California's new Senator reveals a MAJOR issue with Democrats

California's new Senator reveals a MAJOR issue with Democrats

California Governor Gavin Newsom has chosen radical pro-abortion activist Laphonza Butler to serve out the rest of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein's term. But there's just one issue: While she checks many of the boxes progressives love — black, female, LGBTQ+ — she currently lives in Maryland. Glenn and Stu discuss what that means for Californians and how crazy it is that Democrats are (once again) openly considering an applicant's skin color.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Now, I want to talk to you about the G.O.P.

There is a great, great article that is coming from the -- the Blaze.

The G.O.P. is the problem.

It's spot-on.

We have Chip Roy coming up in just a little whale.

Stand by for that. Because we will talk about, what did we get? What are we doing?

What are we it doing right now?

But first, before we go there, I really want to congratulate Gavin Newsom.

He has picked a new senator for California. And it's odd, because she doesn't live in California.

She lives in Maryland.

But, I mean, that's close, right?

STU: Right around the corner.

GLENN: Right around the corner.

It's practically California.

And it's Laphonza Butler. And I know what you're thinking. I know what you're thinking.

He said, that he was going to pick a black person, to replace --

STU: A woman.

GLENN: Right. Right.

A black woman. Thank you for correcting.

STU: Thank you. In putting a black male into that role, would be disgusting.

It would be a hat tip -- a hat tip to the patriarchy.

GLENN: Yeah. Amen. Now, you pointing that out, pretty much makes you racist.

STU: I forgot.

GLENN: Yeah. Your white supremacist thoughts there, Stu, will get you into trouble.

Now, sure, she lives in another state, okay?

But she has a house in California. It's not her primary.

She's registered to vote in Maryland.

STU: No. Real woman of the people.

GLENN: Yeah. But she has a house there.

STU: As most people do. Do you have houses on both coasts?

GLENN: It's like me, running for governor in Idaho.

I have a house in Idaho.

STU: There you go.

GLENN: I am one with the people.

STU: You sure are.

GLENN: Absolutely I am.

Anyway, some might also point out, that hmm.

She also is -- she also is somebody who runs, an abortion -- a really big abortion mill strokes.

STU: An abortion hut?

GLENN: Yeah. And this abortion advocacy group, Emily -- Emily's List. Is very, very powerful in Washington.

STU: Very powerful, yes.

GLENN: Very, very powerful.

STU: And she's also a former union --

GLENN: Another very, very powerful thing.

STU: It's the almost like -- I'll just throw this out. This is silly. This is a hypothetical.

But let's say, you were planning a future run for president, and an activist behind your campaign. You might want to pick an incredibly powerful activist.

GLENN: Oh, my God. No, Stu!

That's racist. You're pointing this out. Only a racist would see it that way. Oh.

STU: Can I ask you a question?

GLENN: Yeah. Honest question. When did this start?

When -- when was the first time that a politician overtly said, in advance, they will only consider a black woman for a role?

When did that start?

Because that is, to me, I think super recent.

Now, this used to be -- it used to actually be reality. Right?

Politicians would get a job. Right? And they would say, okay.

Well, let's -- we want to appeal to this constituency. And they would come out and they would say, you know, we wanted to find the most qualified person in the whole wide world.

And we found that person, who happens to have every characteristic of the voting base I'm trying to court. That did happen. But no one overtly said it.

GLENN: Well, I think Obama -- Obama definitely said it for the Supreme Court.

STU: Obama did? I don't remember that.

GLENN: Really?

STU: I think it started with Joe Biden. I think Joe Biden was the first one to do it. That's my theory. I think Joe Biden came out and said, you know what, I will only consider a black woman for this role.

I don't remember anyone overtly saying, in advance, before that.

GLENN: There's two portions of this. When did it become okay. Just to say, I'm appointing a black woman? For the role?

That's what I'm looking for.

And erase -- I'm sure there's a polyamorous Asian out in California, that might have been -- that lives in California. That might be very qualified.

STU: It's one of the first qualifications, living in the state, usually.

GLENN: Yeah. It is. It is.

But, anyway, there's also, you're racist for even thinking that that's not okay.

STU: That's true.

That's a whole other glass ceiling.

GLENN: But they have to have both of them.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: And I think that started with me.

I think that started --

STU: You started this?

GLENN: No. No. I didn't start it. They started it me. When I said, I think Barack Obama might be racist.

Or he has a deep-seated hatred for the white culture.

STU: I remember this.

GLENN: I remember it too.

