Glenn recently exposed just how dire the battle for parental rights against tyrannical governments in America has become. You can watch this full episode of Glenn TV here: Parental Advisory: The EXPLICIT Plot ... But the situation is even worse in Canada. Glenn speaks with a father, who wished to remain anonymous, who has spent years battling his government over simple parental rights. Ultimately, he was "hauled in" for refusing to "affirm" his daughter's gender, something the government called "family violence." Then, he was thrown in prison for refusing to obey the government's attempt to silence him. But that didn't deter him. He joins Glenn to tell his story and warn American parents that this Leftist tyranny is coming for them as well: "The world needs to know what’s happening to their kids in darkness."
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Just going to call you dad, on the program. Dad, how you are?
DAD: I'm good, how you are today?
GLENN: I'm good. Didn't expect you to sound this great. You have gone through hell for the last three or four years.
DAD: Yes.
GLENN: How did it start?
DAD: It started with my daughter in the public schools. They're -- they passed a program here called SOGI123. Stands for sexual orientation, gender identity.
And what that is, is it -- supposedly, they called it an anti-bullying program. But it's actually a policy. And what happens in the schools, they're essentially telling kids, you can be -- you know, you can be homosexual. You can be lesbian. You can be bisexual. All the letters of the alphabet of LGBT. And when my daughter went to school, it was when the pilot program was initiated.
And so she was indoctrinated among the first in his program. So that's kind of where it all started. So she had mental health issues. I knew that. But the school decided, we're going to direct her, towards being transgender. Because at that time, that's how they -- how they dealt with all mental health problems with children. Was just to transgender them.
GLENN: Jeez.
DAD: And the idea behind that. It sort of, to me, reminds me of a video game. Where you have avatars.
And these kids will sit there for hours, creating their perfect character. So now you have these adults, these perverted adults coming at your child and telling them, hey, if you're not happy being a girl, create your own -- whoever you want to be. Be an avatar. Forget about that sad girl. Become a boy.
Of course, this is a very -- alluring to them, right?
This will solve all their problems. That's where it all started in the schools.
Where I caught on, was fairly early on.
I didn't realize the extent of it all.
But at one point, you know, my daughter went to see a psychologist, who goes by the name Dr. IJ. These are publication names of all of these doctors. Because they're clearly so proud of what they do, that they're hiding behind confidential badges at this point. But I thought, you know, this is great. This person is going to fix this.
Clearly, my daughter is not a boy trapped in a girl's body. That's impossible.
But instead, he -- he went affirm. Affirm. Affirm.
And the next thing you know, my daughter is headed to the BC children's hospital here. In August of 2018.
And on her first visit. They will pump her full of testosterone.
I'm like, this is crazy.
My ex-wife gives me a call. I said, okay. I'll put a stop to it.
So they sent me what was called an Informed Consent Form. Which I find out later, it doesn't mean much.
Of course, my daughter was talking to -- my ex-wife signed it. I read it, and I refuse. It's talking about all the irreversible changes. You know, lowered voice. Increase growth of hair.
GLENN: Sterilization.
DAD: And sterilization.
And what this thing goes on to say, at the end, which is probably the whole thing, is that it says, the mental effects and safety of testosterone are actually not fully understood.
And there may be some risks that are not yet known.
It's in their consent form.
They're asking my daughter to consent to this stuff. Of course I said no.
So they have been asking for four or five months. So I finally get a letter in the mail, in December of 2018, and it's from the children's hospital. And they say, we don't need your consent. We're going to give her testosterone anyway, under something in British Columbia called the Infant Act. And you have two weeks to file in court.
GLENN: The Infant Act?
DAD: They call it the Infant Act in British Columbia.
GLENN: And wait. Wait. How old is your daughter at this time?
DAD: At this time, she's fourteen.
GLENN: Okay. This started when she was 11.
DAD: I would say around 11. Grade four and five.
GLENN: And she's not an infant now. I just want to make sure, she's not an infant.
DAD: No. Currently, she will turn 19 in October.
So that tells you how long I've been battling this. She's -- she's finally not going to be an infant and a minor soon.
