICE: Republican weirdness goes even deeper.
VOICE: He said a lot of things that are weird, a weird style that he brings. Weird policies.
VOICE: With the weird thing, because it is a thing.
VOICE: Just plain weird.
VOICE: What was weird was talking about Diet Mountain Dew. Who drinks Diet Mountain Dew?
VOICE: Whoever seen the guy laugh? That seems very weird to me that an adult, from over six and a half years being in the public life. If he has laughed, it's at someone, not with someone. That is weird behavior.
GLENN: Wow. Wow. Who -- who is writing the memos?
This is unbelievable coordination.
I mean, I stand in awe, at the -- the system, the left has built.
To where they can get everyone to walk in lockstep, overnight, Kamala Harris, is horrible.
She's the bores right now.
She is hated by everybody.
She can't keep anybody on her staff.
She is unlikable. Unworkable.
She's not the replacement, overnight. She's a genius.
She's a genius. You don't how great she is. Did you know that -- I mean, far from being revery busy, helping the president run the country every day.
She's also a marvelous cook. There's a story out in I think the New York Times today. About what a health addict she is.
And her -- I mean, you have to see her exercise routine. It is unbelievable!
They're all in lockstep. And, you know, I know that this is true. We know this is -- is the way it works.
But it is awesome, in its weirdness. Creepiness.
And, quite honestly, Orwellian way.
To watch this happen in realtime.
Now, let me tell you what I think they're doing. I think that they are very wisely changing the tone of the conversation.
And they're going with Kamala's weird laugh.
Isn't that great? He's just weird.
And they're trying to change the tone from a grumpy old man.
You're a danger to the democracy.
To, it's just weird, isn't it?
It's just weird.
They're trying to soften themselves from the possibility of being a fascist dictator, to just somebody like you. That just looks at things and goes, that's weird, isn't it?
Now, you may not do that. But they're also trying to make it a campaign for the -- the younger set.
You know, the those people that are well, weirdly younger.
I wouldn't -- I would not dismiss what they're doing right now. I think this is a this coupled with black women or white women for Kamala. Black men for Kamala. You know, one-legged Asians for Kamala.
I just -- I don't get it. Until you start to think, perhaps -- perhaps they are softening things, by almost mocked themselves.
That's the way. They're not. But I think they're trying to appear as though it's all tongue-in-cheek.
I think it's a good strategy if that's what they're doing. But it is -- it's awesome in its evilness to watch.
STU: It does seem like something like the white dudes for Kamala is a little bit tongue-in-cheek. They do seem to be playing that up a bit.
GLENN: Yes. They will be a party of fun. They will be a party of fun.
Remember, she said. And we'll have a lot of fun with this, aren't we, Barack?
That's what's happening.
STU: It's interesting, that you bring this up.
Because I had the same sort of thought yesterday. As I was watching the weird coverage.
And I think we're probably in the minority. Examine I think that most people just look at this on the right. And like, okay. They're trying this crazy stuff.
The only reason I would say, it's notable. Is that they've tried the same tactic on Donald Trump or so long.
It like global warming, increasing levels of doom. Right?
Every time you talk about Donald Trump. He's a fascist. He's a dictator. He's Hitler.
He will stop -- and they've tried so many times, this one-note strategy, against him. That I think trying anything different, is probably wise for them.
What they do now, it doesn't work, and Trump knows how to respond to it. This is a little bit different. And so far, it has been JD Vance on his heels saying, I'm not weird.
I swear. I like kids.
Oh, well, that's crazy. That's weird. That's nonsense. Especially with the stuff that they promote.
Obviously, it's crazy. But at least, maybe it's a little bit of a change-up from what they've done, every other day, for the past five years.
GLENN: Yeah. Because what you are -- what you are doing, is you're forcing the right into a schoolmarm position.
Oh, is that weird, that we like children? That we think families are good.
Well, you know what is weird, is the Paris Olympics with testicles popping out everywhere.
STU: Right. And it is weird.
GLENN: And you sound, even though you're accurate.
You sound like the schoolmarm. The happy warrior wins. I think that's their strangle.
STU: Right.
GLENN: I think that's their strategy. I think it could pay off.
STU: And it's a little bit -- again, I don't know that it works. Remember, this is a party that is losing.
Right? So trying something different is what you do in these moments. So I'm trying -- I don't want to oversell it, as if this is a brilliant strategy. I'm just saying, that changing here is probably wise. Not to mention it's one of those things you've talked about many times, of making your weakness your strength.
They are weird. What they want is weird! It's a very good descriptor of what they're trying to do to this country. It is very weird.
It is very strange. They're saying it in a way to stammer the attack against them. Everyone knows the fact that we just had a presidential campaign launch on RuPaul's Drag Race is weird.
That's weird.
Running -- pulling -- taking the candidate who won the nomination, and replacing him three months before an election.
Is weird. All of that stuff is weird.
But they're almost using it in a way to -- is that how they see it?
You think they're trying to disarm the attack that is obviously more applicable to them. Your question, yes. This isn't normal.
This is weird. You know this is weird.
This has not happened before.
It's -- none of this is -- is normal. And so they immediately turn can go, you know, he is weird. He's really weird.
Have you heard what they're saying? They're weird.
And they are bringing the temperature down, they are seeming like the fun people that they are. Because she didn't really talk about anything. She doesn't know what she's saying.
You know, the Venn diagrams. We're just having fun with this. That's all we're doing.
We're just like you. That's what's happening.
STU: And it's incredible.
GLENN: And it is. If that's what they're doing, I think it's brilliant.
And dangerous for the republic, because she is weird!
She is not normal. She is not a traditional candidate. There is no way that Kamala Harris could ever become president, unless you took her as the most unpopular candidate, in the race.
And you put her as the vice president, and then you had some guy who was so wildly incompetent, and so dangerous for the country. That you put her in. And you put her in, at the last minute, before anybody could really talk to her again. And refresh everybody's mind, who she is.
Give her very little rope, she's got very little time to offend everybody. And to do anything, but a soft shoe dance.
That's the only way you get her in, as president. No -- no one, no Democrat would elect her, if it started back last year, and she had debates.
It would never work. And now, you're going to be able to have the most -- she is more progressive, than Barack Obama.
I don't think she's more progressive than big Mike, but she's much more progressive than Barack Obama. She believes it to the core of her being.
And she -- she was raised by Berkeley professors. You know what is weird?
That is weird. The only way you can get her in, is in a very short time period, have her come in, when it's an emergency.
And everybody has to agree with her.
Make sure that you have the press in lockstep.
And just -- we're just having fun with this.
We're not taking -- you don't take that seriously.
Like, oh, I'm going to do that. Dangerous. Very dangerous for our side.
And I'm not saying she's going to win. I'm saying, don't take this lightly.
STU: It's a real threat to not only the candidacy. But also to the country.
GLENN: What happened with the G.O.P. convention? Why did everybody feel so good after that?
Because it was happy. And joyful. And that's something we haven't felt in a long time.
We're used to people saying, the worst things about one another when they come out with something like weird. That's just weird.
That's not offensive at all. And you can kind of laugh about it.
It is kind of weird, isn't it. You know, you're just so much like me.