"Biden Advisor" Reveals How to SAVE Biden's 2024 Campaign

"Biden Advisor" Reveals How to SAVE Biden's 2024 Campaign

President Biden suffered a major blow due to his embarrassing CNN Presidential Debate performance: He came across as way too elderly and now, many in his party are considering replacing him. But don't worry! His campaign has a plan! Glenn speaks with the just-as-ancient "Biden advisor," Wilfred, who is an expert at youth outreach. Wilfred (totally not Stu) lays out all the wonderful ways that Biden can reinvigorate his campaign ... and also why the President may actually be "TOO youthful!"


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Well, this is an amazing turn of events, from the -- I guess what do you say who did you say. White House spokesperson.

Wilfred. I don't know if I have your last name. Hi.

How are you?

STU: May I speak to Rush?

GLENN: Oh, yeah. Rush? Let's just say, Rush doesn't work here anymore.

STU: Yes.

Right. My name is Wilford.

And I'm calling from Sun City Florida.

GLENN: Yes. Okay.

And you're a Biden adviser.

STU: Yes. I'm one of his campaign spokespeople. Person.

GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

And -- and it's my understanding, that you have some inside news of what happened this weekend. Were you there at Camp David?

STU: No.

GLENN: With the family?

STU: Positions would not let me involved in air travel. However --

GLENN: Positions. Yeah.

STU: I have been in close touch with the campaign.

GLENN: Okay. All right.

STU: I've been working in campaigns, like this, for quite some time.

GLENN: Quite some time. Really?

STU: And I watch the debate on the television set.


STU: And I -- and look, did Joe Biden have a good night?

No. No.

GLENN: No. He didn't. No.

STU: He -- it -- it was -- look, it was a catastrophe. Let's be honest about it.

GLENN: All right.

STU: Joe Biden. It's like the time I tried to make a move on Ethel, at the prom.

GLENN: Ethel. Okay. What happened there?

STU: She -- well, she seemed to be into it.

But she had so many layers of pantaloons.
And I was unable -- to get --

GLENN: Right.

STU: To get to the conclusion of the evening. And the sun came up. I was still trying to remove layers.

GLENN: Right. Okay. All right.

So Wilfred, we're really looking.

We're looking towards the future here, on whether he's going to drop out from the campaign.

Or, I mean, what has been decided?

STU: Well, the first thing that was decided, was that his entire campaign would now be sponsored by Prevagen.

So we can get the donations from the Prevagen Corporation. And really, if we fill him up, to make his internal digestive systems approximately 80 percent Prevagen. We believe multiple sentences will come out!

GLENN: Really? Really?

STU: Together. Yes.

GLENN: Right. Okay. All right.

STU: So there are decisions we can make, but this is similar to when I worked on the Fillmore campaign.

We had --

GLENN: The what?

STU: When I worked on the Fillmore campaign? Millard Fillmore.

STU: The Fillmore campaign. Millard Fillmore. When I was working.

GLENN: Hang on. I'm sorry to -- just trying to remember what year that might have been. I can't remember.

STU: Oh, you were -- well, you were -- he was lucky 13. Thirteenth president.

GLENN: Thirteen.

Okay. Good. All right. Go ahead.

STU: And I was working with him, on messaging.

And it was difficult. Because, for example, we must have really electricity.

Pretty much at that point.

GLENN: Right. Right.

STU: And we were trying to communicate to the people. Now, fill more was a much better communicator than Joe Biden, obviously.

GLENN: Right. Right. Sure.

STU: But he also beat Medicare with be and I'm -- I think that's a good thing for him to come back to.

Joe Biden beat Medicare. And Millard fill --


STU: Millard fill more did as well. And I think he can stand on that.

GLENN: All right.

STU: By the way, am I speaking with Don? Is this Mr. Imus?

GLENN: No. He's -- let's just say, Don does not work here anymore.

STU: I listen every day, Don.

GLENN: All right.

STU: And I would say, I'm concerned that Joe Biden may come off as too youthful.

For the American people.

GLENN: Too youthful?

STU: I don't know if you've noticed lately. But the American people love old candidates.

They don't want people who are coherent. When was the last time you watched a Sunday show, and saw someone.

GLENN: Are you there? Are you there?

GLENN: Yeah. You got that out. Are you all right? All right. We may have to come back to -- we may have to believe back to Wilford a little bit later.

STU: Just remember, Hedy, this is Hedy Lamarr. Am I right?

GLENN: Yes. Yes, you are.

STU: I have been a huge fan of your show since it began. And when you and Marconi were doing that one thing together.

GLENN: All right. We're going to let you go now. But thanks for calling in from the Biden. From the Biden team, that's Wilfred.

STU: I know my pill.

GLENN: Just hang up the phone. That's all you have to do is just hang it up.

Maybe -- may be a while. Let's move on, shall we?

Are Attacks Against Free Speech Meant to Protect a New "Religion"?

Are Attacks Against Free Speech Meant to Protect a New "Religion"?

An op-ed titled “The First Amendment Is Out of Control” was recently published in the New York Times. In it, law professor Tim Wu argues that free speech arguments – especially for online speech – are now used to protect corporate interests and harm everyday citizens. While Glenn admits that he makes a persuasive argument, he lays out another take on what free speech STILL means: “You can speak your mind without fear of censorship or persecution.” Is that the version of free speech that our government and media are currently standing up for? Or are they instead trying to censor anyone who speaks out against their new “religion”?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: You know, I talked to you a little bit about the story in the New York Times yesterday. The First Amendment is out of control.

Tomorrow is Independence Day. And we should all review what freedom of speech is really meant for, and what it is. Now, it was written by a guy named would. He's a law professor at Columbia. (?) and he writes about tech and everything else.

And he says, First Amendment was a tool that helped the underdog. But sometime in this century, the judiciary lost the plot. Judges have transmuted a constitutional provision meant to protect the unpopular opinion, into an all-purpose tool of legislative nullification, that now mostly protects corporate interests. So he's making the case, that we've turned it upside down.

And I have to tell you, he makes a persuasive case here.

