California State Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R) recently proposed a bill that would have bypassed California's sanctuary state laws ONLY for illegal immigrants who harm children. But apparently, even that was too much for the state Democrats because EVERY SINGLE ONE of them voted against the motion. Essayli joins Glenn to explain why he believes the bill failed: Do these Democrats care more about protecting criminal illegal immigrants than children? Or is this all about party politics? Either way, one thing is clear, Glenn says: California has become depraved!
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Let's see, we have Bill Essayli on with us. He's been on with us before. He's a California state assemblyman. He's a Republican.
And he put something up, that he knew didn't have a chance to survive, I believe.
However, he wanted -- he wanted everyone to see that every single Democrat in the California House would -- would vote against his bill. And I will let you tell -- let him tell what the bill was.
It just failed this week. Bill, welcome to the program.
BILL: Hi, Glenn. Thank you for having me. Yeah. So we -- I put this bill up. First of all, it was inspired by two specific cases we had coming up in the state of California. One, they reported, Colombian illegal immigrant raped a 14-year-old girl. Went to prison in California. ICE wanted him. They wanted him immediately after his sentence, so they could deport him. Under California law, or sanctuary state law, it is illegal for the sheriff or any law enforcement official to honor an ICE request or to cooperate any way with officials. They put him back in the streets.
GLENN: Jeez.
BILL: And he was picked up later in Boston, Massachusetts. Where they eventually deported him. And that's what first inspired this bill.
Said, why does the state of California's laws protect pedophiles? Why would we do this?
That's what I wrote in the law. Very specific. All the law says is we're rolling back century state (phonetic), as it applies to child sex offenders. If you've been convicted of committing a child sex offense against a minor. You are required to comply with immigration official orders.
GLENN: So it doesn't open up sanctuary state for anything else, other than convicted pedophiles.
BILL: Yes. And that was by design. Of course, if I was running the case. I would reverse policy.
But I said, you know what, we're only 18 out of 80 in here. We're not controlling policy. Let's get them on record. Let's expose the Democrat Party for who they are, and I knew putting this up, they would put them down.
And then we could show the public. They are more concerned about protecting illegal immigrant pedophiles, than they are about doing the right thing and protecting American citizens. That's who these people are.
So I tell you, people start calling me. They do not believe this. It's almost so crazy. People don't believe it. That's where we are.
And then just last week, we had a guy. Illegal immigrant.
He had a rape van, driving up and down the streets of LA. Picked up women and children. And raping them in a van. He is an illegal immigrant. And he's currently protected under our state laws from deportation. We will not deport him from California.
GLENN: You know, I -- California has just become depraved. Hollywood is a big source of this.
It -- it is honestly, depraved. And evil.
What's going on.
And when you have a whole bunch of representatives of the people, and they won't deport pedophiles.
Convicted pedophiles.
And cooperate with the federal government to get them out of the state. We're not talking about anything else. I would like to evict all of them.
But pedophiles. What are the -- what are the voters saying? Is there any uproar about this at all in California?
BILL: The problem with California, Glenn, there's so many bad policies. So many bad bills. We voted on hundreds of bills just this week. It's hard for people to even keep up with what's happening.
So that is why, I try to concentrate. Let's just focus on one issue.
Just one. Let's focus on this.
And luckily, thanks to you, thanks to other media outlets, they're covering these issues. And people are waking up to it.
But if you watch the video, of when I forced a vote on the floor, they wouldn't even let me describe the bill. As soon as I said this bill would roll back sanctuary state for pedophiles, they cut my microphone off.
It's like, they don't even want the public to know what they're doing up there.
When they talk about ten months, show them that video. That's the Democrat version of democracy.
GLENN: Oh, I have to get that video.
We will play that video. Buoy, one of our producers, if you can find that video. Is it on your website or anywhere?
BILL: It's on our Twitter. You can see it on our Twitter, we put the video up.
GLENN: What's your Twitter handle?
BILL: It's @BillEssayli.
GLENN: We'll expose that, and I will tweet that. That's horrific.
It is -- the only way to describe what is -- is happening. Is true evil, and then those who are intentionally blinding themselves. Because it's too horrific to look at. And they don't want to believe their side, is truly that evil.
BILL: Yeah. That's 100 percent right. You know what my takeaway is, Glenn? You know, I serve with these people every day in the Capitol. We did this vote, unfazed, cavalier. It's just another thing on the day. And they just resume walking around. They don't give a damn. They just tonight. It's all about party and politics.
And, you know, the reason they voted against it.
I bet you, some of them didn't even know what they were voting on. Just because that I'm a Republican and I proposed a motion, by extinct they voted down without consideration. That is --
GLENN: Did you have -- did you have any Democrat come to you, in quiet and say, look.
Bill, I understand what you're doing.
And, you know, this is sick. But it will open up the door to all of the -- did you get anybody to privately say that to you.
No. In fact, I get disdain and looks. And why are you doing this? And we -- and this is -- they get mad at me, for forcing the issue. That's the response I get from the Democrat colleagues. And I will be honest, not on this one. But when I do similar things, I get pushback from my own side. Because we have Republicans too, who are trying to do things and pass something. Why are we making them mad? We have to work with them. I will not work with these people. I'm here to defeat these people, and not work with these people. And we have to wake up and know what a real opposition party looks like in this country. We have controlled opposition in our party.
And I'm not about that.
GLENN: Where are you from in California?
Is your seat safe?
HARMEET: I am from Riverside County.
I was born and raised here in Southern California. My parents are immigrants from Lebanon.
And I love this country, and I love this state. And I am not willing to give up on it.
GLENN: I am hoping your seat is safe. Because we are a crusader, and we need those. I don't know if you saw what Tim Scott said this week.
Did you read those? You did or didn't?
BILL: I did not. I have been stuck up in the Capitol.
GLENN: Yeah. He said -- because he put his hat in the ring to run for head of the Senate for Republicans.
And he said, no more working together. This cannot be done.
He said, it is time for a sea change of the Republicans, or we will not save the republic.
And you -- you sound very much like him. And I agree 100 percent.
Thank you, Bill.
BILL: I think there's a new type of conservatism rising, Glenn.
GLENN: They're --
BILL: The new generation.
GLENN: Define it.
BILL: I think the new form of conservatism is what you said, understanding what the principles of the country are. What the republic is. What a Constitution republic is, what limited power is.
And then going into government as for service.
Service to others. Not service to yourself. That's what I see a lot with politics. It should not be a lifelong career.
You go there to represent the people.
And check the power of the government. And check the power of the other parties. And I don't think, that that has been the stance of the Republican Party.
It has been to do the work of the donors. Or do the work of the business. Not the work of the people.
GLENN: Yeah, it is.
BILL: I tell you, it's not easy. You're surrounded by lobbies and big money. And you forget who you are. You forget what your purpose is. And a lot of times, I'm a lot like -- I'm the guy not liked in the room. I'm the one standing up for everyone not there. The public. When everyone is pressuring you to do the wrong thing. It's not easy. But we need people with the right character in public office, and so if you're listening. I would say, please, run.
If you've accomplished something in your life. You have good character.
Run for office. I -- I see, Glenn. Up here.
It's staffers. It's interns. Who become staffers.
Who then run for office.
Or activists. Or Marxists.
I don't see normal, everyday people running for office anymore.
And I think that's a mistake.
GLENN: Yeah. I know in Utah. I talk to some people.
They say, they are now -- the lobbyists are now running just to muck things up, to get the weaklings in.
It's -- it's just disgusting with, what's happening. Bill, thank you for everything you're doing. Appreciate it.
Keep checking in with us. You bet. God bless.