It has been a few weeks since Kash Patel was sworn in as FBI Director and the Epstein files have still not fully been released. So, what's going on? Why is Attorney General Pam Bondi delaying the release? Glenn and Stu review 4 theories: she needs to keep it secret for some reason; Trump wants to save its release for a politically strategic time; she can't overcome the Deep State's resistance in the FBI; and the theory that Glenn thinks is most likely: they'd rather delay its release until they're ready to make convictions.
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: You know, we were just -- we were just talking with Allie Beth Stucky. And we were talking about Christ is king.
And that whole controversy. And it's not a controversy in my world. I don't really understand why people are so upset about it. Except for extremists that want it to be a thing.
And want it to divide us. But, you know, that's not the thing.
Stu and I were just talking about. This is becoming like a Black Lives Matter thing.
Where remember, you had to post the little black square on -- had to!
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: And you couldn't say all life matters. You couldn't say, I think the lives of black people absolutely matter!
You couldn't say that. You had to say, Black Lives Matter. It was like a -- an incantation.
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: It was -- and I think that's -- honestly, that's the way it kind of is.
It's a mantra that you must say, and when it comes to Christ is king! King of kings, Lord of lords.
No. That's not good enough for you. Why?
Why isn't that good enough for you?
Why can't I quote Scriptures?
Why do I have to say it exactly like you said it.
That just tips me off, something is not right with some people that are saying it. It has another meaning to enough people. Lord of lords. King of kings.
What? You know. Do I have to say Budweiser is the king of beers? That's an advertising slogan. And so we just to have to be careful of these things, because, you know, there -- we can't boil things down to slogans.
Times are too important, and deception is too widespread.
We -- we can't just be a bumper sticker. Can't do it.
Today, Donald Trump is at the DOJ.
And I came in this morning, and one of the producers said, why is he going to the DOJ. And honestly, why hasn't Pam Bondi given the Epstein evidence?
Well, I don't know either of you those.
But if you would like me to speculate, I could go right to lizard people.
Because they're all lizard people.
Because it wasn't Epstein island. It was actually Trump island.
You know, I -- we could go there if you want to. Because the entire world, even your boss is part of a global pedophile ring.
And the only ones, the only ones that aren't in on it, you and me.
I mean, I could go there. I don't think that's what it is.
You know, but there are some other options.
I would like to run some of these options down. And I don't think it's one of these. I think it could be a myriad of these things.
Bondi is just incompetent or deceiving.
Because she knows, but she's not telling. Because she needs to keep it secret. For some reason.
Do you believe that one?
STU: I don't think she's incompetent, no.
PAT: Yeah, do you think she's just doing it because she's part of the Deep State cover-up.
STU: I don't think.
GLENN: I don't think so either. This is the big one, I know from the left. Because they're trying to scrub Donald Trump's name off it?
STU: Had to. I don't think --
GLENN: They've tried scrubbing, and they've tried soaking, and it just won't come out.
STU: That's just silly. There's pictures of them hanging out, when they had a relationship. A public, very large public breakup.
GLENN: And it was because of the way Epstein, if I'm not mistaken, treated some waitress or some employee of Trumps. And he's like, no, thank you. Get out.
STU: That's what I remember as well.
GLENN: Okay. How about this one?
She's not releasing it because Donald Trump wants it released when it's strategically and politically the best time.
STU: Probably not. But, I mean, that's a possibility there.
GLENN: Yeah. And it might play a role if there's bigger things. It might be like, wait.
We have other things to do. With this particular case. You have to do these things.
And then let's strategize at the top. I don't think it's the reason.
It could play a small role.
STU: We saw a slight version of that, on the day that the initial stuff came out. Which was, they had a foreign dignitary in town.
GLENN: Yeah. It was -- Prince Andrew's, you know, PM.
STU: Right. And so they were say, let's wait until after that meeting is over.
So there is strategy that goes into all of this.
GLENN: That she hasn't done it because the FBI, there's bureaucratic resistance, and they just can't conquer it.
STU: That's kind of their claim, right?
Bureaucratic resistance from --
GLENN: That was their claim on the first day. But I don't believe that. Because that would lead me to believe. If that's true. That would leave me to believe, they're in on it. Because why wouldn't back up the paddy wagons.
You know what I mean?
If that were the real reason, why wouldn't you back up the paddy wagons.
I think that might have been true.
But if they -- if there is a coordinated effort, in New York, I mean, we just talked to our HUD secretary.
New York City has one person left in New York.
In the -- in the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
If that were true!
Suddenly, Donald Trump and all of the people who believe in it, Kash Patel, is not -- you know what, we're just going to leave those guys alone though.
It doesn't make sense.
STU: It doesn't make sense.
Although, we have seen some sort of agency by agency approach. When it comes to the DOGing of the government.
GLENN: That would be timing then.
STU: It would be timing. But also, you have a list of priorities, you work through.
Maybe they're not to that yet. It's possible.
GLENN: Now. Let me give you a combination of what you think, to me, is most likely.
And you tell me.
There's part of it, let's review for privacy reasons.
Let's make sure, you know, the girl's names aren't released. That we don't do any damage.
And we know the names that are true. And we don't just release a bunch of junk, that could get people who weren't involved, just swept up into things.
GLENN: Possible. But it does seem like that is a really legitimate excuse. And if it were the excuse, we would be hearing more of it.
She mentioned it before she released it. Right? Then she released it after she said she was done with it.
So that's a weird one.
But maybe it's still possible. There's so many different pieces of paper that they're looking it at --
SCOTT: So when I talked to Kash Patel last spring or summer, and he said, oh, day one, that will be released. And Donald Trump said, I am going to release this.