But -- so, anyway, so I take it to court. Because I'm thinking. They will forget about the LGBTQ component of this.
You don't medically do something like this to a child, to a minor.
You know, I don't have feeling in my arm, so I will just have it cut off. Well, you don't let kids do this stuff. But, boy, did I have a wake-up call.
To find out what I was in the middle of.
And so, yeah. I filed, what they called a notice of motion. In BC provincial court in December of 2018, and it led to five years in the courts.
GLENN: And you went to prison, why?
DAD: Went to prison, as you mentioned. Yeah, that's sort of phase two of the story. The first part has to do with my actual battle to save my daughter from being a victim of all of this stuff. Of -- of the cross-sex hormones and the puberty blockers. And so what happened, in court, in January, the -- the judge said that, you know, for me to misgender my daughter, for example, was going to be considered family violence. All of these crazy things came out. I was not allowed to dissuade her from -- I can only affirm, affirm, affirm. Or that was family violence. So all of these rules were suddenly put on. Which pretty much eliminated my ability to parent her on this issue at all.
And so what I did, is -- I spoke with the Federalist after that ruling. And I said to the Federalist. I said, well, it's a delusion.
I'm going to keep calling my daughter a daughter if that's the reality. I don't care if the court is telling me to lie.
And so I was called in for family violence, under another judge. And then this is where they added all of the stuff, where I could be arrested again. There's a protection order on me, that says I could be arrested without warrant. Came up to the police.
And --
GLENN: For what? What do you mean? Arrested for warrant? For what?
DAD: Arrested if someone thought I was misgendering my daughter, or not affirming her.
So it was really kind of vague. It was really vague. And it showed you the power that the transgendered activists really had on this province. Probably in some sense, they still do. Although, things are changing, just like they are in the United States. That they could get away with something like this.
GLENN: Slowly.
DAD: Now, where the change kind of came in, and I should hit on this quickly.
The National Post, the big newspaper out here in January for this, when the court case was starting.
They put out a front page article on it.
You know, Who decides?
The parent, the doctor.
Now, the problem is, they tried to put my daughter on a pedestal. Because that had worked well for the transgender activist, to shame the father, but you do it publicly.
But the problem was, all the comments, at the end of the story, were supporting my position, and they were really going after the trends. And so this is when they thought, okay. New tactic.
We won't do it this more anymore. We will -- we will shut the story down.
They're not allowed to know what's going on. Because they will not end well for us. This will end -- and that's essentially, what they've tried to do.
GLENN: And so there was a gag order against you.
You would be sent to prison, if you violated the gag order. And spoke to any press member, or was it anybody, about what you were going through?
DAD: The honest truth, and this may sound super crazy. But my gag order actually said in it, that I could only speak to my two lawyers. Not even my parents or my family about this matter. Only my two lawyers. Said it's considered a privileged conversation over my daughter.
GLENN: This is insane. This is insane.
DAD: That's how bad it got. We appalled all of this. In the Court of Appeals. And we did go into the Court of Appeals, back in -- September of 2019. And we got a bit of a whiff. Five months later, and in that ruling, the BC Court of Appeals said, well, we're going to take away the protection order. We're going to make it a civil order. Instead of a criminal one.
And they also said, I do have the right to dissuade my daughter from being transgender. They said, we're taking away the affirmation model.
And they also said, yeah. Under the infant act, the parents don't get to decide, what their child wants to do. But neither does the child. Essentially what they said, it's on the shoulders of the doctors alone.
GLENN: Oh, my gosh.
DAD: So the doctors here in BC decide, whether your child transitions or not. The good news, when this contagion possibly comes to an end, which it will, there will be a lot of law cases, you know, a lot of girls being turned into boys that now have a right to sue that doctor, and say, hey, you know, why did you transition me? I didn't really know what I was talking about. And yet, you thought I was doing the right thing.
And this is the reason why I fight this so hard. Is because, you know, my daughter will never be able to come to me, personally. And say, hey, Dad. Why did you rush me down to the gender clinic?