But he is wrong in the end. Let me just skip to this.

He's talking about regulation of the internet. Such regulation is not always perfect to be sure. But it represents a legitimate tool which democratic governments can stand up to private power. The next phase (?) the regulation of artificial intelligence.

I fear the First Amendment will be extended to the -- to protect machine speech. At considerable human cost. I 100 percent agree with that.

It's something I have been warning about, for about three decades. In our era, the power of private actors has grown to rival that of nation states.

True again. Most powerful are the big tech platforms. True again.

Which in their cocoon-liken compassing of humanity has grown to (?) in ways that would make totalitarian states jealous.

Correct again. In a democracy, no. Republic. The people ought to have a right to react and control such private power. As long as it does not trample on the rights of the individual.

Again, correct!

But thanks to the Supreme Court, the First Amendment has become a barrier to the government's ability to do that.

Free speech rights have been hijacked to suppress the sovereignty of humans. In favor of the power and companies. And machines.


So wait.

But, no. There's a the difference between individuals, and the government.

And regulations, and suggestions. You want to regulate. Okay. Regulate.

And let's have that not going G through the administrative state.

Let's have that go (?) through Congress.

Let's have that debate. A serious debate about it.

We can do that. And I think the -- the right of the individual, is what will win in that. If we don't have some closed door, you know, Google writing the bill. But actual debate, the way Congress is supposed to work.

Then I think, free speech will win. Because it's a strong argument. For the people. But what the Supreme Court was talking about, was, well, now, wait a minute.

I think the government, you know -- maybe -- maybe we send it down to the lower court. And have them reexamine this.

Because should the government be able to just say, hey.

You really need to -- you need to silence these people P

No. The government (?) should never have that power. Ever. Ever. Ever.

Freedom of speech is the cornerstone. It is why it is the first amendment.

Freedom of speech. Freedom of the press.

The way that the people can stand up against the government.

They can stand up against the government. They can question our government.

They can demand answers from our government. They have a press that should be completely separate from the government. To stand guard, against the government.

Remember, this whole document was made to stop a government from becoming tyrannical.

So if you're afraid of, you know, Trump or Biden becoming a tyrant, your answer, the only answer should be, return to the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

The freedom of speech thing, is so important. Again, it was the first.

But what it means is, you can speak your mind, without fear of censorship or persecution.

Now, that doesn't make you popular.

But it does mean that the government and those powerful institutions can do nothing against you, to stop you.

Would you like it if a church all of a sudden was in charge, and said

You can't say these things?

I mean, how many people on the left believe in burning the flag?

You have a right to do that.


So why did the kid -- oh, gosh. Where was it? Never

In Oregon. The kid that burned rubber on the pride flag that was painted on the road.

He was just charged with a felony!

A felony!

What is that? Other than, a religion?

Or a government saying, this is what we stand for, and you will not tarnish it!

Excuse me?

I don't want that happening through a church. I don't want that happening through the government.

I don't -- I would like people to self-regulate. But things like peeling out on the pride flag. That happens sometimes, not because of homophobia. Sometimes it is homophobia.

Other times, it is just -- you know what, I'm a rebel. You are telling me, and jamming this down my throat.


And it's their only way for freedom of speech. That's the case that is made for burning down the flag.

Why is it different on the pride flag?

See, we have a -- if we didn't have freedom of speech. We wouldn't understand anything.

Because the things that were said at some point or another, that have made progress, and pushed us into new areas. Have always seemed crazy. Or dangerous.

But they move us forward. Well, I'm not talking about speech that moves us forward, makes progress. I mean the speech that's dangerous.

Oh, really? Because that's what every authoritarian and theocratic (?) dictator always says. The problem is: Who is in charge of judging what's dangerous and not?

The church? The government? Academia? Some other group or organization that would have the power to silence people?

Remember, the only speech that needs protecting is the speech that either the majority doesn't like, or power doesn't like.

You know, the world was flat for a very long time.

And for centuries, that was the accepted view.

And challenging it seemed like (?) and later during the age of exploration.

Ferdinand Magellan. And Christopher Columbus. Dared to propose or demonstrate otherwise.

It was their courage to speak out and explore beyond the known boundaries. That led to an understanding of what the earth really was.

Now, the power didn't want it.

The church didn't want that.

The church would prosecute and persecute anybody.

You know how they got King Ferdinand to do it?


I'm telling you, there's lots of gold. What happens if he's wrong. He falls off the edge of the earth. Big deal.

The idea that the sun revolves around the earth. Or is it the earth revolves around the sun. That faced significant resistance.

Copernicus and Galileo.

Pioneers, revolutionary idea, went against the power of the time.

In 1633, the Catholic Church, which was the power, tried Galileo, during the inquisition. And forced to -- forced him to recant under threat of torture.

Okay. Who is deciding what free speech is good? What's progress? What's not?

It's easy to see them in reverse. You know what Socrates was killed for? He was killed bit government. He went through a fair trial.

(?) you know what he was killed for? Because he was corrupting the youth of Athens.

Because he encouraged questioning the established norms and beliefs.

Anybody who ever says, don't -- you can't question that. Don't question that.

You should run from. Socrates was corrupting the youth, because he said, question everything. Jeer Don zero Bruno, I think was his name. (?) he's the guy who said there's infinite suns and innet worlds. He was burned at the stake, in the inquisition of 1600.

Martin Luther, as well as Martin Luther King. How about Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla? The war of currents. This was all about power, literally, and figuratively.

Power and money.

Here's Thomas Edison, who is using the system, to stifle invasion.

Edison wants (?) direct current. Because he was losing that battle, because it didn't make sense and it wasn't working.

He had to discredit Tesla.

And he did it through smear campaigns. And propaganda.

He had public demonstrations where he got this sick doctor to go, and electrocute animals, using Tesla's alternating current.

He would take down horses, dogs, whatever you have. (?) Tesla wants to put in your house.

Thank God we weren't afraid of the scare tactics. Because that's what we all have in our house today.

Or at least we will for a while, until they believe up with something even better. That you're not allowed to question.

