Biden and the Democratic Party are doing everything they can to appease the radical pro-Palestine, anti-Israel wing of the Left. But they may be in for a rude awakening come the Democratic National Convention in August because the city they chose — Chicago — doesn’t just have an insane crime rate. It has the largest Palestinian population in the United States, and many of them are being provoked by radical leftist groups. Just as Glenn predicted back at Fox News, the communists, anarchists, and Islamists are coming together to destroy the western way of life. But it’s no longer just him saying that. Capital Research Center investigative researcher Ryan Mauro joins Glenn to lay out why he believes another “summer of rage” is about to begin.
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Tonight, we're going to talk about, is a Colour Revolution coming to the United States of America?
And Colour Revolution is many things. But it is top-down, bottom-up, inside-out. We've talked about it for years. It is the way we have overthrown countries. And now I believe our own country are operatives in and out of our own country, have declared a war in America. And our republic itself.
There -- there was a declaration of war, that was -- was -- announced over the weekend.
And it comes from those who support Hamas.
Those who make war, do not deserve peace.
The Palestinian resistance continues to escalate against the Zionist statements institutions and so are we. We will take this building. We refuse to allow normal life to continue, while violence is done to our communities here and everywhere.
We must escalate our actions against all governments. Institutions. And corporations who participate in, profit off of, and enable genocide.
There must be a consequence to their property. Income. Reputation.
Privacy and safety.
This is what they're planning now for the summer.
And a guy, and the fall. And one of the guys who was really been on top of this. And has been studying the -- I think about 100 different groups like this.
Is Ryan Mauro. He's a capital research center. Investigative researcher. And counterterrorist expert. And friend of the show.
Ryan, welcome to the program.
RYAN: Hey, Glenn, thank you so much for having me back.
GLENN: Thank you. So who is this group? And what are the groups that you're looking at? I saw something about a month ago from you that said you were shocked when you got in and started seeing the results come back. Because they're not hiding their connections, to Hamas.
A terrorist group.
RYAN: Right. It's really remarkable in how different from the past rising, that we saw, destroy parts of American cities in recent years, in that, their extremism is just so in your face. And the groups that are behind the student protest. And awful these actions that are happening off-campus.
That the majority of them are openly communist.
Or socialist.
And then they define that in a way that means communist. Anarchist.
Or they have Islamic extremist ties. And you go to their Facebook ties.
You go to their Instagram account.
They're praising the October 7th attack.
What really surprised me. We're used to the situation, where the extremist groups kind of come in and hijack things. And cause a lot of trouble.
And our line on our side, is usually look at how many of them are involved.
The higher percentage than you realize.
This is wholly dominated by militant revolutionists.
And as well as Islamic extremists.
All of them kind of coming together, under this anticolonial revolutionary narrative.
And they're saying that every day.
That this is not just about Israel at all.
GLENN: So you're saying, I want to get this straight. Communist. Anarchists.
Islamists. Are all coming together, to work together, to destroy maybe the Western way of life.
RYAN: Yes. And they worked together before. But now it's like a full integration.
I mean, there are groups that will consist of all those components working together. And calling for violence.
And I mean, just the other day. Like two days ago.
I saw one of these major anarchist groups online. Called the escalate network. That a lot of them follow.
Just blatantly said, that all three people, should send the New York editorial board to hell.
Saying, it was their obligation to actually do that. Make them go to hell. Kill them.
And that just shows, how little reporting is on this.
Because they have thousands of followers. Someone should have caught that.
GLENN: So what are we in for this summer? And this fall?
RYAN: It's going to be bad. And it might be -- it's very possible, that you see a rise, like we've seen before.
But what they're talking about are loss of direct actions. Because they're usually protests in their minds.
So it's more like sabotage.
They're talking about, especially the first week of July.
Blocking ports. Interpreting any kind of shipping going to Israel. A lot of anti-police activities planned.
A lot about fighting them. About doing deer arrest as they call them. Or to pay someone, and everybody swarms and attacks and frees the person.
And then there's just a lot of chatter about the DNC convention in August. And I think --
GLENN: This is 1968. This is 1968 all over again. All over again. Is it not?
RYAN: Yeah. They will regret choosing Chicago. Chicago has the largest House city and population in the United States. And it's like the headquarters for all these radical groups that they put together. I don't know who their security consultants were.
But, man, did they make a bad call.
GLENN: Wow. I didn't know that about Chicago.
I knew that about Michigan and Minnesota. Being very Arab in nature now.
But not Chicago. That's the largest population of Palestinians.
RYAN: Yeah. Just solely Palestinians. Not Arab overall. Or Muslim overall.