Like a brand.

Anyway, and I couldn't believe that -- I remember we said, when -- when was the first time, somebody was pointing out racism was called a racist! Remember?

STU: That's true.

I don't remember that ever happening before you. People like Al Sharpton would throw up racist all the time.

But nobody would say, he was a racist for saying that he was a racist.

That's usually a claim you would make.

But that was you. That was how you treated it with him.

Because you said he was racist. Now you are a racist.

GLENN: Now everybody does that.

Everybody, when they want to shut you down. They say, you're a racist for saying this is racist.

STU: I don't want to say it. But trailblazer?

GLENN: Well, I don't like that.

STU: Congratulations.

GLENN: Thank you. Thank you. Very much. I appreciate the honor.

STU: And on the other side of it. I really -- I glance to find another example of this. Before Joe Biden.

But people like to say, Reagan said in a debate, like he said, I look forward -- he said, I look forward to naming the first female Supreme Court justice.

It wasn't like, I will only look at females for this role.

It was -- a little more explicit than normal. Maybe.

And then it was Joe Biden.

Joe Biden came out. Did it 57 times.

He's like, I want a guy who is actually saying he's a girl for this role. I want a black woman for this role.

I want three lesbians over there.

Nine -- like that's all he started with.

But he did it -- the first time he did it, was in that debate.

Remember this? He was in a debate.

And he -- it was -- it was -- well, fascinating. And this might be why we never really had a conversation about it.

But it was March, I think 15th. 2020.

So, I mean, like we were thinking of other things, that week.

You know. I believe the next day, was the 15 days to start the spread.

Slow the spread. When we started that. We never really had a conversation with that. He kind of blurted it out.

All the reporting behind the scenes. Is that Clyburn, who basically handed them the Democratic nomination.

GLENN: I remember now.

STU: Yeah! Went on stage, in a commercial break.

And threatened to say it on stage. Just say, no. You can be explicit about it. Say, it's a black woman for this role.


GLENN: I remember that!

STU: Yes. And we never really talked about how all of a sudden it was okay to admit, you were picking people based on the color of their skin.

Now, in 1905, it happened all the time.

In 1739, it probably was pretty common.

But we all think that's bad. Right?

We all think picking people by skin color was a really bad idea.

GLENN: Well, I think the transgender Latinx, who were left off that list.

Is probably thinking it was a bad thing.

STU: Yeah, I'm glad you finally brought up that.

GLENN: And isn't it interesting, it was the white guys. The white guys who were leading the way.

You know what, I'm really old.

I'm out of step.

I do think my radio is called the wireless. But I'm going to do what we used to do, when I was a kid, back in the aughts, right after the turn of the century of the 1800s, turn of the 1900s. And I will look for a specific race, and make sure that I'm checking their bedroom as well.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: I mean, these white guys, why don't you get out of the way. Why don't you -- Joe, if you believe this, why don't you retire right now, and let Kamala Harris be our first black female president?

STU: Of course not.

GLENN: Yeah. Of course not. Of course not. Of course not.

But they'll make sure that everybody else gives up their power. That's kind of the point, isn't it? Kind of the point.

STU: And this goes also to -- in the same period, right? This is the George Floyd period, that happens a few months after he says that.

And that report of just six percent of new S&P 500 jobs, went to white applicants in the wake of the George Floyd crisis, which is remarkable.

I mean, white people make up, what? 70 percent of this country. Only 6 percent of these jobs. That is just blatant racism. Right?

I mean, it's -- now, look, I mean, maybe -- you want to give me the argument. That suddenly, only minorities were good at jobs at big companies. You can make the argument. I can certainly make the argument in the NBA.

GLENN: I am going to show you. I am going to show you, how in real life, with companies that you know. How this turns out in 60 seconds. Or right after the commercial break. Stand by. First, here's a number that should shock you right now. Over 38,000 veterans, experiencing homelessness.

38,000 US veterans on the streets. The people who signed up to protect and serve us. These are the people living on the streets. Living under bridges. Lacking the basics that you and I enjoy. The Tunnel2Towers Foundation are committed to helping these people who have sacrificed so much to help our country and our freedom.

For us! The homeless veterans program from Tunnel2Towers is providing housing assistance and services to vets who meet the program's requirements.

Last year, they helped 500 veterans. This year the number is expected to be over 2,000.

But we cannot just turn a blind aye to the honorable, and those who served our nation, honorably.

If you or somebody knows a veteran who is homeless. Or at risk of homelessness.