If you can't challenge prevailing wisdom, if you can't propose a new idea, if you can't say, wait a minute. This doesn't make any sense, everything stops.

Progress depends on the free exchange of ideas. And if you get rid of your opposition, life falls apart. Even the Bible says, opposition in all things. You have to have the metal and the flint. It's when they rub together, when they strike against each other, that's when a spark is made. And that's when things change.

This is what we're arguing about right now. It should show you the health of America.

I mean, when you have a cold, the doctor might talk to you about, okay. I want you to take this, and this, and this. And just get some bed rest.

But when you have a cold, and you have cancer, the doctor is not talking about the cold. Okay?

He's talking about cancer.

Our cancer is so deep, we're down to the fundamentals. We're down to. Okay.

You can't lose freedom of speech.

You can't lose your -- your protection against your own civil rights. We're down to the big ones.

That's how sick this body is.

Meanwhile, they want you to yell and scream about Biden or Trump.

Or whatever. It's the fundamental rights, that are first expressed in our Declaration of Independence.

Something that was signed and agreed upon on July 2nd. Finally announced to the American people, on July 4th.

That we should be concentrating on.

I urge you, this Independence Day, tomorrow, and I know your family will roll their eyes and go, Dad. Please. At least mine do all the time.

Dad, please.

Read the Declaration of Independence. Tomorrow.

Read it. Understand it. Work through it with your kids.

Work through it with yourself. It's still alive today.

Is THIS Why Hunter Biden is Joining White House Meetings With Joe Biden?

Is THIS Why Hunter Biden is Joining White House Meetings With Joe Biden?

Hunter Biden has reportedly started to join White House meetings with his father, Joe Biden. But what expertise does he provide? Could it perhaps be an expertise in a white powder that would keep his aging father awake during those meetings? Glenn and Stu speculate. Plus, they discuss how some in the media and Democratic Party are insisting that the President is fine: Deny what you see! And is Kamala Harris going to make a move to become the Democrats' presidential nominee?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

STU: Because I will say this, I don't want this man to step down. I want him to be the nominee.

I want Joe Biden to be the nominee for the democratic party. And it's wrong to have him have to step down.

He's the right man for this race.

He needs to stay in it.

GLENN: Yes. I -- much to my own eternal shame, when I do put politics ahead of everything else, I agree 100 percent.

STU: Yes.

GLENN: With you. Because it's not really going to get better with Kamala Harris.

STU: Oh, no.

GLENN: Imagine her, answering the phone at 3:00 a.m. No.

STU: Good God.

I will say, and I think she did that in her previous jobs when she was working for mayor in Los Angeles. I think if you kind of go to the real future of the country, my initial reaction was similar to yours. And I've sort of evolved, Glenn.

GLENN: Yeah, okay.

STU: Which is, I'm really terrified for the next six months of Joe Biden being president. Should he step down immediately, for the good of the country?

Of course he should. However, if he does so, it's more likely, we have four years and six months of a president who is putting our country in danger. One that might be Mora wake. Might be more coherent in speeches.

But is also very, very damaging to the future of our country.

And so I'm kind of at that point now. However, you get these people out of office.

For the next four and a half years. Or four years. Is almost more important that happen what happened in the next six months, fingers crossed.

GLENN: Well, I have to just point out.

We have a puppet president. And we've told you. We've asked you, over and over again.

Who is actually running the country.

Well, it's a conspiracy theory. Because Joe Biden is so healthy.

He doesn't even need Viagra. He's having sex all the time. He's just so alert. And -- no, he's not.

STU: He even said something to that effect, didn't he?

He even sort of referred to that idea, that it was like his sex life was super active still.

GLENN: Yeah. Uh-uh.

STU: To show his virility. Not sure how that's going on the last few days. But good luck, Joe.

GLENN: Yeah. There has to be somebody that can put him on the back of a horse with his shirt off just to show his virility, like Putin did.

But, you know, he's -- he's not running the country. And that's the reason why Kamala Harris was selected.

Because she can't run the country either.

And we know this now. You notice the administration hasn't missed a beat. They just keep going. They're doing what they're doing. He doesn't know. He's not making the decisions. The question is: Who is? Who is?

If the president of the United States is having CPCs. (?) starting. Waked up at 11 o'clock in the morning.

Having a meeting, and now and then going to bed at 4:00, who is running the country?

My gosh!

STU: Yeah. And, Glenn, you should point out, those preparations which took place over six days for the debate. Never started before 11:00 a.m. And Mr. Biden was given a time for an afternoon nap, each day. This is according to the New York Times.

GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

STU: The only example they could come up with, had they were pressed with examples where he was really, really on top of things. Was him screwing over Israel. Which is when they were in the middle of all these missiles being fired at them.

He was on his game telling Netanyahu, no, you're not allowed to fire back. That's the only thing they could come up with.

Of course we had no evidence that was true. But the fact that he was inspired to be awake by screwing Jews over isn't necessarily something that gives me more confidence.

GLENN: You know, Jake -- did you hear Jake Tapper yesterday?

Jake Tapper accused the Democratic Party of engaging in Orwellian tactics. The opening of the show, Tapper called out the Democratic Party for engaging in a discernable pattern of lying to the public.

He argued party officials want Americans to not believe what you saw and what you heard with your eyes. And your own ears last Thursday night.

He said, quote, the party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.

It was their final, most essential command, end quote.

You know where that comes from? George Orwell's 1984.

And that is true. But it's not just on this. America needs to wake up. It's not just on this. Listen to this story from space.com. Boeing star liner capsule is performing well, on its first ever naught mission. In fact, it will likely be able to stay in orbit beyond the initially envisioned 45-day limit. Now, wait a minute. Now, wait a minute. It's performing so well, that it's going to stay up there! You know, for a while. Maybe up there for a long while. And we might leave it up there. And then we will return those astronauts home on some other vehicle. That is not as good as the Boeing star liner. The star liner. They still haven't figured out what why the jets weren't working. Why the -- you know, the positioning jets around the side -- like 28 of them, just didn't work. They can't figure out why. Plus, it was leaking helium.

