Yesterday, the Trump administration dropped THOUSANDS of declassified documents related to the JFK assassination. It will take a while to sift through every document, but Glenn's team was hard at work getting a jump start. Glenn's chief researcher and security expert, Jason Buttrill, joined to explain what he found so far: Lee Harvey Oswald had been on the CIA's radar, but was described as quote, 'a poor shot.' A guy detained in London warned that Oswald planned to kill JFK and defect to Russia. Was out government just complicit or incompetent? While nothing has contradicted the Warren Commission thus far, everything is providing context so we can finally see the full picture.
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: I've got a busy day today.
Because I'm going out to a shooting range. Because we have the only gun that we know of. That is an exact copy of the gun Oswald used, to kill President Kennedy. Because it's a real weird hodgepodge of guns. It was -- the one that killed Kennedy, has a different scope on it.
Very rare. Very hard to find. I think it's -- it might even be a Russian scope.
I can't remember. The scope is from someplace. There's parts of this gun, that are from someplace else.
And so, you know, we wanted to get -- because we don't have the real gun.
We wanted to get one just like it. It took two years to assemble this gun and be to find all of the parts. So it's an exact copy of it. I'm going out to a shooting range today. And we will do our first test.
Just, I have some sharpshooters with me. And we will -- we will post some of this on X, as we do it live today. But then you'll be able to see all of it. We're going to another shooting range, hopefully next week, to get moving targets, to see if they can make these shots.
But it should be interesting. Today, you can watch for it on X, and then that will be next week, as we go through everything that has been released on the JFK files. Because it will take a while. Anybody who -- they don't have any idea. 80,000 documents are being released.
So you know, there will -- Jason is here. He's our chief researcher for the TV show. 80,000 documents. How long would that have taken us to go through, for staff, what do we have? Eight people on it, right now?
How long, without Grok or AI assist. How long would that take us?
JASON: We would still be basically taping our eyelids open and still staring at it. We wouldn't even be close to like a quarter of the way through it.
GLENN: Okay. So yesterday, describe the process, what happened?
JASON: So they started releasing the documents. Well, I thought they were going to be delayed. But they finally came through at 5:00 or 6:00 Central. Something like that.
So we immediately went to work. Initially, there was 113 pages of these documents, but on each different page, there was about 10 PDFs per page.
And those PDFs had multiple pages within the PDFs. So all in all, it was probably around 12 to 1300 pages of stuff. It was insane. To go through this now, and, you know, the modern age, all we have to do is go through, download each little different PDF. And start feeding that into what whatever artificial intelligence program you want to use.
If you know the right prompts.
You can start looking for things that are relevant. Things that are new. Things that contradict old disclosures.
It was actually pretty amazing.
GLENN: So you know. One of the things that is very important to me, is the ethics of using AI.
And I don't know if a lot of people even care about it. But I do. And my staff does, deeply.
I mean, we've had really heartfelt, you know, round after round of, what's ethical. What's noteth can ally?
So you know, we're not AI powered.
Our research team is not AI-powered. It is powered by people, who use AI.
And there is a big difference in that. As you will start to see, as days go by. And more and more people use AI to do all their thinking.
We use it as a tool, to go through, to be able to do things that we couldn't before.
80,000 documents. As you said, 1200 documents last night. 80,000 will take us forever. Just the 1200 that we went through, that was the first batch would have taken us weeks to go through.
So it's a very big help. But we also then go back and check everything. So let me go through some of the things that I know, that were found yesterday.
You tell me also, anything that I'm missing here. On -- on what was found.
But there's a couple of things.
One document is a memo. On the release passage from a political magazine. Ramparts from 1967 about an intelligence agency, a CIA informant and former US Army Captain John Garrett Underhill. And he wrote, the day after the assassination, I'm sorry.
The -- the story wrote. The day after the assassination, Gary Underhill left Washington in a hurry. Late in the evening, he showed up at the home of a friend in New Jersey. He was very agitated. The passage starts, a small click within the US was responsible for the assassination. He confided to his friend.
He would be afraid -- he was afraid of -- for his life. And probably would have to leave the country.
Less than six months later, he was found shot to death in his Washington apartment. Coroner ruled it a suicide. The note was known -- was said, in -- on intimate terms. With the number of high-ranking CIA officials.
The passage has been shared last night, over and over again.