Please, complete the foundation's entry form at

That's If you're someone who can help Tunnel2Towers make a difference, please do.

Please. Thirty-eight thousand of our brothers and sisters need it desperately. You can help by donating $11 a month at Tunnel2Towers. At

And if you know a homeless veteran, please let them know. At
(OUT AT 8:50 AM)

GLENN: Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program.

Now, I know I was supposed to talk to you about something. But Stu and I got sidetracked about Tom Hanks. Oh, I remember.

Now, here's what happens. I'm talking to a friend of mine the other day. And he told me about somebody who works at Disney. And they -- they're in charge of fiscal responsibility, and everything else, for all these movies.

And they were told, that on this project, you need to hire a black person to fill this role.

I remember what role it was, but it was a big role. And literally, this woman said, there is only one African-American in the entire industry, that does that. And they -- it's -- it's an important role. Or everything could go to hell in a handbasket. They said, we don't care. Get a -- an accountant to do the job.

And they're like, but it's not the job of an accountant.

An accountant can't do this job.

They're like, get a black accountant and do it.

They're going to lose all kinds of money. They have a chance, that it's an absolute flop.

This is why Disney is going to sell off everything.

They're going to -- they've destroyed their movie business.

They're destroying their parks.

Because they can't stop now. The -- the inmates are in charge of the asylum. And they can't stop. They built it. That's what you get. Congratulations, Disney.

The Most INSANE Claim from the Las Vegas Cybertruck Bomber’s Manifesto

The Most INSANE Claim from the Las Vegas Cybertruck Bomber’s Manifesto

The man who blew up explosives and fireworks in his Tesla Cybertruck in front of the Las Vegas Trump International Hotel made some very odd claims in a manifesto. So, was he crazy or a government whistleblower? Glenn reviews the claims, including that the U.S. and China have silent, undetectable aircraft that defy gravity and that China is operating these devices off our eastern coast. If true, these claims could explain the New Jersey drone sightings. But was this man – who set off a car bomb – telling the truth, or just insane? Glenn argues that we may soon know once Trump takes office.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So there's a lot that has happened in the last couple of weeks since I've been gone. And I want to start with the terror attacks.

But I want you to know, there is a theme to today's show. January 6th.

The theme is: You've been lied to, and it is time for us now to sort through everything, and you find out what's true and what isn't true.

So let's dive into something that we begin with. It sounds like science fiction. In fact, the next two hours, are going to sound like science fiction to you.

But even if a fraction of this is true, it's not only real. But it's also deeply alarming. It's about power.

It's about secrecy. And those in the know.

That have kept the truth hidden from us. Not just from you and me. But from the very people sworn to protect our way of life.

So let me start with the source of what I'm going to till about. It's a manifesto that comes from the guy, who was claiming to be a whistle-blower. He claimed to be a man on the run. Hunted by his own government, he said.

He blew himself up, apparently, in a Tesla. Near the front door of the Trump hotel in Vegas.

Now, why would he do that?

He said because the government has been lying to us. I'm not going to give you the guy's name. Because I don't want to make him famous. And I hate -- we usually don't read manifestos on the air. And I'm going to give you the summary of it.

But if any of this is true, it needs to be released. We need to stand and up say, we need to know the truth on this.

Because if what he is saying is accurate, it changes everything. Now, if you read the manifesto, he talks about gravitic propulsion systems. What is that?

It's not your average stealth fighter or next gen drone.

We're talking about this about aircraft, that allegedly manipulate gravity itself.

Gravity. It manipulates it to achieve flight. It's a concept that defies all current physics.

But it's not without precedent in speculative science. Now, what this means is: No combustion engine. No jet fuel. No sound barrier.

Just seamless, silent motion at unimaginable speeds.

The kind of technology that makes radar, heat signatures, and even conventional missile defense systems completely obsolete.

Now, I know this sounds crazy. But there was a very little known announcement, kind of, that happened over the weekend.

That no one is talking about!

And it is the biggest news story of possibly all human history.

So hear me out on this.

Now, according to the manifesto, the aircraft are actively being deployed both in the United States and China.

And not just prototypes in some secret desert lab, but operationally.

Apparently, he alluded to the fact that this is what we're seeing with the drones. The whistle-blower claimed that China has been launching these systems from submarines stationed in the Atlantic right off our east coast.

Now, he let that sink in a minute, if this is true, silent, undetectable aircraft, capable of carrying massive payloads launched from submarines, that can -- can remain undetected just miles from our shores, or even up above the White House and no one would know.