I don't know if they were having birthday parties up there. Why they had helium. But it was leaking helium. And now they're trying to convince us. No, no, no, no.

It is so good, it can stay longer than the 45 days. Yeah. That's right. Probably because the astronauts are like, I'm not getting into that Tet trap. I'm not getting back into that thing.

But deny what you know. Deny what your eyes tell you. Deny what your ears tell you. Deny what you know. That is the problem now, Biden said, he fell asleep on the stage. He fell asleep -- when did you fall asleep on the stage? And so now they're going to fix it. Because, yesterday, apparently hunter Biden is joining Joe Biden for all of his meetings now.

Hunter Biden.

STU: The crack addict.

GLENN: Well, I mean -- the only explanation for that is, yeah. Hey, Dad, do you need a bump? I can -- do you need to wake up? Yeah, I have something here for you. That's the only explanation. The people in the meetings are saying, we're confused. We didn't have any idea why Hunter Biden is now in the meetings and taking notes and discussing things, mand like taking the lead for dad.

What are you -- we -- what!

STU: I don't think -- look, there's a lot on the line here. And I don't know that I would recommend this course of action.

But he has this interview coming up with Stephanopoulos.

Do you consider a bump before it?

Do you just -- do you give it a whirl?

We know regular Joe Biden doesn't work. What if, you know. I mean, what -- what could possibly go wrong?

I don't think it could be worse than Thursday night!

I think maybe, you give the guy, a little bit of juice, and see what happens.

I mean, you know.

It might be a fun -- a fun story.

GLENN: An unnamed source from the White House said, Hunter Biden popped in to a couple of meetings.

And phone calls with the president. That he had with some of his advisers. Another person familiar with the matter said, the reaction from some senior White House staff members. Has been -- what the hell is happening?

Yes. Now you know what the hell the rest of us feel. What the hell is happening?

Hunter came back with the president from the family weekend at Camp David and went with the president straight into a speech prep. Hunter's presence in and around his father's meeting comes amid questions about whether Joe Biden should continue his election campaign.

Good Lord. Oh, yeah.

What is happening?

25 House Democrats are preparing to ask Biden to withdraw now.

STU: Jeez. Can't let the -- you have to stop this bleeding, somehow. If you're Biden.

If you have to figure out a way to shut these people up.

Get them through the next couple of weeks.

Get them through the Friday interview.

Let them see how good it will be. Delay. Delay. Delay. If you're Biden right now.

I don't know how you can do it. The momentum makes it impossible. He's toast.

GLENN: He's toast.

If he fails this Friday, George Stephanopoulos interview, if he screws up at all, if he zones out. If he can't express himself. If he doesn't look vital and invigorated, he's done. He's done.

STU: And we're going to learn so much about this. Because, I mean, you look -- the New York Times is all in, on him being gone.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

STU: Every single story, is not only like, all these people are saying, behind the scenes, he's terrible. He can't speak.

He can't get through meetings. He's another anecdote. Here's another unnamed official.

And then over and over and over again, and then how can he be replaced? How would this work? Every story is about this, Glenn. And I've never seen any story like it.

Because we all know what the New York Times can do. And normally does in this situation. Lie. They don't report these anecdotes.

They don't tell you what these people are saying behind the scenes. They form the opinion, they want you to have. And that is what they're doing again here. And Stephanopoulos' approach in this interview will be fascinating to watch.

Because obviously, he can help take him out. If he presses him. If he goes after him. If he really makes this uncomfortable as possible. He could end the campaign.

Or will he do the old school thing, which they've been doing for as long as I've known every Democratic media member, and just soft-pedal it.

When he has a bad moment, step in. Cut him off. Help him. What do you think happens?

GLENN: The press is being used by somebody. I don't know who is in charge of anything anymore.

But the press now is spreading the narrative. That it's over.

He's got to go.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: He's got to go. So we'll see, does the press get their way? And when did they decide?

You know, they decided that he was fine, up until last Thursday. And then all of us were liars and, you know, misinforming. And using disinformation.

And Russia, Russia, Russia.

To -- to mislead, the nation. In thinking he was incompetent.

Then he went from -- he's Superman to, good heavens, we have to get him out of there.


And now they're rushing and saying, he's got to go. He's got to go. I would like to know what the plan is.

I mean, we're talking about all of our future here.

What is your plan? You know, they -- they -- they're now talking about maybe we do a mini primary.

And we kind of do it like speed dating.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: What?

It's not speed date for the leader of the free world! Speed date.

STU: It's interesting. It does to me, feel like the Kamala thing is the most likely thing. I mean, there's a lot of intricate, logistical reasons for that, mostly revolving around money. That make that so. But still, it's like. If they try to go down this road, and turn this into some big spectacle. I don't think that's necessarily going to help them. And you see a lot of people who are leaking against Biden are saying wonderful things about Kamala. Now, some may speculate. As we have said, since the very beginning. There's no way, this four-year presidency ends without Kamala Harris taking a shot.

At winning this. She is the most ambitious, selfish person in Washington, DC. And she, I guarantee right now, her people are all leaking against Biden to make this thing happen.

GLENN: Of course they are. Of course they are. And you know what is weird? Is so far, there is not a big push for her. Only Clyburn. Only Clyburn is really jumping on the Kamala train.

STU: Which is huge.

GLENN: Everyone else is kind of quiet about it.

Yeah. That's enormous. He's the guy who got Biden to pick her.

STU: And he's the guy who got Biden elected. Remember, Biden was losing in South Carolina. That endorsement is what turned around the primary in 2020.

So that is a -- a huge part of this.

So let me ask you this, Glenn. Maybe you can answer this after the break.

You are going on vacation, next week.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

STU: When you come back, is Joe Biden the democratic nominee?

GLENN: Okay. If he holds his own on Friday's George Stephanopoulos. If he's okay and he doesn't make any critical errors. And he doesn't look bad, he's still the nominee.

STU: Hmm. That's a big question though.

GLENN: I know.

If he does poorly, it's over.

STU: This interview, you think is the entire ball game. At least for the moment?

GLENN: Oh, yeah. Yeah. And they might turn to, you know, Dr. Hunter.


