Glenn and Pat have a big disagreement to settle: Jill Biden or Hillary Clinton as the worst First Lady ever? Jill’s recent breakfast tacos comment in San Antonio was horrendous, but does that even compare to Benghazi?! In this clip, the guys debate each woman’s most cringeworthy qualities…
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: So Pat just said to me just higgledy-piggledy off the cuff the other day, we were on the air, and he said, you know, I think Jill Biden is the worst First Lady of my lifetime, she may be the worst ever. And I did have to say two words to him: Hillary Clinton. But he still stood by Jill Biden being the worst.
PAT: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
GLENN: So I would like to have a little debate.
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: I've done my homework. I'm assuming you've done your homework on Jill Biden, on what makes her the --
PAT: Oh, extensive. Extensive homework.
GLENN: Extensive. This -- this really got me, Pat. I mean, hours, hours just brooding on this. How can Pat just possibly think that. So you want me to start or you to start?
PAT: Yeah. Go ahead. Ready to hear it. You should start with the death list.
GLENN: Yeah. I've got it. This is just my case that she is the ultimate hot sauce carrying, Saul Alinsky loving, warmongering, deplorable super predator that we've ever had as a First Lady. Okay. First of all, all of the -- all of the different gates that they went through. Russiagate. White Watergate. Pizzagate. Picklegate. Troopergate. Filegate. Emailgate. Chinagate. Pardongate. Hairgate. Benghazigate. Monicagate. And Travelgate. Okay. So she's got a few scandals.
PAT: Yeah. But a lot of that was Bill. A lot of that was Bill.
GLENN: Uh-huh. Okay. Let's go here. Let's look her -- let's look at a little bit of her past. A 27-year-old staff attorney from the House Judiciary Committee. She worked under Jerry Seisman, HEP chief council of the House Judiciary Committee. This is during the Nixon impeachment. He didn't really like her. Now, he didn't fire her. But he said since. I would have fired her if I had the power. Because, quote, she was a liar. She was unethical. She was a dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee, and the rules of confidentiality. Okay.
PAT: No argument from me. Yes, I believe that.
GLENN: All right. Throw in a -- go ahead. Throw in and make me feel better. Throw in a Jill Biden fact. Because she's so horrible.
PAT: Come on. She's guilty of elder abuse. Husband abuse. She's pushing this guy forward on the United States of America, who she knows is an incompetent fool, who is losing his mind. And she doesn't care, because she wants to be near the -- the throne of power. I mean, she is one of the most hideous people I think we've ever seen, in or around the office of the presidency. The Jake Tapper interview -- remember when he -- when he said --
GLENN: I don't know. Hang on. Hang on just a second. I would like to get another opinion. Because I brought a witness in. Let's just ask Vince Foster. Oh, no, he's not. Well, Seth Rich. Come on up. Oh, no, he can't. What were you saying?
PAT: All right. So you are digging into the death list. So that's good news.
GLENN: No. You can -- you can just treat those as a joke. Just treat those as a joke. I got a lot.
PAT: Remember the Jake Tapper interview, when Tapper was trying to ask her about the gaffes, about the problems from Joe Biden. How they were piling up. They were getting much more serious than they used to be, and she just simply said, daddy be HEP. Daddy be, Jake. And immediately shuts him down. It -- it just shows, that she is fully aware. I mean, she's aware like anybody else is aware. Of the problems that that man is having. And she continues to push him forward, on to the -- this public stage, that he's not prepared for. That he's not fit to do. And -- and just setting us up, for one of the worst disasters in American history.
GLENN: Okay. All right. Vast right-wing conspiracy.
PAT: All right.
GLENN: She got together with George Soros and David Brock. And founded Media Matters.
PAT: Oh, yeah.
GLENN: John Podesta, who worked for her. He was a spawn of Hillary. Provided office space for Media Matters. As they started Center for American Progress, also connected to Hillary and George Soros. Then let's see, oh, I love this. She approved a purchase agreement for a Russian-owned company, that was seeking to purchase Canadian uranium mining company with mineral rights in the United States. It was later revealed that the Clinton Foundation had received 2.35 million dollars' worth of donations, linked to the Russian company. That it didn't disclose. The Canadian company involved, was founded by a Clinton Foundation board member. And 100 million-dollar donor. That because she had so many good friends, that cared so much about charity, she negotiated the transfer of 20 percent of all uranium, from the United States, to Russia. She was also on the committee of foreign investment, in the United States. When it unanimously approved the uranium one deal. By the way, the Hill said they had substantial evidence that Russia nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion, and money laundering, to expand Russia's nuclear footprint in the US, as early as 2009. While we're here on the Clinton Foundation, we should remember that the foreign investors, in that one deal, donated $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. Bill Clinton received half a million dollars for a speech in Moscow, from the investment bank, that was in -- in that deal. And, by the way, she was also put in charge of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for Haiti's recovery and reconstruction. And if you remember, her and Bill Clinton were just working so hard in Haiti, that they got less than 9 percent of all of the foreign cash to actually -- to the Haitianians and the government. So that's a pretty good -- did I mention --
PAT: Did I mention. Did I mention the Jill Biden Hispandering.