They were both coming from a place to where they didn't trust anyone in the DOJ, FBI, you know, the post office.
STU: Right.
GLENN: Everybody was against them.
STU: Uh-huh.
GLENN: And his strategy back then was, lob this grenade into that room. And let's see what crawls out. You know what I mean?
STU: Yes.
GLENN: So now that he's not operating that way. He's not throwing grenades.
He's very, very strategic.
Is it possible, and this is what I think is the most possible, is it possible that Kash, what he said, I am going to release this thing right away. Was speaking as a guy who wasn't yet even confirmed.
And then, when he got in, and Pam is like, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Because I've seen this in every cop. Every law and order. And whatever.
All of them are the same. The prosecutor looks at the cop.
Do you want a conviction, or do you want, you know, just this guy to -- you to look good. Because you caught the bad guy.
STU: Right.
GLENN: Yeah. One of these -- one of these arms. Kash Patel." His deal is to gather does is the evidence and get the bad guy.
And his frustration. You know, a year ago. A half a year ago.
Was they're not exposing anything.
They're not releasing anything.
And they're not doing anything about it. Okay. So that's what he was coming from.
And he didn't trust anybody from the Justice Department.
Neither did Donald Trump. Now that Donald Trump's person is in there. Kash had that kind of Law & Order moment, where Pam was like, do you want to just release the names so everybody knows? Or do you want to put these people in prison? You know what I mean?
STU: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
GLENN: So he knows that Trump -- I'm just -- I'm shooting. This is my theory.
STU: Yeah. That's what you're doing.
GLENN: It makes more sense to me.
That he -- he trusted Trump. He most likely trusted Bondi.
I don't know Pam Bondi.
So I have no reason to not trust her. But I have no firsthand experience to go, I trust her.
But I do trust Trump. And I do trust Kash Patel. And when Bondi said, wait. Wait. Wait.
You cannot release these yet.
Because I want convictions.
Let me get the -- let me get all of these things in order. So when we release it, we also say, oh. And using just pulling this name out of the air.
Because it's riddled with it.
Bill Clinton.
We're also next week or tomorrow. We are filing charges against Bill Clinton.
STU: And you want to release that all at the same time.
GLENN: Release it at the same time.
STU: Now, of course, it's not that he will be a runaway fugitive, I don't think. It will be difficult to hide. You're just saying --
GLENN: Again, do you want just the names? Because if I want the names. And I have been pissed the names haven't come out. The only reason I'm pissed is because I have -- I have no reason to believe that the federal government will do the right thing.
Because they've never done the right thing on things like this.
They don't do it. They either give you some BS answer. Or they're like, and, you know what, he's too elderly to even stand trial.
You know, I know she said, put acid on all of her servers. But that -- she didn't mean that in a bad way.
STU: Right. Usually these people aren't held accountable to that level.
GLENN: They're never held accountable.
So my frustration is comes from, these people have never been held accountable.
But I think we've seen, there's a new sheriff in town. He operates differently.
And he's put really good, competent people around him.
And so shouldn't we jump to the conclusion, still, trust yet verify.
And that's really important. Do you think Donald Trump actually trusted Russians?
No. No.
But for the sake of everybody getting along, I'm going to take your word for it.
I'm going to, and we will move forward on this trust, but I'm also sending in inspectors. Because you're not trustworthy! Our government. No matter who is in charge, is never trustworthy.
You should never trust them. You should trust and verify.
STU: Let me -- let me ask you a difficult question on this.
GLENN: Oh. Friday.
STU: It's Friday.
GLENN: You had a good week. Let's --
STU: Let's blow it up. No. How much of what you just said is essentially copium?
Like you are the mythical drug that helps you copy with you not getting what you want.
GLENN: I thought about that a lot.
I don't think so.
STU: You don't think. Because what it sounds like. And I know this isn't what you're doing.
GLENN: I know what it sounds like.
STU: It sounds like the Pizzagate people, who are like, well, so they didn't have a basement. That's because they knew we were coming! And sealed off the basement where they were keeping the captives. They moved it to another restaurant.
GLENN: I know. I know.
STU: At some point, it's just -- is it important to just acknowledge, that this isn't there?
They're never going to release it.
It's -- what it --
GLENN: No. Because I don't know that's true.
STU: I don't know that's true either.
It's possible.
GLENN: I could say Donald Trump. No. I could say Joe Biden. That George Bush.
Mitt Romney.
Any of them. Barack Obama. If that's the kind of president we were looking at, and we had seen an administration that had just done this campaign.
And then we didn't have the last 12 weeks. Or eight weeks we just experienced.
I would say, yeah. You're never going to see that. Nothing will happen.
STU: You think with this president.
GLENN: I think because he has shown us. What he's shown us.
I will never trust anyone in the government. But I want to give them the benefit of the doubt. And the time.
Now, if I'm sitting here a year from now, and that thing hasn't been released. I don't trust you. And I think that's verification.
STU: Do I put this in a calendar? I'm putting in a calendar, a year from now, you will be very upset.
GLENN: Oh, no. I'm upset now. But I'm giving people --
STU: You write the calendar entry. March 14, 2026.
GLENN: If there has been no release of these documents, no release of what is at least on the tapes, it's kind of buried and it's just nowhere. And there's been no prosecution, this administration was lying to us. They're no different on that topic, than everybody else. But I don't think that's true.
I want you to play this video.
STU: Okay. Tenth.
GLENN: A year from now, because then I can say, well, see, giving him the benefit of the doubt was the right thing.
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: Or God, was I stupid. I must have been high on copium.