I mean, if you have -- if you have this, and you're Joe Biden, I mean, you don't try a little cocaine? It's the end. It's the end. It's the end.

STU: I like this. It's possible he might just try -- look, they've already found it in the White House. I don't know why everyone understood (?) was more of a crack guy. It's a different form of what they found in the White House.

Maybe Joe has taken the other path. I don't know. But I think you're right though.

This is -- this was his attempt to say, let me put something on the board.

You're going to see me in real time. You're going to see how I perform. And judge me by that.

There are 100 reports today, that I read this morning, Glenn. From insider tip sheets. And all these other things, of people saying Friday is too late.

It's Wednesday!

They're saying Friday is too late.

GLENN: And you have a holiday. And tomorrow is a holiday.

STU: When was he supposed to do the interview?

I guess he could do it on Tuesday.

They're saying, yesterday. Yeah. We know the Stephanopoulos thing is coming. That's too late.

This is how committed they are to this.

GLENN: Yeah. And I am -- you know, I just don't -- I mean, I'm on with peers Morgan today. And I know he's going to argue (?) with me on Ukraine like, oh, gosh. Shut up, man.

You know, and he's going to call me a Putin apologist and everything else.

Because if you disagree with him on Ukraine. You're a Putin apologist.

And I was thinking about my approach with this. And I think I'm just going to say, first of all.

You know, we're never going to agree. So why are you doing this?


But the second thing is, peers, you've never understood America. Never (?) you conflate American conservatives, with, you know, the far right, in France. And they're completely different.

And what you don't understand, America has fundamentally changed. Conservatives have fundamentally changed.

We don't trust the government. And this time we have a list of things to show us. No.

I don't -- I don't trust the government. So when it comes to Ukraine. It comes to who is president. Who is running the country.

I have no idea.

I have no idea.

And all possibilities are out on the table. Because we're seeing things that we have never seen before. I would just say, it's time for people to take responsibility of their open actions and their own life, right now. Because I don't trust anyone, in power.

Glenn CAN'T TAKE Biden's Hypocrisy After the Supreme Court's Trump Immunity Ruling

Glenn CAN'T TAKE Biden's Hypocrisy After the Supreme Court's Trump Immunity Ruling

President Biden spoke after the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity ... and Glenn couldn't believe what he heard. Biden slammed the Court's ruling, which granted former president Donald Trump absolute immunity for presidential actions and presumptive immunity for "official" actions. Biden followed the lead of dissenting Justice Sonya Sotomayor, claiming that the Court basically allowed the president to do anything, including go after his opponents ... Wait? Like Biden is doing right now?! Glenn reviews Biden's speech line by line and highlights all the hypocrisy within it.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Well, I just don't know what to say. I watched the president's speech last night. And everybody coming out and saying, he could go after us. He could shut us down. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled. Donald Trump, if he's elected, he will come in and he will start putting people in jail.

Huh. I want you to remember that here in just a second. We will get back to it.

Here's what the president had to say last night, at a press conference.

It's cut nine.

BIDEN: The presidency is the most powerful office in the world. It's an office that not only tests your judgment. Perhaps even more importantly, it's an office that could test your character.

GLENN: Yes. Yes.

BIDEN: Because you not only need moments where you need courage for the full power of the presidency. You also face moments where you need the wisdom to respect the limits of the power of the presidency.

GLENN: Yes. Stop there for a second. So, Stu, what would some of those limits be?

Because it's an awesome responsibility, to be president of the United States. But you can't just do anything. Right?

Like, what would some of the limits be. You couldn't just go out and kill people, right?

STU: I don't know. That's not what I have been hearing, Glenn. Over the past 24 hours.

GLENN: Really. Wow?

STU: My understanding is the Supreme Court gave James Bond license to kill, to the president of the United States.

GLENN: No. No. No, I don't think that's true. But we'll continue to listen.

STU: Yeah. Immune. Immune. Immune.

GLENN: I didn't hear the whole speech. So we'll go on.

I was thinking something smaller, like -- like maybe you say, hey, you have student loans.

I can't help you with those. That would be the -- the constitutional thing. But the president couldn't just say, I'm going to just forgive all student loans.

STU: Yeah. Yeah. That -- you're thinking of the old-timey America.

There was a version of America, where the -- you know, the head of the executive branch couldn't just spend $500 billion on a whim, without Congress.

But those days are long gone, Glenn.

GLENN: Okay. But it would go to the Supreme Court. If it was wrong, it would go to the Supreme Court. And they would tell a president to stop it. And he would.

STU: No. He would just do it again.

GLENN: Oh, it went to the Supreme Court.

STU: Yeah. They shot it down.

GLENN: Awesome.

STU: So he just did it again.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: And then in a slightly different way. Like 1 percent different.

And then sends it through the courts again.

And, again, it will get rejected again.

Then he'll just do it again.

GLENN: Right. So that's weird. It's an awesome power. And, you know, it shows character. You know, when you restrain yourself from doing those things that you can't do. Anyway, I digress.

BIDEN: Respect the limits of the power of the office of the presidency.

Legislation was founded on the principles. There are no kings in America. Each. Each of us is equal before the law.

No one, no one is above the law.

GLENN: Okay. Stop for a second. Stop for just a second here.

Stu, are we all equal under the law here?

I mean, is that true?

STU: It doesn't seem true. Uh-huh.

GLENN: Like, for instance, if you were held in contempt of Congress.

Right? You would go to jail. Right?

Like Steve Bannon just went to jail yesterday.

STU: Sure. Another Trump adviser who said, no. I can't share that. That's executive privilege.

They sent him to jail.

STU: Navarro. But it's all equal, right?

I mean, let's say, somebody was -- yeah. Not releasing tapes of testimony.

And they say, well, that was executive privilege.

And they were in contempt of Congress. They go to jail as well, right?

STU: No.

I mean, I don't know what you're talking about specifically. But what you just described does not sound at all like something you would go to jail for.

GLENN: Okay. Well, let's say you were the head of the DOJ. And Congress said, you have to produce this information, and then you didn't.