Now, he claimed that he had direct knowledge of these programs.

He says, they have been used in China, for years. Conducting intelligence. Surveillance. Reconnaissance operations.

It goes along with our spy balloon.

Do you remember the spy balloon.

He says these gravitic systems are integrated with that same network.

And they form a system of surveillance, that is so advanced, he says, it makes our current intelligence look like carrier pigeons.

So he says, that these are the greatest national security threats in history.

And if we do have gravitic aircraft, or China does, he is absolutely right.

Because it would -- it would bypass every single defense system that we have. Imagine an aircraft, with an unlimited payload capacity.
A floating fortress. Invisible.

Undetectable. Capable of delivering weapons or conducting surveillance. Parked over our Capitol in DC.

That would be checkmate if it was true. That's the reality that this whistle-blower says is there.

But it also, in the manifesto, he dives into the past, in what he says, is a dark chapter of the US military history.

He alleges involvement in war crimes, during airstrikes in Nimruz province in Afghanistan, in 2016.

According to him, 125 buildings were targeted.

Sixty-five struck, resulting in hundreds of civilian deaths in a single day.

Now, he says, that the strikes continued even after civilians were spotted, knowingly, and deliberately. He calls it a cover-up.

However, we do know that the United Nations invested -- this did happen. And an investigation happened with the United Nations. He says it's all a cover-up, implicating the Department of Defense, the DEA, the CIA, and even high-ranking generals.

So he's not just talking about our national security being challenged by advanced technology.

He is also discussing the moral rot, that comes from operating in secrecy.

Even if -- let's just say none of this is true. This is allowed to take root, because everyone has kept too much secret.

And our government has lied to us. Now, he went on to say, he was -- he believed he was being hunted. Not just followed. But actively pursued by his own government.

Tracked by Homeland Security.

The FBI. Or some other federal agency.

Is that true? I don't know!

Could it be?

Tulsi Gabbard was on the no-fly list. Now, think of the insanity, or the desperation that would lead somebody to a point to where he prepared, you know, an IED in a vehicle.

Insane, right?

So who is he?

Does he have any credibility? Or he just some conspiracy theorist in the basement. Or a deeply disturbed military guy.

Well, he claims to have worked with high-ranking officials. Including General Miller's staff.

He even named specific operations and personnel. Those are easily verified.

Now, if he's lying, it's a pretty detailed lie. If he's not, well, then, are we in serious trouble.

Now, my guess is, he has multiple valor awards.

So he was a special operations guy. If you have that many valor awards, you probably have TBI.

You don't have to. But you probably had some traumatic brain injuries.

We also don't still understand what Biden's disastrous Afghanistan screwup has done mentally to our frontline war heroes.

Many of them have been possibly permanently screwed up over all of this.

He was being treated for PTSD. So we know that he had a mental issue, of PTSD. That doesn't mean edgers have credibility. I know a lot of people who have PTSD.

Here's the one thing we can take from this. That we know for sure.

Don't trust the government or the feds. Listen to the Founding Fathers. They didn't want you to trust the government or the feds.

They wanted you to hold them accountable. Look what they've done to us.

Our war fighters are hurting. In this particular case.

If you know one, reach out to them.

But let's return here just for a second to the gravitic propulsion technology.

If it's real, and China is actively using it, we're not talking about a military advantage.

We're talking about a shift in the balance of power, so profound, that it will destabilize the entire world.

Remember the Cold War? Mutually assured destruction?

That's the balance. Very delicate that kept the world from annihilating itself. This technology in the wrong hands, or even the right hands. Obliterates the balance. Unless we have it as well.

It introduces a new kind of stealth, warfare, where speed, stealth, and payload capacity make any conventional deterrence, absolutely worthless.

Now, if China has this technology, should we have been told? Why haven't we been informed?

Well, the whistle-blower said that it's because the US government has its own gravitic system, and it doesn't want to admit it.

So what was his message?

His plea, which I don't ever go into manifests and -- and uphold somebody. And I'm not upholding him and his message. And saying that his message is true. Except for this part: He was calling for transparency. Demanding that the American people be told the truth, about all of these programs, and their implications.

He said, that secrecy only increases the risk of catastrophic conflict.

One that could escalate into global war.

I heard another one, this weekend. Did you -- did you see that we were already sending war machinery over to Ukraine? Before Ukraine was invaded by Russia?

Why didn't we know that? What was the real intent? What is the real intent there?

So where does this leave us?

Well, sunlight is the best disinfectant, and sunlight is coming with Donald Trump.