VOICE: So say it with me. (foreign language). The future is ours! Thank you.
PAT: Okay. Tell me that doesn't trump everything that you just said.
GLENN: No. If I had -- if I would have thought of it, I would have had the audio of Hillary saying, and I'm sick and tired of -- that disagree with this administration! You remember that?
VOICE: I'm tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. And we should stand up and say, we are America! That we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration!
PAT: Listen to how soothing that is. Listen to that soothing voice.
GLENN: I would rather hear Jill Biden talk about breakfast tacos all day long.
PAT: You're about to. You're about to. There's another example of her Hispandering.
GLENN: Oh, boy.
VOICE: Raul built this organization, with the understanding that the diversity of this community, as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx.
PAT: The bodegas.
VOICE: As beautiful as the blossoms of Miami. And as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio.
PAT: Oh. That's charming. What a charming phony she is, isn't she? The worst.
GLENN: Yeah. How about the phrase, we came, we saw, he died. How about that one? How about that one?
PAT: Oh. I remember that.
GLENN: About Gadhafi. Who, by the way, she had secret meetings with the Muslim Brotherhood leadership, and the Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi, they -- they -- she made sure that they had $360 million in funding, to help Egyptian businesses. Wink, wink. Nod, nod. When Benghazi happened, you don't remember, four Americans died. Two Navy SEALs. Two diplomats. And she -- you know, she had nothing to do with it, of course. She said, of course, it was because of the stupid film that came out. Which had nothing to do with it. It happened on September 11th. And then after that, she doubled down, on the Arab spring. She said, it was a strategic necessity. And pretty much, paved the road for ISIS. But, I mean -- but, I mean, Jill Biden does --
PAT: Yeah. She does. She -- she -- she descends below all of that. Remember the dandelion incident? Do you remember, she's walking along the field toward the Marine One? She's walking with Joe Biden in the field. Joe bends over and sweetly and romantically picks a gone to seed dandelion. Not even one that was blossomed and yellow. It had gone to seed already. And hands it to his loved one, Jill. Jill takes a few steps. Gets behind the marine, who is standing there, to salute the first couple. And throws it on the ground.
Showing that it's meaningless to her. That romantic --
GLENN: Meaningless.
PAT: -- gesture, from her feeble, aged husband, was meaningless to her. Pathetic.
GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Do I need to remind you that Hillary Clinton was the one behind Fusion GPS and the Steele dossier?
PAT: Yes. You do need to.
GLENN: Just that one beats Jill Biden. Just -- just, just that one thing. By the way, I'm doing my research. And this was so satisfying to see. She was so angry. She was staying at the peninsula hotel in Manhattan. And when she realized she lost, she was so angry, she had to, quote, suppress the anger that touched every nerve in my body. She didn't draft a concession speech. She never did it. And she had to find another way to use the hundreds of thousands of dollars of fireworks, donated by her charitable foundation. So she's got like half a million dollars of fireworks from her charity.
PAT: Jeez.
GLENN: For this. She -- she also had -- and I love this. Oh, I want this documented. I -- I got to see pictures of this. She had a 500,000-dollar special effect glass ceiling, that she was going to break through, when she walked out on stage, when she won. And they were like, we just spent half a million dollars on this breakaway glass ceiling.
PAT: Oh, jeez. You know, I may have -- when I made the claim. I may have been suffering from a bit of rinse bias.
PAT: It is possible.
GLENN: I think you might. I think you might. I think you might. But I agree with you. She's not the worst First Lady we've ever had. But she is a despicable human being.
PAT: She is. She is despicable.
GLENN: I agree with you. I think this is elderly abuse. Spousal abuse. But that's the way --
PAT: And what it's doing to the nation. She knowingly pushed him forward in this. And you know she was behind him the whole time saying, yeah, you got to do this. You have to do this.
And now we're -- we're stuck with it. We're stuck with it.
GLENN: But I don't think she was the driver of it. I think everybody in the Republican -- or the Democrat Party was pushing him. I mean, he's the perfect -- he's the perfect guy to finish the fundamental transformation of America.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: Because you have all these scandals. You have his son. You have his age. So there's a million ways to turn on him. And say, that guy was crazy. After everything has been done. You know what I mean?
PAT: Yeah. Yeah.
GLENN: Then they can separate. That was Joe Biden. That was not us. Because he just did all of it for them, and they can flush him down the toilet and wipe their hands clean. And I think that's what they're going to do.
PAT: Yeah. Well, they have to. They have to.
GLENN: Maybe it's just me.
PAT: Because he's out of it.