STU: Right. Totally fine.

GLENN: You would be in contempt of Congress.

No, no, no. You don't go to jail?

STU: That doesn't seem like a jailable offense at all.

It's like, I can see where you're getting confused here.

Like, for example, if you were to -- like, riot at a federal building.

Right? That's something you would go to jail for. It's wrong!

You don't do those things.

GLENN: Right. Right. The darkest day.

STU: Yeah, and then there's another separate scenario, where let's say you were to riot, at a federal building. You don't go to jail for that.

GLENN: Oh, wait. Was it just a federal building?

STU: If you're rioting at a federal building, you're going to jail.

If you're simply rioting at a federal building, you don't go to jail.

GLENN: So is it kind of like -- it's a very subtle difference, it's kind of like, when you're praying in front of an abortion clinic. You would go to jail.

STU: Jail.

GLENN: And but if you burn down an abortion clinic. You don't go to jail.

STU: Depends on -- are you burning it down, because they're not doing enough abortions? If you're burning it down because they're frequently aborting enough kids, then yes. You cannot go to jail. But if you burn it down because you think they're doing too many abortions. Then obviously, you go to jail.

GLENN: Okay. So if you burn down an abortion clinic, you would go to jail, if you disagreed with them. But if you burned down the people's business, where they were pro-life, I also go to jail.

STU: Well, they're pro-life? The owners of the business. Yeah. No. You would not go to jail for that.

Why would you go to jail for that? That's stupid.

GLENN: Okay. I want to understand, that I understand equal justice under the law.

I think we have it. Go ahead with President Biden.

BIDEN: Not even the president of the United States. Today, the Supreme Court decision. On presidential immunity.

That fundamentally changed. For all. For all practical purchases.

Today's decision almost certainly means that that there are no limits to what a president can do. It's a fundamentally new principle. It's a dangerous precedent.

GLENN: Yeah, dangerous.

BIDEN: Because the power of the office, will no longer be constrained by the law. Even the Supreme Court of the United States.

GLENN: Wow. Stop for a second.

That is news, isn't it?

Especially to the Supreme Court.

That is news. That no matter what the president does. Even if it breaks the law, you're not going to have pay a price for it.

I didn't know that. I didn't know that.

See, what the left is afraid of right now is what they're saying is, he is going to silence speech. Donald Trump will silence any dissent.

And that's not happening now. Uh-uh.

Or he would put his -- he would put his -- you know, former allies -- I mean, his former foes in jail.

For instance, let's say, you're running against a guy who Donald Trump didn't think he could beat. Then he would just make up some charges.

And then get the guy arrested.

And then keep him, you know, in the court system, until you finally got him into jail.

That's what Trump could do. Trump could do that.

Because of yesterday's rulings.

So that's pretty -- pretty frightening.

You know, I think if we're really going to go all the way. What should be terrifying, is that Donald Trump could just round up a whole group of people, because he didn't like them.

You know what I mean?

Just round them up.

And then put them like in a concentration camp. Kind of like FDR did with the Japanese. And that wouldn't be legal. You know, he would get out of office. And he would never pay the price. that FDR had to pay.

STU: Which is that he named our best president.

GLENN: Well, yeah. That's weird.

STU: Over and over again.

GLENN: Yeah. The guys who would violate these are always the progressives. Always.

The deep, deep progressives are the ones, who violate all these things.

Now, when it comes to just killing people, or doing something illegal, the Supreme Court case laid out it must be constitutional. So if the -- if the president acts in an unconstitutional way, then you can get him!

But unless it's -- unless it's unconstitutional, he can't do it. So it would be unconstitutional to round up the people that disagreed with you.

It would be unconstitutional to silence those who oppose you!

It would be unconstitutional to go after your opposing political foe, and try to put them in jail. All things that Joe Biden is currently doing.

STU: Yeah. I mean, it's funny, this ruling is coming from Roberts. Who is an institutionalist. Right?

If anything, we've complained about him a million times, because he's so unwilling to shake up things. Just because, you know, it happens to be the constitutional way.

I mean, Obamacare is a great example of that.

It will shake things up. I don't want to give the impression, that we're too impactful on society.

He's always doing these things. That's in a way, what this ruling is.

What he's saying is, hey. We shouldn't have -- I mean, in a way, it's designed specifically to protect Joe Biden.

Because everybody knows, if there's no immunity. What do you think Donald Trump will do when he's president of the United States, after what he's just been through. He will go in there, and find everything that he can. And go after Joe Biden on that.

He promised to do with Hillary. He didn't do it. He now says he regrets not doing it.

And now they've done it to him! So you think he will just sit back and say, you know, let me show you what I will do as president.

It's a shoulder shrug. I don't think that's the way it will go down. In a way, Roberts is protecting both sides from this back and forth that can easily come.

GLENN: However, what the president has done, is not constitutional.

And he should go to jail. Not for the things that he's done in office.

I disagree with all his policies. The whole thing, of, you know -- of, you know, taking away your student loans. And things like that.

You know, that's unconstitutional. But I don't think that's something that you go after.

However, the business dealings with China?

Yeah. I think that should be prosecuted.

STU: At least as far as we know.

GLENN: That didn't happen as president.

STU: As far as we know, none of that happened while we were president. That wouldn't help at all. I think what Roberts is doing here, is just setting a high bar.

GLENN: That's what he's saying.

STU: Of course you can go after a president for the worst things in the world. However, there's a high bar for you to clear. So don't bother bringing up your BS nonsense every ten seconds because it's not going to work. That's beyond the fact that we all knew what he said was true.

Official acts would be -- you would be having immunity for. Like you're not able under the law, Glenn, to kill people. Right?

Like you can't just -- like, you couldn't send a drone to start murdering people, in other countries.

The president, with his powers, as commander-in-chief, has -- powers that we don't have.

Like, we all know that. There was some sort of implied immunity for official acts. We all knew that. We all knew unofficial acts would not be covered here.

There was nothing new in this ruling. It was blatantly obvious. Yet they have to do this charade every single time. And act, oh, SEAL Team Six might come and just start being utilized to kill people. You know how many -- how many different layers of checks and balances would have to -- including SEAL Team Six, just going along with this.