If these technologies exist, if they're being deployed over our cities, we need to know it.

Secrecy breeds corruption. Corruption leads to decisions that harm us all.

This is nothing more than a wake-up call. It's a warning about the unchecked power. The risks of advanced technology. The moral cost of operating in the shadows.

Whether you believe any of it, or none of it, the core truth remains: We must demand accountability. Transparency.

And a return to the principles that made this country great. The stakes couldn't be higher.

God intervened. I really, truly believe this in the last election.

Now it's up to us. What are we going to do with the time that we have been given?

This is the time to turn the corner, and ask the hard questions and hold our leaders accountable.

Let's pray that the whistle-blower was wrong. But let's prepare to help this new Trump administration keep its promises.

He's going need to us. Very vocal to demand answers.

You want answers to this? You have to be vocal. You have to be serious. And we have to be heard.

You want the truth on January 6th? The COVID virus? Its cover-up. Fauci. The pharmaceutical companies. The food companies.

You want trials and people who did criminal things, to be tried fairly and if they're found guilty, go to jail?

How about the sex crime industry? The Diddy parties, Epstein.

Do you want answers on that?

These people are powerful! They are the most powerful people perhaps in the history of all mankind. They're not going to go silently into the dark.

They are not going to give up without a fight. We must all resolve today. On January 6th, '25. That transparency is number one.

Remember, Trump said, they weren't trying to kill him, because they were afraid of him.

He told us, over and over again.

He was just in the way of them getting to us. They are afraid of us!

That is the way the Founders intended it to be.

So now, beginning January 20th. It is our time to hold them accountable.

Those we think are doing our bidding. They must know, we will hold them accountable. And we demand answers.

EVERY LIE About Jan. 6 Revealed

EVERY LIE About Jan. 6 Revealed

Over the past 4 years, government leaders and the Legacy Media told us that the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot was the end of “Democracy”, incited by Donald Trump, and the darkest day in American history. This narrative sent many Americans to prison, including many nonviolent attendees. But now, we know much more about the truth. Glenn goes down the long list of Jan 6 LIES that are quickly unraveling: “It looks like this was all crafted NOT to protect “Democracy”, but to bolster an agenda.” But there is still plenty that needs to be revealed under Donald Trump.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So here we are, four years -- four years ago was the events of January 6th, 2021. The darkest day in all of the republic. Well, what we thought was true is quickly unraveling now.

For many -- many Americans, this day is a dividing line. The narratives have clashed. Emotions have run high. Our trust in institutions, sworn to protect us, has been further eroded in ways that only dramatic action will -- will we ever be able to regain a portion of our trust.

Now, there are newly emerging details. They're not just revelations. They are bombshells that force to us confront an uncomfortable truth about our government.

And that should be the message of January 6th.

And that message, the truth about our government, its accountability, and the lengths that it will go to preserve its version of a story.

Even when it is all a lie.

Beginning on January 6th, in the afternoon, Americans were told of an imminent threat. Two pipe bombs were found near the RNC and the DNC headquarters. These devices, if you remember, we were told, could have caused catastrophic harm.

After all, at the DNC, the vice president had been rushed to the DNC, strangely without explanation.

And also, strangely all records were lost!
The -- secret service accidentally deleted all of those records on why she was moved to the DNC. Now we know the investigation into these bombs was woefully insufficient.

And I'm being kind with that.

I don't think it even happened at all.

Surveillance footage was ignored. Cameras were turned, just hours before the pipe bomb was laid. Cell phone data, in both places. We were told was corrupted.

The only thing that was corrupted, was our own government and FBI. We now know, that the data was not corrupted. According to the cell phone companies. They were never asked to turn over the information to the FBI. They were never asked. Critical leads went unpursued. Today, four years later, questions about the bomber's identity still remain unanswered. The lack of urgency begs the question, why. Why would federal agencies neglect a critical, critical investigation, in something that was going to destroy the republic? Could have killed the vice president? What if the pipe bombs were nothing more than a convenient distraction? Boy, a justification to escalate security measures and cast a broader shadow over what they hoped would unfold that day? It's not conspiratorial to ask those questions. It is our duty, as citizens. Because we now know, our government lied. So we want answers.

We know that 26 FBI informants were on the ground that day. But they must go into the Capitol.

Now, let that sink in.

It's not speculation. It's fact. Twenty-six FBI informants.

What were they doing there? Were they infiltrating the crowd?

Were they guiding its behavior?