That's probably one of the bigger passages that came out. That was shared on X and everything else. But as they -- you know, the people were like, it's already been released. Yeah. But we didn't actually have the document. Another document that was making the rounds.
One line in the document stated that the KJB watched Oswald closely, while he was in the USSR. But files indicated that Oswald was a poor shot when he tried target practice in the Soviet Union. Another detail released was a letter sent by a man in 1978. He was a Soviet.
And he made this comment to the British embassy. He claimed that he was detained in London on July 18th, 1963, and questioned by authorities. He said that he told them about Lee Harvey Oswald, saying he planned to kill the president. He added that he warned American vice council HEP Tom Blacksheer of the plans of Oswald, who was trying to defect to Russia. Okay. So that's kind of a big deal. But what does that say to you?
So far, that just says -- hang on, if you're driving. I will give you time to pull over. Because this will be a shock to you. You pull over. Okay?
What it says is that our government is incompetent. I know.
Could have had a car wreck, if I didn't tell you before I pulled over.
I mean, that's what this is so far saying to me.
What are some of the other things that we found, Jason?
JASON: We talked yesterday, about four different things. This is really about the what. Not the who. And I think that's pretty much spot-on doctor what I'm seeing so far.
Right now, there's no who.
There's no, okay. This is the person that pulled the trigger. There's no grassy knoll. There's no deflection from the official warrant commission report so far.
But I will say, that people who have been looking into this for a long time. Have identified like 10 to 15, or 20 documents that they really want to see, that have been heavily redacted if the past.
GLENN: Or not released yet.
JASON: Some of them have not been released. Some of the stuff from last night, have provided more context.
Now, let me tell you, it you're a fan of the Cold War, or even just spy thrillers. You're going to like to read some of this stuff. And I will put together some stuff for our special next week, some stuff that you can just read on, or something.
If anything, this stuff is Cold War, you know, stuff. Like, for instance, I'll throw out, I've never heard about this before.
But there was a surveillance program in Havana, Cuba, before the assassination that was a complete failure. Something that happened where they were found out. There were people arrested. Never heard about this before. The CIA definitely did not want to get this out.
GLENN: And so that had nothing to do with the JFK files. But it was filed in that.
JASON: I believe it was filed in that. They're kind of building this case. These are the things that may have agitated Cuba.
Neighbor you're searching for a lead. Maybe Cuba, through the Soviet Union was involved in the assassination.
These things might have tipped them off.
But, I mean, there's a lot of that stuff. That links back.
You can tell the CIA is doing their due diligence. And anything that would point out.
So John Greenwald of the black valuate, which says, they are the largest privately run reposetory of declassified documents. Says, the organization of these files. I mean, it's just -- it's crazy.
You know, nothing is searchable.
No bulk download, like previous releases.
No spreadsheet.
Nothing. It's just firehose!
So you've got to give everybody who is looking into this, some time before, you know, we really understand what everything is.
But what else did we find?
GLENN: If you're looking at like, What is the CIA involved with? Are they incompetent?
Are they even operating legally? Now, here's where the JFK files get interesting. I wrote down a few notes.
And we will have more next week on the show.
GLENN: Yeah. Right. Next week, we were -- the first idea, hey, they will come out. Maybe we should do a show. Wait. Let's -- let's take our time, and take a breath.
And do the show the following week. Because that way, we will have actually the information.
So we're just giving you bits and pieces now. But next Wednesday night say full show on what's come out on JFK.
JASON: Now, how about this? To get your interest. The description in full tail can of CIA covert domestic operations ran out of multiple cities within the United States. To include wiretap operations, domestically. As well as media manipulation, with them pushing out narratives the CIA specifically wants the media to push out.
And all of their contacts, at other media organizations.
You can read that right now, tell me that doesn't happen today.
STU: It does!
JASON: This is why this is important, Glenn. To know.
This establishes a pattern of behavior.
I'm not even done yet.
It talks about CIA partnerships with private companies. Private companies.
GLENN: Huh, public/private partnerships?
JASON: It sounds like that, actually. They talk about a vast CIA network. This is before the assassination that they were heavily invested in, in Mexico City, which I thought was fascinating.
You can read about high value KGB assets that are getting stationed in Mexico City, for some random reason. Big time CIA operation going down in Mexico City, and that's how they were actually able to catch Oswald before the assassination when he went down to Mexico City to get a Cuba or a Soviet visa.