Which they would not be covered to do. They would all get prosecuted. They would all be put in prison. But we're supposed to believe, that Donald Trump would be fine for doing this.

It's insanity.

GLENN: All right. Well, let me just end with this.

As the president was saying this, two things happened yesterday. Christian pro-life father of 11 is now facing over a decade in prison.

He will be sentenced today, okay? For a peaceful protest in Tennessee. It was a violation of the Face Act, you know. They were praying in the hallway.

What he said, yesterday, is this: Quote, it's real easy for me. I can go and go to battle and go to jail as an individual. And it's not a big loss.

The challenge comes, when you're leading your family through it. When you're talking to your 3-year-old and your 23-year-old and your other family. Von said that he wanted to pray to God, quote, every day. And get up ready to take on the day, with whatever circumstances believe my way, with a humility and a grace and a spirit-led life. That represents all of us in our society. Represents him and our community around us.

How many politicians order their life after truth and justice, versus power, greed, negotiation, and negotiating principles?

So here's a guy who said, I believe what I believe. God will be with me.

I'm going to go to jail. At the same time, Bannon also went to jail.

For contempt of Congress. There are now 15 -- I believe 15 people in the Biden administration that have been deemed in contempt of Congress.

None of them are being prosecuted.

But Donald Trump's people are. Bannon said this, and I don't like Bannon. Okay?

I don't agree with Bannon on everything. I think he's -- a thought leader, that I really strongly disagree with many times. But he should not be going to jail.

He said, I am proud to go to prison. If this is what it takes to stand up to tyranny, if this is -- if this is what it takes to stand up to the corrupt criminal DOJ. If this is what it takes to stand up to Nancy Pelosi, if this is what it takes to stand up to Joe Biden, then I am proud to do it.

You have people crying that they might go to prop. While they're putting people in prison, for the things that they have done themselves.

Please, Mr. President, don't talk to me about out of control tyranny from the Supreme Court. They have done exactly the opposite.

They have protected the presidency, while they are dismantling the administrative state.

Why Bill O’Reilly Predicts Biden Will Suspend His 2024 Campaign

Why Bill O’Reilly Predicts Biden Will Suspend His 2024 Campaign

According to media reports, President Biden’s family has encouraged him to stay in the 2024 race. But Bill O’Reilly believes that Biden will still end up dropping out. Bill joins Glenn to explain why he believes this, and it revolves around former President Barack Obama and Biden’s former Chief of Staff Ron Klain. Bill also gives his take on who the Democrats will choose to replace Biden: Will it be Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer ... or will Michelle Obama come out of hiding at the last minute? And can any of them beat Trump?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: You know, today is the kind of day, that you miss people like Bill O'Reilly. And I don't say that lightly, or often.

But you miss the days where you can flip on the news, and you would have a guy who is credible. And he would have some sources. Or he would at least know, because of his contacts, what's really going on in Washington, DC. Well, Bill O'Reilly, of BillO'Reilly.com.

Today is one of the shows that you will miss. You will miss a lot if you don't see it. He's on with us now.

He tweeted: The decision has been made. The president will quit the campaign.

Now, he tweeted that yesterday.

Bill O'Reilly joins me now.

BILL: Who is this? Glenn, who? Glenn Beck.

GLENN: Wow. Wow.

I got my first name. Bill O'Reilly.

That's a first to use my first name.

BILL: That's the first time. How are you, Beck?

I haven't talked to you in a while.

GLENN: Yeah. I saw your tweet. Then I think you reached out to me, and then I reached back out. Because I was going to reach back out to you.

All right. Spill the beans.

What do you know?

BILL: Okay. So the two people in charge of this are Barack Obama and Ron Klain. The former chief of staff of Joe Biden.

For the first two years. So they huddled and they actually talked to Joe.

I don't know whether it was on Zoom, or they -- in New York.

Obama was in New York, at a fundraiser, and then so was Biden.

But it's really tamped down.

And both Klain and Obama. And this is what my tweet was. decided that if -- so when I say that, what does that mean?

It means that they -- the two most powerful men in the Democratic Party right now, they are the two most powerful people, have said to Biden, you can't win.

You cannot beat Trump.

And he's the devil. He's evil.

But if you don't get out, you are helping evil. That's how --

GLENN: Okay. Hang on just a second. I don't think that that -- I don't think that would phase Joe Biden. He knows that.

He has a son. Anyway, this reminds me of Nixon. Where the tables turned on Nixon. And he lost the support of key members of the Senate.

They walked in and said, you've got to go. You've got to go. Now, are they going to offer any carrot or stick, if edgers go?

BILL: Well, that's an excellent analysis, Beck. You have to be partisan to be --

GLENN: Well. Gotten much older.

BILL: But it is very, very similar. So the Nixon people were telling the American public, oh, he's not going anywhere.
This is just -- he made a couple of mistakes. But, you know, he's a great president. Blah, blah, blah.

But behind the scenes, the Republicans said, hey. If you don't get out, they're going to arrest you. They're going to -- they're going to charge you with crimes.

And that's why Nixon went to the helicopter and waved to everybody.

Now, it's being presented by the, if you don't get out, you will go down in history as a villain. Because Trump will win. And it will all be your fault. 100 percent.

Now, Biden as you rightly pointed out, it's not he really -- he's not capable anymore.

Actually digesting that. So it's his wife that's making all the calls. So they go to Camp David over the weekend. They're still there.

I think their helicopter shows up in about 20 minutes. All right?

And she is going no way. No way we're living.

We're fighting this to the end. Jill Biden -- Joe Biden is just sitting there. You know, eating his sugar Frosted Flakes.

He didn't have anything to do with this. The fight now is between the party elders, and Jill Biden.

Who is digging it in, and saying, no. No.

Joe does everything I tell him to do. And he's not going to leave because we think we can overcome this. Now, let me give you the reason why they won't overcome it. That the Bidens may leave. And they may leave very quickly now.