GLENN: So let me ask you: The president is doing everything he can, to try to get the Muslim and Arab vote.
And they're saying, no. Move on, from Biden.
Are they serious about that, do you think?
I hate to make this about politics.
But are they serious? Or is that just --
RYAN: Yeah. They're serious. I thought it was just a fake at first.
Now I'm seeing the passion they're putting into it.
And how much credibility they're investigating in it.
So I think a lot of them obviously are just saying it. And are going to switch back to them.
When the time comes. But the people are really into this type of stuff.
This anti-Israel stuff. I actually think they will move away.
Here's the thing. And this is important for the DNC convention. They will make it appear, as if their actual Biden reporters, a part of his base. A lot of them, the anti-communist types. Hated him.
They're not actually his base. So they're going to freak out. Saying, look at all these voters.
All these organizations.
It never happened to begin with, most of them.
GLENN: So why are unions involved in so much of this stuff, all over the world?
Like SEIU is over in Ukraine. They seem to be involved in these things. Are there any unions involved, in this, that you've tracked down funding from?
EDWIN: Yeah, parts of a few. Like different sections of them.
But not wholesale. Certainly, not like a major labor movement. There are some coalitions that will say, labor from Palestine.
You look at them. And the same groups are popping up, under every other coalition name. Pro-Hamas, and actually not representative of any type of labor movement.
But, yeah, there was one -- trying to see. United Auto Workers. Did a walkout, at the university of California.
That's an example. And why this happens, I mean, it just -- they say they care about the issue. I don't know the underlying reason is.
I don't know if I could make a blanket judgment about them.
GLENN: Right.
RYAN: But one of the other things that it's important for people to know, the anarchist elements, the real elements are moving away from taking credit in the name of any organization. They just want the movement to take credit. And that's what happened in my article that just came out about in Chicago, when they see the Institute of Politics and made that Declaration of War.
GLENN: That's terrifying.
RYAN: Right. Yeah.
GLENN: Terrifying.
RYAN: I mean, it was so blatant.
GLENN: No. It is.
It is -- you know, there's one thing to express. That you can't incite violence.
And many my opinion, that is the clearest incitement of violence that I have seen in America.
For a very, very long time.
And is anybody looking into this? Is anybody questioning anything?
RYAN: I don't know how to provide intelligence for the authorities before.
And it's been acted upon.
And I don't know how far-reaching overall effort is.
It's actually hard to get a window into that. Yeah. People will say, well, the group is just a small handful of students. But if you see how the social networks behind all this operate. The statement came out on the major anarchist groups, social media page, and then it was the other major ones.
No. It is reflective of the movement and their objectives. Like they say, overthrowing the system.
And whenever you see one of these far left groups calling the US turtle island. What they're referring to, is basically sort of how they say Israel has occupied Palestine. They're saying, this is occupied Native American land.
What theory saying, the US has no right to exist.
Just as Israel has no right to exist. That's what that is saying.
GLENN: Jeez. Ryan, I appreciate it.
Let's stay in touch this summer. Because I have a feeling, you will be very, very, very busy. But we would like to get on your calendar, whenever you have updates on all of this.
How involved is Open Society Foundation?
RYAN: What's hard researching the grants. Is that there's all sorts of ways to hide money. But when it comes to the grants, of what you get from public records. Is that groups like Open Society. George Soros. Tides Foundation. All these really big liberal groups. They give out grants. And you don't really know, necessarily how they're being implemented.
And so they might give a bunch of money to a pro-Hamas group. You can say, well, it didn't go to the protest.
And it didn't go to sabotage.
GLENN: You would still, you're giving money to a pro-Hamas. I think that's bad enough.
Maybe my standards are --
RYAN: They will say. Oh, we didn't know. It's terrorism.
These pro-terrorism groups. We condemn terrorism. Their definition of terrorism is just a completely different one.
GLENN: Yeah. Ryan, thank you so much. God bless. Keep up the good work. You bet. Ryan Mauro. He's a capital research center. Investigative research and counterterrorism expert.
Been on the program several times. And we're going to go through, some of these organizations. And NGOs that are funding the -- the Colour Revolutions around the country.
And show you some of the -- our researcher, chief researcher Jason Buttrill. Has been working on this for three months, maybe. And we have really done our homework on this. I need to see it. Because you need to see what's coming this summer.
I think Ryan is exactly right, about Chicago, God help us. And the fall.
And these aren't the only groups that are not going to start popping up. They are going to start popping up on different subjects. And they are all going to look disconnected. And they're all going to cause chaos. And -- and God help us. God help us, if somebody, either side is shot and killed, in this -- in this time period.
That's the only thing we're missing from '68, really, is assassinations.
And God help us.
God save the republic.