Were they acting as provocateurs. Why if the FBI had six informants, why did this happen at all?

The presence raises troubling concerns about how much of January 6th, was actually organic, and how much was orchestrated.

Four years ago today, I was tweeting, this has got to stop!

This isn't who we are. All of these people should go to jail. Well, today, I still say, if you broke the windows, and you were clad in a mask, man, you were causing damage and, you know, hurting people.

Yeah. You should go to jail. But the time you should have served, is, you know, up by now. But there are still people in jail.

Maybe for as long as 20 years! It looks like this was all crafted, not to protect democracy. But to bolster an agenda.

Amid the chaos, everybody pointed their finger to one man, Donald J. Trump. But the new information paints a vastly different picture. Two takes before January 6th, it has now been verified, that Trump authorized the deployment of the National Guard, citing concerns over potential unrest, at the Capitol on January 6th.

But his concerns were ignored, his offer was rebuffed, by Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol Police. Why?

Who in the chain of command chose to disregard this presidential directive? The presence of the national guard would have prevented much of the mayhem that occurred, maybe even all of it. Yet, that opportunity was squandered, and no one told us about it. In fact, the media told us that Trump wanted the chaos. The truth is, we now know, he sought to prevent it.

This glaring omission from mainstream narrative, exposes just January 6th story has been manipulated to fit a preconceived conclusion.

Then there was the Ashley Babbitt story, a name who has become a rallying cry for those who see January 6th as a miscarriage of justice. She was a decorated Air Force veteran. She was shot and killed on live TV by a Capitol police officer, while attempting to climb through a broken window.

Her death was ruled justified, almost immediately. But now, we learn that the officer involved, violated multiple procedural rules. The officer, wrong shielded from scrutiny, held up as a hero, is now under investigation for misconduct, so severe, that it could lead to criminal charges.

Think about that. A life was taken, the person responsible may not have followed any of the protocols.

What else was cut, because of security? What else was held up as an example of good police work?

And why was Babbitt's death so quickly dismissed by the media and the government officials? In the days of George Floyd, why was this one policeman, his actions not scrutinized?

Did her life not matter? Her story was buried under a mountain of political narratives.

And most importantly, January 6th is all about the perversion of justice. The using of allies and social media. High-tech, global corporations. Including telecom and airlines. In many cases, offering up location data on people, that were simply in Washington, DC, without being asked.

What the FBI did with it, how perverted the court system was in DC alone. The knowing role of our politicians. Local and federal. Our police. The higher ups with the National Guard, as well as at the Pentagon now.

What do these things tell us about our country?

Well, they tell us that our country as we hope it would be is dead. That we have been lied to.

They mean that the events of January 6th are far more complex than the tidy little story that they had by 6:00 p.m. that night.

They mean that the very institutions designed to uphold justice and democracy. May have played a role in undermining them.

And let's not just blame one side.

January 6th wasn't about Trump supporters and Democrats or the media.

It was about a system, that thrives on division and chaos.

A system that uses fear, to control us. If federal agencies can lie, manipulate, and withhold the truth about January 6th. What are they not capable of doing?

What are they willing to do? To maintain their grip on power.

We the American people, four years later, on January 6th, must demand the truth. We don't just deserve it. We demand it.

Not the sanitized version. Not the politically convenient version. Not the story that makes the Democrats look bad alone.

But tells us the truth. The entire truth. That means, demanding accountability from the FBI. The Capitol Police.

Every government official on either side, who had a hand in what happened that day, or covering it up.

It means, refusing to let the deaths, the lies, the unanswered questions, fade into a history, of political footnotes.

It seems that January 6th now four years later, we can say was not the end of democracy. But it may have been the beginning of the end for our blind trust in all of our institutions, that we now know have failed us time and time again.

The truth will set you free. We were preserved, I believe. God is not done with us.

That was a miracle, that Donald Trump was elected.

That was a miracle that he lived to see the election.

God did what we could not do.

Now, he is demanding that we do our part. And that is to ensure lies and corruption are not buried.

But that we demand equal justice. I don't care who you are, where you work, what label you have, what party you belong to.

This must end!

Why the Spending Bill Fight is PROOF that DOGE is Working

Why the Spending Bill Fight is PROOF that DOGE is Working

Is the Republican Party’s “unity” collapsing? The legacy media insists that Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Rep. Chip Roy are tearing each other apart over the continuing resolution spending bill. But Glenn and fellow BlazeTV host ‪@lizwheeler‬ argue that this isn’t the truth: “How lucky are we that 2 months ago, we were debating ‘good vs evil.’ And now, we’re debating ‘good vs better.’ It also shows you that the DOGE process is working.” Glenn and Liz break down what’s happening with the spending bill debate and why Republicans are disagreeing over the debt ceiling.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I want to talk about the collapse of the unity. Can you give this story, to me, Liz, without -- with just the details of everybody's arguing and hating on each other.