They're trying to figure out, the Democrats, when to make this announcement. All right. They obviously have to get the Bidens on board.

But they also have to go to some kind of Plan B. Right?

So we will go to the convention with these people. They don't that have yet, okay?

GLENN: Well, how do they do that? And say they respect democracy?

I mean, there's no way to do that.

PAT: No. No. Yes, there is. Absolutely there is.

GLENN: Well, there's the superdelegates.

BILL: Yeah. All Biden has to do is say, I'm retiring for health reasons. Which you'll see. And I'm going to give my delegates. Whomever the party wants. And then Biden would be totally out of it. And they would tell him, go the delegate to see Kamala, to Newsom, to Whitmore, or whatever. That's -- and it's not that complicated.

LBJ did it, and it's ironic because he did it, and then the convention was in Chicago and all hell broke loose in '68. Well, where is the Democratic convention this year?

GLENN: Chicago. And all hell is going to break loose.

BILL: You bet. And all the anarchists and pro-Hamas people will be there.

Okay. So the reason why this is -- in my opinion, but it's more than an opinion.

Incontrovertible is that Biden's support was thin to begin with. He doesn't have core support.

It's all hate Trump support. Okay?

And so there aren't many Democrats. If you believe the CVS poll. To care if Biden is the nominee.

They don't have an emotional investment in Biden. They just want to see Trump lose. That's hygiene.

So he doesn't have a cadre of people outside of Jill.

And maybe Hunter, I don't know.

But he doesn't have that.

He doesn't have Congress.

I mean, the Congress people running around, undermining the hell out of him.

And his own people. You saw Jamie Raskin do that. My God!

GLENN: Uh-huh.

BILL: So he doesn't have a core support in Congress, or among the folks. They say they raised a lot of money from the debate. I'm suspect. But I don't think you're going to raise a lot of money going forward. Right?

GLENN: Okay. So, Joe. All right. So, Bill.

Who -- who do you think is most likely to replace him?

BILL: I don't know. But I will tell you who wants it.

So Kamala wants it. Kamala will not go quietly into the night.

And she will play the race card.


Gender and race card.

That's what she's got.

She'll play it.

Newsom, I understand, just ordered hair products, a lot more.

So --

GLENN: Right.

BILL: He obviously wants it. Whit miles an hour in Michigan, wants it.

All right. Those are the three right there.

Now, they would like --

GLENN: What about big Mike? What about big Mike?

What about big Mike?

BILL: Big Mike. Who is big Mike?

GLENN: That would be Michelle Obama. That would be Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama.

BILL: I'm sorry, Beck. I didn't get the big Mike reference.

This is -- it is -- I have never in my 50-year career in journalism see any famous person locked down like Michelle Obama.

You can't get a whisper out of that. Anywhere. So obviously, that would be the savior, right?

GLENN: Yeah.

BILL: But there isn't any indication one way or the other. That she wants to do it.

And those of us who know Michelle Obama, and I know her a little bit. She is a very strong woman. Barack Obama is not going to go, hey, Michelle, you're running. No.

GLENN: No. No. You don't say that to big Mike. Listen, let me ask you, Bill. Let's not talk politics.

Let's talk security of the country.

First, who is running the country right now? Go ahead.

BILL: The three guys there in the White House, the chief of staff, the national security guy. That's the Irish guy.

GLENN: Yeah. Look at this. This is what we voted for. The Irish guy.

BILL: Right. Right.

GLENN: Jeez.

BILL: Jake Sullivan.

Thank you very much everybody.
And the -- his counsels. But you it's a triumvirate.

In the White House.

Nobody ever heard of these people.

They get no -- every once in a while, they go out. But not often.

And it's an alert, by the way. Very serious alert on US bases overseas and amnesties about a terror attack. Very serious.

GLENN: I know. I know.

BILL: So we have an incapacitated president. Go ahead.

GLENN: You're right. We have an incapacitated president. What the heck -- you know, who ordered the -- our nuclear sub to surface in the Norwegian sea this weekend, to send a message?

And it's kind of important to know who is actually running the show there.

Because we're on the verge of -- of war.

If we're stupid!

And I can't gauge, who is actually making the decisions.

Should the president step down, from the presidency?

BILL: Yeah. That would be Sullivan. Okay?

Look, this is a very, very chaotic White House.

You know, I got a book coming out, confronting the presidents.

We're with every president. And I sent that to you, Glenn.

And I'm going to hire someone to read it to you. I'm going to pay somebody to follow you around, and read you this book.

Because it's unbelievable about the difference in some presidents, and bide citizen the second worst president in our history.

Trump exaggerates saying he's the worst.

Nobody is worse than James Buchanan. Who actually lit the fuse of the Civil War.

But Biden is second.


BILL: And it is so to me, because I do know what is happening on a daily basis. In the White House.

This man, there are three out of five days. And Axios has about 50 percent of this right today.

He's not even in the Oval Office.

He didn't even make it down from the residents.

That's how incapacitated he is.

And Jill Biden makes that call.

If you look at his schedule, and on the No Spin News. My news broadcast. We reported every day.

Most of the time, he has nothing on his schedule, but a fund raiser where he raises the teleprompter. That's it. He doesn't do anything.

And everybody in his administration knows this, which is why after the debate catastrophe, this is unbelievably shocking.

That they won't tell the truth to the American public.

The Democratic Party will not tell the truth.

This has been going on for a year.

It didn't just happen.

GLENN: Okay. Last question.

I have to get this in.

Is this -- is this better or worse, for Donald Trump, if Biden leaves.

Does it change it enough to -- to change the game, and people will just then say, oh, I will just go with somebody new.

BILL: Trump would defeat Joe Biden now no question. That's number one.

GLENN: No question.

BILL: Right. He beats Biden.

If Biden, when Biden steps aside, if it's Michelle Obama, that's --

GLENN: It's over.

BILL: -- formidable for Trump. That's trouble. Anybody else he can beat fairly handily at this point. Because remember, Trump got 70 million votes in 2020.

I estimate, the most he could lose on the 72 million would be 10 percent. That, again, brings it up to 65 million.

Biden will get nowhere near that.