And I'll say, I did. The opposite. I tried to save you from going to the gender clinically.
But you were rushed there from the government.
GLENN: Go ahead.
DAD: Keep in mind. In this case. It's not about parental rights at all. It's the government that transitioned my daughter. It has nothing to do with me or my ex-wife. What our positions were.
It was the government itself, which is different than what's happening in the US where they were handing off kids to the parent that will transition.
GLENN: All right.
DAD: That doesn't need to matter.
GLENN: Do you have any relationship with her now?
DAD: I don't right now. And I can tell you a bit what happened. This is a part of what they do over there on the far left. Is my daughter would sneak over to my place. And she would have to tell the -- the -- my ex-wife, her mom. That she was visiting friends at school.
And, of course, the lesbian activist lawyer Robert Finley attached as the lawyer for my daughter. And so what happened is my daughter at one point came and said to me, and said, Dad, I can't come over to see you anymore. And I asked her, why is that?
She said, well, they're giving me a choice. He said, if I keep seeing you, they won't fight for me to get microphones at his house.
So they said -- so essentially they bribed her. They said, pick your Dad, or pick -- becoming a boy.
And I haven't heard from her since. I guess she chose to become a boy. This is what they do with these kids. These vulnerable kids. Is they really gang up and bully on these kids.
And to get them to transition. And it's -- yeah. My daughter was a complete victim. But, again, this also destroys families. And I think that's also part of -- the intention. Is to destroy families as well. So to answer the question, I haven't seen her. Not since Christmas of 2019. The last time I saw her.
GLENN: Oh, my gosh.
Let me if I can just tell you, that amazing things happen over time.
My daughter went to Fordham University. And I was working in New York at the time. And they totally flipped her against me. I mean, totally flipped her against me.
I was a bigot, because I wouldn't agree with gay marriage. I had never been against gay marriage. I'm more of a Libertarian on this. I just don't think the government has any right to be in anybody's marriage, period.
And she was convinced because they held rallies against me and everything else, at her school.
DAD: Oh, wow.
GLENN: And I thought I had lost her forever. And after a while of getting out of school, and being, you know -- just being, you know, out from underneath thumb, she began to see things differently, and we're very close today.
So hopefully, it won't last forever. It will just be an agonizing time you lose with your daughter. And I'm sorry for that. Go ahead.
DAD: Yeah. And that's encouraging. Because, you know, that's -- I go through this with my conscience clean. And I hope that, you know, my arms are wide open, waiting for her to come back. After, you know, she's done whatever she's doing. Which is terrible. Which is terrible for herself.
But, you know, I'm waiting here for her. And I would like to think that at the end of the day, it will be those that affirmed her, she will resent. And she will appreciate what I tried to do for her. Even though I didn't succeed for her.
Obviously, I'm so thrilled, as what I'm seeing, as we are succeeding in countries around the world.
You know, in Europe, obviously the United States. How many states. And even in Canada. Our federal government. Or sorry, not government.
But, you know, they passed a resolution. One of them being that they will never allow anyone of the age of 18, to medically transition.
And so, so hopefully they do. They're up in the polls right now, people want this stuff.
But -- but anyways, I guess this goes to the second part of -- of my story in some ways.
I went through the first half pretty quickly.
But so -- so we had this ruling on the BC court of appeal.
And we're debating whether to appeal that to the Supreme Court of Canada.
In fact, we kind of worked on it.
And any time decided, well, we sort of got this, to see the doctors down the road.
Let's just leave it, because the -- the -- the -- the federal court, in Canada, is pretty loaded up with left-leaning judges. And so we thought, well, we probably would do better for a repeal going forward. So at that point, I fired my two lawyers. Not because of this. But because to protect them.
So I fired my two lawyers. Got them off the record. And I said, okay. Well, that's the end of the line, legally for the moment.
I'm going to protect them. And I'm going to break all these gag orders. You know, the world needs to know, what's happening to their kids in darkness in these schools.
You know, as an example, that came out in affidavits, when my daughter changed her name, from her female name to a male name, I was under the impression, that this was by her design. No. It was the school counselor, that changed her name.