LIZ: Yes. It is, of course.

If you listen to the mainstream media. It's a circling firing squad. Between Chip Roy. Donald Trump, and Elon Musk.

I don't view it that way at all.

I actually like to see this kind of contention within the Republican ranks. Because how lucky are we, that two months ago, we were debating good versus evil.

And now we're debating good versus better. This is a wonderful thing.

It also shows you, that the DOGE process is -- is working.

Elon Musk said, listen. Go ahead.

STU: Okay. So before we get there, explain.

Because I was on a plane yesterday. So I must see the bill, that was presented.

And I get off the plane, and everybody is hating on each other. Like, wait a minute. Wait a minute.

What just happened. Mike Johnson proposed his bill on Wednesday. And that went to hell in a handbasket.

Thank God we got rid of that!

That would have been a nightmare. Then they proposed a second bill.

And it increased the debt ceiling. Which has to be done by June or July of this year.

Increased it by $5 trillion. And all of the conservatives. And, quite frankly, conservatives like me.

And I think you, that have been for stop raising the at the time ceiling. Let's get out of debt.

We started having this debate about the debt. The debt ceiling has got to be -- has got to go up, unfortunately, in -- at this time.

Well, let me finish the -- what actually happened first, before we get into that.

So people like Chip Roy stood up and Donald Trump had endorsed this. They say it was a clear CR. But if I'm not mistaken, wasn't there some other stuff in there? Like protection for the January 6ers?

Was that left in, or was that taken out?

Do you know, Jill? Liz. Sorry.

LIZ: It was mostly clean. The objectionable parts you raised your voice against last couple of days, the reauthorization of the global engagement center, the vaccine passports. That kind of garbage was taken out.

It did increase the debt ceiling. Technically, I think it was the extension of the already increases -- automatic increases.

And I understand in principle. Most of us don't want to increase the debt ceiling.

However, however, it became an argument last night, about that specifically.

Which distracts from what I think is the bigger pictures.

The bigger picture being for a long time in Washington, DC, and Congress. The people who have said they were fiscally conservative. Haven't been effective in making that happen or making cuts.

What Donald Trump did, is he hired what he considered to be the most brilliant man in our country to say, retool this process and do it better.

Elon Musk came in. With DOGE. And said, what we're going to do is be transparent with you.

We will tell you exactly what your tax money is being spent on.

Then we will leave it to you, to lobby your congressional members to cut that.

And, Glenn, that's exactly what happened this time.

We looked at that 1500-page bill that Speaker Johnson had put forward.

We identified five or six things in that bill. Said no. And effectively, we were victorious.
We got that bill killed. Which is, I think very exciting.

GLENN: Right.

LIZ: And then we had this clean version. And then that's when --

GLENN: Yeah. That's -- because -- because there are -- and I am one of them.

They have been so tired of, oh. We're going to raise the debt.

But then we're going to cut. I don't believe anybody in Washington.

However, I do believe Donald Trump. I do believe Elon Musk. I do believe Vivek Ramaswamy.

I do believe just for survival reasons alone, Donald Trump has got to take a hatchet to the size of this government.


So let's just look at it from I will be killed. Or I will be thwarted, by this giant government.

And I've got to reduce the size, so it doesn't have octopus arms everywhere, trying to choke me out.

So I believe that he wants to cut the size of government, and I believe he has a plan to do it.

I believe that Elon Musk is a guy. I mean, Donald Trump got famous for saying, you're fired.

Elon Musk is famous for actually firing people.

And cutting all of the nonessential.

So those two together. Have reasons.

One is, hey. This just needs to run like a sound operation.

And the other one is that, plus, oh, and it's trying to kill me.

So I believe they're incentivized unlike anyone else in my lifetime, to cut the size of the government.

Donald Trump, to me, and I love Chip Roy.

I love him. I hope he replaces John Cornyn. I love him.

However, at this point, I believe Donald Trump should be given the benefit of the doubt, for this reason.

He's got to do. If he wants to fix America, and make it truly great. He can't do what the Democrats have done.

And that is just, start spending money like arise. And pushing money out the door. He's got to return the money to you.

