BEWARE: The DOJ is now an ENFORCEMENT ARM for Democrats

The FBI recently charged multiple participants of a peaceful protest at an abortion facility in Tennessee. The pro-lifers originally were given a misdemeanor by local police…but that drastically escalated when the FBI got a hold of the story. Glenn explains how this story — plus other recent examples — show that the DOJ cannot be trusted. The DOJ has ‘become an enforcement arm of the Democratic Party,’ Glenn says, and there WILL be more arrests. But we must continue to peacefully stand. Because not only are there more people on our side, Glenn says, but even the ‘heavens are engaged' as well.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I just want to tell you, that the FBI has charged multiple people, peaceful protests, at abortion facilities.

They -- this time, it's a bunch of -- basically, senior citizens.

And they were -- they were all in this hallway to an abortion center. And they were just lining it. They were praying. They were singing.

People were coming in. And, you know, the abortion clinic said, hey. We've got trellis passers here. And so they were given a misdemeanor by the police. Somehow or another, the FBI got a hold of this. And they realized, that's a major crime. Could put these people in jail for 11 years. Because they were forming a blockade. Oh, my gosh, I cannot take the hypocrisy here.

So they also were being told, that they also were engaged in misinformation. The FBI isn't even performing the investigations. The DOJ is doing their own investigations, and using the FBI as their arm. Normally, the FBI does the investigation. And if they find someone guilty of federal crimes, they issue warrants.

The DOJ is sending local branches of the FBI with the arrest warrants, to be their strong arm. So the DOJ now, is completely -- you cannot trust him. You cannot trust the DOJ. It has become an enforcement arm, of the Democratic Party or the Marxist party. Or whatever -- whoever is really running this place. It has become a wholly owned subsidiary, of that group.

And you're going to start seeing people go to jail. Do not let this scare you.

There are more on our side, than on the over. The heavens are engaged. Keep standing. And, we should stand for people who are being targeted by the FBI.

We need to stand for them. Because this is happening over and over again. We had the abortion supporter, that confessed to travel from California to assassinate Brett Kavanaugh. Do we know anything about that?

What happened to that guy? What happened to that?

We have the pro-life teenager in Kansas, who reported being assaulted by an abortion supporter, while canvassing for a pro-life amendment in the state Constitution. On September, an 84-year-old Michigan woman, was shot in the back by an abortion supporter.

In September, students for life, they reported that an abortion supporter through a cup of urine at two pro-life students while the group was peacefully displaying information about a pro-life campaign. You are going to be despised.

You are going to be despised. This has not been all been told before.

Mark Hawk, a pro-life Catholic activist and father of seven -- we told you earlier this week, that his home in Pennsylvania -- the FBI charged him with the same thing they're charging this. And I'm not making this up. I can't believe it.

They're charging -- they're charging with the face act. A woman who is --

STU: It's the act that stops you from -- from belonging the entrances to clinics, basically. That's what they keep going to. As if that was occurring. We have no evidence, that this has occurred. And there's apparently video, of some of these incidents, where that show the opposite.

GLENN: Is this the one in the hallway? Yeah. Let's play this video real quick. If you happen to be watching Blaze TV.

GLENN: My gosh. It's almost --

VOICE: Time out. Time out.

GLENN: -- like Antifa. Look at them.

VOICE: We can't do it here. We cannot block up the hallways.

STU: They're not blocking the hallways, by the way.

GLENN: They're not.

VOICE: Outside. We have an understanding, guys. We need to carry it outside. We cannot block up the hallways.

GLENN: You're not blocking the hallways. He's walking through it, telling them that. Easily walking through.

Now, you can get them for trespassing, which is what the local police do, that was a misdemeanor. But they're going after -- the one that came in yesterday, guns a blazing, the FBI guns a blazing at this guy's house. He happened not to be there at the time. He is 73 years old.

Or Eva Ettil, she's 87. Guns a blazing. Got to take her down. Eighty-seven. Yeah, no. She was planning on doing their damage.

STU: Real danger to society. An 87-year-old trying to stop children from being aborted.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Now, listen, there's something else you need to be aware of, and look, you need to -- you need to begin to stand.

I urge you to get the Ten Commandments from Martin Luther King. You -- you have no place in the healing of America, if you want to engage, with fists or anything else.

You have no place, in the healing. You will destroy us. And you're no fan of mine. And I'm no fan of yours.

But you have to begin to stand. We have to stand for these people. Why isn't there a group of prayer activists, in front of the DOJ, every single day? Or your local FBI office. That's probably more important.

Because I think these FBI agents locally, they know this isn't right.

They know this isn't right. The guys in Washington, they're so far lost, I think, that I don't know.

The DOJ, lost. But not our local guys. I hope to -- and I pray. Why aren't there prayer activists in front, right now?

Because they are persecuting people for their religious view, on life. These are religious political prisoners in America.

I want to give you something else that you need to be aware of, that happened, that we found out about, last night, in 60 seconds.

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GLENN: There's newly implemented measures now, that mandate that the FBI pass on the personal information of rejected gun buyers, to local law enforcement.

As part of a sweeping change, federally licensed firearm dealers, FFLs. Are now required to provide the FBI, with the personal addresses, of any individuals, who attempt to purchase, was denied. Well, doesn't the federal government already have that?

Because it is the federal government that denies it! We send in the paperwork, while we're standing there. And you deny it, or you approve it, so you got the paperwork. Not good enough. Now they need the address of anybody who has failed.

And not only those who are denied, but anybody who has delayed approval. And the personal information of the rejected and individuals, they say, it's going to law enforcement. Local law enforcement.

What does that mean? What is the law enforcement going to do? The changes were quietly implemented last week by the FBI's national instant criminal background check system. To comply with the new federal law. Did you even know this was happening?

Also, this should terrify anybody, and not -- this should terrify everybody who just wants to -- oh. I don't know. Have even a surgeon. You know, reach inside of you, and do something.

Maitland Jones Jr. He has been fired for Princeton University, after his course was found to be -- you'll never fill in this blank. You'll never -- try. Try. His course was found to be. You'll never do it.

STU: Racist.

GLENN: No. That's too easy.

STU: Hateful.


STU: Non-gender affirming.

GLENN: No. His organic chemistry course. It's so easy.

STU: Part of the patriarchy?

GLENN: His course at Princeton was deemed too hard. Too hard.
STU: At Princeton?

GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. This is the guy who wrote the textbook on organic chemistry. Okay? He's in his fifth edition. The textbook. It's too hard now.

He went out of his way. He taped all of his lectures, at his own cost. So everybody could keep up. You can't make it. You want to go back and reflect. You want to really -- nope! Nope!

It was too hard and, quote, that will keep too many students out of medical school.
You can't pass this course, maybe you shouldn't be the doctor. You're not the doctor I'm looking for. I think. Holy cow.