So he has to have these tax cuts. And he has to have them right now.

When he walks through the door, he has to have them.

So you're going to have this period, where you're flipping the entire company of the United States the government, upside down.

You're in a transition period. And so we're going to need to spend more, as we cut more.

But you can't -- you cannot shut off the debt. We're a trillion dollars. Every 100 -- I'm sorry. Not a trillion.

Yeah. A trillion dollars, every 100 days.

A trillion, every 100 days!

We're a trillion dollars a year, just in interest now.

You can't -- 5 trillion is not a lot, when you're playing with these numbers.

It's obscene to even say that!

We have to cut trillions out.

But Donald Trump to be able to pull this off, he has got to make people's lives better, quickly.

And the two ways to do it, is to first return money to the people, ask. Then to make it actually last, cut all of the regulation. And all of the size of the government.

That one, we don't want to be fighting two battles. We want to fight one battle.

And in my opinion, Donald Trump has shown me, he's willing to take a bullet for the Constitution and the United States and for us.

I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, coupled with Elon Musk, because I believe their intentions are aligned with my intentions and desires.

Does that make sense?

LIZ: Yeah. I think that's right. Like I said, it's a funny situation. Because they're both right. Chip Roy is correct in principle that we should cut spending. And Donald Trump and Elon Musk are correct in practice.

GLENN: It's timing. It's just time.

LIZ: It is timing. They actually are both going to achieve -- or they hope to achieve the same thing.

I concur with your analysis. I have hope that Donald Trump is -- I mean, he's a changed man.
We've all seen this, since he took a bullet to the ear.

He's viewing his own world differently. He's viewing his duty to us, differently.

He's viewing his stewardship of our country, differently. He is doing something groundbreaking.

He is upending, disrupting the process this Congress, that has been business as usual.

And it can be messy. And maybe not everyone in Congress, even if they're principally correct, has quite grasped. Oh, this is the new way, we will do things.

I think Donald Trump has this right.

STU: Yeah. I do too. And I think the Republicans -- the fiscally responsible Republicans.

And it could turn out, you're right and I'm wrong.

But I really, truly believe disruption is where we're going.

And this -- this did disrupt.

And if we don't all stand together, they will disrupt us.

And I am not one to believe that the spending is going to magically go down.

I don't believe that. But if you were a family, and you were a business, and you were running debt, and you just didn't want -- you didn't know what to do. How do I stop the hemorrhaging?

Who in the world would be the best adviser that you could get?

Who in the world could you say, I need somebody to look at all these finances. Figure out what's what.

And how to cut. And how to make my business stronger.

I can't imagine anyone better than Elon Musk. So let's listen to Elon and Donald Trump. And, by the way, if anybody thinks Elon is taking over. Did you read how the tweets are coming out?

He went to Donald Trump. Trump and the vice president were working together, on a statement.

And Elon came in and said, hey. I want to release this.

Is it okay if I release this?

And Donald Trump read it, and said, yeah. Go for it.

That's where we are. Go for it.

So Elon is not leading the president.

Believe me, the president has a plan.

Let's give him all the opportunities we can, to let him execute it.

Because we've all come up with other plans. And none of them have worked.

This one has as many of the best minds in the world on it.

Let's let them do their job.

The Gen Z ‘King’ Keeping Georgia Boys Off the Streets | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 239

The Gen Z ‘King’ Keeping Georgia Boys Off the Streets | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 239

“I hated white people,” says King Randall, founder of the X for Boys in Albany, Georgia. Now, Randall has totally changed his mind and is rejecting victimhood and the mainstream narratives surrounding race in America. After the 2016 election, it seemed to him like the “world was about to end,” but this election season, Randall made waves after Elon Musk shared Randall’s viral video detailing the hate he received from Democrats after posting a video claiming he is voting for Trump. “You may not be worried about politics,” Randall says. “But politics is worried about you.” That is why Randall is on a mission, not to “fix the world” but to “fix Albany, Georgia” — his hometown. Inspired by the book of Genesis, King sees himself as a partner with God in the good work of “making men” out of the boys in his community. He reveals to Glenn what he thinks is “actual white supremacy” and how the Twitter Files exposed how technocrats “effectively control everyone’s minds.” With injustices like slavery and Jim Crow, Randall knows his “ancestors went through hell,” but now it’s his generation's turn to step up, because the civil rights leaders “didn’t train replacements.” The pair discuss faith and the apostle Paul “going gangsta,” before Glenn shares his thoughts that Gen Z just may be the “hero generation.”